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FOIA Request for Records Re NRC Investigation Rept on Pilgrim Station
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/26/1990
From: Tate N
To: Newlin R
FOIA-90-160 NUDOCS 9006150077
Download: ML20043F511 (1)



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Bosim HERALD One Herald $quare, P.O. Boa 2096, Boston, Masuchusetts 02106 2096,(617) 426 K100 March 26, 1990 Robert Newiin

[REEDOM OF lilFORI. mil 0N Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACT REQUEST

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Dear Mr. Newlin:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, U.S.C. c.4, s.7, c.26, I am hereby requesting access to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's investigation report on NRC's staff activities relating to Pilgrim Station in Plymouth, Mass.

The investigation, conducted by the NRC Office of the Inspector General's George Mulley last fall, surrounds alleged mieconduct by regional staff stemming from false claims made about emergency evacuation plans and other safety and operations matters at Pilgrim, from October 1988 to August 1989.

Specifically, I am seeking Mulley's findings relative to the following allegations:

1) That NRC staff did not properly review and follow up on safety and operations problems involving 11 reactor shutdowns during Pilgrim's restart program.
2) That NRC regional staff, at a meeting on October 1988, provided misinformation about the status of emergency evacuation plans for communities surrounding Pilgrim, and falsely claimed to have met with local officials about alleged problems with those plans.

I am also requesting access to any information regarding a Mr. Bellamy, relating to the investigation.

As you know, federal public records statutes require a response to this application for information within 10 colandar days. If I can be of any assistance in gathering this information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If any or all of this request is denied,please cite the specific exemption you believe justifies your refusal to release the information and inform me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.

I thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

Sincerely, dicholas C. Tate Reporter 9006150077 900326 PDR FOIA TATE 90-160 PDR