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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App E Documents Re Comanche Peak Technical Review Team Effort. Documents Listed on Apps D & E Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Numark N
Shared Package
ML20212N814 List:
FOIA-86-416 NUDOCS 8608290194
Download: ML20212N812 (3)


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% . . . . . ,e' AUG 2 2 566 Mr. Neil J. Numark Staff Consultant International Energy Associapes Limited 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, DC 20037 TO FOIA-86-416

Dear Mr. Numark:

This is in regard to your request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, to which the NRC assigned the above number.

_X__ This is a partial response to your request. We will notify you upon completion of search for and review of any additional records subject to your request.

The staff has completed the search for and review of records subject to your request, and this is the final response to your request.

The NRC has no records subject to your request.

_X__ Records subject to your request are available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR), 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, as noted on the enclosure (s). The PDR accession number is identified beside each record description.

_X__ Records subject to your request are being made available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR), 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, in the PDR file folder under the above number and your name. These records are listed on the enclosure (s).

We are enclosing a notice that provides information about charges and procedures for obtaining records from the PDR.


,9, i_

Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration Enclosure (s): As ctated l

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r60e290194 e60822 PDR FOIA NUMARK86-416 PDR

Re: F01A-86-416 APPENDIX D

1. 03/12/84 Memo to J. Collins, H. Denton and R. DeYoung from William Dircks Re: Completion of Outstanding Regulatory Actions on Comanche Peak and Waterford w/ enclosure Organization Chart Acc. No. 8403290367 (3 pages)
2. 07/01/84 Comahene Peak Plan for the Completion of Outstanding Regulatory Actions Acc. No. 8606020126 (16 pages)
3. 07/00/84 Technical Review Team Guidance Acc. No. 8606020070 (18 pages)
4. 01/15/86 Letter to Deddens from Butler Re: River Bend Acct. No.

8601270393 ,

5. 02/20/86 Memo to Walter Butler from Stephen Stern Re: River Bend Site Visit and Follow-up w/ attachments Ltr. dtd. 1/15/86 to James Deddens, Agenda, Review of Events, NRC Site Visit Team, Evaluation of River Bend Startup Experience and Charts (67 pages) Acc. No. 8602280460
6. 02/21/86 Letter to Cahill from Butler Re: River Bend Acc. No. 8603030148
7. 03/18/86 Letter to Cahill from Gagliardo Re: River Bend Acc. No.


8. 01-03/82 NUREG-0871, Summary Information Report Acc. No. 8205190021 (56 pages) 9 i

1 l

Re: F01A-86-416 s


1. 01/85 Technical Review Team (TRT) Effort (2 pages)
2. Undated Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (2 pages)
3. Undated Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (1 page)
4. 07/09/84 Region.IV Press Release Re: HRC Assembles Technical Re' view Team for Comanche Peak (1 page)
5. 07/13/84 Comanche Peak Special. Review Team Report (79 pages)
6. 07/19/84 Region IV Press Release Re: Statement of Thomas Ippolito,

. Comanche Peak Program Manager, at News Conference on Thursday, July 19, 1984 (1 page)

7. 7/30/ Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (1 page)
8. 08/30/84 Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (1 page)
9. 09/21/84 Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (1 page) 4
10. 08/31/84 Technical Review Team (TRT) Chart (1 page) f i

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INTERNATIONAL ENERGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED June 6, 1986 Mr. Donnie Grimsley, Director # SElWIMtMON Division of Rules and Records DT Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission For A- P6 -4/ 6 Washington, D.C. 20555 l

Dear Mr. Grimsiey:

On April 11, 1986, a Freedom of Information Act request was submitted to you by Ms. Lesley Evans of this firm, asking for certain information on nuclear power plants which have received operating licenses from NRC since the TMI accident in March -

1979. I am writing to make a supplemental FOIA request for additional information on the post-TMI OLs as well as earlier plantc.

I am requesting the following information in three categories:

additional information on post-TMI OLs; information on plants receiving OLs since 197.2; and other information.

I. Additional Information on Post-TMI OLs (to supplement information requested in April 11 letter)

1. Please provide the following information on each NRC Special Tcsk Force Inspection, such as those conducted at Comanche Peak, Waterford, River Bend, Wolf Creek, Watts Bar, and others:
a. What plant was involved and what was the task force's assignment?
b. What was the duration of each task force effort?
c. How many NRC staff members and how many consultants were on each task force, and what was the total number of NRC staff and consultant hours expended?

, d. Please provide copies of the final reports issued by each task force.

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2600 VIRGl I A E. N WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037 ,

202 342-6700 Telex 89-2680 CatWe IEAL WASHDC IEAL is en ERC Intemehonal Company

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l Mr. Donnie Grimsley June 6, 1986 Page two II. Information on Plants Receiving OLs since January 1. 1972

1. Please provide the names of all plants receiving operating licenses f rom January 1,1972 to the present.
2. For each of these plants, please provide:
a. The construction permit issuance date.
b. The low-power OL issuance date.
c. The full-power OL issuance date.
d. The number of NRC hearing days expended in each year, subdivided according to safety or environmental hearin~gs.
e. A list and description of other enforcement actions, other than civil penalties, including:

- show cause, stop work, or other enforcement orders

' - confirmatory action or immediate action letters enforcement conferences

- the number of non-compliances or violations, according to NRC category (i.e. , violations, infractions, or deficiencies, under old system; category number under current system).

3. For each of these plants, please state:

l l

a. The number of inspections.
b. The number of inspection staff-hours expended per inspection.
c. The number of resident inspectors assigned.
d. The number of investigations, l
e. The number of staff-hours expended per investigation.

I anticipate that much of this information on enforcement actions and inspections may be available f rom the Inspector Manhour Form 766 database.

III. Other Information i

1. Please provide a computer printout of Inspector Manhour Form 766 data, entitled " Inspection Tracking System Status

Mr. Donnie Grimsley June 6, 1986 .

Page Three Report," for each of the Palo Verde docket numbers.

Include the following minimum fields:

a. Inspection Module Number. <
b. Percentage completion of each module.
c. Inspection Report number for each entry,
d. Inspector name for each entry,
e. Cumulative inspector hours per module,
f. Violations issued by module.
g. Any additional fields that will reveal closure data of violations and open items.
h. Opening date for each module. .
i. Closure date for each module,
2. Please provide a copy of the NRC. Regional Administrator's
(9340) letter certifying completion of the inspection program and unit readiness for operation for Palo Verde Units 1 and 2.
3. Regarding NRC's Appendix "R" Inspections and Human Factors Inspections, please provide the following:
a. Which plants were these inspections conducted on?
b. How many NRC staff-hours were expended on each inspected plant?
c. What enforcement action was taken as a result of each inspection?

Thank you for your assistance. Please, call me at 342-6758 if there are any questions regarding this request.

Sincerely, <


Neil J. Numark Staff Consultant

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