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Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 06/10/1991
From: Rowland T
To: Hurt R
Shared Package
ML20079B114 List:
REF-PROJ-M-32 NUDOCS 9106130302
Download: ML20079B112 (4)


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{. g>h{g? [' Ii/ [ g /!.;( Department of Energy ./ [d } Idaho OperaSons office j l %(t/jkj West Valley Project Office % s fq P.O. Box 191 West Valley, NY 14171 June 10, 1991 \\ Mr. R. Invis !!urt ) U. S. Ifuclear ikgulatory otsmtission lloadytrters Washirston, D. C. 20555 l SUBJ1rra Roquest for Reviw of SIS SAR-004, Rev. 6, Draf t A, !>Wstant Treatm.nt System

Dear Mr. Iturt:

Enclosed is the Gafety Arnlysis Report (Salt) for the Superndarit Treatmat i Gystcen (S7B), West Valley Damnstration Project (WVDP) SAR, Voltmo III, Section D, Rovision 6, Draft A for ycur infoITntion ard to allw you sufficient review tim prior to your issuance of the Safety Evaluation Report (SDt). Ibilwiry IDE-Iloa&1uarters aM D3E-Idaho a; proval of this SAR, I will forward you an "ayprovcd" copy. We do not anticipato any mjor ocuments frcan DOE-llcadquarters or DOE-Idaho. l 'Iho mjor charges to Revision 5 involvo the follwirn items o Upitte of inventories to reflect current ocn11tions for resunption of processirg thtugh the Integrated Radvaste Treatunt System (IRIS). o Incorporation of tao Sludge Mobilization ard Wash System (RMS) hkiondtn. o Incorporation of all recponsos to TT43 ard DOE-ID roviw ca.trnts conacrniry the ins Idicrdum. This should facilitate its reviw. o Update of discussions rcoattlirn current operatirg practicos, equipent, ard update of figures. For the convenience of reviewers familiar with the previous revision of the STS SAR, mjor areas of revision have been irdicated with a revision tar in the mrTJ n. 7ho STS-SAR, other than these sections indicatcd with a revision i bar, han toen previously reviewed by fac ard apt revod by DOE. These revision bars do not include minor ard ulitorial charges. i f n-u / i lovu v PDR

R. Iturt ) In addition, the follcuirg operaticml Safety Ih.quiremnts (OSR)/7tthnical Rcquircrents (1R) dircctly applicable to the MS are enc 1ccod for informtions o 1R-IRIS-5, Rev. 7, Draf t E, "MS IToorss Limits" j o OSR-CP-7, Rev. 2, Draft, " Criticality atroty for Liquid Transfers" l OSR-IRTS-10, Rav. O, Criticality Control During }ity Ti-coated Yooossi19 of IlicA o Icvol Waste Stungh Ion D:chargo Columns Contain Zoolito" If you have any cpestions, please contact R. B. ITovencher on PIB 473 -4101 or Alan Yoazel on PIS 473-4780 of my staff. Your attention in this mtter will be greatly a;prociated. FTA LFM M T. J. Rcv and, Dircctor Wcst Valley Projoct Offico Enclosure oc: J. E. Solocki, DOE-ID D. B. rTgolmn, DOE-ID AY1038191 - 0939 91 10 AY/sl

WD:91:0603 Well ValltY Action PD.tosill l Nuclear Services Company WD:2094 Incorporated June 5, 1991 MS-D Mr. T. J. Rowland, Director West Valley Project Office U.S. Department of Energy HS-DOE P.O. Box 191 West Valley, New York 14171-0191 Dear Mr. Rowland SUBJECT Request for Approval of STS SAR-004, Rev. 6, Draft A Attached is the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the Supernatant Treatment System (STS), West Valley DemonstratLA Project (WVDP) SAR, Volume III, Section D, Revision 6, Draft A for your review, approval and prompt transmittal to the Technical Review Group (TRG) and Copartment of Energy (DOE), Idaho Operations Of fice (ID). The major changes to Rovision 5 involve the following items: Update of inventories to reflect current conditions for resumption of processing through the Integrated Radwaste Treatment System (IRTS). Incorporation of the Sludge Mobilization and Wash System (SKWS) e Addendum. Incorporation of all responses to TRG and DOE-ID review comments concerning the SKWS Addendum. This should f acilitate its review. Update of discussions regarding current operating practices, e equipment, and update of figures. For the convenience of reviewers familiar with the previous revision of the STS SAR, major areas of revision have been indicated with a revision bar in the margin. These revision bara do not include minor and editorial changes. In addition, the following Operational Safet Requ ire.nent s (OSR) Technical Requirements (TR) directly applicable to the STS are attached o TR-IRTS-5, Rev. 7, Draft E, *STS Process Limits

  • o OSR-GP-7, Rev. 2, Draft, " Criticality Safety for Liquid Transfers" RLW4304: SEA-163 A $vbs4>sry of

],' Yvestinghosse EJettric Corper, tion

T ' i f L e Mr. T. J. Rowland q o OSR-IRTS-10, Rev. O, 'Criticalicty Control During Processing of High Level Waste Through Zon Exhchange Columns containing Ti-coated teolite" If you have any questions, please contact J. J. Prowse at extension 4270 or R. J. Johnson at extension 4064. t Very truly yours, C G John L. Knabenschuh Vice President and Manager Environmental Safety, Health and Quality Assurance West Valley Nuclear Services Co., Inc. FA 91:0060 RSa91:0029 RJJerlw Attachments: A) WHS-SAR-004, key. 6, Draft A cc E. A. Matthews, DOE-W, MS-DOE R. B. Provench t, DOE-W, MS-DOE l l l l l l l [ RLW4304: SEA-163 .. _ _ _. ~., _ _ _ _...,.,.. _ ._ _ _._,_._...__. _ __._..... _...._ _ ____ _. _ ___ _ _, _. _,}}