IR 05000498/1989003

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Insp Repts 50-498/89-03 & 50-499/89-03 on 890206-10.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Radwaste Mgt Program,Including Liquid,Gaseous & Solid Radwaste Processing Sys
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1989
From: Baer R, Nicholas J
Shared Package
ML20235U839 List:
50-498-89-03, 50-498-89-3, 50-499-89-03, 50-499-89-3, NUDOCS 8903090398
Download: ML20235U853 (10)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-498/89-03 Operating Licenses: NPF-76 50-499/89-03 NPF-78 Dockets: 50-498 50-499 Licensee: Houston Lighting & Power Cowany (HL&P)

P.O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001 Facility Name: South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STP),

Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: STP Site, Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: February 6-10, 1989 Inspector: , F7d 8/88 yLJ.'B. Nicholas,SeniorRadiationSpecialist Date Facilities Radiological Protection Section Approved: [ E/dB/ R? E. Baer, Chief, Facilities Radiological Date Protection Section Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted February 6-10, 1989 (Report 50-498/89-03; 50-499/89-03)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's radioactive waste management program including the liquid, gaseous, and solid radwaste processing system Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie Construction had been completed for the Unit 2 liquid, gas, and solid radioactive waste systems. Preoperational testing cf the radwaste systems had been completed except for two tests en the liquid radwaste systems and two l tests on the solid radioactive waste systems. The preoperational testing of


the Unit 2 air cleaning systems had been completed. The " primary" calibrations of the Unit I and Unit 2 effluent and process radiation monitors is scheduled for completion by July 1,198 The organizational structure, management controls, staffing levels, and upper management support appear adequate to establish and maintain a quality radioactive waste management progra "

8903090398 890301 PDR ADOCK 05000498 '


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DETAILS Persons Contacted HL&P

  • E. Vaughn, Vice President, Nuclear Operations
  • R. Beavers, Supervisor, Radiation Monitoring System Section
  • S. Blinka, Supervisor, Performance Support
  • L. Claridge, Licensing Engineer
  • W. Chewning, Chairman, Nuclear Safety Review Board
  • M. Dew, Manager, Operations Support L. W. Dunning, Chemical Operator
  • L. Erickson, Supervisor, Nuclear Assurance Audits
  • J. E. Geiger, General Manager, Nuclear Assurance
  • S. M. Head, Supervising- Licensing Engineer
  • W. G. Isereau, Supervisor, Nuclear Assurance Surveillance
  • W. F. Jocher, General Supervisor, Chemical Support D. T. Joy, Systems Engineer
  • J. R. Lovell, Manager, Technical Services W. D. Markham, Lead Systems Engineer
  • M. A. McBurnett, Licensing Manager, Operations Support
  • G. Ondriska, Outage Manager
  • G. L. Parkey, Plant Superintendent, Unit 2
  • M. F. Rejcek, General Supervisor, Chemical Operations
  • E. L. Stanzel, Manager, Plant Computer Division
  • R. F. Tupper, Radiochemist, Chemical Support
  • J. T. Westermeir, Project Manager
  • T. E. Underwood, Manager, Chemical Operations and Analysis (C0&A)

Division NRC J. E. Bess, Senior Resident Inspector, STP Unit 1 J. I. Tapia, Senior Resident Inspector, STP Unit 2

  • R. E. Baer, Chief, Facilities Radiological Protection Section
  • Denotes those present during the exit interview on February 10, 198 . Open Items An open item is a matter that requires further review and evaluation or action by the NRC inspectors or licensee. Open items are used to docu ent, track, and ensure adequate followup on matters of concern to the NRC inspectors. The following open items were discussed with the licensee during the inspection and at the exit interview on February 10, 198 _-- -

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) Open Item Description Paragraph 499/8903-01- Liquid Radwaste Systems 6 Preoperational Testing 499/8903-02 Solid Radioactive Waste System 8 Preoperational Testing 499/8903-03 Primary Calibration of Effluent 9 Radiation Monitors

.499/8903-04 Primary Calibration of Process 9 Radiation Monitors Organization and Management Controls (83522, 83722)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's organization and staffing of the chemical operations section (C05) for implementation of the radioactive waste management programs for Units 1 and 2 to determine agreement with commitments in Chapter 13.1 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and the requirements in Section 6.2 of the Unit 1 Technical Specifications (TS).

The NRC inspectors verified that the organizational structure of the C0&A Division and especially the C05 responsible for the implementation of the radioactive waste management programs were as defined in the FSAR and TS. The STP management control procedures and position descriptions were reviewed for the assignment cf responsibilities for the management and implementation of the STP radioactive waste program. The NRC inspectors determined that the duties and responsibilities of the COS specified in the STP_ procedures were being implemente The NRC inspectors reviewed the staffing of the CDS of the C0&A Division and noted that 13 chemical operators had been added to the COS since the previous NRC inspection in this area during October 1987 filling all but one of the 6E staff positions approved for Units 1 and 2. The number of COS personnel was determined to be in accordance with licensee commitments for Units 1 and 2 and appeared to be sufficient to meet staffing requirements for the routine five shift rotation of both unit The licensee had experienced a very low turnover of COS personnel during the last 16 month No violations or deviations were identifie . Training and Qualifications (83523, 83723)

i The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's training and qualification



program for CDS personnel responsible for implementing the STP radioactive waste management programs for Units 1 and 2 to determine agreement with commitments in Chapters 13.1 and 13.2 of the FSAR and compliance with the requirements in Section 6.4 of the Unit 1 T _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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The NRC inspectors reviewed the on-the-job training records and qualifications of 3 elected C05 staff and verified that they met the required qualifications to perform their assigned responsibilitie It was determined that all the C05 personnel hired prior to November 1987 had completed all of the C05 required job performance qualifications. The remaining 15 chemical operators hired since November 1987 were in various stages of completing their qualification trainin It was determined that the licensee had an adequately qualified staff to conduct the radioactive waste management programs for Units 1 and No violations cr deviations were identifie . ,uality Q Assurance Program _[84522, 84722, 84523, 84723, 84524, 84724)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's quality assurance (QA) audit and surveillance programs regarding radioactive waste management activities to determine agreement with the commitments in Chapter 17.2.18 of the FSAC and compliance with the requirements in 10 CFR Part 50,

/.ppendix B, and Section of the Unit 1 T The NRC inspectors discussed the QA audit schedule for 1989. It was determined that the licensee had scheduled an audit of the process control program and radwaste activities for Units 1 and 2 during the first calendar quarter of 198 The NRC inspectors reviewed QA surveillance and audit plans and checklists for radwaste activities and the qualifications and training of QA auditors. Selected QA surveillance and QA audit reports concerning activities performed during 1988 in the areas of radwaste management were reviewed for scope to ensure thoroughness of program evaluation and timely followup of identified finding The NRC inspectors found the audit and surveillance plans and checklists to be comprehensive and designed to ensure compliance with the TS requirements. The QA audits and surveillance of radwaste activities were performed by qualified personnel knowledgeable in nuclear pcwer facility radwaste activitie No violations or deviations were identifie . Liquids and Liquid Wastes (84523, 84723)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the if censee's liquid radioactive waste management program including liquid waste system construction and installation and preoperational testing of the Unit 2 liquid waste l subsystems to determine agreement with commitments in Chapters 1 and 14.2 of the FSAR.

l The NRC inspectors inspected the construction and installation of the liquid radwaste systems in Unit 2 and found that the construction and installation of the designed components appeared to be complete. The licensee had performed several of the preoperational tests designed to test the various liquid radwaste subsystems. The NRC inspectors reviewed the results of the completed preoperational tests li:ted in Attachment 1

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to this repor It was noted that the preoperational tests for the waste evaporator and the boron recovery system evaporator had not been complete This is considered an open item (499/8903-01) pending completion of the preoperational tests on all liquid radioactive waste systems prior to their us The licensee had not completed verification of tank volumes for all potentially contaminated tanks and had not completed determination of recirculation times to obtain representative samples from all identified tanks at the time of the inspection. The licensee's Test Procedure OTEP07-ZC-0001, " Determination of Tank Recirculation Time Test," I to determine tank recirculation times for primary chemistry and radwaste tanks was in progress. The licensee is to complete this test on STP, Unit 2, tanks prior to initial criticality. The completion of this preoperational testing is being tracked by Open Item (499/8857-02).

No violations or deviations were identifie . Gaseous Waste System (84524, 84724)

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's gaseous radioactive waste management program including gaseous waste system construction and installation and preoperational testing of the Unit 2 gaseous waste system and air cleaning systems to determine agreement with commitments in Chapters 9.4, 11.3, and 14.2 of the FSA The NRC inspectors inspected the construction and installation.of the gaseous radwaste system in Unit 2 and found that the construction and installation of the designed components appeared to be complete. The licensee had performed the preoperational tests designed to test the gaseous radwaste system and the various air cleaning systems throughout the plant. The NRC inspectors reviewed the results of the completed preoperational tests listed in Attachment 1 to this repor No violations or deviations were identifie . Solid Radioactive Waste System (84522, 84722)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's solid radioactive waste management program including solid waste system construction and installation and preoperational testing of the Unit 2 solid radioactive waste subsystems to determine agreement with commitments in Chapters 1 and 14.2 of the FSA The NRC inspectors inspected the construction and installation of the solid radwaste systems in Unit 2 and found tha; the construction and installation of the designed components appeared to be complete. The licensee had not completed the preoperational testing of the Unit 2 solid radwaste systems and the verification of representative sampling of spent resins during solidification and packagin ____________a

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This is considered an open item (499/8903-02) pending completion of the preoperational tests on all solid radioactive waste systems and the verification of representative sampling of spent resin No violations or deviations were identifie ! Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation (84522, 84523, 84524)

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's process and effluent radioactivity monitoring system to determine agreement with commitments in Chapter of the FSAR and compliance with the requirements in NUREG-073 The NRC inspectors discussed with licensee representatives the performance of " primary" calibrations of the effluent and process monitors for liquids, gases, particulate, and iodines using appropriate liquid, gaseous, and solid radioactivity standards, traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), over the full useable range of the instrumentation. The licensee stated that " primary" calibrations of the 18 effluent radiation monitors installed in STP Units 1 and 2, as defined by the FSAR, will be completed prior to July 1, 198 This is considered an open item (499/8903-03) pending completion of

" primary" calibrations of the liquid and gaseous effluent radiation monitors in STP Units 1 and 2 prior to July 1,198 The licensee also stated that " primary" calibrations of the 72 process radiation monitors instalied in STP Units 1 and 2, as defined by the FSAR, will be completed by December 31, 198 This is considered an open item (499/8903-04) pending completion of

" primary" calibrations of the liquid, gaseous, particulate, and iodine process radiation monitors installed in STP Units 1 and 2 prior to December 31, 198 No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspectors met with the licensee representatives identified in paragraph 1 of this report at the conclusion of the inspection on February 10, 1989. The NRC inspectors summarized the scope of the inspection findings and open items. The licensee agreed to take action as necessary to resolve and close the identified open items according to the time periods stated in the repor !

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South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 NRC Inspection Report 50-498/89-03 and'50-499/89-03 I Documents Reviewed Title Revision Date Preoperational Radwaste Systems Tests 2-WL-P-0001, " Reactor Coolant System 0 10/23/87 Drain Tank" Test Completed: 06/02/88 2-WL-P-0003, " Liquid Waste Process 0 11/13/87 Preoperational Test" Test Completed:

12/08/88 2-WL-P-0004, " Liquid Waste Surge Tanks / 0 09/21/87 Pumps Preoperational Test" Test Completed: 11/08/88 2-WL-P-0005, "LWPS Waste Monitor Tanks 0 09/21/87 2D, 2E, 2F, and Pumps Preoperational Test" Test Completed: 11/04/88 2-WG-P-0001, " Waste Gas Processing System" 1 06/08/88 Test Completed: 12/07/88 l

2-E0-P-0001, " Radioactive Equipment and 0 10/21/87 Floor Drain Sump System Preoperational Test" Test Completed: 12/08/88 Preoperational HVAC Systems Tests 2-SS-M-06, "FHB HEPA/ Charcoal Filter 1 04/18/88 Units" Test Completed: 10/01/88 2-SS-M-07, " Control Room HEPA/ Charcoal 0 03/23/88 Filter Units" Test Completed: 11/05/88 2-HF-P-02, "FHB HEPA/ Charcoal Filter 0 04/18/88 Test" Test Completed: 10/19/88 2-HB-P-02, " Control Roem Clean-up and 1 06/17/88 Makeup Units HEPA/ Charcoal Filter Test" Test Completed: 12/08/88 2-HC-A-02, " Containment HEPA/ Charcoal 1 06/14/88 Filter Test" Test Completed: 12/13/88

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2-HZ-A-05, " Technical Support Center' 0 03/24/88-

+ HEPA/ Charcoal Filter Test" Test Completed: 12/06/88 2-HM-A-02, "MAB HEPA/ Charcoal Filter 0 06/02/88 Test Completed: 11/21/88 3, Preoperational Radiation Monitor Tests 2-RA-A-01, " Acceptance Test of RM-11" 0 05/03/88 Test Completed: 11/05/88 2-RA-A-02, " Acceptance Test of RM-21A" 0 07/29/88 Test Completed: 12/13/88 2-RA-P-01, "RCB Purge and Atmosphere 1 06/17/88 Monitors" Test Completed: 08/11/88 2-RA-P-02, " Control Room /EAB Ventilation 1 05/31/88 Monitors" Test Completed: 09/01/88 2-RA-P-03, " Unit Vent Monitors" 1 07/14/88 Test Completed: 11/07/88 2-RA-P-04, " Liquid Monitors 1 06/17/88 (Tech. Spec.)" Test Completed:

09/27/88 2-RA-P-05, " Condenser Vacuum Pump 1 10/02/87 (WRGM)" Test Completed: 11/30/88 2-RA-P-06, " Main Steam Line Monitors" 0 11/20/87 Test Completed: 11/11/88 2-RA-P-07, " Steam Generator Blowdown 0 12/11/87 Monitors" Test Completed: 11/22/88 2-RA-P-08, "RCB High Range Area Monitors" 0 12/11/87 Test Completed: 09/02/88 2-RA-P-09, " Spent Fuel Pool Exhaust 1 05/27/88 Monitors" Test Completed: 08/17/88 2-RA-P-10, " Access Area Monitors" 0 01/28/88 ,

Test Completed: 11/08/88 "

2-RA-p-11, "MAB Ventilation Monitors" 0 06/01/88  :

Test Completed: 12/04/88 2-RA-P-12, "Four Channel Area Monitors" 0 03/17/88 Test Completed: 08/22/88

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2-RA-P-13, "Three Channel Area 0 04/13/88 Monitors" Test Completec 11/22/88 2-RA-P-14, "Two Channel Area and Mobile 0 03/04/88 Area Monitors" -Test Completed:

11/22/88 2-RA-P-15, " Liquid Monitors" 0 05/28/88 Test Completed: 12/06/88 2-RA-P-16, " Mobile Vent Monitors" 0 06/13/88 Test Completed: _12/12/88 2-RA-P-17, " Gaseous Waste Monitors" 0 05/06/88 >

Test Completed: 10/12/88 2-RA-P-18, " System Communication" 0 10/04/88 Test Completed: 12/15/88 Qualit/ Assurance (QA) Audits and Surveillance QA Audit 88-11, " Process Control Program /Radwaste," .

dated March 25,1988' '

'QA Surveillance Report (QASR)88-095, " Radioactive Waste Collection, Solidification, Packaging of Dry Active Waste,"

performed February 23-26, 1988 QASR 88-273, '!Radwaste Container Receipt Inspection / Storage," '

performed May 23-31, 1988 QASR 88-376, " Radioactive Waste - Packaging of Dry Active Waste,"

performed August 8, 1988 and August 20, 1988 QASR 88-409, " Radioactive Waste Filter Changeout," i performed September 6, 1988 QASR 88-468, Waste Transfer (Spent Resin) To The Portable Solidification System," performed October 6-21, 1988 QASR 88-472, "Radwaste Container Receipt / Storage Inspection,"

performed Nove.aber 1-4, 1988 QASR 88-494, "Radwaste Transfer and Temporary Storage,"

performed November 28, 1988 QASR 88-495, " Packaging of Dry Active Waste,"

performed November 28, 1988 QASR 88-507, "Radwaste Collection, Solidification, and Packaging,"

performed December 8-21, 1988 l


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QASR 88-533, " Shipping Papers - Radioactive Waste Shipment 0189-059,"

performed December 29, 1988 - January 7, 1989 QASR 88-534, "Radwaste/Offsite Shipping of Radioactive Waste," I performed December 29, 1988 - January 4, 1989 QASR 89-009, " Transfer of Spent Radioactive Filters to High Integrity Containers," performed January 17, 1989