MONTHYEARML20211H4441999-08-27027 August 1999 Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 990916 & 17 in Arlington,Tx to Improve Utility & NRC Understanding of Industry & Regulatory Perspectives on Current Issues ML20196D7021999-06-25025 June 1999 Informs That Reactor Sys Branch Prepared Suppl 1 to GL 83-11 Re Licensee Qualification for Performing Safety Analyses, Which Was Issued on 990624.Matl Related to Subj GL Should Be Placed in PDR & Made Available to Public ML20205J2811999-04-0606 April 1999 Notification of 990422 Meeting for Dockets 7200026 & 7200027 with PG&E in Rockville,Md to Dicuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage at Humboldt Bay & Diablo Canyon ML20205B2301999-03-25025 March 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990125-28 IR 05000275/19993011999-03-25025 March 1999 Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-275/99-301 & 50-323/99-301 for Tests Administered on 990125-28 ML20207M3401999-03-0202 March 1999 Notification of Canceled Meeting Scheduled for 990309 Re 7200026 & 7200027 for PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage at Humboldt Bay & Diablo Canyon ML20155H9051998-11-0303 November 1998 Notification of 981117 Meeting for Dockets 7200026 & 7200027 with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage ML20248K4451998-06-0202 June 1998 Notification of 980617 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20247G9081998-04-0707 April 1998 Discusses Experts Needed for Plant Life Extension Cases,Per 980403 Discussion ML20136C1031997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Correspondence Transmitted Via Internet to J Zwolinski from P Blanch During 970102-31.Requests Correspondence Be Placed in PDR ML20134P2231997-02-20020 February 1997 Discusses Ti 2515/122 Evaluation or Rosemount Pressure Transmitter Performance & Licensee Enhanced Surveillance Programs multi-plant Action B-122 NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl1994-06-29029 June 1994 Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20057A9941993-09-14014 September 1993 Forwards NRC Proposed Transcript Corrections ML20056E5141993-08-12012 August 1993 Submits SALP Schedule for FY94 Per Mgt Directive 8.6 ML20127P4161993-01-19019 January 1993 Provides Summary of 930113 Operators Reactors Events Briefing.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs of Elements Discussed Encl ML20126F0201992-12-16016 December 1992 Discusses Discrepancies in Svcs Rendered for 3rd & 4th Quarters of 1991 & 1st,2nd & 3rd Quarters of 1992.TLD Program for Humbolt Bay Site Did Not Strictly Follow Ltr of Contract ML20127D4321992-09-0101 September 1992 Forwards 920818 Petition Submitted by N Culver on Behalf of San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace,Filed in Response to NRC Notice of Issuance of Amend to Licenses for Plant,Extending Expiration Date from 080423 to 210922 ML20067A9501990-09-21021 September 1990 Advises That No Contractor Costs Records Located for Period 680423-810922 ML20058P5021990-08-15015 August 1990 Forwards Three Analyses of Shutdown Events Evaluated by Accident Sequence Precursor Program ML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20247M1881989-05-26026 May 1989 Notification of 890613,14 & 15 Meetings W/Util in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss PRA Topics Re NRC Questions on long-term Seismic Program ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys ML20245B7501989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20244A5461989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Using Leak Before Break Methodology on Lines Connected to RCS ML20244A5571989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890502 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nonlinear Piping Analysis to Remove Snubbers & Pipe Supports ML20247B7351989-03-24024 March 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/B&W,Inel & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Submittals for Plants ML20236A9721989-03-0707 March 1989 Forwards Feb 1989 Status Rept Re Current Review Milestones for Each Std Plant Project ML20235S6271989-02-28028 February 1989 Notification of 890307 Meeting W/Bwr Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Items of Current Interest.Agenda Encl ML20246N3171989-02-23023 February 1989 Notification of 890313 Meeting w/C-E in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Salem Project & Licensing of Future C-E Projects ML20245E9441989-01-31031 January 1989 Forwards Proposed plant-specific Backfit for Improved Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability Analyses for Required Improvement in Secondary DHR Capability at Plant ML20196C2701988-12-0202 December 1988 Notification of 881207 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Dcrdr Submittal of 880825 1999-08-27
MONTHYEARML20211H4441999-08-27027 August 1999 Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 990916 & 17 in Arlington,Tx to Improve Utility & NRC Understanding of Industry & Regulatory Perspectives on Current Issues ML20196D7021999-06-25025 June 1999 Informs That Reactor Sys Branch Prepared Suppl 1 to GL 83-11 Re Licensee Qualification for Performing Safety Analyses, Which Was Issued on 990624.Matl Related to Subj GL Should Be Placed in PDR & Made Available to Public ML20205J2811999-04-0606 April 1999 Notification of 990422 Meeting for Dockets 7200026 & 7200027 with PG&E in Rockville,Md to Dicuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage at Humboldt Bay & Diablo Canyon IR 05000275/19993011999-03-25025 March 1999 Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-275/99-301 & 50-323/99-301 for Tests Administered on 990125-28 ML20205B2301999-03-25025 March 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990125-28 ML20207M3401999-03-0202 March 1999 Notification of Canceled Meeting Scheduled for 990309 Re 7200026 & 7200027 for PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage at Humboldt Bay & Diablo Canyon ML20155H9051998-11-0303 November 1998 Notification of 981117 Meeting for Dockets 7200026 & 7200027 with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage ML20248K4451998-06-0202 June 1998 Notification of 980617 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss PG&E Plans for Dry Cask Storage.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20247G9081998-04-0707 April 1998 Discusses Experts Needed for Plant Life Extension Cases,Per 980403 Discussion ML20136C1031997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Correspondence Transmitted Via Internet to J Zwolinski from P Blanch During 970102-31.Requests Correspondence Be Placed in PDR ML20134P2231997-02-20020 February 1997 Discusses Ti 2515/122 Evaluation or Rosemount Pressure Transmitter Performance & Licensee Enhanced Surveillance Programs multi-plant Action B-122 NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl1994-06-29029 June 1994 Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20057A9941993-09-14014 September 1993 Forwards NRC Proposed Transcript Corrections ML20056E5141993-08-12012 August 1993 Submits SALP Schedule for FY94 Per Mgt Directive 8.6 ML20127P4161993-01-19019 January 1993 Provides Summary of 930113 Operators Reactors Events Briefing.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs of Elements Discussed Encl ML20126F0201992-12-16016 December 1992 Discusses Discrepancies in Svcs Rendered for 3rd & 4th Quarters of 1991 & 1st,2nd & 3rd Quarters of 1992.TLD Program for Humbolt Bay Site Did Not Strictly Follow Ltr of Contract ML20127D4321992-09-0101 September 1992 Forwards 920818 Petition Submitted by N Culver on Behalf of San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace,Filed in Response to NRC Notice of Issuance of Amend to Licenses for Plant,Extending Expiration Date from 080423 to 210922 ML20067A9501990-09-21021 September 1990 Advises That No Contractor Costs Records Located for Period 680423-810922 ML20058P5021990-08-15015 August 1990 Forwards Three Analyses of Shutdown Events Evaluated by Accident Sequence Precursor Program ML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20246D8841989-06-19019 June 1989 Staff Requirements Memo Re 890601 Briefing on Operating Reactors & Fuel Facilities in Rockville,Md.Commission Expressed Disappointment in Long Term Operating Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant ML20247M1881989-05-26026 May 1989 Notification of 890613,14 & 15 Meetings W/Util in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss PRA Topics Re NRC Questions on long-term Seismic Program ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations NUREG-1353, Board Notification 89-003:forwards Listed Documents Re Spent Fuel Pool Accidents for Resolution of Generic Issue 82, Beyond DBA in Spent Fuel Pools, Including NUREG-13531989-05-0202 May 1989 Board Notification 89-003:forwards Listed Documents Re Spent Fuel Pool Accidents for Resolution of Generic Issue 82, Beyond DBA in Spent Fuel Pools, Including NUREG-1353 ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B7501989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20244A5571989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890502 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nonlinear Piping Analysis to Remove Snubbers & Pipe Supports ML20244A5461989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Using Leak Before Break Methodology on Lines Connected to RCS ML20247B7351989-03-24024 March 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/B&W,Inel & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Submittals for Plants ML20236A9721989-03-0707 March 1989 Forwards Feb 1989 Status Rept Re Current Review Milestones for Each Std Plant Project ML20235S6271989-02-28028 February 1989 Notification of 890307 Meeting W/Bwr Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Items of Current Interest.Agenda Encl ML20246N3171989-02-23023 February 1989 Notification of 890313 Meeting w/C-E in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Salem Project & Licensing of Future C-E Projects 1999-08-27
[Table view] |
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l WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655
jul 0 61984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Leon Reiter, Acting Chief Geosciences Branch Division of Engineering FROM:
Stephan Brocoum, Leader Geology Section Geosciences Branch, DE
. Richard B. McMullen, Geologist Geology Section Geosciences Branch, DE
GEOLOGICAL INSPECTION AT DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR SITE On June 19 and June 22, 1984, S. Brocoum and R. McMullen of the Geosciences Branch conducted a geological reconnaissance of the Diablo Canyon site vicinity and the region around the site. They were accompanied by Frank Brady and Forrest Russell (part-time) of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and Douglas Hamilton of Earth Sciences Associates, geological consultants to PG&E.
The afternoon of 19 June was spent examining photographs and logs of the numerous trenches that were excavated across the site in the middle and late 1960's, photographs and maps of the sea cliffs; and regional geology maps.
It is our opinion after reviewing these items that a thorough job was done, and it is highly unlikely that a geological feature significant to the safety of the plant has been overlooked.
On June 20, at the request of D. Eisenhut we attended a public meeting among PG&E and NRC representatives. Geology and seismology issues.were not discussed. We then spent several hours flying around the site and the surrounding region in a helicopter. Several overflights of the site and passes along the sea cliff adjacent to the site were made. The geology exposed appeared to be as depicted on the various maps and logs, except that a large asymmetrical-to-the-southwest fold located at the south end of Diablo Cove probably is more significant now than was given to it at the time it was mapped, in light of the Crouch et al (1984) hypothesis.
It was mapped simply as a drag fold. Rock in the immediate vicinity of the fold was highly deformed. Although the fold is probably very ancient, the mode of deformation and orientation is consistent with large-scale thrust faulting with transport to the west-southwest as postulated by Crouch et al. This feature was examined on the ground the following day and it is described more below. A similar fold, though much smaller, was observed north of Diablo Cove. We next flew along the
{ NOQllOD f X U
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j-1 JUL 0 61984 sea cliff beyond Point Buchon to the Morrow Bay State Park. Several other minor asynnetric folds similar to, though much smaller than the fold at the site were observed. All the asymmetric folds appear to suggest tectonic transport to the southwest, consistent with the hypothesis of Crouch, et al,1984.
The helicopter flew along the shoreline of Estero Bay, past Morro Rock,
'followed the straight coastline west of Canbria which is probably controlled by the-Sam Simeon fault, and crossed the coastline east of Point San Simeon where the San Simeon fault zone comes ashore. The San Simeon fault zone onshore is made up of two major splays, the Arroyas de Lagunas and the San Simeon faults, and numerous minor splays. At San Simeon the zone separates the Miocene Monterey formation to the west from the Jurassic Franciscan formation to the east. The Arroyas de Lagunas fault follows the western front of the Santa Lucia Mountains to i
the north to the vicinity Ragged Point, where it again goes to sea. It j
controls a prominent valley along which drainage channels turn to the i
north. This observation supports right lateral strike s1;p motion along 1
this fault, with the last movement being relatively recent. We then flew over land to the San Luis Obispo Airport for fuel, flying along the line of intrusives beginning with Morrow Rock and extending southeastward for more than 20 miles. After refueling we traveled to the coast south of Avila Beach, flying low over the local topography and j
returned to the site. An asymmetric fold like those described above was observed on the sea cliff south of Avila Beach.
After landing we learned of the magnitude 4.1 earthquake west of Point Sal, which occurred while we were airborne. PG&E supplied the staff with copies of the records from instruments at the site. The earthquake was felt at the plant.
s By automobile we traveled on the Field's Ranch north of Diablo Canyon, past Pt. Buchon and to the State Park. We examined the sea cliff at several locations. The rock, which consisted of the Monterey fomation, the Obispo volcanic intrusive rock, and the Pismo formation, although dipping to the north, was relatively undefomed.
On 21 June we went down and closely examined the large fold southwest of the plant. This fold, the one north of Diablo Cove, and several others observed are oriented in such a way as to indicate tectonic transport to the west-southwest. If this is true it supports the compressional tectonic regime suggested by Crouch et al (1984). Most of these asynnetric folds are relatively small (several feet wide, however, the u
asymmetric-to-the-west-southwest fold southwest of the site is several.
tens of feet wide. This feature was mapped as a drag fold during CP investigations and is in alignment with a fold mapped in the hills east of the plant. The fold axis strikes about N35'W, which is slightly oblique to the Hosgri trend of N40 W.
A possible similar feature was j
s i
2 JUI. 0 61964 noticed just south of Avila Beach. These features are probably very old as they have no apparent effect on the Pleistocene marine terraces. A refolded fold from an earlier deformation ~ is present in the main fold, indicating multiple deformations.
We traveled by automobile to Hearst Beach at San Simeon where the San Simeon fault zone intersects the coast, separating Monterey formation to the west from Franciscan formation to the east. Also present at this outcrop is a large slab of early Pleistocene rock that Clarence Hall, who had mapped the region for the USGS, correlates with a similar rock in the Point Sal area. He used this correlation as one of the bases for postulating 80 km of right lateral strike slip movement on the Hosgri-San Simeon fault zones. We drove up to Ragged Point where the San Simeon fault zone crossed the shoreline out to sea again. The exposures.of the Arroyas de Lagunas fault, the easternmost splay, in the sea cliff were examined.
It dips about 35' to the northeast and is comprised of relatively young looking gouge. The fault has Franciscan formation on both sides so determining amount of offset is difficult.
The San Simeon fault located several hundred feet to the west is nearly vertical, and the fault zone is wider.
This splay of the San Simeon fault zone separates the Franciscan formation to the east from ophiolite to the west. The San Simeon fault crosses the coast at Ragged Point. The amount of strike slip displacement on the San Simeon fault zone is not known but was estimated, based on several lines of evidence, to be several kilometers.
The vertical offset is at least 5 km based on correlations between strata at the local summit of the Santa Lucia Mountains and the Y1oor of the Santa Maria Basin.
Based on the geological reconaissance and examination of the maps and photos PG&E was informed that there probably was sufficient data available to accomplish an adequate analysis to satisfy element 1 of the licensing conditions. The features on the sea cliff should be m' pped a
and analyzed by an experienced structural geologist.
In line with this, the mapped attitudes of bedding and structural features onshore should be plotted on stereonet projections to determine whether or not the folds are asymmetrical, and, if they are, to show the direction of asymmetry. This information will provide evidence on the direction of tectonic transport in order to help us to better understand the history of movement on the offshore faults.
JUL 0 81ggg
,Although this inspection revealed several geological features that need to be reevaluated in light of the thrust fault hypothesis, nothing was observed that would cause us to reexamine our conclusion concerning operation of the plant or to revise the geology elements of the licensing conditions.
(_ f' 1
'S ph rocoum, Leader Geology Section Geosciences Branch Division of Engineering
$~M'/>?'77 Richard B. McMullen, Geologist Geology Section Geosciences Branch Division of Engineering cc:
J. Knight L. Reiter G. Knighton S. Brocoum H. Scherling
R. Rothman R. McMullen j