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Discusses Completion of Licensing Activities for GL 96-01, Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits, for GGNS
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/1997
From: Donohew J
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Hagan J
GL-96-01, GL-96-1, TAC-M94681, NUDOCS 9707210079
Download: ML20149E820 (5)


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\' ' * * * * */ July 17, 1997

,- -Mr. Joseph J. Hagan Vice President,' Operations GGNS Entergy Operations, Inc.

P. O. Box 756-Port Gibson,.MS 39150




Dear Mr._Hagan:

0n January 10,1996, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic'

_ Letter (GL) 96-01, " Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits," to all holders

of= operating licenses or construction permits. The NRC issued GL 96-01 for ithree principal reasons:

1.- Notify addressees about problems with testing of safety-related logic circuits;.

2. request that all addressees implement the actions. described within the GL; and 3.- require that all addressees submit a written response to the NRC regarding implemenhtion of the requested actions.

In GL 96-01, the NRC staff specifically requested that licensees take the following actions:

l 1. Compare electrical schematics and logic diagrams for the reactor

protection system, emergency diesel generator load shedding and ,

sequencing,. and actuation logic for the engineered safety feature systems

against plant surveillance test )rocedures to ensure that all portions of the logic circuitry, including tie parallel logic, interlocks, bypasses, F and inhibit circuits, are adequately covered in the survoillance procedures to fulfill the technical specification (TS) requirements.

This review should also include relay contacts, control switches, and

-other relevant electrical components within these systems, utilized in
the logic circuits performing a safety function; and i

L2. Modify the surveillance procedures, as necessary, for complete testing to comply with the TSs. Additionally, the licensee may request an amendment

'to the TSs'if: relief from certain-testing requirements'can be justified.


' Furthemore, the NRC staff required that addressees prepare and submit the following:

- 1.> A written response indicating whether or not the licensee'would implement t, the actions reauested above nr nropose an alternative action; t f[kN Sbi6 " hl-

a . IllE E ElIIhllE: NRC FILE CEN1TR COPY x lu~d47 '




Joseph J. Hagan 2. a schedule for completing the requested actions or proposed alternative; and

3. a response confirming completion of the requested actions.

In. response to GL 96-01, you provided the letter dated April 19, 1996 (GNRO-96/00043) for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (GGNS). In this submittal, you stated that the GL recognized that some licensees may have already performed reviews of safety-related logic circuits and taken appropriate corrective actions, and these licensees were not required to perform any additional reviews unless modifications had been made to these circuits.

For GGNS, you stated that the adequacy of logic system functional tests (LSFT) ,

for safety-related logic circuits had been reviewed during the implementation of the Improved Standard Technical Specifications (ISTS) at the station and this review included a review of individual procedures to confirm that interfaces with other procedures required for LSFT were appropriate. To '

verify LSFT requirements, a comparison of station electrical schematic l drawings with surveillance procedures was performed. Procedure test scope and overlap points were documented on a set of contrc11ed electrical schematic drawings by highlighting the logic tested by each procedure on the drawings.

You discussed one discrepancy in the testing procedures that was discovered by the review, reported in Licensee Event Report 94-009-00, and corrected.

Further, you explained that modifications involving safety-related logic circuits are evaluated and tested to ensure f Jnctionality and that changes to procedures involving LSFT are reviewed against the marked-up schematic drawings and the detailed written descriptions in each applicable procedure. i This is done to determine if there is any affect on the performance of the

, LSFT or to the surveillance procedure.

You stated that the LSFT is defined in the TSs as a test of the required logic components of a logic circuit. This is from as close to the sensor as practicable up to, but not including, the actuated device, and may be 4 performed by any series of sequential, overlapping, or total system steps so that the entire logic is tested to verify operability of the circuit. Testing 4

is limited to the logic circuits specified in the TSs.

j. You concluded, in the letter of April 19, 1996, that the review for ISTS 1 implementation demonstrated that the current LSFT methodology at GGNS adequately tests the logic circuits that perform a safety function required by the TSs and meets the' intent of GL 96-01.

We have reviewed your letter of April 19, 1996, and conclude that you have addressed the requested actions in GL 96-01. We requested that you notify us i as to whether or not you would implement the two actions specified in the GL, and listed on page 1 of this letter, or propose an alternative action, and you

have stated -in your letter that these two actions had been completed at GGNS.

An audit or-inspection of these actions may be conducted at the site in the

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future to verify that'you .are in compliance with existing requirements for


testing.of safety-related logic ' circuits.

-If'you~have:any questions regarding'this matter, please contact me at

j. -301-415-1307 Sincerely,

.1 <




)>JackN.Donohew,SeniorProject: Manager *

( ' Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Reactor _ Projects III/IV~

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Doc'ket No. 50-416 cc: See'next page DISTRIBUTION: '

Docket Filei PUBLIC PD4-1 t/f J, Roe E. Adensam (EGA1) J. Donohew P. Gwynn, RIV.

ACRS OGC (15B18)  ;

C. Hawes . .J. Clifford G. Kelly cJ. Wermeil H. Garg Document Name: GG94681.LTR OFC ? PM/PO4O LA/PD4-1 HICB/NRR-NAME JDoMwNw CHawes0/hil HGarg 8@  !

DATE 7/l)/97 '7 //'7 /97 7 // 7 /97 COPY YES/NO YES/N0 YES/N0 1 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l l

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'O Joseph J. Hagan future to verify that you are in compliance with existing requirements for testing of safety-related logic circuits.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 301-415-1307.

Sincerely, i .


  1. cm(mxw .

Jack N. Donohew, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Reactor Projects III/IV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-416 cc: See next page 1

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o-a e. e s en - --v ow e r ee -~ 4 <aw--v

4 A= Mr. Joseph J. Hagan Entergy Operations, Inc. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station cc:

Executive Vice President General Manager, GGNS

& Chief Operating Officer Entergy Operations, Inc.

Entergy Operations, Inc. P. O. Box 756 P. 0. Box 31995 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Jackson, MS 39296-1995 Attorney General Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway Department of Justice P. O. Box 651 State of Louisiana Jackson, MS 39205 P. O. Box 94005 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9005 Winston & Strawn 1400 L Street, N.W. - 12th Floor State' Health Officer Washington, DC 20005-3502 State Board of Health P. O. Box 1700 Director Jackson, MS 39205

' Division of Solid Waste Management Mississippi Department of Natural Office of the Governor Resources State of Mississippi ,

P. O. Box 10385 Jackson, MS 39201 )

Jackson, MS 39209 Attorney General President, Asst. Attorney General Claiborne County Board of Supervisors State of Mississippi

. P. O. Box 339 P. O. Box 22947

! Port Gibson, MS 39150 Jackson, MS 39225 I Regional Administrator, Region IV Vice President, Operations Support U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Entergy Operations, Inc. i 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 P.O. Box 31995 i Arlington, TX 76011 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Senior Resident Inspector Director, Nuclear Safety

, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Regulatory Affairs Route 2, Box 399 Entergy Operations, Inc.

Port Gibson, MS 39150 P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Manager of Operations Bechtel Power Corporation P.O. Box 2166 Houston, TX 77252-2166
