IR 05000354/1986013

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Insp Rept 50-354/86-13 on 860210-14.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review & Closure of Previously Identified Open Items & Review of Activities Re Snubbers
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1986
From: Anderson C, Gregg H, Paolino R
Shared Package
ML20154N238 List:
50-354-86-13, NUDOCS 8603170246
Download: ML20154N239 (9)



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Report N /86-13 Docket N License No. CPPR-120 Priority --

Category B Licensee: Public Service Electric & Gas _ Company l Post Office Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038


l Factitty Name: Hope Creek Generating _ Station l Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey __

( Inspection Conducted: Eebruary 10-14,_1986 l Inspectors:

H. Gr ( 4. sis' h


, Lead Reactor Engineer g l.<86 date ( &lr .-$18 N --

R. Pa i o, e tor Engineer d te


Approved by: ! 'J G

, . nderson, hief, Plant Systems date Sect on, DRS Inspection Summan : Inspection on February _ _ _10-14,_1986 Report No. 50-354/86-1 Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by region basM trspectors to review and close out previously identified open items, and t.i review the's activities related to snubbers. The inspection inyt tved 82 inspec-tion-hours on site by two region based inspector Resuly: No violations were identifie \

{tS' 3 E*I h *

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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted 1.1 public Service Electric & Company  :

R. Brandt, Nuclear Dept. Inspection Service Engineer

  • J. Carter, Manager Startup Group C. Conner, Operations Manager
  • R. Douges, Lead Quality Assurance Engineer (QAE)

G. Duncan, Senior Engineer, ISI Group

  • J. Duf fy, Site Engineer
  • N. Dyck, Response Coordinator Team Chairman A. Kao, Principal Engineer
  • J. Hagan, Station Planning Manager
  • A. Giardino, Station QA Manager (Hope Creek)
  • A. Gray, Licensing Engineer
  • R. Griffith, Principal QAE P. Kundless, Maintenance Manager l


  • S. La Bruna, Assistant General Manager M. Massaro, Lead Engineer W. Merrit, Senior Technical Supervisor
  • J. Ranalli, Site Engineer J. Pantazes, Senior Staff Engineer
  • R. Salveson, General Manager (Hope Creek)

1.2 Bechtel power Corporation

  • H. Boalani, Stress Group Supervisor l
  • C Jaffee, Startup Engineer t T. Giordano, Site Engineer l * Goebel, QAE l * Griffin, Project Field Engineer l G. Iaska, QAE I J. Lezenby, Project Engineer J. McKenzie, Field Engineer
  • G. Moulton, Project QAE J. Schott, Engineer (San Francisco)

K. Vnaide, Field Engineer

  • denotes personnel present at exit meeting f 2.0 Facility Tour _

The inspector c5 served work activities in progress, completed work and

! plant status in several areas daring a general inspection of th( Hope l Creek facility. The inspector era,ined work items for obvious defects or noncompliance with NRC recut-e ents or i+:er:se commitments. Parti-cular note was taken regarding ina presence cf c ality control inspection personnel and indications o' Li lity control activities through visual I




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evidence such as inspection records, turnover tags, material identiff-cation, nonconformance ard acceptance tag No violations were identifie .0 Snubber Inspection The inspector reviewed the general site activities related to snubber This included review of the following:

Final stroking program being performed by the architect engineer (Bechtel Corporation)

Observations of work being performed on drywell snubbers a

Quality control inspection records related to those snubbers observed

Status of responsibility for Technical Specification (TS) surveil-lances after construction turnover of snubbers

Snubber records and test documentation Final Stroking Program The inspector reviewed the final snubber stroking program being performed by Bechtel per procedure SWP/P-143 Revision 1. The program objectives are to demonstrate that snubbers have not been damaged after final inspection and that snubbers are free to move through their full stroke range. The requirements of this procedure are applicable to all sr.ubbers both mechanical and hydrauli The inspector determined that the plant has 50 hydraulic snubbers manufactured by E System Company, Montek 01 vision and approximately 1200 mechanical snubbers manufactured by Pacific Sci mtific Company Ken-Tech Divisio The inspector verified that this program was completeJ in December 1985 ard was satisfactorily perforced in acc rdance with the procedur .2 Work Observations in Drywell Based or the final strokin; program findings of damaged snubbers and protective covers removed. Bechtel f$ sued a Quality Action Request (QAR F-307) to again perfe a visuai +>a *1 tion of all drywell snubbers and to correct all orablems (h:r.::*.formance reports NCR-9024 and 9025 were issued t: :e-#orm the worr). Ihe inspector performed a







. 4 I walkdown in the drywell and observed the field engineering work being performed on snuaber PSA Ser No. 1306 from hanger J-P-AE-035-H04 The inspector observed the setting and retorquing of the end paddles and the stroking of the snubber through the full range of trave The inspector also observed installed: E System 50 KIP snubber Ser No. 089 on hanger 1-P-BB-014-H001, PSA Size 35 (double) snubber Ser No. 9913 on hanger 1-P-AB-058-H11, and PSA Size 10 (double) snubber Ser 13540 and 13535 on hanger 1-AB-062-H1 The inspector verified that the ir, process field work was being performed in accordance to the procedures and that QC was on hand and was performing the required checking and sign-off .3 Quality Control Records of Work The inspector reviewed the QC records of the specific snubbers observed during the walkdow The inspector determined that QC Instruction P-2.10 and the QC Inspection records (QC file No. 3049, Log Nos. P-375. 412, and 504) for Shock Suppressor Stroking, and Torquing defined the required work activit OC was fully involved and the records were signed at each acceptance point and were properly complete .4 Status of TS Snubber Surveillance Responsibility The inspector reviewed the status of future responsibility within the TS surveillance requirement The inspector determined that all TS visual and functional test surveillances are under the ISI department and that only the service life monitoring item is under the mainte-nance department. The licensee's personnel stated procedures are in process to enable performance of these activities but are not com-plet .5 FSAR Requirements for Snubbers The inspector reviewra the FSAR provisions related t- design spect-fication requirement s, performance tests ircluding bn'.h troduction and qualification trsts, and the construction verifi"ition, preopera-tional and power te.t progra Each of these areas rare determined to be adequately addresse .6 Snubber Records and Test Documentation The inspector reviewed the snubber documentation records and deter-mined that the individual croduction test records for PSA r.;echanical snubber were not in the dccu entation ca:kage. (It was noted that I

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the production test records of the hydraulic snubbers was in the dccumentation package.)

The inspector verified that FSAR required production tests of all


snubbers. The inspector review of the Bechtel ordering specification P-401Q determined that it does not contain provisions for production testing records for mechanical snubbers. Therefore, the inspector could not obtain any verification that individual production testing was performed, if performed where these records are and that they met the manufacturers functional operability criteri This item remains unresolved pending the ifcensee providing information that: production testing was performed on mechanical snubbers and availability of the test data, test results met the acceptance criteria, and test records are those of the installed snubbers (50-354/86-13-01).

4.0 Status of Previously Identified Items 4.1 (Closed) Circular No. 77 CI-11 leakage of Containment Isolation Valves with Resilient Seats. This circular advised of excessive leakage problems in large butterfly valve elastomeric seat material losing resiliency, wearing due to cycling, and degradation due to environmental conditions.

i The licensee has BIF containment isolation valves with EDPM seat material (not the manufacturer or seat material described in the IE Circular). Additionally, the seat material will be replaced every five years per the manufacturer's maintenance procedure. The Itcen-


see is knowledgeable of the leakage concerns and plans to address this in their future maintenance progra This item is close .2 (Closed) Circular No. 78-CI-07 Damaged Comoonents of a Bergen-Paterson Series 250d'0 Hydraulic Test Stano. This test stand utilizes a 2 pin fixed loading system, which unlike the actual snubbers with spherical type bushings, doesn't allcw transmission of bending moments in the vertical plane. Bergen-Paterson recommended periodic inspection and provided acceptance criterion for the fixture compo-nents. The NRC circular asked licensee to review their snubber testing device to determine if a similar problem could develop and to consider the need for periodic inspectica. and replacement of components.


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The licensee's Response Coordination Team has reviewed the circular, and the Technical personnel is knowledgeable about the need to pre-vent misalignment bending moments. The licensee has not purchased ,

Bergen Paterson snubbers and does not intend to purchase a Bergen Peterson hydraulic test stand. The purchase of a test machine has not been authorized and is still being considered, however, the licensee has committed to operating and maintaining a snubber test '

stand in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations if one is purchase The licensee's activities satisfactorily address the IE circular concern This item is close .3 (Closed) _ Circular No. 80-CI-10 pertaining to failure to maintain Environmental qualification of equipmen The circular recommends that the licensee review its current mainte-nt ce procedures and administrative policies to ensure that adequate administrative controls exist to ensure equipment that is environ-


mentally qualified is not degraded upon completion of maintenanc The licensee has reviewed equipment subject to harsh and mild environ-ments to identify maintenance and surveillance action required to maintain the qualified condition of equipment. Site engineering instruction (SEI) 2-6 has been issued and equipment qualification sheets completed which ider.tify the requirements to the plant mainte- '

nance department. Maintenance procedure SA-AP.ZZ-009(Q) on control of station maintenance provides requirements and precaution to ensure i equipment qualification is not degraded when performing maintenance activitie Training of maintenance personnel includes use of t approved procedures and use of approved material This items is close .4 Bulletin No. 80-BU-06 (Closed)

Feature Reset Controls to meet containmentpertaining isolation dependabilityto Engineered Sa'ety


per NUREG-0737 item II.E.4.2. The bulletin requires that the licensee review and verify all drawings of systems serving safety-related functions to determine whether or not upon reset of an E5FS actuation signal, all associated safety-related equipment remains in its emergency mod '

t The inspector reviewed the following ccrres:andence between the l licensee, Architect Engineer and the NS$$ vendor in response to  !

Bulletin 80-06: Reference No. BLG-1879. Gi-34-154, GB-84-156, BLP-15570, BLP-15880, BLD-14799, BLG-1899, 53-83-121 and GG-83-74 and GB-83-12. The Gene-al Electric's assesstent (letters GB-83-12 and GB-53-74) of the h :5 : taineert is: 4:fon dependability iden- ,

redesign of the control logic to prevent t tifies17valvesrequire$lowingaresetoftheisolationlogi reopening of its valve *:




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The redesign of twelve valves' control logic impacted the Bailey Equipment and the remaining five valve control logic redesign impacted General Electric equipment. One additional valve was iden-tified requiring control logic m*odification for sensing of diverse

parameters for isolation initiatio This modification had no impact on Bailey equipmen Modifications were made in accordance with General Electric FDI-WTJB and P&ID Nos. 43, 49, 51, 55 and 5 The Test Package Release (TPR) - RLC-0197 included the retest of the modification (DCP-146) per General Test Procedure No. 7 Revision 1 and No. 27 Revision 2. The modification / redesign was completed as of November 20, 198 Verification by the licensee was completed on December 26, 198 This item is close .5 81-80-01 Surveillance of Mechanical Snubber This bul-(Closed)~Tated letin re to deficiencies in International Nuclear Safeguards corporation (INC) snubbers and required actions to be taken by licensee's to assure functionability of mechanical snubber The inspector verified that the licensee has reviewed the bulletin and has taken actions in response to the bulletin even though the bulletin was not specifically addressed to this Itcensee. The licensee also has FSAR commitments te verify snubber functiona-bilit The inspector verified that the Architect Engineer (Bechtel Corpora-tion) has recently completed (in December 1935) the Final Snubber Stroking Program as defined in procedure SWP/P143 Revision 1. All snubbers both mechanical and hydraulic have been stroked. This program identified concerns in the drywell, required an additional walkdown and inspection of drywell snubcers, and repair and replace-ment of any damaged snubbers. This activity is approximately 95%

completed. The inspector has determined that the licensee has satisfactorily responded to the IE Bulleti This item is close .6 (Closed _UnresolveditemNo. 85-61-03 pe :alning to SER (section 873I178)) requirement that licensee perform tests to verify that class IE electrical motors w111 not be subjected to starting or operating voltages of less than 80% of normal. The inspector reviewed test data for the design acc* dent loading secue :e (Hot / Cold Olesel) por procedure No PTP-BB-3 ea a; A) verifytr; at the Diesel generator starting voltage did net go below 80'. of n:rmal. The test data


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indicates the minimum diesel generator voltage when load starts were f in excess of 3328 Volts (80% of normal). Olesel generator voltage


recovery was in excess of 3744 volts after load start No deficien- i cies were identifie [

l This item is close ~

i i Closed) Unresolved Item No. 85-61-04 pertaining to $ER (section .

l {71TI.0)

8 requiretrent tisat tfie Heinsee perform tests of the  !

emergency diesel generators to verify load acceptance capability l

, following prolonged no-1 cad operatio .

l i The inspector reviewed tests performed per procedure No. PTB-BB-3A l in which each diesel generator was operated for four hours unloaded, l then loaded to full load for 1/2 hour and then to 110% of full load -

l for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. The units were then operated at full load for an


additional 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />. No deficiencies were identifie '



This item is close !

, 4.8 (Closed)UnresolvedItemNo.- 85-61-06 pertaining to $ER ($ection



9f E6) requirement tliat the Ticensee clarify the statement regarding l l the capability of the air start system of five starting cycles l without recharging the air receiver In addition, the licensee is

! to provide the actuating pressures and alarms and verify low pressure alarm set points that indicate to the operator that the compressor is i not maintaining system pressur [

l  :

The inspector reviewed the preoperational test procedure No. PTP-KJ-1 ( Revision 6 which has been revised to meet the requirements of the  !

j $ER noted abov No deficiencies were identifie ;



This item is closed.

l 4.9


(Closed)ihFlead control to the incorrect disposition of a nonconformanceViolation Item



l report by the licensee. The Itcensee in NCR's No. 7967 and 7908 identified inadequate separation between redundant channel instru- -

ments. These were incorrectly dispositioned by the licensee as "use as is" on the basis that the instruments did not serve related and ;

redundant functions when these instruments do serve redundant and l l related function r The inspector reviewed the licensees response to this violation in ;

their letter to Dr. T. Murley Region ! dated January 14, 1996. The l inspector concluded that the licensee has now provided an adequate !

i "use as is" disposition based on a seismic !!/I waDdown and a '

! hazards review to address the specific incorrect disposition. In l addition, the Itcensee reviewed thirty-three additional NCRs with j "use as is" dispositions to verify the adequacy of the justifications


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i provided. It was determined by the licensee that the problem with NCRs No. 7967 and 7968 is an isolated instance. Furthermore Bechtel


site resident engineering supervisors have instructed their personnel to be more rigorous in documenting the basis for "usr as is" NCR dispositions. The inspector had no further questiors, j This item is close ;

l 5.0 Unresolved Items .

i Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in i order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, violations or l deviations. An unresolved item is discussed in paragraph 3.6 of this repor ;

l l 6.0 Exit Meatins l l The inspector met with the licensee's representative (identified in c l paragraph 1.0) at the conclusion of the inspection on February 14, 1986,  ;


to summtrize the findings of this inspection. The NRC Resident inspecto '

R. Borchardt, was also in attendanc t


During this inspection, the inspector did not provide any written material


to the license i i



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