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Responds to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002, Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance W/Applicable Matl Specs. Results of Testing Performed on Selected Sample of in-stock, safety-related & nonsafety-related Fasteners at Plant Encl
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/13/1988
From: Fay C
CON-NRC-88-002, CON-NRC-88-2 IEB-87-002, IEB-87-2, VPNPD-88-018, VPNPD-88-18, NUDOCS 8801200043
Download: ML20147D040 (54)


. - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _


l Wisconsin Electnc ecua cour>8r 231 W. MICHIGAN.P O BOX 2046.VILWAUKEE,W153201 (414)277 2345 i VPNPD-88-018 l NRC-88-002 l

l January 13, 1988 l

U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 i


! DOCKETS 50-266 AND 50-301 RESPONSE TO NRC_ COMPLIANCE BULLETIN 87-02 FASTENER TESTING TO DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH APPLICABLE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 This letter is in response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02 and provides the results of testing performed on a selected sample of in-stock fasteners at Point Beach Nuclear Plant. This testing was performeo and results are being reported as required by this bulletin (see enclosures).

Bulletin 87-02 requires that fasteners be selected from safety-related and non-safety-related stock. Point Beach Nuclear Plant uses twr procurement levels, QA-scope or non-QA-scope. QA-scope, as used in the attachments, applies to items (including fasteners) which may be used in safety-related applications, non-safety-related applications such as fire protection where select QA requirements apply, and for those applications where Wisconsin Electric elects to apply quality assurance program requirements. These items are controlled in accordance with the Wisconsin Electric nuclear quality assurance program as described in the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Final Safety Analysis Report. Conversely, non-QA-scope items are for general use within the plant, excluding those QA-scope applications as der;ribed above.

The following information is provided in response to the l specific requests within Bulletin 87-02: l 8801200043 88o113 b

PDR ADOCK 05000266 [

0 DCD l

o NRC Document Control Desk January 13, 1988 Page 2 ,

1. a) All incoming fasteners are inspected at Point Beach Nuclear Plant upon receipt. For non-QA-scope fasteners, the inspection generally involves a visual examination for shipping damage, quantity, sizing, and any special requirements if specified within the purchase order. In general, no documentation or material testing is required.

For QA-scope fasteners, the receipt inspection process is controlled by approved inspection procedures.

Inspection criteria are established for fasteners and generally include visual and dimensional examination.

Additionally, documentation as specified in the purchase order (typically certificates of compliance for fasteners less than one inch in size and certified material test reports for one inch in size or greater) is reviewed. Visual examination incAedes inspection of physical characteristics such as thread galling, cracks or corrosion, and overall finish and appearance. When appropriate, per applicable material specifications, the grade and manufacturer's ID symbol are also verified. Fastenars may also be dimensionally inspected for length, diameter, thread parameters, and fit class requirements.

Storage and handling requirements, when necessary, are also included in the receipt inspection criteria. This may include protective coatings, special packaging or markings, or special handling necessary to prevent damage or deterioration, b) Fasteners at Point Beach Nuclear Plant are physically segregated in storage by size and type (material specification, grade, etc.) and are generally issued on a direct replacement basis. When a fastener from stock is required, the requestor provides information such as size, grade, and QA-scope classification to the storeroom stock handler. The stock handler then issues material consistent with these requirements.

For non-QA-scope items, material traceability is not maintained. QA-scope items are traceable to objective evidence of quality and receipt inspection results via a QA Release (QAR) number. Further, the QAR number is recorded on applicable modification requests, maintenance / work requests, or installation procedures to provide end use traceability.

Document Control Desk January 13, 1988 Page 3

2. Twenty samples of fasteners in storage at Point Beach Nuclear Plant were withdrawn for testing in accordance with the requirements of Bulletin 87-02. The samples were selected in an effort to obtain a cross section of manufacturers, size, and material types of interest (as listed in the bulletin). Since the Point Beach inventory of fasteners is limited, only ASTM A193 Grades B7 and B16 were tested. A total of ten QA-scope and ten non-QA-scope fasteners were tested. The sampling was witnessed by, and had the concurrence of, the NRC Senior Resident Inspector.
3. Sampics of twenty nuts which would typically be used with the selected fasteners were also tested. Again, due to inventory limitations, the samples taken were limited to ASTM A194, Grades 4 and 2H. This sampling was also witnessed by, and had the concurrence of, the NRC Senior Resident Inspector.
4. The samples were provided to the Charles C. Kawin Company, a metallurgical laboratory, in Maywood, Illinois for testing. The Charles C. Kawin Company is included on the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Qualified Suppliers List for this type of service. Chemical testing was performed in accordance with AETM A751, "Chemical Analysis of Steel Products," and nechanical testing to ASTM A370 (Supplement Ill), "Mechanical Testing of Steel Products." All results were compared to the applicable material specifications for each respective sample. All samples were identified with unique ID numbers to assure traceability.
5. Fastener data and results of testing are reported in the enclosures to t!.is letter using the format as required by Bulletin 87-02. A total of four samples

' were found to be outside specification limits. Each "out of specification" condition has been documented and has been, or is being, resolved in accordance with non-conformance procedures. A summary of each non-conforming condition, our evaluation of safety significance, and completed or pending corrective action is presented below:

a. Samples PBNP - OAN1 and QAN3 - The carbon content of these nuts was reported as 0.01 weight percent belcw the material specification minimum for this element (inclusive of accepted tolerances for chemical content). This condition has been evaluated, and it was determined that this minor I

5 NRC Document Control Desk January 13, 1988 Page 4 variation would not adversely affect the item's physical properties and, thus, was not of significance. Accordingly, these items have been accepted as-is. Future products provided by the subject supplier will, however, be sampled and analyzed on a periodic basis,

b. Sample PBNP - OAF 2 - Tensile strength and yield strength for these studs (multiple samples were taken to confirm results) were found to be an average of 2.3% and 5.1%, respectively, below minimum material specification limits. Since chemical properties were within specification limits, improper heat treatment is considered to be the cause. It was determined that three of the subject fasteners had been issued, although all three were used in non-QA applications. As such, no safety implications at Point Beach Nuclear Plant result; however, as part of the final resolution of this non-conformance, potential impact on non-QA equipment or systems will be reviewed. The remainder of the items in stock have been placed on hold and will be returned to the supplier or discarded. Future products provided by this supplier will also be sampled and tested on a periodic basis.
c. Sample PBNP - F2 (Non-OA-Scope) - Chromium (Cr) and molybdenum (Mo) content for this sample (studs) were found to be 0.64 and 0.11 weight percent, respectively, below minimums as required by the material specification. In this case, the fasteners were identified as alloy steel; however, the material chemical properties are consistent with those for plain carbon steel. None of these fasteners have been issued. The fasteners will be returned to the vendor or discarded. Future products provided by this supplier will also be sampled and analyzed on a periodic basis.
6. Based on the results of this testing program, we concluded that additional monitoring of incoming QA-scope fasteners is appropriate. Periodic sampling and testing of these items on receipt is planned and will be implemented immediately.
  • l NRC Document Control Desk January 13, 1988 Page 5 Please contact us if you have any additional questions concerning this response.

Very truly yours,

, 0l tj 6 d (4 f '

C. W. Fay L Vice President Nuclear Power Enclosures Copics to NRC Regional Administrator, Region III NRC Resident Inspector

Page 1 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDf PBNP - QAFl Fastener


Stud 1/4" - 20 x 3" carbon Steel continuously threaded; Lot #901-9758 (supplied with two 2!! nuts)

Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9K2 - t!ain storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A-193 GR B-7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): VB7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope or non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications Vendor: Victor Products

& Mfg. 2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: Certificate of compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M /

Date ///.2/##

/ '

'The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

c-Page 2 of 40 Attacicent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDf PBNP - QAN1 Fastener


Nut - Hex Head 1/4" - 20 (Two supplied with stud - Lot 8901-9758)

Description of Sample Stock location: Location GSK9K2 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records:


ASTM A194 GR. 2H (ASA 194 GR.2H)

Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): X2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is OA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications Vendor: Victor Products Mfg: Unknown 2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements imposed on Vender: Certificate of compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M/ u3 Date ///q///

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 3 of 40 Attachrent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAF2 Fastener


Stud 9/16" - 12 X 5-3/4" carbon steel continuously threaded, Lot #902-2732 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RS K9L7 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. 87 (ASME SA 193 GR B7)

Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K B7

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope, General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering 3 gf9* 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor: Certificate of Compliance, 10CFR21 Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature MM 2m ) Date /,M.2/Jr

  • The sample IDi shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • !f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample 10f PBNP - QAN2 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 9/16" - 12 Lot #902-2741 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RS K9L9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 GR.2H Head Parking (Specification and Hanufacturer): X2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope or non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General P16nt Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structurall General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering Mfg. Unknown 9226 W. Flagg Avenue ,

Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

Certificate of Compliance, 10CFR21.

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser I

Signature M Date //.t/P#

  • The sample 10f shall have a prefix that containt the licensee facility initials.
    • !f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


, Page 5 of 40 Attachment 1 fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAF3 P



Stud 3/4" - 10 X 5" carbon steel Continuously threaded - Lot #902-4581 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9P6 - Main Storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): T B7 ,

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope or non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety relaced applications.

Vendor: Hardware Specialty Co., Inc. Mfg. Texas Bolt 4875 36th street 3233 W. lith Street Long Island City, NY 11101 Housten, TX 77001 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21 and Certified Material Test Reports.

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser

. Signature Date /M.2 /##

  • The sample IDi shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • !f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system. ,

9 Page 6 of 40 Attachttent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAN3 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 3/4" - 10 Lot #901-7062 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK903 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): A 2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope or non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.9.. Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Cardinal Industries Mfg. INFASCO 3873 U. Oquendo 700 Rue Quellette Las Vegas, NV 89118 Marleville, Quebec, Canada QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: JOL lJO 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21 and Certified Material Test Reports.

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature du_77fy Date ///.2/ /#P

  • The sample 1Di shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 7 of 40 Attacts.ent 1 fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAF4 Fastener


Stud 3/8" - 16 x 4" Carbon steel Continuously threaded - Lot #901-9812 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9L4 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K B7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering

& Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance and Certified Material Test Reports.

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature MM Date /M.t///

/ /

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your cla.sification system.

4 Page 8 of 40 Attachment 1 i l

ir Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDF PBNP - QAN4 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 3/8" - 16 Lot 1901-7038 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9L6 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): M2H "Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering Mfg. Marquette Bolt & Rivet Co.

9226 U. Flagg Avenue 8216-34 Brenhan Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 Chicago, IL 60617 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

Certificate of Compliance, 10CFR21 licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser i Signature Date ///.2/#r i i

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

l l

Page 9 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAF5 Fastener


stud 1/2" - 13 x 3" carbon steel Continuously threaded - Lot #901-9821 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9M3 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): C B7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels, QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related a li Vegor* cat ion s .

Cardinal Industries a Mfg. 3873 W. Oquendo QA Requirechenis Y d^o$dd N Y nYoN 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, Certificate of Compliance, and Certified Material Test Reoorts Licensee Representat1ve: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date /d12f/



  • The sample IDf s all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • 1f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

e Page 10 of 40 Attachtrent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDp PBNP - QAN5 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 1/2 - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K 2HB

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering a Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor: .

10CFR50 Appendix D, Certificate of Compliance and Certified Material Test Reports.

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M /

Date //2/f/



  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


  • Page 11 of 40 Attachttent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet
  • Sample IDf PBNP - QAF6 Fastener


Stud 3/8" - 16 x 4" carben steel Continuously threaded - Lot #901-9812 (supplied with two 2H nuts)

Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9L4 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): VB7 "Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, ON scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Victor Products a Mfg. 2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

Certificate of Compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature -

Date /,/.2/pr

  • The sample 10$ s all have a prefix that contains the licenses facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


Page 12 of 40 Attactcent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDp PBNP - QAN6 r

Fastener DescriptiQn. Nut 3/8" - 16 Hex head c (Two supplied with stud - Lot #901-9812)

Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9L4 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): X2H l

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-0A scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) a General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Victor Products Mfg. - Unknown  ;

2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

Certificate of Compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M, C Date ,//a///


  • The sample IDi shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

I >

I l

i 4

age 13 of 4o Attachtrent I J

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample 10# PBNP - QAF7 Fastener


Stud 1/2" - 13 x 3" carbon steel Continuously threaded - Lot #901-9821 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9L4 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): KB7 "Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA r, cope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vender: Kilbourn Engineering

& Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

10CFR50 Appendix B, and Certificate of Compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M C Date /M.1,/##

  • The sample IDi shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system, i


a Attactaent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDp pBNP - QAN7 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 1/2" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K ARL 2HB

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is OA scope..

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related app.lications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering a Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vender:

10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, Certificate of Compliance and Certified Material Test Reports ,

Licensee Representative: G. M. Krieser Signature M Date


  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that t;ontains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 15 of 40 Attachttent I l Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDf PBNP - QAF8 Fastener


Stud 1/4" - 20 X 2" carbon steel continuously threaded - Lot #901-9766 (supplied with two 2H nuts)

Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9K1 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Docemented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): VB7 1

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists

, of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural) 4 General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

J Vendor: Victor Products j a Mfg. 2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor:

Carcificate of Compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature J h ) '

Date /Ja/a 8

r r i *The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.


    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


Page 16 of 40

/.ttacteent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - QAN 8 Fastener Descri; tion: Nut - Hex 9ead 1/4" - 20 (two supplied with stud - Lot #901-9766)

Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9K1 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H (ASA 194 Gr. 2H)

Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): X2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope.

General Plant. Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Victor Products Mfg. Unknown 2635 Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60618 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

Certificate of Compliance Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M ed '

Date /4.t /rp

/ r

  • The sample IDd shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • 1f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

O Attachnent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDF PBNF - QAF9 Fastener


Stud 1/2" -13 x 3-1/2" carbon steel Continuously threaded. Lot #902-0454 Description of Sample Stock location: Location RSK9M7 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): JB7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. Th.4s part is CA scope.

ene$al P Nnt , hk s'c'815dwh$ fin [uded' gen $NY fety related applications.

Vendor: Hardware Specialty Co.,Inc. Mfg. B&G Mfg., Inc.

4875 36th Street 3067T Unionville rke Long Island City, NY 11101 Hatfield, PA 19440 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, and Certified Material Test Reports Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature -



  • The sample IDi sPtall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • !f applicable, please provide an explanation for your cli tsification system.

Page 18 of 40 Attachtrent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID# PBNP - QAN9 Fastener


Nut - Heavy liexagon 1/2"" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock :.ocation: Location RSK9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K 2HB "Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consfsts of two levels QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is OA scope.

Geinral Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, OA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering a Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 OA Requirerents Imposed on Vendor:

10CFR50 Appendix B, certificate of compliance, 10CFR21 and Certified Material Test Reports Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature / '

C Date /Ma /ep r /

  • The sample 10# shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If app 11caMe, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 19 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Tes+ing Data Sheet

' Sample ID# PBNP - QAF10 Fastener Des iption: Stud 5/8" - 11 X 3-1/2" carbon steel i Continuouskythreaded. Lot #901-9855.

Description of Sample Stock location: 1. cation RSK9N4 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): WWW KB7 1 "Class / procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is QA scope, en ral Sant se, scSpe wft!'cE i Yu ' g ni r a"[ afety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering '

& Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vender:

10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance, 10CFR21 and Certified Material Test Reports

  • Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature .

- Date /M,2 /r#

i i

  • The sample IDi sh 11 have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanatisn for your classification system.

Page 20 of 40 Attactaent 1 fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDp PBNP - QAN10 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 5/8" - 11 Lot #901-7054 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9S9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): b 2H "Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is OA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Cardinal Industries Mfg. INF.'.oCO 3873 W. Oquendo 700 Rue Quellette Las Vegas, NV 89118 Marleville, Quebec, Canada QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: JOL IJO 10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance, 10CFR21 and Certified Material Test Reports .

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date /,//4, 2Pt

  • The sample IDf sh 11 have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

"If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 21 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

' Sample IDF PBNP - F1 Fastener


Stud 1-1/2" - 8 x 18" Continuously threaded. Lot #914-4021 Description of Sample Stock location: Location 3F0787 - Harchouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B16 Head Parking (Sptccification and Manufacturer): JB 10

    • Class / Procurer.ent Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-0A scope. This part is non-0A scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Low pressure turbine rotor supports Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. B&G Mfg., Inc.

12500 W. Silver Spring Dr. 3067T Unionville Phe Butler, WI 53007 Hatfield, PA 19440 QA Requirerrents Ieposed on Vendor: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Mv2 i Date //af /Fr


  • The sample 109 sh'all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


e <

Page 22 of 40


Attacteent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

  • Sample IDt PBNP - N1 1



Nut - Heavy Hex 1-1/2" - 8 (Class 28)

Lot #914-0328 ,

1 Description of Sample !tock location: Location 3FP9F5 - Warehouse #3 l Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 4 ,

i Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): T4

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA ccope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope. i General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structurali i Low pressure turbine rotor jacks j Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering Mfg. Texas Bolt
9226 W. Flagg Avenue 3233 H. lith Street l Milwaukee, WI 53225 Houstori, TX 77001 i QA Requirements Imposed on Vender: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser T 4


) Signature - M jiuC Date 13 i

e ///

  • ThesampleIDi!hallhaveaprefixthatcontainsthelicenseefacilityinitials.
l l
    • !f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.  !

t v g I


e Page 23 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - F2 Fastener


Bolt - Heavy Hex Head 7/16" - 14 X 4-3/4" Lot 8904-6300 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSM2H7 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): B7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels: QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Bourdary, Structural)

Sight glass holders Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Forest City Bolt Co.

12500 W. Silver Spring 6100 Material Avenue Butler, WI 53007 Rockford, IL 61111 QA Requir2ments imposed on Vendor:

None .

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature 37714Luw) Date ///.22Fer

< r /

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains Me licensee facility initials.

l l **If ap. :icable, please provit, an explanation for your classification system.

l l


Page 24 of 40 j Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N2 -



Nut 7/16" - 14 (galvanized)

Lot #914-4625 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSM2H9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licer.see Records: ASTM A194 GR. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): S 2H

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

General plant use only (non-QA and non-safety related applications)

Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Unknown


Highway 10 West Brillion, WI 54110 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date / /d.2/#/

/ /

  • The sample IDf s all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


  • Page 25 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet
  • Sample ID# PBNP - F3 Fastener


Bolt 7/16"-14 x 4-3/4" (galvanized)

Lot #914-4617 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSM2H9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 GR. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer):

B7s 37

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is ,non-QA scope .

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Main steam reheater sight glasses Vendor: Endries Pasteners Mfg. Big Bolt Corp.

Highway 10 West- 235 Williams Street Brillion, WI 54110 Bensenville, IL 60106 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date //[t/f/

/ <

  • The sample ID# s' hall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

l L._

Page 26 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener . Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID# PBNP - N3 Fastener


Nut - hex head (galvanized) 7/16"-14 Lot #914-4625 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSM2H9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 GR. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): S 2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Main steam reheater sight glasses Vendur: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Unknown Highway 10 West Brilli on WI 54110 QA Requirements Japo, sed on Vendor: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature . Date _/ //2/41 J



  • The sample ID# shall have a prefix that contains the licensee ft "ity initials.


    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

l l

l l

l t

- , e Page 27 of 40 Attachment 1 l l

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - F4 Fastener


Bolt - Heavy Hex Head 1/2"-13 X l-1/8" Lot #914-7004 Description of Sample Stock location: Location 3FQ9L3 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documer':cd by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): TB B7

    • Class / Procurement level: The procureraent classification syste.m consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plar.t Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Turbine bolting Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Big Bolt Corp.

Highway 10 West 235 Williams Street Brillion, WI 54110 Bensenville, IL 60106 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature C Date /,//jIf#

  • The sample IDF s all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • if applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.



. l Page 28 of 40 I i

Attachrtent 1 j

i Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N4 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 1/2" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9M9 - main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K 2HB

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. ***This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

      • General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering

& Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: 10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance, and Certified Material-Test Reports Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date //Az/p/

  • The sample ID# s all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.
      • To limit inventory, this nut is purchased at the highest procurement level and is utilized in QA and non-QA applications.


I e

l l

Page 29 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet '

  • Sample ID# PBNP - F5 Faster,er


Stud 3/4"-10 x 4-1/4" Continuously threaded. Lot #914-6725 Description of Sample Stock location: Location 3MG9F3 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): J B7

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. FASMAC 2160 S. Calhoun 5150 S. 100 East Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151 Tulsa, OK 74146 QA Requirements Imposed on Vender: None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature d Date ///.2/# #

  • The sample ID# shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

-, m-

- m y


Page 30 of 40 Attachttent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet i

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N5 Fastener


Nut Heavy Hex 3/4" - 10 (Class 2B)

Lot #914-6733 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3MG9F5 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): /1 2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. Industrial Fastener Corp.

2160 S. Calhoun 7 Harbor Drive N l New Berlin, WI 53151 Roslyn Industrial Park QA Requirements imposed on Vendor:


Port Washington, NY 11050 None l

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser l

Signature .-

Date / 3.2 /M

! r /

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide ar, explanation for your classification system.

l l

l l


e Page 31 Of 40 Attachment j Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - F6 Fastener


Bolt - Heavy Hex Head 1/2" - 13 X 5/8" Lot #914-6989 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3F 09L1 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records:

ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): TB B7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Turbine Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Big Bolt Corporation Highway 10 West 235 Williams Street Brillion, WI 54110 Bensenvile, IL 60106 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor:

None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature Date /M,2IPE

(- ,

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


Page 32 of 40 Attachment 1 i I

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N6 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexago n 1/2" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RSK9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records:

ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K2HB

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. *** This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

      • General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related applications.

Vendor: Kilbourn Engineering a ufg, 9226 W. Flagg Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 QA Requirements Impcsed on Vendor:

      • 10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance, and Certified Material Test Reports .

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature h Date / /.2/r#'

' / /

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.
      • To limit inventory, this nut is purchased at the highest procurement level and is utilized in QA and non-QA applications.


.- \

. +

- Page 33 of 40 Attachttent 1 l ,

fastener Testing Data Sheet >

  • Sample IDp PBNP - F7 Fastener


Bolt Heavy Hex Head 3/4" -

10 X 2" Lot #914-6997 Description of Sample Stock location: Location 3FQ9L1 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 HeadMarking(SpecificationandManufacturer): JB7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

-Turbine Mfg. B&G Manufacturing, Inc.

Vendor: Endries Fasteners Highway 10 West 3067T Unionville Pke Brillion, WI 54110 Hatfield, PA 19440 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor:

None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature MNw -

Date j//,z/P/

i ,

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • 1f applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

Page 34 of 40 Attachtrent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N7 Fastener


Nut Heavy Hex 3/4" - 10 (Class 2B)

Lot #914-6733 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3MG9F5 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): 6 2H

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists

.of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. Industrial Fastener Corp.

2160 S. Calhoun 7 Harbor Drive N New Berlin, WI 53151 Roslyn Industrial Park QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: Port Washington, NY 11050 None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature MQ <

Date ///t/p/

r  !

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.


-._-.-.-.,-,,w . -

e Page 35 of 40 Attachment 1 4

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDp PBNP - F8 Fastener


Bolt - Heavy Hex Head'l/2" - 13 X l-1/4" Lot #914-C962 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3MGO - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): TB B7

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification s;> stem consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: Endries Fasteners Mfg. Big Bolt Corporation Highway 10 West 235 Williams St.

Brillion, WI 54110 Bensenville, IL 60106 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

None l

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser l

Signature M Date /Iz///

L' / /

l *The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.

i 1

    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

l l

l l

l 1


Page 36 of 40 Attachment 1 i

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - N8 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 1/2" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RS K9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K 2HB

    • Class / Procurement Level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. ***This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

      • General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related Vengli ati ns.

Kilbourn Engineering

& Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue QARequiremdh@TBhoffdcMIVehM M 10CFR50 Appendix B, Certificate of Compliance, and Certified Material Test Reports Licensee Representative: G. M. Krieser Signature C Date //Az///

  • The sample IDi hall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.
      • To limit inventory, this nut is purchased at the highest procurement level and is utilized for QA and non-QA applications.

9 Page 37 of 40 Attachtrent 1 i

Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample 10# PBNP - F9 Fastener


Bolt - Heavy Hex 1/2" - 13 X l-1/2" Lot #914-6741 Description of Sample Stock Location:

Location 3MG9F4 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): JB7

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. FASMAC 2150 S. Calhoun 5150 S. 100 East Avenue Neu Berlin, WI 53151 Tulsa, OK 74146 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature M -

Date ///.2 /p/

  • The sample IDf s all have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

o l

. v


l l

Page 38 of 40 Attachtrent 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample ID/ PBNP - N9 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hexagon 1/2" - 13 Lot #901-7046 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location RS K9M9 - Main storeroom Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): K 2HB

    • Class / Procurement level: The. procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. ***This part is QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

      • General plant use, QA scope which includes general safety related pglications.

Kilbourn Engineering a Mfg. 9226 W. Flagg Avenue QARequiremNkhose'dNfendh:

Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature _Mm


Date ///.2/M

'l /

  • The sample IDf hall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.
      • To limit inventory, this nut is purchased at the highest procurement level and utilized for QA and non-QA applications.

Page 39 of 40 Attachtrent .1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDF PBNP - F10 Fastener


Stud 1-3/8" - 8 x 7-1/4" Continuously threaded. Lot #914-6695 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3MG9El - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): OB7

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. FASMAC 2160 S. Calhoun 5150 S. 100 East Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151 Tulsa, OK 74146 QA Requirements imposed on Vendor:

None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature 2 Date / /.z/M

  • The sample IDf shall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

4 Pa9e 40 of 40 Attachment 1 Fastener Testing Data Sheet

  • Sample IDf PBNP - N10 Fastener


Nut - Heavy Hex l-3/8" - 8 Lot #914-6709 Description of Sample Stock Location: Location 3MG9F2 - Warehouse #3 Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Head Parking (Specification and Manufacturer): JS 2H

    • Class / Procurement level: The procurement classification system consists of two levels; QA scope and non-QA scope. This part is non-QA scope.

General. Plant Application (e.g., Pressure Boundary, Structural)

Feedwater Heaters Vendor: American Bolt Mfg. PASMAC 2160 S. Calhoun 5150 S. 100 East Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151 Tulsa, OK 74146 QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor:

None Licensee Representative: Gary M. Krieser Signature ar Date/ /M2/#F


  • The sample ID# hall have a prefix that contains the licensee facility initials.
    • If applicable, please provide an explanation for your classification system.

i l




Page 1 of 9 Attachment 2 Data sumary Mechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis I 10# Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Ma P S Si Mo Cr PBMP-QAFl -

145,025 112,085 0.44 0.91 0.017 0.017 0.23 0.23 0.96 PBMP-QAF2 - *122,100 *100,130 0.40 0.88 0.012 0.010 0.25 0.23 1.01-PBNP-QAF3 -

151,330 137,525 0.44 0.91 0.'015 0.020 0.22 0.23 1.00


147,755 134,520 0.41 0.90 0.014 0.023 0.24 0.16 1.02 PBMP-QAFS -

129,485 124,345 0.40 0.84 0.017 0.015 0.25 0.13 0.85 UNITS: Chemical - Weight Percent Hardness - Rockwell "C" scale Ultimate tensile strength - PSI 0.2% Yield strength - PSI Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Fanganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall confonn to those reported in the applicable material specification. Prnperties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.

Page 2 of-9 Attachment 2 Data Summary Fechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis l 10# Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn P S- Si Mo Cr PBNP-QAF6 -

141,875 129,750 0.42 0.88 0.013 0.024 0.27 0.22 0.97 PBNP-QAF7 -

145,295 124,975 0.40 0.87 0.015 0.022 0.23 0.15 1.01 PBNP-QAF8 -

156,640 119,590 0.38 0.85 0.015 0.016 0.29 0.21 0.88 PBNP-QAF9 -

135,390 125,570 0.40 0.82 0.017 0.025 0.22 0.16 0.84 PBNP-QAF10 -

143,440 131,225 0.40 0.90 0.015 0.023 0.23 0.17 1.05 Note: UTS-ultipate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon-Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.

~ ~

  • Page 3 of 9 Attachment 2 Data Sumary Fechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis I

}D# Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn P S Si Mo Cr PEEP-Owl 34/35/34 - -

  • 0.36 -

0.017 0.018 - - -

PBW-OW2 35/36/36 - -

0.43 -

0.013 0.027 - - -

. PBMP-07@l3 31/30/30 - -

0.43 -

0.014 0.011 - - -

PBNP-QM4 30/30/30 - -

0.43 -

0.024 0.019 - - -

PBNP-QANS 28/28/27 - -

0.48 -

0.016 0.027 - - -

Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Manganese: P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The eierents to be reported for other materials tested, shall confom to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.


~ "

Page 4 of 9 -

Attachment 2 Data Sumary Pechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis l gv Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn P S Si - Mo Cr PBNP-QAN6 33/32/33 - -

0.42 -

0.017 0.021 - - -

[PIfP-QAN7 30/29/30 - -

0.49 -

0.012 0.028 - - -

PBNP-QAN8 27/27/26 - -

  • 0.36 -

0.015 0.018 - - -

i PBNP @ J9 27/28/28 - -

0.49 -

0.013 0.028 - - -

PENP-QAN10 32/31/32 - -

0.43 -

0.023 0.015 - - -

i i

1 Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength; C-carbon; Mn-Panganese: P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

1 Mo-Molybdenem; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of

- specification shall be noted with an asterisk.



Page 5 of 9 ^l Attachment 2 Data Summary Fechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis l 10# Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn _P S Si Mo Cr V PBMP-F1 30/31/30 - -

0.42 0.52 0.019 0.015 0.26 0.54 0.85 0.26 PBNP-E2 25/24/25 - -

0.37 0.78 0.017 0.020 0.21

  • 0.02 *0.06 -

0.42 0.87 0.018 0.011 0.25 0.20 0.96 -

PBMP-F3 28/28/27 - -

0.38 0.85 0.019 0.012 0.31 0.16 0.90 -

PBNP-F4 30/31/31 - -

0.46 0.92 0.025 0.014 0.28 0.17 0.90 -

PBNP-F5 29/30/30 - -

Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Panganese: P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.




Page 6 of 9 Attachment 2 Data Summary I

Mechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis ID# lia rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn P S Si Mo Cr PENP-F6 33/34/34 - -

0.38 0.83 0.019 0.012 0.30 0.15 0.87 PBNP-F7 29/30/30 - -

0.41 0.95 0.017 0.010 0.25 0.16 1.00 PBbP-F8 32/33/32 - -

0.35 0.84 0.035 0.020 0.28 0.19 0.91 PBMP-F9 29/29/28 - -

0.41 0.84 0.017 0.010 0.22 0.19 0.90 PBNP-F10 29/29/30 - -

0.43 0.82 0.017 0.015 0.21 0.20 0.97 Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength; C-carbon; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.

s Page 7 of 9 Attachment 2 Data Summary Mechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis 1 IDf Ha rdness UTS 0.?% YS C Mn P S Si Mo Cr PBMP-El 34/35/34 - -

0.47 0.80 0.010 0.026 0.25 0.22 -

PBMPHM2 30/30/31 - -

0.43 -

0.012 0.032 - - -

PBMP-M3 26/26/25 - -

0.44 -

0.015 0.011 - - -

PBNP-M4 27/27/27 - -

0.49 -

0.007 0.029 - - -

PBMP-MS 34/35/34 - -

0.44 -

0.015 0.013 - - -

Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength; C-carbon; Mn-Manganese: P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chrumium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 87 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.

Page 8 of 9 Attachment 2 Data Summary I

Pechanical Analysis ChemicalAnalysjs ID# Ha rdness UTS 0.7% YS C Mn __

P S Si Po Cr PBNP-N6 26/27/26 - -

0.49 -

0.011 0.028 - - -

PBNP-N7 29/30/30 - -

0.43 -

0.014 0.011 - - -

PBNP-N8 27/27/27 - -

0.48 -

0.~009 0.028 - - -

PBNP-N9 27/27/27 - -

0.48 -

0.007 0.029 - - -

'PBNP-N10 25/26/25 - -

0.41 -

0.019 0.034 - - -

Note: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Panganese: P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall conform to those reported in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.


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a 4.

Page 9 of 9 Attachment 2 Data Summary Pechanical Analysis Chemical Analysis I ID# Ha rdness UTS 0.M YS C Mn P S Si __

Mo Cr PLUP-QAF2-1 -

133,340 111,370 0.39 0.89 0.009 0.010 0.23 0.20 1.00 PBNP-OW2-2 -

  • 124,730
  • 101,860 0.41 0.87 0.005 0.012 0.23 0.22 0.99 PBNP-QAF2-3 -
  • 123,120
  • 99,620 0.43 0.89 0.002 0.013 0.23 0.20 0.99 PBNP-QAF2-4 -

130,835 111,135 0.40 0.88 0.003 0.011 0.22 0.20 0.99 i


126,400 *102,765 0.40 0.89 0.002 0.011 0.23 0.21 1.00 a

Note: Multiple samples of these studs were taken to confirm results. (The average of these results are identified on page 1 of this attachment.)

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Nste: UTS-ultimate tensile strength; YS-yield strength: C-carbon; Mn-Panganese; P-l'hosphorous; S-Sulfbr; Si-Silicon:

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr - Chromium.

I The elements listed apply to ASTM A193 R7 or SA193 P7 material. The elements to be reported for other materials tested, shall confom to those reported in tha applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification shall be noted with an asterisk.


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