MONTHYEARML20212H0531999-09-27027 September 1999 Responds to Addressed to DA Cool Re NRC Fees for DOE Subcontractors Performing Sealed Source Recovery Work ML20212H1061999-06-0808 June 1999 Submits follow-up to from J Orban Expressing Concerns Over Issue of Fees Assessed by NRC on Subcontractor to DOE Performing Source Recovery Actions Under Off-Site- Source Recovery Program ML20195F8721998-11-19019 November 1998 Ack Receipt of Correspondence to NRC Re West Valley,New York Facility.Correspondence Forwarded to NRC Staff for Appropriate Action ML20195F8901998-11-0505 November 1998 Requests That National Decommissioning Standards Be Applied to West Valley,Ny Nuclear Waste Site ML20153G5971998-09-25025 September 1998 Ack Receipt of Comments on Science Applications Intl Corp Various Preliminary & Revised Performance Assessments for West Valley & Other Info Provided ML20134C1141996-09-20020 September 1996 Discusses Processes That Could Be Followed to Set a Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for Western Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Western Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20134C1531996-08-14014 August 1996 Requests NRC Guidance Re Process to Set Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20056E2661993-08-14014 August 1993 Forwards Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20056E2711993-08-14014 August 1993 Discusses Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20035E1851993-04-14014 April 1993 Advises of Transfer of Responsibility for Licensing of Facility & Project from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Licensing Branch,Effective 930208.Future Correspondence Should Be Addressed,As Listed ML20097G6521992-06-10010 June 1992 Forwards Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sluge Wash Cement-Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20101F3131992-06-0808 June 1992 Forwards Review & Discussion of Vertical Fractures Reported at Wv Site Working Draft Re DOE Request for Rulemaking on Tru Limits ML20097F5281992-06-0202 June 1992 Responds to DOE Request for Rulemaking on Transuranic Limit in West Valley Demonstration Project Wastes.Requests Copies of Communications Exchanged Between DOE & C & Overall Schedule for Major Steps in Rulemaking ML20096H4181992-05-21021 May 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to Waste Form Interim Qualification Rept WVDP Stabilized Sludge Wash Cement-Waste & Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20095L5991992-05-0101 May 1992 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of West Valley Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid for Info & Comment ML20096C0991992-04-29029 April 1992 Forwards Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20095J1141992-04-22022 April 1992 Informs of Approval to Commence Phase II Sludge Wash Operations on or About 920427 ML20094S5591992-04-15015 April 1992 Requests NRCs Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Waste Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act.Discusses Need for Redefinition & Actions Needed by NRC ML20101R4031992-03-23023 March 1992 Requests NRC Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act ML20091A5021992-03-18018 March 1992 Forwards Fully Executed RCRA 3008(h) Consent Order Which Becomes Effective 920315.W/one Oversize Drawing ML20090H5331992-03-0808 March 1992 Discusses Future Decision Making Process & Existing Obligations at West Valley & Effects on low-level Radwaste Siting by State of Ny ML20090G5111992-03-0404 March 1992 Forwards DOE Responses to NRC SER W/Recommendations on West Valley,Ny Supernatant Treatment Sys ML20094G6931992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash. Advises of 920309 Board Meeting & Overview & Summary of Results Will Be Discussed on 920319 ML20100P9831992-02-0404 February 1992 Forwards West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook - Replacement for Use & Info.Notebook Supports West Valley Waste Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20092F1571992-01-17017 January 1992 Forwards Inquiry from Constituent,J Kozlowski,Re West Valley Demonstration Project.Constituent Questions Radiation Leakage from Cansiters at Site ML20091K6551992-01-14014 January 1992 Requests That State of Ny Energy R&D Authority,Doe & NRC Examine Possible Conflict W/West Valley Demonstration Project & Possible NRC Concerns from NRC Licensing Standpoint Re Const of Commercial LLW Facility ML20086F5391991-12-0303 December 1991 Ack Receipt of Transmitting, Vitrification Control Room Design Plan. Concerns Raised That Maint Personnel Not Involved in Conceptual Design Meetings ML20085H6271991-10-15015 October 1991 Forwards Rev 6 to Wvns SAR-004, Supernatant Treatment Sys. DOE Approves Rept ML20079K3191991-10-11011 October 1991 Forwards Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3551991-10-0101 October 1991 Forwards Official Update of Info to Be Entered Into West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook,Per 910829 Meeting ML20079G7101991-09-30030 September 1991 Forwards Rev 4 to WVDP-043, Oil,Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Wastes Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasures Plan ML20083D3281991-09-20020 September 1991 Responds to Request for Items 1,2 & 3 of 910718 Closeout Meeting ML20083C2241991-09-18018 September 1991 Extends Invitation to Participate in Operational Readiness Review Planning for West Valley Irts Operations - Sludge Wash ML20082K4701991-08-22022 August 1991 Forwards Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissle Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator & Rev 3 to WVNS-SAR-005, SAR for Liquid Waste Treatment Sys ML20091C2141991-07-26026 July 1991 Forwards DOE West Valley Project Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Operations,High Level West Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20082E9291991-07-23023 July 1991 Provides Documentation & Data Discussed W/Nrc During 910603-06 Meeting & Interface Meeting W/Region I on 910516- 17.Viewgraphs Encl ML20076D4031991-07-19019 July 1991 Forwards Run Rept,Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys, Campaign 21,901031-910111 ML20079B1121991-06-10010 June 1991 Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also ML20024H2941991-05-23023 May 1991 Confirms Listed Agenda,Per Telcon & Forwards Names & Titles of NRC Personnel to Visit Facility During Wk of 910603 ML20024G9811991-05-14014 May 1991 Forwards Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20077D1921991-04-30030 April 1991 Forwards West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc Response to Comments from 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20081G8601991-04-29029 April 1991 Requests Written Concurrence W/Understanding on Confirmation of Compliance W/Land Disposal Restrictions for Storage & Treatment of high-level Radioactive Mixed Waste at West Valley Demonstration Project ML20073K8701991-04-25025 April 1991 Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency Re Project Completion & Site Closure EIS Prepared Jointly by DOE & New York State Energy Research & Development Authority ML20073H0991991-04-25025 April 1991 Discusses West Valley Demonstration Project Completion & Closure of Western New York Svc Ctr.Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency for Project Completion & Site Closure Environ Impact Statement ML20077D1981991-04-19019 April 1991 Advises That Concrete Const Activities Appear to Be Adequate & Final Product Acceptable Re Response to Comments for 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20073L3581991-04-19019 April 1991 Forwards Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Campaign 20 Run Rept,For Info ML19325F3831989-11-0909 November 1989 Forwards Draft Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan, for Review & Comments by 891124 ML20247E5541989-03-16016 March 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement Manual TR/IRTS-7, Operational Safety Requirements ML20245E9991989-01-26026 January 1989 Informs of Conclusion That West Valley Demonstration Project Appropriately Focused & Results Favorable,Per 890123-24 Meeting ML20195K1621988-11-29029 November 1988 Provides Supplemental Qualification Data Re Cemented Low Level Waste Form & Reaffirms Project Position on long-term Mgt of Subj Waste 1999-09-27
MONTHYEARML20212H1061999-06-0808 June 1999 Submits follow-up to from J Orban Expressing Concerns Over Issue of Fees Assessed by NRC on Subcontractor to DOE Performing Source Recovery Actions Under Off-Site- Source Recovery Program ML20195F8901998-11-0505 November 1998 Requests That National Decommissioning Standards Be Applied to West Valley,Ny Nuclear Waste Site ML20134C1531996-08-14014 August 1996 Requests NRC Guidance Re Process to Set Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20097G6521992-06-10010 June 1992 Forwards Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sluge Wash Cement-Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20101F3131992-06-0808 June 1992 Forwards Review & Discussion of Vertical Fractures Reported at Wv Site Working Draft Re DOE Request for Rulemaking on Tru Limits ML20097F5281992-06-0202 June 1992 Responds to DOE Request for Rulemaking on Transuranic Limit in West Valley Demonstration Project Wastes.Requests Copies of Communications Exchanged Between DOE & C & Overall Schedule for Major Steps in Rulemaking ML20096H4181992-05-21021 May 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to Waste Form Interim Qualification Rept WVDP Stabilized Sludge Wash Cement-Waste & Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20095L5991992-05-0101 May 1992 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of West Valley Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid for Info & Comment ML20096C0991992-04-29029 April 1992 Forwards Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, Wvdp Operational Safety Requirements ML20094S5591992-04-15015 April 1992 Requests NRCs Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Waste Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act.Discusses Need for Redefinition & Actions Needed by NRC ML20101R4031992-03-23023 March 1992 Requests NRC Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act ML20090H5331992-03-0808 March 1992 Discusses Future Decision Making Process & Existing Obligations at West Valley & Effects on low-level Radwaste Siting by State of Ny ML20090G5111992-03-0404 March 1992 Forwards DOE Responses to NRC SER W/Recommendations on West Valley,Ny Supernatant Treatment Sys ML20094G6931992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash. Advises of 920309 Board Meeting & Overview & Summary of Results Will Be Discussed on 920319 ML20100P9831992-02-0404 February 1992 Forwards West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook - Replacement for Use & Info.Notebook Supports West Valley Waste Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20092F1571992-01-17017 January 1992 Forwards Inquiry from Constituent,J Kozlowski,Re West Valley Demonstration Project.Constituent Questions Radiation Leakage from Cansiters at Site ML20091K6551992-01-14014 January 1992 Requests That State of Ny Energy R&D Authority,Doe & NRC Examine Possible Conflict W/West Valley Demonstration Project & Possible NRC Concerns from NRC Licensing Standpoint Re Const of Commercial LLW Facility ML20085H6271991-10-15015 October 1991 Forwards Rev 6 to Wvns SAR-004, Supernatant Treatment Sys. DOE Approves Rept ML20079K3191991-10-11011 October 1991 Forwards Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3551991-10-0101 October 1991 Forwards Official Update of Info to Be Entered Into West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook,Per 910829 Meeting ML20079G7101991-09-30030 September 1991 Forwards Rev 4 to WVDP-043, Oil,Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Wastes Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasures Plan ML20083D3281991-09-20020 September 1991 Responds to Request for Items 1,2 & 3 of 910718 Closeout Meeting ML20083C2241991-09-18018 September 1991 Extends Invitation to Participate in Operational Readiness Review Planning for West Valley Irts Operations - Sludge Wash ML20082K4701991-08-22022 August 1991 Forwards Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissle Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator & Rev 3 to WVNS-SAR-005, SAR for Liquid Waste Treatment Sys ML20091C2141991-07-26026 July 1991 Forwards DOE West Valley Project Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Operations,High Level West Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20082E9291991-07-23023 July 1991 Provides Documentation & Data Discussed W/Nrc During 910603-06 Meeting & Interface Meeting W/Region I on 910516- 17.Viewgraphs Encl ML20076D4031991-07-19019 July 1991 Forwards Run Rept,Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys, Campaign 21,901031-910111 ML20079B1121991-06-10010 June 1991 Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also ML20024G9811991-05-14014 May 1991 Forwards Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20077D1921991-04-30030 April 1991 Forwards West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc Response to Comments from 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20073H0991991-04-25025 April 1991 Discusses West Valley Demonstration Project Completion & Closure of Western New York Svc Ctr.Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency for Project Completion & Site Closure Environ Impact Statement ML20073K8701991-04-25025 April 1991 Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency Re Project Completion & Site Closure EIS Prepared Jointly by DOE & New York State Energy Research & Development Authority ML20073L3581991-04-19019 April 1991 Forwards Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Campaign 20 Run Rept,For Info ML19325F3831989-11-0909 November 1989 Forwards Draft Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan, for Review & Comments by 891124 ML20247E5541989-03-16016 March 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement Manual TR/IRTS-7, Operational Safety Requirements ML20195K1621988-11-29029 November 1988 Provides Supplemental Qualification Data Re Cemented Low Level Waste Form & Reaffirms Project Position on long-term Mgt of Subj Waste ML20154J8831988-05-20020 May 1988 Forwards Addl Comments on Draft Progress Control Plan for West Valley Demonstration Project.Doe 880516 Reply & Encl Respond to All NRC Concerns Re Low Level Cement Waste Form ML20151G3561988-04-14014 April 1988 Notifies of NRC 880503-04 Visit to Plant to Review Activities Underway Re Low Level Liquid Waste Treatment. Provisional Agenda Encl ML20234F4311986-06-0202 June 1986 FOIA Request for Documents Re Listed Facilities,Including Risk Diversion Analyses or Repts Prepared from 741101-761231 That Discuss Risk That Plutonium Could Be Diverted from Facilities ML20202G0031986-05-26026 May 1986 FOIA Request for Documents Re Disposition of project- Generated Waste at DOE West Valley Demonstration Project. Documents Identified on App B Denied in 860411 Response. Documents Should Be Forwarded & Made Available in PDR ML20128C0421985-06-10010 June 1985 Forwards West Valley Demonstration Project Sar,Vol 1, Project Overview & General Info & West Valley Demonstration Project Sar,Suppls. Documents Prepared by West Valley Nuclear Sys Co,Inc in Support of Other SARs ML20127G9541984-12-0303 December 1984 FOIA Request for Memos,Documents,Repts & Correspondence Re Migration of radioactively-contaminated Kerosene at NRC Licensed Burial Ground at West Valley,Ny ML20127H2371984-09-13013 September 1984 Comments on Draft Rept, Plan for Diagnosing Solvent Contamination at West Valley Facility Disposal Area, Per NRC 840705 Request ML20114A8031984-07-10010 July 1984 FOIA Request for All Correspondence of 1982-83 Between Util & NRC Re Shipment Routes for Irradiated Fuel Between Former Reprocessing Plant at West Valley & Facilities ML20113D8141984-06-27027 June 1984 FOIA Request for Documents Re Shipment of Fuel Assemblies from Western Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr to Bnwl Occurring May-Jul 1978 ML20080P3311983-09-30030 September 1983 Requests Consideration of 2.206 Petition Directing NRC to Determine Whether License Amend Required for Each Util Wishing to Ship Irradiated Fuel from West Valley,Ny ML20080G9801983-09-0909 September 1983 Requests Institution of Proceedings to Modify,Revoke or Suspend Facility Ols,Per 10CFR2.206 ML20080D4311983-08-24024 August 1983 Contends That Shipment of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel from West Valley Reprocessing Plant Back to Respective Utils Hazardous & Unnecessary.License Amend,Safety Evaluation & Pertinent Repts Should Be Submitted Before Decision ML20078G1931983-06-27027 June 1983 FOIA Request for Documents Re Costs & Const of & Improvements to Western New York Nuclear Svc Ctr,West Valley,Ny ML20071A3721983-02-10010 February 1983 Forwards Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement B-29,per 830112 Request.Amend Reflects NRC Order Terminating NFS Authority 1999-06-08
MONTHYEARML20069E9401982-08-25025 August 1982 Responds to NRC Re Drums Discovered in Spillway of Lake Near Ctr.Drums Contained No Radioactive Matl. Comments Will Be Provided on DOE Response to Sierra Club 820714 Questions If Requested ML20042A8051982-02-25025 February 1982 Forwards Environ Rept 31,Jul-Dec 1981. Rept Covers Environ Conditions & Discharge Data from West Valley,Ny Fuel Reprocessing Facility ML20039F9101981-12-23023 December 1981 Comments on Proposed Amend,Paragraph 8,to License CSF-1 Per NRC 811208 Request.Revision of Paragraph 8A & Partial Deletion of Subparagraph B Requested ML20033A2401981-10-22022 October 1981 Forwards Quarterly Rept for Jul-Sept 1981 ML20010H6351981-09-11011 September 1981 Advises That Nuclear Fuel Svcs,Inc Will Oppose NRC Issuance of Proposed Amend to License CSF-1.Amend Would Be Detrimental to Legal & Economic Interests ML20010C0271981-07-22022 July 1981 Forwards Quarterly Rept for Apr 1,1981 Through June 30, 1981 L-81-068, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/81-03.Corrective Actions:Notice to All Employees Posted Reiterating Purpose,Procedure & Importance of Special Work Permits1981-07-16016 July 1981 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/81-03.Corrective Actions:Notice to All Employees Posted Reiterating Purpose,Procedure & Importance of Special Work Permits ML20004A9401981-05-0808 May 1981 Forwards 810429 Agreement Providing for Indemnification of NFS for Work That NRC Wishes to Have Performed at Facility. Permission from State of Ny Should Be Obtained for Ingress & Egress ML20009C9911981-04-22022 April 1981 Forwards Quarterly Rept for Jan-Mar 1981 Per Paragraph 5C(4) of Provisional License CSF-1 ML20003G0271981-03-27027 March 1981 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/81-01.Corrective actions:810206 Memo Re Transportation Procedures Issued to Health & Safety Specialists Negating Use of Conditional Release Forms ML20003H5081981-02-27027 February 1981 Expresses Concern Re Highly Permeable Strata Extending in Trenches Near Burial Site.Requests Drilling Be Conducted to Determine Site Geology.Sections of 1977 Annual Rept Describing Pu Migration Encl ML20008F2011981-02-25025 February 1981 Forwards Environ Rept 29,Jul-Dec 1980 ML19345H1801981-02-11011 February 1981 Responds to NRC & 0304 Telcon Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/80-06.Corrective Actions:Memo Notice Issued on 810206,reinstructing Personnel Re Importance of Complete Documentation on Special Work Permits ML19347E0181981-02-0202 February 1981 Provides Names of Applicants for License Exam During Wk of 810323,including Senior License & plant-wide Operator. Revised Outline of Requalification Program Encl ML20037C2751981-01-23023 January 1981 Forwards Quarterly Rept,Oct-Dec 1980 ML19347E0281980-11-25025 November 1980 Notifies of Appt of Cw Alday as Operations Manager.Resume Encl ML19345D0591980-11-0505 November 1980 Responds to IE Bulletin 80-15 by Resubmitting 800826 Rept of NFS West Valley ENS Sys Tests & Investigation as Required by IE Bulletin 80-15. Affirmation Encl ML20003D6261980-10-29029 October 1980 Forwards fifty-eigth Quarterly Rept for Jul-Sept 1980 & Corrected Replacement Pages for Two Prior Repts ML20003D6281980-10-29029 October 1980 Replacement Page for 800718 Rept,Consisting of Ltr Forwarding fifty-seventh Quarterly Rept for Apr-June 1980 ML20003D6291980-10-29029 October 1980 Replacement Page for 800428 Rept,Consisting of Ltr Forwarding fifty-seventh Quarterly Rept for Jan-Mar 1980. Rept for Jul-Sept 1980 Encl ML19332A5731980-09-0808 September 1980 Comments on Rulemaking 50-5:GESMO Proceedings Should Be Reopened to Provide Early Procedural Framework for Subsequent Licensing ML19347B9951980-08-29029 August 1980 Forwards Environ Rept Number 28,Jan-June 1980 ML19337B4071980-08-26026 August 1980 Responds to IE Bulletin 80-15 Re Emergency Notification Sys Power.Emergency Notification Sys Powered by Offsite Power from Iroquois Telephone Co ML19347B7401980-08-18018 August 1980 Responds to NRC 800715 Ltr Re Vulnerability Assessment Rept, Mar 1980.Recommendations Per 800528 Meeting Can Be Implemented by 800930.Forwards Outline of Initiated & Contemplated Measures.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19343A4141980-07-18018 July 1980 Forwards Fifty-third Quarterly Environ Monitoring Rept, Apr-June 1980 ML19351D2931980-07-0303 July 1980 Provides Info Re Current Status of Facility,In Response to NRC .Lease W/Ny State Energy R&D Authority Will Expire 801231.Possible Replacement Operator Has Not Yet Been Named.Complete Resolution Depends on Pending Legislation ML19321A4721980-07-0101 July 1980 Forwards Response to NRC 800617 Ltr Re Deficiency Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/80-04 on 800519-21.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19320D1501980-06-26026 June 1980 Advises That Onsite Auxiliary Power Supply Is Not Required in Response to IE Bulletin 80-15.Insp Revealed That Emergency Notification Sys Does Not Receive Power from Plant Supply.Test of Emergency Diesel Generator Will Be Conducted ML19318D2441980-06-26026 June 1980 Advises That Emergency Notification Sys Telephone Does Not Require Onsite Auxiliary Power Supply,In Response to IE Bulletin 80-15.Test to Verify Independent Power Will Be Conducted within Next 30 Days,During Scheduled Power Outage ML19330C1851980-06-18018 June 1980 Forwards Insp & Evaluation of Nfs High Level Waste Storage Sys, Program Plan Summary Overview ML19310A9021980-05-28028 May 1980 Forwards Audited Financial Statements Consisting of Statements as of 791231 & 781231 W/Auditor Rept.Affidavit Only Encl ML19318A3051980-05-15015 May 1980 Responds to NRC 800423 Ltr Re Violation Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/80-03.Corrective Actions:Employees Cited Have Been Scheduled for Whole Body Counting ML19318A5081980-04-28028 April 1980 Forwards Quarterly Rept for Jan-Mar 1980 ML19318A4421980-04-21021 April 1980 Forwards Corrected Table 5-6, Deer Sample Data, of Environ Rept 27.Contains Results of Reanalysis of Deer Harvested Nov 1979 & Analytical Results of Second Deer Harvested Dec 1979 ML19318A5351980-03-18018 March 1980 Forwards Site Security Plan for Low Enriched Matl.No Fees Applicable.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19310A6341980-03-14014 March 1980 Responds to NRC 791210 Request by Providing Confirmation That Manipulator Sleeve Parts & Other Similar Openings Were Sealed on 800103.Action Provides Addl Protection Against Potential Tornados ML19309D2891980-03-0303 March 1980 Responds to NRC Re Violatins Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/80-01.Corrective Actions:Posted Appropriate Notification Signs & Replaced Certification for Compliance ML19305E1551980-02-29029 February 1980 Forwards Environ Monitoring Rept 27,Jul-Dec 1979 ML19305D4251980-01-22022 January 1980 Forwards Fifty-fifth Quarterly Environ Monitoring Rept,For Oct-Dec 1979 ML19250C3521979-11-19019 November 1979 Forwards Executed Amend 11 to Indemnity Agreement B-29, Modifying Prefatory Language Re Transportation,Handling & Storage of Radioactive Matl ML19290E1271979-11-0202 November 1979 Forwards Revision 6 to Facility Physical Protection Plan. Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19296C1051979-10-26026 October 1979 Forwards Revised Page 9 of Safeguards Contingency Plan.Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19290D9221979-10-25025 October 1979 Forwards Fifty-Fourth Quarterly Rept for Jul-Sept 1979, Per Provisional License CSF-1 ML19260A9761979-10-0505 October 1979 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-201/79-02.Corrective Actions:Requirements for Hand & Foot Counter Posted,Radiation Area Sign Posted & Proper Labeling Emphasized ML19296D5261979-08-31031 August 1979 Provides Notification of Organizational Change at Facility. Jp Duckworth Appointed General Manager & Plant Manager. P Burn Appointed Technical Svcs Manager.P Burn Resume Encl ML17054D2051979-08-30030 August 1979 Forwards Environ Rept 26,Jan-June 1979 ML19207B4661979-08-27027 August 1979 Forwards Amend 10 Indemnity Agreement B-29 ML19249A5761979-07-24024 July 1979 Forwards Quarterly Monitoring Rept for 790401-0630 ML19242D0221979-07-23023 July 1979 Forwards Page 45 of Revised Safeguards Contingency Plan. Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19253A4981979-07-16016 July 1979 Forwards Revised Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) 1982-08-25
[Table view] |
Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. 6000 Executive B:ulevarc. Suite 600. Attkvale M?.r lEQ y
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!009 -
l March 12, 1973 Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief Radiological and Environmental Protection Branch Directorate of Regulatory Operations -
Region I U. S. Atomic Energy Commission 970 Broad Street Newark, New Jersey 07102
Dear Mr. Nelson:
This is in' response to your letter of February 5, 1973, which transmitted a copy of Inspection Report No. 50-201/72-03, hereinaf ter referred to as the " Report."
We request that the entire Report bc withheld from publication in the public document room.
The pertinent regulation that requires publication in the public docu:nent room applies only to " final" documer.ts.
10 C.F.R. 2.790(a).
The Report is not a final document and is not within the purview of the regulation. On the contrary, the Report is more in the nature of an internal memorandum which serves to generata subsequent AEC action and documents, such as notices of violations, responses thereto, etc.
It is these subsequent documents that are final documents.
The regulation also includes a specific exemption from publication in the public document room for investigatory files compiled for law enforcenent purposes.
10 C.F.R. 2.790(a)(8).
The Report is part of the AEC's investi-gatory files compiled for law enforcement purposes and would be within the scope of the foregoing exemption whether or not it is a final document.
The content of the Report illustrates that it is interim in nature, not a final document, and that it is a typical part of the AEC's inves tigatory files compiled for law enforcement purposes.
This content includes various matters which are presented in an extremely sensitive way.
Mr. Teul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 2 Some of these matters are not predicated upon cicher follow-up or the slightest allegation of a violation of law, regulation, or safety practice.
One of these matters appears to have been investigated and included in the Report only because of an anonymous letter while another is not even the result of our activities and is not within the EC's jurisdiction or related to the proper exercise of its law enforcement dutics, although the Report clearly implies the contrary. One of these matters appears to have been investigated and included in the Report only because we had furnished the AEC a prior informational letter with regard to our knowledge thereof (publication of these types of matters in the public document room might cause us to re-evaluate our policy of voluntarily furnishing the AEC information when not otherwise required by law to do so).
Undoubtedly, these matters constitute valuable information for future background or investigatory purposes and are properly a part of the AEC's investigatory files compiled in the normal course of business and retained as internal memoranda; but these matters are not appropriate for publica-tion in the public document room.
Publication of these maccers in the pub 1' document room would be prejudicial to our best interests if for no other reason thah that publication alone implies our wrongdoing and involvement.
Finally, the Report contains a number of errors, certain miscalculations, and misstatements. We have addressed each of these below in discussing specific items in the Report. We presume that verified errors and miscalcu-lations will be corrected without further ado. We also hope that any mis-statements will be as readily corrected; however, should any of these misstatements actually find their way into the public document room, we will
be compelled to deny their accuracy and to rebut them by whatever means are available.
l We now turn to a discussion of specific items in the Report to which we object, without withdrawing our request that the entire Report be withheld from publication in the public document room.
It is indicated that no other AEC personnel accompacied the principal inspector during the inspections (cover page). However, Mr. Kinney was also present during at least p Trt of the inspections.
r 5
Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 3 2.
The origin of paragraph 17 of the Report. is described as " licensee letter of September 12, 1972, to Directorate of Regulatory Operations, reporting external overexposure of nine contractor e=ployees" (second page, under " Unusual Occurrences," item G).
However, this is parcially mislead-ing and partially in error.
First, it implies that the occurrence resulted from our activities and is subject to the jurisdiction of the AEC when, in fact, the occurrence resulted from a Net
'.*7rk State licensee's activities, involved exposure to that licensee's rad..ation source, and is subject to the jurisdiction of New York State and not the AEC.
The only reason that we furnished a letter concerning the occurrence to the AEC was that we happened to have significant knowledge thereof because it occurred on our site while the New York State Licensee was making radiographs of welds, and vc wished to voluntarily pass such information to the AEC out of courtesy. The only possible relationship the occurrence ever had with respect to our operations s
was to limit deployment of certain of the contractor a=ployees on our si:e during the short term future.
Second, although nine contractor e=eloyees were exposed to radiation as a result of the New York State licensee's activities, only three such employees received an overexposure, i.e., an exposure exceeding the applicable State of New York regulations. Addi-tionally, we have made further conuments concerning paragraph 17 of the Report as a.whole below.
The title of W. A. Oldha= (third page, under " Management Intervies").
should be corrected to read " Manager, Engineering and Construction."
The names and titles of various persons sre wrong and should be corrected to read as follows:
(fourth page, under " Persons Contacted,"
item 1):
T. K. Wenstrand Manager, Health and Safety 4
D. Couhig Assistant Operations Manager R. T. Smokowski Contract Administrator and Secretary of the Safety Cocznittee J. P. Maier Health Physics Technician 11.Tump Technical Services Manager P. Burns Process Engineer R. May Maintenance Manager
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Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 4
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E. S. Rothschild, M. D.
H. Benz Vice President, Benz Labor Agency G. W. Mcdonald Plant Assistance Engineer J. E. Birchler Plant Assistance Supervisor Additionally, actually identifying the contractor employees by na:ne raises another problem.
They are such a s=all, select group that subsecuently setting forth details of their radiation exposure and medical treatment in paragraph 17 of the Report (although not 'specifically by i
name) would appear to constitute an unwarranted invasion of their privacy in violation of tne spirit, if not the letter, of the exenption from pub-lication in the public document room provided for such information.
10 C.F.R. 2.790(a)(7). We have made further comments concerning paragraph 17 of the Report as a whole below.
Fourth page, item 2, sentence 3 (unnumbered), should read
" Licensee representatives stated that corrective action was achieved by rerouting the Condenasta and Cooling Water to an interceptor."
Fifth page, itam 5, paragraph 2 (unnu=bered), sentence 2 (unnumbered), should read "The inspector made a confirming survey through-cut the Process Building and adjacent areas."
Sixth page, itam 6 continued, sentence 1 (unnumbered) on that page, should read " Nasal swabs are r.aken, according to records, after each zone entry and the swabs are routinely counted in a beta and alpha counter."
Seventh page, item 8, paragraph 6 (unnumbered), sentence 2 (unnumbered), should read "The inspector noted that the operation of these monitors are checked daily and that the results of checks are entered in a los maintained by the Health and Safety Department."
'Nelf th page, item 13, paragraph 2 (unnumbered) (throughout),
delete the word " underground."
- 10. Thirteenth page, item 14 continued, first full paragraph on that page, sentence 4 (unnumbered), should read "Using 1 x 10-8 uC1/ml the limir express 9d in Appendix 3, Table I,10 C.F.R. 20 and an inhalation of 5 x 10' ml/40 hr. week, up to 500 aci could have been inhaled before the 40 MPC hrs. limit would have been exceeded."
the change in sign of the second exponent).
Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 5 11.
Thirteenth page, itam 14 continued, second full paragraph on that page, sentence 1 (unnumbered), should read "A nasal smecr taken on 7/7/72 showed an activity of 5800 dpm, equivalent to 2.64 nC1."
the change from microcuries to nanocuries).
Thirteenth page, item 15, paragraph 2 (unnumbered), sentence 2 (unnumbered), should read "On 6/23/72 SWP No. 5034 which authorized the removal of the cement bricks, showed dose rate measurements of 15 R/hr.
whole body exposuro, 40 R/hr. skin of whole body exposure, and 250 R/hr.
extremity exposure."
I 13.
Fourteenth page, item 15 continued (throughout), in every place "Ru-116" appears it should be changed to read "Ru-106," and in every place "ZrNi or ZrNi-95" appears it should be changed to read "ZrNb-95."
Fourteenth page, item 15 continued, second full paragraph on method with 7.74 x 10+{' mi air /40 hr. work week instead of 5 x 10'7 unnumbered),
that page, sentence 3 mi str/40 hr. work week, an exposure of 75.5 MPC hours or 1.89 x MFC was obtained." (Note:
the change in the sign for both expunents).
Fourteenth page, item 16, paragraph 1 (unnumbered), sentence 5 (unnumbered), should read "The records also indicate an extremity and skin exposure, for 5.25 years, of 11. 7 rem."
the change from " rad" to " rem'.').
Fourteenth page, item 16 (general), sets forth details concerning an investigation undertaken in response to en anonymous 1cteer (see, the Report at page 2, item F) into the death of a former employee.
5 This employee was retired, was not on our premises at the time of his death, and did not die as the result of an injury suffered or disease incurred while on our premises.
The employee's attending physician believed that the employee was advanced in age (72), smoked to an (xcess, and ultimately died of a malignancy unrelated to his prior employment with us (us,, the Report at page 15).
The employee's radiation exposure never exceeded the 1.25 rem quarterly limit set forth in 10 C.F.R. 20 during the whole of his employment, and his entire urinalysis and whole body counting record during the whole of his amoloyment is without significance (sce, rhe Report at pages 14 - 15). Thus, we see no legitimate interest in includ-l l
ing all these details in the Report if, it is to be published in the public l
document room, i.e.,
no public interest whatsoever in their disclosure.
This again proves the wisdom of treating the Report as an internal memoran-dum and as part of the AEC's investigatory files compiled for law O
~ _ _ - - _.
Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 J
Page 6 enforcement purposes, not subject to publication in the public document 1
Indeed, the only reason that these details are in the Report appears to be the existence of the aforementioned anonymous Iceter. The death of employees and former employees who for all intents and purposes have, died of natural causes unrelated to our activities are not routinely investigated,'
and we do not believe there is any intention to routinely investigate them in the future since we have numerous employees, all of whom must incscapably '
die for some reason at some time in the future.
It seems very dangerous indeed to establish the precedent of publishing details of an employee's death in the public document room merely because cf an anonymous latter which has proven demonstrably false or baseless.
We cannot take solace in the fact that if this itcm is published in the public document room, the details of the employee's death are exculpatory in nature. On the contrary, at present there is no connection or associa-tion between the employee's death and our activities.
Publication of this item in the public document room will saw the seed of suspicion or raise j
the questiots of a connection or association between the employec's death and our activities for the very first time; and no matter how much the details are exculpatory in nature, some residue of suspicion or question will remain.
Finally, this item contains the stateuent that " Licensee representatives, interviewed, all stated that no suit at law was pending from any interested party" (see, the Report at page 15). We consider this statement very pre-judicial to our best interests and believe that there is no jurisdictional concern of the AEC involved and no public right to know or be informed of such information.
Fifteenth page, item 17 (general).
This item sets forth the
details of an investigation into the exposure of certain contractor employees to an iridium source owned and being used by a New York State licensee to 4
radiograph welds on our premises. Since neither our activities nor our radiation sources were involved, and the occurrence was the sole result of the activities of the New York State licensee, the occurrence is subject to the jurisdiction of New York State authoritics, not the AEC. Thus, details of the occurrence should not be in the Report and the Report should be limited in content to matters within the jurisdiction of the AEC and related to the law enforcement duties of the AEC.
Sixteenth page, item 17 continued, third full paragraph on that page, sentence 2 (unnumbered). One of the contractor employeer. is quoted as saying, "Look what that thing did to me."
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Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief
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3 March 12, 1973 Page 7 i
s We deny the accuracy of the foregoing quote.
P. K. Morrow, Assistant n
Manascr, Health and Safety, way present at all times during the conversations between the contractor employees and 'the AEC inspector and states. that no contractor employee made the quoted statement or any statement similar in nature at any time,
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Sixteenth page, item 17 continued, third full paragraph on thai page, sentonce 4 (unnumbered) states tgst,"The blistered area on each finger was noted to be approximately 0.2 ina.'i. ' Our recorda indicate that the blisters were approximately 1.0 cm.
(Note: This would reduce the result of the calculations in Exhibit 3 in the' Report by a factor of S.)
Sisteenth page, item 17 continued, fif th t' il paragraph on that page, I.
sentence 2 (unntembered), states that no one had previously informed the physician attending the' contractor employees of the actual circumstances of the exposure at the time the physician was interviewed by the inspector.
We deny the accuracy of that statement. According to both parties involved, T. K. Wenstrand, Manager, Health and Safety, informed the physician, E. S. Rothschild, of the circumstances of the exposure bcfore the physician everccade his initial examinations of theme contractor employces on August 16, 1972.
1 t
Sixteenth page, ites 17 continued, fif th full paragraph on that page, y
sentence 4 (unnumbered) states "Af ter the employees ' 1cfe, the physician expressed the opinion that the blisters could represent a possible radiation syndrome, and that further expert 'avaluation was needed."
We deny tha accuracy of that sdatement. According to the physician, he clearly informed the AEC inspector that it was his opinion that the contractor >
employec in all probability received the blisters in the routine performance of his work as a welder, i.e.,
in handling hot metal items.
l l
Seventeenth page, item 17 ' continued, only paragraph on tha t page, i
sentence 2 (unnumbered), quotes one of our representatives (T. K. Wenstrand, Manager, Health and Safety) as saying that "Me realized that the exposure rate (calculated for ore of the contractor employees) was low but that he had no other sources of information to refer to" and the Report states that the inspector referred him _to the Handbook of Health Physics, OSP-70, April, 1963, page 158, which shown. a dose rate per curie Ir-192 at 1 cm. distance i
of 5,000 R/hr.
t l
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'Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 8
~4e deny the accuracy of that statement.
According to Mr. Wenstrand, he never made such a statement and was never referred to the foregoing text.
Seventeenth page, item 17 continued, only paragraph on that page, sentence 4 (unnumbered), states that "The inspector calculated, using the same factor used by the licensee representative, a dose race of 160 rads per second to the area of the finger involved." However, we do not believe that the inspector's calculations used the same techniques or factors as our representative used.
Our representative, Mr. Wenstrand, used known data on the handling of radium needles corrected for curie quantities and the difference between exposure rates per curie as compared to the inspactor's techniques seen La Exhibit B.
Seventeenth page, iten 17 continued, only paragraph on that page, sentence 6 (unnumbered), states that " Employee No. 2 could have roccived a calculated exposure to a limited portion of his finger during 30 seconds handling time of 4,800 rad.
However, in the first full paragraph on page 16, the Report specifically sentes that " Reenactment [of the hendling at the time of occurrence] limited the handling time to 15 seconds." There appears to be an irreconcilable inconsistency within the Report.
Eighteenth page' (Exhibit A), entitled " Calculations." The second set of calculations contains certain errors and should read as follows:
ZrNb-95 = 3 x 10-8 uCi/ml x 7.74 x 10+7 mi a 2.32 uCi or 2320 nCi.
Ru-106 = 6 y 10-9 uCi/ml x 7.74 x 10+7 ml = 0.46 uci or 460 nC1.
Sr-90 = 1 x 10~' uCi/mi x 7.74 x 10* ml =.0774 uCi or 77.4 nCi.
-12 Pu-239 - 2 x 10 uci/mi x 7.74 x 10+7 ml = 15.5 x 10-5 uct or 0.155 26.
Eighteenth page (Exhibit A), entitled " Calculations." The third set of calculations contains certain errors and should read as follows:
ZrNb-95 Ru-106 Sr=90 +
Pu-239 611 + S44 nC1 22 + 19.6 nci 0.5 nci
.10 +.109 1155 nCi
+ 0. 5 nci +
0.209 2320 460 390 0.155
= 1.94 x 40 0.50
.09 0
1.94 x 40 = 77.5 MFC hrs i
9 m
,,9 w
~ -
,., ~.,,
Mr. Paul R. Nelson, Chief March 12, 1973 Page 9 27.
Eighteenth page (Exhibit A), entitled " Calculations." In centrast with the inspector's calculations, our calculations are shown below:
Zr-95 = (3 x 10-8 uCi/ml)(7.74 x 10+7 el) = 2.32 uCi = 2320 nCi Nb-95 = (1 x 10~7 uC1/ml)(7.74 x 10+7 ml) = 7.74 uCi = 7740 nCi Ru-106 = (6 x 10-9 uct/ml)(7.74 x 1@7 =1) = 0.46 uCi = 460 nCi Sr-90 = (1 x 10-9 uCi/ml)(7.74 x 10+7 ml) = 0.0774 uCi = 77.4 nCi Pu-239 = (2 x 10-12 uCL/ml)(7.74 x 10*7 ml) = 15.5 x 10-5 uCi = 0.155 nci Zr and Nb are in equilibrium, so we assumed that there were equal amounts of each.
1155 578 nCi 2r-95 and 578 nCL Nb-95
2 40 MPC hrs. E S78 nci Zr-95,578 nCi Nb-95 41.6 nCi Rn-106 0.5 nci Sr-i 2320 nci 7740 nCi 460 nCi 77.4 nCi 0.209 nCi of Pu-239 0.155 nCi 0.006 + 1.35 3 MFC hrs.
40 [ 0.25 + 0.075 + 0.09 *
40 [ 1.77 ]
72 MPC hrs.
t I
The foregoing constitutes our major arguments for withholding the entire Report from publication in the public docu=ent room and points out specific items in the Report of which we are aware and to which we object. Should you have any questions or need for further information, please advise.
Ver-t ly yours, n s Rooert N. Miller President RNM/bjd A
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