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Forwards Insp Repts 50-413/90-17 & 50-414/90-17 on 900611-19.Violations Noted.Enforcement Conference to Discuss Apparent Violation Re Operator Failure to Follow Procedure for Transfer of Reactor Coolant Water Scheduled on 900712
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/28/1990
From: Reyes L
To: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML20044B104 List:
NUDOCS 9007170313
Download: ML20044B103 (3)

See also: IR 05000413/1990017


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i " .- [f' .jgN181990 , ., ! I Docket'Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 ' ,4 s License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52 y - Duke Power Company < ATTN: Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President- i Nuclear' Production Department - P._0. Box 1007 . - Charlotte, NC. 28201-1007 4 Gentlemen: SUBJECT::NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-413/90-17 AND 50-414/90-17

This refers to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted by - t, the resident inspectors during the period June 11 - 19. 1990. The inspection. i' included a review of actions concerning the June 11,;1990, inadvertent transfer of Reactor' Coolant water to the Refueling Water Storage-Tank at your Catawba l facility.. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings were. discussed ~with those' members of your staff the enclosed inspection report. ' l The inspection concluded that the licensee's immediate actions during the event were appropriate, that the investigation of the event was thorough-and technically adequate, and that no significant damage to the Reactor Coolant or Residual Heat Removal Systems, components or associated piping was' caused by t the event. The inspection concluded that the cause of the event was an- a operator's failure to follow procedures which could have led to significant degrada. tion of- systems important for the safe operation / shutdown of the plant. , Areas, examined during the_ inspection are identified in the report. Within theseiareas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations'of procedures- 4and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observation-of; ' activities-in progress. The inspection findings indicate that certain activities appeared to violate 3 o NRC requirements. The apparent violation described in the enclosed inspection ' report is under consideration for escalated enforcement action. ~Accordingly, no Notice of Violation is being-issued at this time, and no response to this . . L letter is required for the apparent violation. However, please be advised that . the number and characterization of the apparent violation described in the -) ' ' enclosed inspection report may change as a result of further NRC review. An ' -Enforcement _the apparent violation'is scheduled for July 12, 1990. You will be. advised by separate correspondence of the results of our' deliberations on this matter. l- In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, E Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosure I: will?be placed in the NRC Public Document Room. L l 900717o313 900628 ' PDR ADOCK 05000413 g PDC g -

(: [[7,. . , n 9, . y , 0 .. . ) ,4 . : . ^ . . .. - y 9s 81990 >- 1 , Duke Power Company 3 , tcc w/ enc 1:- Cont'd: -North' Carolina Electric Membership Corporation 4 . 3400 Sumner Boulevard .. P. O. Box 27306 'Raleigh, NC 27611- ' ' Karen-E. Long , ~ ' 'Assistt.nt Attorney General , " N. C. !>epartment of Justice , P..0. Box 629 . Raleigh, NC 27602- i

Saluda River Electric

' ' Cooperative, Inc. . , ' P. 0.sBox 929' Laurens, SC :29360 S. S..Kilborn, Area. Manager Mid-South Area ESSD Projects Westinghouse Electric Corporation -MNC West. Tower Bay 239 P. 0. Box:335 Pittsburg, PA 15230 > County Manager- of: York County H -York County Courthouse . . York, SC 29745.- ] Piedmont' Municipal: Power Agency' 121 Village Drive:


Greer,'SC 29651'- -j ' State of South Carolina bec w/ encl:

'K.LN.:Jabbour NRR. l B.'R. Bonser, RII: .1

M. B. Shymlock, RII

'l A.'R~. Herdt, RII

. Document Control Desk- - L NRCsResident Inspector l

U.S. Nuclear- Regulatory Commission

I Route:2. Box.179-N l , l York,.'SC. 29745 j -J. Lieberman, OE~ .R RII RII KE' ' Bonser' M k A k

    • I*EI"

1 -6/47/90 6/g?/90 6/f)/90 d[.27[f0 l , i i

g;g - ,, , O W - .. , W..- . . / / [, 0 uke Power Company 2 f i . JtJN 2 81990 < .e

?..,, Should you have: any _ questions concerning this letter, please contact us.


-Sincerely. . > c (Original;sisned by LAReyes) m Luis A. Reyes', Director Division of Reactor Projects s m Enclosure:- , 1 g NRC Inspection Report cc w/ encl: T. B. Owen, Station-Manager " , Catawba Nuclear Station J P. 0. Box 256 > Clover, SC 29710 l A. V. Carr, Esq.. , -Duke Power Company

! P. 0.: Box 1007 ~ { , Charlotte', NC . 28201-1007 . , ' 'J.' Michael McGarry,'III, Esq.

Bishop, Cook, Purcell 'and Reynolds

1400 L' Street, NW. , Washington! D.:C. 20005 . North Carolina MPA-1- 3100 Smoketree Ct., Suite 600 3 Lm P. 0.' Box 29513 ' ' Raleigh,.NC . 27626-0513 ~ - L Heyward G. Shealy, Chief Bureau of Radiological Health l -South Carolina Department of. Health ] o and Environmental Control 1

~2600.. Bull Street- Columbia, SC 29201 1 ' I , " Richard P." Wilson, Esq. .I ' -Assistant Attorney-General 1 , S. C.-- Attorney General's Office ( - iP..-0. Box 11549 j , <

Columb1a, SC 29211

t i

Michael ' Hirsch


' 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency

500.C; Street,:SW, Room 840

l Washington,-D. C. 20472 l (cc w/ encl cont'd - see page 3)

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