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Confirms Preliminary Agreement Per 810507 Meeting W/Nrc Re Disposition of Retired Filter Bed at West Jefferson Sanitary Sewage Sys.Media Remaining After Excavation to Be Homogenized.Bed to Be Backfilled W/New Soil
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 05/13/1981
From: Toy H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Rouse L
19109, NUDOCS 8107220160
Download: ML20009C931 (3)



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RECEIVED b OBa11elle e

A Columbus Laboratories m

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505 King Asenue

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Cdumbus, Ohn> 41201 Telephone (614) 424-6414 00y.

gI-s Teles14-504 g

May 13, 1981 y

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Mr. Leland C. Rouse, Chief 9

Doc m to 9

Advanced Fuel and Spent Fuel USNRC Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and D

JUN 11981 :>


Material Safety NWSS uArtstenos 3

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g

Washington, DC 20555 CMET Ct ERX

Dear Mr. Rouse:

A Docket 70-8 During a meeting with Messrs. Ayer and Burkhardt of your staff on May 7, 1981, we requested guidance regarding the final disposition of a retired filter bed at our West Jefferson sanitary sewage system. This letter will confirm those discussions which resulted in their preliminary acceptance of our plan to homogenize the media remaining after excavation and con-taining a small amount cf residual contamination with new soil and backfill the bed with three feet of new soil.

We recently completed the excavation of approximately 4,000 cubic feet of contaminated. filter bed riedia from an old retired filter bed at our West Jefferson Nuclear Sciences Area. The excavated contaminated filter media is packaged in 55-gallon drums and is awaiting shipment to a licensed burial facility.

Following the excavation ninety (90) samples were taken from the excavated area. The samples were analyzed for Am-241 and Cs-137.

Previous analyses indicated that Am-241 and Cs-137 were. the predominant nuclides present.

The sampling program revealed an average Am-241 concen-tration of the excavated bed to be 7 pCi/g with a range between 0.05 and 44 pCi/g. Of the ninety samples taken, only eleven (11) exhibited Am-241 activities greater thn 15 pCi/g. Selected samples were als6 sent to Eberline Company for determining the Pu-238/239 ratio to Am-241. The results revealed an average TRU concentration of approximately 15 pCi/g.

Our plan 1: to blend all the remaining material in the bed (approximately 5700 ft ) which would provide a dilution factor of 23. The concentration 3

would then average 0.7 pCi/g for the homogenized bed. We will then sample the bed to confirm the concentrations.

Our disposition plan is pr.edicated nM 3

8107220160 810513


  • M-1 %v PDR ADOCK 07000008 C


.6 Mr. Leland C. Rouse-2 May 13, 1981 on the proposed EPA-5201 standard " Guidance a Dose Limits for Persons

, Exposed to Transuranium Elements in the General Environment" which lists 1 acceptable.TRO concentration limits at 13 pCi/g. our position that the. homogenized bed with the 0.7 pCi/g of TRU, and three feet of overburden, does not create an unacceptable risk to the public or environment.

The average observed Cs-137 activity is approximately 1300 pCi/g with a range from 18 to 5700 pCi/g.

The average Cs-137. concentrations in the homogenized-bed would be approximately 65 pCi/g.

In the homogenized state this activity level in 1 mz of soil', 1 cm deep.. corresponds to a radiation level of-approximately 3 microrem/hr.

.Your formal response accepting our plan will enable us to proceed with b

.the blending of the remaining _ residual material and backfill with a three foot overburden of new soil.

Very.truly yours, v

Harley L. Toy

.NRC Licensing Coordinator HLT:lba D


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Docket No.

J A4 William O. Miller, License Fee Management Branch, ADM A



d Applicant


License No:

5' 4h4 - 7 Fee Category:

Application Dated:



5 - 1/ t/ /

4 Applicant's Classification:'

The above application for amendment has been reviewed by NMSS in accordance with 5170.31 of Part 170, and is classified as follows:

1, Safety and Environmental Amendments to Licenses in Fee Catecortes 1A throuch'1H,'2A, 2B, 2C, and 4A (e)

Major safety and environmental (b) hino.r safety and environmental (c)

Safety and environmental (Categories ID through 1G only)


Administrative' 2

Justification for reclassification:

W 3.

The application was filed (a) pursuant to written NRC request and the amendment is being issued for the convenience of the Commission, or (b)


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Division of Fuel Cycle &' Materia Safety Date 1/





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