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Confirms Telcon Re Submission of Physical Security Plan Addressing Fixed Site Requirements for Protection of Snm. Plan for West Jefferson,Oh Facility Is 790123 Revision.No SNM Handled at King Avenue Site
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 12/23/1980
From: Toy H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Mccorkle G
18167, NUDOCS 8104010529
Download: ML19350C430 (1)


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gy' Mr. George ficCorkle, Chief lQ

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Physical Security Branch


'o Office of Nuclear flaterial Safety A




,pr.11CTN and Safeguards cccd1 cah U.S. [1uclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 s.

Dear Mr. McCorkle:

Docket 70-8; Physical Security Plan For Protection Of Special iluclear Material Of Moderate Or Low Strategic Significance This will confirm a recent telephone conversation with your fir. Donald Kasun regarding submission of a security plan addressing fixed site requirements for the physical protection of S!iti of moderate and low strategic. significance (10 CFR Part 73.67).

Please be advised that special nuclear material of moderate or low strategic significance held under License SNM-7 is processed exclusively at our Nuclear Sciences Area at West Jefferson, Ohio.

The security plan for the physical protection of these licensed materials is set forth in the Battelle-Columbus Laboratories' " Physical Protection Plan for the West Jefferson fluclear Sciences Area", revised January 23, 1979.

At the present time licensed special nuclear material of moderate or low strategic significance is handled and processed exclusively at our Uest Jefferson site.

If in the future special nuclear material of moderate or low strategic significance would require handling and/or processing at our King Avenue site, we shall submit an appropriate physical security plan that would meet the fixed site requirements of 10 CFR Part 73.67.

We trust this submission clarifies our position.

Very truly yours,

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Harley L. Toy km:4

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f1P.C Licensing Coordinator tj 'Q:

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