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NRC-2019-000301 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed, Part 1 of 3
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/2020
Shared Package
ML20254A063 List:
FOIA, NRC-2019-000301
Download: ML20254A065 (306)


From: Coggins Angela To : Jehle Patricia; Bielecki Jessica ; Maltese James Subject : RE :

Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 11 :57:4 1 AM Attachments: image001.png And FYI - It looks like the FSAR language about scratching is on page 9-19, paragraph labelled vii.

From: Jehle, Patr icia Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 11:48 AM To: Bielecki, Jess ica <Jessica.Bie>; Ma ltese, James <James.Ma lte se@>

Cc: Cogg ins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>


I found the FSAR for Amendment 2 of CoC No. 72-1040 - see:

View ADAMS Properties ML16I93A339 Open ADAMS Document (Final Safety Analysis Report on The HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System.)

SONGS loaded to Amendment 2 of CoC No. 72-1040.

Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199 RC

From: Jehle, Patricia To: Coggins Angela



Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 2:17:00 PM Attachments: iooaaeoo1 pna (b)(5)

From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 2:15 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>




From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 2:12 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>



An ela - I am on a call - but should be done by 3 pm - but then you (b)(6) l.....- - - - - - -

Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level W aste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199 "U.S.NRC U....J Sau, W.Jnt Lpt.llffT c . -1..1an

"'-m11r,...,,, """## & ........,

From: Jehle Patricia To: Gillespie Joe Subject : RE:

Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 4:41 :00 PM Attachments: imageoo1 png Thank you so much Joe - excellent discussion and a very big help.

Patty From: Gill espie, Joe Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:57 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>



Sure th ing Patty- I'm going t o ta lk to David at 4:00, but I' ll be free after that. I can get a huddle room if you w ant to be on t he ca ll t oo.

Joe Gillespie From: Jeh le, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 3:15 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe Gillespje@nrc gov>



Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199

-'U.S.NRC l.luss:* Sc.u, NIKk-.r l.cplt*'"r c.-1.,..

,.,_,,. ~ ,rJdi.£,,....;;;;;;;.

From: McKirgao John To: Maltese James; Bielecki Jessica


Fwd: 1:00

  • 2:30 Public Meeting with HOLTEC on SONGS SNF loadina and "scratch" issue wrt/ 3/ 16/2019 Holtec letter ML19077Ao21 Attachment is already publicly available in Date: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 10:50:01 AM ADAMS as ML19077A021 .

Attachments: March 16 2019 Letter from Holtec ML19077A021.od!

Passing this along for convenience.

John From: "Turtil, Richard" <Richard.Turtj)>


RE: 1:00 - 2:30 Public Meeting with HOLTEC on SONGS SNF loading and "scratch" issue wrt/ 3/16/2019 Holtec letter ML19077A021 Date: 02 April 2019 09:57 To: "McKirgan, John" <John,>

John -

Here's the incoming letter f rom Singh/Holtec that prompted the April 10 public meeting.

was able to find it in ADAMS at ML19077A021.

Call or e-mail with questions.

Rich 415-2308 From: McKirgan, John Sent: M onday, April 01, 2019 2:12 PM To: Turtil, Richard <>


RE : 1:00 - 2:30 Public Meeting w ith HOLTEC on SONGS SNF load ing and "scratch" issue wrt/

3/16/2019 Holtec letter M L19077A021 Rich, I couldn't find the document at ML19077A021 when I looked for it in ADAMS . Do you have a copy? Thanks, John

Original Appointment-----

From: Turtil, Richard Sent: Wednesday, M arch 20, 2019 10:48 AM To: Turtil, Richard; Rahimi, M eraj; Wise, John; Davis, Marlone; Howell, Linda; Layton, Michael; Berrios, Ilka; McKirgan, John; Araguas, Christian; Tat e, Travis; Bjorkman, Gordon; Seyoum-Seifu, M eron; Pruett, Troy


1:00 - 2:30 Public Meeting w ith HOLTEC on SONGS SN F load ing and "scratc h" issu e wrt/

3/16/2019 Holtec letter M L19077 A02 1 When: We dn esday, April 10, 2019 1:00 PM -2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Easte rn Time (US & Ca nada).

Where: HQ-3WFN -8A28-29p FINAL MEETING SCHEDULED: 1:00 to 2:30 PUBLIC meeting (East Coast Time) with Holtec per the subject line above.


I shall forward final public meeting announcement/agenda when it is complete.

Thank you .

Richard Turti l 415-2308


2.212 Reports SONGS Units 1, 2 and 3 - Registration of UMAX, Am. 2, Coe 1040 Dry Fuel Storage Canister.

Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 1:56:59 PM Each of these records is publicly available in ADAMS.

View ADAMS ProJ?erties M L1 8 158A l 93 Open ADAMS Document <San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1, 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS Properties MLJ 8I 90A 193 Open ADAMS Document (Request Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canisters to be Used for Storage of Spent Fuel at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station ISFSI.)

View ADAMS Properties MLI 8206A478 Open ADAMS Document (San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1, 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS Prot1,erties MLJ 8220A878 Open ADAMS Document (San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1. 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS PrQJJerties M L1 8122A068 Open ADAMS Document <San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units I 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS Properties MLl 8J09A044 Open ADAMS Document (San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1, 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister.)

View ADAMS Properties MLI 8075A040 Open ADAMS Document <San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units I 2 and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS Prqperties ML18057A020 Open ADAMS Document (San Onofre, Units I, 2 and 3, Submittal of Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

View ADAMS Properties ML18047A145 Open ADAMS Document <San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station Units 1, 2, and 3 -

Registration of Dry Fuel Storage Canister,)

iew ADAMS Pro~rties ML1722 1Al27 Open ADAMS Document <San Onofre. Units 1. 2 and 3 and ISFSI - Notification that First Storage of Spent Fuel will begin on or after November 6, 2017.)

From : Coggins Angela To : Jehle Patricia Subject : 72 48 analysis fi nal (002).docx 5-page attachment is being Date: Monday, April 29, 20 19 2:05 :07 PM withheld in its entirety Attachments: 72 48 analysis final /002}.docx (Exemption 5)

From: Bielecki Jessica To : McKiraan John Subject : 72 48 analysis final (002) .docx Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 11 :57:00 AM Attachment is same as Attachments: ~ lvsiuina!j002_) .wcx the prior email.

FYI, as discussed .

From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia Cc: Coggins Angela ; Maltese James Subject : FW: AARM next week Date: Thursday, May 02, 2019 9:52:22 AM Attachments: 2019 AARM Agenda 5-7-19 pdf FW 2019 NBC Aaencv Action Review Meetioa - Updated with AARM Agenda msa Patty !(bl(5l

!(b)(5) !Thanks.

From: Mouldi ng, Patrick Sent: W ednesday, M ay 01, 2019 3:53 PM To: Camp bel l, Tison <Tison.Cam pbell>; Vrahoretis, Susa n <Susa n.Vrahoretis@>;

Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>


AARM next week Hi Tison, Susan, and Jessica, Next Tuesday the staff will be conducting its Agency Action Review Meeting, from 8:30-3:15 over in 3WFN. The agenda is attached. This is the internal staff meeting - the subsequent ublic meetin with the Commission to discuss the results of the AARM is on June 20. (b)(5)


One required portion of the AARM agenda focuses on materials licensee performance trends (and in particular any candidates for special focus I case studies in the Commission briefing due to siqnificant performance issues, usuallv associated with escalated enforcement). l(b)(5) I (b)(5)


Thanks, Pat

AGENCY ACTION REVIEW MEETING AGENDA May 7, 2019 8:30 am to 3:15 pm 3WFN Room 1C03 Rockville, MD Time Subject Presenter 8:30-8:45 Welcome and Overview M. Doane 8:45 - 9:30 Reactor Licensee Discussion: Pilgrim D. Lew Spent Fuel Operations Oversight:

9:30-10:15 S. Morris San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 10:15 - 10:30 Break ---

Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety 10:30- 11 :15 J. Lubinski

!Program Performance Trends Summary of 2018 Construction ROP 11:15-11 :45 V. Hall Self-Assessment 11 :45 - 12:45 Lunch ---

Reactor Oversight Process Topics:

- Summary of 2018 ROP Self-12:45-1 :30 C. Miller Assessment

- Plans for 2019 ROP Self-Assessment 1:30- 2:30 ROP Enhancement Initiative B. Dickson 2:30-3:00 Commission Meeting Alignment M. Doane 3:00 - 3:15 AARM Wrap-Up, Adjourn Meeting M. Doane

  • Post-AARM Topic (not part of the official AARM Agenda) :

3:15 - 4:15 Options for Addressing Performance Concerns for Column 1 and 2 Plants

From: Moulding Patrick on behalf or Mayer Andrea To: Bielecki Jessica; Lemonceni Mauri; Moulding Patrick; Doane Margaret; West Steven; Dorman Dan; ~

~  ; Wilson George; ShutUeworth Andy; .t:lieh..J:iQ; furstenau Raymond; Brown Frederick; Holian Brian; Moore Scott; Zobler Marian; Lew David; Haney Catherine; Roberts Darrell ; Morris Scott; Miller Chris; Bowman, Gregory; McGinty, Tim; Hau Victor; Kock. Andrea; EDO Calendar Resource; NRO SES CAL Resource; NRR DIBS CAL Resource; Inverso Tara; Dickson Billy Cc: Cook Christopher: Ouichocho Jessie; Jackson Diane; case Michael; Evans Michele; McDermott Brian; Che.Pk.

M1cl:!ae!; Ferdas Marc; Young Matt; Heisserer Jamie; Stone Ann Marie; Kellar Ray; Kirkwood Sara; Su.o..

~  ; Gaslevic James; Lubinski John; Hjpschmao Thomas; Howen Linda; Pruett Troy; Shatter Mark; Einberg Chrjstjan; RJQRACAL RESOURCE


FW: 2019 NRC Agency Action Review Meeting - Updated with AARM Agenda Attachments: 03 - Agenda od{

Original Appointmcnt-----

From: Mayer, Andrea Sent: Tuesday. February 26. 2019 10:48 AM To: Mayer, Andrea; Lemoncelli, Mauri; Moulding, Patrick; Doane, Margaret; West, Steven; Donrn111, Dan; Lewis, Robe11; Wilson, George; Shunlewonh. Andy: Nich, Ho: Furstenau. Raymond: Brown. Frederick; Holian. Brian: Moore, Scon: Zoblcr. Marian: Lew. David; Haney. Catherine:

Roberts. DatTell: Morris. Scott: Miller. Chris: Bowman. Gregory: McGinty. Tim: Hall. Victor: Kock. Andrea: EDO_Calendar Resource:

NRO_SES_CAL Resource; NRRJ)IRS_CAL Resource; Inverso. Tara: Dickson. Billy Cc: Moulding. Patrick: Lemoncelli. Mauri; Cook. Christopher: Quichocho, Jessie: Jackson. Diane: Case, Michael: Evans. Michele: McDermott, Brian:

Cheok, Michael; Ferdas, Marc; Young, Mat1; Heisserer, Jamie; Stone, Ann Marie; Kellar, Ray: Kirkwood, Sara: Sun, Robert; Gaslevic, James:

Lubinski. John: 1lipschman, Thomas: Howell. Linda: Pruett. Troy: Shaffer, Mark; Einberg, Christian; R IORACAL RESOURCE Subjecl: FW: 2019 NRC Agency Action Review Meet ing - Updated with AARM Agenda When: Tuesday. May 07. 20 19 8:30 AM-4:IS PM (UTC-05:00) Eas1em Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-3WFN- IC03-32p; HQ-3WFN- IC05-32p-VTC Fyi ...

Original Appointment-----

From: Mayer, Andrea Sen1: Tue.sday, April 30. 2019 12: 12 PM To: Mayer. Andrea: Doane, Margaret; West, Steven: Dorman. Dan; Lewis, Robert: Wilson. George; Shuttlewonh. Andy: Nieh. Ho: Furstenau, Raymond ; Brown. Frederick: Holinn. Brian: Moore. Scott; Zobler. Marian; Lew. David: Haney. Catherine: Robcns. Dan*ell: Mo11*is. Scott; Miller.

Chris; Bowman. Gregory: McGinty. Tim: Hall. Vic1or: Kock. Andrea; EDO_Calcndar Resource: NRO_SES_CAL Resource; NRR_DIRS_CAL Resource: Inverso, Tara: Dickson, Billy Cc: Moulding, Patrick; Lemoncelli, Mauri; Cook, Christopher; Quichocho, Jessie; Jackson , Diane; Case, Michael; Evans, Michele; McDermoll, Brian; Cheok. Michael: Ferdas. Marc: Young, Man: Heisserer. Jamie: Stone. Ann Marie: Kellar, Ray; Kirkwood. Sara: Sun, Roben: Gaslevic, James:

Lubinski, John: Hipschman, Thomas: llowell, Linda; Pruett. Troy: Shaffer, Mark; Einberg, Christian; RIORACAL RESOU RCE


2019 NRC Agency Action Review Meeting - Updated with AARM Agenda When: Tuesday. Mny 07. 20 19 8:30 AM-4:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastem Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-3WFN-I C03-32p; HQ-3WFN- IC05-32p-VTC

    • Updated with AARM Agenda**

Meeting Details:

May 7. 2019 8:30 am 10 4: 15 pm (includi ng I post-AA RM topic) 3WFN Room IC03/05 AARM Point of


Annie Mayer, NRR/DIRS/IRGB, 301-415- \081

From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia Cc: Mallese James Subject : RE: AARM next w eek Date: Friday, May 03, 2019 7:42:06 AM Yes, my expectation is listening mode. Thanks for covering and have a great long weekend.

From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2019 5:01 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>


RE: AARM next week Importance: High Just checking that I will be a participa nt observer in the Meeting, rather t han providing information.

p From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:45 AM To: Vrahoretis, Susan <Susan,>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick,>;

Campbel l, Tison <Iison,Campbell>

Cc: Ghosh Naber, Anita <anjta,>; Roth (OGC), David <David,>;

Spencer, Michael <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


RE: AARM next week l(b)(5)

Thanks for sharing!

Non-Responsive Record Non-Responsive Record

Non-Responsive Record Non-Responsive Record From: Moulding, Patrick Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2019 15:53 To: Ca mpbel l, Tison <>; Vrahoretis, Susan <>;

Bielecki, Jessica <>


AARM next week Hi Tison , Susan, and Jessica, Next Tuesday the staff will be conducting its Agency Action Review Meeting. from 8:30-3:15 over in 3WFN. The agenda is attached. This is the internal staff meeting - the subsequent ublic meetin with the Commission to discuss the results of the AARM is on June 20. (b)(5)


One required portion of the AARM agenda focuses on materials licensee performance trends (and in particular any candidates for special focus / case studies in the Commission briefing due to sii:inificant performance issues, usually associated with escalated enforcement). l(b)(5) I (b)(5)



Thanks, Pat

From: Jehle Patricia To : Cogg ins Angela Subject : Accepted: SONGS Scratch Issue

From: Devaser. Nishka To : Jehle. Patricia Subject : Accepted: SONGS UMA)( Cask System and Scratch Issue Start: Thursday, April 11, 2019 3:00:00 PM End: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:00:00 PM l(b)(6)

Location: Jessica Bieleck"s Office OWFN/ 15 807 -- Bridgline Details: Telephone: 888-469-0941 / Passcode:

Patricia, Do you plan on having a bridge line fo r the meet ing? Let me know if it would be helpful for me to set one up.


From: Bielecki. Jessica To : Jehle. Patricia Subject : Accepted: SONGS UMA)( Cask System and Scratch Issue Start: Thu rsday, April 11, 2019 3:00:00 PM End: Thu rsday, April 11, 2019 4:00:00 PM l(b)(6)

Location: Jessica Bieleck"s Office OWFN/ 15 B07 -- Bridgline Details: Telephone: 888-469-0941 / Passcode Thanks for schedul ing. Hope my schedule was not an impediment. If so, let me know. I can move a few things around if it helps, e.g .. my 3pm meeting is flexible. Thanks!

From: coaaios Angela To: Bielecki Jessica; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : RE: ACTION: Update on SONGS Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:55:29 AM l(b)(5)

Than ks and look forward to chatting soon!

From: Bielecki, Jess ica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:44 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Coggins, Angela <>

Cc: Malt ese, James <James.Malt>


RE: ACTION: Update on SONGS Patty, Angela, (b)(5)

Jessica Nishka, Great summary, thank you. And Marlene, John and Chris, thanks for a great discussion.


Thanks, Jessica From: McKirgan, John Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:19 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@n>



From: Devaser, Nishka Se nt: Thursday, Apri l 11, 2019 4:29 PM To: Regan, Christopher <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; McKirga n, John <>


RE: ACTION: Update on SONGS Chris, (b)(5)

Nishka From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 3:00 PM To: Devaser, Nishka <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <Michael Layton@nrc gov>; McKirgan, John <John>


Re: ACTION: Update on SONGS Nishka, Ema il by 415 is f ine. Apologies ... john did mention you were W@H today. Cou ld I ca ll at 430 if I have any questions or are you off the clock?



Origi na I Message --------

From : "Devaser, Nishka" <>

Date: Thu, April 11, 20 19 2:29 PM -0400 To : " Regan, Christopher" <Christopher,>

CC: "Layton, M ichae l" <>, "McKirga n, John" <John>

Subj ect : Re: ACTION: Update on SONGS

Chris, Yes, John mentioned that . I'm taking t he ca ll wit h ogc at home l(b)(6 ) I The cal l is from 3-4 and I'm plan ning t o get you guys an update around 415 by email if that's okay.

Nishka From: Rega n, Christopher Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 11, 2019 1:46:10 PM To: Devaser, Nishka Cc: Layton, M ichael



Nishka, Hopefully John let you know that Mike and I would like to hear from you recent developments in our engageme nt with OGC on the 2 SONGS issues they are helping us w ith .

Can you drop by my office at 4:30pm. Mike and I need to update Joh n at 5pm so hearing from you before the n would be great.

Thanks, Chris

From: Jehle Patricia To: Manese James; Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Add"I SCE Info~ - Attorney Work Product Date: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:00:06 AM Hi All, l(b)(5)

Patty From: Maltese, James Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 8:37 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


RE: Add 'I SCE info GUO Attorney Work Product (b)(5)

From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 8:35 AM To: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


RE: Add'I SCE info DUG-- Attorney Work Product 5

Thanks for clarifying, Jim, !<b)( )


From: Maltese, James Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 8:32 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


RE: Add 'I SCE info-Bt:te""- Attorney Work Product Jessica, (b)(5)


Jim From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 04, 2019 10:17 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

Cc: M alt ese, Ja mes <James Maltese@nrc gov>


Add' I SCE info-0-YG- Attorney Work Prod uct oue - Attorney Work Product 5

l(b-)(- )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

Pat ty and Angela (Jim,...




---euo.- Attorney Work Product

From: Davis, Ma rle ne Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 4, 2019 1:53 PM To: Bielecki, Jess ica <>; Ma ltese, James <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>


Sout hern California Ed ison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec's Ame ndment 2 - Cert ificate of Comp liance (Co()

Jessica (b)(5)

Best Marlone

From: McKiraan John To : Cogg ins Angela; Jehle Patricia Subject : any update on SONGS Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 12 :31 :17 PM Patty, Angela, I just wanted to touch base and see if you had any update on your thoughts with respect to the SONGS questions. Thanks, John John McKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licens ing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards e-mail: Phone : 301-415-5722

From: Jehle Patricia To: Cylkowski David; Gillespie Joe Cc: Coggins Angela ; ,..Mo,..u.,...ldiwio.,..g-;P~at~ric~k- - - - - - - -

Subject : RE: Attorney Work Product: !/b 5\. ___ _ _ _ _ _ __.


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:12:49 PM Hi David and Joe, Tha nks, Patty From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Gil lesp ie, Joe <>

Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins nrc. ov>* Mouldin


RE: Attorney Work Product :.__ ___________


Patrick <Patrick.>

Sounds good. Thanks to you both .

David M. Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 1:52 PM Importance: High Hi David, Aga in thanks to both of you.


From: Gi ll espie, Joe Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 2:47 PM To: Cylkowski, David <David Cylkowski@nrc gov>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


RE: Attorney Work Prod uct: !(b 5l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.


Joe Gi llespie From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2:43 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe Gillespje@nrc gov>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>; Moulding, Patrick <>


RE : Attorney Work Product: ...  !(b-)(-5)- - - - - - - - - - - - .

Joe, Best, David David M . Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Gi ll espie, Joe Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 9:19 AM To: Cylkowski, David <David Cylkowski@nrc gov>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov>


Attorney Work Product: !(b...._)(5_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,

David, l(b)(5)



From: MaHese James To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angeta Cc: Bielecki Jessica Subject : FW: RE: (External):Re: [ External_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:19:21 PM Attachments: irnaaeoo1 ona FYI From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 5:57 PM To: MARK MORGAN <>

Cc: Layton, M ichael <M ichael.>; ALBERT BATES <>; Howell, Linda

<>; McKirgan, Joh n <>; Bielecki, Jessica

<Jessica>; Ma lt ese, James <James. M a lt ese>


RE : RE: (Externa l):Re: [External_Sender] RE: (Ext ernal):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Mark, To help ensure a success path regarding our (NRC) expedited processing of an exemption request submittal from you, we too have a vested interest to seek to understand the viability of a categorical exclusion for your situation . Know that we will let you know of any developments on our end on this aspect post haste. Our technical and legal staff are all working full bore on the question in recognition of the both the visibility and urgency to bring all this to closure and have certainty on the path forward .. .for many, many reasons.
Regards, Chris From: MARK MORGAN [ma i!to* Mark Morgan@sce com]

Sent: W ednesday, April 10, 2019 12:44 PM To: Regan, Christopher <Christopher Regan@ nrc gov>

Cc: MARK MORGAN <Mark.Morgan>; Layton, M ich ael <Michael.>; ALBERT BATES <AL BATES@sce com>; Howell, Linda <Linda Howell @orc gov>; M cKirgan, John

<John McKirgan@nrc gov>


[Externa l_Sender) RE : (Externa l):Re: [External_Sender] RE: (Externa l):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Chris, Than ks for t his, and we appreciate you providing us w ith w hat informat ion you can so that we can get you a qua lity su bmittal.

W ith t hat in mind, I wa nted to clarify one of the comment s I made in t he p hone call t his morning.

W hile it is ultimat ely ou r decision w hether or not to ask for a categorical exclusion in our subm it ta l, w e are sti ll looking for what ever guidance you can supply us in t he pre-submitt al arena.

Thanks aga in for your support in t hese matters.

Mark From: Regan, Christophergov

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 5:22 PM To: MARK MORGAN

Cc: Layton, Michael <Michael Layton@nrc gov>; ALBERT BATES <AL BATES@sce com>; Howell, Linda

<Linda Howell@orc gov>; McKirgan, Joh n <John,McKirgan@nrc gov>


(External):Re: [Externa l_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Mark, We are aligned. Our legal staff and licensing folks are all working hard on the CatX question and have a goal to provide something definitive that we can use as a refernce point moving forward *and* prior to submittal of your proposed exemption request... that you informed us would potentially be this saturday. I can't commit...but that is our target.

We can discuss more tomorrow morning if a time for a conf call can be confirmed.

Regards, Chris

Original Message --------


Date: Tue, April 09, 2019 7:20 PM -0400 To: "Regan, Christopher" <>

CC: "Layton, Michael" <Michael Layton@nrc gov>, ALBERT BATES

<AL BATES@sce com>, "Howell , Linda" <Linda,Howell>, "McKirgan, John"



[External_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Chris, Yes, I'm the best person for the SCE point of contact. If I'm not avai lable, you ca n contact Al Bates.

I've relayed your message regarding working through the licensing staff to Al. Please understand, however, that we would like to ensure that we have a success path regarding categorical exclusion prior to submittal (to the extent practica l given t he pre-decisional nature of this).

Thanks, Mark Morgan SONGS Regulatory Affairs (949) 368-6745 From: Regan, Christopher [mailto*Christopher Regan@nrc gov]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 9:49 AM To: MARK MORGAN

Cc: Layton, Michael <Michael Layton@nrc gov>; ALBERT BATES <AL BATES@sce com>; Howell, Linda

<>; McKirgan, John <>


(Externa l):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Mark, et al. ,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency in communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the full attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments.

With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday works for John). I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify that you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption req uest?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris

~ ?;r. ~.. Deput;)! Director Di,,ision. of Spent FzuLMan.a.gem.ent Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards US Nuclear Regulatory Commis:siDn.

L.S.~RC fll..: (301; 415-9956

;-.;-.:-,..= Chri:stopher.Re:an.@nrc.:ov From: MARK MORGAN [ma ilto]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <Chrjstopher.Regan@>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; MARK MORGAN <>; ALBERT BATES <>


[Externa l_Sender) Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Chris, As we discussed yesterday, the potential examples that we're looking at for categorica l excl usion of any exemption request are list ed below. Please let me know if you have any quest ions regard ing t his.

Also, we were wondering if t here was a contact at OGC that we could have one of our lega l representat ives get in t ouch w it h to discuss t hese issues. Please let me know if t his would be


Thanks, M ark Morgan SO NGS Regulatory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has reviewed the proposed exemptions and has dete rmined that it meet s the eligibility criteria for categorica l excl usion set fort h in 10 CFR 51.22(c) in one o r all of t he following:

(lO)(v) "Changes the format of t he license or permit or otherwise ma kes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, includi ng t he updati ng of NRC approved references;"

(11) Issua nce of amendments to licenses for fuel cycle plants and radioactive waste disposa I sites and amendments to materials licenses ident ified in § 51.60(b)(l) which are administrative, orga nizat iona l, or procedural in nature, or which result in a change in process operations or equi pment, provided t hat (i) t here is no sign ifica nt change in t he types or sign ificant increase in t he amounts of any effl uents t hat may be released offsite, (ii) there is no significant increase in individ ual or cumulative occupational rad iat ion exposu re, (iii ) there is no significa nt construction impact, and (iv) t here is no significa nt increase in the potent ial for or consequences from radiological accidents.

AND/OR 25)(vi)(C) "Inspection or su rveillance requirement s."

[emphasis added]

Can you forward these on to t he NRC for their (Licensing and OGC) consideration AND ask if it OK for outside counsel to discuss f urther wit h OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know t he name of the principal reviewer.


From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: ACTION: RE: (External) :RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51 .22(C)

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 9:05:00 AM Attachments: iooaaeoo1 pna Angela, I am tied up in meetings until at least 3:00 PM- but I will email when you when I am free and see if you have time to alk.

Patty From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:47 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi>; Bielecki, Jessica <>

Cc: Maltese, Ja mes <>


RE: ACTION: RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22 (()

Jessica and Angela, (b)(5)

Thanks, Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 20 19 8:41 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia,Jeh>

Cc: Maltese, James <Ja>


RE : ACTION: RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Thanks l(b)(5) Jessjca 1 J .______________

_ 5 Patty - l(b)( l ___,

From: Bielecki, Jessica Se nt: Wednesday, April 10, 20 19 7:40 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


RE : ACTION: RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51. 22 (()

Angela/Patty, Thanks, Jessica From: McKirga n, John Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 20 19 7:17 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca.Bie!>; Maltese, James <>


FW: ACTION: RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Angela, Patty, (b)(5)

Than ks, John From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 6:36 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>

Cc: Layton, Michael <Michael Laytoo@orc gov>


ACTION: RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Excl usion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

John, Please respond and help Al explain the rigor embedded in our licensing processes - for example, that direct legal engagement without staff can have negative impact on our ability to efficiently process a licensing action. Notably ... let's stay in process!


Thanks, Chris


Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 4:18 PM To: Regan, Christopher <>; McKirgan, John <>

Cc: ALBERT BATES <>; Poindexter, Thomas C.

<themas poindexter@morganlewjs com>; Doug Bauder <Doug Bauder@sce com>


[Externa l_Sender] RE: (Externa l):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Chris, John, We th ink it would be very helpful and efficient in t his process if our outside counsel (Tom Poindexter of M-L) have a discussion wit h whomever it is in OGC reviewing this matter.

I have included Tom's contact information below, and he is cc'ed on t his ema il:

Thomas C. Poindexter Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW I Washington, DC 20004-2541 Direct: +1 202.739.5348 I Main: 202.739.3000 I Fax: 202.739.3001 I Cell:

!(b)(6) I I Assistant: Angela M. Perry I +1 202.739.5315 1angela, Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Al Al Bates Sout hern California Ed ison Manager, Regulatory and Oversight Al Bates@SCE com 949-368-6945 (O) l(b)(6) jM)

From: Regan, Christopher [ma jito*Chrjstopher Regan@nrc gov]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 9:49 AM To: MARK MORGAN

Cc: Layton, Michael <Michael.Layton@nrc gov>; ALBERT BATES <AL>; Howell, Linda

<Linda Howell@orc gov>; McKirgan, Joh n <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>


(External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Mark, et al.,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency in communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the fu ll attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments.

With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday w orks for John}. I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify that you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption request?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris

~ '?N. ~ D eputy Director Division of Spent FueLMattD.gement Office o/ .1Vucuar Materio.LSa/ety and Safeguards US N ucuar Regulatory Commission L.S.'\JKC eh.: (3 01) 415-9956 Email: Christopher.RegaJt@m:c. gov From: MARK M ORGAN [2]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <Chrjstopher,Regan@ nrc,gov>

Cc: Layton, Michael <MichaeLLayton@nrc,gov>; MARK MORGAN <Mark,Morgan@sce,com>; ALBERT BATES <AL,BATES@sce,com>


[External_Sender) Basis for Cat egorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Chris, As we discussed yesterday, t he potentia l examples that we' re looking at for categorica l exclusion of any exemption request are listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding t his.

Also, we were wondering if t here was a contact at OGC that we could have one of our lega l representat ives get in touch w it h t o discuss t hese issues. Please let me know if t his would be acceptable.

Thanks, M ark Morgan SO NGS Regulat ory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has reviewed t he proposed exemptions and has dete rmined that it meets the eligibility criteria for categorica l exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c) in one o r all of t he following:

(lO)(v) "Changes the format of the license or permit or otherwise makes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, including the updating of NRC approved references;"

(11) Issuance of amendments to licenses for fuel cycle plants and radioactive waste disposal sites and amendments to materials licenses identified in § Sl.60(b)(l) which are administrative, organizational, or procedural in nature, or which result in a change in process operations or equipment, provided that (i) there is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be re leased offsite, (ii) there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure, (iii) there is no significant construction impact, and (iv) there is no significant increase in the potential for or consequences from radiological accidents.

AND/OR 25)(vi)(C) "Inspection or survei ll ance requirements ."

[emphasis added]

Can you forward these on to the NRC for their (Licensing and OGC) consideration AND ask if it OK for outside counsel to discuss furt her with OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know the name of the principal reviewer.


From: McKirgao John To: Maltese James; Coggins Angela; Jehle Patricia


Fwd: RE: (External):Re: (External_Sender) RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10CFR 51.22(C)

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 12:51 :27 PM Attachments: imageoo1.png Passing along for awareness.

John From: "MARK MORGAN" <Mark,>


[External_Sender] RE: (Extem al):Re: [External_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Date: 10 April 2019 12:43 To: "Regan, C hristopher" <Christopher,>

Cc: "MARK MORGAN" <>, "Layton, Michael"

<>, "ALBERT BATES" <>, "Howell, Linda"

<Lioda,>, "McKirgan, John " <John,>

Chris, Thanks for this, and we appreciate you provid ing us with what information you can so that we can get you a qua lity submittal.

With that in mind, I wanted to clarify one of the comments I made in the phone call th is morning.

While it is ultimately our decision whether or not to ask for a categorical exclusion in our subm itta l, we are sti ll looking for whatever guidance you can supply us in the pre-submitta l arena.

Thanks aga in for your support in these matters.

Mark From: Regan, Christopher [3]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 5:22 PM To: MARK MORGAN <Mark.>

Cc: Layton, M ichael <>; ALBERT BATES <>; Howell, Linda

<>; McKirgan, Joh n <Joh n.McKirgan@n>


(Ext erna l):Re: [Ext erna l_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Cat egorical Excl usion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Mark, We are aligned. Our legal staff and licensing folks are all working hard on the CatX question and have a goal to provide something definitive that we can use as a refernce point moving forward *and* prior to submittal of your proposed exemption request ... that you

informed us would potentially be this saturday. I can't comrnit. .. but that is our target.

We can discuss more tomorrow morning if a time for a conf call can be confirmed.

Regards, Chris

Original Message --------

From: MARK MORGAN <Mark.Mor~an@sce,com>

Date: Tue, April 09, 2019 7:20 PM -0400 To: "Regan, Christopher" <>

CC: "Layton, Michael" <Mjchaei.Layton@nrc,gov>, ALBERT BATES

<>, "Howell, Linda" <>, "McKirgan, John"



[External_Sender] RE: (External):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C)

Chris, Yes, I'm t he best person for t he SCE point of contact. If I'm not avai lable, you ca n contact Al Bates.

I've relayed your message regard ing working through the licensing staff to Al. Please understand, however, that we would like to ensure th at we have a success path regard ing categorical excl usion prior to submittal (t o the extent practica l given the pre-decisional nature of t his).

Thanks, Mark Morgan SONGS Regulatory Affairs (949) 368-6745 From: Regan, Christopher [4]

Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 09, 2019 9:49 AM To: MARK MORGAN

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; ALBERT BATES <>; Howell, Linda

<>; McKirgan, John <>


(Externa l):RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR Sl.22(C)

Mark, et al.,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency in communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the fu ll attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments.

With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday works for John). I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify that you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption request?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris

/!'-~ 1-f. ~ Deputy Director DiYisi.on. of Spent FueLMa11J1.ge1Mnt Office of Nucl6ar MatJJriD.L Safety and Safeguards US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

L.S.'~RC & r101; 415-9956

---**- Ema.ii: Christopher.Reran.@nrc.rov From: MARK M ORGAN [maiJto*Mark Morgan@sce com]

Se nt: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; MAR K MORGAN <Mark.Morgan@sce com>; ALBERT BATES <AL.BATES@sce com>


[Externa l_Sender] Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(()

Chris, As w e discussed yesterday, the potentia l exam ples t hat w e' re looking at for cat egorica l exclusion of any exempt ion request are listed below . Please let me know if you have any quest ions regardi ng this.

Also, w e w ere w ondering if there w as a contact at OGC that we could have one of our lega l representat ives get in touch wit h t o discuss t hese issues. Please let me know if t his would be accepta ble.

Thanks, M ark Morgan SO NGS Regulat ory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has review ed the proposed exemptions and has det ermined that it meet s the eligibi lity cr iteria for categorica l excl usion set fort h in 10 CFR 51.22(c) in one o r all of the follow ing:

(lO)(v) "Changes the format o f t he license or perm it or otherwise ma kes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, includi ng t he updat ing of NRC approved references;"

(11) Issuance of amendments to licenses for fue l cycle plants and radioactive waste disposa l sites and amendments to materials licenses identified in§ 51.60(b)(l) which are administrative, organizat iona l, or procedural in nature, or which resu lt in a change in process operations or equipment, provided that (i) there is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effl uents that may be re leased offsite, (i i) there is no significant increase in individual or cumulat ive occupational radiation exposure, (iii) t here is no significa nt construct ion impact, and (iv) there is no significant increase in the potential for or conseq uences from radiological accidents .

AND/OR 25)(vi)(C) "Inspection or su rve il lance requirements."

[emphasis added]

Ca n you forward these on to t he NRC for their (Licensin g and OGC) considerat ion AND ask if it OK fo r outside counsel to discuss furt her with OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know the name of the principal reviewer.

Ke n

From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela


RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10CFR 51.22(C) SONGS Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:36:07 PM Attachments: iooaaeoo1 pna (b)(5)

From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:14 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


RE: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C) SONGS (b)(5)

From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 2:10 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>


FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(() SONGS Importance: High Hi Angela,


Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:25 PM To: McKirgan, John <John.McKin~ao@nrc gov>

Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <>; Davis, Marlane <>; Devaser, Nishka

<Nishka Devaser@nrc gov>


Fw: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(() SONGS John, 5

Angela and Pattyl(b)( )


I Jessica From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:09 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica Cc: Devaser, Nishka


FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51. 22(() SONGS 5

Jessica, (b)( l b 5 (b)(5) I'm available to chat if needed. Thanks,

John From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:49 PM To: MARK MORGAN <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; ALBERT BATES

<>; Howell, Linda <>; McKirgan, John

<John McKirgan@nrc gov>


RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5 l .22(C)

Mark, et al.,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency in communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the full attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments. With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday works for John). I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify tih at you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption request?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris A ~ 1-f. ~ Deputy Di.rector Dn-ision. of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Mamria.L Safety and Safeguards US Nucuar Regulatory CommissiDn.


---*--= & (301; 415-9956 Em.ail: Christopher.Re:an.@nrc.:ov From: MARK MORGAN [mailto*Mark Morgan@sce com]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11 :56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; MARK MORGAN



[External_Sender] Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5 l .22(C)

Chris, As we discussed yesterday, the potential examples that we're looking at for categorical exclusion of any exemption request are listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

Also, we were wondering if there was a contact at OGC that we could have one of our legal representatives get in touch with to discuss these issues. Please let me know if this would be acceptable.

Thanks, Mark Morgan SONGS Regulatory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has reviewed the proposed exemptions and has determined that it meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c) in one or all of the following:

(lO)(v) "Changes the format of the license or permit or otherwise makes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, including the updating of NRC approved references;" NO.

(11) Issuance of amendments to licenses for fuel cycle plants and radioactive waste disposal sites and amendments to materials licenses identified in § 51.60(b)(l) which are administrative, organizational, or procedural in nature, or which result in a change in process operations or equipme nt, [DOESN'T SEEM THE PROPOSED EXEMPTION WOULD BE ADMINSTRATIVE IN NATURE - AND IT SEEMS TO BE MORJE THAT A CHANGE IN PROCESS OPERATIONS OR EQUIRPMENT - SO NO]

provided that (i) there is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, (ii) there is no sign ificant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure, (iii) there is no sign ificant construction impact, and (iv) there is no significant increase in the potential for or consequences from radiological accidents.




[emphasis added]

Can you forward these on to the NRC for their (Licensing and OGC) consideration AND ask if it OK for outside counsel to discuss further with OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know the name of the principal reviewer.


From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia; Maltese James; Coggins Angela


RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10CFR 51.22(C) SONGS Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 4:26:04 PM Attachments: imaaeoo1 png (b)(5)

From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 4:18 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Maltese, James <James.Ma>; Coggins, Angela <Angela .Coggins@>


FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22 (() SONGS Hi Jessica, (b)(5)

Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:55 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Pat ricia <>

Cc: Maltese, James <>; Davis, Marlane <>; Devaser, Nish ka <>


RE: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(() SONGS

Jessica, Thanks for your help. It will be greatly appreciated.

I'll reach out tomorrow and we can talk further.

Thanks, John From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:25 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>

Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@ nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Pat>; Davis, Marlone <>; Devaser, Nishka

<Nishka Devaser@nrc gov>


Fw: Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(() SONGS

John, Angela and Pattyl (b)(5) l(b)(5)

I Jessica From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:09 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica

Cc: Devaser, Nish ka


FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22 (() SONGS Jessica (b)(S)


(b)(5) Thanks, o n---------------------------'

From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:49 PM To: MARK MORGAN <M>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; ALBERT BATES

<>; Howell, Linda <Ljnda,Howell@nrc,gov>; McKirgan, John



RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5 l .22(C)

Mark, et al.,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency in communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the full attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments. With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday works for John). I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify that you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption request?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris

~ ~ - ~ Dq,ut}* Director Division. of Spent Fuel M an.agement Offii:e of Nucls!ar Safety an.d. Safeguards US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

L.S. Rf: a: (301; ef15-9956

..__ _,* ..::=;. Em.ail: Christopher.Re~an.@nrc.cov

From: MARK MORGAN [mai)to*Mark Morgan@sce com]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11 :56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; MARK MORGAN



[External_Sender] Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5 1.22(C)

Chris, As we discussed yesterday, the potential examples that we're looking at for categorical exclusion of any exemption request are listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

Also, we were wondering if there was a contact at OGC that we could have one of our legal representatives get in touch with to discuss these issues. Please let me know if this would be acceptable.

Thanks, Mark Morgan SONGS Regul atory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has reviewed the proposed exemptions and has determined that it meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 5 l.22(c) in one or all of the following:

(lO)(v) "Changes the format of the license or permit or otherwise makes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, including the updating of NRC approved references;"

(11) Issuance of amendments to licenses for fuel cycle plants and radioacti ve waste disposal sites and amendments to materials licenses identified in § 5 1.60(b)( l) which are administrative, organizational, or procedural in nature, or which result in a change in process operations or equipment, provided that (i) there is no significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, (ii) there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure, (iii) there is no significant construction impact, and (iv) there is no significant increase in the potential for or consequences from radiological accidents.

AND/OR 25)(vi)(C) "Inspection or surveillance requirements."

[emphasis added]

Can you forward these on to the NRC for their (Licensing and OGC) consideration AND ask if it OK for outside counsel to discuss further with OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know the name of the princi pal reviewer.

Ken From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10CFR 51 .22(C) SONGS Date: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 4:41 :19 PM Attachments: imageoo1 png FYI From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 4:40 PM To: McKirgan, John <>


RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C) SONGS Than ks, John.

(b)(5) l (b)(5)

I (b)(5)

From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:55 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bieleckj@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Pat ricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Davis, Marlone <Marlane Davis@nrc gov>; Devaser, Nishka <Nishka Devaser@n rc gov>


RE : Basis for Categorica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C) SONGS Jessica, Thanks for your help. It will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, John

From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 09, 2019 1:25 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKirgan@nrc gov>

Cc: M altese, James <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehie@nrc gov>; Davis, M arl one <Macione Dayjs@nrc gov>; Devaser, Nish ka



Fw: Basis for Categor ica l Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(() SONGS John, (b)(5)

Jessica From: McKi rgan, John Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 9, 2019 1 :09 PM To: Bie lecki, Jessica Cc: Devaser, Nishka


FW: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 51.22(C) SONGS 5

Jessica l(b)( )


(b)(5) !Tha nks, John From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:49 PM To: MARK MORGAN <>

Cc: Layton, Michael < MjchaeLLayton@nrc gov>; ALBERT BATES

<>; H owell, Linda <Ljnda.Howell>; McKirgan, John

< John McKirgan@nrc gov>


RE: Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5 l.22(C)

Mark, et al.,

Thank you for the input and perspective. I have forwarded the information to my staff for their awareness and for consideration in their consultation with NRC's legal counsel.

To ensure transparency i1n communication it is preferable that your engagement with the NRC on a potential licensing action (an exemption request) be worked though the licensing staff here in the Division of Spent Fuel Management in NMSS. Rest assured they have the full attention of our legal staff so our legal counsel is fully informed of all developments. With this in mind Mr. John McKirgan of my staff will serve as a POC for you to work directly with on details of an exemption request submittal (Ms. Yen Chen who was on the phone with us yesterday works for John). I've CC'd him on this email.

Could you please verify that you would be the best person for John to communicate with on the potential submittal of an exemption request?

Again thanks.

Regards, Chris

~ - ~ - ~ Deput)' Director DiYisi.on. of Spent Fuel M an.a.gem.en.t OJ!iu of Nuclear Mat8ria.L Sa/et)' a.n.d. Safegua.rm US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

L.S. KC a: (301; 415-9956

---*- Em.a.ii: Christopher.Re1a.n.@Mc.1ov From: MARK MORGAN [mailto*Mark]

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11 :56 AM To: Regan, Christopher <>

Cc: Layton, Michael <>; MARK MORGAN



[External_Sender] Basis for Categorical Exclusion Under 10 CFR 5l.22(C)

Chris, As we discussed yesterday, the potential examples that we' re looking at for categorical exclusion of any exemption request are listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

Also, we were wondering if there was a contact at OGC that we could have one of our legal representatives get in touch with to discuss these issues. Please let me know if this would be


Thanks, Mark Morgan SONGS Regulatory Affairs (949) 368-6745 SCE has reviewed the proposed exemptions and has determined that it meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 5 1.22(c) in one or all of the following:

(lO)(v) "Changes the forma t of the license or permit or otherwise makes editorial, corrective or other minor revisions, including the updating of NRC approved references;"

(11) Issuance of amendments to licenses for fuel cycle pl ants and radioactive waste disposal sites and amendments to materials licenses identified in § 5 1.60(b)(l) which are administrative, organizatio nal, or procedural in nature, or which result in a change in process operations or equipment, provided that (i) there is no sig nificant change in the types or significant increase in the amo unts of any effluents that may be released offsite, (ii) there is no sig nificant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure, (iii) there is no sig nificant constructio n impact, and (iv) there is no significant increase in the po tential for or consequences from radiological accidents.

AND/OR 25)(vi)(C) "Inspection or s urveillance requirements."

[emphasis added]

Can you forward these on to the NRC for their (Licensing and OGC) consideration AND ask if it OK for outside counsel to discuss further with OGC staff. In order to do so it would be good to know the name of the principal reviewer.


From : Coggins Angela To : Maltese James; Bielecki Jessica ; Jehle Patrjcja Subject : RE : Briefing on calI with SCE Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 3:21:09 PM Since the meeting ran long, I'm assuming we are just pushing this back. Y'all feel free to reach out to me whenever you are back from the meeting and settled in. © From: Ma ltese, James Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:46 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Je hl e, Patr icia <>; Cogg ins, Ange la <Angela.Cogg>


Bri efing on cal l w it h SCE When: Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM. Eastern Time Where: Jessica's office l~X5J

From : Jehle Patricia To : Maltese James; Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Briefing on calI with SCE Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:51:44 AM Great - thanks .

Patty From: Ma ltese, James Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:46 AM To: Biel ecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patr icia <Patric ia>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>


Bri efing on call wit h SCE When: Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM. Eastern Time Where: Jessica's office

From: Jeh le Patricia To : Cogg ins Angela <Angela Coggins@nrc gov} ; Bielecki Jessjca Subject : Bullets for SONGS in SharePoint Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 6:43:00 PM Attachments: image001 .png Importance: High Patty Patricia A. Jehle , Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (30 I) 287-9199

From : Jehle Patricia To : Cylkowski payid Subject : Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final 2-page attachment is being Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2 :49:58 PM withheld in its entirety Attachments: Bullets for SONGS Scratch ing briefings Final .docx (Exemption 5)

Importance : High Hi Dav id, (b)(5)

Best wishes, Patty

From : Jehle Patricia To : Bielecki Jessjca Subject : RE: Bu llets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:51 :41 AM Thank - (b)( 5)


From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:50 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Pat ricia.Jehle@>


RE: Bu llets for SONGS Scratching briefings Fina l Thanks, Patty. 1(bl(5l From: Jehl e, Patr icia Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 18, 2019 10:48 AM To: Ma ltese, James <>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica .Bielecki@nrc .gov>; Zobler, Ma ria n <Marian Zob>; Clark, Brooke <Brooke>; Gi ll espie, Joe

<Joe>; Cogg ins, Angela <>


Bull ets for SONGS Sc ratching briefings Final Please f ind the Bullets prepared by HLW for t he 11 AM meeting. Pr inted copies w ill be ava ilable as well.

From : Jehle Patricia This is the same 2-page To : Cogg ins Angela attachment as identified in Subject : Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 12:24 :20 PM previous email string.

Attachments: Bu llets for SONGS Scratch ing briefings Final.docx FYI. l(b)(5)

Patty J

From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela


RE: Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 12:34:20 PM Hi Angela, INon,<espon*,re Record 1~X51 Ta ke ca re, Pat ty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:53 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


RE: Bullet s for SONGS Scrat ching briefi ngs Final j(b)(5)

Pattv (b)(5) l (b)(6)


Than ks and sorry!

Angela From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 10:48 AM To: Malt ese, Ja mes <James Ma>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>; Zobler, M aria n <Marian>; Clark, Brooke <Brooke>; Gillespie, Joe

<Joe.G>; Coggins, Angela <>


Bullets for SO NGS Scratching briefings Final Please find t he Bullet s prepared by HLW for the 11 AM meeting. Printed copies w il l be available as wel l.

From: Cogg ins Angela To : Jehle Patricia Cc : Bielecki Jessica Subject : Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings.docx Attachment is being withheld in its Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:18 :05 PM entirety (Exemption 5)

Attachments: Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefinqs.docx l(b)(6)

Thanks for the conversation - so sorry about the.___ _ _ _ _ _ _....,

Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233

From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Cc: Bielecki Jessica


RE: Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings.docx Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:18:56 PM Thanks Angela -r. . 5 b-)(- )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,

Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wed nesday, April 17, 20 19 3:18 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>

Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>


Bullets for SO NGS Scratching briefings.docx (b)(5)

Thanks for the conversation - so sorry about the dentist appointment!!!

Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 19-803-9233

From: coaaios Angela To: Jurtil Richard Subject : RE: call in info for Holtec mtg Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:42:00 AM No worries, Rich! It was my fault for not checking the info earlier! When I didn't hear back from you , I called OPA figuring they had the number for reporters and they shared it with me! © I appreciate your reaching out, though!!

Have a great weekend!

Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Coun sel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angela.coggins@nrc, gov 9 19-80 3-9233 rney-Client or Atto rney e NRC without OGC approval.

From: Turtil, Richard Sent: Thursday, Apri l 11, 2019 5:01 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi>


RE: call in info for Holtec mtg Angela -

Please call me about this meeting. I'm sorry I was unable to get back to you in time .

Rich Richard Turtil, BS Ch.E., MS Finance Sen ior Fina ncial Analyst Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulat ion On Rotation to NMSS/Division of Spent Fuel Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 30 1-4 15-2308 From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 20 19 1:05 PM To: Turtil, Richard <Richard Turtil@orc gov>


call in info for Holtec mtg

Hi Richard! So sorry to bug you and with such short notice, but I was hoping you might be able to provide me with call in info for the Holtec meeting going on right now? I thought call in info was on the public meeting notice - but just noticed that we were supposed to let you know earlier. Please forgive me!!! Any info you could provide would be much appreciated!


Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission angeJa 919-803-9233 This e-mail and any a am confidential Attorney-Client or Attorney o not disclose outside the v I.

From: Coggins. Angela To: Maltese. James; Jehle Patricia; Bielecki Jessica Subject : Canceled : SONGS Scratch Issue Start: Thursday, April 11, 20191 :00:00 PM End: Thursday, April 11 , 20191 :30:00 PM Location: Jessica"s Office ??

Importance : High (b)(5)


Angela Hi Jessica and Jim ' !(b)(5) l(b)(5)

T hanks!

A ngela and Patty

From: Jehle Patricia To: 1 00


~~ =


Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:28:00 AM Date:

Importance: High Thank you.

p From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:20 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


RE: !(b

...._)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,

Tha nks Patty - I did get t he invite and I'm planning on attend ing. I just sent out my summary to you al l.

Joe Gi llespie From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:29 AM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe.Gil!>



...._)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.

5 Thanks Joe. l(b)( )

!(b)(5) p From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Pat ricia <>


RE:._!(b_)(5_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.


Joe Gillespie From: Jehl e, Patr icia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:18 AM To: Gill esp ie, Joe <Joe GiHespie@nrc gov>



...._)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

Importance: High Hi Joe, Patty

From : Jehle Patricia To : Clark Brooke Subject : RE:l(b)(5)

Date: ThLH saay , Apiii 18, 20 19 12 .50 . 16 PIVI Thank you Brooke. !(b)( 5) l(b)(5)

Pat ty From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 18, 20 19 12:13 PM To: Bi eleck i, Jess ica <Jessica .Bielecki@>; Jehle, Patr icia <Patricia .J>; Gillespie, Joe <>

Cc: Zo bler, M aria n <Ma ri an.Zobler>



.... )(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.



From: coaaios Angela To: Bielecki Jessica; Jehle Patricia; Maltese James Subject : RE: continuing SONGS questions Date: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:53:01 PM Ok, thanks!! I'll delete the email I was just editing!! © From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:52 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Pat>; Maltese, James <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@nrc .gov>


RE: continuing SONGS quest ions Just ran into Patty - no need to respond . I'm up to date © From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:46 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela ,Coggins@n re .gov>


RE : continuing SONGS questions Just to let you know I am off to an EMP meeting - I will respond when I return.

Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:42 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


RE: continuing SONGS questions Hi all, l(b)(5)

Thanks, Jessica From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 12:49 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Maltese, James <>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia,>


RE : continuing SONGS quest ions

Thanks for the update.

(b)(5) l(b)(5)

From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 11:17 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James.Maltese@nrc gov>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>


contin uing SONGS questions

. d J' J ess1ca an 1m -I l(b)(5)

I (b)(5)


Angela and Patty Angela Coggins

Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 e - 1ent or Attorney NRC without OGC approval.

From: Jehle. Patricia To : Coggins. Angela; Davis, Marlene Subject :

Start:  !(1bcii~~a9, Apr 1, 9, 2019 ro .oo .oo IM End: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 11:00:00 AM Location: Teleconference - Details to come

From: Jehle Patricia To: McKjraan John; Coggins Angela Cc: Layton Michael; Araguas CbcisJjan Subject : RE: Draft Exemption request is attached Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:30:00 AM Hi John, Thank you for sending the Exemption request. I am available to talk with you this afternoon. My calendar is up to date. I am in a meetings until 12 PM.

Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 6:52 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Jehle, Patricia <>

Cc: Layton, M ichael <>; Araguas, Christ ian <>


FW: Draft Exemption request is attached Angela, Patty, (b)(5)

Than ks, John From: Howe ll, Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:22 PM To: Layton, M ichael <Michael Layton@nrc gov>; McKirgan, John <Joh n.McKirgan@>


Fwd : Draft Exemption request is attached Here we go, easier distribution for OGC From: "ALBERT BATES" <AL BATES@sce com>


[External_Sender] Draft Exemption request is attached

Date: 16 April 2019 22:01 To: "Howell, Linda" <>



Linda, Per your request, attached is the draft exemption request.

Al Get Outlook for iOS

From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Maltese James Cc: Jehle Patricia Subject : Re: FYI - access to electronic database Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:25:53 AM (b)(5)


From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:20:20 AM To: Bie lecki, Jessica; M altese, James Cc: Jehle, Patricia


FYI - access t o electronic database Jessica, just wanted to let you know that Patty and I received our access to the electronic database about an hour ago. l(b)(6) I (b)(5)

But let me know if I'm missing something here. © Thanks!

Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, F uel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 19-803-9233 This e-ma1 Work-Product material. RC without OGC approval.

From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela Cc: Jehle Patricia; Maltese James Subject : RE:l/b}/5} IJpdate to 72.48 review Date: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:27:50 PM From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:17 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>; Maltese, James <James.>


FYI -!(b)(5) IUpdate to 72.48 review Importance: High Jessica, l(b)(S)

Than ks!

Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angcJa coggios@nrc,gov 9 19-803-9233 This e-mai an Work-Product material.

From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:14 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggins@nrc gov>


FW: Update to 72.48 review Importance: High Patty, Angela,

Than ks!

David David M . Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Howe ll, Linda Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 11:24 AM To: Brookhart, Lee <Lee Brookhart@nrc gov>; Simpson, Eric <Eric Simpson@nrc gov>; Smith, Chris

<>; Morris, Scott <>; Layton, Michael

<M jchael,>; Regan, Ch ristopher <Christopher. Rega>; Katanic, Janine

<>; Lubinski, Joh n <John>

Cc: Cylkowski, David <David Cylkowski@orc gov>


Update to 72.48 review Importance: High All. f(b)(5)


David, l(b)(5)

(b)(5) I

From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela ; Bielecki Jessica Cc: MalJese jarnes Subject : RE: FYI - (b}(5) ~ pdate to 72.48 review Date: Friday, Ap""

ri-12-6-, 2-o-, 9- 3-:3-1:-01_P

_M_ _ __,

Great news - I haven't read the document yet - but we can discuss next week.

Bon weekend to all.

Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:17 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>

Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>; Maltese, James <James.>


FYI -!(b)(5) !Update to 72.48 review Importance: High Jessica (b)(5)

Than ks!

Angela Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission ani:cl a,coi:i::ins@nrc.i::ov 919-803-9233 This e-mail a n ttorney-Client or Attorney roval.

From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:14 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>

Subject : FW: Update to 72.48 review Importance: High Patty, Angela,



David David M . Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Howell, Linda Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 11:24 AM To: Brookhart, Lee <>; Simpson, Eric <>; Smith, Chris

<Chris Smith@nrc gov>; Morris, Scott <Scott Morris@nrc gov>; Layton, Michael

<Michael Layton@nrc gov>; Rega n, Ch ristopher <Christopher Regan@nrc gov>; Katanic, Janine

<Jan>; Lubinski, Joh n <John>

Cc: Cylkowski, David <>


Update to 72.48 review Importance: High All. the attached is an update (minor edits) to the 72.48 review that was shared with some yesterday. l(b)(5) I (b)(5)

Attachment, consisting of 12 pages, is being withheld in its entirety under (Exemption 4). "DCS-002 Rev. O.. ." was From: Bielecki Jessica responsive to a previous request, NRC-To: Clark Brooke Cc: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia; Maltese James 2019-000239 Subject : FYI: SCE cask scratch related documents Date:


r nay

!(b0 April 16 2019 1*40*29 PM pcs-002 Rey OCCN PR578838-Fina13-29-]9 pdf (b)(5) l(b)(5)

I From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:12 PM To: Lub inski, John; Moore, Scott Cc: Layton, M ichael; Bielecki, Jessica


FYI: SCE 72.212/72.48 John, Scott, For you r easy reference, THIS is the CURRENT SCE 72.221/72.48 and engineering change notice implementing the change.

Regards, Chris From: MARK M ORGAN rk.

Se nt: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:50 PM To: Howell, Linda

  • Cc: Layton, Michael <M ichael. Layton@n>; Regan, Christopher <>; Brookhart, Lee <Lee.Brookhart@>; ALBERT BATES <ALBATES@>; MARK MORGAN <Ma>


    [Ext erna l_Sender] RE : (Externa l):RE: SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone ca ll Linda, See at tached. Please forwa rd t o anyone else w ho is going t o be on t he call.

    Thanks, M ark (949) 368-6745 From: Howe ll, Linda [mailto-Ljnda Howell@orc gov]

    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9 :35 AM To: MARK MORGAN


    (Externa l):RE: SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone ca ll

    Mark is there a way that you can share this with us other than Certrec?


    Sent: Monday, Apri l 15, 2019 6:52 PM To: Howell, Lin da <>; Rega n, Christopher <Christop>;

    Layton, Michael <M ichael.>; Brookha rt, Lee <>

    Cc: ALBERT BATES <AL.BATES@sce com >; JERRY STEPHENSON <Jerry Stephenson@sce com >


    [E xt ernal_Se nd er] SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phon e ca ll All ,

    I have uploaded SCE's 72.212 change package and associated 72.48 evaluatio n to the CERTREC electronic read ing room .

    The documents appear as:

    4 19 72.48 eval uat ion, and 4-15-19 72.2 12 cha nge package.

    Please let me know if you have any quest ions re gard ing t his.

    Than ks, Mark (949) 368-6745


    COVER PAGE 0219-87459-2 0 DR758838






    ~:..:.::...::::...:..:::..:.::.:.:.=.=======-I S0123-XXIV-S.1 10CFR50,59'72.48 0 PROGRAM O DATABASE Assignment 0219-87459*3 Expand or replace DCS-002, Appendix E.1, Sections 1.2.4 and 9.5, with the text below. This CCN also replaces DR758582 in its entirety.

    1.2.4 Oparatlonal Character/st/cs ofthe HI-STORM UMAX

    b. The vertical insertion (or withdrawal) of the MPC eliminates the risk of gouging or binding of the MPC with the CEC parts.

    SCE and Holtec acknowledge that lhere is a polenlial ror incidental contact between the MPC and various sub-components located within Iha divider slhell. Therefore, SCE Is taking exception to the HI-STORM UMAX FSAR Revision 4 text.


    "The operaUonal steps required to place a loaded MPC into a HI-STORM UMAX VVM cavity have been described in this chapter. The steps to remove an MPC from s loaded WM, which are essentially reverse of the steps In the loading sequence, have been provided in Chapter 9 of the HI-STORM FW System FSAR [9.6.1). These loading stttps ere, of necessity, generic in their description end may require adaptation to a specific fSFSf. The implementation steps ere nevertheless sufficiently detailed to lead ta the conclusion that the guidelines of safety and Al.ARA set down in NUREG-1536 are fully satlslled. In partfcufar, it can be concluded that:

    vii. Because the MPC insertion (and withdrawal) occurs In the vertfcal configuration with ample lateral c/eeranctts, there Is no risk of scratching or gouging of the MPC's external surface (Confinement Boundary). Thus the ASME Section Ill Class 1 prohibition against damage to Iha pressure retaining boundary Is maintained.*

    SCE and Holtec acknowledge Iha! there is a potential ror incJdentel contact between the MPC end various sub-components located within the divider shell. Therefore, SCE is taking exception lo lhe HI-STORM UMAX FSAR Revision 4 lext.

    Based on material properties, configuration/geometry and resulting loads supporting such contact, such contact is not expected to produce "scratches or gouges* that would challenge the ASME Section Ill, Class 1, pressure (confinement) boundary.

    To substantiate that conclusion SCE has perfonned a delalled, In situ vlsual assessment or three loaded canisters within their respective storage over-packs as discussed in Reference E.3.16. Those assessments were thoroughly and conservatively evaluated and concluded lhat the results of any Incidental contact are well within the e,cisling design margins defined by the ASME B&PV Code [E.3.9].

    And modify the References to read as follows:

    E.3.9 Hl-2188437, Latest Revision, *tnclden.ce and Consequences of Canister Shell Wear Scars from Misaligned Insertion of a Loaded MPC at SONGS*

    E.3.16 "HI-STORM Multi-Purpose Canister Visual Assessment Report,* Revision 0, 3/29119



    OuaUflca n Verified: SAS SAS lnidal Initial


    auawrauon Verified: BAS Initial see 26-122-1 REV. 12 10/12 (



    From: Church Ashley To : Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela ; Maltese James; Jehle Patricia Subject : HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System Date: Thursday, April 11 , 2019 9:07 :50 AM Attachments: HI-STORM UMAX Canister Stora9e_Sy_stem.Qdl Good Morning ,

    Please see attached. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

    Thanks A~ ?It,, ~ ' Administrative Assistant High-Level Waste , Fuel Cycle, and Nuclear Security Office of the General Counsel (301) 287-9180/(301) 415-3200(F) 015816/014A44(MS)

    H O LT EC INTERNATIONAL HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System Docket# 72-1040 Incidence and Consequences of Surface Scratches on the MPC Shell A Public Presentation to the NRC By: Charles Bullard & Dr. Stefan Anton Holtec International (

    April 10, 2019, White Flint, MD I lvlltCW~J, ,CP,led ii Bio ,SI Presentation Agenda H O L TEC INT(RNATIONAL Areas of presentation:

    ,,. Consideration of Scratches in the ASME Code, regulatory and licensing space

    ,,. Information in the UMAX FSAR related to MPC scratches and the basis for change

    Hollec - Confidential lnf-ormation Principal Meeting Objective H OLT E(


    • To present Holtec's regulation-informed and ASME Code-based position on MPC surface scratches for NRC's consideration.
    • To provide a definitive case why the statement in the Operations chapter (Section 9.5) of the "UMAX" FSAR on the plausible absence of scratches during Canister loading is NOT safety-significant information and does NOT affect functional performance under the Certificate-of-Compliance granted by the NRC.

    bfO!!QS £9!9) f eA:sd B, 10 , Cildt Origin and Prevalence of Scratches H OLTE(


    > Scratches in plates and shells in the manufacture of any weldment are present everywhere. From the time a stack of plates arrives at the factory, the rubbing between the plate layers causes scratches to develop. Most plates come from the mill bearing scratches. Rolling, bending , forming, shearing, machining, etc., necessary to fabricate are all potential scratch-making operations. Surface scratches are commonplace and expected in MPCs.

    > Quality manufacturing plants, such as ours, place a limit on admissible depth and population density of scratches, primarily to address workmanship considerations. Holtec's procedure HSP-320 has been used to screen scratches in thousands of hardware supplied by the company to nuclear plants.

    l leltce eepy11gl tted 111cneJ 1al 2

    I loltec Coflfidefltial lflformation The Many Incarnations of Scratches H OL T E(


    > Two materials rubbing against each other produce scratches through abrasive wear.

    > Materials that have close metallurgical affinity (such as austenitic stainless against austenitic stainless) are also susceptible to adhesive wear (galling) which can cause the scratch to be exacerbated.

    > The depth and width of a scratch depends on the contact force and the state of the armor on the stainless steel surface (which varies from plate to plate). However, the greater the contact force, the deeper the scratch.

    > Predicting the size of the scratch, therefore, is not an exact science.

    nuaec copy1 ,gt 11c d,, ,ate .al Minimizing the Extent of Scratching H O LT EC INTERNATIONAL

    > Minimizing the extent of scratching on the Canister's surface must occur in conjunction with other considerations.

    > For example, the ID of the Shield Ring opening in "UMAX" is 1/2 inch larger than the Canister OD to minimize the crew dose; the MPC Seismic Restraints are likewise closely positioned.

    > The result: UMAX has a very high seismic tolerance capability, and the dose sustained by the crew is negligible.

    > Scratches, which are purely cosmetic, are tolerated for the sake of the far more important benefits mentioned above.

    l*la,t...e eepy, 1gl1ted ,, 1ale1 1al 3

    I loltee Confidential Information The MPC is replete with local discontinuities such as scratches HOL T EC INTERNATIONAL Lifting Hole (Local

    > As the figure shows, Structural Discontinuity) the Local Discontinuities are everywhere in a MPC Surface manufactured MPC. Scratch (Local Structural

    > Every ridge and Discontinuity) valley in an as-welded seam is a Uneven Weld Local Discontinuity. Shell-to-Base Surface (Local Plate Joint Structural (Gross Discontinuity)

    Structural Discontinuity)

    HUI tee copy, IWI l[Cd iliJlei 161 Vertical Canister Insertion in "UMAX" minimizes scratches and their severity H O L TEC INTERNATIONAL

    > Compared to horizontal insertion, where scratching occurs by the full weight of the Canister, the maximum contact load in UMAX, under the most limiting condition tolerance stack up, is merely - 2500 lbs. (2.5% of the Canister's weight).

    > As a result, the scratches, if any, are inevitably shallow.

    > Numerical analyses by Holtec showed the maximum depth of the scratch, due to abrasive wear, to be roughly 1.2 mils (0.0012") per 1000 lbs. of force.

    > Tests in the shop to simulate the MPC shell contact showed a deeper scratch (but still quite shallow) because the scratching was accompanied by adhesive wear (i.e., galling of the plate surface).

    Existing surface scratches do not impact the safety and functionality of the MPC.

    I lel!c. eop,, ,g*,tcd "'"'"' ,al 4

    Holtec - Confidential l11fon11ation Quantifying the Maximum Scratch Depth HOLT E(


    > Shop tests and finite element analyses showed that the maximum average scratch depth (due to abrasive wear) is bounded by 2.4 mils (0.0024").

    > Minimum wall t hickness required to meet the design internal pressure for the Canister is only 0.216" (per NB-3324 of the ASME Code); leaving a substantial thickness reserve (> 0.25") for imperfections such as scratches.

    > Extensive examination of the loaded Canisters has showed most loading related scratches to be invisibly small; the average depth across the width the scratch mark was near zero, and the deepest valley at any measured scratch location was 26 mils (0.026") deep.

    The scratches introduced during insertion remain a fraction of the required limit in the ASME Code.

    HOit&C WPYl tg! 1100 111a1e1 \JI How does the ASME Code classify surface scratches in an MPC? H O LT E(


    > The MPCs are designed to meet the highest pedigree of the ASME Code, Section Ill Subsection NB, to the maximum extent practicable. The MPCs are manufactured to the same rigorous requirements as the Reactor Vessel and the Pressurizer in nuclear reactors.

    > Several types of stresses are produced in a pressure vessel; they are classified by their degree of significance to the equipment's safety:

    > Primary Stress (NB-3213.8): Controlling, it is most significant to equipment's safe operation

    > Secondary Stress (NB-3213.9): Somewhat significant, produced at locations of gross structural dls*continuity.

    > Peak Stress (NB-3213. 11 ). Non-significant in quiescent equipment such as an MPC; develops at locations of local structural discontinuity.

    1loltae ee~111;1,1ee "'01e,,e1 5

    Hallee - Confidential Information Import of Local Discontinuities in a Canister HOLT EC INTERNATIONAL

    > Examples of local discontinuities are: unevenness in the welded mass, scratches on the surface, vent and drain port holes, non-linear component of thru-thickness stress distribution from pressure & other loadings.

    > Every MPC has local discontinuities whether there are scratches or no scratches.

    > Because the local discontinuities produce only peak stresses which are inconsequential to safety, they are not considered in the FSARs.

    > Table 3 1 10 of the HI-STORM UMAX FSAR describes Peak Stress (Fl as follows*

    'Increment added to primary or secondary stress by a concentratton {notch). or. certain thermal stresses that may cause fattgue but not distortion Because fattgue 1s not a credible source of failure 1n a pass1Ye system with gradual temperature changes, the cumulat1Ye damage factor from fatigue 1s not computed for HI-STORM UMAX components*

    Local Discontinuity produces peak stress which is immaterial to the safety margin in an MPC I toi1ec COPJ"W ilcd a utc: al Code places no limit on peak stresses HOLTE C INTERNATIONAL

    > Local discontinuities and hence peak stresses are ubiquitous in every MPC. The Code places no limit on their number or size because they are irrelevant to the vessel's safe operation.

    > That is why Chapter 2- Principal Design Criteria in the UMAX FSAR has no limits on peak stresses.

    > That is why the NRC's Safety Evaluation Report (SER) makes no mention of the Commission having considered the peak stresses.

    > That is why the Certificate-of-Compliance makes no mention of any type of local discontinuity (such as scratch) or peak stresses in the MPCs.

    Holter cop,wgbted malenal 6

    Holtec Confidential Information Classifying Contents of a FSAR H O L TEC INTERNATIONAL

    > The FSAR's content can be divided in three categories:

    1. Safety critical: This material is placed and locked down in the CoC. It can only be altered by a License amendment.
    2. Safety significant (SS): Not locked down in the CoC but subject to a highly controlled change process under 10CFR72.48.

    ~ on-safety significant (NSS): Supplemental information that is not relied on to fulfill a safety function and is not included in the NRC SER.

    Hsltes " 9f3) r,ghtod maror,ol Regulatory Perspective on Scratches on Canisters HOLT EC INTERNATIONAL

    > The scratches are not mentioned or relied on in the NRC's SER for "UMAX".

    > Indeed, our research shows, scratches have never been 7

    considered a safety issue i ~ SER written by the NRC fov ~

    • any Holtec storage system. -

    > The NRC treated scratches in Canisters as non-germane to safety going back to the 1980s.

    1loilee ee13;:.,st.1ea FP:ate al 7

    Holtec - CoRfieential Information Regulatory and Licensing Perspectives HOLTE(


    > From a regulatory perspective, the presence of surface scratches on the MPC are not relevant to the safety determination.

    > Any discussion of scratches in the FSAR represents non-safety significant information, along with numerous other non-safety items in the MPC.

    > Given that information in the FSAR on surface scratches is non-safety significant, clarifying the associated FSAR discussion cannot, by definition, imply a change of any safety consequence.

    > The statement in the FSAR regarding no risk of scratching during insertion can be deleted or amended without affecting the safety analyses and conclusions in the FSAR.

    I l~!t8Q SGip~ c19b!Od Q)J ICCIOI Licensing Perspectives HOLTE(


    > Filing a License Amendment Request (LAR) that does not pertain to a safety consideration would be a non sequitur.

    > We have accordingly changed the followin g statement in Section 9.5:

    • Because the MPC Insertion (and withdrawal) occurs 1n the vertical configuration with ample lateral clearances. there is no risk of scratching or gouging of the MPC's external surface (Confinement Boundary).

    Thus the ASME Section Ill Class 1 prohibition against damage to the pressure retaining boundary is maintained.*

    to (through the 72.48 process):

    "MPC insertion and withdrawal occurs in a tightly controlled vertical configuration with minimal lateral clearances. The MPC may come in contact with the shield ring and upper and lower seismic restraints (when present). The confined vertical configuration during MPC insertion limits the lateral loads placed on the MPC and precludes significant wear or scratches on the MPC's external surface (Confinement Boundary). Because scratches produce only localized stress raisers known as *peak stresses* in Section Ill of the ASME Code whieh (as noted in Table 3.1.1 Oof this FSAR) are germane only to cyclic fatigue considerations, the applicable stress intensity limits of ASME Section Ill Class 1 (primary and secondary) for the pressure retaining boundary will remain unaffected by the presence of scratches.*

    I leltee ee~~ r eAtea' m;;itg:*71 "


    Holtec- Corrfiderrtial Information Licensing Perspectives (cont.)


    > FSAR Section 9.5 was only meant to summarize (using several high level narrative examples) why Safety and ALARA is achieved through the operational steps outlined in Sections 9.1 - 9.4, as well as through the HI-STORM UMAX design itself.

    > Thus, Section 9.5 simply makes a conclusion based on the preceding sections. It does not, nor was it intended to, articulate new or additional safety or operational requirements . This fact is supported by the omission of Section 9.5 from all other Holtec ISFSI FSARs.

    A01tec wpy11g1,ted ,.a1er1al Licensing Perspectives (cont.)


    > The CoC/TS references the FSAR in various locations, for example in Table 3-1 with respect to ASME Code.

    > When statements in the FSAR are incorporated into the CoC/TS in the sense that they become a legal part of it, they are identified clearly to avoid any misunderstanding. Examples can be found in the HI-STORM 100 FSAR, Section, and HI-STAR 180 SAR, Section, UMAX CoC Appendix B, Section 5.3.9. A

    _g_eneral reference to the FSAR in the CoC is therefore oat-considered an inclusion by reference. Hence independent of the

    • d1scuss1on about the relevance of Section 9 .5 above, the statement about "no risk of scratching" can not be considered as being included by reference in the CoC .

    Holtec cop)"rght~rt mater1al 9

    I loltee - Confidential lnfom ,ation Closing Remarks HOLTE C INTERNATIONAL

    > Localized scratches are an inevitable factor in MPC manufacture, transport and operation .

    > Localized scratches in the MPC are not of concern from the standpoint of compliance with ASME Section 111, Subsection NB stress intensity limits, nor do they violate any design or licensing requirements per the HI-STORM UMAX FSAR.

    > Localized scratches in the MPC are not a safety concern nor do they affect its functionality.

    > The discussion of scratches in FSAR Section 9.5 represents non-safety significant information.

    > Using 10CFR72.48, Holtec has clarified the FSAR language describing wear and scratches on the MPC external surface.

    I loltccC<ljlJF<@Flea n ate a!

    HOLTE C INTERNATIONAL End of Presentation 10

    From : Coggins Angela To : Bielecki Jessjca ; Maltese James; Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: HI-STORM UMAX Canister Storage System Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 9 :12:3 1 AM Thanks so much!!

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 11, 2019 9: 12 AM To: Cogg ins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@ nrc .gov>; M altese, James <James.Ma>; Je hl e, Pat ricia <>


    RE: HI -STORM UM AX Caniste r Storage System FYI , these are the slides from Holtec's presentation yesterday.

    From: Ch urch, Ash ley Sent: Thursday, Ap ril 11, 2019 9:08 AM To: Bielecki, Jess ica <Jessica>; Cogg ins, Ange la <Angela.Coggios@nrc gov>;

    Maltese, James <>; Jeh le, Pat ri cia <>


    HI-STORM UM AX Ca niste r Storage System Good Morning, Please see attached. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

    Thanks A~ ?1{., ~ , Administrative Assistant High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, and Nuclear Security Office of the General Counsel (301) 287-9180/(301) 415-3200(F) 0 15816/014A44(MS)

    From: Jehle Patricia To : Cylkowski David ; Coggins Ange la Subject :  !(b)(5)

    Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 9:14:02 AM FYI --l (b-)(5_

    ) --------------------



    From: Qav;s Macione To: Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 3:20:35 PM Attachments: imageoo1 png Patti I am out of the office until tomorrowJ(b)(5) l(b)(5), (b)(6)

    Marlene From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 8:58 AM To: Davis, Marlene <Marlone.Davis@>


    FW: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Importance: High Hi Marlane, Patty From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 8:52 AM To: Davis, Marlene (Marlene. Davis@nrc.iwv) <Marlone.Davis@nrc.ov>


    Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Importance: High Hi Marlane, (b)(5)


    Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (30 I) 287-9199

    From: Qav;s Macione To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angeta Attachment, consisting of 98 pages, is the Subject : RE: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions licensee's proprietary information and is being Date: Monday, April 08 , 2019 4:56:42 PM withheld in its entirety under FOIA ex. 4.

    Attachments: PCS-002 REY 0-1-16 FINAL docx jmageoo1.png l(b)(5)

    From: Jehle, Pat ricia Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 4 :44 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Davis, Marlane <Marlone.Davis@n>


    FW: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system quest ions Importance: High Thank you Marlone -


    Patty From: Davis, Marlane Sent: Monday, April 08, 20 19 4:40 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc ~ov>


    RE: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Patti (b)(5) 1.



    From: Jeh le, Patricia

    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 3:55 PM To: Davis, Marlane <>


    RE : Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Importance: High Than k you Marlone -

    !(b)(5) I l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Also-1 (b)(5)

    I 1.




    Patty From: Davis, Ma rlane Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 3:50 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX st orage system questions Patti (b)(5)

    M arlane From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 8, 2019 11:34 AM To: Davis, Marlane <Marlone>


    RE: Holtec Hi-St orm UMAX st orage system questions Hi Marlane, l(b)(5)



    Please let me know.

    Patty From: Davis, Marlane

    Sent: Su nday, April 07, 2019 12:16 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    Re : Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Patti Martone From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 8:51:59 AM To: Davis, Marlane


    Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Hi Marlane, (b)(5)

    Thanks, Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199 "U.S.NRC U....U Saru.1 Nacla, Lp.b ._, c.-J*'**

    """" * /wpl, """* &m;;;;;;;;;

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Attachment, consisting of 4 pages, to be Subject : FW: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Date: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 10:05:03 AM withheld in its entirety (Exemption 5)

    Attachments: iooaaeoo1 png

    $CE ASME Code and TS docx From: Davis, M arlane Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 4 :40 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


    RE : Holt ec Hi-St orm UMAX st orage system questions Patti (b)(5) 1.



    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: M onday, April 8, 2019 3:55 PM To: Davis, M arlane <Macione Davjs@nrc gov>


    RE : Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Importance: High I

    Thank you Marlane -

    !(b)(5) l.._______________________,


    Also _,(b)(5l (b)(5)

    (b)(5) 1.




    Patty From: Davis, M arlone Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 3:50 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE : Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Patti (b)(5)

    M arlone

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 8, 2019 11:34 AM To: Davis, Marlane <Marlone .Davis@>


    RE: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Hi Marlone, (b)(5)

    Please let me know.

    Patty From: Davis, Marlane Sent: Su nday, April 07, 2019 12:16 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    Re: Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Patti Marlone From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 8:51:59 AM To: Davis, Marlane


    Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Hi Marlone,


    Thanks, Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199

    From: McKirgao John To: Araguas Christian; Pavis Marlooe Cc: Bielecki Jessica; Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela


    FW: Holtec Letter 5021051 Attachment publicly available at Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 4:32:33 PM ML19106A059 Attachments: 5021051 pdf 5

    FYI. ....

    l(b-)( _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,! Enjoy, John From: Kimberly Manzione [mai lto:K. Manzione@]

    Sent: Friday, Apri l 12, 2019 4:13 PM To: Regan, Christopher <>

    Cc: Layton, M ichael <>; McKirga n, John <John.McKi rga>; Stefan Anton <s.anton@ holt>; Chuck Bu llard <C.Bullard@holt>


    [Ext erna l_Sender] Holtec Letter 5021051

    Chris, Attached please find Holtec Letter 5021051 which addresses the question you asked during t he meeting on Wednesday.
    Thanks, Kim Kimberly M anzione Licensing Manager Holtec Internat iona l Office: 856-797-0900 ext 3951 Cell: !(b)(6) I
    • formation contained herein is intended only for the person or entity to 1ch it is addresse nd may contain confidential and/or privileged material from tee International. ou are not the intended recipient, you must not k , use, disclose, copy or distribute t
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    • n. Further, review, retransmission, dissemina
    • or other use of this inf'or on in whole or part for any other purpose by persons outsi e recipient's or 1zation is strictly prohibited unless explicit authorization to such effect ha en is ed by the sender of this message. Holtec International policies expressly prohibit ees from making defamatory or offensive statements and infringing any copyr* tor any ot legal right by Email communication. Holtec Intern
    • nal will not accept any
    • bility in respect of such communications. Holtec I rnational has taken precautions inimize the risk of transmitting softwar
    • 1ruses, but we advise you to carry out your o virus checks on any attachmen this message. Holtec International cannot accept liabili r any loss or dama used by software viruses. If you are the intended recipient and you not wish receive similar electronic messages from us in the future then please respond e sender to this effect.

    From: Qav;s Macione To: McKjraan John; Araguas Christian Cc: Bielecki Jessica; Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Holtec Letter 5021051 Date: Sunday, April 14 , 2019 9:37:51 PM This sound fimilar.

    From: McKirgan, John Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 4:32 PM To: Araguas, Christian <Christian.Araguas@>; Davis, Marlane <Ma>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>


    FW: Holtec Letter 5021051 5

    FYl. .r. _)( _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 Enjoy, John From: Kimberly Manzione [5]

    Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 4:13 PM To: Regan, Christopher <Christopher.Regan@>

    Cc: Layton, Michael <>; McKirga n, John <>; Stefan Anton <>; Chuck Bul lard <>


    [Externa l_Sender) Holtec Letter 5021051

    Chris, Attached please find Holtec Letter 5021051 which addresses the question you asked during t he meeting on Wednesday.
    Thanks, Kim Kimberly Manzione Licensing Manager Holtec Internationa l Office: 856-797-0900 ext 3951 Cell:l(b)(6) I

    ~-.. **~ts and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by E communicabo . ltec International will not accept any liabi *

    • respect of such communications. Holtec national has taken pre ons to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, bu to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. nter
    • nal cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by sof e viruses. If you are the I ed recipient and you do not wish to receive *
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    Scratch Vio,lation (23 pages) is being withheld in its entirety (Exemption 5); DCS-002 and 0219-87 459-3, Rev. 0, responsive in previous request, NRC-2019-From: Gillespie Joe 000239; Rev. 1, see comment on To: Roth IOGC\ David Subject : FW: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation r1" (DMC) page 92; Secure zip attachments Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:31 :00 PM are publicly available at Attachments: scratch violation rJ IPMC) docx ML16341B100, ML16341B107 and imageoo1.png ML16341B080.

    QCS-002 Rey o CCN PR578838-Fjnal 3-29-]9 pdf 0219-87459-3 Rey l Regulatory Review of 72 212 Changes Associated With Incidental Contact Revision l pdf SecureZIP Attachments zip 0219-87459-3 Rev. o Reg Review of ?2.212 Changes UMAX Incident FINAL.pd/

    Importance: HiAh From: Mouldi ng, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:00 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe.G illespie@>

    Cc: Lemoncelli, Ma uri <Mauri>


    FW: Holtec UM AX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Joe, Pat From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:38 PM To: Lemoncelli, Mauri <Maurj Lemoncellj@nrc gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James.Ma>; Coggins, Angela <>


    Holtec UM AX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Pat and Mauri, (b)(5)

    (b)(5), (b)(6)

    Angela and I are ava ilable late today or tomorrow the attorney assigned th is issue wis hes to discuss.

    I am teleworking at b)(6) I on a conference call until 3:30 PM.

    Thanks, Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:58 PM To: Regan, Christopher <Christopher Regan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jeh le, Patricia <Patricia JehJe@nrc !NY>; Coggins, Angela <Angela>


    Fw: scratch violation rl {DMC).docx 5

    Thanks, Chris. ...

    ,~_)(-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Safe travels.

    From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 12:16 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica Cc: McKirgan, John; Araguas, Christian; Layton, Michael; Howell, Linda


    FW: scratch violat ion rl (DMC) .docx

    Hi Jessica, (b)(5)

    I will be out of the office shortly (traveling to Region Ill) so please engage with John McKirgan (Acting for DSFM for the rest of today) if you have any questions today. Mike Layton will be back in the office tomorrow.

    Regards, Chris

    {!J!li~ ?Ji. ~ Deputy Director Division. of Spent FueLMan.JJ.gefflJ!nt Offit:e of sVucli!ar Material Safety and Safeguards US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

    l .S. \f RC ~ : (301J 415-9956

    ;.::::;-....= Email: From: Howe ll, Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:08 PM To: Layton, Michael <MichaeLLayton@nrc,gov>; Regan, Christopher <Chrjstopher.Regan@nrc,gov>


    FW: scratch violation rl (D MC).docx Importance: High Mike and ChrisJ(b)(S) l(b)(5)


    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Maltese James; Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation r1" (DMC)

    Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:51 :21 PM Attachments: imageoo1 pna Thanks for the update.

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:09 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James.Ma>


    FYI: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC}

    Importance: High 5

    r;:-J-:-:: st__a__n__F__

    u'7'" Y__

    l..._l(b_)(_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____J~

    !(b)(5) J From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:07 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>


    FW: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation r l " (DMC)

    Importance: High Patty,

    . l(b)(5)

    I hope you are doing well today.


    Joe Gi llespie From: Moulding, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:00 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe>

    Cc: Lemoncelli, Mauri <>


    FW: Holtec UMAX Cask St orage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Joe, l(b)(5)

    Pat ISE From: Jehle, Patricia Se nt: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:38 PM To: Lemoncelli, Mauri <Maurj.Lemoncelli@orc gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Moulding@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Subject : Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Pat and Mauri, (b)(5)

    Angela and I are available late toda or tomorrow the attorney assigned t his issue wis hes to discuss.

    I am teleworking at (b)(6) on a conference call unt il 3:30 PM.

    Tha nks, Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:58 PM To: Regan, Christopher <Christopher Regan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jeh le, Pat ricia <Patricia Jeh!e@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Ange!>


    Fw: scratch violation rl (DMC).docx 5

    Thanks, Chris.r..._)(_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.

    Safe travels.

    From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:16 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica Cc: McKirgan, John; Araguas, Christian; Layton, Michael; Howell, Linda


    FW: scratch violation rl (D MC).docx Hi Jessica, (b)(5), (b)(6)

    I will be out of the office shortly (traveling to Region Ill) so please engage with John McKirgan (Acting for DSFM for the rest of today) if you have any questions today. Mike Layton will be back in the office tomorrow.

    Regards, Chris

    ~ ?N. ~ Deputy Di.rector Di,,ision. of Spent Fuel M a1tJJ.gem.ent Office of Nuclear Matsrial Safety and Safeguards US Nuclear Regiu.atory Commission


    L.S. RC fl,.; (301; 415-9956 Em.ail: Christopher.Refan@nrc.fOV

    From: Howe ll, Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:08 PM To: Layton, Micha el <M ichae l.Layton>; Regan, Christ opher <Christop>


    FW: scratc h violation rl (DMC).docx Importance: High Mike and Chris, .l (b)(5) I (b)(5) I (b)(5)


    I Linda

    From: Gillespie Joe To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angeta Subject : RE: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation r1" (DMC)

    Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:36:54 AM Attachments: imageoo1 ong Thanks Patty ~... 5l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.


    Joe Gi llespie From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:29 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe.Gillespie@>; Coggins, Angela <>


    RE: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (D MC)

    ~ 5 Thank you Joe ...(b-)(- l___________... I am in HQ tomorrow. l Pat ty From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4 :07 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia .Jehle@>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@>


    FW: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Patty, 5

    I hope you are doing well todav.l(b)( )


    Joe Gi llespie From: Mouldi ng, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:00 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe,>

    Cc: Lemoncelli, Mauri <Mauri Lemoncelli@orc gov>


    FW: Holtec UMAX Cask Storage System 72.48 Review " scratch violation rl" (DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Joe,

    Pat From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:38 PM To: Lemoncelli, Mauri <>; Moulding, Patrick <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; M altese, James <James Ma !tese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>


    Holtec UMAX Cask Storage Syst em 72.48 Review "scratch violation rl " {DMC)

    Importance: High Hi Pat and M auri, (b)(5)

    meet the criteria may be changed without prior NRC approva l.

    Angela and I are avr able late toda11or tomorrow the attorney assigned th is issue wishes to discuss.

    I am teleworking at (b)(G) on a conference call until 3:30 PM.

    Tha nks, Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 12:58 PM To: Regan, Christopher <Christopher Regan@>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>; Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggios@nrc gov>


    Fw: scratch violation rl (DMC).docx 5

    Thanks, Chris ....

    l(b-)(_)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Safe travels.

    From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:16 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica Cc: McKirgan, John; Araguas, Christian; Layton, Michael; Howell, Linda


    FW: scratch violation rl (DMC).docx Hi Jessica, (b)(5), (b)(6)

    I will be out of the office shortly (traveling to Region 111) so please engage with John McKirgan (Acting for DSFM for the rest of today) if you have any questions today. Mike Layton will be back in the office tomorrow.

    Regards, Chris

    ~ ?K. ~ .. Deputy Director Dil-ision. of Spent Fuel ~fatu1.genumt Offit:e of ,VuclBar Materia.L Safety a.JU!. Safeguards US uclear Regulatory Commi.ssion a_: (301) 415-9956 Email* Christopher.Recan.@Jtrc. flO V From: Howel l, Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:08 PM To: Layton, Michael <Michael Layton@nrc gov>; Regan, Christopher <Christopher Regan@nrc gov>


    FW: scratch vio lation rl (D MC) .docx Importance: High Linda

    From: coaajns Angela To: Jehle Patricia Subject : just want ed t o share some prelim thought s Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 4:09:36 PM Hi P;:ittvl l(b)(5)


    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 19-80 3-9233

    This e-mail and any an*c1a1ccnri~r:itsc..U;l.§ Work-Product material.

    From: Microsoft Outlook on behalf of McKirgan. John To: Jeh le. Patricia Subject : Meeting Forward Notification : SONGS UMAX Cask System and Scratch Issue Start: Thursday, April 11, 2019 3 :00:00 PM End: Thursday, April 11 , 2019 4 :00:00 PM (b)(6)

    Location: Jessica Bieleck"s Office OWFN/ 15 807 -- Bridgline Details: Telephone: 888-469-0941 / Passcode Yo ur meeting was forwarded McKirgan, John <mai lto:John.McKirgan@n> has forwarded your meeting request to additional recipients.

    Meet ing SONGS UMAX Cask System and Scratch Issue Meeting Time Thursday. April 11. 2019 3:30 PM -4:00 PM.

    Recipients Araguas, Christian <maiho:Christian.Araguas>

    All times l isted are in the following time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

    Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server

    From: Bielecki Jessica To : Cogg ins Angela; Jehle Patricia Subject : FW : Message from KM_C368 Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:00:21 AM FYl ,l(b)(5)

    From: Jess ica <Jess>

    Sent: Fri day, Apri l 12, 2019 7:33 AM To: Bielecki, Jess ica <J essica .Bielecki@>


    Message from KM_C368

    From: Jehle Patricia To :  !/@~rs Angela <Angela Coagins@nrc gov\

    Subject :

    Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 11 :41 :00 AM An o-P.1::t J (b)(S) I (b)(5)

    From : Jehle Patricia To : McKiraao John The attachment (52 pages) is Subject :  !(b)(5) being withheld in its entirety Date: frjday Amil J9 2019 JO *;JJ'OO AM Attachments: l(b)(5) (Exemption 5)

    John !(b)(5) l(b)(5)


    From: Jehle Patricia To: McKirgan John Subject : AE:!/b\/5)

    Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 10:50:00 AM l(b)(5) p From: McKirgan, John Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 10:48 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


    RE: ....

    l(b_)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

    Than ks!


    Than ks, John From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 10:33 AM To: McKirgan, John <>



    John _

    !(b)(5) l (b)(5)


    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica Cc: MalJese James Subject :


    That sounds good. I will let David Cylkowski know.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 8:44 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: !(b)(5) I Hi Patty,

    ,~X51 Jessica From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 3:56 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    RE i (b)(5) I Thanks.

    p From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:54 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>



    ... )(5_) _ _ _ __.

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Attachment (1 page) is being Cc: Maltese James withheld in its entirety Subject : FW: More Hearing Material (Exemption 5)

    Date: Monday, April 15, 2019 9:39:01 AM Attachments: NMSS SONGS Spent fuel Canister Scratching Issue docx Importance: High Angela and Patty, (b)(5)

    Thanks, Jessica From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 9:24 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@n>; Maltese, James <>;

    Moulding, Patrick <>; Lemoncelli, Mauri <Mauri.Lemoncelli>;

    Campbell, Tison <Tison.Campbe ll>; Roth (OGC), David <>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <>


    FW: More Hearing Material Importance: High Good morning, all:


    Thank you, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171

    From: Ri hm, Roger Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2019 11:04 AM To: Ammo n, Bernice <>

    Cc: Clark, M ichael <>


    More Hearing Material Importance: High

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela <Angela Coggins@nrc gov}

    Cc: MalJese James (James MalJese@nrc gov}

    Subject : RE: More Hearing Material Date: Monday, April 15, 2019 10:03:00 AM Jessica, (b)(5)

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: M onday, April 15, 20 19 9:39 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi ns@>; Jehle, Pat ricia <>

    Cc: Malt ese, James <>


    FW: More Hearing Material Importance: High Angela and Patty, (b)(5)

    Thanks, Jessica From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 9:24 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bjeieckj@nrc gov>; Ma ltese, Jam es <James Ma ltese@nrc gov>;

    M ou lding, Patrick <Patrick.Mou>; Lemoncell i, Mauri <Mauri.Lemoncel>;

    Campbel l, Tison <Tjson.Campbe ll>; Roth (OGC), David <David Roth@nrc gov>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    FW: More Hearing Material Importance: High Good morning, all:


    Thank you, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Rihm, Roger Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2019 11 :04 AM To: Ammon, Bernice <>

    Cc: Cla rk, M ichae l <>


    More Hearing Material Importance: High

    From: Bielecki Jessica To : Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Cc : MalJese James Subject : more on SCE....

    Date: Thursday, April 4, 2019 3:00:50 PM Attachment is Attachments: Fwd 100 - 230 Public Meeting with HOLTEC on SONGS SNF loading and scratch issue wrt 31620 19 Holtec letter ML19077A021.msg already publicly

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1available in

    ' (b)(SJ ADAMS as l

    . ML19077A021.

    From: Jehle Patricia To : Bielecki Jessjca ; Coggins Angela Cc : Maltese James Subject : RE: more on SCE.. ..

    Date: Thursday, April 4, 2019 3:03 :50 PM Than~s Jess ica - l(b)(5) morning. --------------------------------"""'

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 3:01 PM To: Jehl e, Patri cia <Patricia .Jehl e@n>; Coggins, Angela <Angela .Coggi ns@>

    Cc: Ma ltese, James <>


    more on SCE .. ..

    From: Coggins Angela To : Jehle Patricia Attachment (2 pages) is Cc : ~i:~~i ~-~~i.~ i 11:1~11.~. ~~w.~ being withheld in its entirety Subject :


    l(b 5 Monday, April 15, 20 19 1:49:05 PM I (Exemption 5)

    Attachments: NMSS SQN!:aS Smint F1.1s!I Ciini~ter S1,rat1,hing l~~!.!!il PAJ r!;lvi1;1w.do1,x Patty - l(b)(5)



    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 This e-mail an Work-Prod

    From: Jurtil Richard To: Bielecki Jessica; McKirgan John; Maltese James


    RE: Names of public participants to be calling in on the Holtec 4/ 10 meeting Date: Wednesday, April 03, 201 9 5:41:07 PM Thank you. At this time, this is the list of potential call-in participants (they reached out to NRC for bridge line information) to the 4/10 meeting:

    • Donna Gilmore - San Onofre Safety o Marvin Lewis o Marvin Resnikoff o Ace Hoffman o Ray Lutz
    • Barbara Warren - Citizens' Environmental Coalition
    • Gary Headrick - San Clemente Green
    • Amanda Palucki - Samuel Lawrence Foundation/Del Mar California
    • Sue Garcia - San Diego Gas and Electric
    • U.S. Government Representatives -

    o Senator Kamala Harris - CA (via Angel Moreno/OCA) o Representative Mike Levin - CA (via Angel Moreno/OCA)

    • Michael Keegan
    • Randall Granaas, P .E. - SONGS Fuels
    • lndividual(s) from "Public Watchdogs" - San Diego o Charles Langley o Nina Babiarz o Danika Carson
    • Mike Callahan - Government Strategies
    • Justin Cochran, Ph .D. - Nuclear Policy Advisor/Emergency Coordinator California Energy Commission
    • Dennis Evans - SCE Rich Turtil 415-2308 From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 5:34 PM To: McKirgan, John <John.McKirga>; Maltese, Jam es <James.Malt>

    Cc: Turtil, Richard <Richard.Turtil@n>


    RE: Nam es of public participant s t o be ca lling in on t he Holt ec 4/10 meet ing

    John, Thanks,

    Jessica From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 10:37 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Ma ltese, James <>

    Cc: Turtil, Richard <>


    Fwd: Names of public participants to be calling in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Jim, Jessica, Thanks John Begi n Forwarded Message:

    From: "Layt on, M ichael" <>


    RE: Names of public part icipa nts to be calling in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Date: 02 April 2019 10:33 To: "Turtil, Richard" <Rjchard,Turti l@nrc gov>, "Howell, Linda"

    <Linda.Howel>, "McKirgan, John" <>

    Cc: "Pruett, Troy" <>, "Regan, Christopher"


    Than ks. !(b)(S) l(b)(5)

    Many thanks.

    MCL From: Turtil, Richard Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 10:31 AM To: Layton, Michael <MichaeLLayton@nrc gov>; Howell, Linda <Linda Howell@nrc gov>; McKirgan, John <John McKirgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Pruett, Troy <Jroy.Pruett@nrc gov>


    Names of public participants to be cal li ng in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Mike, Linda, and John -

    I'll keep you apprised of individuals who plan to call in on the public line next Wednesday.

    At this time, individuals having requested call-in information, including those CCed in their

    e-mail request, number 15, as follows :

    • Donna Gilmore o Marvin Lewis o Marvin Resnikoff o Ace Hoffman o Ray Lutz
    • Barbara Warren - Citizens' Environmental Coalition
    • Gary Headrick - San Clemente Green
    • Amanda Palucki - Samuel Lawrence Foundation/Del Mar California
    • Sue Garcia - San Diego Gas and Electric
    • Representative Mike Levin - California (via Angel Moreno/OCA)
    • Michael Keegan
    • Randall Granaas , P.E. - SONGS Fuels
    • lndividual(s) from "Public Watchdog" (Nina Balbier (sp?)) and CEO Charles Langley

    - I am awaiting a callback from this group.

    Rich 415-2308

    From: MaHese James To:

    Attachment is already publicly Moulding Patrick; Lemoncelli Mauri Cc: Bielecki Jessica available in ADAMS as Subject : FW: Names of public participants to be calling in on the Holtec 4/1 O meeting ML19077A021 .

    Date: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 9:27:00 AM Attachments: Fwd 100 - 230 Public Meeting with HOLTEC on SONGS SNF loading and scratch issue wrt 3162019 Holtec letter ML19077A021 msg Pat and Mauri, We learned yesterday that staff is holding a public meeting next Wednesday (, at Holtec's request, on the "scratch" issue at SONGS. (b)(5)

    Jim From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 10:37 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James.Ma>

    Cc: Turtil, Richard <>


    Fwd: Names of public part icipants to be calling in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Jim, Jessica, l(b)(5)

    Thanks John Begin Forwarded Message:

    From: "Layton, Michael" <Michael Layton@nrc gov>


    RE: Names of public participa nts to be calling in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Date: 02 April 2019 10:33 To: "Turtil, Richard" <Richard Turtil@nrc gov>, "Howell, Linda"

    <Linda Howell@orc gov>, "McKirga n, John" <John McKirgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: "Pruett, Troy" <Troy Pruett@nrc gov>, "Rega n, Ch ristopher"

    <Christopher Regan@nrc gov>

    5 Thanks. !(b)( )


    Many thanks.

    MCL From: Turt il, Richard Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 02, 20 19 10:31 AM To: Layt on, Michael <Michael.Layton@n>; Howell, Linda <Linda.>; M cKirgan, John <>

    Cc: Pruett, Troy <>


    Names of public part ici pants t o be cal li ng in on the Holtec 4/10 meeting Mike. Linda, and John -

    I'll keep you apprised of individuals who plan to call in on the public line next Wednesday.

    At this time, individuals having requested call-in information, including those CCed in their e-mail request, number 15, as follows:

    • Donna Gilmore o Marvin Lewis o Marvin Resnikoff o Ace Hoffman o Ray Lutz
    • Barbara Warren - Citizens' Environmental Coalition
    • Gary Headrick - San Clemente Green
    • Amanda Palucki - Samuel Lawrence Foundation/Del Mar California
    • Sue Garcia - San Diego Gas and Electric
    • Representative Mike Levin - California (via Angel Moreno/OCA)
    • Michael Keegan
    • Randall Granaas, P.E. - SONGS Fuels
    • lndividual(s) from "Public Watchdog" (Nina Balbier (sp?)) and CEO Charles Langley

    - I am awaiting a callback from this group.

    Rich 415-2308

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Maltese James Subject : Re: NMSS management meeting 3/25 Date: Monday, March 25, 2019 8:47:40 PM Thanks so much for covering and for the summary. Much appreciated.

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 10:37 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica; Maltese, James SUb.IJect: NMSS ma nagement meeting 3/25 (b)(5)


    - (b)(5)

    - (b)(5)

    - (b)(5)

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record I

    - !Non-Responsive Record I

    Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record I

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record

    - Non-Responsive Record I

    - Non-Responsive Record l (b)(5) I

    ..........---.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... Just let me know. © Thanks!

    Angela Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney

    Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l! 919-803-923 3 ttorney-Client or Attorney GC a proval.


    Attachment (2 pages) is being withheld in its entirety (Exemption 5)




    , 'u Angela ..


    '"'"'" l!oth!<kl~!ltd Sowll: ~ ~ .l,p~ll5 2(11'137PM To:~~ P;itrld~ ,;P;tr\d;Jdil,..nrc.g,;w. Ccl@ilni Anpb<An11*~Coggl~ri:p-;,-

    ( e; M~I~ .NM'>t1 <Jemn.Ma~n,@nrCp!>

    Soibjffe ~£ N!oAS~_!i,ONGS ~(M1-ntf~@l l;;,,nf;1Ef" 5£1;111cht"fl lw.,t PJ,J f~mJw,dOQt (b)(5)


    $mt; ~ " ' .t,pnl 1S 2<11! 1:3& PM To;Coams~!a ..:Auvcle0trr:iii'lrt'Ce->.&,lrdiiJ,mi:ii<ir'I rfl rrt§lrrrrn),

    ceu~tt,ue UMtS<lirnlf<f1*" e1!cr, e,*,>

    !klblttt: !IL ,&SS.)ONG,S Spi,nt f uel Can III<< !ouatchrc lw.-: PAJ1rl'l-..dDC1 Ftwll!c.:i@.81n1Art.t;,,

    Smt:Mc:nd..,.t,pnlU l(ll91:27PM T°'"k,,P,tty!...(b...,)(._5._


    ) ----------------------'

    $mt: t.fc;nd.., .1,pnl 1~ 2<119 l:2i PM cc M;,,ttcw- tuMs ,;lame:; Na"c1£11ca SPlr>

    Siubf,ett: "'11.1S$.)ONGS !,pem Fuel Ca S.:r1ru:hrclWJe P.ur,wew..dDCC l"'l'Ortantr. H1ch

    From : Jeh le Patricia To : Cogg ins Angela <Angela Coggins@nrc gov}

    Subject : NMSS_SONGS Spent Fuel Canister Scratching Issue comments 4.22.2019.docx Attachment (1 page) is Date: Monday, April 22, 20 19 4:18:00 PM being withheld in its Attachments: NMSS SONGS Spent Fuel Can ister Scratching Issue comments 4.22.2019.docx entirety (Exemption 5)

    Importance : High Hi Angela ,



    From: Coggins Angela To : Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: NMSS_SONGS Spent Fuel Canister Scratching Issue comments 4.22.2019.docx Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 4:21:30 PM 5



    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 22, 2019 4:19 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela .Coggi ns@>


    NMSS_SONGS Spen t Fuel Canister Sc ratch ing Issue comments 4.22 .2019 .docx Importance: High Hi Angela, (b)(5)


    _ ,Bl.!ed1~.IHIIQ

    $erit: M,;ndi,r,,..nl15,1(119M1PM To:ltf'ile.Pttno~ (PltnotJ""'ie'@,,..c.:,,); cou,,,1.~lt<.lin*ei..c.:,u,r,e,@'nrc~

    Ce liA.;i~@W. ~ <J~mlH,.M~~li!flll(II~'°"'),

    Siub~ ~[; Nl.l~S.J()NGS S11ent foe! Cnnm~ ScrMcllrc l!&Ue PMm*ew..dDO!


    Ftvm:~"°. Patnc111 S.,,l, M(nd;oy, "'9~115, 201' l JII PM To~CoiJaln1, Ane,11~ d.nsrli!CJR-nffiw pa,,: B1.!1ck~Jas11c.1 <lw o !l<:!£dl'!'acr srv,,

    Cc Ma~. J.ll'TMel ~lnTe} Nn*e,elliilccrrro~

    Wbj,l!a. ill[NUSS.>('.)HGS~J)L'nlfuelC1n1iterScntchncl-PAJre"~wdoo S.,,lt M(nd;oy, "'9~11~. zol,] 27 PM

    ,*::'.:"'l(b"...)(_5_) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

    To~0j1leck~kl11G1 <lrnlf:? P:cfrfttff'w RC!{>, Coggt111.,.Anget1 <A::tr:tafcsrm'!'nrr er..,.

    Cc Ma~. Allme1 ~1nmc: Nn~e,c lilcttrro~


    From: Jehle Patricia To : Gillespie Joe <Joe Gillespie@nrc gov}

    Subject : NRG: Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRG Approved for General Use Date: Wednesday, April 17, 201910 :16:00 AM Joe, (b)(5)


    From: Coggins Angela To : Ammon Bernice ; Clark Michael Cc :

    Subject : Attachment (5 pages) is being Date: withheld in its entirety Attachments: lrbvs, I (Exemption 5)

    Hi Bernice! ._Hb.....

    )(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.! Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything else from us.


    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 enttal Attorney-Client or Attorney C without OGC approval.

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Ammon Bernice; Coggins Angela: Clark Michael Cc: Bielecki Jessica; MalJese James Subject :


    RE:l(b)(5) I Tuesday, April 16, 20 19 PM 5

    Yes Bernice -... l(b-)(- )_ _ _ _ _ _ __

    Patty From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 5:40 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Clark, Michael <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Maltese, James <>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle


    RE: (b}{5)

    "'-;::::======~----.. .

    (b)(5) l Thank you! .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

    Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 5:37 PM To: Ammon, Bernice <Bernice>; Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Maltese, James <>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Subject~...(b_)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ ___

    l (b)(5) I Hi Bernice! ...- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - _ .Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything else from us.


    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the Gen eral Counsel High Level Waste, F uel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . N uclear Regulatory Commissio n angela. 9 19-803-9233

    From : Coggins Angela To : Ammon Bernice ; Clark Michael Cc : Bielecki Jessjca- Maltese James* Jehle Patricia Subject :  !{b)(5) Attachment (2 pages) is being Date:

    Attachments: :iX:)(:~:fa:y:A

    1:s:2:o:39:s:-4:s:*3:4:PM===================I ~;thheld in its entirety (Exemption Hi Bernice! (b)(S)

    ~ Let u"""s- kn_o_w- if-t-he_r_e_a_r_e_a_n_y_q_u_e_s-tio_n_s_o_ r i-f -y-ou_ n_e_e_

    d _a_n-yt-h-in-g- el_s_

    e_! ------


    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 C without OGC approval.

    - 1.... ,


    1 :. : . ~ ~

    rru,yl,p,Oltt, lt1$1 t-$ 1~PIU

    • ...-i-=


    From: Bielecki Jessica To : Jehle Patricia Cc : MalJese James Subject : periodic Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:24 :11 AM Patty, !(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    From: Lemonceni Mauri To: Bielecki Jessica; Moulding Patrick Cc: Mal)ese James


    RE: Quest re documentation tor staff re SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 8:16:14 AM Thanks, Jessica. Always nice to hear!

    Have a great weekend, All I Mauri From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 8:03 AM To: Moulding, Patrick <Pat rick.>

    Cc: M altese, James <>; Lemoncelli, Mauri <>


    RE: Quest re documentation for staff re SONGS issue Pat, (b)(5)

    Jessica From: Mouldi ng, Patrick Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:51 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Lemoncel li, Mauri <Maurj Lemoncelli@orc gov>


    RE: Quest re documentation for staff re SONGS issue Thanks. Jessica.

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Pat From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, Apri l 18, 2019 3:53 PM To: Mou lding, Patrick <Patrick Moulding@nrc gov>; Lemoncelli, Mauri <Maurj Lemoncelli@orc gov>

    Cc: M altese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    Quest re doc umentat ion fo r staff re SON GS issue Pat and Mauri, (b)(5)

    Thanks, Jessica

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Subject : FW: SONGS Bullets and summary of discussion with Joe and David Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 8:01 :37 AM Attachments: iooaaeoo1 pna Mea nt to cc you.

    p From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 7:59 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets and summary of discussion with Joe and David I wil l keep working on it.

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:43 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James.Maltese@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets and summary of discussion with Joe and David (b)(5)


    -ette-- Attorney Work Product/Attorney-Client Communication From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:06 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Coggins, Angela <Angela>


    SONGS Bul lets and summary of discussion with Joe and David Importance: High

    Jessica and Angela, (b)(5) l(b)(5)


    Patty\y Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 W ashington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199

    /U.S.NRC Uu.1.* Sau:, N.Jn1 a.pla.. ,.r c.-l* iH r-m,w ~-,/d#e,,....,-;;;;;

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: quick question ...

    Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:53:25 AM p

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:30 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: quick question ...


    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:29 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Ao;ela.Coios@nrc,QY>


    RE : quick question ...

    Yes - both documents open up fully. We have both documents in our SharePoint site.

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:22 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc QY>


    RE: quick question ...

    I see the documents on the list, but when I open them, there is no text there. Do you see text? Maybe I just needed to give it longer to download ... ?

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:21 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Ao;ela.Coios@nrc,QY>


    RE: quick question ...

    } (b)(5)

    Angela :!

    I Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 10:09 AM

    To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    quick question .. .

    Good morning, Patty! l(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 This e-mai an *orney-Client or Attorney Work-Product ma C without OGC approval.

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Marcano Damaris; Burnell Scou Attachment (1 page) is being withheld in its Cc: Mc!ntyre payjd; :.<iC0,£1,Qll,llQiiu;OSa....cJAOU1,QL5i'!!il.._

    a ------------, entirety (FOIA Exemption 5)

    Subject : RE: Response to LTR-19-01031._(b...)(.5_.._ ) _ _ _ _ _ _...,

    Date: Friday, April 05, 2019 2:50:46 PM .-------.

    Attachments: Draft NRG Response to Van Eyery LTR-19-o103!(b)(5) ~

    Hi Damaris and Scott, (b)(5)

    Thanks, Patty From: Ma rca no, Damaris Se nt: Tuesday, Apri l 02, 2019 2: 36 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Burnell, Scott <Scott.Burnell@>

    Cc: McI ntyre, David <David.Mcl ntyre@>


    Response to LTR-19-0103 Good afternoon, r )(5)


    'Damaris :M.arcano Technical Assistant NRC/NMSS/DSFM 301-415-7328

    ~ Please consider the environme nt before printing this e-mail Mr. Van Every, (b)(5)



    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Lemonceui Mauri; Moulding Patrick Cc: Maltese James Subject : RE: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Date: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 1:40:21 PM Attachments : imaaeoo1 png From: Lemoncelli, Mauri Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 1:37 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Moulding, Patrick <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 l(b)(5)

    Than ks for passing along, Jessica.


    Mauri T. Lemoncelli Deputy Assistant General Counsel, Materials Litigation & Enforcement Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN -15C07 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 New Telephone Number: 301.287.9242 "U.S. RC From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 12:49 PM To: Lemoncelli, Mauri <Mauci Lemoncelli@nrc,gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    FW: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Pat and Mauri, Thanks, Jessica From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:46 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca.Bje!>; Maltese, James <>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Hi Jessica and Jim!

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)


    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angcla 9 19-803-9233 From: Ma rca no, Damaris Se nt: W ednesday, April 03, 2019 5:57 AM To: RidsOgcM ai lCenter Resource <RidsOgcMa j!Center Resource@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela

    <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Good morning, Thanks, Mr. Van Every, (b)(5)



    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Lemonceui Mauri; Moulding Patrick Cc: Maltese James Subject : FW: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-~19~-0 ~ 1 ~ 0 3 ~ - - - - - - - ~

    Date: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:49:18 PM Attachment ,is publicly available Attachments: Letter Yan Every re SONGS PDF in ADAMS as ML19079A374 Pat and Mauri,

    ,~X51 Thanks, Jessica From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 12:46 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Pat ricia.Jehle@>


    FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Hi Jessica and Jim!

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    I Thanks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Was te, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233

      • entia Attorney-Client or Attorney NRC without OGC approval.

    From: Marcano, Damaris Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 5:57 AM To: RidsOgcMai lCenter Resource <RidsOgcMa ilCenter.Resou rce@>; Coggins, Angela

    <>; Jehle, Pat ricia <>


    REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103

    Good morning, Thanks, Mr. Van Every, (b)(5)


    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela; Maltese James Subject : RE: FYI

    • FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Date: Thursday, April 04, 2019 8:50:41 AM Sure thing Jessica l. .

    (b-)(-5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 4:34 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Maltese, James <>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Patty .....

    r_ )(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,I

    Thanks, Jessica From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:49 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 L ]rhanks!

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:48 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Maltese, James <Ja mes.Maltese@>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patrjcia.J ehle@>


    RE: FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Thanks for sharing. !(b)(5)

    From: Coggins, Angela Se nt: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:46 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>


    FYI - FW: REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103



    Angela Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angela.coggins@ 9 19-803-9233 without OGC approval.

    From: Marcano, Damaris Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 20 19 5:57 AM To: RidsOgcMai lCenter Resource <RidsOgcMa ilCenter.Resou rce@>; Coggins, Angela

    <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    REVIEW: Response to LTR-19-0103 Good morning, Thanks, Mr. Van Every, (b)(5)



    From : Jehle Patricia To : Bielecki Jessjca ; Coggins Angela Cc : Maire James Subject : RE: (b)(5)

    Date: Monday, April 15, 20 19 1 :28:00 PM Ibaoks ,!essica J (b)( 5) p From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: M onday, April 15, 2019 1:26 PM To: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@>; Jehle, Pat ri cia <Patricia.Jehle@>

    Cc: Ma ltese, James <Ja mes.M alt>


    !(b)(5) I Thanks.

    From: Bielecki Jessica To : Cogg ins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Subject : FW: SCE Drop in Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 9:51 :47 AM FYI From: Layton, Michael Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 9:50 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Mc Kirgan, John <>; Araguas, Christian <Christian .Araguas@n>;

    Regan, Christopher <Christopher.Rega>; Howell, Linda <Linda .Howel>


    SCE Drop in

    Jessica, MCL

    From : Jehle Patricia To : Maltese James; Coggins Angela ; Bielecki Jessica Subject : RE : Scott Morris video on SONGS Date: Friday, April 05, 20 19 3:10:53 PM Thanks Jim -J...(b-)(5_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

    Patty From: Ma ltese, James Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 2:53 PM To: Cogg ins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@nrc .gov>; Jeh le, Pat ri cia <Patricia.Jeh le@ nrc .gov>; Bieleck i, Jessica <Jessica.Bie>


    Scott M orri s video on SONGS (b)(5)

    Jim James Ma lt ese Acting Dep uty Ass ista nt General Cou nsel High- Leve l Waste, Fue l Cycle, and Nuclea r Security U.S. Nuclear Regu lato ry Comm issio n Office of t he Genera l Co unse l 301-287-9133 James.Ma


    1...._.,l(ltK.N1tlf'29::MAII (b)(5)

    From: OGC CAL FO Resource To: Zobler. Marian ; Clark Brooke; Bielecki. Jessica ; Coggins. Angela; Jehle. Patricia Cc : Gillespie Joe Subject : SONGS - Bridge line: 1-888-566-2144 Passcode#:l(b)(6)

    Start : Thursday, April 18, 2019 11 :00:00 AM ..__ __.

    End: Thursday, April 18, 2019 11 :30:00 AM Location: 0 -17 D23 Attachments: image001.png FW Conference Details /APR 18 2019--11oo AM ET--Conf# 901 1303} msg Requester: J. Bielecki Atte ndees: Zobler, Clark. Bielecki. Coggins, Jehle. Gillespie (optional)

    Scheduled by: P. Jimenez Tel: Angela Coggins wi ll be contacted to join via teleconference (9 19)-803-9233 Please let me know if yo u have any questions .

    Thank you.

    Patty Jimenez Program Assisrant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com mission OWFN 17 D14 Phone: 30 1.4 15.1743 <mai>

    From : Bielecki Jessica To : Jimenez. Patricia Cc : Jehle Patricia ; Coggins Angela; Gillespie Joe Subject : FW : Con ference Details (AP R 18. 2019--1 1 :00 AM ET--Conf# 9011303)

    Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 8 :45:53 AM Good morning.

    Both Angela and Patty will be calling into today's 11am briefing with Marian and Brooke, so I set up a bridge line for us.

    Thanks again for your help with scheduling.

    Passcodes/Pin codes ;

    I Participant passcode:l(b)(6)

    For security reasons , the passcode will be required to join the conference.

    Dial in numbers:


    Country Toll Numbers Toll Free Number IUSA j 888-566-21 44 Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone.

    From : Jehle Patricia To : McKjraan John Subject : SONGS - FSAR incorporation into a COL Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:50:44 PM Importance : High Jo hn j (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Pat ty From: Gil lespie, Joe Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patri cia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    Joe Gi ll es pie

    From: Clads Brooke To: Bielecki Jessica; Maltese James; Coggins Angela; Jehle Patricia Cc: Ammon Bernice Subject : FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 2:46:55 PM Attachment (1 page) is being Attachments: NMSS SQNQS Si;ieat Eii!ll Caaist!lr Si.ratching lssii!l QQc~ withheld in its entirety Importance: High (Exemption 5)


    Than ks, Brooke From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 11:46 AM To: Clark, Brooke <>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One page r & New Qs Importance: High Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Ri hm, Roger Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:18 PM To: Shane, Raeann <Raeann Shane@nrc.gQv>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bern ice Ammon@nrc gov>; Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One page r & New Qs Importance: High From: Howard, Arlette Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:51 PM

    To: Rihm, Roger <Roger Bibm@nrc gov>

    Cc: Adams, Darrel l <>; Howard, Arlette <>


    SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Hi Roger, (b)(5)


    Darrell E. Adams Senior Congressional I Ex1ernal Affairs Officer Office of Congressional Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (301 ) 415-2339 I Darrell Adams@nrc goy

    From: coaaios Angela To: Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 3:47:37 PM P;:ittv _J(b)(5) I (b)(5)

    Angela From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 22, 2019 3:16 PM To: Clark, Brooke <>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Ma ltese, James <>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bernice.Ammon@>


    RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SO NGS One pager & Nlew Qs Brooke, Patty From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 2:47 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca.Bielecki@orc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <Patrjcia.Jehle@>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High (b)(5)

    Thanks, Brooke From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 11:46 AM

    To: Clark, Brooke <Brooke Clark@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High Bernice C. Ammon Assista nt General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Rihm, Roger Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:18 PM To: Shane, Raeann <Raeann>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bern>; Clark, Michael <>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High rb)(5)

    From: Howard, Arlette Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:51 PM To: Rihm, Roger <>

    Cc: Adams, Darrel l <>; Howard, Arlette <>


    SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Hi Roger, (b)(5)



    Darrell E. Adams Senior Congressional I External Affairs Officer Office of Congressional Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (301 ) 415-2339 I

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Ammon Bernice; Clark Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov} Attachment (1 page) is Cc: Clark Brooke; Bielecki Jessica; Maltese James; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Os being withheld in its entirety Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 5:06:00 PM (Exemption 5)

    Attachments : NMSS SONGS Spent fuel Canister Scratching Issue comments 4.22.2019 docx Hi Bernice, (b)(5)

    Patty From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Monday, Apri l 22, 2019 2:47 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Maltese, James <>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bernice.Ammon@>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High (b)(5)

    Than ks, Brooke From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 11:46 AM To: Clark, Brooke <>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High Bernice C. Ammon

    Assista nt General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Ri hm, Roger Se nt: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:18 PM To: Shane, Raeann <Raea>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bern>; Clark, M ichael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High From: Howard, Arlette Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:51 PM To: Rihm, Roger <Roger.Rih>

    Cc: Adams, Darrel l <Darrell Adams@nrc gov>; Howard, Arlette <Arlette Howard@nrc gov>

    Subject : SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Hi Roger, (b)(5)



    Darrell E. Adams Senior Congressional I External Affairs Officer Office of Congressional Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (301 ) 415-2339 I Darrell Adams@nrc gov

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Ammon Bernice; Clark Michael Cc: Bielecki Jessica; MalJese James; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Os Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 6:00:00 PM (b)(5)

    Thanks Bernice (b)(5)


    Than ks again.

    Patty From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 5:46 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Clark, Michael <>

    Cc: Clark, Brooke <>; Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <>; Coggi ns, Angela <>


    RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SO NGS One pager & Nlew Qs Bernice C. Ammon Assista nt General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 5:06 PM To: Ammon, Bernice <Bern>; Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>

    Cc: Clark, Brooke <Brooke Clark@nrc gov>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Coggi ns, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Hi Bernice, l(b)(5) l(b)(5)


    Patty From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 2:47 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James.Ma!tese@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Ange!a.Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bern>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High (b)(5)

    Than ks, Brooke From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 11:46 AM To: Clark, Brooke <Brooke C!ark@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High Bern ice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Ri hm, Roger Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:18 PM To: Shane, Raeann <>

    Cc: Ammon, Bernice <Bern>; Clark, Michael <Michae!>


    FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Importance: High r )(5)

    From: Howard, Arlette Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 3:51 PM To: Rihm, Roger <Roger>

    Cc: Adams, Darrel l <>; Howard, Arlette <>


    SONGS & Holt ec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs Hi Roger, (b)(5)


    Darrell E. Adams

    Senior Congressional I External Affairs Officer Office of Congressional Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (301) 415-2339 I

    From: Ammon Bernice To : Bihm Roger Cc : Jehle Patricia; QI ark Michael; Qlark Brooke Attachment (1 page) is being Subject : FW: SONGS & Holtec Q&As & SONGS One pager & New Qs withheld in its entirety (Exemption Date: Monday, April 22, 20 19 6:04:05 PM Attachments: NMSS SONGS Spent Fuel Can ister Scratching Issue comments 4.22.2019.docx 5)


    Thanks, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia Cc: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Date: Monday, April 15, 2019 4:01 :38 PM Thanks, Patty.

    From: Jehle, Patricia Se nt: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:44 PM To: McKirgan, John <John.McKirgan@>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@n>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>

    Cc: Araguas, Christ ian <Christ ian.Araguas@>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption John, l(b)(5)

    Than k you.

    Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:31 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica,>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Araguas, Christian <Christian Araguas@>


    SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Folks, (b)(5)

    Than ks, John John McKirgan

    Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Ma nagement Office of Nuclear Materia l Safety and Safeguards e-mail: john Phone: 301-415-5722

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:53:08 PM Pattv,l(b)(5)


    I(b)(5) !Thanks.

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:49 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Jessica,

    ,~X'I Patty From: Bielecki, Jess ica Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1 :46 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    Re: SONGS 72.48 and pend ing exemption (b)(5)

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:15 PM To: McKirgan, John Cc: Bielecki, Jessica; M altese, James; Jehle, Patricia Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption Thanks, John!

    From: McKi rgan, John

    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:15 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption Angela, 5

    Thanks tac that l(b)( )


    Thanks, John From: Coggins, Angela Se nt: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:12 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jehle, Pat ricia <>

    Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption John J(b)(5) I (b)(5) r )(S)

    Thanks and hope that makes sense!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Sec urity U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 This e-mail and any attac torney-Client or Attorney Work-Prod uct mater* roval.

    From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:52 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca Bje!>; Maltese, James <James.Ma!>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption Angela.


    Than ks, John From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:49 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Maltese, James <James Ma!tese@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption l(b)(5)

    Hi John! I (b)(5)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, F uel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissio n 919-803-9233

    This e-mai an a Work- Product mate rial.

    From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:52 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Angela Patty .

    !(b)(5) l(b)(5) l(b-)(5_) ____________________.....!Thanks, John From: McKi rga n, John Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:31 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Araguas, Christian <Christian Araguas@nrc gov>


    SONGS 72 .48 and pending exemption Folks, (b)(5)

    Thanks, John John M cKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel M anagement Office of Nuclear M at erial Safety and Saf eguards e-mail: john mckirgan@nrc gov Phone: 301-415-5722

    From: Jehle Patricia To: McKjraan John; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:54:22 AM Hi John - both Angela and I have access to Certrec.

    Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:52 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    FW: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Anqela , Patty, (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    (b)(5) I I nanKs, Jonn From: McKirgan, John Sent: Monday, Apri l 15, 2019 3:31 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Araguas, Ch ristian <Christian,Araguas@nrc,goy>


    SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Folks, (b)(5)

    Thanks, John John McKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards e-mail: john,mckjrgan@nrc,goy Phone: 301-415-5722

    From: McKjrgao John To: Coggins Angela Cc: Bielecki Jessica; MaUese James; Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Scratch Violation (23 pages) is being withheld Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:51:54 PM in its entirety (Exemption 5);

    Attachments : scratch violation rJ CDMC) docx Angela, (b)(5)

    Than ks, John From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:49 PM To: McKirgan, John <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Maltese, James <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: SONGS 72.48 and pendi ng exemption Hi John!

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Coun sel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission ani:ela coi:i:ins@nrc.~ov 9 19-803-9233 This e-rna, a , n e nts may contain confidential r ttorney Work-Product material. Don RC without OGC approval.

    From: McKi rgan, John Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 10:52 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    FW: SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption l(b)(5)

    Anoela Pattv.l (b)(5) I (b)(5) IThanks, John From: McKirgan, John Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:31 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca.Bje!>; Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Pat ricia <Pat ricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Araguas, Christian <Christian.Araguas@>


    SONGS 72.48 and pending exemption Folks.


    Thanks, John John M cKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel M anagement Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards e-mail: john mckirgan@nrc gov Phone: 301-415-5722

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica l(b)(5)


    RE: SONGS Bullets Date: Thursday, April 18,.,.,, 9 ""

    z0'"1"' 9:,...


    M, - - - - - - - - -

    Attachments: image001 png Importance: High (b)(5)

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:38 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets,-l(b-)(....5)- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

    Pattv I (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    I Thanks.

    Jessica From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:14 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets ... l(b_)(-5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

    Importance: High

    . d (b)(5)

    Jess1ca l(b)(5)

    From: Bielecki, Jessica

    Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:05 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Church, Ashley <Ashley,Church@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets ...

    l(b_)(_5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

    Yes, please send everything to Ashley to make copies that I can bring up. I have meetings from 9:45-11am - I'll stop by Ashley's desk on my way up to get the documents. Thanks.

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 8:32 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets ....


    5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.

    Importance: High (b)(5) p From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 8:02 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia>

    l(b_)(_5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....


    RE: SONGS Bu llets ...

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 7:59 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bjeleckj@nrc gov>


    RE : SONGS Bu lletsl (b)( )

    5 Patty

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:43 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS Bu llets l(b)(5)



    -ette-- Attorney Work Product/Attorney-Client Communication From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:06 PM Subject : SONGS Bul lets _(b)(S)

    Importance: High I

    To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jer>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Jessica and Angela, (b)(5)


    Patty\y Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287 -9199 RC

    From: Jehle Patricia To: McKjraan John; Bielecki Jessica Cc: caagios Angela Subject : RE: RE: (External) :RE: SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone call Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 5:02:08 PM Thanks John - that does help.

    Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 5:00 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@>


    RE: RE: (Externa l):RE: SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone call Pattyl(b)(S)


    I Thanks, John From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 4:41 PM To: McKirgan, John <John,McKj>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bjeiecki@nrc.goy>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <>


    RE: RE: (Externa l):RE: SO NGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone call John, (b)(5)


    Patty From: McKirga n, John Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 3:55 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <>


    RE: RE: (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone call Patty, l(bl(5l (b)(5)

    (b)(5) IJohn From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 3:51 PM To: McKirgan, John <>; Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <>


    RE: RE: (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone call Hi John, (b)(5)

    Patty From: McKirgan, John Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 3:45 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: RE: (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone call Jessica,


    John From: Bielecki, Jessica Se nt: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:27 PM To: McKirgan, John <John.McKjrgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggios@ nrc gov>; Jehle, Pat ricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: RE: (Externa l):RE : SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone call Hi John, Thanks, Jessica From: McKirgan, John Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:40 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggjns@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Maltese, James <>


    FW: RE: (External):RE : SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone call 5

    Folksr )( )

    !(b)(5) 5 Angela,l(b)( )



    Than ks, John John McKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards e-mail: Phone: 301-415-5722 From: Howell, Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:22 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>


    FW: RE: (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone call John, see attached. For the second citation in the regional document, (b)(5)


    Call when you're ready © From: MARK MORGAN <>

    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:50 AM To: Howell, Linda <Linda,Howel l@nrc,goy>

    Cc: Layton, Michael <>; Regan, Christopher <>;

    Brookhart, Lee <>; ALBERT BATES <>; MARK MORGAN



    [External_Sender] RE : (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone ca ll Linda, See attached. Please forward to anyone else who is going to be on the call.

    Thanks, Mark (949) 368-6745 From: Howell, Linda [mai!

    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:35 AM

    To: MARK MORGAN < >


    (External):RE: SONGS Documents in support of Tuesday phone ca ll Mark is there a way that you can share this with us other than Certrec?


    Sent: Monday, Apri l 15, 2019 6:52 PM To: Howell, Linda <Linda Howell@orc gov>; Rega n, Christopher <Christopher>;

    Layton, Michael <Michae l.>; Brookh art, Lee <>

    Cc: ALBERT BATES <>; JERRY STEPHENSON <Jerry.Stephenson@sce .com >


    [E xtern al_Sender) SONGS Documents in support ofTuesday phone ca ll

    All, I have uploaded SCE's 72.212 change package and assoc iated 72 .48 eva luation to t he CERTREC electronic read ing room.

    The docum ents appear as:

    4-15-19 72.48 evaluation, and 4-15-19 72 .212 cha nge package.

    Please let me kn ow if you have any questions regard ing th is.

    Than ks, Ma rk (949) 368-6745

    From: MARK MORGAN To: McKjrgan John; Araguas Christian; Coggins Angela: Jehle Patricia; Devaser Njshka; Regan Christopher Cc: MARK MORGAN Subject : [External_Sender] FW: (External):RE: (External):FW: SONGS Documents uploaded to the CERTREC reading room Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:20:39 AM

    John, Access to the CERTREC electronic reading room has been added for the five people you requested.

    Please let me know if you need help navigating to the readi ng room or f inding the documents.

    Thanks, M ark (949) 368-6745 From: Adria na Amaya [mailto]

    Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 6:48 AM To: MARK MORGAN <>



    (Ext ernal): RE: (Externa l):FW : SONGS Documents uploaded t o the CE RTREC read ing room Good morning Mark, Thank you for reaching out to us. The five NRG personnel listed below have been given access to the Certrec Electronic Reading Room as requested. Please let us know if any of them have any issues getting logged in or accessing the site.

    Should you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us at

    Thank you ,

    }lcfriana Jl maya Customer Support Specialist I Certrec Corporation P:817-738-7661 Direct Dial: 817-953-5222, ext. 114 From: MARK M ORGAN [ma]

    Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 4 :35 PM To: Angela Hesebeck <angela .hesebeck@cert>

    Cc: MARK MORGAN <Mark.M>


    FW: (Externa l):FW: SONGS Documents uploaded to t he CERTREC reading room

    Angela, Please add the following names to t he access list for our reading room.
    Thanks, Mark 86745 From: McKirga n, John

    Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 2:29 PM To: MARK MORGAN <Mark.Morgan@>

    Cc: Araguas, Christian <Christ ian.Araguas@n>; Coggins, Angela <>;

    Jehle, Patricia <Pat>; Devaser, Nishka <>


    (Externa l):FW: SONGS Documents uploaded to t he CERTREC reading room

    Mark, Here are a few people we'd like to add to the reading room access for the documents listed below.

    John McKirgan Christian Araguas Angela Coggins Patricia Jehle Nishka Devaser Please let me know if you need anything else to arrange access.

    John John McKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards e-mail: john.mcki rgan Phone: 301-415-5722 From: Layton, Michael Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:28 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKj rgan@nrc gov>


    Fwd: SONGS Documents uploaded to t he CERTREC read ing room

    From: "MARK MORGAN" <>


    [External_Sender] SONGS Documents uploaded to the CERTREC reading room Date: 15 April 2019 14:51 To: "Howell, Linda" <>, "Regan, Christopher"

    <>, "Layton, M ichael" <Michael Layton@nrc gov>, "Brookhart, Lee" <Lee>


    <>, "MARK MORGAN" <>

    Al l, I have just uploaded three do cuments to the CERTREC Reading Room. If t he reading room is sorted by "name," they will appear at the t op of the document list.

    The three documents are:

    Name Subject 4-15-19 visual assessment report The results of the recent canister inspections 4-15-19 statistical analysis The st atistical analysis t hat supports the visual assessment report 4-15-19 draft exemption req uest A draft of a pot ential exemption request t hat SO NGS could subm it.

    Please let me know if you have any quest ions regarding th is.

    Thanks, M ark (949) 368-6745 Control Panel To: From:

    prvs=OO l 4e2b3c=mark mori:ao@s ce com You received this message because the domain is on the enterprise allow list. Please comae! your administrator 10 block messages from the domain

    From: Jehle, Patricia To: McKirgan John Cc: Gillespie Joe <Joe GiUespje@nrc gov)

    Subject : FW: SONGS Documents uploaded to the CERTREC reading room Date: Wednesday, April 17, 201912:00:00 PM Attachments: imaaeoo1 png Would you be able to request that Joe Gillespie of OGC be given access to the CERTREC reading Room?

    Than k you.

    Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the Ge neral Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (30 I) 287-9199

    -'U.S.NRC* St.tu Muc.ku'J" C*--.l*Ja.

    "'-1,w ,_,,. """,,,. &m*-,

    From: McKirga n, John Sent: M onday, April 15, 2019 5:29 PM To: MARK MORGAN <Mark. M organ@>

    Cc: Araguas, Christ ian <Christian.Araguas@>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>;

    Jehle, Patricia <>; Devaser, Nishka <Nishka. Devase>


    FW: SONGS Documents u ploaded to the CERTREC re ading room

    Mark, Here are a few people we'd like to add to the reading room access for the documents listed below.

    John McKirgan John McKirgan@nrc gov Christian Araguas Christian Angela Coggins Patricia Jehle Nishka Devaser Please let me know if you need anything else to arrange access.


    John M cKirgan Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Bra nch Division of Spent Fuel M anagement Office of Nuclear M aterial Safety and Safeguards e-mail : Phone: 301-415-5722 From: Layton, Michael Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:28 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKjrgan@nrc gov>


    Fwd: SONGS Documents uploaded to the CERTREC read ing room From: "MARK MORGAN" <>


    [External_Sender] SONGS Doc uments uploaded to the CERTREC reading room Date: 15 April 2019 14:5 1 To: "Howell, Linda" <>, "Regan , Christopher"

    <>, "Layton, Michael" <>, "Brookhart, Lee" <>


    <>, "MARK MORGAN" <Mark.>

    Al l, I have just uploaded three documents to the CERTREC Readi ng Room . If t he read ing room is sorted by "name," they wil l appear at the top of t he document list.

    The three documents are:

    Name Subject 4-15-19 visual assessment report The results of the recent canist er inspections 4-15-19 statistical analysis The statistical ana lysis t hat supports the visual assessment report 4-15-19 draft exemption request A draft of a potentia l exemption request that SO NGS could subm it.

    Please let me know if yo u have any questions rega rding th is.

    Thanks, Mark (949 ) 368-6745

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Cc: Mallese James Subject : RE: SONGS info from NMSS management meeting Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 12:58:21 PM Attachments: SONGS msg (b)(5)

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 08, 2019 12:37 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Coggins, Angela <Angela>

    Cc: M alt ese, Ja mes <James.Malt>


    RE: SO NGS info from NMSS ma nagement meeti ng l(b)(5)

    From: Davis, Ma rlone Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2019 12:16 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>


    Re: Holt ec Hi-Storm UMAX st orage system questions Patti Marlone From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 8:51:59 AM To: Davis, Marlone


    Holtec Hi-Storm UMAX storage system questions Hi Marlane,


    Than ks, Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 12:27 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS info from NMSS management meeting l(bK51 1

    ....(b-)(5_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _j l hanks.

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 12:03 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS info from NMSS ma nagement meeting l(b)(5)

    Jessica.I (b)(5)

    I From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 11:31 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    SONGS info from NMSS management meeting Angela, Patty, (b)(5)




    From: Layton Michael To : Bielecki Jessica Cc : Regan Christopher Subject : SONGS Date: Monday, April 08, 2019 12:42:36 PM (b)(5)


    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela <Angela Cogaios@orc gov}

    Subject : FW: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12 , 2019 1 :16 :00 PM FYl - ~l(b-)(5-) --------------------------------------------------'

    p From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:35 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE : SONGS issue (b)(5)


    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angeJa coggins@nrc gov 919-803-9233 This c-ma1 an Work-Prnduct

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 11 :49:03 AM Thanks Angela - very good analysis.


    I will be at my desk.

    Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 10:59 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>


    SONGS issue (b)(5)


    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission angela coggins@nrc gov 919-803-9233

    - orney-Client or Attorney the NRC without OGC approval.

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : RE: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:03:35 PM Attachments: FW Southern California Edison ISCE) 72 48 and Holtec"s Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance <CoC\ msg (b)(5)

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 11:12 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi ns@>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: SONGS issue From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 10:59 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>


    SONGS issue (b)(5)

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission angeJa, 919-803-923 3 i ential Attorney-Client or Attorney

    Scratch Violation (23 pages) is being withheld in its entirety (Exemption 5); DCS-002 and From: Bielecki Jessica 0219-87459-3, Rev To : Cogg ins Angela; Jehle Patricia 0, responsive in Cc : Maltese James previous request, Subject : FW : Southern California Edison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec"s Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance (CoC)

    NRC-2019-000239; Date: Thursday, April 04, 2019 1 :58:00 PM Rev 1, see Attachments: Secu reZIP Attachments .zi p comment on page

    - - - ~;::::====================:;-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 92; Secure zip

    ...-)(-5)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I Angela, l(b attachments are publicly available al PattyJ(b)(5) ML16341B100, l(b)(5)

    ML16341B107 and ML16341B080.

    From: Davis, Ma rla ne Sent: Thu rsday, April 04, 2019 1:53 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Ma ltese, James <James .Ma ltese@>

    Cc: Layton, Michael <M ichae l. Layto>


    Southern California Edison (SCE) 72 .48 and Hol t ec's Ame nd ment 2 - Ce rt ificate of Compl iance (CoC)

    Jessica (b)(5)

    Best Marlane

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela Cc: MalJese James Subject : RE: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:09:08 PM Thanks Jessica _ ,(b)(5) p From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:04 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Jehle, Patricia <Pat>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS issue (b)(5)

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 11:12 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela,>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia>


    RE : SONGS issue

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, Apri l 12, 2019 10:59 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc.QV>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca.Bielecki@orc,QY>


    SONGS issue (b)(5)


    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-923 3 This e-ma1 an rney-Client or Attorney 1t OGC approval.

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela ; Bielecki Jessica Cc: MalJese James Subject : RE: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:18:29 PM Anaela l(b)(5) I (b)(5) p From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:07 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@n>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS issue (b)(5)

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:04 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela,>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia,Jehle@n>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS issue (b}(5)


    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 11:12 AM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE: SONGS issue From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 10:59 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    SONGS issue (b)(5)


    Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission 9 19-803-9233 This e-mail an ttorney-Client or Attorney Work-Prod u t OGC approval.

    From: coaaios Angela To: Maltese James Subject : FW: SONGS issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:38:51 PM So sorry! Meant to include you on this, too!!!

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 12:35 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patricia <>


    RE : SONGS issue (b)(5)


    Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . N uclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 n a m confidential Attorney-Client or Attorney

    From : Devaser Nishka To : Jehle Patricia; Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela; McKirgan John ; Dayjs Marlone Cc : Araguas Christian Subject : RE: SONGS UMAX Cask System and Scratch Issue Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 11:12:20 AM All ,

    Bridge line for the meeting is:



    passcode L ___ J

    Original Appointment-----

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 9:15 AM To: Jehle, Patricia; Bie lecki, Jessica; Cogg ins, Angela ; McKirgan, John; Devaser, Nishka; Davis, Marlane Cc: Araguas, Christian


    SONGS UMAX Cask System and Scratch Issue When: Thursday, Ap ril 11, 2019 3:00 PM -4:00 PM (UTC-05 :00) Ea stern Ti me (US & Canada) .

    Where: Jessica Bieleck's Office OWFN/ 15 B07 and Bridgl in e Deta ils TBD Importance: High We hope to begin the meeting at 3 pm.

    l(b)(5) I l(b)(5)


    From: coaajns Angela To: Bielecki Jessica; Maltese James Cc* Jehle Patricia Subject : SONGS update Attachment (pages) is being Date: Monday, April 29, 2019 3:49:58 PM Attachments:

    withheld in its entirety 72 46 anal)r'.sis final (QQ2l !;!oc~

    (Exemption 5)

    Hi Jessica and Jim! l(b)(5l I (b)(5)


    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission angeJa 919-803-9233 This e-mai tachments may contain confidential - ient or Attorney Work-Product material. Do not

    • et e NRC without OGC approval.

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Ange ta ; Bielecki Jessica; Maltese James Subject : RE: SONGS update Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 11:17:32 AM Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 10:02 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patricia <>; Maltese, James <>


    RE: SONGS update Than ks, Jessica!

    (b)(5) l(b)(5)


    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Atto rney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, F uel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 19-803-9233 This e-mail and any a Wo rk-Product tm From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 9:25 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>; Maltese, James <James>


    RE: SONGS update (b)(5)


    Jessica From: Jehle, Pat ricia Sent: Monday, Apri l 29, 2019 4:14 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica .Bjelecki@nrc gov>;

    Maltese, James <James Ma!tese@nrc gov>


    RE: SONGS update

    ,~X51 Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Monday, Apri l 29, 2019 3:50 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>; Maltese, James <>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    SONGS update Hi Jessica and Jim!

    (b)(5) l (b)(5)




    Angela Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, F uel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angela.coggins@ 9 19-803-9233 ttorney-Client or Attorney roval.

    From : Coggins Angela To : Jehle Patricia; Bielecki Jessica Cc : Maltese James Subject : SONGS write-up Date: Friday, April 12, 20 19 12:44 :45 PM Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Secm-ity U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 919-803-9233 Work-Product material.

    From: Poindexter Thomas c To: Jehle Patricia Cc: Coggjns Angela Subject : [External_Sender] RE: Southern California Edison -- Holt ec UMAX cask storage system at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 5:51 :39 PM Attachments: irnaaeoo1 ona Got it. Thanks Thomas Poindexter 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W.

    Washington DC 20004 202 739-5348 office)

    (b)(6) cell)

    From: Jehle, Patricia <Patrjcja,Jehle@nrc ::ov>

    Date: Thursday, Apr 11 , 2019, 5:50 PM To: Poindexter, Thomas C. <>

    Cc: Coggins, Angela <An~cia Coi::i::ios@nrc i::ov>

    Sub,ject: RE: RE: Southern California Edison -- Holtec UMAX cask storage system at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station


    Thank you Tom. Angela and I suggest a call on Friday, April 13 at 10:30 AM. I have set up a bridgeline:

    Telephone: 888-566-2 14 ...._4_ _......

    Participant passcode:... l(b-)(6_)_ __,

    Best w ishes, Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199


    ~lw,J.--E.--, .SC... Nae.Ju, lapl.lJIM't c..-t*ia*

    From: Poindexter, Thomas C. < >

    Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 1:47 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@>


    [External_Sender] RE : Southern Californ ia Edison -- Holtec UMAX cask storage system at the San Onofre Nuclear Generati ng Station Thanks Patty and Angela for the response. I would like to give you a b rief ca ll on Friday. M y day is flexible. What t ime works for you?

    Regards, Thomas C. Poindexter M organ, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pen nsylva nia Avenue, NW I Wash ington, DC 20004-2541 Direct: +1 202.739.5348 I Ma in: 202.739.3000 I Fax: 202.739.3001 I Cell: ... l(b-)(B_) _ _ __, I Assista nt: Angela M . Perry I +1 202.739.5315 I angela perry@morganlewis com From: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia>

    Date: Thursday, Apr 11, 2019, 11:56 AM To: Poindexter, Thomas C. <thomas poindexter@morgan lewis com>

    Cc: Coggins, Angela <Angela>

    Subject : Southern California Edison -- Holtec UMAX cask storage system at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station


    Tom, I have been advised that you are representing Southern Ca lifornia Ed ison on issues involving t he Holtec UM AX cask storage system at the San Onofre Nuclear Generat ing Station. Angela Coggins and I are represent ing t he NRC/NMSS staff on t his issue. We have been told that you may w ant to discuss these issues w it h us.

    Angela and I are ava ilable to talk w it h you on Friday, if you feel it wou ld be helpfu l. Please advise us of your int erest and ava ilability in a discussion.

    Sincerely, Patty Patricia A. Jehle. Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington. DC 20555-00 I Office: (30 I) 287-9 199

    • message is intended only for the perso use of the recipient arned above. This mess may be an attorney-client commu
    • tion and a ch privileged and confidential and/or it may inc attorney work product.

    If you are not an intend ec1p1ent, ay not review, copy or distribut 1s message. If you have r *ved this communi *on in error, please notify us immediate e-r

    • and delete the original message.

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica Subject : RE: Southern California Edison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec"s Amendment 2

    • Certificate of Compliance (CoC)

    Date: Thursday, April 4, 2019 2:09:11 PM l


    I am available now______ _.lLuntil the Awards or after.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Thursday, Apri l 4, 2019 1:59 PM To: Coggins Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    1 Cc: Maltese, James <>


    FW: Southern Ca lifornia Edison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec's Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance (CoC) l (b)(5)

    Angela,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

    PattyJ(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    From: Davis, Marlone Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 1:53 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessjca,Bje!eckj@nrc,gov>; Maltese, James <James,Maltese@nrc,gov>

    Cc: Layton, Michael <MichaeLLayton@nrc,gov>


    Sout hern Ca lifornia Ed ison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec's Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance (CoC)

    Jessica (b)(5)

    Best Marlone

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Davis Marlone; Maltese James Cc: Layton Michael; Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Southern Ca lifornia Edison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec"s Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance (CoC)

    Date: Friday, April 5, 2019 9:00:20 AM Marlane, (b)(5)



    From: Davis, Marlane Sent: Thursday, Apri l 04, 2019 1:53 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <James. Ma>

    Cc: Layton, M ichael <M ichael.Layt>


    Sout hern Ca lifornia Edison (SCE) 72.48 and Holtec's Amendment 2 - Certificate of Compliance (CoC)

    Jessica (b)(5)

    Best Marlane

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : FW: Status Attachment (5 pages) is being Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:13:06 AM withheld in its entirety Attachments: NMSS as 20 to 26.docx (Exemption 5)

    Importance: High l~X5J I

    (b_)(5_) _ _ _ _ _..... Thank you!

    From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:03 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Maltese, James <James.Ma>;

    M ou lding, Patrick <Patrick. M ou>; Lemoncelli, M auri <M auri.Lemoncelli>;

    Spencer, Mary <Ma>; Harris, Brian <Brian.Ha>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <M>


    FW: Status Importance: High l(b)(5)

    Thanks, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assista nt General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclea r Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Ri hm, Roger Sent : Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9 :35 AM To: Ammon, Bernice <Bernice.Ammon@nrc gov>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    RE: Status Importance: High

    From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 16, 2019 9:13 AM To: Rihm, Roger <Roger.Rihm@nrc .gov>

    Cc: Clark, Michae l <>


    Stat us Roger: . l'.b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Thanks, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counse l, Legis lation, and Specia l Projects Alternate Designated Agency Ethi cs Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : Fw: Status Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:46:09 AM (b_)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!Thanks!

    From: Moulding, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:42:44 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica Cc: Lemoncelli, Mauri


    RE: Status From: Mouldi ng, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:38 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>; Ammon, Bernice <>;

    M alt ese, James <James.Malt>; Lemonce lli, Ma uri <M auri.Lemoncel li>;

    Spencer, Mary <Ma>; Harris, Brian <Brian.Ha>; Lemoncelli, Mauri

    <Ma uri.Lemoncelli@n>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <M>


    RE: Status r,1 Pat From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:12 AM To: Ammon, Bernice <Bern ice Ammon@nrc gov>; Maltese, James <James Ma !tese@nrc gov>;

    M ould ing, Patrick <Patrick.Mou>; Lemoncell i, Mauri <Mauri.Lemoncel li>;

    Spencer, M ary <Mary Spencer@nrc gov>; Harris, Brian <Brian Harris@nrc gov>; Lemoncelli, Mauri

    <Mauri Lemoncelli@orc gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <Michael C!ark@nrc gov>


    RE: Status Thanks!

    From: Ammon, Bernice

    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:03 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Maltese, James <Ja>;

    Mou lding, Pat rick <>; Lemoncelli, Mauri <Mauri.Lemoncelli>;

    Spencer, Mary <Mary.Spencer@nrc 1,Nv>; Harris, Brian <>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <>


    FW: Status Importance: High l(b)(5) r )(5)

    Thanks, Bernice Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Eth ics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171 From: Rihm, Roger Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:35 AM To: Ammon, Bernice <>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    RE: Status Importance: High From: Ammon, Bernice Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:13 AM To: Rihm, Roger <Roger Rihm@nrc gov>

    Cc: Clark, Michael <Michael Clark@nrc gov>


    Status l(b)(5)



    Than ks, Bernice

    Bernice C. Ammon Assistant General Counsel, Legal Counsel, Legis lation, and Special Projects Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-287-9171

    From : Layton. Michael on behalf of Regan. Christopher To: Bielecki, Jessica ; Maltese. James; Layton. Michael; ALBERT BATES; Howell. Linda Cc : Pevaser Nishka: Seyoum-Seifu Meron; McK jrgan John; Davis Macione ; MARK MORGAN Subject : FW : Status update with SCE Start : Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11 :00 :00 AM End : Wednesday. April 10. 2019 12:00:00 PM Location : T481 4/16



    Original Appointmcnt-***-

    From: Regan, Christopher Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:49 AM To: Regan, Christopher; Lay Ion , Michael ; ALBERT BA TES; Howell , Linda Cc: Devaser, ishka ; Seyoum-Seifu. Meron: McKirgan, John ; Davis. Marlone: MARK MORGA Subjcci: Status update with SCE When : Wednesday. April 10, 2019 11 :00 AM- 12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

    Where: T4Bl 4/ 16


    Communication to and from SCE on status of paths forward 10 re olvc oumandin g issues assoc iated with MPC scratching Cal l in Number for SCE 301-4 15-9956 (this is not a bridgeline)

    From: Jeh le Patricia To : Cylkowski payid; Gillespie Joe /Joe Gjllespie@nrc gov}

    Subject : Summary of SONGS Issue for the Staff Date: Friday, April 19, 20 19 2:20:00 PM Attachment (2 pages) is being Attachments: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx withheld in its entirety imaqe001.pnq (Exemption 5)

    Hi David and Joe, (b)(5)

    Best wishes, Patty P.S. Wishing you and your families a Happy Easter.

    Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General CoWIBel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199 RC

    ' -* ~

    To: ~

    SUt.tact: ftEo S\JM'AARYCFliONJ.!ilSSl.lES1~N~-,;to:;o.

    ~ t*; Th-;sr,Vi18t(11 U --4:);:VPM Th,,,.,l/b\(5\ ~"'""'

    Ons111al M ~ ) ~

    f,u111: khlt. P-J11ku Seru: Tbund:ay. Apn l Ill 2019 .!:!S PM To: Bid<<b. k:.~k3 rj~t..'lii:'a.Bidttb@nrr-gav:>

    SulJ~: SU Ml\lARY OF SONGS ISSU'ES for NMSS..doxx lm pur tam:e: l hgb Hik.$$icii.

    ' -* ~

    To: ~

    SUbJact: i,.E; .S \JUAARYC6&01D.!ilSWES1 orN~_,;to:;o.

    O. t*; frii;l,,.r Apnl 1. 201t 11),(lt'(ltAW


    Ons111al M~)~

    f,u111: khlt.P-J11ku Seru: l:riday_Aprill9.2019 10:0RAM To: Bidttb, k:.~ka rj~t..'lica..Bidttb@nrr-gav;,,

    s ...~ , RE.::


    OF SONGS ISSliE.'i fa~ Nf.l SS.dcx:~


    Ori@JIW Mcss:Jg,c-From: Biclcd:I. Jn.SICI Scrll. Frida~_ April 19. 20199-_j7 AM To: J~bk. P&1r1d~ <:.P.Mrid~.khlt@nl'('4:0Y>

    SUll)ffl: Kf.. SUMJ.IAR"I' Of SONGS ISS UES forNMSS.~~



    Ori~ruJ M~s~te-from : khlt. P.Juioa SctM: Friday. April 19, 20 199-55AM To: Bidork1, k~k3 <Jc~l..--a._Bid<<k1@111\:'__go11>

    Sutr,<<t: S:UMMAK Y OP SONOS: ISSU l:S for NMSS..thxx

    From: Jehle Patricia To : McKjraan John Cc : Coggins Angela ; Bielecki Jessica; Maltese James Subject : Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Date: Friday, April 19, 20 19 2:09:00 PM Attachment (2 pages) is being Attachments: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx withheld in its entirety (Exemption imageoo1 .png li:;1 Hi John, r )(5J Thanks to you and the NMSS staff in providing input on this important issue.

    With best wishes, Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199 RC U....ctll .5tau.a, Lpl.111Nf ea-iaua*


    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Gillespie Joe; Jehle Patricia Cc: Mal)ese James Subject : RE: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 2:14:35 PM Attachments : imageoo1 png Another very satisfied client. Thank you all!

    From: McKirgan, John Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 2:11 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica.Bielecki@>;

    Malt ese, James <>


    RE: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Patty, thanks to you and the OGC team for the quick review. Super support from OGC!

    Thanks, John From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 2:09 PM To: McKirgan, John <John McKirgan@nrc gov>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica,>;

    Maltese, James <James,Maltese@nrc,gov>


    Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Hi John, (b)(5)

    With best wishes, Patty Patricia A. Jehle, Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199

    From: Jehle Patricia To : Zobler Marjan; Zobler Marian Cc : Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela; Maltese James Subject : Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Date: Friday, April 19, 20 19 2:1 5:56 PM Attachment (2 pages) is being Attachments: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx withheld in its entirety (Exemption Hi Marian and Brooke, (b)(5)

    Best wishes, Patty

    From: Zobler Marian To : Jehle Patricia Cc : Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela; Maltese James Subject : RE: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 2:24:42 PM r_)(5_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

    Thanks .....

    From: Jehl e, Patr icia Sent: Friday, Apri l 19, 2019 2:16 PM To: Zobler, Maria n <>; Zobler, Marian <Ma ria n.Zobl>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela>;

    Ma ltese, Ja mes <Ja mes.Ma>


    Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff Hi Marian and Brooke ,


    Best wishes, Patty

    From: Bielecki Jessica To : Jehle Patricia Attachment (3 pages) is Cc : MalJese James being withheld in its entirety Subject : Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx (Exemption 5)

    Date: Friday, April 19, 2019 1:39:29 PM Attachments: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx Patty, !(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Thanks so much.



    From: Jehle Patricia To : Bielecki Jessjca Cc : Maltese James Subject : RE: Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx Date: Friday, April 19, 20 19 1:41 :02 PM 5

    Okay - Jessica .... r b-)( _)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, Ap ril 19, 2019 1:39 PM To: Jehle, Pat ri cia <Pat ric ia.Jehle@ nrc .gov>

    Cc: Malt ese, James <James.Malt>


    Summary of SONGS Issues for Staff.docx Patty j(b)( 5) l(b)(5)

    Thanks so much.



    From : Clark Brooke To : Bielecki Jessica ; Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Subject : FW: Talking Points for SONGS call . Attachment (2 pages) is being Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 2:40 :28 PM withheld in its entirety Attachments: Southern California Edison Discussion 4-12.docx (Exemption 5)

    Importance : High FYI. Just received .

    From: Shaffer, M ark Sent: Friday, Apr il 12, 2019 2:40 PM To: Cla rk, Brooke <>; Lubinski, John <John .Lubi>; Moore, Scott

    <>; Zob ler, Ma ria n <Ma ria n.Zobler@n>; West, Steven



    Ta lki ng Points fo r SONGS cal l.

    Importance: High

    From: Bielecki Jessica To: Coggins Angela ; Jehle Patricia Cc: Maltese James Subject : Re: Thank you Date: Sunday, April 14 , 2019 12:13:24 PM l(b)(5)

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 5:02:49 PM To: Bielecki, Jessica; Jehle, Patricia Cc: Maltese, James


    RE : Thank you (b)(5)

    Than ks Jessica !

    (b)(5) l From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 4:43 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi ns@>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    Tha nk you r )(5)

    I hope you both have a wonderful weekend.

    From: Bielecki Jessica To : McKiraan John Cc : Jehle Patricia Subject : time for discussion Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 12:54:03 PM Hi John, (b)(5)


    From: Jehle Patricia To: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    • SONGS Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 1:48:04 PM Attachments: iooaaeoo1 pna 5

    Call me please - when you are free.j_(b-)(- )- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 1:09 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


    RE : Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    • SONGS Pattv _j(b)(5) I (b)(5)

    Than ks, Patty! Look forward to chatting soon! I have a 1 pm but should be free by 2.

    Angela From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 1:04 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, Ja mes <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, Wednesdlay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Patty, (b)(5)

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Thanks, Jessica From: Jehle, Patricia

    Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:23 AM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: M alt ese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, W ednesclay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9 :50 AM To: Bie lecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patric ia <>

    Cc: M altese, James <James Ma!tese@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, W ednesclay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS 5

    Jessicar )( )

    l(b)(5) r )(5). (b)(6)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Coun sel H igh Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission an~cla 9 19-803-9233

    This e-mail and any a rney-Clienl or Attorney Work-Product material. t OGC approval.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    FW: Today, Wednesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)

    From: Jimenez, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:10 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>; Jimenez, Patricia <>;

    Mayberry, Theresa <Theresa.Mayberry@>


    Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Good morning, Today from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm there is a Drop-in meeting scheduled with SONGS located in 0 -17 H14.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you ,

    (§l>;;1[Y J fme11</5 Program Assistant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 17 014 Phone: 301.415.1743

    ""-I -

    U.S. RC 1<..i-a.,.i.-, c - -

    ~ . l't.,J,- ..,,:,.,._

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela Cc: MalJese James Subject : RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 1:55:54 PM Attachments : imaaeoo1.ona Jessica, l(b)(5), (b)(B) l(b)(5)

    Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 1:04 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Patty, (b)(5)

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Thanks, Jessica From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 10:23 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)



    Patty From: Coggins, Angela Se nt: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:50 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: Today, Wednesclay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Jessica. l(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    (b)(5), (b)(6)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggi ns Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission an 9 l 9-803-9233 This e-mail a n orney-Client or Attorney ithout OGC approval.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    FW: Today, Wed nesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS


    From: Jime nez, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:10 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jimenez, Patricia <Patricia Jimenez@nrc gov>;

    Mayberry, Theresa <Theresa>


    Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Good morning, Today from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm there is a Drop-in meeting scheduled with SONGS located in 0 -17 H14.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you ,

    @5d1fy fi1u>llr;J Program Assistant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN-0-17014 Phone: 301.415.1743

    From: Jehle, Patricia To: Bielecki Jessica; Coggins Angela Cc: Mal)ese James Subject : RE: Today, Wed nesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:18:00 AM Attachme nts : imageoo1 png Patty From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    FW: Today, Wednesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)

    From: Jimenez, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:10 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>

    Cc: M alt ese, James <>; Jimenez, Patricia <>;

    Mayberry, Theresa <Theresa>


    Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Good morning, Today from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm there is a Drop-in meeting scheduled with SONGS located in 0-17 H14.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    ((5J{)tf f,fo1e,11-7 7 Program Assistant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 17 014 Phone: 301.415.1743 Patricia.l "U.S. RC

    From: coaaios Angela To: Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    • SONGS Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:50:00 AM Attachments: imaaeoo1 ona 5

    l(b-)(_)_ _ ___,! Thanks, Patty!

    From: Jehle, Patricia Se nt: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 10:50 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggi ns@>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1p


    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 10:47 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS r X51 From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 10:23 AM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica,>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Patty From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:50 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS

    . l(b)(5)





    I (b){5), (b){6)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S. N uclear Regulatory Commission angcla.coggins@nrc gov 9 19-803-9233 Work-Product material. without OGC approval.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    FW: Today, Wed nesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)

    From: Jimenez, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9: 10 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@orc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James Maltese@nrc gov>; Jimenez, Patricia <Patricia Jjmenez@nrc gov>;

    Mayberry, Theresa <Theresa Mayberry@nrc gov>


    Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS Good morning, Today from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm there is a Drop-in meeting scheduled with SONGS located

    in 0-17 H14.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    @flfr, J Pmenrg:

    Program Assistant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN-0-17014 Phone: 301.415.1743

    From: coaaios Angela To: Jehle Patricia Subject : RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    • SONGS Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 12:14:00 PM Attachments: imaaeoo1 ona Patty,I (b)(5) l(b)(5)

    I Hope that makes sense!

    Angela From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:50 AM To: Coggins, Angela <>


    RE: Today, Wednesdlay, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS r b-)(5-) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. p 1

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:47 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>


    RE: Today, Wednesdlay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 10:23 AM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: Today, Wednesdlay, April 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)



    I Patty

    From: Coggins, Angela Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:50 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica Bielecki@nrc gov>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jeh le@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <>


    RE: Today, Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - SONGS


    ,~X51 (b)(5), (b)(6)

    Than ks!

    Angela Angela Coggins Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel High Level Waste, Fuel Cycle, & Nuclear Security U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission angela coggios@nrc gov 9 19-80 3-9233 Th is e-mai l a n orney-Client or Atto rney Work-Prod uct roval.

    From: Bielecki, Jessica Se nt: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:26 AM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggins@nrc gov>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James>

    Subject : FW: Today, Wed nesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS l(b)(5)

    From: Jimenez, Pat ricia Se nt: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 9:10 AM

    To: Bielecki, Jessica <>

    Cc: Maltese, James <James.Ma>; Jimenez, Patricia <Patricia.J>;

    Mayberry, Theresa <Theresa Mayberry@nrc gov>


    Today, Wed nesday, Apri l 17, 2019 - SONGS Good morning, Today from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm there is a Drop-in meeting scheduled with SONGS located in 0-17 H14.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    {§}5dl[j Jhn en fff Program Assistant (Rotation)

    Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 17 D14 Phone: 301.415.1743

    From: Cylkowski David To: Jehle Patricia; Coggins Angela Attachment (5 pages) is


    FW: Update to 72.48 review Dat e: Friday, April 26, 2019 1 :14: 14 PM being withheld in its Attachments: 72 48 analysis final docx entirety (Exemptions 4 &

    Importance: High 5)

    Patty, Angela, (b)(5)


    David David M. Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Howe ll, Linda Sent : Friday, April 26, 2019 11:24 AM To: Brookhart, Lee <Lee. Brookhart@n>; Simpson, Eric <Eric.Simpson@>; Smith, Chris

    <>; M orris, Scott <Scot t.Morris@>; Layton, Michael

    <M ichael.>; Rega n, Ch ristopher <Ch ristopher. Rega n@n>; Kat anic, Jan ine

    <Janine.Kata>; Lubinski, John <John.Lubinski@>

    Cc: Cylkowski, David <>


    Update to 72.48 review Importance: High All ,l(b)(5)

    David J{b)(5) l(b)(5)

    From: Cylkowski David To: Jehle Patricia Cc: Coggins Angela Subject : RE: Update to 72.48 review Date: Monday, April 29, 2019 8:54:08 AM Patty, Angela, l(b)(5)

    Thanks, David David M. Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 2:33 PM To: Cylkowski, David <David.Cyl>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggins@>


    RE: Update to 72.48 review l(b)(5)

    Thank you David-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Enjoy the weekend.

    I Patty From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 1:14 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>


    FW: Update to 72.48 review Importance: High Patty, Angela, (b)(5)


    David David M. Cylkowski

    Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Howe ll, Linda Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 11:24 AM To: Brookha rt, Lee <Lee Brookhart@nrc gov>; Simpson, Eric <Erjc.Simpson@nrc gov>; Smith, Chris

    <>; Morri s, Scott <>; Layton, M ichael

    <>; Rega n, Ch ri stop her <>; Katan ic, Ja nine

    <Janine.Katan>; Lub inski, Joh n <>

    Cc: Cylkowski, David <David>


    Updat e to 72.48 rev iew Importance: High l(bX5J David J bl(5) l(b)(5)

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Davis Marlone; Coggins Angela


    RE: Violation for the Scratch Issue Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 5:51 :47 PM Thanks Marlene.

    p From: Davis, Marlene Sent: Thursday, Apri l 11, 2019 5:37 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Coggins, Angela <>


    RE: Violation for t he Scratch Issue l(b)(5)



    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:39 PM To: Davis, Marlone <Maclone.Davjs@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>


    RE: Violation for the Scratch Issue Tha nks Marlone ~ (b)(5) l(b)(5) I ..______________________.

    Patty From: Davis, Marlone Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:34 PM To: Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggjns@>; Jehle, Patricia <Patrjcja.Jehle@nrc gov>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <Jessica>


    Violation for t he Scratch Issue Angela and Patti Marlane

    From : Bielecki Jessica To : Jehle Patricia; Cogg ins Angela Subject : FW: Violation for the Scratch Issue Date: Friday, April 12, 2019 8: 10:20 AM l(b)(5) 1~)(5)

    From: Davis, Marlane Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:34 PM To: Coggins, Ange la <>; Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    Violation for t he Scratch Issue Angela and Patti Marlane

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Gillespie Joe Cc: Coggins Angela Subject : FW: Violation for the Scratch Issue Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 6:02:09 PM Hi Joe, l(b)(5)

    Patty From: Davis, Ma rlone Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 5:37 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Coggins, Angela <>


    RE: Violation for the Scratch Issue (b)(5)


    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:39 PM To: Davis, Marlene <Macione Dayjs@nrc gov>; Coggins, Angela <Angela Coggjns@nrc gov>


    RE: Violation for t he Scratch Issue Thanks Marlene - 1(b)(5) l(b)(5) I -*------------------

    Patty From: Davis, Marlene Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:34 PM To: Coggins, Angela <>; Jehle, Patricia <>

    Cc: Bielecki, Jessica <>


    Violation for t he Scratch Issue Angela and Patti Marlane

    From: Jehle Patricia To :

    Subject :

    Date: on ay, Apn ,

    Attachments: image001 .png

    Thanks, Patty Patricia A. Jehle , Attorney Office of the General Counsel High-Level Waste, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Security Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OWFN 15 C 38 Mail Stop: OWFN 14 A44 Washington, DC 20555-001 Office: (301) 287-9199

    -'U. RC

    From: Jehle Patricia To: Cylkowski David; Gillespie Joe Cc: coagios Angela ; ....



    ea..,1i~ic... ~ ---------,

    Subject : RE: Attorney Work Product: i...,~. . ,}(....5)_______....,

    Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019 4:12:49 PM Hi David and Joe, Tha nks, Patty From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Gil lesp ie, Joe <>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <Angela.Coggi ns@>; Mou lding, Patrick <>


    RE: Attorney Work Prod uct: !(b)(5) I Sounds good. Than ks to you botti.

    David M . Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Jeh le, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 1:52 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <>; Cylkowski, David <>

    Cc: Coggins, Ange la <>; Mould ing, Patrick <Patrick.Mould>


    RE: Attorney Work Product: l(b)(5)

    Importance: High I

    Hi David, Patty From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2:47 PM To: Cylkowski, David <Pavjd Cylkowski@nrc gov>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <>; Coggins, Ange la <>; Mould ing, Patrick <Patrick.Mou ld>


    RE: Attorney Work Product: l(b)(5) -------------I (b)(5)

    Joe Gil lespie From: Cylkowski, David

    Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2:43 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia Jehle@nrc gov>; Coggins, Ange la <Angela Coggios@nrc gov>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick.Mou> - - - - - - - - - - - -



    RE: Attorney Work Prod uct: _!(b-)(_ )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___




    David David M. Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Gi ll espie, Joe Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:19 AM To: Cylkowski, David <David Cyl kowski@nrc gov>

    Cc: Jehle, Patricia <Patricia.Jehle@>; Coggins, Angela <Angela.Coggins@>; Moulding, Patrick <Patrick Mouldiog@nrc gov>


    Attorney Work Product: ... 5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,


    David, (b)(5)


    Sincerely, Joe Gi llespie (301) 287-9184 (b)(5)

    From: Gillespie Joe To: Cylkowski David Subject : RE: SCE Potential Violation 72.48 Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:54:00 PM l(b)(5)

    From: Cylkowski, David Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 20 19 3:31 PM To: Gillespie, Joe <Joe.Gillespie@>


    RE: SCE Potential Violation 72.48 Hi Joe, l(b)(5)

    Than ks, David David M . Cylkowski Regional Counsel U.S. NRC Region IV 817.200.1271 From: Gi llespie, Joe Sent: W ednesday, April 17, 20 19 12:19 PM To: Cylkowski, David <Dayjd Cylkowski@nrc gay>


    SCE Potentia l Violatio n 72.48 David, I hope you are doing well t oday.l(b)( )

    5 I


    Thanks, Joe Gi llespie (301) 287-9184

    From: Kirkwood, Sara Se nt: Monday, April 29, 2019 2:47 PM Attachment (3 pages)

    To: Mould ing, Patrick; Lemoncelli, Mauri is being withheld in it


    FW: SONGS - AARM Candidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18- 19 OGC comments.doc entirety (Exemption 5)

    Attachme nts: SONGS - AARM Candidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18- 19 OGC comments.doc (b)(5)

    Sara From: Kirkwood, Sara Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 2:40 PM To: Sun, Robert <>

    Cc: Lemon celli, Mauri <>; Moulding, Patrick <>


    SONGS - AARM Ca ndidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18-19 OGC comments.doc Robert-(b)(5)


    Thanks, Sara

    From: Sun, Robert Sent: Monday, April 29, 20 19 3:02 PM To: Kirkwood, Sara Attachment (3 Cc: Lemoncelli, Mauri; Moulding, Patrick; Howell. Linda pages) is being


    RE: SONGS - AARM Candidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18- 19 OGC comments.doc withheld in its Attachments: SONGS - AARM Candidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18- 19 OGC comments- RS.doc entirety (Exemption 5) l(b)(5) 5 L1 -

    • nda-l(b-)(- )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,~ h an ks.' r From: Kirkwood, Sara Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 2:40 PM To: Sun, Robert <>

    Cc: Lemoncelli, Mauri <>; Moulding, Patrick <>


    SONGS - AARM Candidate Writeup 3 20 2019 final 18-19 OGC comments.doc RnhPrt-(b)(5) l(b)(5)

    Thanks, Sara

    Publicly available at:

    No: IV-19-01 2 May 21, 20 19


    Victor Dricks, 817-200-1128 NRC Has Determined Fuel Loading Can Be Safely Resumed at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that fue l loading can be safely resumed at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The San Clemente, Calif., plant is owned by Southern California Edison and permanently shut down in 20 I 3.

    Fuel loading operations were suspended fo llowing an Aug. 3, 2018, incident involving a loaded spent fue l storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault. Information about the incident and the NRC's response is available on the NRC website.

    The NRC made its determination following extensive review of technical data submitted by Edison regarding the possible effects of scratching on spent fuel canisters during fue l loading operations.

    The NRC will hold a virtual public meeting/webinar from 2-3 p.m. Central Time (12-1 p.m. Pacific Time) on June 3. Members of the public will have an opportunity to submit written comments and questions via the webinar user interface following a presentation by NRC officials. NRC staff will provide participation guidance during the webinar.

    Interested members of the public should register for the webinar on the NRC website, at which time a confirmation e-mail wi ll be sent with details for joining the webinar via computer or mobile device. There is an option to listen via a phone bridge; however participants must first register for the webinar to obtain the phone bridge number.

    From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 8:45 AM To: Bielecki, Jessica


    FW: NRC Has Determined Fuel Loading Can Be Safely Resumed at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Attachments: 19-012.iv.pdf Probably you were aware already, but if not , FYI.

    From: opa administrators <>

    Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 4:04 PM To: Clark, Brooke <>


    NRC Has Determined Fuel Loading Can Be Safely Resumed at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release No: IV-19-012 May 21, 2019


    Victor Dricks, 817-200-1128 NRC Has Determined Fuel Loading Can Be Safely Resumed at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined t hat fuel loading can be safely resumed at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The San Clemente, Calif., plant is owned by Southern California Edison and permanently shut down in 2013.

    Fuel loading operations were suspended following an Aug. 3, 2018, incident involving a loaded spent fuel storage canister that was misaligned and became stuck on a flange while being lowered into a storage vault. Information about the incident and the NRC's response is available on t he NRC website.

    The NRC made its determination following extensive review of technical data submitted by Edis.on regarding the possible effects of scratching on spent fuel canisters during fuel loading operations.


    The NRC will hold a virtual public meeting/webinar from 2-3 p.m. Central Time(12-1 p.m. Pacific Time) on June 3.

    Members of the public will have an opportunity to submit written comments and questions via the webinar user interface following a presentation by NRC officials. NRC staff will provide participation guidance during the webinar.

    Interested members of the public should register for the webinar on the NRC website, at which time a confirmation e-mail will be sent with details for joining the webinar via computer or mobile device. There is an option to listen via a phone bridge; however participants must first register for the webinar to obtain the phone bridge number.


    From: Clark, Brooke Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:57 AM To: Jehle, Patricia Subje ct: RE: Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final Thanks, Patty. See you shortly.

    From: Jehle, Patricia Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:48 AM To: Maltese, James <>; Bielecki, Jessica <>; Zobler, Marian

    <>; Clark, Brooke <>; Gillespie, Joe <>; Coggins, Angela <>

    Subje ct: Bullets for SONGS Scratching briefings Final


    Fwd: SONGS l(b)(5) I Location: Teleconference Bndgeline 888-549-9587 Passcode 27446 Start: Fri 04/12/2019 3:00 PM End: Fri 04/12/2019 4:00 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

    Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: R4_0RA _ Admin Required Attendees: Morris, Scott; Shaffer, Mark; Zobler, Marian; West, Steven; Lubinski, John; Moore, Scott; Howell, Linda; Clark, Brooke; Regan, Christopher; Layton, Michael Optional Attendees: Sprogeris, Patricia Meaning she knows about the issue so she should be in on the call From: " R4_0RA _ Admin" <R4>


    SONGS (Fuel Load Decision Needed TODAY)

    Date: 12 April 2019 12:08 To: "Morris, Scott" <>, "Shaffer, Mark" <>, "Zobler, Marian"

    <Ma>, "West, Steven" <Steven.West@n>, "Lubinski, John" <>,

    "Moore, Scott" <Scot t.Moore@n>, "Howell, Linda" <Linda.Howell@n>, "Clark, Brooke"


    Cc: "Sprogeris, Patricia" <>

    Meeting requested by Scott Morris, Regional Administrator. Reaion IV. im I

    Passcodes/Pin codes:

    Participant passcode 1(~ 6) c For security reasons, the passcode will be required to join the conference.

    Dial in numbers:


    Country Toll Numbers Toll Free Number IUSA T888-549-9587 - - - -......

    Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone.