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Ack Cooperation in Providing Info for EIS for Subj Facils. Requests Written Confirmation of Data Provided Re Planned Expansion of Water Capacity of City of Midland
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 10/25/1978
From: Hong S
To: Ewing W
NUDOCS 7812050225
Download: ML20064F878 (1)



usDeweed Ew ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 5900 SctTk CAss Anst. ARCpfE. llecis 60439 TEffpknt 312/972-3148 250 - 32#7


330 October 25, 1978 Mr. William C. Ewing Superintendent Midland Water Department City of Midland 232 Ashman Midland, MI 48640

Dear Mr. Ewing:

We appreciate your cooperation in providing infomation about the profiles of your comunity through the telephone conversation on September 12, 1978. That infomation was essential in preparing the environmental impact statement of the operation of Midland Units 1 and 2.

Because of the importance of the information you provided, we would like to have it documented for the public record. Please send us a written confimation of the following data provided over the telephone.

If.. ere are any corrections needed in the infomation, please revise.


Planned expansion - 17 million gallons / day for Dow Chemical; 11 million gallons / day for the City; current capacity (filteration) 20 million gallons; projected 48 million gallons in 1980 which will be sufficient until the year 1990; drinking water to Midlarm plant from the City.

Sincerely, M14// 60' YO$

Sung W. Hong' Division of Environmental Impact Studies SWH:eb cc:

W. K. Derickson-tPWD


7812050 N T

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