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Provides Notification of Submittal of Environ Repts to VA State Water Control Board.Forwards Calibr & Verification of Cooling Lake Model for North Anna Power Station & Environ Study of Lower North Anna River
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1982
From: Leasburg R
To: Clark R, Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20054K620 List:
332, NUDOCS 8207020384
Download: ML20054K619 (6)



VIHOINIA ELECTHIC AND PowEn COMPANY llICit MOND, VIHOINJA 20 2 61 June 30, 1982 It. II. Le AMRif NU Vsta Pammasunt Nt(Laam Oramarsunn Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 332 Office of Nuclear Regulation NOCHP/BCM:ba U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket Nos. 50-338 Attn: Mr. Robert A. Clark 50-339 Operating Reactors Brarh No. 3 50-404 Washington, D.C. 20555 License Nos. NPF-4 NPE-5 CPPR-ll4 Gentlemen:


NORTil ANNA NPDES PERMIT NO. VA0052451 In accordance with the Environmental Technical Specifications, North Anna Units I and 2, Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan, Part II - Non-Radiological, Section 3.2 (Amendment No. 3, dated 12/30/80), we are hereby providing nofication of submittal of several reports to the Virginia State Water Control Board. We are also submitting one copy of the following:

Submittal letter to the State Water Control Board, dated 03/12/8?.

"Results Obtcined from Thermal Modeling and Ecological Studies at North Anna Power Station", dated 03/14/82.

Letter response to Vepco from State Water Control Board requesting additional informatiun, dated 05/11/82.

" Supplement to Results Obtained from Thermal Modeling at North Anna Power Station," dated 06/11/82.

" Calibration and Verficiation of the Cooling Lake Model for North Anna Power Station", dated 03/82.

" Environmental Study of the Lower North Anna River; North Anna Power Station; Annual Report", dated 04/82.

" Environmental Study of Lake Anna, Virginia; North Anna Power station; Annual Report", Volumed I and 2, dated 04/82.

8207020384 820630 PDR ADOCK 05000338 R PDR w

vivorwis Eucinic ou Ponen cour nr rv Mr. Harold R. Denton Pleace contact us if you have any questions concerning these reports Very t y y,urs, i /

R. H. Leasburg


Lake Studies cc: Mr. Robert L. Tedesco Division of Licensing Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator Region II, Inspection and Enforcement I

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March 12, 19t.2 Mr. R. V. Davis  !

Emesutive Director State Water Centrol toere '

P. 9. Den 11143 Althnend, Virglala 2 32 }0 NORTH AN.iA POWER STATSCM LAKE ANNA M09tL STuclti Dear Mr. Davist la accordance with the 401 Certification lasmo by the Eeerd on Avevet 23, 1973 for the construction of North Anna tinit 3 (Unit 4 has since l been sencelled) and MPMS Peralt tie. VAoSS2451, we are subaltting herewith l the following:

(1) C_sybration and vert ficatten of the Coollac Lake Model for Nor th Anna Powe r $ t at l oe by S . A. We l l s , C . E . A de~s , and

c. R. F, Harlenen, this report is a draft final report la that it has not been bound. We expect to receive bound reports in mid-April and will exchanse these beend reports for the draft final report.

(2) Results Obtained Frer, Thennel Mode 1 Inn and Ecoloalcol Studies  !

et morth Anna Pcuer Station for Swbelsslon to the State water Centrol Board en March 3,1952.

Althow3h there are prowlsions in the NPDCS pernf t for 1 !!6(a) demonstrettens, we are cet at this tlne makins a fon41 request for a  ;

l I 316(a) demonstratten, pending staff study of the above mentlened documents, '

nor are we at this time receamending a designated alxlag rope for the thermal discharge frees North Anna Power Statten. Again we believe that no actlen with regard to this should be taken until the staff has reviewed the attached ,

documents. To insure our compilance with the spirit and Intent of NPCES Porailt me. VA0052451 we would appreciate your confirmction on? approval of our delay In subeltting either of the above requests until such time as the i staf f has reviered the enclosed documents.


\_ _

Mr. R. Y. Davis 1 i

As we Indicated in our discussion with you and other staff members.

l we are prepared et any time to discuss with representatives of the staff any l ef the activities, data, er reports which contributed to the Information contain*J In the etteched documents.

Please advise us concerning the need for consultetton on these


l l Very truly yours.

OraMai Bi

\1. Li BREHMER Morris L. Graheer, Ph.D.

Encutive Manager Environcental Services cc: Mr. R. B. Chewnlos l

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$$';, 21II Hamilton Street

%y Post Office Box 11143 h, Richmond, Virginia 23230 8 isoo 2s7eose May 11, 1982 Morris L. Brehmer, Ph.D.

Manager Environmental Operations VEPC0 P. O. Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261

Dear Dr. Brehmer:

l The staff has been carefully reviewing your submittals regarding the North I Anna Power Station ecological studies and thermal modeling. These data have been accepted as the results of tha comprehensive water quality monitoring program as stipulated in the Section 401 Certification issued on August 29, 1973. The results of our evaluation will b2 presented to the State Water Control Board at its June, 1982 meeting.

The information which you sent to us appears adequate to assess the impacts of the operation of the Power Station to date. It should be noted that the data do not reflect the effects of a fell year of simultaneous operation for both units. It is understood that VEPC0 intends to continue this monitoring program, and we would now like to strongly encourage that action.

It is our opinion that some phytoplankton sampling should be included in the monitoring plan. We, therefore, desire to discuss the scope of any future monitoring program with you at your earliest convenience.

l Our review of the thermal modeling and waste heat treatment report submitted on March 14, 1982 has indicated that several issues still need to be resolved.

The first problem involves the " predicted delta T values above predicted water temperatures +3*C" (figures 2-10). We feel that the model should generate i

this same type of data for Winter conditions. Furthermore, we would like l

to knew whether the monitoring results obtained over the past year verify

! the predicted maximum temperatures cited in the report.

Continued. . .

l An Affirmative Action /Equa! Opportunity Employer


  • May 11, 1982 Morris L. Brehmer, Ph.D.

4 The other significant issues which we feel must be addressed concern the alternatives for waste heat treatment detailed in the M.I.T. report. We are very interested in a aetermination of the resultant net temperature decrease attributable to the combination of two of the proposed alternatives:

specifically, rerouting and DTEMP=18. We also feel that possible benefits could be realized by utilizing mechanical aeration in the WHTF and believe that this alternative should be considered in combination with the others.

We would appreciate your providing us with this information in the near future and would like to meet with you prior to the June Board meeting.

Sincerely, It t Raymond E. Bowles, P.E.

Director Bureau of Surveillance and Field Studies

scc cc: R. V. Davis, Executive Director W. L. Kregloe, Valley Regional Office Bruce Wiley, Bureau of Enforcement Burton Tuxford, Bureau of Water Control Management L