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Forwards Responses to Chemical Engineering Branch 281 Series Request for Addl Info Per 820212 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1982
From: Devincentis J
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SBN-234, NUDOCS 8203160370
Download: ML20041F298 (10)


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SEABROM SWIM Engineedng OHice:

IPUDLIC Companyof New% SERVICE 1671 Worcester Road Framingham, Mossochusetts 01701 (617) - 872 8100

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[ March 12,1982 N

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' T.F. B 7.1.2 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Frank J. Miraglia, Chief Licensing Branch #3 Division of Licensing Re f e re nces : (a ) Construction Permits CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket No s . 50-443 and 50-444 (b) USNRC Letter, dated Februa ry 12, 1982, " Request for Mditional Information," F. J. Miraglia to W. C. Tallman Su bj ec t : Responses to 281 Series RAIs; (Chemical Engineering Branch)

Dear Sir:

We have enclosed responses to the subject RAIs, which you forwarded in j Re f erence ( b) .

l Very truly yours, YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY 5 ,l ym John DeVincentis Project Manager JDV : ALL: dad i Enclosure l


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l } l 8203160370 820312 PDR ADOCK 05000 A


SB 1 & 2 FSAR RAI 281.1 (6.1.1) (6.5.2)

In Sections 6.1.1 and 6.5.2 you state that 20 w/o sodium hydroxide is to be used as the containment spray pH additive. What provisions are incorporated to prevent carbon dioxide absorption by the sodium hydroxide during storage?


Refer to Section 6.2.2, pages 6.2-42 and 6.2-43 of the FSMt.

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SB 1 & 2 FSAR i

RAI 281.2 In this section it is stated that: "A discussion on noneetallic thermal insulation, if used, will be provided later". Provide assurances that noneetallic thermal insulation, if used, will meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 1.36.


As stated in our response to RAI 252.3, the noneetallic thermal insulation, if used, will be Nw'K'on, which is consistent with the recommendation of Regulatory Guide 1.36.

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j SB 1 & 2 FSAR RAI 281.3 (6.1.3)

In Table 6.1 B) , it is stated that 10,000 lbs of cable insulation is used inside containment. Other plants undergoing licensing review have reported from 50,000 lbs to 25,000 lbs of cable insulation. Provide infortsation which will verify the estimate that Seabrook has significantly less cable insulation in emntainment than do other light water reactors.

This informattom is required to estimate combustible gas generation inside containment. In order for the staff to estimate the rate of combustible gas generationvs.himabecauseofexposureoforganiccableinsulationtoDBA condition inside containment, provide the following informations (1) the quantity (weig%t and volume) of uncovered cable and cable La'elosed metal conduit or closed cable trays. We will give credit for beta radiation shielding for t%st portion of cable that is indicated to be in closed conduit or trays. (2) A breakdown of cable diametera and associated conductor cross sections, or an equivalent cable diameter and conductor cross section that is representative of total cable surface areas associated with the quantity of cable identified in (1) above. (3) The major organic If this,information is not polymer or plas tic material in the cables.

provided, we will assume the cable insulation to be polyethylene and assume a G value for c ombustible gas of 3.


The.following table give the estimated cable and insulation quantities inside contaimient. These quantities are based on present design status (approximately 80 percent of cable: have been designed.and routed), with quantities increased to reflect design completion state. Only cable sizes having significant quantities inside containment are listed below. .

1. CABI.E Ilt OPEN TRAYS Total Total f Conductor Insulation Insulation Insulation /

Cable Weight Jacket 1.ength 0.D. Ceeso Saotion We.tshe/fc cable Inch So Inch ib lb Material Type feet _

3.01 6020 EPR/Rypalon 3/c,#4/0 2,000 2.98 0.6348

.0196 .184 2760 EPR/Hypalon 3/C, #12 15,000 .63

.70 1400 EPR/Hypalon 3/C, #2 2,000 1.22 .1991 1.04 9360 - EPR/Hypalon 3/C, #1/0 9,000 1.51 .3168

g- 85 1 & 2 PSAR Iotal Total

. Cable Conductor Insulation Insulation Insulation /

Cable Length 0.D. Cross 8ection Weight /ft Weight Jacket Type _

feet Inch 84 Inch Ib lb Material c3/C, 250 4,000 1.86 .75 .75 3000 EPR/Hypalon 2C, f14 100,000 26x.4 .0082 .042 4200 RPR/CPE 6C, f6 12,000 .91 .0991 .315 3760 EPR/CPE 70, #14 25,000 .55 0288 .116 2900 EPR/CPE TOTAL 33,420 0 Triplexed .

.2. CABLE 8 IN COVERED TRAYS OR CONDUITS Total Total cable Conductor Insulation Insulation Insulation /

Cable Length 0.D. Cross Section Weight /ft Weight Jacket Type feet Inch 84 Inch Ib _

lb Material 1 Fair 50,000 .31 .0052 .036 1800 EPEIRypalon

  1. 16 4 Pair 6,000 .59 .0206 .125 750 XLPE/Hypalon

, #16 l

TRIAD 270,000 .315 .0077 .048 1300 EPE/Hypalon

  1. 16 37/C 1,000 .825 .0955 .36 360 XLPE/Hypalon
  1. 16 6 Pair 6,000 .69 .0310 .236 1420 EPE/Hypalon
  1. 16 l RG 11 2,000 .44 - .058 120 EPE/Mypalon 1/C, #12 16,000 .152 .0065 .05 800 XLPE/Hypalen 1/C, #10 18,000 .176 0104 .08 1440 XLPE/Hypalon 1/C #4 5,000 .322 .0417 .2 1000 XLPE/Hypalon total 8,990 ,


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851&2 FSAR In order to acepnt for insulation in panels and other equipment, total insulation estimated inside containment is 50,000 lbs.

1 FSAR Table 6.1d6)-4 will be revised in Anaendait 45 to incorporate the above estimated amouni:.

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SB1&2 TSAR i

TABLE 6.1(3)-4 OTHER ORGANIC MATERIALS IN CONTAINIENT ITEN MATERIAL AMOUNT Reactor coolant pump Petroleum base oil 1,060 gal.


Cable ins,.?.ation 50,000 lbs. l Power cable Ethylene propylene rubber with Hypalen jacket ,

Silicone nubber Control and Cross-linked instruasnt cable polyethylene ineviation with Hypalon jacket I

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Question 281.4 Describe the samples and instrument readings and their frequency of measurement that will be performed to monitor the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) water purity and need for SFP cleanup system demineralizer resin and filter replacement. State the chemical and radiochemical.

limits to be used in monitoring the SFP water and ini-tiating corrective action. Provide the basis for establishing these limits. Your response should con-sider variables such as: boron concentration, gross gamma and iodine activity, demineralizer and/or filter differential pressure, demineralizer decontaminscion factor, pH, and crud level.

Response to 281.4 The samples and parameters to be monitored will clo-sely follow those recommended by the NSSS vendor in Westinghouse Standard Information Package 5-1, Chemistry Criteria and Specifications, which recommends

. weekly surveillance for the following chemical parameters: pH, fluoride, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and boron. Camma isotopic analysis will also be per-formed on a weekly basis. The purification performance will be monitored by observing decontamination factors and halogen removal. Resin replacement in the purifi-cation demineralizer will be based on the observed decontamination factors and halogen removal, and dif-ferential pressure. These parameters will be moni-

, tored closely to ensure the NSSS vendor specifications are not exceeded. See the response to question 282.1 for additional information.'

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4 SB 1 & 2 FSAR RAI 281.5 (9.3.2)

Passive flow restrictors are required, by 10 CFR Part 20, 20.l(c) to limit reactor coolant loss and to keep radiation exposures as low as reasonably


achievable and to meet the requirements of GDC 69. State the provisions which have been incorporated to limit reactor coolant losses via the sample system in the event of a sample line rupture. )


Reactor ccolant samples are taken from reactor coolant *1 oops 1 and 3, and from the pr'essurizer steam and liquid spaces. Flow restrictors are provided on all four sample lines, as shown on Figure 5.1-1, Sheets 1, 2 4 and 6. 3 In addition to these flow restrictors, capillary tubes are provided on the pressurizer sample linds and delay coils are used on the reactor coolant loops sample lines. These devices also restrict flow as well as allow the decay of short-lived radionuclides. As stated in Section 15.6.2, the doses which would result from a rupture of one of these lines outside containment are within a small fraction of the 10 CFR Part 100 guideline values.

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281.6 Provide information that satisfies th( attached proposed license-

. conditions for post-accident sampling.

RESPONSE : The shielding and operation of the reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling systems has been designed to provide the capability of personnel to promptly obtain (less than I hour) a sam,nle under acciden't conditions without incurring a. radiation exposure in excess of the limits delineated for this requirement.

A post-accident sampling panel has been designed to NUREG-0737.

However, additional requirements presented in Regulatory Guide 1.97 are presently being reviewed. Resolution of these additional requirements will be completed by July 1, 1982.

Procedures to obtain post-accident samples and the radiological and chemical analyses will be developed three months prior to fuel load.

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