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Forwards Ltr Recently Received from Constituent Dr Carlson Expressing Concerns Re Probable Pollution of Drinking Water by Plant Being Built at Monticello,Mn
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1969
From: Macgregor C
To: Ramey J
NUDOCS 9211180534
Download: ML20127H517 (4)



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.Te arOws?mdf. Mana.s **TA OilTnsCf ICE:

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...,..,.......,-  %)oucc of Eeyeedentatibes x '

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MIS $ MARVELi EN SMlIH Davie ,s. Mn006 LNG Elasbington,EE. 20515

.* April.2, 1969 ' N'N K)/nb . k J-2110./

. . } Nc %

~x ',

l Mr. James T. Ramey . _ - {

Acting Chairman .

Atomic Energy Commission .

j i Washington, D.C. 20545 e

h f

Dear Mr. Ramey:

Enclosed is a letter I recently received 1 a constituent. ,

.I would appreciate rocciving ansvers to the questions asked in Mrs. Carlson's letter.

Sincerely, Clark MacGregor, M.C.

CM: enc .


. ((-2110 Rec'd Off. ir. Reg < .

Date '/ 7 6 cy 1 Time _jfN 2'I3 g.,og. d 4 fL...L'j'N~

. - ~--- = =. -

9211180534 690402 .


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ADOCK 05000263

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  • ,1 -

l Q. .

Q ..

. 47h3 Cnothe Road .

. Minnoopolio, Minnesota 55421 .

P. orch 25,1969 -

Ono lionorablo Clark MocGregor r, ' ' '

.c,3}; '


  • 4 liouse of Hepresentativoa ,

Vechington,' D.C. ,

Sirs .

I am very concerned by reporto I nnyn' been reeding in Tno Mince-opolin Star an togord to the probable collution of our unter o by tt.e NSP aucionr-powerod pinnt being built et Monticello, Minnecota.

Enclocod to o photostot copy of two of the articles unich epponrod ro- ,

g ce nt ly. Many questiono have coms to mind nr.d porbopa you cro in o poo-j ition to find the ensworn for to and toko oction, if possibloe to prow i vent NSP from diochar61DG ,redioactivo vootes into the river.

You will noto in the onclosed article referenco is modo to o 1963

' otady conducted in nino countion in crecon which bordor tno Columbio

. River dounotroom from the Honford, heonington atomic energy plant. ' Wes this a governe.:nt study end hovo there been any similar studico end

/vhat conclusions have boca drawn from tnom? If the statoncnts modo in this artiole in rogord to tno higner concer rato are true, it to hord to understand how the Atomic Energy Costniosion can claim thero .

! is no danger to the populneo. ,

On a recent televinion pro r,e ram entitlod "What ere we doing to our world*, the problents' of dispecol of redioactive wanten from truelear' l planto vos discussod. -In' eddition to the west,eo put in the river, i ovidently sono eloo hos to be buried and will rcrain radiocotive for .

1,000 ycero. In light of 'these facts, it is nord to understond why

noro of these plants cre being plar.nsd. 'I realize there is a neod for more electricity. to neot the do.nondo of a growing population, but whct *

- in wrong with the _ conventiousl. power plents. ' What- argusent is there in I f avor of nucient plants? .


  • I assure permicsion for tn'o'oe planto end supervision of them is controlled by the Atomic Energy Cocnisaion. Doen anyone or group have eny control over the Atomic Er. orgy Co:mniscion? Does the President?.'

In onother article .1 reed it stotoo, e According to lawyoro for both the

{ federal cocmission sod the state agency, consroosional action han insul-o ~

i ated tto Atomic Energy Commission from any outsido interference on policy mottoro". ' Thin is in rc(erenco to the Minnosoto Pollution Control

  • k;;ency 0 cpollenging tho' AEC in rosord to disposal ,of radioactive vaston at Monti-collo. Perhaps thoco effected directly should be 'the onen to decido' whotnor they wout to drink radioac'tivo voter or po! cc I em not convinced tno Atonio Energy Commission 'is idfellible.' There were a ' lot of dood checp '

out West because sor:cono or croup cc error in .testi'ng cervo coc..

l; ,

Doon the Atomice. Energy Comnicalon rec 11y know wnnt effect extra au>unto '

p of rndiation, tenori in drinking water will bove on my grandchildren? .

4 .

km - _ /.L . ., .

. ...~ 1, , , . ..



/ -

From any ropor'to I havc/ heard on otudico conducted on Jopencoe who re-ceived rodintion but u,ero not killed in the gnitial bombins in Verld Uo otroody hovo eno nucloe.r tlar II, none benefitop from extra radiation. nuto corro rodioactivo vooton plant at E1P. hiver, J41nnecoto which I enoue.3 into the river.

Tb6n tnoro in the one currently boiD6 built at fSuti-j cello.ond I undergtond NSF 10 pinnning two moro planto north of Red Wing

!, in tne 1970'a. . It eeets the co:nbited redionotive wootoo from theco planto would be , bound raise the level (f radiation in the river considerably'

. detrnotre en ,

In view .of all tno concern in our lotd today for cleaning up her-

  • ico nnd procorving ot.r' noturni rosouroco. I do not believe NSP chould be ellowed to pollute .the Mpoicoippi River particularly witn radiocotive westen./ . ,

,! Any information you can secure for to in record to q questions would be most opproeinted. Thank you for your help in this matter.

  • Very truly yours,


')')'p /. GNkL .

th Mrs. David B, Carlson i / *

/ .

4 4

66 e t , .

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7;tt MtNN ,. t.lS STAtt biolo; teal effects of til ,

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tium . . .," Huver said. . ' '

Thursday, reb. 20, Im *. ,

-e ' . - When taken into the body -

.- .. ,, , g J * . , . . . .

A . .

in sufficient quantitics. m.. ,.' ,, v/ T' - ee .

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for nample, in th mlung wa ,

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  • tic mutation, growth in-7* .



astes. . c-r " ane the denth of celts and organs, q . **

. : - (. *. et, r . q . .:, * .

  • ... . ' v. 3g'gi-i.

lluver maintains. . * .' e-((*, u. . ..).e.

.g/ *#,.v**'g..h
  • T
  • e,.a.. . . .

drd.O h;)wer Opposea,t,,

. x=fu m mental deformities, Huver * '

..I.94' . 48 4*

l i said. r ".' *

  • Dy JIM Siloop

)*.Il<"e*; *~,**I.; . . 7 e



  • l '

4 Minneapons star sistf writer He said Tsivnginu's recom-I .'.,

  • There are no " safe" IcVe!strioted that James H. Smith, mended starrlards, though

,of human exposure to radia fJr.. nuclear engineer for Gen' tighter than the Atomic En-tion and the planned dis !cral Tlectric, which is build- crgy Commissinn's, t,till will ~

charge of radioactive wastes ling the Monticello , reactor- not be sufficient to adcetuate. (. .X* * * * .* (* ' .

in the Mississippi River from'has. estimated

  • that 30.000 ly protect the total environ- '.A t 't st. .

'1be Monticello, Minn , nu. curies of tritin n witl be eis- meiit of maa, plants and ani-


  • % ' ' ,l*.

elear c!cetric plant should/ charged into the Mmissippi mals.

'.. y. y.* ,-

.. A

,% -4 *. ,...."-

t 10 prohibited, a Univerr.ity ofIduring the plant's first year. "ths Standard 1.are based

  • a. ' . ...

.Mmnesota zoologist s a i d let operation. nn what the power company .

.,j,* , .,

Wednesdsy. ,.It would be irresponsible er,timMes that the plant will '*
Prof. Chnfles W. Iluver for persons charged with the emit," lluver said. "lic starts .

%'.4 protection of public health or from the certeral assumption ' '

mad: the recommendation m that the air and water should a mec:ing with John Bada- with providmg consultation hold whatever . the . plant a , ,

.lich, director of the Minne- on the tafety aspects of nu- emits.


i sota Pollution Control Agen. cicar discharges to ignore the

.cy and several state legisla.


~ ""

, y/ l* ' '


3 The Monticello plant, now o ic also cited n'1063 study i j under ernstruction by North- whicl. showed that the can- ,


crn States Power Co.. is cer death rate in nine coun- ..
scheduled to gn mio opera ' .

ties in Oregon which border -


tmn early m 1070. The com- .

the" Columbia River down- *g (* T.

e t 1 in hs*h ngton aton ic energ fn 11 manner andl' plant was 53 percent higher J

= comp'etely safe
mad a:!!%;."'"'-" = .

Nses Cancer Threat ,

i active wastes.

(The Hanford facility is A nuclear power plant at the Monticello plant is only i'


Monticello, Minn., poses the 34 rniles upstream from Hover said later he told several times larger and dis-the group that ncitber the charges much mo re waste thrcat of. cancer and genetic drinking water intakes for s

radiatinn control standards et , ' than is contemplated at the

,M nticello plant.) 4 the Minneapolis St. Paul met-rautations if its radloactive '

its n" discharges are dumped tuto ropolitan area.

er tho e rc o -

mended by the Pollution Cnn. There is no practical meth-i s consuliant, Dr. od f i ithtm from . ths Mississippi River, a DFL Pollution of the river, it t - -

any. , ,, the,o , remov ng oftr nu-rol Ageng'ivoglou,"are Ernest C. 4s hquid discharges fParty task force said Satur- said, threatens all' river com--

guarantcc of public safety."i

  • clear plants, lluver said. HeJ day. munitics downstream.

Ts.ivoglou r e c o mmended

- Tbb group asked .the Min- Js noted "a dramatic in-l ,

that Minnesota tct standards * '

ncsota Pollution Control cre3se 'in' the incidenec of-three times more stringent . ,

Agency to " absolutely andllleukemia and other forms th4n those of the Atomic En- '.. .

erry Commission. Doth sets y , . permaner.tly deny Northern l cancer for people down<

States Power Co. permissinn. stream" after the Hanford of standards assume that ,- .

to dump any radioactive rccctor on the Cc!umbia there arc 1cvels of exposurc ,

below which there is no harm

. wastes into the river or into River began operation.

to puhlle health and safety. * ,

the air." . Use of disposal r.mhc.ds

.a . ' approved by the Atomi: En-The task force,' headed by Huver said thcre is , , ,-

ergy Commission, the DFl.

, mounting cvidence in,hio- -,. . D r. Phillip G. Thompson, S chemist for Minnesota Min- at group raid, would raisc etc*.s lonival r.tudies over the past the Monticello plant b:

10 year:; that tritium. the #1 .3

. . . , . Ing cad Manufacturing Co.,

and by Lawrence D. Cohen, only 2'i cents per year for the most pedominant radioactive ,- F "j . . ' '

St. Par! lawyer, noted that , average customer.

isotope foand in wastes from e . m.c. . , .-

, ~'

y,, /-s

'd. - f d;Q . : :j , ,. g . .

nuclear power plant reactors causes , animals. , ,,,


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