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Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App C Documents. Documents Also Placed in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island, Seabrook, Diablo Canyon, Waterford, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 09/30/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Holmes G
Shared Package
ML20209B155 List:
FOIA-86-151 NUDOCS 8610200390
Download: ML20211B698 (7)



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i Re:

F0IA-86-151 APPENDIX C-i i

1. 10/26/81 Note to Harold Denton, Diablo Canyon Design QA (1 page)
2. 10/28/81 Note to D. Eisenhut, Diablo Canyon Seismic Reverification Program (20 pages)
3. 10/23-24/81 Status of NRR Efforts Regarding PG&E Seismic Analysis of the.

Diablo Canyon Unit ~1 Containment Annulus Area (3 pages) 3 4, 10/16-19/81 Meeting with NRC staff and PG&E San Francisco (handwritten notes)

(14 pages) i

5. 11/9/81 Comissi6n Briefing on Diabl~o Canyon (han'douts) (22. pages) l
6. 11/16/81 Vu-Graphs for meeting (by F. Miraglia) (3 pages).


7. 11/20/81 Note ~ to R. H. Engelken (Reg. Admin.),. J. P. Knight, E. L. Jordan, and W. P. Haass, Diablo Canyon Design Verification Program (6 pages)

. 8. 11/30/81 Memo for F. Miraglia QAB Efforts Regarding the Diablo Canyon -

Design Verification Program (2 pages).

9. 12/17/81 Memo for D. Eisenhut, Diablo Canyon U~ nit 1, Seismic Verification (1page)-
10. 12/17/81 Memo for Chairman Palladino, Comissioners Gilinsky, Bradford, 4

Ahearne, and Comissioner' Roberts, Investigation into Circum-stances Surrounding the Development of the " Preliminary Rpt.,

Associates, Inc. for PG&E (4 pages) pared by R.L. Cloud Seismic Reverification Program" Pre

11. 12/28/81 Note for Harold Denton, Mtg. w/0PE regarding Diablo. Canyon Proposed Design Verification (1 page)

- 12. 2/26/82 Sumary of Errors Found to Date (B. Buckley) (7 pages)

-13. 3/4/82 Comission Briefing, Conclusions and Recommendations on PG&E Verification Program (8 pages)

14. 3/5/82 Memo for E. Eisenhut, Proposed Board. Notification - Tr.ip Report (2/22-26/82) re:

Seismic Design Verification Program (8 pages) 9


Re: F01A-86-151

15. 3/5/82 Sumary of Status of Design Verification on Diablo Canyon, Unit 1 (by B. Buckley and A. Schwencer) (3 pages)
16. 3/22/82 Memo for F. Miraglia, Notice of Meeting with PG&E~ Contractors (3/25/86 meeting); including attendance listing and handouts (18 pages)
17. 3/30/82 R. F. Reedy Review of PG&E QA Program (15 pages)
18. 4/1/82 Diablo Canyon Meeting - listing of attendees (5 pages)
19. 4/22/82 Memo for R. Vollmer, QAB Coments on PG&E Overall Management Plan and TES Phase I Program Management Plant for Diablo Canyon (2pages)
20. 4/30/82 Letter to H. Denton, re: 3/30/82 meeting (1 page)
21. 5/18/82-

. Note to E. Case, Diablo Canyon - Undated letter from a concerned

. Engineer (2~pages)


22. 6/1/82 Status Information on Diablo. Canyon (Route Slip to D. Eisenhut and R. Tedesco) (5 pages) j
23. 7/2/82 Note for M. Hartzman, Diablo Info. (1 page)
24. 7/27/82 Memo for W. Dircks, Diablo Canyon Reverification Program (1 page)
25. 7/27/82 Overview and Safety Review Status Information (4 pages)
26. 8/3/82 Note to H. Denton, Regarding Diablo Canyon ITR Transmittals to the Comission (3 pages)
27. 8/3/82 Cooper - 7 pages of information on independent design verification program (8 pages)
28. 8/12/82 Note (handwritten) from H. Schierling to Vollmer, et al., re transcript of BNL meeting, which will be issued as Board Notification) (1 page)


~29. 9/9/82 Attendance - 9/9/82. Meeting also included: (36 pages)

- Mothers for Peace, Imediate Release, dated 9/1/82

- Statement of Byron S. Georgiou, Legal Affairs. Secretary to the Governor, Concerning Safety Implications of Deficiencies Disclosed at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, 9/9/82

- Presentation of Richard B. Hubbard 2




- Diablo Canyon Staffing - 9/8/82

- Unit 2, DWG 05/344 (see reverse side for photos)

30. 10/1/82-Note for H. Denton, Diablo Canyon Phase II Comission Paper (2 pages)
31. 11/19/82 Letter from H. Denton to W. Cooper re potential conflict of interest (5 pages)
32. 12/3/82 Memo for Mattson, Vollmer, Engelken, Diablo Canycan Fuel Load /

Lower Power SER (10 pages)

33. 12/15/82 Memo for D. Eisenhut, Diablo Canyon IDVP (9 pages)
34. 12/29/82 Note (handwritten) to D. Eisenhut, et al., announcing meetings scheduled on Diablo Canyon (7 pages)


35. 12/30/82 Memo for the Comission, Board Notification 82-138 (9.pages)
36. 12/30/82 Memo for H. Denton and R. DeYoung, Diablo Canyon - Comission-Decision on Questions, Certified by Appeal Board and on Joint Intervenors' Request for Hearing (6 pages)
37. 12/31/82 Memo for H. Denton, NRC Review of the Diablo Canyon Design (notissued)

Verification Program Status Report (2 pages)

38. 1/6/83 inemo for H. Schierling, Response to Teledyne Request for Information Control No. 5511-0151 (4 pages)
39. 1/7/83 Memo for Chairman Palladino Com's Gilinsky, Ahearne, Roberts, and Comissioner Asselstine, Information Item - Notification of Seismic Qualification Allegations at Diablo Canyon (Board Notification) No. 83-03) (2 pages)
40. 1/24/83 Letter to the Honorable Morris K. Udall, Response to 1/11/83 Letter referring to concerns of individuals living in -the Diablo Canyon area (7 pages)
41. 1/24/83 Letter to Mr. Jack Liebster, Map of Diablo Canyon site.

(2 pages)

42. 2/17/83 Note to D. Eisenhut, Lists of Meetings based on information provided by Teledyne (IDVP) (2 pages)
43. 2/18/83 Memo for G. Lear, Structural Analyses, February 4, 1983 San Francisco (4 pages)
44. 2/18/83 Memo for Roger Mattson, Review of CCWS (5 pages) 3

Re: F01A-86-151

45. 2/22/83 Letter to Cooper, distribution of IDVP documents (2 pages)
46. 2/24/83 Memo for D. Eisenhut, Review of Component ~ Cooling Water System (2pages)
47. 3/2/83 Meeting Notice (handwritten) with 2 pages of notes attached (3 pages)'
48. 3/10/83 Memo for H. Schierling, Trip to W in PA on 2/23/83(2.pages)
49. 3/29/83 Design Criteria Memorandum (3 pages)
50. 4/1/83 Allegation Data Form (3 pages)
51. 4/12/.83 Memo for R. Vollmer, Diablo Canyon (18 pages)
52. 4/26/83 Note for H. Denton, Appeal Board Memo and Order Reopening the.

Record (2pages).

53. 5/20/83 Note for J. Martin, Governor's Motion to Reopen the Record on Construction Quality Assurance (2 pages)
54. 5/25/83 Note to H. Denton, Appeal Board Decision (ALAB-728) Affirming Licensing Board Decision on Low Power (2 pages)
55. 5/25/83 Letter to D. Eisenhut, Uncompleted NRC investigation report into charges by two former quality control personnel of quality assurance violations (3 pages)
56. 5/27/83 FOIA 83-267 - Documents Publicly Available (4 pages)


57. 5/31/83 Note for J. Martin, Staff response to Motions to Reopen the Record on Construction Quality Assurance (1 page)
58. 6/6/83 Semi-monthly Report - Auxiliary Building (1 page)
59. 6/10/83 DCM-17, Cover Sheet for copy 134 (2 pages)
60. 6/10/83 Note to D. Eisenhut, NRC staff & PG&E meet (1 page)
61. 6/14/83 Attendee Listing --June 14, 1983 San Francisco (1 page)
62. 6/23/83 Letter to H. Denton, Independence of the Auditors (1 page)
63. 6/23/83 Preliminary Notification of Event which occurred on 6/22/83 regarding RCS piping (1 page) 4


F01A-86-151 1


64. 6/27/83 Note to Jack Martin, Construction Quality Assurance (2 pages)
65. 6/29/83 Memo for G. Knighton, Meeting Notice for 7/6/83 meeting (4 pages)
66. 6/29/83 Note to D. Eisenhut, RCS Piping Minimum Wall Thickness (1 page)
67. 8/30/83 Note to W. Dircks, Status of Matter involving Allegations of Anonymous informant in connection with the Diablo Canyon application (2 pages)
68. 9/27/83 Comission Briefing on Diablo Canyon (7 pages)
69. 9/29/83 Letter of Transmittal for H. Schierling - AISC, I-6 and M-9 concerning the buckling issue (8 pages)
70. 9/30/83-Note, Schedules for Diablo Canyon Unit 1 (4 pages)
71. 10/3/83 Note, Transmittal of Information from RLCA on Diablo Canyon (9 pages)
72. 10/4/83 Note to R. Vollmer, Restoring the Seismic response of the annulus steel structure at Diablo Canyon Unit 1 (1 page)
73. 10/7/83 Note, SSER 19 due date (8 pages)
74. 10/13/83 Note to T. Novak, Survey of experienced operators & STA's (7 pages)
75. 10/21/83 Note to Hans Schierling, Audit on October 25-27, 1983, regarding the various allegations received in the course of the Diablo Canyon review (3 pages) l
76. 10/28/83 Commission Briefing (handouts) (9 pages)
77. 12/20/83 Letter for Palladino from Udall stating that the subcommittee I

will conduct hearings on 1/24/84 (1 page) l l

78. 12/28/83 Memo for H. Denton from G. Cunningham, Appeal Board De.ision Denying Motions to Reopen the record on construction Quality Assurance (30 pages) 1 5




79. 11/9/82 Meir.o tor R. Engelken from H. Denton, Diablo Canyon Design Verification Program.(1 page)
80. 11/9/82 Memo for h. Denton from R. Engelken, HRR anf RV views on the Diablo Canyon Design Verification Program (1 page)
81. 10/21/82 Memo from S. Chilk, Comments on Staff Briefing...

w/ attachments (126)



' Date G. Bradenbaugh 1723 Ham t;, Avenw: '.,se,s Richard B Hubbard San Juc C.t l'.tr = ' 5125 Gregory C. Minot MaEch 4, 1986 pecce poa, n.2716 Mr. Donnie H.

Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records



.A Office of Administration U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission h [ g -f f f. g Washington, D.C.

20555 S t/3-/M RE: FOIA REQUEST

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, please make available at the Commission's. Washington, D.C.,

Public Document Room single copies of records -in the following categories:


From the Chron Files of Mr. Hans Schierling from September 1, 1981, through December 31, 1983, all records concerning in any way the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and/or 2.


From the Reading Files of Mr. Hans Schierling from September 1, 1981, th' rough December 31, 1983, all records concerning in any way the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and/or 2.

Please provide partial responses as batches of documents become available.

If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact me at the telephone number given above. Your prompt attention to this request will be appreciated.

Very Truly Yours,




~Gro ory A.


.bmoc ia t e Consultant nj


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