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NRC-2019-000034 - Resp 2 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/2019
FOIA, NRC-2019-000034
Download: ML19235A085 (416)


{{#Wiki_filter:US.NRC a United Sttes Nuclear Regulatory Com.mission Protecting People and the E11viron111ent Status Update for the Near Miss Event at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Marlane Davis NMSS/DSFM/108 October 9, 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Agenda

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Brief Overview of Event
  • Status Update 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Introduction

  • The purpose of this presentation is to provide a brief overview and current updated status of the SONGS near missed event.
  • Success for this presentation is to ensure that all interested parties have a general awareness of the event and some of the findings discovered during the special inspection conducted by the NRC.

10/ 9/2018



  • Holtec International (Holtec) latest NRC approved spent fuel storage cask system used at Callaway Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
                        ~     HI-STORM UMAX CoC No. 72-1040
                        ~     UMAX - Underground MAXimum capacity storage system Error message "Picture can't be displayed" appears. The presenter no I

longer has a copy of this presentation, and after working with the IT staff, w e are not able to get the picture to display. 10/ 9/2018



Vertical Cask Transporter (VCT) 10/9/2018



VCT Operator 10/9/2018



Down Loading Operation (b)(4) 10/9/2018










BES1'AVAIIABtE COPY OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview Near Missed Event at SONGS Error message "Picture can't be displayed" appears. The presenter no longer has a copy of this presentation, and after working with the IT staff, we are not able to get the picture to display. 10/9/2018

HES'I1 AVAIIAHIJ~ co1,y OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview VCT Operator "Load Indication" 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview Tower Height 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview Shield Ring Detail View 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview Shield Ring Detail View 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview Shield Ring Detail View 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio Overview MPC Inserted 10/9/2018

OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulat ory Como:i.issio Status Update ..,. Inspection team debriefed with five (5) violations . ..,. Inspection team is still waiting on SONGS and Holtec to complete their Apparent and Root Cause Evaluations ..,. There is currently a hold on loading and transfer operations . ..,. SONGS and Holtec are performing practice runs/ demos with revised procedures . ..,. NRC plan on going to observe SONGS final demonstrations prior to initiating loading and transfer operations again



OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SENSITIVE INTERNAL INFORMATION US.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Como:i.issio 10/9/2018

From:  !(b)(?)(C) Sent: Thursda , Au ust 30, 2018 10:19 AM To: (b)(?)(C)


Fwd: (External):RE: (External):Cask Download Event Holtec Individua ls !(b)(7) I My apologies, it looks like I didn't forward. Please see below for Item 2.B.3.3. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: i(b)(?)(C) From~ Date: Au~ ust 29. 2018 at 2:53:13 PM PDT To:j (b)(?)(C_) Cc:~6)(/)() I


(External):RE: (External):Cask Download Event Holtec Individuals

        !(b)(?)(  I Below is contact info for all of the involved individuals:

(b)(?)(C) l(b)(l )(C) Holtec International I Site Services SONGS Fuel Transfer Operation Cell:!(b)(?)(C)  ! Office: 949.368.9089


From:!(b)(?)(C) Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:26 AM To: !{b)(?)(C) I


FW: (External):Cask Download Event Holtec Individuals

This email originated from a source OUTSIDE of Holtec. STOP and TH INK before CLICKING on links or OPENING attachments r )(l )(C) SONGS ISFSI Expansion Project T. 949-368-9059 I M .!(b .._...,


_.)_ ___, 5000 Pacific Coast Highway, San Clemente, CA 92674 From:!(b)(?)(C) Sent: Tuesda Au ust 28 2018 12:34 PM To: (b)(?)(C) Cc (b)(7)(C) Su6Ject: (b)(7)(C) Here are the individuals that were involved in the cask download event that will be available for t he week of 9/10/18: (b)(7)(C) l (b)(7)(C) cell: !(b)(7)(C) mailtoi.... (b-)(?-)(-C)_ _ _ _ __

          'nformation contained herein is intended only for the person or entity to w addresse                may contain confidential and/or privileged material fr                 oltec International. If yo                     not the intended recipient, you mus          eep, use, disclose, copy or distribute this email wit                       e author's prior       ssion. Further, review, retransmission, dissemination, or ot
  • 1s information in whole or part for any other purpose by persons outside ec1p1en anization is strictly prohibited unless explicit authorization to effect has been issued by der of this message. Holtec International *
  • s expressly prohibit employees from making atory or offensive state and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Emai unication.

o tee International will not accept any liability in respect of' such communications. 2

In national has taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software virus , but we vise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this m age. Holtec Inte ational cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by tware viruses. If you a the intended recipient and you do not wish to receive s* Jlar electronic messages from us in e future then please respond to the sender to t

  • effect.

The information contain herein is intended only for the perso r entity to which it is addressed and may contain c fidential and/or privileged erial from Holtec International. If you are not the 1 nded recipient, yo ust not keep, use, disclose, copy or distribute this email without the a or's prior rmission. Further, review, retransmission, dissemination, or other us is information in whole or part for any other purpose by persons outside the rec* en organization is strictly prohibited unless explicit authorization to such effect s been issue the sender of this message. Holtec International policies expressly ohibit employees fro aking defamatory or offensive statements and infringing copyright or any other legal

  • t by Email communication.

Holtec International

  • not accept any liability in respect of su communications. Holtec International has en precautions to minimize the risk of transmit
  • software viruses, but we advis ou to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment this message.

Holtec I rnational cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by tware vir s. If you are the intended recipient and you do not wish to receive similar e essages from us in the future then please respond to the sender to this effect. 3

Procedure Number. HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL HSP-34 Title. Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Rev,sion* Page* 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: Mfc, T&A"1SfE.& ro@, H'l=-wopm. \JMA)C

               ~'<$.TEM Date:     OS. ;ia. \S                             Duration:    t./~ IY\=...I J"

_jL - - - - - - - - - - -t-- (b)(?)(C) I Performed by: ------ I Sign Name I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Procedure Number HOLTEC 11l *Et* . ..r10,-.*~ HSP-34 T,tle Use Ca:e;ory TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re."sion: Page 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic. Mee, TCl..A"15~ Fop.. \.\'l;-4;n-oQJw\ l>MA)C

                             ~'<CJ,,TE.M Date:            08*-l8*1B Performed by:

(b)(7)(C) I c-:..., ... 11.1--- I - ....

Procedure Number HOLTEC ltHfit ,HIOt,

  • HSP-34 Tille.

Use Ca:egor1 TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Rev sion: Pa!J& 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: MfC. '1"'"A"1S~ Fo& }:\'l;-~QC!m. \Jfl\A>'

                      ~'<S.TE.TV'\                          n1'-k+ iSklf:T Date:       09*.19~18                                                 LL~- fr',;.- S l(b)(7)(C)

Performed by: ). r Siqn Name I Print N::imP I (b)(7)(C)

Prccedure Number HOLTEC

     ! NTfllH,I ION Al HSP-34 T1tle Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE                                         Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL                              Rev sion          Poge 14           17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic:      MfC.      1"'~A"15~ f"o& \:\X* ~Q?m. \,JMA>C S':(~TE.M                        n re.kt:   ~ h { ET do* 28*16 Date:

(b)(?)(Ci I ------- Duration: Performed by: - l

                              - 1.

L-----------"' J Sian Name I Print Name I {b)(?)(C) I I I

Procedure Number: HOLTEC HSP-34 INTftr AT Q,-.o. Title Use Ca* ;cry TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Rev s or P.19e SERVICES PERSONNEL 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1. Standard Training Attendance Sheet Date. oS*.?,8-tS Duration* Performed by: I Si!:m Name Print Name {b)(7)(C) I

Procedure Number. HOLTEC INTHNAtl ONAl HSP-34 Title Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revsfon Page: 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1 : Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: l,oAb \:\eblbl;CNt.- Ca-tmeb EoR c.M,.lf,

                ,. ycr o\>EAA,:i:ow s Date:                                                                    l. ,~- .      ...l

()~*it8_*_\~f>--tlL.(b-)(?-)(-C)_____________P_u_ca_ti_o~o *1-Performed by:  : I


I Sign Name I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Prcceavre Number HOLTEC 1-iTH~*Afl 01'A L HSP~34 T,lle Use Ca:egory TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Rev*sion: Page: 14 17of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: loAt> ~*,U>l:cNk CAN!BPb Eo~ C'Jil.a\!-)E,

                      ,. vc:r C'i>EAA~:::s::QtJS Date:         OS*.Z9-&B                               ]"ration:

r )(?)(C) Performed by: Sian Name Print ,.,_-__ (b)(?)(C)

P,~cecure 'lumber HSP-34 T Iie Use Cate;ory TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re*ision Page 14 17of25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: l.oAb \.:Y\h\b\;tNt,.. CoHTP9b Eo~ c.,p,,aje,

                  ,. vc., c~,:t:atJS Date:   08*,Bfo'*\S l(b)(?)(C)

Duration: ___;.._____ _ L.JS- ~.N~ Performed by: --IL_________J-- - - - - - - - - - I SiQnName I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Prcc:edure Number-HOLTEC HSP-34

,-. a r,, ' .,., .

T ile Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Re11 st0n. Page SERVICES PERSONNEL 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: \..oAh \.:\At:U>l:tNlc c.a..tD\ob EoA.. CMwE.

                 ~  vc.:r o~,:x:oN s Date:            o9*e 0-1&                               Duration:      Lts- ,')1,.,.i...~

(b)(7)(C) Performed by: _J_ I

                      ~'"" "


                                "'1me \                        l Print Name l (b)(7)(C)

From: l(b)(7)(C) Sent: Tuesda , Au ust 28, 2018 10:55 AM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc:


(Externa l):Divider shell photos


(b)(7)(C) cell (b)(?)(C) mailto (b)(7)(C) 5

Procedure Number: HOLTEC HSP-34 INTERNATIONAL TiUe: Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Revision: SERVICES PERSONNEL Page: 11 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: LP- li:PL: -01 :z_ " fuold ltiofa. +wu1, I ( Date: l\'LU/ ICt) Duration: ~ "1 ~ J (b)(7)(C) Performed by: Print N::i.mA (b)(7)(C)

Procedure Number: HSP-34 Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re111slon Page, 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: Kim~"' YGv.G.,~ nc:::e Date: LPNI rt Duration: \ \.\ ovv Performed by: I Sian Name I Print Name I (b)(7)(C)



Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: Page: 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: L. P-1:h.)1.- Ut'J-1~ ... <Y1. lAc.&sr\17 0 Date: 16[~/f Duration: $ bCMCI (b)(?)(C) Performed by: .__ _ _ _ _ _ __:-- - - - - - - - - - - - I Si~m Name l Print Name (b)(?)(C)

Procedure Number: HOLTEC HSP~34 INTER NATION Al


Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Revision: Page: SERVICES PERSONNEL 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: lllJIAl'dV ~ VU//wt / o(.w6 Date: Jo}&J{rt Duration: __---'-h.. ;. io-";..- Performed by: I Sian Name I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Procedure Number: HOLTEC HSP-34 INTf RNAl l ONAL Title Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: Page: 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: LP-z-fvt..- UWv4,t- ...Oo \ LfA ~ }c. Q}llNf w - VM-1-X Date: lb J'-I 1tJ: Duration: 3 hauvJ l,... (b-)(7-)(C-) - - - - - - , Performed by: -, - ----------- Sian Name I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Procedure Number: HSP-34 Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: Page: 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: l P- l:fu-t,. - Um& - c:>1 Yjf:k, J?a.,,v.Jicn dohJ, Y>ee<<{ f"'v - k;f-1 d=,a Date: Jo/~(t1: Duration: 2 "-Oo.lY.7 (b)(?)(C) Performed by: (b)(?)(C)

Task O*mlifications Assigned to Individuals in T2000 Page 1 of l t Name1


Task Qualification I Rev Qualification Status Expiration/Reason C SSCM06: FME Worker 3 QUALIFIED LIFETIME GETRWT: RADIATION WORKER QUALIFICATION 6 QUALIFIED 10/12/2018 GETPAT: Plant Access Training (Does not imply individual currently 9 QUALIFIED 10/11/2018 holds Protected Area Unescorted Access)

      *** VAL.I D ONLY ON 1.0/1.7/2017 ***                           eQIS Version 03.04.00: QA Program Affecting I

0 10/17/2017

Task Q1;1alifications Assigned to Individuals in T2000 Page 1 of I Name


I C Task Qualification SSCM06: FME Worker Rev Qualification Status Expiration/ Reason 3 QUAUFIED LIFETIME SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 1 QUAUFlED 4/18/2019 GETRWT: RADIATION WORKER QUALIFICATION 6 QUALIFIED 10/12/2018 GETPAT: Plant Access Training (Does not Imply Indiv idual currently 9 QUALIFIED 10/11/2018 holds Protected Area Unescorted Access)

      *** VALID ONLY ON 10/19/2017 ***                                eQIS Version 03.04.00: QA Program Affecting I

0[S/PrinterFriendlyVersion.aspx 10/19/2017

Task Qualifo.:atiuns Assigned lo Individuals in T2000 Page 1 of 1 Name: l(b)(?)(C) Task Quallflcatlon I Rev Qualification Status Expiration/Reason C SSCM06: FME Wor1<er 3 QUAUFIED UFETIME SSCM07: Fork Lift Operator 1 QUAUFIED 11/29/2020 SHIPRW: 49CFR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING 3 QUAUFIED 10/23/2020 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 1 QUAUFIED 4/18/2019 GETRWT: RADIATION WORKER QUALIFICATION 6 QUAUFIED 10/12/2018 GETPAT: Plant Access Training (Does not Imply Individual currently 9 QUAUFIED 10/11/2018 holds Protected Area Unescorted Access} SSMM13: Gantry/Overhead Crane Operator 1 QUAUFIED 5/10/2018

      *** VALID ONLY ON 11./30/201.7 ***                                eQIS Version 03.04.00: QA Program Affecting        I
                                     . \...  ~ \,..,---{ ~\I\

r*.~ - 011"' \ ......,...____ VV (b)(7)(C) 0 11/30/2017

HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL Project: 2464 ISFSI Meeting Date: ,Z Jz...i J2> (b)(7)(C) Facilitator: Location:

               -- l                    -  --.-                ----- -                 - -- -- -

I Name (b)(4) Title I Company I Signature j I 0 Page 1 of 2


      "'"RAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE                                       Refere nce SERVICES PERSONNEL                              F~, s :-           ---

F :=:-= 10 17 o f 25 Exhibit 8 1 Standard Tra ning Attendance Sheet T oprc  !,re.Nb bow...s

         ~sa.""- ~       NCr~t.iib   ere QI%. av PA~   ~        ANn :r~r((..~>

Date ctf*R0*/8 Duration Performed by (,(bX_7)(

                    ~ c)_ _ _ _ ___..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

fSjgn Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;....;..;.;..;.;.~;-a.--------,,--

               ~ ~_;_:;____;:__                           Print Name (b)(7)(C)
 *****             Holtec Technology Campus, 1 Holtec Boulevard, Camden, NJ 08104 H O LT EC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S-ite- Ex_p_e-ct-a-ti-o-ns_ B_r-ie_f_l _l _.8_.1_7_


   -       Name  I           Si,rn.iturl' _,.,. I                                            I (b)(7)(C)


*** ;
  • 4 . -: * ~

Pr:JcedJr: Nurrte:- HSP-34 T te Use Ca'egor; TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revs 011 10 lPage17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1 : Standard Training Attendance Sheet @ Topic: s:~ ~..;.~c~ t)c:., ' j ~(cr_)ec:A S'\)r.,,:.\\orc:..c..?"',Yc;-

                    \iSQ .. \00'°'1 Date rint Name (b)(7)(C)


G HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL 2464. ISFSI Expansion Project Attendance Record Topic(s): Human Perfonnance Training and Safety Metrics Presenter(s): j(b)(?)(C)  ! Date: January 18.2018 Duration: ---~--"'-'""'---- ------ ATTENDEES (b)(7)(C) Printed Name I si-..ture ~, Comn.:nv r .I ,r,. C (__

Task Qualifications Assigned to Individuals in T2000 Page 1 of 1 Name :l(b)(7)(C) I C Task Qualification SSCM06 : FME Worker Re11 Qualification Status Expiration/Reason 3 QUAUFIED UFETIME SSCM07 : Fork Uh Operator 1 QUAUFIED 11/29/2020 SHIPRW : 49CFR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING 3 QUALIFIED 10/23/2020 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 4/18/2019 SSMM13: Gantry/ Overhead Crane Operator 1 QUAUFIED 4/10/2019 GETRWT: RADIATION WORKER QUALIFICATION 6 QUALIFIED 10/12/2018 GETPAT: Plant Access Training (Does not imply individual currently 9 QUALIFIED 10/11/2018 holds Protected Area Unescorted Access\

      *** VAUDONLYON04/26/20l8 ***                                   eQIS Version 03.04.00: QA Program Affecting I

0 0 4/26/2018

Task Qualifications Assigned to Individuals in T2000 Page 1 of2 Ta sk Qualification: SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program Name Task Qualification Rev Qualification Expiration/ Reason Status (b)(?)(C) SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 91.B "/'20'P.l SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED c!!r:.t:/. 20*1 S SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED d>tS/.2019 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED ..9i:5/2 0 1S SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED ~124U SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED -,YIJ20U , SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED -9/5,/20 1S SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 9/5'/20 ~ 5SMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 9 / S/.2 0 1 1l SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 9,t5 t2CUS SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED la *1 r:.,..., (l19 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 8/26/2019 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUALIFIED 8/6/2019 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 7"/25"/20 1S SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 7./UJ~'!; SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED "7111 / 2 0 1S SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED c:z:an2D'l:!I S5MM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 71Yon~s SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED ~QD.G:r!i SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED 7DJT.D,Irl!i SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED .7.J.9 f'2 01j SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUALIFIED "Yt3"J 2.,Jt'1jl SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED -'14.l~S SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUALIFIED -:f1~20 1j SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Progr am 2 QUAUFIED ~/A/,2/ll'9 I SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED :tl,4/-20:ti SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED ...fl;B'/-201-9 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED ~YJY2019 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUAUFIED r4.n!Z2CJ19 SSMM16: NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUALIFIED Y:t'frl~ SSMM16 : NUREG 0612 Program 2 QUALIFIED 4/10/201S

      *** VALID ONLY ON 03/12/2018 ***                e QIS Version 03.04.00: QA Program Affecting Version.aspx                                     3/12/2018

HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL Johnson Laser Level Training Training Date; 6 l25' l Z O I 8, Instructor; Ll~-X-7)(-C)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____. Name (b)(7)(C) ITitle I Company j Signature L Page 1 of 2

                                                                                                   - *-*=.: . .-':' *--:.-:-*

H?P-2~54-52 7 HOLT

    *,.-:;:',.!.- c~

EC!._ Exh ibit 8.5 Initial Prs - J:,b Bri:f Mssti ng Wor'f.. P:a1 N:>: VV/\11#701:SPSI do.vt"I

5To..n""\ _ _--,

(oc,..o/ D:!~S 6- (0 - zorf( B*is=ir~ Co1dJ~~s::! 8 1 * (b)(?)(C) (b)(7XC) (_

                            --- --:-                                              =-                                =-

1111111111 HOLTEC INTERNAT I ONAL 2464.ISFSI Expansion Project Power Point Safety Gap Training Topic(s): Overview, Fitness for Duty, Heat Illness Prevention, Medical Emergencies and First Aid, PPE, Barriers, and Sihrnage, Hearing Protection , Personal Protective Equipment, Hazard Communication, Compressed Gas, Fire Prevention, Electrical Safety, Ladder b ap~cSta~*; ~a:e:v,Scaffold 1Jsers Irnioioe Presenter( s ): LI(_)(_)~_,~,-----.----------------...J----::::--:-:-------:-:::----:--------- Date: o '7/ z.-, z.o __ Duration: 120 min__;,.;.;.'--------- ATTENDEES Printed Name I r Sl11nature,---,_ Comnanv Title/Craft ' 0 (b)(?)(C)

Exhibit 2: Employee Acknowledgement Form EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM CODE OF SAFE PRACTICES (b)(7)(C) I agree to conform to all Company practices, rules, and regulations relating to safe work performance. I understand that my failure to follow these safety procedures may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. I further understand that:

a. It is my responsibility to report all unsafe conditions or violations of the Code of Safe Practices to my Supervisor or other management personnel in order to minimize the potential of injury to my fellow workers.
b. I am encouraged to inform my immediate supervisor of any hazards at the worksite without fear of reprisal, and that should my assistance create any such action or related intimidation, that I am encouraged to contact his/her supervisor or Safety Representative.

(b)(7)(C) a'&( 2o II ate 2-o 7 i' (b)(7)(C)

---~a HOLTEC INTf t NA T IONAL Title; Procedure Number: HSP-34 Use Category* TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: IPage~ 9 of 25 14 EXHIBIT 8.3: READ AND SIGN SHEET Document


...111- S_e_e_A_tt_a_c_h _ ed___._j_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Holtec Procedure No.: 1-fsP - Ji 1 ..... Revision: __ '/_ __ Date: o& / 1.P /2,., 1'6 r l My signature below acknowledges that I have completed the reading of the document above and fully understand its content and how it applies to the work that I will be completing for Holtec. (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C)

Document Title Holtec Procedure No. Initials Code of Safe Practices HPP-2464-1050 (Exhibit 7.1) (b)(7)(C) Action Item Tracking & Resolution Training Reference HPP-2464-1057 Hand and Power Tool Read and Sign NA Hearing Protection Guidelines NA Heat Illness Training Reference HPP-2464-620 (Read and Sign for Supervisors) Job Safety Analysis HPP-2464-607 Rev. 1 I-Lead Safety Training Reference HPP-2464-1056 Risk Management Reference HPP-2464-1042

Procedure Number* HOLTEC HSP-34 IU TH *. * ' IO t1 *

  • Title Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Revision: Page SERVICES PERSONNEL 14 19 of 25 EXHIBIT 8.3* READ AND SIGN SHEET Document Title* SEE ATTACHED Holtec Procedure No. : SEE ATTACHED Revision SEE ATTACHED Date: 07? I7 / Z.01 J" My signature below acknowledges that I have completed the reading of the document above and fully understand its content and how it applies to the work that I will be completing for Holtec.

(b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C)

Holtec Safety Gap Training Read and Sign Index Document Title Ladder and Stair Safety _I Document Number HPP-2464- 1038 Revision I Initials 1

                                                               - (b)(7)(C}

1 -- T ~ Medical Emergencies & First Aide HPP-2464-1046 2 J Personal Protective Equipment HPP-2464-608 1 Scaffold User Training HPP-2464-1146 2 Compressed Gas Electrical Safety I


~ ire Protection 2 Fitness fr=or Duty 1 ~ ~ earing Protection 1

                                                            --i-I Heat Illness Prevention Hazard Commun ication Read & Sign I      1 NA                 t)'


Procedure Number: HSP-34 Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision Page 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: ~M::::>Y-?C\ Date: ~ I 8-' Duration:  ;;J. ho LLr.S l(b)(?)(C) Performed by: L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J- - - - - - -- - - - I Sio,i Name I Print Name (b}(7)(C)

Proce dure Numoer HSP-34 Title  : use C~tegory* TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SJTE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: Date: ;o/5""/c?a/7 1 Duration:

                                                                                                                         - - -/.-5'  ' -f'D<.$1.

l(b)(?)(C) Performed by:  :

                                                                                                                       . ~ - ---~--.~* ..
  • 1 (b)(?)(C) i l,,. ,., . -- -----.,~ - ~....- *~* *,~ ~~,.,,_,........,....~,.,_,- ,* .____ _ _ _* ****-n-*~""""""""


... , ..... ,. . . ... . ..... . . . . . . - ---* ***-- ----*----- -*-*-,.,....,-...... _,________ __ .... *~*-*** *..


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                         "'**"'*-"I*,******;.*.***.! . . . .
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(b)(7)(C) i


                                        )1-3 l '20 I e .



                                             / 23 h.o t 8 (b)(?)(C) t------  - - - - - - - * .. - - - - - - - -- ! - - - -- - -- - - ,

1 - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - * ****--*--*****



Procedure Number Use Category HSP-34 TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision 12 IPage 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: QJ\-1.."' J. n t,.*, l\ J ~ fi\ c.. Date:  ?:{ ;J..?f ( I 1> Duration: Performed byl....___________ r1(b)(7)(C) 1 Sian Name Print Name (b)(7)(C)

HOLTEC**** ltlTUNATI OtlAL READ AND SIGN SHEET Holtec Procedure No.: l{6e- IOI~ Revision: 0 Date: g)-21J- ;io/R My signature below acknowledges that I have completed the reading of the document above and fully understand its content and how it applies to the work that I will be completing for Holtec. Name Lrb-)(7-)(C.....

            )  =rT'IT'Cr----------L 0 191,amte


                             ~& i ...~~-,e Document


lff:.r,'? !e(6'9/ I.CfDl:r:rA/<:, of Dd£<:.rj (~ 10,fl. oA 10GF~ ~ '5 e Holtec Procedure No.: l{JP../0/5"0( Revision: __.,Q Date: cw-JB ... m'olB My signature below acknowledges that I have completed the reading of the document above and fully understand its content and how it applies to the work that I will be completing for Holtec. Name l

Sigi (b)(l)(C; gn~aiRtumree --..:.:.::.:_~ - - - ~

J1-- - -

l:U:JL!ll Procedure Number: HOLTEC l '.TERNATIONAL HSP-34


Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: 11 IPage17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: 1..._:p_ \.\bL- J (ur'\ wt cs*\*cHs.9ti S~Pfru,sor ::t:~,;N ~~c.~ Date: b\ 1"2. \I~

                                             '        Duration: 3 h 6ue..J Performed by:        JL~"________l..-- - - - - - - - - - - - -


HOLTEC I N!E~~AT I Ot,.;AL Trtle: Procedure Number: Use Category: HSP-34 TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: 10 IPage17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet TOpie: CL$ 0 ~AL Boettb Date: o;J,-a.J*/8 Duration: _ _ _ _ _ __ (b)(l)(C) Performed by: I Sian Name I Drinf fl.l...,mo (b)(7)(C)

HOLTEC P ro:e(Lre N_..-t;e HSP-34 T* e Us: Ca::.!g.;-1 TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re, s or 10 / Pag:17 of 25 Exhibit 8 1 Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic Date C..f h.,..s Duration* (b)(7)(C) ------- Performed by 1--------~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - S1gn Name n.;..,* Pl.I-, (bX7)(C)

Procedure Number HOLTEC N .. £:f'\...1* 0" A HSP-34 Title Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision Page 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: k <-5.S6;\J L. :<:.:C~~ L..P- ~o L- o':( Date: ~ I11- I, S:: Duration:

                                                                          - - -~.o
                                                                                 '---   ~rs Performed by:

_JL- - - - - -- (b)(?)(C) I Sien Name I Print N,:ii-- I (b)(?)(C)

Procedure Number HSP-34 Title Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision Page 10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: DC.5S L..., C.<o.,c,, in.~ Uth.AX: L.P-~oL .. OM.f\K - oo"L Date: Duration: a. y,z.. Jy'i

                                                                --=..;;.._;.__ _ __

l(b)(?)(C) Performed by: (b)(?)(C)


            .. : .... - ~

P re::!;re N_mbe HSP-34 T * ,e Use Ca:egor1 TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re, s or 10 IPa~e 17 of 25 Exhibit 8 1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic ~ 'rte.~~~ evJ bosc,Loc. - Ol\lU4K t_ 'J> - ~L.. - tJ (\1,t\.X - Ob ':l \ Date S l*k]'i (b)(7)(C) Duration* ____._'-1_h_r_*_ __ Performed by: L - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - (b)(7)(C) Sion Nami:i -.

n v L I C'- HSP-34

    *** , , . .. . ~* J T,t e                                                                      Usa Ca!egor, TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE                                                 Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL                                 R~*, s on               -, Pag!

10 17 of 25 Exhibit 8 1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic ~ \cS cwc&'1:J:e,i,J Date G1~-1t.~1~ Duration ___.\'-"h......,L....___ _ __ (b)(?)(C) Performed by: l L . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-- - - - - - - - - - - (b)(?}(C)

Proc ure Number; HOLTEC lNTUN ATIONAl HSP-34 Title. Use Category: TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Revision: Page: 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: _.DC.~51(.:!S....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

              ':1:Nbu~Tg\1 E'ilNQ "!, LE5$QN5 L.E'Nltle.b Date:      o, *.18-18                                      Duration:    : CoO
                                                                           ---.-=..;;;_ _ _ __

(b)(?)(C) Performed by: l'--------...r- - - - - - - - - - - - - Sian Name Print Name L (b)(7)(C)

IIVL.IC\... I HSP-34

         * ; I & '" ': .I                                                          I Ttie                                                                           Use Calig'lr/

TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re 11 sen 10 IPag! 17 of 25 Exhibit 8 1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic* ~1'f, l:)c.'.'> lB'fti,1'.::(rNCc ~Mr :t;\ ,

                           '~le Date:            o':::\- \Lp-18                                                   h=r_____

Duration: ___,\.... (b)(?)(C) Performed by: L...----==---.__,.___________ i n Name (b)(?)(C)

Proceoure Number HOLTEC HSP-34 INTUN ATIO N AL Title Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Rev slon Page SERVICES PERSONNEL 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: \.,oAb \.V\Nbt.;cNk CoP4T&eb Foe.- (,MwE,

                ,. vc.'\  OYi;AAT:Cc::nJ S Date:        oca-~e- \~                             Pvcatico:  '-I~ "'-* "'...,

Performed by:


(C=)==========:::::::11-- ------ (b)(7)(C) I Sion NamP- I I

Prcceavre Number HOLTEC 1-iTH~*Afl 01'A L HSP~34 T,lle Use Ca:egory TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Rev*sion: Page: 14 17of 25 Exhibit 8. 1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: loAt> ~*,U>l:cNk CAN!BPb Eo~ C'Jil.a\!-)E,

                       ,. vc:r C'i>EAA~:::s::QtJS Date:          OS*.Z9-&B (b)(7)(C)                    I Duration:

_J' l . - - - - - - - - --* - - - - - - - - -

                                                                              - -.:. :LJS-
;._. ;. ;.,°":"-'

Performed by: I Sion Name I Orint ,.,_-_ - (b)(7)(C)

P,~cecure 'lumber HSP-34 T Iie Use Cate;ory TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference SERVICES PERSONNEL Re*ision Page 14 17of25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: l.oAb \.:Y\h\b\;tNt,.. CoHTP9b Eo~ c.,p,,aje,

              ,. vc., c~,:t:atJS Date:    08*,Bfo'*\S l(b)(?)(C)

Duration: ___;.._____ _ L.JS- ~.N~ Performed by: --IL,._________!-- - - - - - - - - - I SiQnName I Print Name I (b)(?)(C)

Prcc:edure Number-HOLTEC HSP-34

,-. a r,, ' .,., .

T ile Use Category TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference Re11 st0n. Page SERVICES PERSONNEL 14 17 of 25 Exhibit 8.1: Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic: \..oAh \.:\At:U>l:tNlc c.a..tD\ob EoA.. CMwE.

                 ~  vc.:r o\\;:AA,:x:oNS Date:            o9*e 0-1&                               Duration:     Lts- ,')1,.,.i...~

Performed by: --1l(b)(7)(C)


I -I ~ qn Name / Print Name b)(7XC)

HSP-34 IIUL.11..\..

  • t s . &* - .,

r,*e iUse ca*ego,y TRAINING OF SUBCONTRACTED SITE Reference R l?JS en SERVICES PERSONNEL / Page 10 17 of 25 Exhibit B 1* Standard Training Attendance Sheet Topic* \\oL'T£C, be 5':tSr:£ tn> .

                                                                        ~ LoA~"'b.Jt-

Date: o\..\-\~*\S Duration I Performed by: lL----;::====---'===-- (b)(7)(C)

                                                '                            I
                              \Sion Name \                                   I Print Name1 (b)(7)(C)

Cl) C C m 0 Minor Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair Log en INTER NATIONAL E m 0 1 COMPONENT/ ITEM: TYPE OF WORK: DOCUMENTATION: DATE: .c (Check all that apply)  ;,., Skill of the Craft START  :!::

                                                                                                   .:Ji Maintenance                                 o Document Title / No. - - -- - - --                                                            ---                       JV}.g__1I!_                3:

COMPLETE "C o Troubleshooting ~/11, 111_ Cl) o Repair C C PROBLEI\I DESCRIPTION: **-***************..................................................................................~............................................................................................... m (J

     ..............................................A~"' ..................... . . ..~......~.~.?.....~~:.....L___J...8./.l~!.!.........................................................................                                                                                    en CASK LOADING SUPERVISOR (CLS)


   ********************************************************************************************* ******** *****************-*************** ***-**************-** ***************..*************-**** **************** ***********-***** *************ea******************* *********** ******


.~*** HOLTEC INTERNA110 NAL Minor Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair Log



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !,TART (Check all Lhat apply)                                  )q Skill of the Craft                                                                                                                       0 V    C..1415              -5                                                            ~ Maintenance                                     a Document Title/ No. - - - -- - - - - - - _&_!~I!_                                                                                         .c COMPLETE                     :!::

a Troubleshooting ~ JL J_JJ_ a Repair 3:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           "C PROBLEJ\I DESCRIPTION: .....................................................................................................l(b)(?)(C)
   ..............................................Ann.\l".l....P..m........................ t!i!- ........11.-:1 .. ~$................_                                          ___._
l. . .;i_

1~1. t.!



Pr:icecure: N~m::Jer R ev s 011 11*111111 HPP-2464-82 , 10 HOLTEC NTER'-JAT 0',;._ SONGS ISFSI Work Plan Preparation Procedure ' Pag~ 34 of 35 Exhibit 8.5 Initial Pre - Job Brief Meeting Work Plan No.: uJ *~*(4' .. q'a::, Date: B~ 3.. 19 l(b)(7)(C) Briefing Conducted By . ....- - - - - - - I l I PRINT l SIGNATURE I INITIALS I POSITION (b)(7)(C) I 1 I I I l I I

                              'I                                              I I

I I I ' I l I I I I '

                                                                                                             .i I                          I.                   '                             I I

I I I I  ! I I I I I I I

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time ~ : I Pagers and phones on silent mode e w


Practice good housekeeping


Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of 24

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

For Internal Uss Only Objectives

  • MPG Pre-Operation Inspection Procedure
  • Introduction
  • Limitations/Precautions
  • Procedure
  • Stage MPC lid and MPC Shell
  • Inspect MPC lid and closure ring
  • MPC lid and drain line fit-up
  • Inspect HI-TRAC
  • Oversight opportunities

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Introduction San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • HPP-2464-100 (MPG-Pre-operation Procedure)


Fo1 Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Stage MPC Shell and Lid San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For lrrter 11al Use Only Decommissioning INSPECT the MPC San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only INSPECT the MPC Lid and Closure Ring Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning MPC lid punch mark layout San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Ir 1te11,al Use Only Vent port plug and cover Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station plate fit-up (b)(4)

Drain line inspection TP-HOL-UMAX-003

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Drain Line Length Check San Onofre (b)(4) Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Damaged Fuel Container s*:;o~~t;: Nuclear Generating Station Installation (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning MPC Lid Fit Test San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Intern al I lse Only Decommissioning MPC Lid Fit Test San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL HI-TRAC VW Transfer Cask Materials (b)(4) TP-HI-UMAX-001

                                                            -- *-4 Holtec Proprietary

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning HI-TRAC Prep & Inspection San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Inspection of : Why? (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Inspect HI-TRAC Bottom Lid Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Empty MPC Placement in HI-TRAC I




What do we need to be wary of? TP-HOL-UMAX-003

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome Questions 24 of 24

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time ~ : I Pagers and phones on silent mode e w


Practice good housekeeping


Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of43

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

For Internal Use Only Objectives

  • Introduction
  • Limitations/Precautions
  • Procedure
  -  Drain HI-TRAC water jacket
  -  Fill MPC with water
  -  Install annulus seal
  -  Move HI-TRAC/MPC from CWA to CLA
  -  Install drain line and MPC lid
  -  Remove MPC to CWA
  -  Lower water level in HI-TRAC
  • Oversight opportunities

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Introduction San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • HPP-2464-200 (MPC Loading)


For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Ooly Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Things to Consider When Filling MPC with Water Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only LCO 3.3.1 Boron Concentration Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station LCO 3,3; 11 Th& com:;e111t !l<;l1ti:on of bororn i rn the water i n ~hie MPC shaJII meet thle follow,in g I imits f:or *dle a,p p l lcabl'e MPC model .and the most lim i1:i ng tu~ .assembly .arrayJcla.s:s. ro, !be stored in 'the MPC: MPC-37: M in imum so!lllble ooron ccmcentratiotn as ireQu ired by tthe lb efeowr. Orne O'r mor:,e !Dama,9.00 F'uel All Undamaged Fuel Assemb'lies Assemnbli'es or Fuel Oebns Am-ayJClass. Ma:ieilrnum llnltiial Ma>llimnu m lrnitial Maxirnwn lrni1ial Maximum I n io ;;:aE

                                                           !Enrichmernl:            Enrictlm:ent 5 _0            Enrictimerri1            Enrichmerrt ~UJ
                                                       ~    4 . 0 ""1.% 2315 U          ,.~..4 23su            $ 4 .0 wt(:)k :235U           Yl,l'l% 2-3r;U (ro;omb)                  {nnmb )                   (rmmb)                      {nn:m b )

All 14 x1l4 and 'ilOOO 1.soon 1300 '1 ,800 1 6x1 ,6 AJI *1 sx"!l 5 and 11000 17x17 ii 500 2:000 .2 300

                                  'I'    For m,a),(iml!.lm i rni:llial ernr,idh.:rnemfis lbahnlssfi 4 .0 w ti.% and 5_0 wt% 2MU , llh8 m injmu m sol u b lle bor on oorncel'ltratiorn l'lla¥' Ile de1ie, ..m i nedl lb,y li near in terpolati-,0111 bet.ween t rne minimum so~uble 001r,oni ooneen~tions .at *4 .0 '!Nt% arid 5 .0 wt% .

tt tr any u nch:1~ e d ft.Jell as-cSem tKli8S are :9toir.ed in DFC$ *~he, m i l'llrmum sol1..1ihl e h(YJ"on

                                        ,cancc:millra11li o in is 1600 ppmlt!,_

APPIL ICABI 11..lrTY: D urin g PWR fuel LOADING OPERAT IION,S w il hl fuel and wah:lrr- in

                                                         .A ND, During PWR fue l           u N U.OAID I NG O P ERAlJIO NS wnh ifiueu arnd wat:eir ilil lihe MPC.

For Internal Use Only LCO 3.3.1 Boron Concentration Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Boron concentration not within limit
           - Suspend LOADING OPERATIONS or UNLOADING OPERATIONS, immediately AND
           - Suspend positive reactivity additions, immediately AND
           - Initiate action to restore boron concentration to within limit, immediately

For Internal Use Only LCO 3.3.1 Boron Concentration Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • SR : Verify boron concentration is within the applicable limit using two independent measurements
           - Within 4 hours prior to the Applicability of this LCO AND
           - Every 48 hours thereafter
           - Applicable when MPC is submerged in water or if water is to be added to, or recirculated through the MPC

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • The Annu us Overpressure (b)(4)

System is used to provide further protection against MPC external contamination during in-pool operations. (b)(4)

For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning Annulus Filling San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

TP-HOL-UMAX-003 For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre ... Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)


TP-HOL-UMAX-003 For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

INSTALLATION OF THE MPC LID AFTER FUEL LOADING COMPLETE Remember that the Time to Boil commences when lid is placed! HI-TRAC shown in a VECASP

Bent drain tube at Hope Creek TP-HOL-UMAX-003

For Internal Us Only MPC Time-To-Boil Contingency Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre ~ uclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome Questions 43 of 43

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time ~ : I Pagers and phones on silent mode e w


Practice good housekeeping


Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of40

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

For Internal Use Only Objectives

  • Introduction
  • Limitations/Precautions
  • Procedural steps
  • Oversight opportunities

For Internal t lse Only Decommissioning Introduction San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station HPP-2464-400 (MPG Transfer) (b)(4)

For lriternal Use On-Ir Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • The MPG transfer shall not occur if the meteorological forecast indicates a credible chance of adverse weather activity.
  • FSAR (HI-STORM UMAX CANISTER STORAGE SYSTEM) - General procedural requirement specified in FSAR. Minimize rain intrusion into UMAX VVM.

For lriternal Use On-Ir Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • The HI-STORM UMAX lid shall be preferably kept less than 2 feet above the top surface of the VVM while over the MPG.
           - This lift limit action is purely a defense in-depth measure because the Closure Lid cannot fall and impact the MPC because of geometric constraints

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Fo1 Internal Use OnJr Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Interns! Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • For short term transport operations, the minimum and maximum ambient temperatures are 0°F and 90°F respectively.
           - UMAX FSAR Table 2.3.6 - Environmental Parameters used in thermal basis for HI-TRAC VW Transfer Cask.

For Internal Use Ooly Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Per UMAX FSAR, the minimum permissible temperature limit during closure lid handling operations of 10°F must not be violated by checking forecasted temperature.
  • UMAX FSAR (ANSI/ANS 57.9) - Table 2.3.1 Normal design event condition parameter

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For lliternal Use Onw-Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Fo1 Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Prepare HI-TRAC for Transfer:
           - Verify COC surveillance and TS requirements met
  • Coe SR, HI-TRAC VW Contamination Survey, prior to entering applicability of Coe TS LCO 3.2.1.
  • Coe TS 5.3, HI-TRAC VW Surface Dose Rates
           - Previously verified:
  • CoC SR (MPG cavity drying with FHD)
  • Coe SR (Helium backfill pressure)
  • CoC SR 3.1 .1.3 (Helium leak rate of vent and drain port cover plates)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) I, ..!

Fur Ir ,te111al Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Intern al Use Only Decommissioning Procedure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

  • VCT Stability analysis (Hl-2156626) requires a minimum distance of 47" including a safety factor of 2 to ensure VCT will not slide of ISFSI ramp

For Internal l Jse Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For II ite1 I ial Use OII Iy Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Fo1 II ,ternal Use On-ly Decommissioning Operating Experience San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Operating Experience San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Operating Experience San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

FINAL MOVEMENTS Ensure that HHP is clear of vehicles and combustibles. Ensure that VCT has enough diesel fuel. Ensure that head sets are available for VCT operator and spotters. Ensure security is prepared. Ensure RP has the area posted.

For Internal Use Only e~~ 5 0 r(btt'

              ~ i onfi ng 0 re H4tJ '-'--'"-"~!.!


                        ,L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ .

After transfer, things to watch out for are ...

  • Clean and contaminated sections of the HI-TRAC pool lid
  • Don't cross contaminate
  • Locked high rad is now created as there are high doses in CEC annulus
  • MPC at a high temperature as well as lift cleats

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Intern al Use Qoly Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning LCO 3.1.2 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • The Spent Fuel Storage Cask (SFSC) heat removal system shall be operable (when 50°/o or more of the inlet vent duct areas are unblocked and available for flow or when air temp. requirements are met).
  • Heat removal system operable, but partially (< 50°/o) blocked.
           - Restore SFSC heat removal system to operable status by removing blockage (no completion time limit)
  • SFSC Heat removal system inoperable.
           - Restore SFSC heat removal system to operable status within 8 hours.

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning LCO 3.1.2 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station The Spent Fuel Storage Cask (SFSC) heat removal system shall be operable.

  • Required Actions B.1 and associated Completion Times not met.
           - Measure SFSC dose rates in accordance with RP Program immediately and once per 12 hrs thereafter AND
           - Restore SFSC heat removal system to operable status within 24 hours OR
           - Transfer the MPC into a Transfer Cask (HI-TRAC) within 24 hours.

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Su rvei Ilance Requirement San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • SR 3.1.2
           - Verify that all VVM inlet and outlet duct screens are free of blockage from solid debris or floodwater every 24 hours OR
           - For VVMs with installed temperature monitoring equipment, verify that the difference between the average VVM air outlet duct temperature and ISFSI ambient temperature is< 80°F for VVMS containing MPC37s.

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning LCO 3.2.1 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Removable contamination on the exterior surfaces of the TRANSFER CASK and accessible portions of the MPC shall each not exceed:
a. 1000 dpm/100 cm2from beta and gamma sources
b. 20 dpm/100 cm2from alpha sources
  • TRANSFER CASK or MPG removable surface contamination limits not met.
           - Restore removable surface contamination to within limits within 7 days.
  • Surveillance Requirements:
           - Verify that the removable contamination on the exterior surfaces of the TRANSFER CASK and accessible portions of the MPC containing fuel is within limits, once prior to TRANSPORT OPERATIONS

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome Questions 40 of 40

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time ~ : I Pagers and phones on silent mode e w


Practice good housekeeping


Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of63

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

For II 1temal Use Only Objectives

  • Introduction
  • Limitations/Precautions
  • Procedure
  - Set-up Argon Purge
  - MPC lid to shell welding
  - RVOA Installation
  - Hydrostatic Test with FHD
  - FHD set-up
  - Phase 1 and Phase 2 FHD operations
  - FHD system shutdown
  - Remove RVOA's
  - Torque Drain/Vent Port plugs
  - MPC port cover plate welding and NDE inspections
  - Helium leak test of cover plate welds
  • Oversight opportunities

For Internal Us@ Only Decommissioning Introduction San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • HPP-2464-300 (MPG SealinQ)


For II iternal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • FHD Main Skid will reject a maximum of 230,000 BTU/hr of heat to the surrounding air through the air-cooled condenser.
  • FHD Chiller Skid will reject approximately 100,000 BTU/hr for a period of approximately 2 hours maximum.
  • FHD ancillary equipment requires manual ventilation in the area to be sufficient to support this heat load.

Fur Ir 1te11 ,al Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For II 1ter19al Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precaution San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precaution San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Intern al Use Only Decommissioning Precaution San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) I

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Ii 1te111al Use Only Decommissioning Precautions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure San Onofre (b)(4)

Fo1 Internal Use Only MPC Containment Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Boundary Examinations MPC Confinement Boundary Examinations Weld Location NDE Requirement (b)(4)

Fo1 Internal Uss Only Decommissioning MPC Welding Operations San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For II ,ternal Uss Only Decommissioning Procedure San Onofre (b)(4)  ;

For Internal Use Only RVOAS

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Hydrostatic Test San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For 111ter11al Use Only For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning Oversight Opportunities San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Fo1 II 1ter19al Use 0 FHy HI-TRAC/MPC Preparation for SEALING Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Us@ Only Decommissioning FHD Safe Operation San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning What is an FHD? San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • An FHD is a forced .tielium Qehydrator.
          - The FHD is a skid-mounted closed loop dehydration system used to remove residual water from the MPC.


For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • All of the water that can be practically removed from the MPC is blown out thru the drain line.
          - FHD accomplishes this using helium gas (99.995°/o grade He) for all operations
          - Residual water remains on the MPC bottom as well as a remaining adherent amount on all wetted surfaces (fuel, MPC shell, MPC basket)
  • The FHD removes further water from the MPC by a process of evaporation, boiling, and demoisturizing of the circulating gas stream.

For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Dew Point Sensor San Onofre

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning The Science of FHD San Onofre l\h .,..1.c.'.!llr r.:ont1or'!lltjnn C:t~til"ln (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning FHD Panel San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station m 11111111

For Internal Use Only Helium Circulator Module Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

  • Helium Circulator Module (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Pre-heater Module San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Pre-heater Module
          - Electrical process heater
          - Adds supplemental heat energy to helium gas
          - Works with existing heat of stored fuel in the MPC to overcome the heat lost through the sides of the HI-TRAC and top of the MPC
          - Heats the helium prior to entering the MPC to ensure the helium gas is heated and dry prior to re-entry into MPC cavity

For Internal Use Only Condensing Unit Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Condensing Unit
          - Uses an air-cooled condenser Serves to cool the helium/vapor mixture exiting the MPC to well below the dew point based on system operating pressure
  • Facilitates the extraction of water from the helium stream via condensation

For Internal Use 0 FHy Demoisturizer Module Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Demoisturizer Module (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only FHD System Operating Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Conditions (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Key Safety Interlocks for Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station FHD

  • The following interlocks provide an additional level of safety for FHD operations:


Fur Ir 1te111al Use On!¥ Key Safety Interlocks for Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station FHD

  • These additional interlocks provide also add to the level of safety for FHD operations:


For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) I

For II ,tern al Uss Only LCO 3.1.1 Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Table 3-1 provides decay heat and burnup limits for forced hellum dehydration (FHD)
  • MPG de-moisturizer exit gas temperature limit not met.
            - Must perform an engineering evaluation to determine quantity of moisture left in MPC. Evaluation must be complete within 7 days AND
            - Develop and initiate corrective actions necessary to return the MPC to compliance with Table 3-1. Corrective actions completed within 30 days.

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning LCO 3.1.1 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • MPG helium backfill limit not met
           -        Perform an engineering evaluation to determine the impact of helium differential.

Evaluation must be completed within 72 hours AND

           -       Develop and initiate corrective actions necessary to return to MPG to an analyzed condition by adding helium to or removing helium from the MPG.

Evaluation must be complete with 14 days. OR

           -        Develop and initiate corrective actions necessary to demonstrate through analysis, using the models and methods from the HISTORM UMAX FSAR, that all limits for MPG components and contents will be met. Evaluation must be complete within 14 days.

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning LCO 3.1.1 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • MPC helium leak rate limit for vent and drain port cover plate welds not met
           - Perform an engineering evaluation to determine the impact of increased helium leak rate on heat removal capability and offsite dose. Evaluation must be completed within 24 hours.


           - Develop and initiate corrective actions necessary to return the MPG to compliance with SR Corrective actions must be completed within 7 days.

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning LCO 3.1.1 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Required Actions and associated Completion Times not met:
           - Remove all fuel assemblies from the SFSC.
           - Corrective action must be completed within 30 days.

For Internal Uss Only Surveillance Requirement (SR) Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • SR3.1.1.1
           - Verify MPC cavity has been dried in accordance with the applicable limits in Table 3-1 .
           - Must be completed once prior to TRANSPORT OPERATIONS.

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Surveillance Requirement (SR) San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • SR3.1.1.2
           - Verify MPC helium backfill quantity is within limits specified in Table 3-2 for the applicable MPC model.
           - Must be completed once prior to TRANSPORT OPERATIONS.

Fo1 Internal Use Only Surveillance Requirement (SR) Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • SR3.1.1.3
           - Verify that the total helium leak rate through the MPC vent & drain port confinement meets the leak tight criteria of ANSI N14.5 - 1997 which is< 1.0E-07 atm-cc/sec (He).
  • Must be completed once prior to TRANSPORT OPERATIONS

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Procedure S an Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Operating Experience San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Operating Experience San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning MPC port cover plate welding San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome Questions 63 of 63

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time ~ : I Pagers and phones on silent mode e w


Practice good housekeeping


Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of 19

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

For Internal Use Only Objectives

  • Responding to Abnormal Conditions
  • Introduction
  • Responsibilities
  • Discuss instructions for the following events:
  • MPG Damage
  • Forced Helium Dehydrator (FHD) Malfunction or Failure
  • Building Crane Malfunction or Failure
  • Multi-Purpose Pump malfunction or failure
  • Miscellaneous Equipment Gauge Malfunction
  • Vertical Cask Transporter (VCT) Malfunction or Failure
  • HI-PORT malfunction or failure
  • Welding Equipment Malfunction or Failure
  • Remote Valve Operating Assembly (RVOA) Malfunction or Failure
  • Recovery from Port Plug Assembly Leakage Problem
  • Contingency Actions for Krypton Burst
  • Contingency Actions for Loss of Ventilation during FHD Operations
  • Lift Yoke Air Supply Malfunction

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Introduction HPP-2464-600 Res ondin to Anomalies (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Responsi bi Iities San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Holtec Project Manager:


For Internal Use Only Decommissioning General Response Actions San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • General actions for each anomaly include:


For Internal I lse Only Decommissioning MPC Damage San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • MPC Damage (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning FHD Malfunction or Failure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning FHD Malfunction or Failure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Building Crane Malfunction Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning San Onofre Miscellaneous Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning VCT Malfunction or Failure San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Decommissioning RVOA Malfunction San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Port Plug Leakage San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Krypton Burst San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Loss of Ventilation during FHD Operations Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Uss Only Lift Yoke Air Supply Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Malfunction (b)(4)

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome Questions 19 of 19

Decommissioning San Onofre (b)(/)(C) Nuclear Generating Station 1 of7

For Internal Use Only Objectives

  • Discuss why we are here and how did we get here
  • Significance of Oversight Specialist training &


  • A review of the process
  • Understand Oversight Expectations
  • The Value of Oversight - What is High Value
  • Oversight Role Behaviors "what good looks like"
  • In the field
  • Internal to DA Oversight
  • Writing and delivering of comments to HOLTEC
  • Discuss what is working, and what is not working 2of7

For Internal 1lse Only Decommissioning Cold and Dark Oversight San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) 3 of7

Fo1 Internal Use Only Oversight Specialist Qualification Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) 4of7

For Internal Use Only Defense in Depth to Safe Project Execution (b)(4) Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only High-Value Comments Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Us0 Only Holtec Oversight Comment Value and Characteristic Analysis (b)(4) Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 6 of7

For Internal Use Only GMDO Comments & Expectations Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • What do I need from our Team?
  • How do we deliver value to our stakeholders?
  • Why is this important to you?

Safety I Stewardship I Engagement Decommissioning San Onofre (b)(7)(C) .Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Return from breaks on time Pagers and phones on silent mode Practice good housekeeping Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan

                              '-....Y, I

Sign Attendance Sheet \\ 2of17

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating St&llon

  • Who is CPR qualified/basic first aid qualified?
  • Emergency Response Number is x86911
  • Who will meet emergency response personnel?

For Internal I !se Only Objectives

  • Establish an understanding of the Foundation of Oversight Behaviors & Oversight Role
  • Understand Defense in Depth to Safe Project Execution
  • Understand Key Oversight Expectations
  • Oversight Role Behaviors "what good looks like"
  • In the field
  • Internal to DA Oversight
  • Writing and delivering of comments to HOLTEC
  • Responding to representatives from external Agencies

For Internal Use Only Foundation of Oversight Behaviors Decommissioning San Onofre Ntldear G41nernllng su,tk>n Foundational to Oversight Behaviors is the understanding of the importance of the role and the foundation of it's authority.

  • Snyder v. SCE 1955
            - Contractor installed utility pole failed causing personal 1nJury
            - SCE Inspector (Oversight) did not ensure pole installed to requirement. (6 % feet deep)
            - Regardless of whether the work is performed by the utility or an independent contractor it hires.

Fo:- Internal Use 01 ily Foundation of Oversight Behaviors Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Gonorallng s1a~on Other examples in California:

  • Kern Power Plant
           - Worker fatally injured dismantling tank
           - Public injured during explosives demolition of major structure
  • Huntington Beach Vault Explosion
           - Electrical subcontractor killed removing component
  • CPUC-SED levied fines and other actions
  • Civil lawsuits pending
  • Snyder v. SCE case law cited here and across US

For lntffnal I lse Only Defense in Depth to Safe Project Execution Decommissioning (b)(4) San Onofre Nuclear GoMratlng Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use 0 11ly Performing A Good Observation Decomm issioning San Onofre Nude or Genorilllng S111t1on (b)(4)

Stay in the Green Influence Ladder WHY IMPORTANT: To focus attention on how to .tfec.tlvely Interact with Iha Contractor and paam to ensura tlNt followlng:

  • Safety Adherence
  • Compianat with Requnments
  • Fa a tdat Sleward.stllp WIien:

Apply guldlllin9S whe..,,.... intan11:tlng with the Canbaclur or yaar peen. How: Apply hlaran:hal anlar and ganenal rule& of Influence during intaractlDns: Coaching Tips:

  • Referent power is blrilt up over time by your perceived sincerity when applying the 5 E *s .
  • Never stop mastering your area of responsibly or the oversight craft. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and C REDIBILITY
  • Si1T1)le Rewards: Attentive listening. acknowledge a person's concerns, letting a person save "face", or a Smile ...
  • Avoid the trap of "impatience* causing over refiance on your legitimate authority.
  • Praetlce STAR before using coercive Influence to ac::hleve compliance orto change behavior.

For Internal Use Only DA Relationship with HOLTEC Decommiss1oning San Onofre Earned Credibility and Respect Nuclear Generating S1011on


Isolated Environment DA 01fganizl 1tion Part of the Contractor Team (b)(4)

E=or 'nternal Use Only Oversight Behaviors In the Field Decommissioning San Onofre Nodear GenerOllng Slallon (b)(4)

For Interna! Use Only Oversight Behaviors Internal to DA Decommiss,onmg San Onofre Nuclear Goncrallng Station (b)(4) 12 of 17

For Internal Use Only Delivering Comments to HOLTEC Decommissioning San Onofre Nucl,.r Gtnornt!ng Sllltlon (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Responses to External Agencies Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generotlng Sto1ion (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Document Review Standard Decommissioning San Onofre Nucle11 Gener11Ung Station Over-bearing Standard Leniency (b)(4)

Ear Internal Use Only Written Comments - Our Product Decommissioning San Onofre NUCiear Genoraling SlaUon (b)(4)

Oversight Behaviors Summary To be successful:

  • Know Your Oversight Role and Authority
  • Understand Defense in Depth *
  • Apply Oversight Priorities
  • Proactively Identify Trends
  • Know "What wrong looks like"
  • Know "What good looks like"
  • Exemplify Proper Oversight Behaviors
  • Earn Credibility and Respect
  • Follow the "Influence Ladder" Guidance This is not going to be easy!!!

17 of 17

Safety I Stewardship I Engagement Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

                                  .d 1

For il 1te11101 U" C? Qnt1t C>ecommlss~*no PURPOSE San Onofre NlldNf o.Nf_... kMOft

                                                   .d (b)(4) 2

Fer lr'l18FA81 I /r g Otily C>ecommlss~*no Learning Objectives San Onofre NlldNf o.Nf_... kMOft

  • Understanding fundamental regulatory requirements and guidance
                - QA Requirements for Design Control
                - QA requirements for Configuration Management
                - 10 CFR 50.59 and 72.48
  • NEI 96-07, R1 and NEI 12-04
  • Understanding relationship and distinctions between processes 3
                                                                  .d (b)(4) 3
                                                '"For 1t1te11 ul U5e OAJ;C-Corrective Actions C>ecommlss~*no San Onofre NlldNf OtNir_... kMOft Addressed (b)(4)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.4

                                                     .d (b)(4) 4

r:er IPtecoal I lse Only C>ecommlss~*no Related Processes San Onofre NlldNf o.Nf_... kMOft (b)(4) 5

                                                 .d (b)(4) 5

C>ecommlss~*no Design Change Controls San Onofre (b)(4) 6

                                         .d (b)(4) 6

For Internal Use Only a:::m:=i C>ecommlss~*no Configuration Management San Onofre NlldNf o.Nf_... kMOft (b)(4)

                                                    .d (b)(4) 7

For 1me111ai UJs OAJy... C>ecommlss~*no Regulatory Authorization San Onofre NlldN,O..Mil'41&.Moft (b)(4)

                                                    .d (b)(4) 8

Fer IAtsmal 11<:'~ Qnly C>ecommlss~*no What is a Change? San Onofre NlldNf 0 . ........ 11.Moft (b)(4)

      ,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g
                                                       .d (b)(4) 9

f'o, i11te11 ,al U3o ORI) a::::11::i C>ecommlss~*no Appl icabi Iity Determination San Onofre l"tl>'Wn.--,..i........ <i,- (b)(4) 10

                                                                .d (b)(4) 10

For lnterAa1 I /r g Ocly C>ecommlss~*no Regulatory Authorization San Onofre NkldNfO..Mil'41c.MtiM (b)(4) 11

                                                     .d (b)(4) 11

(b)(4) 11

Fu, i11ternal Yss Ooly C>ecommlss~*no Regulatory Authorizations San Onofre NlldN,O..Mil'41&.Moft (b)(4) 12

                                                    .d (b)(4) 12

C>ecommlss~*no Regulatory Authorizations San Onofre NlldNf o.Nf_... kMOft (b)(4) 13

                                                  .d (b)(4) 13
                                             ~01 ii 1te1, ,al Use Ocly OE/LL from Various C>ecommlss~*no San Onofre NlldN,O..Mil'41&.Moft Reviews (b)(4)
                                               .d (b)(4) 14

r=o1 ii 1lcr1 1;31 UsG Qqly OE/LL from Various C>ecommlss~*no San Onofre N.idNfO..D'IGl&XOft Reviews (b)(4) 15

                                              .d (b)(4) 15

OE/LL from Various C>ecommlss~*no San Onofre NlidNfO..Mil'41c.MtiM Reviews (b)(4) 16

                                               .d (b)(4) 16

For ilite111al Use ORI~ OE/LL from Various C>ecommlss~*no San Onofre N.idNfO..D'IGl&XOft Reviews (b)(4) 17

                                        .d 17
                                                   ~01 i11te11 al Use 01119*



San Onofre NlldNf OtNir_... kMOft

  • Processes can be made to work sufficiently well to meet each set of expectations and constraints with clearer communications, reasonable feedback and receptiveness to necessary compromises.
  • Inflexibility and unwillingness to cooperate will lead to unwarranted conflict 18
                                                      .d 18

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Ground Rules Pagers and phones on silent mode I d housekeep1ng

     . goo Pract1ce                1 . i J

Phone calls, texting, and messages only on breaks, unless it is an emergency Know your fire escape plan Sign Attendance Sheet 2 of 17

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Safety Break San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

  • Who is CPR qualified/basic first aid qualified?
  • Emergency Response Number is x86911
  • Who will meet emergency response personnel?

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning Principles "Safety is and always will be our top priority and now is a core value. Performing our jobs safely correctly and efficiently is fundamental to our success in decommissioning San Onofre. " (b)(4)

Frn 11,temal Us0 Only Objectives

  • Understand, as members of the DA organization, the regulations governing responsibility for implementation of the Quality Assurance Program
  • Understand 10CFRSO Appendix B Criterion V (and 10CFR72 equivalent) for procedures establishes requirement for rigorous process.
  • Describe Station/SCE organizational interfaces and how to get the right people involved
  • Understand the Seismic Baseplate Event and what procedures should have prevented it.
  • Oversight Role Behaviors "what good looks like"
  • In the field
  • Internal to DA Oversight
  • Writing and delivering of comments to HOLTEC
  • Responding to representatives from external Agencies
  • Describe what behaviors need to be exhibited moving forward to prevent the same or similar events 4of 17

Fo1 lr1te111al Use Only Quality Assurance Regulations 10CFR50 Appendix B

  • As used in this appendix, "quality assurance" comprises all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, or component will perform satisfactorily in service.
  • The applicant may delegate to others, such as contractors, agents, or consultants, the work of establishing and executing the quality assurance program, or any part thereof, but shall retain responsibility for the quality assurance program.

For Internal Use Only Quality Assurance Regulations 10CFR72 Subpart G

  • This subpart describes quality assurance requirements that apply to design, purchase, fabrication, handling, shipping, storing, cleaning, assembly, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, modification of structures, systems, and components, and decommissioning that are important to safety.
  • The licensee and the certificate holder are also simultaneously responsible for these quality assurance requirements through the oversight of contractors and subcontractors.
  • Each licensee, applicant for a license, certificate holder, applicant for a Coe shall establish, maintain, and execute a quality assurance program satisfying each of the applicable criteria of this subpart, and satisfying any specific provisions which are applicable to the licensee's, applicant's for a license, certificate holder's, and applicant's for a CoC activities.

For Internal Use Only 10CFR50 Appen B Criterion V Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings, of a type appropriate to the circumstances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures, or drawings. Instructions, procedures, or drawings shall include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished.

For Internal Use Only 10CFR50.59 (similar to 1 OCFR72.48)

  • A licensee may make changes in the facility as described in the final safety analysis report (as updated), make changes in the procedures as described in the final safety analysis report (as updated), and conduct tests or experiments not described in the final safety analysis report (as updated) without obtaining a license amendment pursuant to Sec. 50.90 only if:
  • The licensee shall maintain records of changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments made pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. These records must include a written evaluation which provides the bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not require a license amendment pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

How does Organizational StrucflrreuseOnly influence the way we think about work? (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only March 2018 Decommissioning Oversight Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b) (4)

Frn lr1ter1ial Use Only March 2018 Project Oversight (b)(?)(C)

For Internal Usts Only March 2018 lnte rated Pro*ect Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b) (7)(C)

Fo1 Internal Use Only March 2018 Integrated Project Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only The Seismic Baseplate Event (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only The Seismic Baseplate Event (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only The Seismic Baseplate Event (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Exercise Report Out

  • How many opportunities did Holtec have to identify and correct the issue?
  • Was there sufficient direction in procedures to lead them to the correct resolution?
  • How many opportunities did SCE have to identify and correct the issue?
  • Was there sufficient direction in procedures to lead us to the correct spot?
  • Where were the opportunities to get Engineering involvement?

Frn 11 ,ternal Use Only Defense in Depth to Safe Project Execution (b)(4) Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) 5 of 17

For Internal Use Only Oversight Framework Focus is In-Field Situational Awareness (b)(4) Focus is Formal Proven Assessments

For lnh~rnal Use Only Decommissioning Situational Awareness San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Drive home behaviors that elevate execution excellence Observations Records Review Document Review Area Inspections (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Performing A Good Observation Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4) Sof 17

Influence Ladder Stay in the Green Influence Ladder WHY IMPORTANT.: T ,o focus attantlan an how to offactlv*l'y In.t ar.act w Jtb tlUI Co.ntracto-1' a nd 1p . .n to an11u ra 111* tollowln,9: Whmu Apply g uid.ain111i wla-v11tr im*racting with1tba C~t;rac:tor or yctlff paa:n;;. How: A~y h ierarchal antar andl ganMlll'I liUl*s Df i nfl'ue::nca, du:ril'ISI i"nleractians:: Powell" m Soft- Skill s {S Pis.}: Ethical, Engaging. E mpowenng, Exampta setting, Empath y Subj eo't matte-Ii' exp~ - tfiarougti wxletat;.aru::ting at O E , boast raaica, n.1~. raOll!ldures., ana -~ s C.Onvav you r gra-Jiluda file' s~port. and k.eep en.-e.rgy p,ositi...e. vah.e 'Ifie, rt;Piruan m 01hetJs. 5MI L~ Aulhoftlity demrecl by yow Ove--rsig lht ROie: Legal Precedent Sn e-r VS SC & Contrad ual Coachi ng Tips:

  • Re-fe11ent pmveli is b uil.t u p O<Ver time by younr perceived sincerity when 8PiPtyi11:g ltte 5 E *s .
  • Ne-ve.r stop, mastering yo11Jr 8Jrea of responsibly o r *tt,e 0,versigh1 craft. KNOWIL.EDGIE IS POWER and CREDIBILITY
  • Simple Rewa:rels: AHernitive listernin91, acknowJedge a person 's. concerns. letting a person save '1ace or a Smileu.


  • A.v-oia tllle trnp of '"iimp.aUence* causing over reliance on yGLIHt legjtillllale autholiity..
  • Praaice* S TAR befolie us.-ing coercive influence to aellieve compliance or to Challlg,e t>ehavioli.

9 of 17

For Internal Use Only DA Relationship with HOLTEC & SDS Decommissioning San Onofre Earned Credibility and Respect Nuclear Generating Station Isolated Environment Part of the Contractor Team (b)(4)

Fm 11,temal Us0 Only Oversight Behaviors In the Field Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Oversight Behaviors Internal to DA Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Ooly Delivering Comments to HOLTEC/SDS Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Document Review Standard Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Over-bearing Standard Leniency (b)(4)

For lnh~rnal Usts Only Written Comments - Our Product Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (b)(4)

Oversight Behaviors Summary To be successful:

  • Know Your Oversight Role and Authority
  • Understand Defense in Depth
  • Apply Oversight Priorities
  • Proactively Identify Trends
  • Know "What wrong looks like"
  • Know "What good looks like"
  • Exemplify Proper Oversight Behaviors
  • Earn Credibility and Respect
  • Follow the "Influence Ladder" Guidance This is not going to be easy!!!

17 of 17

Oversight Behaviors Based on what we now know, what are we going to do different? This is not going to be easy!!! 17 of 17

We Are In This Together Your Feedback Is Welcome OVERSIGHT We are in the business to hold the contractor accountable to the terms of the contract, procedure use and adherence, deliverables, performance and expectations, and any other commitments made during submittals or meetings. (b)(4l Questions

Decommissioning San Onofre (b) (7)(C) Nuclear Generating Station

Far Ir Ite11 ial Use Only.. Oversight Organization Structure (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion.ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

  * :;:- ~--. -   ~":.A* - - ,-  --;;, -~ ~ - ,;- - ** -:, ""' -- - -

For Internal Use Only Oversight Readiness Resources (b)(4) StewardshiR

For Internal Uss Only Oversight Readiness Risk Based Oversight Approach (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion.ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

         * :;:- ~--. -   ~":.A* - - ,- --;;, -~ ~ - ,;- - ** -:, ""' -- - -

For Internal Use Only Trending Data and Addressing Challenges (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion.ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

      * :;:- ~--. -   ~":.A* - - ,- --;;, -~ ~ - ,;- - ** -:, ""' -- - -
                                                                                                           -F-Or Internal Ilse Only FTO Challenges / Lessons Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Learned Log Unique Chronological Line#                         Repeat        Category:                                      


Date: ID# Can ister# (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion.ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

            *   :;:-    ~--.  -      ~":.A* -   -     ,- --;;, -~ ~ - ,;- - ** -:, ""' -- - -

For Internal Uss Only FTO Incident Tracking Matrix Decommissioning

 "    -  -- "      -- - _I: __ -

Materials / Wofi< Exerution lnstallati~.n FME Equipment Failure / E,.ineemg / Worlt RP/ALMA Training/ c.omponents / Acceptab1hty Reliallility Package Plann~ Safety Regs Spares Major Offload Evolution Scope / Work Step: Canister # (Chronological): Phase: ID#: IO,, Ruru 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I s I s I 1 I a I s I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 1s I 1s I 11 I 10 I 1s I 20 I 21 I (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion-ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

            * :;:-          ~--.   - ~":.A*  -   -  ,-    --;;, -~ ~  -   ,;-  -    ** -:,   ""'    --  -     -

For Internal Use Only FTO Lessons Learned Work-Decommissioning Association Matrix San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Oeconta min:tioo Arinulus Lift Into Fue l lift Out l id Pon Cap UftsOt11 Iden tifier I Descri ption: Plant: Note IM)A a ndCasl: Slowdown s.., Pool l oadina of Pool allation FHD Welding Install off.HS Wast-downs.tu (b)(4)

For Internal Use Only Decommissioning FTO Work-Step Mapping Matrix San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station I INTERNAL WORKING DRAFT* SUBJECT TO SONGS DECOMMISSIONING AGREEMENT SECTION 19.2 I (b)(4) 15ecommiss'ion.ingr.San Onofre;Nuciear' Generath1g1Station

            * :;:-      ~--. - ~":.A* - -   ,-    --;;, -~ ~ - ,;- - ** -:, ""' -- - -

Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 1


  • Improve mutual understanding of process expectations
  • Address Contributing Causes associated with seismic restraint and related Extent of Condition reviews
  • Improved understanding of relationship between Holtec and SCE processes

_J (b)(4) 2

Learning Objectives °"'"'- San Onofre .._

  • Understanding the purpose of the Interface Protocol (IP)
  • Understanding the content of the IP

_J! 3

Related Corrective Actions (b)(4) (b)(4) 4

                                        -  *--,-* 1 *~ ... ,
                 ~     OE/LL from Various
         -~  --             Reviews

San Onorre (b)(4) II _

                               .. ~..,~   .J (b)(4) 5

Ottn1tt1 ILIO'\,f'i\J Interface Protocol Snn Onofre (b)(4) _J (b)(4) 6

1. , '"'

o.a,......-..,, Interface Protocol San Onofre


(b)(4) (b)(4) 7

Interface Protocol (b)(4) 8

                                                                  ! I r\ I Interface Protocol (b)(4)

Key Procedure S023-l-3.53, Nuclear Fuel Movement - Spent Fuel Pool (Maintenance) HPP-2464-100, MPC Pre-Operation Inspection HPP-2464-200, MPC Loading at SONGS HPP-2464-300, MPC Sealing at SONGS HPP-2464-400, MPC Transfer at SONGS; HPP-2464-500, MPC Unloading at SONGS HPP-2464-600, Responding to Abnormal Conditions. 9

Interface Protocol (b)(4) 10

0.,,,,.,,,,,..... ""I>


San Onofre

  • Processes can be made to work sufficiently well to meet each set of expectations and constraints with clearer communications, reasonable feedback and receptiveness to necessary compromises
  • Inflexibility and unwillingness to cooperate will lead to unwarranted conflict

_J 11

NUREG 0612 rev 3 final ShareKnowledge

1. Untitled Scene 1.1 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training Decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Published by Articulate Storyline


  • 0612 Training Safety is, and always will be, our top priority. Performing our jobs safely, correctly, and efficiently is fundamental to our success in decommissioning San Onofre.

We have a commitment to our community, our co-workers, our company, and the nuclear Safety I Stewardship I Engagement industry to always work safely and error free. As we proceed Decommissioning with decommissioning, we must take the appropriate time to safely do our work right the first San Onofre time and comply with all Nuclear Generating Station commitments and requirements. Published by Articulat e Storyline www.articulat

1.3 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre (b)(4) Objectives Upon comp1e11on ol lhls tra1n,ng students Y11~ be able to 1 Descnbe the NUREG 0612 Program and Its appllcabllity to SONGS 2 oescnbe recent Industry Opera11ng Expeneoce (OE) related to NUREG 0612 3 Oescnbe the so~~GS s1te-spe<1flc requirements regarding NUREG 0612 as outlined tn tile SONGS crane procedures Published by Articulate Storyline

1.4 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre Introduction In 1980. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission recogntzed the hazards associated with operating cranes around nuclear fuel and around the systems and safe load paths required for the safe shutdown of nuclear power plants NUREG 0612 was wntten 10 address some Industry prOblems At I.he time many u1111ues lllal operated nuclear power plants dldn t have procedures to run cranes l>UI instead relied on crane operator training and poor knowledge of the crane operators Tile NRC look action 10 get In front or this issue before an accident were to occur In Ille Industry Although san Onofre ts deeomm1ssl0fl1ng because there is lfrad1ated fuel on site, we are sttll committed to NRC requirements This tra1n1ng Is intended to give the trainee tnformatlOfl on how SONGS meets tile NRC requirements Published by Articu late Storyline

1.5 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre Abstract of NUREG 0612: In nuclear power plants heavy loads may be handled In several plant areas If llleSe loads were to drop tn certain locations In the plant they may Impact spent fUel ruel 1n the core or equipment that may be required to achieve safe shutdown and continue decay heat removal If sumcieot spent fuel or luel 1n the core were damaged and If the fuel 1s highly rad10act,ve due tons 1rrad1auon history the potential releases of rad1oactJve matenal could resuh In ortslte doses that exceed 10 CFR Pan 100 lmts II the IOad damaged equipment associated with redundant safe shutdown paths the capab4hty lo achieve sale shutdown may be defeated Additionally 1f fuel ts of sulflcfent enrichment the normal boron concentrations that are mamta1ned may not be sufficient to prevent a load drop from causing the fuel conrigurauon to be crushed and result in cnucahty Published by Articu late Storyline

1.6 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre (b)(4) Operating Experience

  • ANO Al approximately 7 50 amon Sunday March 31 2013, a 600-ton generator stator fell onto the turbine deck and then abOut 30 feet to the tram bay noor as 11 was being lined out of the Unit 1 lurt>lne build ng at the Arkansas Nuclear One plant One wor1<er was killed and rour others Injured When the load fell The fallen stator atoog with associateo crane parts damaged electflcal c1rcu1ts connecting Unit 1 to the olfsite electncal gnd and damaged rire suppression system plptng Both ot ur11t 1 emergency diesel generators starte<l upon me loss or otts,te power In order to supply power to essential equipment The Untt 1 reactor was shut down for a refueling outage at the time
                                                                    ..d Published by Articulate Storyline      

1.7 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre Operating Experience

  • ANO (continued)

The tanen components also caused the electrleal breaker on the power supply to reactor COOiant pump Bon Unit 2 lo open This reactor c:OOlant pump shut down 1n tum caused the automatlC shut down of the Umt 2 reactor from full power AbOut 90 minutes later water rrom the damaged fire suppression system piping shorted out some or the electncal c1rcu,ts on Unit 2 causing one or ,ts emergency diesel generatC>/'S to start and provide l)O'o'ler to essenua1 equipment Published by Articu late Storyline

1.8 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre (b)(4) Operat ing Experience

  • SONGS (b)(4)
                                                      ..d Published by Articu late Storyline

1.9 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre OperaUng Experience - SONGS (continued) (b)(?)(C) Published by Articu late Storyline www.articu

1.10 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre Operating Experience

  • SONGS (b)(4)

Published by Articu late Storyline

1.11 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre Operating Experience - SONGS (Continued) (b)(4) Published by Articulate Storyline

1.12 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre (b)(4) Operating Experience - SONGS (Continued) (b)(4)

                                                             ..d Published by Articulate Storyline

1.13 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino SONGS NUREG-0612 Training San Onofre (b)(4) Operating Experience - SONGS (Continued) (b)(4)

                                                     ..d Published by Articulate Storyline

1.14 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre SONGS Procedure Requirements (b)(4) Published by Articu late Storyline

1.15 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre SONGS Implementation of NUREG 0612 Guidelines (b)(4) Published by Articulate Storyline

1.16 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre SONGS Implementation of NUREG 0612 Guidelines (b)(4) Published by Articulate Storyline

1.17 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre SONGS Implementation of NUREG 0612 Guidelines (b)(4) Published by Articulate Storyline

1.18 SONGS NUREG-0612 Training SONGS NUREG-0612 Training nlu,cnino San Onofre (b)(4) crick here to return to the CIiek here to start the beginning of the course. exam. Published by Articulate Storyline

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #8 MPC S/N 50 Activity Description Start (Date/Time) Duration Goal (Hrs/Min) (Hrs) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #9 MPC S/N 69 Activity Description Start (Date/Time) Duration Goal (Hrs/Min) (Hrs) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

(b)(4) MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #10 MPCS/N 046 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time Hrs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (b)(4)

(b)(4) MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #11 MPC S/N 60 Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

(b)(4) MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #12 MPC S/N 66 Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #13 MPC S/N 47 Activity Description Start Duration Dat e Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #14 MPC S/N 73 Activity Description Start Duration Dat e Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #15 MPC S/N 64 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4} 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

MPC Production Traveler Unit 2 Cask #16 MPC S/N 67 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Un it 3 Cask #4 MPC S/N ?? Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Variance Exolanations and Comments - Reference Activitv # (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #5 MPC S/N 57 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (b)(4)

(b)(4) MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #6 MPC S/N 44 Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

(b)(4) MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #7 MPC S/N 53 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

6/23 MPC Production Traveler Un it 3 Cask #8 MPC S/N 61 Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #9 MPC S/N 68 Activity Description Start Duration Goal (Date/Time) (Hirs./Min) (Hrs.) 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #10 MPC S/N 62 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #11 MPC S/N 71 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b}(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #12 MPC S/N 65 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)

MPC Production Traveler Unit 3 Cask #13 MPCS/N 055 Activity Description Start Duration Date Time H1rs. Min 1 (b)(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Variance Explanations and Comments - Reference Activity# (b)(4)}}