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Package of Seven Ltrs Opposing Facility Restart
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/28/1981
From: Brooks P, Bush F, Denlinger K, Mcneill J, Mcvey G, Morse S, Vargo C
To: Ahearne J
NUDOCS 8106080463
Download: ML20126L745 (7)


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Jo: eph Hendric , Chn i r- n , ri.C r * .3 :


U. S. Regula tory Cort.:,ission q c.A. s . . . .,J 3" ' . 3.:l .

Wa shing ton , D. C. 2055T 4 -(.' ',


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Dear _ Chmirm,

n Hendrie and :.:.0 Commisrioners ,

de respectfully request that III Mile Island Unit I not be restarted for the fol]owing re, sons:

The III 1;ile Island employe s nnd the publics henith safety, and welfare een not be assured until Unit II is successfully decontatinated. The technical probicas of cleaning up 700,000 rollons of radiocctive water and suc-cessfully removing 39,000 fuel rods , ..any of them damsged, are of 1?.rge cagnituie, will require careful planning and i e execution, and will to of long durati n.

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,f There is leeching of cesiun 137 into ground water at

,D' h.(L:ub ' .I } .the site and this orobic must be rerolted befor e any 3

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6epsideration is given to future generation of electricity.

i, ,'? --031981*[0 ud TOM'f/, t'b properly manage and operate the reactor. Metropolitan i::dison h

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Since 6,\;i; Unit I & II are identical reactors, no censi'.crat-should be given to r opening Unit I until all necessary safety improvements have be identified and nre fully instelled. .

The psychological impact of res tarting . Unit I to the surrounding , trnur.m ti::ed popula tion tu.e t be fully consideted.

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3 Joroph Hendrie, Chnir n h*RC :f l U. 5. liegula tory Jor:..ission 7 p ,jggp $ -

Washing ton, D. C. 20$5F '

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Dear Chnirm,

n Hendrie anci t;hC Co==isrioners , .

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de respcctrully request tha t III Mile IslandNUn@. rX' be restarted for the following reasons:

The III Mile Island employes s e,nd the publics he,1th safety, and welfare can not be assured until Unit :I is i successfully decontaminated. The technical problems of cleaning up 700,000 g-allons of radioactive water and suc-cessfully removing 39,000 fuel rods, .any of them damaged are of large magnitune, will require careful cnd ,

execution, and will be of long duraticn. ,

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There is leeching of cesiu: 137 into ground water at




c./ -the site end this problec .ust be rerolved befor e any T g 'g consideration is given to future generation of electricity.

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7.J JU:! 0 5 @ * :,'t'to properly manage and operate the reactor. Metropolitan Edison h 5 v.3, mies irneo*5 .~ -

n. y i V, ,0 } ton should be give n to r: opening .~ nit I _ until all necessar.7 .

G ,'/ safety improvecents have be identified and. 9re fully insts.11ed.

The psychological impact of restarting Unit I to the surrounding , treur..a tized popula tion cus t be ~ fully considered.

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Josoph Hendric, Chaf"-an. NEC ...

U. 5. hegula tory Cocaission 1 /QE.. . ' ,

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'ela shin g to n , D . C . 2035:'

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Dear Ohnirmnn Hendrie and !.~hC Commiseioners ,

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,le respe ctfully request that III :;ile Island Unit I not be j l

restorted for the following reasons:

The .III- ::ile Island er.ploye s nnd the publics henith safety , nnd welfare c n not be assured until 'Cnit 2 is successfully decentatinnted. The technieni prob 1c s of cleaning u.; 700,000 gallons of rndioactivc water and suc-cessful2 7 removing 39,000 fuci rodc , a:17 of them dama ged ,

are er large cagnituae, will require t ref'.:1 jlsn'.ing nd execution, and will be of long dura ti;n.

There is leeching of cesiu 137 into ground wmter tt m . ,,the site and this problem -ust be rcrol/ed befo: e any ge,).C-' g.,onsideration is given to future generation of electricity.

7  :.etropolitan Edison has not demonstrnted the capability 1 JUM 0 51981"'ts properly manage and operate the reactor.

, y,g ge. tat itGAAW *-

- ** 5 5 '" / Since Unit I d: II are identical renctors, no c.,nsi'.ertt-N,.

. .gfon should be given to reopening *: nit - un-il all neces s,ry

.' ,. safety i= prove =ents have be identified and nre fully ins talled. ..

. g % ,..J3 pl The psychological impact of restarting Unit I to the surrounding , trruma tized popula tion nu.e t be fully considered.


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U. 3. he;;ula tory Coc:.ission dashing ton , D. C.

Y','k,hsc#n ofy,f, tW# / ..

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Dear Ch ir .,

n' :-iendrie nn a ::.0 :'omifisrloners , '

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Audlub'G$l u S+af MIa r a li u L + A d aktA8 ccu p u a-M ,.4 wat p<.

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