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Responds to 860523 Request for Info Re NRC Insp of Facilities During Wk of 860512.Listed Radwaste shipment- Related Documents Encl.State of Sc Radwaste Transport Permit 0058-34-86-X Reinstated on 860113
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 05/23/1986
From: Kirsch G
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: France G
NUDOCS 8606040132
Download: ML20198K787 (5)


Ql)-oOW OBallelle Columbus Laboratones We king Asenue Columbus, Ohio 4 C01 l281"f(* "N May 23, 1986 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 ATIN:

Mr. George M. France III This telecopy is in response to your request today for information associated with your inspection of our facilities during the week of May 12, 1986.

Enclosed are the radioactive waste shipment related documents as requested.

(1) Letter dated 12-13-85 from South Carolina Department of Health to Battelle Columbus, notice of noncompliance.

(2) Letter dated 12-30-85 from Battelle Columbus to South Carolina Department of Health in reply to item 1 above.

(3) Letter dated 1-13-86 from South Carolina Department of Health to Battelle Columbus regarding reinstatement of our radioactive waste permit.

Please note that according to item 3, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reviewed our corrective measures and found them satisfactory.

Accordingly, Battelle's State of South Carolina Radioactive Waste Transport Permit Na. 0058-34-86-X was reinstated effective 1/13/86.

Ple contact us should you require additional information.

Georg irsch Super isor, Health Physics FTS 976-6424 West Jefferson x5167 or Commercial (614)879-5167 GK:ksr Enclosures

'I TELEC0 PIED 5/23/86


8606040132 860523 PDR ADOCK 07000008 C

PDR MAY 2 91986

. CC /3//ffts" At Ssuth Carclina Department d Health " 'M and Environmental Control

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,yw Mean H. Cla,tsee. J,.. Chaarinsa h S.C. M G*Id ^ E*F**'** *i'Ch","***

Oros L trody. Jr.. Sectua y Bn,ta,s P. Nummele Comedensam, Jaenes A.Sp, wilt J,.

Roten S. Jeetssa. M.D.

Winina H. Nesser. M D.

Essa M. Colvin M D.

December 13, 1985 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Thomas R.

Emswiler Nuclear Material Transp. Coord.

Battelle Memorial Hospital Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Ave.

Columbus, Ohio 43201

Dear Mr. Emswiler:

An investigation conducted on December 11, 1985, by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control revealed that a shipment of radioactive waste received at the Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. burial facility in Barnwell, South Carolina was in noncompliance with applicable state and federal regulations.

The violations are identified as follows:

Radioactive Waste Shipment No. 1285-172-B, classified as Radioac-tive Material, n.o.s., described as activated metal, and packaged in a 1-13-C-2 shipping cask, was found to have the following viola-tions:


An improperly executed Radiation Survey Manifest.

Column 9 was not completed indicatin consigned as exclusive use,g whether or not the shipment was contrary to 49 CPR 172.205 ( f)(1 ).


The radiation levels at the curface of the package exceeded the regulatory limits specified by 49 CPR 173.441(b)(1).

Each of these items constitute separate violations of Section 1.2, Department Regulation 61-83.

Please be informed that pursuant to Section 13-7-180, S.C. Code of Laws, 1976 (as amended) and Section 7.1 of the Department's Regula-tions for the Transportation of Radioactive Waste Into or Within South Carolina, your S.C. Radioactive Waste Transport Permit 'lo.

0058-34-85-X has been suspended, effective December 12, 1995 for a period of not less that 30 days, and that you are hereby assessed a civil penalty of One Thousand Dollars (S1,000.00),

that any radioactive waste generated by you are hereby prohtbited and further from being transported into or deliv_eted to this State until such time as you damane t meet 6~the satis f asj;i.gn_of_the acequate measures aave been implettented to ensure c_ Department that omp11ance M M all applicable. provisions of federal and stat'e law.

'e Approved by Jsrome R. Bahlmann 12/31/85 Approved by Harley L. Toy.

269-1220 (383) cc:

R. Nathan H. Toy V. Pasupathi K. Olson l'.' Emswiler December 30, 1985 Mr. Heyward G. Shealy, Chief Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Dear Mr. Shealy:

We have reviewed your letter of December 13, 1985, which identifies items of noncompliance with specific state and federal regulations associated with our radioactive waste shipment no. 1285-172B to Chem Nuclear Systems, Inc., Barnwell, South Carolina on December 9,1985.

We will not appeal the decision you have specified and are enclosing our check for $1,000 in payment of the civil penalty imposed.

We regret the unintentional error in the execution of the Barnwell Waste Management Facility Radioactive Shipment Manifest Form. We further regret our incorrect interpretation of the regulatory require-ments of 49CFR 173.441(b) (1 through 4) dealing with the allowable radiation readings on the external surface of a package during exclusive use of shipments.

Measures have been implemented to prevent future incidents of noncompli-ance in shipments of radioactive material with specific attention directed at the two violations.

These measures include:

1) An in depth review of operational procedures by the appropriate management personnel from both the generating facility and the Battelle Columbus Nuclear Services Group.
2) Review and revision of specific quality assurance documents dealing with the packaging, shipment and disposal of radio-active waste materials.

We have established "one over one" signature review and approval of specific shipping documents by cognizant management personnel to ensure their proper execution.


'p Mr. Heyward G. Shealy, Chief 2

December 30, 1985

3) On matters related to the proper interpretation of any question-able local, state or federal regulation dealing with shipments of radioactive materials, responsible personnel have been directed to contact the approporiate regulatory body for guidance and verification in the correct interpretation of any questionable regulation.

Questions regarding the interpre-tation of 49CFR 173.441(b) (1 through 4) for shipment no.

1285-172-8 should have been directed to the D0T Office of Hazardous Materials Regulations and other cognizant authority such as Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Regulatory Affairs Group.

In the future, you may be assured this procedure will be followed.

We fully understand the seriousness of this matter and wish to demonstrate to you our firm conviction in this matter. We trust we have herein demonstrated to your satisfaction that adequate measures have been or will be implemented prior to any future shipment to ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of federal and state laws.

We would appreciate hearing from you if you desire further details or documen-tation of any actions we are taking in this matter.

Very truly yours, M-

= ~t.. [

Thomas R. Emswiler Nuclear Materials Transportation Coordinator TRE:jv Enc. $1,000 Check



S:uth Carclina Department ef Healthc m.r.7 and Environmental Control

";I';///j'l; <

R.R. d-W J Board Mcses H. Clarkson, Jr., Chairman 2600 Bull Street Gerald A. Kaynard, Vice-Chairman Columina, S.C. 29201 Oren L Brady, Jr., Secretary Barbara P. Nuessle Cossadadomer James A. Sprusil, Jr.

Robert S. Jackson, M.D.

William H. Hester, M.D.

Euta M. Colvin, M.D.

January 13, 1986 Mr. Thomas R.

Emswiler Nuclear Materials Transp. Coordinator Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693

Dear Mr. Emswiler:

1 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 30, 1985, regarding your corrective action for a shipment of low-level radioactive waste found in noncompliance with applicable regula-tions upon inspection at the Barnwell disposal facility.

Further, we acknowledge payment of the corresponding civil penalty.

We have reviewed your corrective measures and find it satisf actory to the Department.

Accordingly, your S.C. Radioactive Waste Transport Permit No. 0058-34-86-X is hereby reinstated effective January 13, 1986.

We anticipate all future shipments into the State of South Carolina will conform to these procedural modifications and comply with all applicable requirements.

We appreciate your continued cooperation in these matters.

Very truly yours, f

yward G. Sheal, Chief ureau of Radiological Health HGS:VRA:kn j


Mr. Richard Sappington, DHEC Inspector Mr. Leslie Poppe, CNSI l
