Health Physics Sample Records Sample ID:
142522 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND Status: APPROVED
140528BD 03 STAR YARD# 3-20
[!;ommon~I Resp Org: P4000 - PROJECT MANAGEMEr
COOPER, TERRY L Reference ID: 142432 Comments: COUNT TO MDA Reviewed: DYNES, WILLIAM J Comments: COUNT TO MDA l_Qij_gin Mat. SizeNolume:
1816 GRAMS
STAR YARD# 3 l~Collectionl Sample Tech:
No Instructions:
COUNT TO MDA Comments:
[RLSSS Exempt:
No Chem Notification:
No Offsite Analysis:
No Container Surveyed:
No Container Evaluated:
Yes L':,Q_cation Cross Ref Sample ID:
Survey No:
Accounting Subcode:
Unknown Mat:
NO Date: 06/11/14 10:33 Docmnt/MO/Act #:
Proposed Ship Date: 00/00/00 00:00 Sample Date: 05/23/1412:48 Sample SizeNolume: 1816 GRAMS Evaluated:
No State Permit:
No Effluent Permit:
No Cleared For Release:
Yes Form 212 Ready:
Unit: NON-UNIT RE Stored By:,
Area: MS Elev: 100 Room:
Equip ID:
Date: 00/00/00 00:00 Sample Loe:
Other: COUNT TO MDA Material Loe:
06/18/2014 12:45 Rasterized: r Priority: N Hazardous Mat:
NO Count Time:
900 (secs.)
Page 1 of 3
Health Physics Sample Records Sample ID:
142522 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND Status: APPROVED
1405288D 03 STAR YARD# 3-20 rAnalysis I
~eometry MCAID Quant.
Units Method FP/AP Lab Analysis By A_ 1 L _marinelli_ sand -
1015 1000gr
.000 DYNES, WILLIAM J Isotope Mode Activity Activity Uncert.
Atom. No.
Comments 0
BE-7 AP 1.393E-6 4.11E-7 r
7 0
K-40 NT 0.0000109 1.22E-6 r
40 0
TL-208 NT 4.929E-7 1.119E-7 r
208 0
PB-212 NT 6.869E-7 1.014E-7 r
212 0
81-214 NT 6.623E-7 1.248E-7 r
214 0
PB-214 NT 4.85E-7 2.183E-7 r
214 0
RA-226 NT 2.663E-6 8.27E-7 r
226 0
AC-228 NT 5.029E-7 3.466E-7 r
228 0
U-235 NT 1.648E-7 5.55E-8 r
235 0
54 0
MN-56 AP 2.2478E-8
56 0
C0-57 AP 7.6585E-8 fi7 0.000%
57 0
C0-58 AP 1.0182E-7
58 0
C0-60 AP 1.1046E-7 Iv" 0.000%
60 0
SB-124 AP 7.1267E-8 fi7 0.000%
124 0
SB-125 FP 1.8533E-7 fi7 0.000%
125 0
CS-134 FP 1.1345E-7 fir 0.000%
134 0
137 I Analysis Review Re-Analize:
No Lie Rad Mat Present:
No Reviewed: COOPER, TERRY L Hp Eng Rvw Reqd:
Yes Rad Mat Present:
Yes HP Notified Name:
Comments: This is a replacement for ID# 142432 that had error in description (2-20 vs: 3-20) 06/18/201412:45 Rasterized: r Date Mod ID Mod Date 06/11/14 14:03 Mod Id Mod Date Date: 06/17/14 13:53 Page 2 of 3
Health Physics Sample Records Sample ID:
142522 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND Status: APPROVED
140528BD 03 STAR YARD# 3-20 I Re-view/Approve I HP Review Reviewed: COOPER, TERRY L Date: 06/17/1413:54 Comments: U-235 likely mis-lD'd off Ra-226 energy peak. Be-7 is a natural product coming from cosmic ray interaction.
Disposition: OTHER Remarks:
Approved: COOPER, TERRY L Comments:
06/18/2014 12:45 Disposition Result: Sample contains only natural isotopes Final AJJ_l)_roval Date: 06/17/1413:54 Rasterized: r Page 3 of 3
- Title
- ID
- Start Time:
- Stop Time:
- Quantity 1015 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:00 11-JUN-2014 13:52:00 1.00000E+03 gr Acquisition date: ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23 *
- Geometry A 11 marinelli sand 1 Operator: BILL Counting System IHPS Sample Number:
Analysis Library DYNES UlGSP 142477 HP NATURAL
>>>>> A -1922924
- Elapsed Live Time
- Elapsed Real Time
- Deadtime
- Activity Mult Factor:
- Half Life Ratio 0 00:08:00.44 0 00:08:00.56 0.0%
Calibration Energy Offset Energy Slope Energy Tolerance:
Sensitivity 11-JUN-2014 09:11
-1. 07429E-01 4.99821E-01
- 1. 00000 5.00000 Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left PW %Err Fit Nuclides 1
77.44 39 57
- 1. 21 155.14 152 7 36.4 2.12E+OO BI-214 PB-212 PB-214 1
185.95 34 19
209.55 31 11 2.26 419.46 414 11 27.8 8.38E-01 AC-228 1
238.66 103 35
- 1. 01 477.69 473 9 14.l 1. 7 3E+OO PB-212 1
295.20 25 24
- 1. 75 590.80 583 12 44.8 1. 59E+OO PB-214 1
338.64 17 26 1.13 677.69 672 14 66.3 2.17E+OO AC-228 1
351.94 60 2
- 1. 34 704.30 700 9 14.1 1.41E+OO PB-214 1
477.68 31 12 2.18 955.83 949 12 28.9 7. 81E-01 BE-7 1
511. 07 32 0
- 2. 96 1022.62 1017 14 18.4 5.39E-01 TL-208 1
583.46 32 5
- 1. 41 1167.44 1163 9 22.0 1.02E+OO TL-208 1
609.38 45 7
- 1. 59 1219.28 1215 9 18.4 l.33E+OO BI-214 1
1460.58 93 0
- 1. 97 2921.64 2914 14 10.6 7.26E-01 K-40
Summary of Nuclide Activity Sample ID : 1015 Acquisition date Page :
2 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23
. Total number of lines in spectrum 12 Number of unidentified lines 0
Number of lines tentatively identified by NID 12 Nuclide Type : activation Nuclide BE-7 Hlife 53.29D Uncorrected Decay uCi/gr 1.00 l.393E-06 Total Activity Nuclide Type : natural l.393E-06 Nuclide K-40 TL-208 PB-212 BI-214 PB-214 RA-226 AC-228 U-235 Hlife l.28E+09Y 3.05M 10.64H 19.90M 26.80M 1600.00Y 6.13H 7.04E+08Y Decay
- 1. 00 2.37
- 1. 00 1.16 1.12
- 1. 00
- 1. 01
- 1. 00 Uncorrected uCi/gr l.090E-05 2.078E-07 6.837E-07 5.701E-07 4.337E-07 2.663E-06 4.988E-07 l.648E-07 Total Activity l.612E-05 Grand Total Activity:
l.752E-05 Decay Corr uCi/gr
- 1. 393E-06
- 1. 393E-06 Decay Corr uCi/gr l.090E-05 4.929E-07 6.869E-07 6.623E-07 4.850E-07 2.663E-06 5.029E-07
- 1. 648E-07
- 1. 656E-05
- 1. 795E-05 100.00%
Decay Corr 1-Sigma Error
- 0. 411E-06 Decay Corr 1-Sigma Error 0.122E-05 l.119E-07
- 1. 014E-07
- 1. 248E-07 2.183E-07 0.827E-06 3.466E-07 0.555E-07 Manually accepted 1-Sigma
%Error Flags 2 9. 51 A
%Error 11.16 22.70 14.76 18.85 45.00
- 31. 05 68.91 33.67 Flags A
Flags: "K" "E"
Keyline not found Manually edited "M"
"A" Nuclide specific abn. limit
Unidentified Energy Lines Sample ID : 1015 None Flags: "T" Tentatively associated Acquisition date Page :
3 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23
Interference Report Sample ID : 1015 No interference correction performed Acquisition date Page :
4 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23
Nuclide Line Activity Report Page :
5 Sample ID : 1015 Acquisition date ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23 Nuclide Type: activation Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area
%Eff uCi/gr uCi/gr
%Error BE-7 477.61 31 10.39*
- 1. 393E-06 l.393E-06 29.51 Nuclide Type: natural Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area
%Eff uCi/gr uCi/gr
%Error K-40 1460.83 93 10.67*
4.483E-01 1.090E-05 l.090E-05 11.16 TL-208 72.80 2.14 1.155E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
74.97 3.60 1.239E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
- 1. 27 1.578E+OO Line Not Found ------
252.45 ------
0.80 1.887E+OO Line Not Found ------
277.28 ------
6.80 1.783E+OO Line Not Found ------
510.61 32
- 21. 60 l.120E+OO 7.384E-07 1.752E-06 19.57 583.02 32 86.00*
9.947E-01 2.078E-07 4.929E-07 22.70 763.06 ------
- 1. 64
- 7. 714E-01 Line Not Found ------
860.30 12.00 6.870E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
PB-212 74.81 10.50 1.233E+OO Line Not Found ------
77.11 39 17.70 1.331E+OO 9.315E-07 9.359E-07 36.66 87.19 6.27 1.650E+OO Line Not Found ------
- 1. 86
- 1. 730E+OO Line Not Found ------
115.12 0.59 2.162E+OO Line Not Found ------
238.58 103 43.60*
1.948E+OO 6.837E-07 6.869E-07 14.76 300.03 3.34 l.694E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
BI-214 76.86 39 0.58 1.331E+OO 2.843E-05 3.302E-05 36.87 79.29 0.97 1.397E+OO Line Not Found ------
609.31 45 46.10*
9.556E-01 5.701E-07 6.623E-07 18.85 665.44
- 1. 56 8.797E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
768.35 4.88 7.663E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
- 1. 23 7.315E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
934.04 3.16 6.352E-Ol Line Not Found ------
1120.27 15.00 5.391E-01 Line Not Found ------
- 1. 69 5.255E-01 Line Not Found ------
1238. 11 5.92 4.976E-01 Line Not Found ------
- 1. 47 4.855E-01 Line Not Found ------
1377.66 4.02 4.629E-01 Line Not Found ------
1385.30 0.78 4.614E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
- 1. 39 4.583E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1407.97 2.48
- 4. 571E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1509.22 2.19 4.415E-Ol ------
Line Not Found ------
- o. 72 4.336E-01 Line Not Found ------
1661. 26 ------
1.15 4.280E-01 Line Not Found ------
1729.58 ------
3.05 4.255E-01 Line Not Found ------
1764.49 ------
15.90 4.249E-01 Line Not Found ------
1847.41 2.12 4.256E-01 Line Not Found ------
PB-214 53.17 1.10 3.707E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
74.81 6.52 1.233E+OO Line Not Found ------
77.11 39
- 11. 00 l.331E+OO 1.499E-06 1.676E-06 36.69 87.19 3.88 1.650E+OO Line Not Found ------
90.13 1.15 1.730E+OO Line Not Found ------
Nuclide Line Activity Report (continued)
Page :
6 Sample ID : 1015 Acquisition date ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23 Nuclide Type: natural Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area
%Eff uCi/gr uCi/gr
%Error 241.92 ------
7.46 1.933E+OO Line Not Found ------
258.94 0.55 1.859E+OO Line Not Found ------
295.09 25 19.20*
- 1. 713E+OO 4.337E-07 4.850E-07 45.00 351. 87 60 37.10 1.515E+OO 6.045E-07 6.760E-07 14.74 785.83
- 1. 09 7.498E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
839.00 ------
0.59 7.038E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
- 81. 07 0.18 1.459E+OO Line Not Found ------
186.11 34 3.28*
2.180E+OO 2.663E-06 2.663E-06 31.05 AC-228 89.96 ------
- 1. 726E+OO Line Not Found ------
93.35 ------
5.60 1.811E+OO Line Not Found ------
99.55 ------
- 1. 30 l.943E+OO Line Not Found ------
105.36 ------
2.00 2.042E+OO Line Not Found ------
108.99 ------
0.67 2.093E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
129.03 ------
2.90 2.254E+OO Line Not Found ------
153.89 ------
0.84 2.276E+OO Line Not Found ------
209.39 31 4.10 2.078E+OO 2.032E-06 2.049E-06 34.10 216.24 ------
0.80 2.048E+OO Line Not Found ------
270.26 ------
3.80 1.812E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
328.07 3.50 1.593E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
338.42 17 12.40 1.558E+OO 4.988E-07 5.029E-07
- 68. 91 340.94 0.52 1.550E+OO Line Not Found ------
409.62 2.20 1.348E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
463.10 ------
- 1. 219E+OO ------
Line Not Found ------
562.65 ------
- 1. 01 1.028E+OO Line Not Found ------
581.52 3.00 9.978E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
72 6. 63 0.87 8.087E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
- 1. 32 7.791E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
772. 28 ------
- 1. 09 7.625E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
782.12 0.59 7.532E-01 Line Not Found ------
794.79 ------
4.60 7.416E-01 Line Not Found ------
830.59 ------
0.63 7.107E-01 Line Not Found ------
835.60 ------
- 1. 71 7.065E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
840.44 0.94 7.026E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
904.29 ------
0.89 6.549E-Ol ------
Line Not Found ------
911.16 ------
6.502E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
964. 64 5.80 6.162E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
968. 97 ------
17.40 6.137E-01 Line Not Found ------
1246.60 ------
0.57 4.951E-01 Line Not Found ------
1459.19 ------
- 1. 06 4.485E-01 Line Not Found ------
1496.00 ------
- 1. 05 4.432E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1501.44 0.58 4.425E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1580.30 ------
- 0. 71 4.338E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1588.23 ------
3.60 4.331E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
- 1. 95 4.299E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
1638.10 ------
0.54 4.294E-01 ------
Line Not Found ------
U-235 89.96 ------
3.36 1.726E+OO Line Not Found ------
93.35 5.50
- 1. 811E+OO Line Not Found ------
105.36 ------
- 1. 98 2.042E+OO Line Not Found ------
- 1. 50 2.096E+OO Line Not Found ------
Nuclide Line Activity Report (continued)
Sample ID : 1015 Acquisition date Page :
7 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23 Nuclide Type: natural Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area
%Eff uCi/gr uCi/gr
%Error 143.79 10.50 2.283E+OO Line Not Found ------
163.38 4.70 2.256E+OO Line Not Found ------
185.74 34 53.00*
- 1. 648E-07 l.648E-07 33.67 194. 96 0.59 2.142E+OO Line Not Found ------
- 1. 00
- 2. lllE+OO Line Not Found ------
205.33 ------
4.70 2.097E+OO Line Not Found ------
Flag: "*"
Minimum Detectable Activity Report Sample ID : 1015 Nuclide MN-54 MN-56 C0-57 C0-58 C0-60 SB-124 SB-125 CS-134 CS-137 Bckgnd Sum
- 2.
- 0.
- 25.
- 5.
- 2.
- 4.
- 5.
- 12.
- 20.
Energy (keV) 834.83 846.81 122.06 810.79 1332.50 602.73 427.88 604. 71 661. 66 Acquisition date MDA (uCi/gr) 7.4934E-08 2.2478E-08 7.6585E-08 l.0182E-07 1.1046E-07 7.1267E-08 1.8533E-07 1.1345E-07 1.7609E-07 Page :
8 ll-JUN-2014 13:52:23