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Confirms Region II Insp of fitness-for-duty Program on 900724-26.Brief Itinerary to Expedite Util Support of Program Encl
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1990
From: Stohr J
To: Tucker H
NUDOCS 9007030050
Download: ML20055C991 (4)


JUN 2 71990 Docket Nos. 50-413, 50-414 License Nos. NPF-35, NPF-52 Duke Power Company ATTN: Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Production Department P. O. Box 1007 Charlotte, NC 28201-1007 Gentlemen:


FITNESS FOR DUTY (PART 26) INSPECTION This is to confirm a Region 11 inspection of your Fitness for Duty Program previously arranged by William Tobin of my Safeguards Staff with Robert Gill of your staff.

Accompanying Mr. Tobin will 'oe Loren Bush, NRC Headquarters (ONRR).

To facilitate your schedule we have enclosed a brief itinerdry which can be changed to expedite your support of this inspection.

William Tobin (404-331-5096) is our point of contact.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely, J. Philip Stohr, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Itinerary ec w/ enc 1:

T. B. Owen, Station Manager Catawba Nuclear Station P. O. Box 256 Clover, SC 29710 A. V. Carr, Esq.

Duke Power Company P. O. Box 1007 Charlotte, NC 28201-1007

'(cc w/ enc 1 cont'd - See page 2) 9 g/lh

=9007030c30 900627

[DR ADGCK 05000413



h Duke Power Company 2

JUN 2 71990 (ccw/ enc 1 cont'd)

J. Michael McGarry, III, Esq.

Bishop, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1400 L Street, NW Washington, D. C.

20005 North Carolina MPA-1 3100 Smoketree Ct., Suite 600 P. O. Box 29513 Raleigh, NC 27626-0513 Heyward G. Shealy, Chief Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 Richard P. Wilson, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General S. C. Attorney General's Office P. O. Box 11549 Columbia, SC 29211 Michael Hirsch Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C Street, SW, Room 840 Washington, D. C.

20472 North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation 3400 Sumner Boulevard P. O. Box 27306 Raleigh, NC 27611 Karen E. Long Assistent Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice P. O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 Saluda River Electric Cooperative, Inc.

P. O. Box 929 Laurens, SC 29360 (cc w/ enc 1 cont'd - See page 3) l

l Duke Power Company 3

M 2 7 1990 i

(cc w/enci cont'd)

S. S. Kilborn, Area Manager Mid-South Area ESSD Projects Westinghouse Electric Corporation MNC West Tower - Bay 239 P. O. Box 335 Pittsburg, PA 15230 County Manager of York County York County Courthouse York, SC 29745 Piedmont Municipal Power Agency 121 Village Drive Groer, SC 29651 State of South Carolina bec w/ encl:

K. N. Jabbour, NRR B. R. Bonser, Rll M. B. Shymiock, RII A. R. Herdt, RII Document Control Desk,om NRC Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Route 2. Box 179-N York, SC 29745 i


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ENCLOSURE FITNESSFORDUTY(FFD) INSPECTION Catawba Plant - Duke Power Company NRC Attendees William Tobin - Region II Loren Bush - ONRR Jon Olson - Battelle i

July 24 (Tuesday)

Site Entrance Corporate / Site Policy and Program Tour FFD Facilities Interview Medical Review Officer Witness Collections and Processing July 25(Wednesday)

Interview FFD Manager Interview Employee Assistance Program Coordinator Interview Supervisors / Contractors / Employees (Total of 6)

July 26(Thursday)

Review FFD Training Program Review Quality Assurance Audit Procedure Review Pre-exit with FFD Manager l

Exit Meeting with Site / Corporate Management l

