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Rev 6 to VEGP-10013-C, Writing Emergency Operating Procedures from Westinghouse Emergency Response Guidelines
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1988
Shared Package
ML20092F288 List: ... further results
CON-IIT05-128-90, CON-IIT5-128-90, RTR-NUREG-1410 VEGP-10013-C, NUDOCS 9202200420
Download: ML20092G997 (7)


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1.0 PURPOSE In conjunction with 10012-C, "EOP And AOP Writers Guide", this procedure will be used to convert Westinghouse Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) into Vogtle Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

Revision 1 of the ERGS will be used to generate Revision 0 of the E0Ps.

As changes to the ERGS are received or as plant operating experienca dictates, the E0Ps will be updated per this procedure.

2.0 MECHANICS OF CONVERSION The ERG-to-EOP conversion process consists of the following phases:


Preparation Phase, b.

Generation Phase, c.

Documentation Phase.

The Generation and Documentation Phases procede concurrently.

In this procedure, the word " step" refers to high level action steps, notes, and cautions.

2.1 PREPARATION PHASE Obtain and review the following informati(a a.

Westinghouse ERG-HP, Revision 1 Guidelines and Background Documents for the Revision 0 EOP generation.

Thereafter use the latest ERG materials, b.

10012-C,"EOP And AOP Writers Guide",

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Final Safety Analysis Report, d.

Technical Specifications, e.

Plant Drawings, f.

Plant-specific setpoint/value documents, g.

Licensing Commitments, h.

Industry or plant operating experience, i.

EOP validation comments.

This list is the minimum amount of information to be used: other pertinent sources of information should be consulted.

2.2 GENERATION PHASE The ERGS list in generic terms the actions which catimize operator response to emergency conditions in the reference alant.

To be used in an operating unit, the ERGS must ie niade plant-specific to that unit.

The writing of an EOP will be done per these

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Read the ERG to be converted, and ite corresponding background document, b.

Convert ERG steps to E0P steps by inserting plant-specific information derived from sources as given in Subsection 2.1 of this procedure, and in accordance with 10012-C, "EOP And AOP Writers Guide",


Add, delete, or alter the ERG step as necessary to conform to plant apecific documents specified 'n Subsection 2.1 of this procedure.

The intent or aurpose of the ERG Background Documents should not 3e affected by these modifications, d.

If revising E0Ps from a Unit 1 design to a common unit design, applicable Unit 2 documents specified in Subsection 2.1 of this procedure should be reviewed for inclusion into the revision.

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2.3 DOCLHENTATION PHASE ll894-C, "EOP Step Documentation Form", will be filled out by the EOP vriter L, give a justification of how he arrived at a given E0P step from the corresponding ERG stdp.

2.3.1 The forms will be used as follows except as noted in Sub-subsection 2.3.2 or unless designated (optional) below:


In "Section I:

ERG Step", enter the ERG step which is to be made plant-specific (optional),


In "Section II:

E0P Step", enter the Eor step which was generated from the ERG step (optional),


In "Section III:

Justification", explain why there are differences (or why there are no differences) between the ERG and E0P steps, Also note the sources of the plant-specific information, d.

For ERG steps, E0P steps, and associated Justifications that are short in length, the writer will use the documentation form containing

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all three sections, e.

For ERG steps, E0P steps, or associated Justifications that exceed the space provided on the form containing all three sections, the writer will use the documentation form for Section I, Seccion II, or Section III as necessary to present the material, f.

If the length of the material requires the use of two or more of the documentation forms for individual sections, the writer will include

"(Continued)" at the bottom of the first documentation form for the section, and adjacent and to the right of the section heading of subsequent forms.

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2.3.2 The forma vill be usc3 for exceptional cases as O



If an FRG step is to be deletud, i.e.,

not converted to a corresponding E0P step, then enter the ERG step' in Section 1, enter "Not Applicable to this v.0P in Section II, and justify deletion of the ERC step in Section III, including plant-specific information sources, b.

If an E0P ctep is generated for which there is no ERG step, enter "No corresponding ERG step"I, and in Section I, enter the E0P step in Section I provide justification in Section III., including


the, plant-specific infereation sourcas.

2.3.3 The completed step documentation forms will oe used as source documents to assist in the review, verification, validation, and approvcl procesens.

When an E0P step must be revised, a new step documentation form will be completed and forwcrded to the PRB for review along with the E0P PP.RF package.

Af ter review the reviced step docuuentation form will be filed immediately preceding any other forms applicable to the step.

This may be specified by Operationa-Engineering to be in a separate file or s.

within the E0P step documentation package.

2.3.4 Step documentaticn quality shall ba in accordance with 00100-0, "Quelity Assurance Records Administration",

Sub-subscuts.on 4.2.1 at the time of transmitting to Document Control as a QA record.

2.3.5 E0P step documentation justificationa should be detailed enough so that reviewer can understand why the E0P is different from the ERG sceu and should reference all sources necessary to justify 'the change.

Revisions to a step document should restate all justification references or state that previous step justification is still applicable.

A step docement update is considered an addendum of the str.p documentation.

2.3.6 Any reference souret document used to justify E0P step l

differences from ERG steps should be referenced within the justification.

Examples of how to use references for jcstification is included but not limited to the following. ERG Feedback items for ERG changes aft 9r the most current ERG revision should be reftsrenced if approved and used to justify E0P step.

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Chanfnologyshouldreference10012.C,es to the EOP which are due to Vagule (r-')

term E0P And AOP Writers Guide", if appropriate. If the E0P step is identical to the ERG ttep, then the ERG step should be referenced.

1 If the E0P step is only different from the ERG step due to differences in terminology but is still consistent with the intent of the ERG step, then the ERG step and 10012-C, "EOP And AOP Writers Guide" should be referenced. If the E0P step was modifieo to be more consister.t with the ERG Background, then the ERG Background for step i


should be referenced. If the E0P step differs from the ERG step due to plant specific differences from the generic plant, then appropriate FSAR references, drawing numbers, or vendor manuals should be referenced. If the E0P step differs from the ERG step by having or not having a cetpoint for adverse containment conditiona, the E0P Setpoint Document should be referenced with explanation.


< )\\ A confirmation letter may be used to justify E0P


differences from the ERG if directed to the appropriate approving body, i.e., Westinghouse Owners Group (WOG) and Westinghouse for ERG related items, Westinghouse for EOP Setpoint items. Step number references changed due to addition or deletion of an EOP step does not require a revised step documentation form.

2.3.6 10 Changes to the.30P which alter the information utad by the operator to make decisions in performing tasks should be reviewed against task analysis review i

criteria in 10012-C, "EOP And AOP Writers Guide".

Thin criteria may be used in documenting why an EOP setpoint is used.

This criteria should also be need when instrumentation and controls and/or scales used to perform E0? steps have been changed. During the Unit 1 to Common unit EOF revision, a newly issued step documentation form foc EOF (19xxx-C) documents that an in-depth Unit 1 to Unit 2 comparison has taken place and E0P procedural changes have been made, if necessary.



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2.4 MAI!iTENANCE AND REVISION OF E0P REFERENCE hATERIAL.S 2.4.1 The quality of EOP Reference Materials shall be maintained in accordance with 00100-C, " Quality i

f Assurance Records Administration ', Dub-subsection 4.1.1 at'the time of transmitting them to Document Control as a Ql. record.

2.4.2 The following E0P reference materials and revisions thereafter shall be controlled and distributed per 00103-C, " Document Diatribution And Control".

l 1

2.4,2.1 E0P Setpoint Document manual. ERG Maintenance Prograu Summary manual.


' 4.2.3 ERG-HP Guidelines manual.

.2.4 ERC-HP Background manuals.

.2.5 ERG Executive manual.

.2.6 PGP manual,

-.4.3 The E0P Setpoint Document manual materials and cevisions thereafter shall be transmitted by z

O Westinghouse or be based on aparoved Westinghouse E0P setpoint documentation for both the controlled and information copies.

2.4.4 The following EOP Reference Materials should always be approved by the WOG and Westinghouse Engineering before E

use except in those cases Where plant specific information overrules the generic issues or used as justification for the EOP atep.

= ERG Maintenance Progrcm Summary manual.

244.4.2 ERG-HP Background manual. ERO-HP Guidelineo manual. ERG Executive manual.

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l 2.4.5 Until an approved copy of revised E0P reference O) material.a is received by Operations Engineering, a (s

telephone confirmation letter may bc used for approval.

Such dccumentation revisions should be updated by a single line through the inforuation to be reviced, the ned information added, revision initialed and dated adjacent to the confirmation letter numbe.r.

Th39 method shall be used for all E0P reference materials referent.ed in this procedure.

l 2.4.6 Revised documentation rhall be maintained in an information copy of the following EOP Reference Materials to maintain a current approved status of changes until controlled distribution replaces it in the information copy and controlled copy. E0P Setpoint Document manual. ERG Maintenance Program Summary mcuual.

2.4.6,3 ERG-HP Cuidelines manual.


2.4.7 EOP revisions should be ketpt current vith the most current approved reference raaterials, a

3.0 REFERENCE _S, k-3.1 PROCEDURES 3.1.1 10012-C "EOP And AOP Writern Guide '

3.1.2 11894-C "EOP Step Documentation Form" 3.1.3 00100-C

" Quality Assurance Records Administration" l

3.1.4 00103-C

" Document Distribution And Control" END OF PROCEDURE TEXT O

