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Submits Comments Re Util 770809 Application for Amend to License DPR-22.Amend Modifies Radiation Environ Monitoring Program by Removing Clam Sampling Analysis.Exploration of Alternatives to Improve Clam Sampling Efficacy Recommended
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1977
From: Gardebring S
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20091A440 List:
NUDOCS 9105150367
Download: ML20091A442 (1)



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Vict:r Stelic, Director - " ;: T

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Divisian of Operating Reactors .

. ,'l' U.S. fiuclear Regulatory Commission , ,N *

'Aasnington, D.C. 20EE5 s .'

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Dear ltr. Stello:

We are in receipt of a license amendment request dated August 9,1977 from the fior:hern States Pcwer C:gany that would modify the tnticello (%:get 50-253 License DPR-22) P.adiation Environmental ltonitoring Program by removing C.;m s.mpiir.g and analysis. ,

I would agree that Mississippi River conditions in the vicinity of the Monti-cello plant are not conducive to efficient clam sampling. However, I would that the Northern States Power clam sampling te:hniques and their vigor in discovery of clam beds might also contribute to the lack of success in clam satoling.

Since clans are an efficient water filter, I would prefer that clats not be drocped f. n the monitoring program until all alternatives that might imorove clan sar: ling efficacy have been explored. A few methods to improve efficacy c: e immedi:tely to mind: sampling during times when the clam population is cotimally largest, search and discovery of the best clam beds, utilization of submerged clam traps, implantation and containment in suitable trap-like containers of clams at cesirable locations relative to the plant outfall and intake. I am sure these s"ggestions do not exhaust all possibilities.

'Would you let me knu whether -he Nuclear heculatory Ccmmission intenos to investigate can be improved. clam sampling alternatives or other means by which clam monitoring Sincerely, i .$.

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SandraS.Gayeying accutive D rec

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