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NRC-2019-000288 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed (Decommissioning Funding Assurance Analysis 2012 SONGS Unit 1 Analysis)
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2019
Shared Package
ML19261A098 List:
FOIA, NRC-2019-000288
Download: ML19261A102 (3)


Datasheet 1 Decommissioining Funding Assurance Analysis As of December 31, 2011 For Plant Name: San Onofre Nuclear Gernerating Station, Unit 1 Docket Number: 50-206 1 Calculated NRC Formula Amount Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c): $397,700,000 Estimated Cost of Decommissioing Activities as Stated in Most Recent SSCE update: $672,400,000 Estimated Cost of Remaining Decommissioing Activities as Stated in Most Recent SSCE update: $176,300,000 2 The total amount of dollars accumulated at the end of the appropriate year: (see below)

Licensee:  % Owned: Amount in Trust Fund:

Southern Cal Edison 80.00% $177,900,000 San Diego Gas & Elec 20.00% $89,300,000 Total Trust Fund Balance $267,200,000 3 Schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected: (Provided/None) None 4 Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections: (see below)

Rate of Rate(s) of Escalation Real Rate Return on Other Rate of Return Earnings Factors 2.00% N/A 2.00%

5 Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v): None 6 Any modifications to licensee's method of providing financial assurance since last report: None 7 Any material changes to trust agreements: None DECOMMISSIONING STATUS Current Status of Reactor (DECOM, SAFSTOR, ENTOMB): DECOM/SAFSTOR Projected/Actual Start-Date of Decommissioining Activities (Year): 2000 Projected End-Date of Decommissioing Activities (Year): 2030 (Note 1)

Note 1: From NRC: "SONGS-1 was a Westinghouse 3-loop pressurized water reactor constructed by Bechtel and rated at 1347 MWt. It began commercial operation on January 1, 1968 and ceased operation on November 30, 1992. Defuelling was completed on March 6, 1993. On December 28, 1993, NRC approved the Permanentely Defueled Technical Specifications. On November 3, 1994, SCE submitted a Proposed Decommissioning Plan to place SONGS-1 in SAFSTOR until the shutdown on Units 2 and 3, at the end of their licenses, that were extended to 2022 by license amendments in March, 2000. On December 15, 1998, following a change in NRC decommissioning regulations, SCE submitted a post shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR) for SONGS-1, to commence DECON in 2000. SCE actively decommissioned the facility, and most of the structures and equipment have been removed and disposed. Water control is active, and is processed through the Unit 2 - 3 wastewater treatment system. NRC issued a license amendment in February 2010 releasing the off-shore portions of the Unit 1 cooling intake and outlet pipes in place, under the Pacific Ocean seabed, for unrestricted use. The fuel from Unit 1 was transferred to Phase 1 of the ISFSI. The ISFSI will be expanded onto the area previously occupied by Unit 1 as needed in order to store all Unit 2 and Unit 3 spent fuel. "

RAI for annual decom cost breakdown Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Signature: _Shawn W. Harwell____________________________ Date: ____5/11/2012________ Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

San Onofre Nuclear Gernerating Station, Unit 1 Decommissioing/SAFSTOR Cost Analysis (Beginning Balance + Contribution - Cost) * (1 + ERR) = End Balance Reporting Year: 2012 Current Amount Reported in DTF: $267,200,000 Rate of Return During SAFSTOR/Decom: 2.00%

Projected End-Date of Decom Activities: 2030 (Note 1)

Escalation Rate (if applicable): 0.00%

Real Rate of Return: 2.00%

Year / Future Collections/ Payment Payment Beginning Balance Contributions to Amount Rate of Return Projected

  1. Year (2012 $): Fund: (2012 $): on Earnings: Earnings: End Balance (2012 $):

1 2012 $267,200,000 $0 $137,472 2.00% $5,341,251 $272,403,779 2 2013 $272,403,779 $0 $125,658 2.00% $5,445,562 $277,723,683 3 2014 $277,723,683 $0 $117,066 2.00% $5,552,132 $283,158,749 4 2015 $283,158,749 $0 $111,696 2.00% $5,660,941 $288,707,994 5 2016 $288,707,994 $0 $99,882 2.00% $5,772,162 $294,380,275 6 2017 $294,380,275 $0 $97,734 2.00% $5,885,651 $300,168,191 7 2018 $300,168,191 $0 $94,512 2.00% $6,001,474 $306,075,153 8 2019 $306,075,153 $0 $89,142 2.00% $6,119,720 $312,105,731 9 2020 $312,105,731 $0 $837,720 2.00% $6,225,360 $317,493,371 10 2021 $317,493,371 $0 $77,328 2.00% $6,348,321 $323,764,364 11 2022 $323,764,364 $0 $71,958 2.00% $6,473,848 $330,166,254 12 2023 $330,166,254 $0 $68,736 2.00% $6,601,950 $336,699,469 13 2024 $336,699,469 $0 $63,366 2.00% $6,732,722 $343,368,825 14 2025 $343,368,825 $0 $40,568,202 2.00% $6,056,012 $308,856,635 15 2026 $308,856,635 $0 $55,929,624 2.00% $5,058,540 $257,985,552 16 2027 $257,985,552 $0 $47,256 2.00% $5,158,766 $263,097,061 17 2028 $263,097,061 $0 $41,886 2.00% $5,261,104 $268,316,279 18 2029 $268,316,279 $0 $36,516 2.00% $5,365,595 $273,645,358 19 2030 $273,645,358 $0 $31,146 2.00% $5,472,284 $279,086,497 20 2031 $279,086,497 $0 $26,850 2.00% $5,581,192.93 $284,640,839 21 2032 $284,640,839 $0 $21,480 2.00% $5,692,387.19 $290,311,747 22 2033 $290,311,747 $0 $15,036 2.00% $5,805,934.21 $296,102,645 23 2034 $296,102,645 $0 $10,740 2.00% $5,921,838.10 $302,013,743 24 2035 $302,013,743 $0 $1,541,190 2.00% $6,009,451.06 $306,482,004 25 2036 $306,482,004 $0 $1,495,008 2.00% $6,099,739.92 $311,086,736

26 2037 $311,086,736 $0 $0 2.00% $6,221,734.72 $317,308,471 27 2038 $317,308,471 $0 $0 2.00% $6,346,169.41 $323,654,640 28 2039 $323,654,640 $0 $0 2.00% $6,473,092.80 $330,127,733 29 2040 $330,127,733 $0 $0 2.00% $6,602,554.66 $336,730,287 30 2041 $336,730,287 $0 $0 2.00% $6,734,605.75 $343,464,893 31 2042 $343,464,893 $0 $0 2.00% $6,869,297.86 $350,334,191 32 2043 $350,334,191 $0 $0 2.00% $7,006,683.82 $357,340,875 33 2044 $357,340,875 $0 $0 2.00% $7,146,817.50 $364,487,692 34 2045 $364,487,692 $0 $0 2.00% $7,289,753.85 $371,777,446 35 2046 $371,777,446 $0 $0 2.00% $7,435,548.93 $379,212,995 36 2047 $379,212,995 $0 $0 2.00% $7,584,259.90 $386,797,255 37 2048 $386,797,255 $0 $0 2.00% $7,735,945.10 $394,533,200 38 2049 $394,533,200 $0 $0 2.00% $7,890,664.00 $402,423,864 39 2050 $402,423,864 $0 $0 2.00% $8,048,477.28 $410,472,342 40 2051 $410,472,342 $0 $0 2.00% $8,209,446.83 $418,681,788 41 2052 $418,681,788 $0 $38,616,744 2.00% $7,601,300.89 $387,666,345 Projected End-Balance of DTF: $387,666,345 Financial Assurance Met (Y/N): Y Sinature: Shawn W. Harwell Date: 11/26/2012