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Advises That No Contractor Costs Records Located for Period 680423-810922
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/1990
From: Greher E
To: Miller W
Shared Package
ML082420195 List:
FOIA-90-162 NUDOCS 9102080063
Download: ML20067A950 (6)


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William Miller, Chief Licensee Fee Management Branch Office of Administration FROM:

Elliott A. Greher, Program Analyst Program Support and Analysis Staff Office of Inspection and Enforcement


REQUESTED LICENSE FEE INFORMATION We have reviewed available records on IE staff effort - ' staff or IE consultants assigned to IE headquarters or to the Technical Trainin LCenter -- devoted to license fee-billable efforts for the reactor' license P i N 5 w C v % v 1.

docket number 57 -d ~75"~

during the period vh s /c a-to

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There is no record of IE staff effort.



There is it staff effort and it is all devoted to IE functions.

A total of

. hours of effort is recorded.

See enclosed computer run for the details.




The appropriate computer run has been mailed to region



There is IE staff effort and it is devoted in part to IE functions.

A total of hours of effort is recorded.

See enclosed computer run for details.

There is also IE staff effort devoted to regional functions.

The appropriate computer run has been mailed to region



We are still' searching available contractor cost records and expect l

to 3rovide that information to you and to the regions, as appropriate wit 11n three weeks.

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There is no record of IE " M r"c sts.



There are IE contractor costs.

See_ enclosed informstion.

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//AYS1 Elliott A. Gr er, Program Analyst :

Program Support and Analysis Staff Office of Inspection and Enforcement


As stated

  1. 3 cc w/o enclosures:

J.-L. Blaha, IE A. J Burda, IE Jg20fg63900921 V N m.ta R E HiU.1M9&y i


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i 5-I Summary - Otablo Canyon 1 Regional Offices and !L Headquarters l

Fiscal Year Professional Regular Hours Regional Offices JncludeForFees-Exclude From Fees Totals FY 1973 422.0 82.5 504.5 1974 1,410.5 260.5 1,671.0-i 1975 1,296.0 161.0 1.457.0 l

1976 2,604.5 402.5 3,007.0 1977 2,036.0 1,030.5 3.066.5 1978 1,906.5 468.5 2,375.0 1979 3.365.5 1,011.5 4,377.0-1980 3,508,5 1,105.0 4.613.5 1981 (through 9/22/81) 3,939.5 641.0 4.580.5 Total Re91ons 20,489.0 5.163.0 25,652.0


IE Headquarters


Grand Total All Hours 20.489.0 5' 163d 25,652.0'-

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Disblo Ccnyon i IE Headquarters and Regional Offices j

Professional Staff Hours By Activity Codes Through 9/22/81 Include For Fee Recovery FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 FY 1980 FY 1981 Totals R29 onal Office 1

'_ctivity Codes ITA 10.5 10.5

'ITO 770.5 749.0 1457.0 1237.5 1225.5 106.0 1

5545.5 ITY 67.0 67.0 ITW 158.0,

422.0 274.5 750.0 564.0 590.0 97.0 2855.5 ITI 208.0 254.0 391.5 224.0 59.0 1146.5 ITY 60.0 60.0 ITZ 137.0 137.0 2T0 5.0 5.0 ZTW 3.5 4.0 7.5 3TO 6.0 6.0 DOC 778.5 644.5 893.5 2316.5 PAP 950.5 1064.0 1309.0 3323.5 t

PPI 1419.5 1800.0 1737.0 4956.5 Jf0 6.0 28.0 34.0 110 10.0



10.0 PSA 8.0 8.0 Tstal included 422.0 1410.5

'12cS.O 2604.5 2036.0 1906.5 3365.5 3503.5 3939.5 20.489.0 for Fees


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Diabla Cr.syon 1 IE Headquarters and Regional Offices Professional Staff Hours By Activity Codes Through 9/22/81 Exclude From Fee Recovery FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 FY 1980 FY 1981 Totals tegional Offices trivity Codes AST 2.0 141.5 143.5 300 34.0 3.5 10.0 8.0 137.0 192.5 a

BTW 10.0 58.0 24.0 92.0 BRI 9.0 48.0 57.0 C00 42.5 66.5 116.5 288.5 417.5 304.5 446.5 193.5 311.0 2187.0 000 16.0 16.0 32.0 DPP 9.0 36.0 45.0 DRI 34.0 32.5 66.5 JAC 22.0 22.0 JMO 4.0 4.0 8.0 JCM 12.0 149.5 161.5 JQO 229.0 5.0 234.0

.,}80 98.0 98.0 PAA 47.0 137.5 184.5 PBI 27.0 28.0 55.0 PIS 47.0 47.0.

PIV 100.0 29.0 66.5 195.5 PPS 9.0 9.0 PRI 36.0 39.0 128.0 203.0 1

l IE Headq4arters and Regional Offices I

Professional Staff Hours By Activity Eodes Exclude From Fee Recovery FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 FY 1980 FY 1981 Totals Esclusien cont *d PTG 88.0 88.0 RIM 3.0 2.0 5.0 RTI 38.0 18.0 56.0 SRI 37.0 37.0 100 12.0 11.0 22.0 206.0 16.0 15.0 282.0 IUO 24.0 20.0 58.0 39.0 141.0 IUW 8.0 10.0 8.0 32.5 58.5 IUI 16.0 4.0 7.0 3.0 30.0 IVO 4.0 26.0 12.0 42.0 IWO 2.0 2.0 IUA 8.5 8.5 125 12.0 41.0 53.0 3TA 7.0 7.0

_j 3TO 107.5 107.5 3TW 40.0 71.5 23.0 134.5


3TI 68.0


6.0 4.0 78.0 T;tal Excluded Fme Fees 82.5 260.5 161.0 402.5 1030.5 469.5 1011.5 1105.0 641.0 5,163 0 Grand Total All W rs 504.5 1671.0 1457.0 3007.0 3066.5 2375.0 4377.0 4613.5 4580.5 25.es2.0 O


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