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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-17,revising Tech Specs 3/4.5.2 & 3/4.5.3 to Allow Removal of RHR Sys Autoclosure Interlock Feature
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/1990
From: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML20055G959 List:
GL-88-17, NUDOCS 9007240403
Download: ML20055G958 (4)



, in .

  • L Duke har Compac Hal R Tuker -

' . Lice President' L PO Bnx33198 .

Charlotte, N.C 28242 ; Nuclear Production .

4 y (704)373 4531 DUKE POWER July'13, 1990

q U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN
Document Control Desk

" Washington, D.C. 20555 Subjects - McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 KRC Ceneric Letter No. 88-17 (Loss of Decay Heat Removal)

Requested Technical. Specifications Changes (T.S. 3/4.5.2, 3/4.5.3)

Residual Heat Removal System Autoclosure Interlock Removal Gentlemen:

Attached (pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4 and 50.90) are License Amendment' Requests to Appendix A, Technical Specifications (T.S.), of Facility Operating Licenses NPF-9 and NPF-17.for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2',

respectively. The requested amendments allow removal-of the Residual Heat Removal (ND) System Autoclosure Interlock (ACI) feature. These changes would provide a not improvement in safety. Note that this modification was ,

encouraged by'the NRC in Generic Letter No. 88-17, " Loss of Decay Heat Removal", and committed to in my February 2, 1989 McGuire response to that generic' letter.


' Attachment 1 contains the requested Technical Specifications Changes (" Pen and Ink"' markups, identified by vertical margin lines). Attachment 2 contains the justification and safety analysis to support the requested changes. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91, Attachment 3 provides the analysis performed Jn acc.rdance with the standards contained in 10 CFR 50.92 which concludes that the requested amendments do not involve a Significant Hazards Consideration, and Duke is forwarding a copy of this amendment request application and No Significant Hazards Consideration Analysis to the' North Carolina Department of Human Resources. The requested amendments have been reviewed and approved in accordance with McGuire Technical Specifications and, and have been determined to have no adverse safety or environmental impact.

= Contingent upon approval, Duke Power Company plans to implement this modification as soon as practical (during ref cling outages). The Technical Specifications must be revised to delete the .equired ND ACI surveillance to permit implementation of this modification (i.e., prior to removal of the Autoclosure Interlock). Therefore, it is requested that NRC review and approval of these requested amendments be completed by-the start of the McGuire Unit 2 Cycle 7 refueling outage (currently scheduled to begin 1,e em 9007240403 900713 PDR ADOCK-05000369 P PDC poot w

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f UJ S.!Nuchcr R gulctory Connic:sf on-

  • J.. ~ ' July ' 13,-- 1990 t

.Page 2_- _

l September-1, 1990), in order that the hardware changes associated with this ,

.P amendment request can be implemented during that outage'(the unit must be in. i "no mode" condition to perform tha' modifications). The modifications on:

McGuireUnit 1 are currently _ scheduled to be implemented during:its_next i t"

_- refueling outage (Unit 1/ Cycle 8), which will not occur until.after the

' Unit 2/ Cycle 7 refueling outage. The NRC staff kept apprised of any- /

.significant changes to the Unit 2/ Cycle 7 refueling outage' schedule.

" Since the NRC requires certain plant improvements be made (e.g., hardware and procedural changes .see Attachment 2) in order to allow the removal of 4 the ND ACI feature, and these improvements cannot-be implemented until the  ;

Technical Specifications are changed McGuire Nuclear Station will "

,%e administratively implement the deleted Technical. Specifications provisions

-once this requested license amendment is approved until the appropriate mod.lfications/ changes can be performed (at a refueling outage). This.'will allow for NRC approval / issuance of the requested license'amendnents '

h regardless of unit operating status, and for both. units'at;the same time y despit'e the differing outage / implementation schedules.

g This matter has previously been discussed with Mr. D. S. Hood.of your staff

'in a-March 19, 1990 DPC/NRC telecon and at an April 24, 1990 meeting held:at  !

McGuire Nuclear Station. The McGuire FSAR vill be revised-to reflect the ND L ACI deletion in the applicable annual FSAR update following completion of '. i the modifications, and appropriate station procedure changes will be implemented concurrently with the modifications. Should there be any  !

questions concerning these amendment requests or if additional information L' is required, please contact Mr. P. B. Nardoci at (704)'373-7432.

Very truly yours. I y' g l Hal B. Tucker 1

PBN/204/lcs I' Attachments l:

-i t


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... .; & . . c-U. S~.- Nuclear R:gul: tory Commiccion- '


' , ' July 13, 1990 8 Page 3 i: '



xc: (W/ Attachment's)-

'Mr. S.: D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator  !

U. S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ;

. Region II-- ,'

.101'Marietta St., NW, Suite 2900 v

_I Atlanta, Georgia' 30329

. a '

Mr..D. H. Brown, Chief Radiation Protection Branch t Division of Facility services l iDepartment of Human Resources:

701 Barbour Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2008 1 Mr. D. S. Hood Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. : S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,1D.C. 20555

,. Mr. P. K. VanDoorn l

NRC Resident, Inspector McGuire Nuclear Station ,




?; , (U!- S.= Nuc1ctr RIgulctory C:mic:ica '

3 July l13,?1990 ', ,

. < -Page 5; ,


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Ital B. Tucker,ibeing duly sworn, states that. he .is Vice President of Duke-

Power. Company, that- he is authorized on the part of said Con:pany to sign and ,;

e . -: file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.this revision to the McGuire Nuclear Station Technical Specifications, Appendix A to Facility Operating  !

, . hiconso Nos.' NPF-9 and NPF-17 r and that all statements and matters set forth.

i therein are true and the best of his knowledge.-

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' lal B. Tucker, Vice President Subscribed and sworn to.before me this 13th day of July. 1990.=

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Y:A Y k 1a) 0a W6ta'ry Public J.

i My Commission Expires:

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