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Sy C-HATCH 4-20 - Health Physics Sample Records
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/2014
Southern California Edison Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20034D837 List: ... further results
Download: ML20034D968 (10)


Sample ID:

142433 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND



140528BD 04STAR 4-20 Dirt Sample Common Resp Org: P4000 - PROJECT MANAGEMEr




Reviewed: DYNES, WILLIAM J Comments:

L_Origin I Mat. SizeNolume:

1000 ml



STAR 02 SOIL SAMPLE I Collection I Sample Tech:


No Instructions:



No Chem Notification:

No Offsite Analysis:

No Container Surveyed:

No Container Evaluated:

Yes ILocai1onl Health Physics Sample Records Status: APPROVED Cross Ref Sample ID:

Survey No:

Accounting Subcode:

Unknown Mat:

NO Date: 05/29/1411:11 Docmnt/MO/Act #:

Proposed Ship Date: 00/00/00 00:00 Sample Date: 05/28/14 12:50 Sample SizeNolume: 2121 GRAMS Evaluated:

No State Permit:

No Effluent Permit:

No Cleared For Release:

Yes Form 212 Ready:


Unit: NON-UNIT RE Stored By:,

Sample Loe:

Area: MS Elev: 100 Room:

Depth: 3" (in.)

Equip ID:

Date: 00/00/00 00:00 Other:

Material Loe:

06/18/201411:49 Rasterized: r Priority: N Hazardous Mat:

NO Count Time:

900 (secs.)

Page 1 of3

Sample ID:

142433 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND



140528BD 04STAR 4-20 Dirt Sample I Analysis I

~eometry MCAID Quant.

Units A_ 1 L_marinelli_sand -

30268 2121 GR Isotope Mode Activity Activity Uncert.

0 K-40 NT 0.00001283 1.28E-6 0

TL-208 NT 4.393E-7 9.05E-8 0

PB-212 NT 7.334E-7 8.77E-8 0

Bl-214 NT 4.855E-7 1.02E-7 0

PB-214 NT 8.088E-7 1.72E-7 0

AC-228 NT 1.311E-6 3.0E-7 0

BE-7 AP 4.7263E-7 0

MN-54 AP 1.0523E-7 0

MN-56 AP 8.0656E-8 0

C0-57 AP 7.8894E-8 0

C0-58 AP 1.1205E-7 0

C0-60 AP 1.0707E-7 0

SB-124 AP 6.593E-8 0

SB-125 FP 1.7856E-7 0

CS-134 FP 9.0388E-8 0

CS-137 FP 1.1639E-7 Analysis Review Health Physics Sample Records Status: APPROVED Method FP/AP Lab Analysis By



Atom. No.

Comments r


40 r


208 r


212 r


214 r


214 r



!v 0.000%

7 Iv 0.000%

54 Iv 0.000%

56 Iv 0.000%

57 Iv 0.000%

58 Iv 0.000%

60 Iv 0.000%

124 Iv 0.000%

125 Iv 0.000%

134 Iv 0.000%

137 Re-Analize:

No Lie Rad Mat Present:

No Reviewed: COOPER, TERRY L HP Notified Name:

Hp Eng Rvw Reqd:

Yes Comments:

06/18/201411:49 Rad Mat Present:

Yes Rasterized: r Date Mod ID Mod Date 05/29/1415:58 Mod Id Mod Date Date: 06/10/14 09:24 Page 2 of 3

Health Physics Sample Records Sample ID:

142433 Type: RLSSS Type Detail: SAND Status: APPROVED



140528BD 04STAR 4-20 Dirt Sample I Review/Approve I HP Eng Review Reviewed: COOPER, TERRY L Date: 06/10/14 09:25 Comments: Peak at 353 keV is not from a plant-produced nuclide Disposition: OTHER Remarks:

Approved: COOPER, TERRY L Comments:

06/18/201411:49 Disposition Result: Sample contains only natural isotopes Final Approval Date: 06/10/14 09:25 Rasterized: r Page 3 of 3


  • Title


140528BD 04STAR 4-20 DIRT SAMPLE

  • ID 30268 Acquisition date: 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 *
  • Start Time:
  • Stop Time:
  • Quantity
  • Geometry 29-MAY-2014 15:52:00 29-MAY-2014 15:52:00 Counting System 2.12100E+03 GR IHPS Sample Number:

A lL marinelli_sand_l Analysis Library Operator: AGNES ABERNATHY U2GSP 142433 HP NATURAL

>>>>> A #41-TP11679B PARAMETERS<<<<<

  • Elapsed Live Time
  • Elapsed Real Time
  • Deadtime
  • Activity Mult Factor:
  • Half Life Ratio 0 00:03:00.38 0 00:03:00.45 0.0%

1.00000E+OO 8.00000 Calibration Energy Offset Energy Slope Energy Tolerance:

Sensitivity 28-MAY-2014 21:10 2.58874E-01 4.99485E-01 1.00000 5.00000 Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides 1

74. 71 33 25 0.86 149.06 146 13 29.4 3.83E-01 PB-212 PB-214 TL-208 1

77.17 30 25 0.86 153.98 14 6 13 31. 7 BI-214 PB-212 PB-214 1

238.62 94 13 1.14 477.21 471 18 12.0 7.37E-01 PB-212 1

242.04 28 8

1.14 484.06 471 18 27.7 PB-214 1

295.41 38 5

1. 34 590.92 587 9 21. 3 2.28E+OO PB-214 5

351.90 50 2

1. 38 704.02 700 10 16.0 1. 73E+OO PB-214 5

353.56 7


1. 08 707.34 700 10 68.6 1

583.01 36 4

1. 28 1166.72 1162 9 20.6 2.35E+OO TL-208 1

609.30 32 5

1. 78 1219.35 1215 9 21. 0 1.16E+OO BI-214 1

968. 85 22 2

2.41 1939.21 1935 9 22.9 1.76E-01 AC-228 1

1460.64 103 0

1. 79 2923.85 2918 13 10.0 4.64E-01 K-40

Summary of Nuclide Activity Sample ID : 30268 Acquisition date Page :

2 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 Total number of lines in spectrum 11 Number of unidentified lines 0

Number of lines tentatively identified by NID 11 100.00%

Nuclide Type : natural Uncorrected Decay Corr Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Hlife Decay uCi/GR uCi/GR 1-Sigma Error

%Error K-40 1.28E+09Y

1. 00 1.283E-05
1. 283E-05 0.128E-05 9.95 TL-208 3.05M
1. 69 2.600E-07 4.393E-07 0.905E-07 20.60 PB-212 10.64H
1. 00 7.315E-07 7.334E-07 0.877E-07
11. 96 BI-214 19.90M
1. 09 4.468E-07 4.855E-07 l.020E-07
21. 01 PB-214 26.SOM
1. 06 7.604E-07 8.088E-07
1. 720E-07 21.27 AC-228 6.13H
1. 00 1.305E-06
1. 311E-06 0.300E-06 22.90 Total Activity 1.633E-05 l.660E-05 Grand Total Activity :

1.633E-05 1.660E-05 Manually accepted Flags: "K" "E"

Keyline not found Manually edited "M"

"A" Nuclide specific abn. limit Flags A




Unidentified Energy Lines Sample ID : 30268 Page :

3 Acquisition date : 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 It 5

Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw Cts/Sec %Err

%Eff Flags 353.56 7


1. 08 707.34 700 10 4.00E-02 68.6 l.66E+OO T

Flags: "T" = Tentatively associated

Interference Report Sample ID : 30268 No interference correction performed Acquisition'date Page :

4 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53

Nuclide Line Activity Report Page :

5 Sample ID : 30268 Acquisition date 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 Nuclide Type: natural Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area


%Eff uCi/GR uCi/GR

%Error K-40 1460.83 103 10.67*


1. 283E-05 1.283E-05 9.95 TL-208
72. 80 ------


1. 594E+OO Line Not Found ------

74.97 33 3.60 1.680E+OO 3.830E-06 6.469E-06 29.44 84.79 ------

1. 27 2.058E+OO Line Not Found ------

252.45 ------

0.80 2.021E+OO Line Not Found ------

277.28 6.80 l.920E+OO Line Not Found ------

510.61 ------

21. 60 1.265E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

583.02 36 86.00*

1.128E+OO 2.600E-07 4.393E-07 20.60 763.06 ------

1. 64 8.744E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

860.30 ------

12.00 7.770E-Ol ------

Line Not Found ------

PB-212 74.81 33 10.50

1. 680E+OO
1. 313E-06 l.316E-06 29.44 77.11 30 17.70
1. 785E+OO 6.768E-07 6.786E-07 31.73 87.19 ------

6.27 2.129E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

90.13 ------

1. 86 2.206E+OO Line Not Found ------

115. 12 0.59 2.535E+OO Line Not Found ------

238.58 94 43.60*

2.082E+OO 7.315E-07 7.334E-07

11. 96 300.03 ------

3.34 1.834E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

BI-214 76.86 30 0.58 1.785E+OO 2.065E-05 2.244E-05

31. 73 79.29 0.97
1. 869E+OO Line Not Found ------

609.31 32 46.10*

1.084E+OO 4.468E-07 4.855E-07

21. 01 665.44
1. 56 9.985E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

768.35 ------

4.88 8.685E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

806.16 ------

1. 23 8.283E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

934.04 3.16 7.177E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1120. 27 15.00 6.114E-Ol ------

Line Not Found ------

1155. 18

1. 69 5.973E-01 Line Not Found ------

1238. 11 ------

5.92 5.697E-01 Line Not Found ------

1280.95 ------

1. 47 5.585E-01 Line Not Found ------

1377.66 ------

4.02 5.401E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1385.30 ------


5. 391E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------


1. 39 5.370E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1407.97 2.48 5.362E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1509.22 ------

2.19 5.292E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1583.22 ------

0. 72 5.296E-Ol ------

Line Not Found ------

1661. 26 1.15 5.351E-Ol ------

Line Not Found ------

1729.58 ------

3.05 5.442E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1764.49 ------

15.90 5.503E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1847.41 ------

2.12 5.694E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

PB-214 53.17 1.10 5.543E-01 Line Not Found ------

74.81 33 6.52 1.680E+OO 2.115E-06 2.249E-06 29.44 77.11 30

11. 00 1.785E+OO l.089E-06 1.158E-06
31. 73 87.19 ------

3.88 2.129E+OO Line Not Found ------

90.13 1.15 2.206E+OO Line Not Found ------

241. 92 28 7.46 2.067E+OO 1.286E-06 1.368E-06 27.70 258.94 0.55

1. 994E+OO Line Not Found ------

295.09 38 19.20*

1. 851E+OO
7. 604E-07 8.088E-07
21. 27 351.87 50 37.10
1. 662E+OO 5.698E-07 6.061E-07
15. 96 785.83
1. 09 8.495E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

839.00 0.59 7.964E-01 ------

Line Not Found

Nuclide Line Activity Report (continued)

Page :

6 Sample ID : 30268 Acquisition date 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 Nuclide Type: natural Uncorrected Decay Corr 1-Sigma Nuclide Energy Area


%Eff uCi/GR uCi/GR

%Error AC-228 89.96 ------

3.40 2.201E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

93.35 ------

5.60 2.279E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

99.55 ------

1. 30 2.389E+OO Line Not Found ------

105.36 ------

2.00 2.463E+OO Line Not Found ------

108.99 ------

0.67 2.496E+OO Line Not Found ------

129.03 ------

2.90 2.562E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

153.89 ------

0.84 2.496E+OO Line Not Found ------

209.39 ------

4.10 2.221E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

216.24 0.80 2.187E+OO Line Not Found ------

270.26 ------

3.80 1.948E+OO Line Not Found ------

328.07 ------

3.50 1.738E+OO Line Not Found ------

338.42 ------

12.40 1.704E+OO Line Not Found ------

340.94 ------


1. 696E+OO ------

Line Not Found ------

409.62 2.20 1.499E+OO Line Not Found ------

463.10 ------

4.60 1.368E+OO Line Not Found ------

562.65 ------

1. 01 1.164E+OO Line Not Found ------

581.52 ------

3.00 1.131E+OO Line Not Found ------

726. 63 0.87 9.173E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

755.28 ------

1. 32 8.833E-01 Line Not Found ------

772. 28 ------

1. 09 8.641E-01 Line Not Found ------

782.12 ------

0.59 8.534E-01 Line Not Found ------

794.79 ------

4.60 8.400E-01 Line Not Found ------

830.59 ------

0.63 8.043E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

835.60 ------

1. 71
7. 996E-01 Line Not Found ------

840.44 ------

0.94 7.951E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

904.29 ------

0.89 7.403E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

911.16 ------


7.349E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

964. 64 5.80

6. 962E-01 Line Not Found ------

968.97 22 17.40 6.934E-01

1. 305E-06
1. 311E-06 22.90 1246.60 ------

0.57 5.673E-Ol ------

Line Not Found ------

1459.19 ------

1. 06 5.315E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1496.00 ------

1. 05 5.296E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1501. 44 0.58 5.294E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1580.30 ------

0.71 5.295E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

1588.23 ------

3.60 5.298E-01 Line Not Found ------

1630.47 ------

1. 95 5.324E-01 Line Not Found ------

1638.10 ------

0.54 5.330E-01 ------

Line Not Found ------

Flag: "*" = Keyline

Minimum Detectable Activity Report Page :

7 Sample ID 30268 Acquisition date 29-MAY-2014 15:52:53 Bckgnd Energy MDA Nuclide Sum (keV)





4. 7263E-07 MN-54

834.83 l.0523E-07 MN-56


846.81 8.0656E-08 C0-57


122.06 7.8894E-08 C0-58


810.79 l.1205E-07 C0-60


1332.50 l.0707E-07 SB-124


602.73 6.5930E-08 SB-125


427.88 l.7856E-07 CS-134


604. 71 9.0388E-08 CS-137


661.66 l.1639E-07