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Forwards Seabrook Station 10CFR50.59 Safety Evaluations Quarterly Rept,Oct-Dec 1987
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1988
From: George Thomas
NYN-88028, NUDOCS 8803080084
Download: ML20147F960 (12)


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d George S. Thomas NYN- 88028 March 1, 1988 MWdh6 New Hampshire Yankee Division United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


(a) Facility Operating License No. NPF-56. Docket No. 50-443 (b) PSNH Letter (SBN-1211) dated October 9, 1986, '10CFR 50.59 Evaluations

  • G. S. Thomas to V. S. Noonan


10 CFR 50.59 Quarterly Report Gentlemen Enclosed please find the Quarterly Report of 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluations for Seabrook Station. This report covers the period of October 1, 1987, to December 31, 1987, and is being submitted pursuant to the reporting requirements outlined in Reference (b).

Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Warren J. Hall at (603) 474-9574, extension 4046.

Very truly yours, hi /I 977W., f George S. Thomas Enclosure cci Mr. Victor Nerses, Project Manager Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. William T. Russell Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 425 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Antone C. Cerne NRC Senior Resident Inspector Seabrook Station Seabrook, NH 03874 8803000084 880301 PDR ADOCK 05000443

[h R DCD ,

P.O. Box 300. Seabrook. NH 03874 . Telephone (603) 474 9574




1. Desian Channes The below listed design changes have been made at Seabrook Station and safety evaluations have been performed pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Design Coordination Report: Number 87-124


Startup Feed Pump Control Circuit Modifications


In response to an engineering analysis conducted to address concerns outlined in IE Information Notice No. 86-70, a problem with the automatic start logic for the Startup Feed Pump (FW-P-115) was identified. The Startup Feed Pump can be powered from either of two busses. Normally the Startup Feed Pump is powered from Bus 4, a non-1E bus. However, if Bus 4 is lost and certain emergency conditions exist, the pump can be powered from the emergency Bus'E5, a 1E bus.

Design Coordination Report 87-124 was initiated to add an interlock to the Emergency Power Sequencer circuitry to prevent the Startup Feed Pump from being automatically loaded onto the Emergency Diesel Generator when a loss of off-site power occurs when the pump is aligned to Bus E5.

The diesel generator reliability is improved by providing better control of the loading sequence.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report: Number 87-134 Title Vent Gas Sample Points


This Design Coordination Report was initiated to incorporate modifications to the Waste Gas and Vent Gas Systems, identified in Engineering Report 87-008. The purpose of the .

modifications are to improve operability and personnel safety when manual sampling is required. The modifications include the following:

1. Addition of a semple tubing connection at the top of the Safety Valve Surge Tank (VG-TK-108) to improve the sampling capabilities.
2. Addition of two new sample valves, one on each side of a normally closed vent valve in the hydrogenated vent header to provide a better means of post-criticality purging. The new valve upstream of the vent valve will also provide the ability to sample the system high point associated with the normally closed vent valve.
3. Addition of a high point vent / sample connection at the top of each Primary Drain Tank (BRS-TK-66A & B) to improve sampling capabilities.
4. Addition of a manual bypass valve around the pressure control valve that regulates nitrogen parge supply to the Waste Gas System. The bypass valve will allow reverse flow nitrogen purge from the hydrogen surge tank back through the carbon delay beds. This flow path allows flow from the bottom to the top of each vessel.

The four modifications outlined above are on non-safety related portions of the systems however, modifications 1 and 2 are in areas that are seismically supported and the appropriate seismic requirements have been met.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

. Design Coordination Report: Number 87-214


Seismic Monitoring Response Spectrum Recorder Annunciation


The Seismic Monitoring Response Spectrum Recorder (1-SM-XR-6705) is mounted on the containment foundation and provides Main Control Room indication when 70Z and 1002 of the Operating Basis Earthquake (CBE) level has been reached.

Seabrook Station is committed to Regulatory Guide 1.12 (Rev.

1), that in turn endorses ANSI /ANS 2.2 (1978), that requires Main Control Room annunciation when the OBE level has been exceeded as sensed by the response spectrum recorder.

During normal review of the Seabrook Station Seismic Monitoring System, it was identified that the Main Control Room annunciation for 1002 OBE was in fact set at 70Z OBE.

The as-found 702 OBE level is actually a more conservative clarm level than the required 1002 OBE level. To comply with the requirements as outlined in ANSI /ANS 2.2, this Design Coordination Report was initiated to increase the 70!

OBE Main Control Room annunciation level to 1002 OBE.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report: Number 87-223


Primary Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Tube Inlet Erosion


During recent eddy-current testing and visual inspection of the Primary Component Cooling Water (PCCW) Heat Exchanger (1-CC-E-17A), it was identified that there was uniform tube inlet degradation. An engineering evaluation has concluded that the degradation is a result of velocity induced erosion-corrosion of the 90/10 copper-nickel (CuNi) tube inlet ends, i This Design Coordination Report was initiated to facilitate

modifications of the tube ends by using a 70/30 CuNi tube

! insert (sleeve) to preclude further degradation. The 70/30 CuNi sleeve is less sensitive to velocity induced erosion-corrosion and will provide better protection of the tube end and seal weld. The 70/30 CuNi sleeve material is compatible with the existing material for the PCCW Heat Exchanger.

Conclusion A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns.

l l


Design Coordination Report Number 87-258


Freeze Protection of Steam Generator Blowdown System


This Design Coordination Report was initiated to add heat tracing to two lines in th9 Steam Generator Blowdown System. These lines are exposed to the elements and have previously experienced problems with freezing, requiring extensive maintenance to thaw them out.

A review of the additional electrical loads added to panels HT-CP-432 and HT-CP-433 has indicated that they will not exceed the panel capacity limited by the 15 KVA transformer feeding each of the panels. The Steam Generator Blowdown System is a non-safety related system.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report Number 87-319


Procedure TP-14 Update


A review of the valve stroke times for motor operated valves listed in Procedure TP-14. FSAR Table 6.2.83 (Containment Isolation System Design Information), and FSAR Table 16.3-4 (Technical Requirement 6 for Containment Isolation Valves) reverled inconsistencies between the three documents. When an inconsistency was identified, the associated valve was reviewed to identify the correct stroke time and the appropriate document (s) revised as required for consistency.

In addition to the updating of the three documents, the motor overload heaters for eight Emergency Feedwater Flow Control Valves were identified as requiring an upgrade to a larger size because of an increase in the stroke times.

Procedure TP-14 originally stated that the eight valves would have a stroke time of 14-18 seconds, non-critical, but actual stroke time was 18.3 to 18.4 seconds. When TP-14 was changed to reflect a new stroke time of 14 20 seconds, non.

critical, the motor overload heaters were increased accordingly.

Qonclusion: A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this

. design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Satfety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordinator Report: Number 87-344


Post Accident Shaple dystem Panel Argon Gas Isolation Valves


This Desigr. Coordination Report was initiated to replace two valves on the Post Accident Sample System (PASS) panel with different style valves. A previously identified 10 CFR 50.59 design change redesignated the function of two metering valves as shutoff valves for the argon gas supply. The metering valves were not designed to operate as shutoff valves and have started to leak. The valves were replaced with soft seat valves that are designed for repeated shutoff service. The PASS panel has been seismically qualified and each component mounted on the panel is considered seismically mounted. The replacement valves size and weight are similar to the metering valves and did not requite a change in the mounting for the new valves. This design change will improve the PASS panel operation by providing positive shutoff for the argon gas supply.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safetr Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report: Number 87-348


Motor Control Center Feeder Breaker Change for Lighting Panel EL31


Lighting Panel EL31 ED-HH-1700 is powered from safety-related motor control center HCC-E513, utilizing a 40-amp circuit breaker. Additional had been added to Panel EL31 resulting in the 40 amp breaker being undersized for the new loads.

. This Design Coordination Report was initiated to replace the 40 amp breaker with a 60-amp breaker. The (0-amp breaker is sized to carry the new loads added to EL31. The MCC loading, diesel generator loading, and voltage regulation have been evaluated and no adverse effects were identified as a result of this design change.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report: Number 87-349


Residual Heat Removal Mini-Flow Line Vibration


This Design Coordination Report was initiated to remove the four instrument root valves associated with the pressure breakdown orifices in the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) mini-flow lines and cap the connections. Excessive vibration on the RHR mini-flow line had caused socket welds on the orifice flange pressure taps for FE-2474 to fail. The flow elements, FE-2473 and FE-2474, were used for flow balancing during pre-operational testing. No further flow measure-ments will be taken through the use of these valves.

Removal of the one-half inch root valves will reduce stresses in the pressure tap line. An Engineering evaluation was performed on the mini-flow line and vibration readings were taken during three basic flow conditions of the mini-flow line. The results of the evaluation and the data from the vibration readings show the vibration to be within acceptable limits as established by the Seabrook Station Preoperational Test Program.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by

> means of a future amendment.

Design Coordination Report Number 87-377 Title Verification of Motor Load List with Circuit Protection Calculation


During the performance of a routine surveillance procedure, the as-found breaker trip setting for motor operated valve ,

1-SI-V-77 (SI-P-6B to Hot Leg Discharge Isolation Valve) was found to be inconsistent with the setting specified in the Motor Load List. An engineering evaluation was performed to identify the correct trip setting. This Design Coordination Report was initiated to incorporate the new higher trip coil rating.

An increase in the trip coil rating will not degrade the function of the valve 1-SI-V-77, rather it will prevent temperature tripping and prolong the availability of the valve.


A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation was performed for this design change and it has been determined that this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to tb) Final Safety Analysis Report will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

2. Temporary Modifications The below listed Temporary Modifications have been made at Seabrook Station and evaluations have been performed pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Temporary Modification Rsquest: Number 87-062


Temporary Power to Security System Lighting Panel ED-MM-212B >


The Security Guardhouse Essential Lighting Panel ED-MM-212B is normally powered from Motor Control Center MCC-523. Due to a scheduled outage of MCC-523, it was necessary to provide temporary power to Lighting Panel ED-MM-212B from MCC-211. This temporary modification involved replacing the normal power feed to the Guardhouse Essential Lighting Panel. ED-MM-212B, from EDE-HCC-523 with temporary power cables from a spare circuit breaker in ED-MOC-211. The power cables were not electrically connected in any way to HCC-523 bus work and the supply breaker to MCC-523 was tagged open during the period the change was installed. The additional load on MCC-211 was evaluated and there was no significant effect on load distribution features such as circuit breaker coordination.



During this temporary modification, Diesel Generator backup

. to ED-MM-2123 was not'be available. Compensatory measures were incorporated in the unlikely event that a loss of off site. power should occur during the performance of the scheduled outage. This temporary modification has been removed and the system has been restored to its normal configuration.

Conclusion A 10 CFR 50.59 Saf6ty Evaluation was performed and it has been determined that installation of this temporary.

modification will not create any unreviewed safety concerns.

Temporary Modification Request: Number 87-071


Service Water to Diesel Generator 1B Water Jacket Heat Exchanger Flow Instrumentation Modification


Flow transmitters 1-SV-FT-1681 and 1 SV-FT-1691 have experienced faulty indications due to air pockets forming at high points in the instrument process lines. To eliminate this problem. Temporary Modification 37 071 was initiated to revise the location of the Annubar flow elemert taps and instrument lines from the top of the service water line flanged connections to the bottom flanged connections.

The original Annubar sensing lines were ASME Section III Class 3. Seismic Category I. The temporary tubing and tubing supports are not seismically supported and are not fully designed to ASKE Section III Class 3 requirements.

The temporary modification was only installed for use during Cold Shutdown (Mode 5) and prior to initial criticality.

The temporary modification will be incorpora.ted into an approved design change prior to entry into Hode 4.


A 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluation was performed and it has been determined that installation of this temporary -

modification will not create any unreviewed safety conceras.

Temporary Modification Request Nember 87-072


Temporary Cooling Water Supply to Instrument Air Dryer 1A-B-1098


. Descriptions ;The three-way emergency supply isolation valves (1-SCC-V-318 j and 1-SCC-V-319) that isolate the Fire Protection System and the Secondary Component: Cooling Water system (SCC) have been -

leaking and causing contamination of the SCC system from Fire Protection _ System. This temporary modification  ;

provides a temporary cooling water supply from the  !

Domineralised Water System (EN) to the Instrument Air Dryer' IA-E-1095 mounted on skid IA-SKD-188. The temporary connections assures that the required 7-1/2 spa (max.)

cooling water supply will be available during-the maintenance of 1-SCC-V-318 and 1-SCC-V-319.

Conclusjon A 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluation was per'tormed -and lLt has been determined that installation of this temporary modification will not create any unreviewed safety conc)rns.

3. Technical Recuirements Manual i The below listed changes have been made to the Seabrook Station Technical Requirements Manual and-evaluations have been performed pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Technical Requirements Manual Change Request Number 87-002


Technical Requirements Number 6 - Table 16.3-4 and Number 14 - Table 16.3-9


Changes to Seabrook Station's Technical Requirement 6. Table 16.3-4 ' Containment Isolation Valves

  • and Technical Requirement 14. Table 16.3-9 'Notor Operated Valves with Thermal Overload Protection Devices Operable at All Times' have been made to ircorporate information identified in DCR 87-319. As described in Section 2 of this report, a consistency review between three documents that identify the maximum isolation time for selected containmor'. isolation valves was performed and the correct value t Daes revised in l the documents. The change to Technical Requirement 6 is the result of that review.

l The second change. Technical Requirement 14, incorporates the information for the upgrade of the eight emergency


feedwater valve motor overload heaters. This increase in

, the overload heater sizing was identified in Section 2. DCR 87-319.

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T Conclusion ( A JO M Rio.59 Safety Evaluation was performed for the 1 h change te thc Technical Requirements Manual and it has been

- 4 i dite:Wr.ed ythat this change will not create any unreviewed j ,sefety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Beport sill be incorpcrated by means of a future amendment.

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f f ' Tu' itNya.: Requircr.ent:. Manual Change Request: Number 87-003 I

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~ . U Tit'p: Technical idh ement Nunber 6 - Table 16.3-4 s

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In SeaLJc5k Stction Safety Evaluation Report, Supplement 6

} A approva! was granted to eliminate the trending requirements

, of ASME Section XI for rapid acting solenoid operated valves

/ with the conditiot; that a maximum limiting stroke time of 2 seconds be assigned to certain ASME Section XI valves. This h i Technical Requirements Manual Change Request was issued to h incorporate the 2 second maximum stroke time change for


nineteen containment isolation valves listed in Technical

\ Requirement 6. Table 16.3-4.


' A 10 CFR 50.59 Ss.fety Evaluation was performed for the thande_to'>he Technical Requirements Manual and it has been determined thet this change will not create any unreviewed safety concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report wi '1 be it.corporated by means of a future amendment.

7 Technical Rcquiremente Ment:31 Change Request: Number 87-005

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Technical Requirement Number 15 - Table 16.3-10


A cunge tr, Technical Requirement Number 15. Table 16.3-10, 4- "Protecciva Devices for Non Class 1E Circuits Connected to Class IF Sources" wam made to incorporate information identified in DCR 87-348. As described in Section 2 of this reaponse, ths supply breaker to EL31 ED-MM-170C was increased in size to a 60 amp breaker. The larger breaker h^

required that the test setpoint for the 'long time' trip i

setting of the breaker be increased from 120 amps to 180 e amps as identified in Table 16.3-10.

~ '


A 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluation was performed for the change to the Technical Requirements Manual and it has been detera.ined that this change will not create any unreviewed

, satey concerns. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis N

Rcpoct will be incorporated by means of a future amendment.

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4. Final ~ Safety Analsyis Report No revisions have been submitted for the Final Safety Analysis Report during this reporting period.
5. Procedure Changes Procedure changes that require review and approval by the-Station Operation Review Committee (SORC) have been subjected to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59. No procedure changes have been made at Seabrook Station during this reporting period that would require a change to the final Safety Analysis Report.
6. Test or Experiments There were no tests or experiments performed during this reporting period that require evaluations in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.


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