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Summarizes ACRS 341st Meeting on 880908-10 in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Restart of Pilgrim,Usi A-45, Shutdown DHR Requirements & TVA Lessons Learned Effort
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/03/1988
From: Kerr W
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Zech L
Download: ML20206B317 (5)


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.#gheaggyo UNITED STATES g f.' -


/ W ASHINGTON, O. C. 20555 October 3, 1988 The Honorable Lutdo W. Zech, Jr.

Chairr,an U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555 rear Chaimar. Zech:


THREE PUNDDED FORTY-FIRST MEETING OF THE ADYlSORY COM.MITTEE OF FEACTOR SAFEGU/FDS, SEPTEPEER 8-10, 1988 The Advisery Comittee on Reactor Safeguards held its 341st neet'ing in Cethesda, Md. on Senterter S-10, 19 F o,, A surrary of actions is pre-serted belcw.

ACR$ REPCPTS/ ACTIONS The Co .~.i ttc e was briefed by represertatives of the Staff and Boston Edison Ccrpany on the Preposed Restart of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Sta-tier and prcpared a rercrt on this subject. ' *tter to Chairman Zech cated Septenter 14,1908)

The Ccmittee prepared a report on the Proposed Resolution of Unresolved


53fety Issue A-45, "Seutdown Decay Feat Rereval Requirerents." (letter to itch dated September 14, 1955)

The Co-rittee was briefed by representatives of the Staff on the Pr3-posed resoluticn to Generic issue 99, "Irproved Reliability of ~IIII C a r e t.i l i t y in FJs" and prepared a report on this subject. (letter to Chairran 2ech, dated September 14,1958)

The Comittee was briefed by representatives of the Staff on the generic lessons learned from the shutdown of TVA's nuclear power plants. The Comi t tee prepared corrents on the hRC Staff's TVA Lessons learned Effort. (Letter to Chairman Zech dated Septe.tber 13,1998)

The Ccmittee was briefed by representatives of the Staff and hUMARC on the Proposed Rulerakino Related to Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants.

The Ccmittee prepared a report on the proposed rulerating. (letter to Chaiman Zech dated Septerber 13. 1983)

Reports on the subjects noted above have been sent to you.

OTHER ACTIONS, AGREEMENTS, ASSIGNMENTS AND REQUESTS The Comittee was briefed by representatives of the Staff on the status of the restart program for the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. The 9

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The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr. October 3, 1988 Connittee decided not to conduct a review of the restert of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Mr. Stello has been inforced of the Comittee's decision.

The Comittee was briefed by representatives of the Staff on the pro-

  • posed resolution cf US! A-48, "Hydrogen Control tieasures and Effects of Hydrogen Burns on Safety Equ i prae n t . " The Comittee decided not to coment on the NRC Staff's proposed resolution.

The Ccmittee discussed its plans for future actions on the Advance Notice of Proposed Ruler.a king on Licensing Penewal. The Comittee decided that they would defer com ent on the Adverce Notice of Proposed Ruleraning until public comen+.s have been received.

The Comittee was briefed by the Staff on the status of the work on the ranaterent of severe accidents. The Comittee will schedule a meeting on the preposed iraplerentation of Erergency Operating Procedures at an appropriate tire in the near future.

The Cerrittee was briefed by the Staff on the proposed generic letter expanding the requirements fc, the testing and inspection of oc .or-operated valves. Tbc ratter was referred to the Mechanical Components Subecmittee fcr further review. (A Subcomittee reeting was subsecuently scheduled for October 4, 19FC.) The Corrittee will review this ratter during the October 6-8, 193P ACRS meeting.

The Cornittre was briefed by ACRS Merber C tticFelson on the highlights of the IAEA Internatier,al Cenference on Use of Operating Experience.

The Comittee was briefed by ACRS Merber D. Ward on the August 7,1988 operating incident which occurred during the startup of the P-Reactor at Savannah River.

Tha Cemittee was briefed by representativ'es of the Staff and Boston Edison Company on the actions being taken to prepare the Pilgrin plant for restart. A letter was received f rom, Representative L. Alexander, House Chairran, Massachusetts Joint Comittee on Energy, after the Comittee's discussions with the NRC Staf f and Boston Edison Company were co pleted. Representative Alexander raised some questions pertain-ing to the Pilgrin Nuclear Power Station and the proposed restart. The Co rittee referrtd this inquiry to the hRC Staf f for a response.

The Comittee was briefed by Mr. Waro on the status of the hRC Staff's developrent of a plan for irplementing the Comission's Safety Goal Policy. The Staff. expects to have a revised proposal available for Comittee review during tne October 6-P,19C8 ACRS reeting.

Mr. Wylie briefed the Ccmittee on TVA's recent reorganization and the reduction in the TVA work force. The Comittee decided to take no action reg 3rding this ratter.

i .


L The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr. October 3, 1988 The Conmittee discussed its schedule for review of the Staff's recom-rendations for BWR Mark I containments, it was agreed, on the basis of the Staff's schedule for developing these recommendations, that the Coenittee could rot review this matter before the 344th ACRS reeting .

(Decerber 15-17,1988).

The Corrittee took note of receipt of a letter fron Senator Barbara Mikulshi (C-Md.) to you that forwarded a letter from the County Council of Harford Ceanty, Maryland. The County Council's letter raised con-cerrs associated with the Peach Bottom nuclear plant and requested that the Cornittee address these concerr.s as part of its review of the pr eposed Peach Ecttom restart. The Cornittee plans to consider these issues as part of its review, TFe Cocnittee wts briefed by representatives of the Staff on the Staff's conclusions regarding implications of the accident at Chernobyl.

Representatives of the Staff and BNL discussed details of the BNL program for the revimw of reactivity transients resulting from this experience. The Comnittee concluded that it was ret necessary to provide vritten corrents on this ratter.

The Cornittee discussed the division cf responsibility and the rechan-iscs which right be ustd to identify the areas of responsibility for the ACR5 end AChW. I was asked to discuss resolution of this ratter with the ACNW Chairran.

The Co rittee discussed the reappointrent of Mr. Ward and recomrended that he be reappointed.

The Comnittee discussed the appeintrent of new rerbers and agreed on the rarking o' four persons that they have recom.<nded to the Co~rission for appointrcnt as ACRS rtrbers. Mr. Fraley has irforced the Cornis> ion cf the (c nittee's recc e ndations.

The Con-ittee agreed to the following reetirg dates for Calendar Year 1939:

MEETING 1989 MEET!hG DATES 345 January 10-14, 1989 346 February 9-11, 1989 347 March 9-11, 1999 348 April 6-8, 1989 349 May 4-6, 1909 350 June S-10, 1989 351 July 13-15, 1989 352 August 10-12, 1989 353 September 7-9, 19S9 354 0:teber 5-7, 19E9 355 November 16-18, 1989 356 December 14-16, 1999


b The Honorable 1.ando W. Zech, Jr. October 3, 1968 Since the last report of ACRS activities, the following subccmittees have been held:

. pilerir. Restart, August 25-?6, 1988 - The Subcomittee visited the -

Pilgrir site on August 25 and met on August 26 to review the proposed restart of the Pilgrin Nuclear Powe" Station.

. Safety Philoserby, Technology and Criteria, September 1, 1988 - The Subcorrittee ret to ciscuss the Staff's proposed irplementation for the Co-r.ission's Safety Goal Policy.

. Paintenance Practices and Frecedures, Septerber 7, 1988 - The Subco c.ittee ret to review tTie Staff's preposed rulemaking related to the raintenance of nuclear power plants.

FUTURE AGENDA Tre following items have been scheduled for consideration during the ACRS reeting on Octcber 6 8, 1908:

Irportant Safety-Related issues - Discuss ,osed hierarchical struc-ture for irportant safety-related issues i,..itified by the ACRS rembers.

Diacrostic Evaluation of Selected LKRs - Briefing by NRC representatives regarding Diagnostic Evaluations conducted by the NFC Staff for three ruclear power plants.

,PRt!" Liquid Metal Cooled R,yctnr Design - Review and corrent regarding the conceptual design featuiti of the LCE Advarced LMR (PRISM).

Centrifugs1 Enrictrert Plant - Review and coment ret a ,1.irg proposed Pant for centrifugal enrWent of nonradioactive isotope'..

ACPS futcen ittte Activities - Reports and discussien of status of assigned AUS s ubcceri t tee activities, including the planning on the International Workshcp on QA/QC.

Fisrepresented Equip-ent in Nuclear Fo er Plants - Briefing regarding hRC Staff actfiities related to problems associated with the supply and use of nisrepresented equiprent in nuclear power plants, hRC Quantitative Safety Goals - ACR5 review and coment regarding the EC Staff's proposed irplementation plan fcr the SRC quantitative safety goals.

Podular High Terperature Gas Ccoled Reactor - Preparation of ACRS report regarding preliri ary design of the LCF~High Terperature Gas Cooled Reactor and discus. ons with the SRC Staff as appripriate.


The Hcrerable Lando W. Zet5 Jr. October 3, 1988 Future ACPS Activities - Discuss anticipated ACRS Subecmittae activ-ities and iters proposei for consideration by the full Comittee.

In Situ Testing of Safety-Pelatert _ Motet -Operated Valves - Review a proposed generic letter that will e ipand r-P* iodic in situ testing and surveillance requirerents for motor-operated valves.

Atreintrent of New ACRS l'erhers - Qualifications of candidates nominated for ar;ointrent to the A35 will be discussed as appropriatt.

Sincerely, Willian Kerr Ch3irran
