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FOIA Request for Memos,Documents,Repts & Correspondence Re Migration of radioactively-contaminated Kerosene at NRC Licensed Burial Ground at West Valley,Ny
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 12/03/1984
From: Resnikoff M
Sierra Club
FOIA-84-905 NUDOCS 8505210183
Download: ML20127G954 (1)


f 78 Elmwood Avenue, Buffolo..New York 14201 o 716-8841000 228 East 45th Street, New York. New York 10017 = 212-687 2950 December 3, IBIE)OM OF INFORMATION Freedom of Information Act Officer ACI REQUEST U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

~/786 Washington, D.C. 20555 67se 4 4-M r

Dear Sir /Matiam:

Under the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552), the Sierra Club Radioactive Waste Campaign requests are memoes, documents, reports and corres-pondence related to the migration of radioactively-contaminated kerosene at the NRC-licensed burial ground at West Valley, New York.

In particular, the Campaign requests a copy of draft ORNL Task 1 and Task 2 reports, including the "Research Plan for Investigating Radionuclide Migration at the West Valley Facility Disposal Area," referred to in Memoes dated Sept. 6 and Sept. 21, 1984 to Leland C. Rouse, Chief, Advanced Fuel and Spent Fuel Licensing Branch, and all correspondence between Mr. R. Perizek and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Over li months ago, Mr. Rouse and Mr. A.T. Clark agreed to supply the ORNL reports, but since this has not happened, the Campaign now wishes to obtain this more inclusive list of materials under the F0IA.

Since the Campaign is an non-profit environmental organization operating in the public interest, we wish the standard copying fee to be waived.

It is our understanding that the NRC has ten business days to respond to this request from the date of receipt.

Thank you for your consideration of our request.


L. Finaldi Sincerely yours, A

parvinResnikoff,Co-Director Sierra Club Radioactive Waste Campaign Box 92 Blairstown, NJ 07825 201/841-9529 8505210183 041203 PDR FOIA RESNIKOB4-905 PDR wo siena club radioactive waste campaign i