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Opposes Restart of Facility Due to Foreign Object in Reactor Vessel Inhibiting Mobility of Control Rods.Related Documentation & Draft Petition Encl
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1979
From: Christamaria
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML20126C900 List:
NUDOCS 8004140031
Download: ML20126C905 (8)



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'Ibe Concerned Citizens for the Charlevoix Area

.V.O._%.-I e .

Charlevoir, Michipn 49720


October 3, 1979 Dea.r Neighhcr:

We need ycur help.

Each day new evidence :ne cc:gers and costs of nuclear power cores befcre the pub;ic. It has new becc:e the responsibility of infomed, caring citizens to join tcgether to protect the heal-h and safety of ourselves and our en11dren. \

Socn after the Th ee Mile Island incide .:, a nu:ber of citizens in the Charlevoix A ea fomed a . Energ,y Awareness Gr up . We found that the Eig Rock Point

'iuclear Power Plant, Iccated two miles ncrth :f Charlevoix, and nuclear plants across the coun:rf, have alamingly u .satisf ae: cry safety histories. The Union of Concerned Scientists has named the Big Rcck ';uclear Flan ene of the ten =ost dangerous plants in this count:/! We also fou.d tha: there is absciutely ?iO safe method by which adicactive nuclear -2ste caterials car. be st: red.

When Co..c;=ers Power Co:pany put a recuest befcre the Nuclear Regulatory Cc= issien t: ex_and the stcrage capaci y cf its spent fuel stcrage pool at sig Fock, a ne crga .iraticn, The Conce- .ed Citi:e..s fer the Charlevoix Area, was forced. We '. ave p e titi oned the N.E.C . fcr the right to intervene in this request by Censurers Pcwer. Our petitien has raised questicas regarding the tech. ical soundness cf suc': a_. action, as well as cuesti:ns :encerning the health and safety cf the general public. The N.R.C. has responied that this petition is adequate for interven:ica.

To pu sue this legal process is, howeve. , cc: plex and extremely costly.

We =ust therefere appeal to you, and all cencer.ed persons, te stand behind us now.

We need your st=por.. 'Any donations, pledges, or co==it=ents of ti=e will enable us to cor.t:.nue ir. our efforts to inst e a safe an'd healthy environ =ent for curselves and our children.

Area, P.O. Please ser.d all centributions to The Cc.cerned Citizens for the Charlevoix Scx 2CO, Charlevoix, Michigan, 4 37 0. The Conce.ned Citizens for the Charlevoix A en a- 4-

-he process of inco porating and obtaining ncn-pr' o fit, tax exe=pt s atus.

Thar.k you for you: help.

Very truly yours, 1 -

' A Chk N l .


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1 We, the undersigned, living within a fifty =ile radius of the Big Rock Pcint Nuclear Pla.nt, on behtlf of curselves ar.d our children, wish to express cur support of he fcilewir.g petitien ne suh=ined en the twenty-second day of , l August, 1079 to the Nuclear Eegulate:f Cc==istien.


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we, the undersiEted, wish to petition the .Welea- p.egulatory Cc= mission to inte rvene cn t ,.h4LT of c,urs elve s a:.d cu.r childre ., in the catter of,'the /


applicatier, of Censumers Pever Oc::.any f a increase the capacity of tts spent f uel s to a g e p a t the Big P c,ck Poir.t hu:lcar ?larat. Pursuant to the N.C.R. @

10 cTI Lec tion :.14 (A) m %, - %r' ct

, A3 citi:,e .s livi g dthin a fif ty sile radius of the gig Rock Point Nuclear i g ,

Plar.t. we snodd be pereitted to it.te-vene, s o that we :.ay exeMise our right (v to pectect se hsalth arid safety of de pu:lic and of the environment.

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-' e r-west by C:nswers Power Cec a'ry to increase the fuel storage capacity at the Big .; ?oint No: lear P ant ; resents a direct threat to our R [/f healta, t.he hea.1% of oc- childrer. a .d to cur pr:pe rty.

we are especial ly conte: .ed r gar:dir; the integ-ity of the South wall of the s p en t f u e l s tc rs ;e p c,ol , a s d i se le s ec i.. a r-c en t technical report.

we a n c onc erned ab<nzt t.he ice.;-t e m e f f e::s of high icvel rr.diation and sev ers thenal stressir.; cr. the c :/stalh- st: ::t .;re c f zetals used is the facility and cf the weld erts the. e tc. It is public kno.<1 edge that s p er. t fu e l elece .ts , unde r le .g-t e m stcra;e , bve dangerously weakened c 12 id L.g , tsnitir; in leakage cf adica::ive s: lids into the cpen storage pool. .

Se a'.so erre r.s great ccnc er= cve.- tne in:res sed relea se of adioactive gases f r:.s de sic a g e p :,el to tr.e off-g a s syste= and then:e irto our at=osphere.

At tl.e pres ent :ime tr.ere is no sa fe =e:.h:d 1y hich highly radioactive vaste c ar. h e s tered . To allcw Csnsu ces t .e.-  :=;ary to ine. ease the st e r2 Ee capacity cf the sper.: fue'. tank at the 11g Rock Poir.t Nuclear Plant fr e is fuel e;e=ents to 4c elemen:s we.1d be a dangerous ar.d destructive act. ard ufrir.;es c . th e -i g h t: 'r ealth a .d safe ty of all area reside:.ts.

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                      -l                 l' P-, p ' I,                             ;                  red d.-ive :ee: f: le th as se ed ate d vith w. rec. s=2 4:iw ' . ' r F-2 ( G?.-T ETp                                             i       a vitestice ty;e :eise vu :sticed is tha pri=s:7 rJutes "Wd vith cperti 6
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1:te r:als vere re==ved fr:: the reactor for C tan the icver amas o f

          .- q               f the wssel.                 C . Ju=e 9,1979, the ais pertion of the f ffsmer ever the El
   &L                     .:                           ,     re ei r:t'.1 at10: 7.:=; 20" dia=eter 1:1et vas fo=d                                                             ,N7 Tocse ed leiM is
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  • 4 eJthogh the watse leved in the oor, 1.he trrpla-low teysl was mne a shroud area went below the tdp'.4 low Safety Mcit for au Inode.sWch  ! ,

gis level merpoht the con n abed Fo$ltion*- .. ib. .

. At least two recirck ation loop covered and censequently to 'uel ischarge and suction valves must f.,%,n da:. age would be expected.

rernain in the full open position. Cause of Causee--A spudeus rtactor .The time duration of the low-low - , i m.....pressere scrs= was ! .itiated by a levd sipd was required to be not pressure ;ae en tr.e reacter high greater than that used in the safety "h press are s: a= swu:hes,. caused by an analysis for the limtttng it.s't.:.=ent te::.rJ::a.n w Ce perfor ' inventors transient. su vedlasce testL.g. h wever, de ne NkC staff also recor. mended t$at ' fundamentad causes of the nsuhbg the li:ensee consider the surveillance sequence cf events were: arogram and le vel instrument l e (1) De cperators essentially isolated [mprevements. l the reac'er ansulus and core regio: from it was concluded that no evidence of I each cther by shutting au recirculatics fuel damage was apparent, and that the I Pump is # arie YdveL f acilty could be safely returned to (2) Nc'es or Cautions spinst closir.g opera tion. SU suct!)o and 6scharge valves in the Based on the satisfactory actions retirculation loops were not adequate, taken by the licensee, on May 30.1979 the NRC authorized the li'censee to Acu.ans Tcs, enIo Pre ven: P.ecurrence 7,, ue, ap,7,,g an, m possible generic implications of L/ ensee-The licensee performed a the Oyster Creek event have been therouth evaluation of the evest to dete :-2ne whether any fuel damage had considerei Nine Mile Point Unit 1 occumd and develo;4d follow up (operated by Niagara Mohawk Power Corp; ration and located in Oswego actions. As a result of the evaluation County. New York) and Lacrosse and is:::siena with Se NRC, the (ope ated by Dairyland Power

                       !!:ensee t:ck the fcucwi:; sig .15 cut                                                                                        ,

Cce;eratise and located in Monroe s ::.le na: bhsFed County. Wisconsin) are the only

3. The triple.lew 1 react:n presently cperating which are as a Sdety IJmit forkvelwas il t odes cf nector es: susceptible to a similar event.

opera ti:n.s immediate requirements similar to those

. a. m;uhment was added to the which were required for Oyster Creek . l Technics! Spe: ficatiens that the suc:fon (~echnical Specification changes 1 and  !

l a .d dis:nme valves la at less! two  :) were implemented at these f acilities l reeircuLtierilo:ps be open a' all tir es. I prict to their start up lthey were both in Tne precedures were changed to l a shutdown condition at the time of the l' Ir ,p;er ent this requirement.

3. 0; ara tor trainin sessions were C)) ster Creek event).The third held, the es e .1 was thercqhly ret.pitement will be implemented as d.scussed a6nd the revised p.ocedcres - soon as practicable. . i Two other plants [Dresden Unit 1 and g' rniewei E!; FM og;/). which are presently in {

NRC-Fol'.sw;ng n:tifi:a: ion ficm the , Iker .ser c! the event. nn NRC L spector n ens snutdowns, would also be ' l

  • w'as dupe:ched to the site. Additional sus:eptible to a similar es ent., NRC nf s.;nnel rmed at the site on it is planned to impose appropriate May 3.U.n to reuew de situation and requirements on these two plants prior b

ccirrm:ne tha statas of the plant. Fact lo their startup. finding by the NEC was su;plemented in addition, on May 29,1979 the NRC fasued LE Information Notice No. 7N3. b inform tion obtained from the detailing this event. to dl holders of j 1/r enwe. ee reactor vendor (Ceneral ( E:ectric) and fuel supp!ier (Euon). A operating licenses and construction


seliav = valuation report (SER) of the permits. j rsent w as p vpared which discusses the - I mtoir .ani water level experienced in the ' l re cter vessel and the fuel conditions. ' Tne in:lowits three rez.nrements were , a di.i d in tne Spe:dt; cations: i. I .

  • At t .e n e of ue es er.'. ise li:.ete.e e ted.rLical es o! atwas onfo d the m,dadew .s'.ef tent as : i e te y 1,.ms -ten us n a:nc see e-m .se na l

the "M $".MWY F'i>r.e Wy. A hie r..a seleiy eye ve : .as ais.e eiwc aied -d me dm.Us

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                              ,. .. .ar Wei .m v.e essee e 'ir.: .a e la the                                                                                                           l
                           -p Ur I,c= tre.s n the c3Me emic?. had               l                                                                                                  -

tm , m me w..w.e is r i l

                           ,;.e e i:, a w. p 4 er ir e a t.w. c.f we tr a r s e-t. tu 8                                           l                                                                                                                            ,

en.o ... n. ire.e: h t3.e 1,cer en a e d a 5.e Iery l

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                             ?.ased c: the f:re g:in g, b::: the lig ?.ect ?ci:: Plant F.eview Co:cittee a:d the Safe:7 and Audi ?.eviev Scard have c:::luded tha: the cha:ge is                               !

acceptable f::= a safe:y s:.acd;:i::.


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                                                  <                          .m Ste; ev 3 Ecwell, See:, : Vice ?:esider.:                          ?

Swer: act subs cribed .: bef: e se .t'is *1th day of Septe:ber 1579. ,

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4_ase (SD.I.) Li da ;: ca rs .e s , .ve a 7 ? :;i:

                            .'a c h s e : C:u::7, .".ic is a:
               .v coccissio: expires Ju:e M,                          1911.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !                i U. L ktLCL.D.A BEAU.LATC              . AY r *===* ssacus              f, h # C**8 Di84

i xuu er en ryn Att ateviato wemine o l co cas. n:c= f 1 I t i 1 1@ . om g i I l [ liillul-Isel ue ==u  ! u Vg"'in Inl _in Ini wam n! d nI_ fnin l@l y s. 41 ,1,! am ,13 rm ul@l t c e;. 1 011!5 13u @lo 018. . !21217 gl09to15(7(9jg 9 a n me:s.1 oe a 1 w l l'$! a M 11w@f01 51 01 .. Deu rr .-. a . .n c.Ars rvo<T m m .o= a r:<w r.-st:.: :ts @ f l 71 Desi:: reviev cf reae:c: vessel level instre=ent syste=. 1.E RE09 a=d . . i . i i>> I1.S 7I09 reves.lef that duri-e oestulated less ef cec 1 mnt U da-r ee-di?d-ref i

      , , ,       J the autenat': 1:.1:iatica ed reac                                                              cr sert =, contain=e : isolatie=, a:d core j

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