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Expresses Concern for Unresolved Problems of Nuclear Power: Nuclear Waste Disposal & Possible Effects of Reactor Accident.Supports Shutdown of Operating Facilities & Moratorium on Granting Future OLs & CPs
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1979
From: David Nelson
Shared Package
ML20136B225 List:
Download: ML20136B226 (1)


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DPH 27 June 1979

- 33 Howley St.

Rochecter, I;ec. York 14607

Dear Director of the Nuclear Reculatory Commission,

I would like you to know that I support a shutdown of all operating nuclear power planto and a moratorium on the construction of new ones. We citizens, whoce interccto you represent, must consider the implications of nuclear power, and make a judgement baced on a concern for the environment we will )

le. ave for cencrationc to come. l There are two major flaws in nuclear power. Firctly, the I lack of a safe way to atore the indestructable radioactive l wactes that are a byproduct, and coconaly, the dicactrous  !

1 consequences for plants, animala, md humano in the event of a reactor accident.

In the nuclear inductry we produce radioactive wactes that are cancer and birth defect caucing. And precently there io no way to cafely store cuch wastec. ?! hat container will not eventually ruct through or rupture? 'l hat place ic there on earth that is totally free from the possibility of earthouake? j Uould it not be prudent to find a colution'(if one exists) to thic acpect of nuclear power before we une it, let alone .

permit it an a larGe and expandin6 commercial inductry? l Given the maccive radiation pollution that would follow i a reactor explocion or meltdown, we auct access the capability l of utility companico to prevent this. Juct one accident would l be too many.

Reacenably "abcolute" cafety (freedom from any errorc of decign or execution) io difficult and contly to attain.

In private inductry, where the coat of cafety ccmpetes directly with the need to make a dollar prcfit, mistakec occur, cuch as automobile recalle, tire recailc, and so en. If, in the nuclear inductry, we were to institute and enforce standardo for equipment decign, cafety monitoring techniques, and pcroonnel expertico enval to thc.t of our opace pro 6 ram, doubtlear that coat would render nuclear power unaffordable. Yet, even then, would that seriec of malfunctiono leading to a reuctor ucciaent not occul? Recall that in the cpace pro 6 ram, where the cafety of our actronauto was of prime importance, unintentional mictakeo were made, cuch ac in the deatha of Edward ihite and J amec McDivitt at Cape Kennedy in the early 70'c.

Thece indicatienc warn of a potential major tragedy involving thoucands of pecple. It behooves us to act wisely before that tragedy, not in its wake-to legiclate an immediate phaceout of nuclear power. And we truct each look at our 11vec and take recponcibility to eliminate the wasteful uce of energy--ener6y that we will be required to do without in coacing to depend on nuclear power.

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