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Forwards Observation & Synopsis of Util 850328 Natural Circulation Test at Unit 1.Test Designed to Address Requirements of Branch Technical Position Rsb 5-1.Post-test Rept Being Prepared by Util & Westinghouse
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Diablo Canyon
Issue date: 04/17/1985
From: Diab S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Sheron B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082410749 List: ... further results
FOIA-86-197 TAC-51638, NUDOCS 8504250328
Download: ML20209E324 (7)



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APR J.71985 l


Brian W. Sheron, Chief Reactor Systems Branch, DSI THRU:

Chu yu Liang, Acting Section Leader Section D Reactor Systems Branch, DSI FROM:

Sammy S. Diab, Section D Reactor Systems Branch, DSI


DIABLO CANYON NATURAL CIRCULATION TEST - OBSERVATIONS On March 28, 1985, I witnessed the Diablo Canyon Unit-1 natural circulation test which is designed to address the requirements of the RSB branch technical position RSB 5-1.

The test duration was about 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br />. The details of this test have been developed by PG&E, the plant owner, and Westinghouse with con-sultations with the NRC Staff. This test is being referenced by most other Westinghouse plants in response to RSB 5-1 staff position.

A post-test report is being prepared by PG&E and Westinghouse.

That report will be submitted for staff review.

Upon completion of its review the staff will be able to deter-mine the extent to which Diablo Canyon Unit-1 satisfies RSB 5-1 requirements.

In addressing RSB 5-1, other PWRs (including Diablo Canyon' Unit-2) may be compared to Diablo Canyon Unit-1 by analyzing the differences and similarities between the two plants in order to demonstrate the applicability of the test results to other plants. Attached to this memorandu.n are two enclosures; enclosures 1, observations; and enclosure 2, test synopsis.

.+ V Sammy. Diab, Section D Reactor Systems Branch, DSI cc:

R. Houston L. Marsh


RSB Section Leaders RSB Members CONTACTi S. Diab, RSS X-29440 7

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I 1.

When the control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) fans were on, the Reactor Vessel Head (RVH) magnetically attached thermocoupfes (mag T/Cs) read 40 to 60*F cooler that T f r the high temperatures test time, and about 30*F H

cooler than T f r the low temperatures test time. This indicates that H

the CRDM fans-have a significant effect on cooling the upper head (UH).


When the CRDM fans were shutdown, mag T/Cs readings rose to the T value.

H When the CRDM fans were started again, the mag T/Cs readings dropped 30*F h

I r,

lower than T H-3



If rae4 r/c, COM ks m f Ch M *$

c% b m 3.

During the hot standby (HSB) mode e modified UH T/Cs (4 incore T/Cs raised into the upper head region) read cooler that T.

During the H

cooldown part of HSB,T started to decrease.

At about 4 hrs. into H

cooldown T was equal to UH T/Cs.T continued to decrease lower than H


I UH T/Cs.

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The condensate storage tank (CST) started at 90% level.

After the turbine trip the level rised to 91% due to water surges from the condenser hotwell.

At the end of the test CST level was 61%, i.e., total CST water consurotion was 126,000 gallons (91%-61% = 30% CST Level).

9 2


Several non-safety-related equipment were used. The effect of the absence of these equipment will be analyzed and studied.

Examples of these equipment are:

(a) Use, of normal charging and letdown for pressurize level adjustment, depressurization and for baration, (b) Use of CVCS for boration, (c) Use of the CRDM fans to cool the RVH.


The operation of the AFWPs slowed SGs level and pressure rise because the TD AFWP was being driven by steam, t'herefore, slowing pressure rise, and all 3 pumps were delivering (during HSB) about 600 gpa of CST cold water.

This keeps the SG 1evels collapsed (i.e. not enough bubbles to raise the level).


With the help of chart recorders showing UH T/Cs, RVH mag T/Cs, RCS pressures and temperatures, and knowing the mass flow rate of air passing through the fans, Cp(air),A(RVH) surface area,. and RVH thermal conductivity K (all or some of these parameters) we will be able to better understand and correlate between heat transfer and water flow in the upper head region.


Any PWR plant owner that may elect to take advantage of the Diablo~ Canyon Unit-1 natural circulation test to show conformance with RSB 5-1 may do so by analyzing the differences and the similarities between its plant and the Diablo Canyon Unit 1.

The above argument applies to Diablo Canyon Unit-2 as well since there are some differences between the two Diablo Canyon plants.


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The information on the following sheets are preliminary and are based on direct observation by me or verbally supplied by the applicant.

Some information may not be readily explainable before the full post-test report has been submitted and reviewed.

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APR 191985 LICENSEE: Pacific Gas and Electric FACILITY: Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant


DIABLO CANYON UNIT 2 - NRC PLANT TOUR ON APRIL 10, 1985 On April 10, 1985, NRC management and staff (see attachment) toured Diablo Canyon Unit 2 to observe and be briefed by PG&E on the overall plant construction status.

The tour began at 9:00 a.m. and was conducted by PG&E staff and NRC Resident Inspectors.

It included the Unit 2 control room, containment and turbine buildings.

In the control room the staff was briefed on the operation of the safety para-meter display system (SPDS) and post-accident monitoring (PAM) panels.

It was noted that the containment hydrogen concentration is displayed and recorded on a PAM panel. PG&E identified modifications in the Unit 2 control room made as a result of the Unit I design verificat;on effort (Unit 1 and 2 share a comon controi room).

It included the same type of additional structural bracing as on the Unit 1 cabinets and the relocation of the display typewriter to account for the floor response spectrum with respect to the seismic qualification of the typewriter. The staff briefly discussed with the shift senior control operator the procedures and status of the Unit 1 integrated leak rate test (ILRT) which was in progress at the time.

Inside the containment, Cardinal fasteners

(Note: bolts on the steam generator snubbers in Unit 1 and Unit 2 are of the same type; however, Cardinal bolts are used in Unit 1, not in Unit 2). Structural modifications resultino from the Unit 1 design verification effort were identified, such as plates to stiffen the frame of the polar crane, hold down devices and guides for the crane wheels, gusset plates at column / beam connections in the annulus steel structure, and columns that were added to stiffen the structure. ' The method-ology and modifications to stiffen the Unit 1 annulus structure were also applied to Unit 2.

However, in Unit 2 more columns and fewer tangential beams

  • Cardinal products are the subject of a current PG&E evaluation regarding documentation of QA records and potential need for replacement.

In addition, the Vendor Program Branch (IE) is pursuing this matter.


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were used in comparison to Unit 1 because of space availability, simplicity, and effectiveness. The staff also noted the ongoing installation of incore thermocouples and the thermocouple junction box which recently had been qualified.

In the turbine building.the staff noted the stiffening of the crane rail support columns by means of plates welded to the columns. These modifications had been made at the same time they were made for Unit 1.

PG&E identified the concrete slab in the vicinity of the elevator which is currently being _ reanalyzed by PG&E with respect ta the transfer of shear forces as stated in~ SSER 29.

From the 140 foot elevation the staff also noted the pipe way structure at the


containment building which supports the main steam and feedwater lines. This structure is being further analyzed as stated in SSER 29. Throughout the plant tour, Appendix R fire protection modifications were identified which had been completed or were in the process of completion.

Following the plant tour, PG&E briefed the staff on the program and status of activities during the current Unit 1 outage. They include the integrated leak rate test (in progress), completion of installation of Regulatory Guide 1.97 equipment, and the cleaning or replacement of strainers in fluid systems. The outage is expected to be completed by late April 1985, at which time Unit I will be ready for commercial operation.

The staff observed a shift crew in training at the simulator (operational since August 1984), and witnessed the crew respond to an incident scenario, not identified prior to the drill.

It started with a control rod drop followed by a total loss of offsite -power and a stuck open PORV.

At the exit meeting the staff stated that, based on its observations, Unit 2 appears to be in a more. advanced state of completion and readiness with respect to fuel load and operation than other facilities at the same time in their schedule. The staff commented on the effective actions by the shift crew during the successful simulator drill. The staffing for simultaneous Unit 1 and Unit 2 operation was discussed briefly. PG&E stated that various activities j

had to be completed prior to fuel load, such as pipe hanger and Appendix R modifications, and DCNs (design change notices) for electrical and mechanical components / systems.

PG&E stated that Unit 2 will be ready for fuel load during the week of April 22, 1985. The staff requested PG&E to be prepared to address all issues pertaining to the construction, operation and licensing of Diablo Canyon Unit 2 at a meeting on April 19, 1985, in Bethesda, Maryland.




- The plant tour ended at approximately 4:00 p.m.

tyu Hans Schierling, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page a9


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NRC Diablo Canyon, Unit 2 Plant Tour Wednesday, April 10, 1985 ATTENDEES NRC D. Eisenhut, Deputy Director, NRR C. Grimes, Branch Chief H. Schierling, Project Manager, Diablo Canyon D. Kirsch, Director, RSP, Region V M. Ley, Project Manager M. Padovan, Resident Inspector L. Crocker, Section Leader, LQB/DHFS PG&E/BECHTEL G. Maneatis Executive Vice President, Facilities and Electric Resources Development J. Shiffer Vice President, Nuclear Power Generation B. Thornberry Plant Manager H. Friend Project Completion Manager R. Lieber Project Construction Manager M. Norem Resident Startup Engineer D. Rockwell Unit 2 Construction Supervisor G. Moore Unit 1 Project Engineer G. Cranston Unit 2 Project Engineer B. Lew Project Licensing Supervisor J. Sexton Operations Manager J. Giscion-Assistant Plant Manager, Technical Services W. Wogsland Senior Nuclear Generation Engineer R.~0 man Assistant Project Engineer

--+ -




Diablo Canyon Mr. J. D. Shiffer, Vice President Nuclear Power Generation c/o Nuclear Power Generation, Licensing Pacific. Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street, Room-1451 San Francisco, California 94106 Philip A. Crane, Jr., Esq.

Resident Inspector /Diablo Canyon NPS Pacific Gas & Electric Company c/o US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Post Office Box 7442 P. O. Box 369 San Francisco, California 94120 Avila Beach, California 93424 Mr. Malcolm H. Furbush Ms. Raye Fleming Vice President - General Counsel 1920 Mattie Road Pacific Gas & Electric Company Shell Beach, California 93440 Post Office Box.7442 San Francisco, California 94120 Joel Reynolds, Esq.

i Jnhn R. Phillips, Esc.

Janice E. Kerr, Esq.

Center for Law in the Public Interest i

California Public Utilities Connission 10951 West Pico Boulevard 4

350 McAllister Street Third Floor San Francisco, California 94102 Los Angeles, California 90064 Mr. Frederick Eissler, President Mr. Dick Blankenburg Scenic Shoreline Preservation Editnr & Co-Publisher Conference, Inc.

South County Publishing Company 3

4623 More Mesa Drive P. O. Box 460 i,

Santa Barbara, California 93105 Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Ms. Elizabeth Apfelberg Bruce Norton, Esq.

1415 Cozadero Norton, Burke, Berry & French, P.C.

San Luis Obispo, California 93401 202 E. Osborn Road P. O. Box 10569 Mr. Gordon A. Silver Phoenix, Arizona 85064 Ms. Sandra A. Silver 1760 Alisal Street Mr. W. C. Gangloff San Luis Obispo, California 93401 Westinghouse Electric Corporation P. O. Box 355 Harry M. Willis, Esq.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Seymour & Willis 601 California Street, Suite 2100 David F. Fleischaker, Esq.

San Francisco, California 94108 P. O. Box 1178 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101 Mr. Richard Hubbard j

MHB Technical Associates Suite K j

1725 Hamilton Avenue l

San Jose, California 95125 Mr. John Marrs, Managing Editor San Luis Obispo County Telearam Tribune 1321 Johnson Avenue P. O. Box 112 San Luis Obispo, California 93406

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2-Arthur C. Gehr, Esq.

Mr. Thomas Devine Snell & Wilmer Government Accountability 3100 Valley Center Pro.iect Phoenix, Arizona 85073 Institute for Policy Studies 1901 Que Street, NW Mr. Lee M. Gustafson, Director Washington, DC 20009 Federal Agency Relations Pacific Gas & Electric Company 1050 17th Street, N.W.

Suite 1180 Washington, DC 20036 Regional Administrator - Region V US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1450 Maria Lane Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Michael J. Strumwasser, Esq.

Special Counsel to the Attorney General State of California 3580 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 800 Los Angeles, California 90010 Mr. Tom Harris Sacramento Ree 21st and 0 Streets Sacramento, California 95814 Mr. H. Daniel Nix California Energy Commission 1516 9th Street, MS 18 Sacramento, California 95814 Lewis Shollenberger, Esq.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region V 1450 Maria Lane Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 I





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