IR 05000341/1985051

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Insp Rept 50-341/85-51 on 851204-06.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Work on Environ Qualification Requirements of 10CFR50.49
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1985
From: Smeenge R, Williams C
Shared Package
ML20138N604 List:
50-341-85-51, NUDOCS 8512240091
Download: ML20138N626 (3)


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- [ReportNo.E50-341/85051(DRS).

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iDochetNo.'f50-341 License No..NPF-33

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^ : Licensee:L.DetroitEdisonl Company; .

' '

52000~Second Avenue-



Detroit,' MId 48224 Fadility Name: 'Enrico_ Fermi Nuclear Power _. Plant, Unit 2

',' ,


l Inspection-At: -Enrico FermiJ2LSite,= Monroe,-MI


m - . . . . . . o . .

' ;Inspection Conducted: .:De ember 4-6,71985-

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  • - > Inspector: .Ro . Smeenge-


/2.///'/J'C-Date' '


. :&.c 9 w (A ,. 7 w (tpeen



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? Approved By; . . C.- Williams,. Chie .


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Plant Systems Section Dat s .


f- ,3

' '? "- . Inspection' Summary--



I:-Inspection on December.4-6,11985-(Report No.'50-341/85'051(DRS))

m iAreas Inspected: . Special' unannounced inspection.of. licensee actions on work

'.' -;being. performed:in:regards to the environmental qualification 4 requirements.of f 210 CFR'50.49.' ._ The inspection involved a total _ of-23 inspector-hours onsit'e by ,



S LoneWegional-inspector..~ _ . . .

, .

f %, 2: Results: .Of-the areas-Kinspected,Lno' violations or deviations.were identifie m e

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M.g2240091 =

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,[ 1 JPersons" Contacted ,


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Detroith Edison'- Company; M _

  • LJ Simpkin',: General Suhervisor',:Q/E



*Qi Duong,f Supervisor, EQ


, g J.iConen,)

  • Licensing Engineer

, ~ cP.7Pierron,'EQ: Engineer L. Raisanes,!EQ Engineer

, _

-C.yEmanuele,: Materials Engineering Group;


7J.fHanka;-Materials Engineering Grou ' ~


_ nac _



iPTByron,' Senior (ResidentfInspector-

.*M.; Parker,: Resident Inspecto ' '

. *identifiesithbse'persohs who atitendedithe.exitimeeting onL eEdsb'er 6,


- '<

, ?1985 1 <

_ , ,

g . J2 7 Inspection =De' tails:

- .


, , " a .' Documents"ReViewedi

m ~~

The~in'pector s . reviewed the following documents lwhich currentlyL:.



implement the:11censee's program forLreview and approval of-work -


performed and procurement:of Environmentally _ Qualified (EQ)


' ' ~

- ~(1):,NE-1.1621,;"The-Engineering Evaluation of. Stock an'd'Non-Stock '

l Items and Services," Revision 0, dated April!26,' 1985


< -


^ '


. : .. .


. .


  • . [(2)'LNE-3.9,?" Preparation, Review and Approval of Engineering' Design


l Packages (EDPs),"'Revisien 4, dated August 30, 1985-


. , ,


M(3)eNOP-103,("NuclearSafetyReviewProgram," Revision 0,. dated

~ .

November 19,-1985-




(4) Procedure 7.2,'"Q-List," Revision'1,! dated August 6,.1985


, ,


- (5) Procedure :7.7, " Overview of!the Environmental Qual'ification-

  • Program'," Revision 0,-dated: June 6, 1985'



-(6) 3 Policy' Letter.EF2-68,607, " Equipment Qualification Requirements



, R for QA-1 Electrical : Spare / Replacement- Parts," dated January ,11,

' ~





~(7)1" Environmental Qualification'of Safety Related Electric


-Equipment'forl Harsh' Environments"-(specific equipment



" *

~ qualification summaries)



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.e,.. ,j A _ _ . .


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Of ' i .


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Engineerina Design Packages'



-  : b.- ,


ktitiheltime ofithi J inspection,1the. licensee was performingJs. review-

of 273 Engineering Design Packages'.(EDPs) which were~ associated with *


lthe' plant 21: safety-related.-systems:that'contain EQ equipment. -Thi , - review wasjinitiated by th'e licensee'EQ group;to' ensure:thatialliEDPs,.




issued 'to 'datei regarding EQ equipment had received the ~ require'd '

y- . -reviews. ?The NRC.uinspector c monitored this licensee review and was


appraised'of, progress throughcutLthe' course'of this inspectio ' Prior to the'. exit ~ meeting on December 6, 1985, the licensee.had-completed
their review. 10f the 273 EDPs reviewed by the licensee,.

- ' * l180fwere: identified as not requiring:EQ review due to the:following:


20 were cancelled,'106 were-nonsafety-related applications,;53 were .

3 :for equipme'nt that was'not. required to. operate in an' accident:




environment,'and l'was combined with another EDP. .0f the 93fremaining, 48 were completed EDPs with evidence 'of t'.e required EQ review and 45


were 'not'yet-issued or required beyond'a Potential l Design Change (PCD).





ThelinspectorLreviewed>seven completed EDPs for EQ equipmen One-EDP, reviewed,' relocated a transmitter.from a. harsh to mild environment

,and the'other six replaced unqualified equipme_nt, located in a harsh




, 1 environment, with qualified. equipment. The~seven packages hadl idocumented reviews by the QE group and sign off by Quality Assurance ((QA) forl hold points and completed wor ,

r ;s -


'; Purchase Requisitions Reviewed .

- ~

TheLNRC inspector, reviewed. ten purchase requisitions for equipmen '

identified on the Q-List'(identifies plant safety-related equipment).

+ -

4 iThe nineLwhich required EQ had-been' reviewed by the licensee and the

requirements identified on the associated equipment:q'ualification

.. ' '

- < ~ summaries ~ sheets the purchase requisition ,~ " _. Replacement' equipment which had initially been qualified to



NUREG-0588, Category II'was upgraded to Category I as' required b ' '



310 CFR-50.4 ' .

.- i ' Inspection Results'  ;

_ EIn this'limitediscope EQ inspection no' violations or deviations were-


Lidentified. /A more detailed EQ inspection is-scheduled for mid-198 ,

J iExit Interview


LThe; inspector met with the licensee representatives-(denoted in Persons

' Contacted);at.the conclusions'of-the inspection on December 6, 1985. The


,f - f inspector summarized the purpose and. findings of the inspection, which

were acknowledged by the licensee. The inspector also discussed the


Liikely.informationalscontent of the inspection report with regard to '


idocuments or processes revie'wed by the inspector during the inspectio = The-licensee did not' identify any.such documents / proprietar i

,d '


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