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Discusses Summary Factors Pertinent to Radiological Status of Retired Facility for CY87,per Amend 2 of License SNM-7, License Condition 27
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 02/10/1988
From: Roe E
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Eisenhut D
29058, NUDOCS 8802240020
Download: ML20149K870 (6)



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  • February 10, 1988

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-1 Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut



/g8 Division of Operating Reactors t

/J e,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

.x Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

This report summarizes factors pertinent to the radiological status of the retired facility for the calendar year 1987 as required by Amendment Number 2 of NRC License SNM-7. License Condition 27.

Fricility Location The facility is located in Building JN-3, Battelle's Columbus Division (BCD), liest Jefferson, North Site, about one-quarter mile east of State Road 142.

Retired Facility Site Representative (RFSR)

The Radioactive Materials Subcommittee (RSC-1) of the BCD Radiological Safety Ccemittee maintnins purview of the facility and audits the radiological status.

Facility Status Proposed uses of the facility must be approved by the RFSR and are subject to overview of RSC-1.

Dr. Jeff Means remained chairperson of the RSC-1 subcommittee during 1987.

The general physical arrangements within the building remain the same as repor+.ed for the calendar year 1987.

Security and Surveillance The facility remains within the confines of the fence and protected Nuclear Sciences area. Twenty-four-hours-a-day surveillance and area uccess control is naintained by arr.ed security inspectors.

Unescorted ares access is limited to persons with appropriate DOE clearance and approved for access by security and site management. All others must be escorted by a staff member cleared and on the access list, k' f 0$

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k Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2 February 10, 1988 Environmental Survey On-site and off-site environmental monitoring is continued for the Nuclear Sciences area according to DOE and NRF requirements.

A report of the data from the monitoring program is developed annually.

A copy of the report, which will be distributed this month, is being forwarded to Leland Rouse. Division of Fuel Cycle and Materials Safety.

The raw data compiled for the report do not indicate any unusual conditions which may be attributable to this facility.

Retired Facility Surveys Surveys are performed monthly as part of our DOE surveillance and maintenance program.

These include smears, at approximately eighty (80) locations, evaluated for alpha and beta activity, and exposure dose rates at the ten highest locations.

All smear and exposure data over the year have been within acceptable limits and no abnormal conditions were noted.

Water Monitor All water collected in the interior sump from the old hot drain system is pumped to an outside sump through a monitoring chamber. The pump is controlled by the monitor.

If the set point is exceeded, the monitor alarms and interrupts the electric power to the pump.

The monitor employs a downscale failure alarm as well.

Instrument laboratory personnel perform monitor servicing including weekly response checks and ralibration with Cs-137 solutions at approximately annual intervals.

Facility Uses Current uses are:

Basement Area:

(1) Old pump room, northeast basement.

e Drain sump, water monitor, and sump pump.

e Storage of project archive samples packaged in cans.

(2) North basement, storage of 55-gallon drum packages of Pu bearing waste.

(3) West basement.

e Storage of three, crated, used/ cleaned Pu g?ove boxes.

These glove boxes remain stored with shipment being delayed by the purchaser.

1 Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 February 10, 1988 (4) South basement.

i e Used as a emergency assembly area e Southeast basement:


Storage of small equipment items on shelves.


Furnace room.

Ground Floor:

(1) Weat end, old shop area - source storage and instrument calibration area.


G.E. pool area, no specific use.

(3) The ground floor rooms are used for offices and storage of miscellaneous equipment on standby for radiological emergency use.

Offices relocated during 1987.

Second Floor:

j (1) Northwest laboratory room - no operations.

l (2) North side open bay storage of empty 55-gallon, new, drum l

shipping containers.

(3) Open bay east, fabrication of wooden crates or bins when needed for waste shipment.

I (4) Open bay south, storage and crate fabrication.

4 (5) Southwest, old control room, exercise room for security and plant protection personnel.

This was discontinued during 1987.

(6) Main pool area - no use currently.

Occurrences There were no reportable occurrences during 1987 associated with operations conducted in the building.

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i 44 Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 February 10, 1988 If you have questions or require additional information regarding this facility, please contact FRSR, Mr. E. B. Roe, (614) 424-5911 or Site Manager, 'Mr. Harley L. Toy (614) 879-5228.


-Sincerely, a



Eugene B. Roe Radiologici Safety Officer Retired Facility Site Representative EBR: dka pc ref:a:eisenhut f


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