IR 05000498/1988026

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Insp Repts 50-498/88-26 & 50-499/88-26 on 880411-15.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping,Concrete Expansion Anchors, Pipe Supports & Restraint Sys.Unresolved Item Noted
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1988
From: Ireland R, Clay Johnson, Singh A
Shared Package
ML20154E758 List:
50-498-88-26, 50-499-88-26, NUDOCS 8805200313
Download: ML20154E759 (7)




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NRC Inspection Report: 50-498/88-26 Operating License: NPF-71 50-499/88-26 Construction Permit: CPPR-129 Dockets: 50-498 50-499 Licensee: Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P)

P.O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001 Facility Name: South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 (STP)

Inspection at: STP, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: April 11-15, 1988 Inspectors: A e; -

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C. E. Johnson, Reactor Inspector, Plant Systems Date Section, Division of Reactor Safety i

W A. Singh, RE actor Inspector, Plant Systems Section S

Date kf Divisiono(ReactorSafety Approved: . 5//6/

R. E. Ireland, Acting Chief, P15nt Systems Section 'Date'

Division of Reactor Safety Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted April 11-15, 1988 (Report 50-498/88-26)  :

Areas Inspected: No inspection of Unit I was conducte Results: Not applicabl Inspection Conducted April 11-15, 1988 (Report 50-499/88-26)

l 8805200313 880512 l PDR ADOCK 05000498 l Q DCD J

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Areas Insaected: Routine, unannounced inspection including reactor coolant pressure coundary piping, concrete expansion anchors, pipe supports, and restraint system Results: Within the three areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. One unresolved item was identified in paragraph 3 .



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DETAILS Persons Contacted HL&P

  • J. T. Westenneier, Project Manager
  • J. S. Phelps, Project Compliance Supervisor
  • S. D. Phillips, Project Compliance Engineer
  • G. L. Parkey, Plant Superintendent, Unit 2
  • D. C. King, Construction Manager, Unit 2
  • G. Ondriska, Start Up Supervisor
  • W. Trujillo, Nuclear Assurance Supervisor
  • M. Duke, Engineering
  • M. E. Powell, Supervising Engineer, Licensing Bechtel Power Corporation (Bechtel)
  • R. Bryan, Field Construction Manager
  • R. Medina, Quality Assurance Supervisor
  • R. Miller, Project Quality Assurance Manager Ebasco Service Inc. (Ebasco)
  • R. Able, Quality Control Supervisor
  • A. Garcia, Field Engineer In addition to the above, the NRC inspectors also held discussions with other members of the HL&P, Bechtel, and Ebasco staff * Denotes those individuals attending the exit interview conducted on April 22,198 . Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping The purpose of this inspection was to determine whether activities relative to reactor coolant pressure boundary piping are being accomplished in accordance with NRC requirements, FSAR commitments, and licensee procedures by direct observation and independent evaluation of work performance, work in progress, completed work, and records revie Work Observation (49053)

The NRC inspectors selected a small portion of 4-inch line that taps into the 31-inch primary coolant loop and continues to the letdown heat exchanger. From the 4-inch line a small portion of 2-inch line was also examined. Both these lines are code class 1. The portion examined was located on Bechtel Drawing No. 4C369PRC457, Sheet 4 Revision .




The NRC inspectors used the latest revised drawings and field change requests (FCR) to perform the inspection. Some inspection attributes examined are as follows: orientation / configuration of piping, pipe supports, valves, elbows and field welds (FW); type of material and identification; length of pipe run between components; and overall general cleanliness of pipe and equipmen One concern was identified on Support No. RC-9321-HS5001. This concern related to whether travel stops should be installed in the spring can supports when the system is empty or drained. The procedures require that travel stops he installed in spring can {

supports when the system is drained. The NRC inspectors were told I that the svstem was empty. Examination of Support RC-9321-HS5001



indicated that the stops had been removed which appeared to violate procedures. Further investigation by the NRC inspectors and HL&P indicated that the system was full and Start-Up Field Report (SFR)

No. 287-0151 indicated that Support RC-9321-HS5001 was in its proper position and documente Records Review (49055)

The NRC inspectors reviewed N-5 record packages pertaining to the 1 reactor coolant piping systems examined. These packages contained l receipt and inspection records, installation records, material test '

reports, NDE, welding, and certificates of compliance for material There were no deficiencies identified. Record packages reviewed are ;

listed as follows:  ;

RC-2320-HL5003 RC-2320-FW0001 RC-2320-FW0004 RC-2321-FW00 !

RC-2320-FW0003 RC-2321-FW0005 l RC-2320-FW0002 RC-2321-FWCSU6 RC-2321-FW0001 1 3. Pipe Supports and Restraint Systems (50090)

l prncedure Review The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's implementing i specifications and procedures used in the fabrication, installation, l and inspection of pipe supports and restraints. Specifications and


procedures were reviewed to determine if they contained adequate technical installation / inspection criteria and technical requirements as referenced in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Review of these procedures indicate that the following information is l incorporated:



Manufacturers' recommendations and instructions of the l installation requirements are incorporate . - - -



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Controls for ensuring the type and classification of pipe supports comply with approved drawings and specification *

Provisions for preinstallation and in-process inspections are performed at appropriate time *

Controls are included to prevent material degradation when welding, cutting, forming, matching, and heat treatment are performe *

Minimum embedment length for expansion anchors is include *

Torque requirements for bolting are include Procedures and specifications reviewed appear adequate. The only ,

concern identified was in Standard Site Procedure (SSP) 9, '

paragraph During the review of SSP-9, it was noticed that paragra Notice (ICN)ph No. hadprevious 31. The been modified by Interim paragraph Change for liquid filled piping, after hydrotesting, required that all travel stops shall remain installed when the system is to be draine ICN No. 31 modifies the "shall" to "should" be installed prior to drainin The concern is that if quality control (QC) or startup failed to install these travel stops prior to draining the system would these


supports be damaged and would there be any additional stresses added to the piping system? The NRC inspectors were not satisfied that the change was correct. This item is considered as an unresolved item


until more information is available frem the licensee to establish whether or not the change was correc (499/8826-01)

b. Work Observation The NRC inspectors examined pipe supports and restraints in various systems including several on the 4-inch and 2-inch reactor coolant I primary systems. The NRC inspectors examined many inspection !

attributes in accordance with site procedures and the latest revised installation drawings. Examination of the supports indicate that the ;

installation and inspection program is functioning properly. No I apparent weaknesses were eviden The program appears to be well I manage Pipe supports and restraints examined are listed below:

CV-2142-HF5041 CV-2142-HF5039 MS-2001-HL5002 RC-2321-HS5001 CV-2131-HS5002 CV-2001-HL5001 CV-2125-HF5028 MS-2002-HL5002 CV-2142-HF5037 MS-2001-HL5006 RC-2419-HS5l01 MS-2001-HL5001 RC-2418-HS5(D1 MS-2001-HL5003 i




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6 Records Review The NRC inspectors reviewed records of the pipe supports inspected in paragraph b. Recods reviewed were determined to be legible, complete, properly identified, correctly stored, and easily retrievable. The records also adequately document current status of nonconformances and FC ,

No violations or deviations were identified in the records review, Personnel Qualification Review The NRC inspectors selected six welders and five QC weld inspector's t training and qualification records for the period February 25 through November 9, 1987, and November 15, 1985, through October 1, 1987, respectively. The NRC inspectors observed that welder records reflected that all welders were qualified in accordance with licensee Procedure SSP-31, Welder Qualification," and in accordance with Section IX of ASME Code requiremen2 In addition, it was found that the licensee maintained a continuous computer data record system which listed the qualification status of all welders. During the review of QC weld inspector records, the NRC inspectors observed that individual inspector's training and certification records were documented in the specific training and certifications received, including ASME and ANSI N.45.2 Code requirement In addition, each ;

inspector's records indicated specific training in the visual l acceptance criteria of SSP-16 for structural weld :

i No violations or deviations were identifie . Concrete Expansion Anchors (4,6071)

During the inspection of reactor coolant pressure boundary and pipe I supports, concrete expansion anchors were also examined. Review of this program indicated that adequate procedures were in place for use by QC, and manufacturers recomendation/ instructions were incorporated into these procedure t The licensee appeared to have good control on the storage and issuance of concrete expansion anchors. The licensee also included in these procedures adequate control of specific activities such as listed below:

embedded depth of anchor bolt;

minimum spacing between bolts;

minimum edge distance from steel plate edge; .

bolt marking / diameter; l



initial installation torque; minimum edge distance for concrete openings; and l


application of torque sea l l

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The NRC inspectors also examined the concrete expansion anchors in

accordance with site procedures and drawings. There were no violations or


deviations identifie ,

e 5. Exit Interview The NRC inspectors met with the licensee personnel (denoted in i paragraph 1) on April 15,1988, and sumarized the scope and findings of this inspection. No information was identified as proprietar ;



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