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MONTHYEARML20034D9072020-02-0303 February 2020 Mesa Locations Summary Table 2 ML20034D9062020-02-0303 February 2020 Mesa Event Summary Table 1 ML20034E6052018-07-23023 July 2018 SONGS - Mesa Navy All Parcels Fig1_v9 ML20034E4982016-05-16016 May 2016 Memo to File Mesa Assessment Event Summary Table 1 ML20034D9482016-05-16016 May 2016 Soil Sample Gps Coordinates ML20034D9472016-05-16016 May 2016 Mesa Master Sample Locations Lat-Lon ML20034D9152016-05-16016 May 2016 Table 2 Mesa Survey Plan Vs Actual Summary ML20034D9142016-05-16016 May 2016 Table 1 Mesa Survey Plan Summary ML16056A1392016-03-11011 March 2016 Correction to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Analysis of Licensees Decommissioning Funding Status Reports ML20034E5002015-05-28028 May 2015 Memo to File Mesa Assessment Locations Summary Table 2 ML14351A0782014-12-15015 December 2014 Redacted Version of Response to Request for Additional Information Proposed Exemptions from Certain Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E ML13063A4422013-02-27027 February 2013 LTR-13-0183 - E-mail Don Leichtling Media Alert - Chart of Three Modes of San Onofre Unit 2 Operation, 100%, 70% and MSLB with Multiple Tube Failures ML13009A3492013-01-0808 January 2013 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Confirmatory Action Letter Response ML12194A1362012-07-12012 July 2012 SONGS, Steam Generator Tube, Unit 2, Wear Data 7-12-12 ML12194A1632012-07-12012 July 2012 SONGS, Unit 3 Steam Generator Tube Wear Data 7-12-12 ML1214500142012-05-23023 May 2012 NFPA 805 LAR Status Matrix - May 2012 ML12095A2872012-04-0202 April 2012 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Summary Report of Commitment Changes Implemented During the Period from March 18, 2011, Through March 28, 2012 ML1019004182010-06-28028 June 2010 Quick View Chart ML0825503212008-04-17017 April 2008 Table for AST Methodology Issue (Email) ML0728203072007-10-11011 October 2007 Electronic Distribtion Initiative Letter, Licensee List, Electronic Distribution Input Information, Division Plant Mailing Lists ML0631904142006-11-0808 November 2006 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (Orise); Ltr. Dated 11/08/2006; Analytical Results for Soil & Water Samples Associated with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, San Clemente, California on 10/13/2006 (IR 050-00206/06-015 ML0632500232006-10-30030 October 2006 11-2006 Draft-Outlines ML0632500712006-10-30030 October 2006 11-2006-Draft-Written-Exam-Comments ML0632502792006-10-30030 October 2006 11-2006-Draft-Operating-Exam-Comments ML0612902272005-04-0101 April 2005 04-2005-Written Exam Comments ML0434101252004-12-0202 December 2004 Additional Information Supporting the Third Ten-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Interval Relief Requests ISI-3-11, Revision 1 and ISI-3-12 to Support Pressurizer Heater Sleeve Repairs ML0416002992004-06-0303 June 2004 60-day Post Refueling Outage Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspection Report for San Onofre, Unit 2 2020-02-03
[Table view] |
TABLE 1 - Mesa Survey Plan Summary Survey Unit Location Structural Surfaces Land Areas Direct Beta Surveys Indirect Beta Surveys Gamma Scans Soil Sampling f - Edison Warehouse, Building W-50 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 10 random wall locations with a frisker.
Take 20 random smears of the floor surface in the W-50 warehouse area.
Take 10 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.
N/A N/A g - Units 2 and 3 Laydown Area N/A Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.
Scan area with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations.
Take 3 soil samples in biased locations.
h - STAR Yard and Ameron Laydown Area Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces in G-20, G-21, and G-22. Floor monitor preferred. Scan 10 random wall locations in each building with a frisker.
For each building, take 10 random smears of the floor surface.
Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.
Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.
Scan each survey unit with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations.
Take 3 soil samples in biased locations for each of the two survey units outside the cross-hatched area in Reference 1. In the cross-hatched area, take a soil sample at each of the 20 static survey locations.
i - Mesa Salvage Yard N/A Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains.. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.
Scan area with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations.
Take 3 soil samples in biased locations.
k - Rm 105, Building G-48 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 6 random wall locations with a frisker.
Take 10 random smears of the floor surface in the room.
Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.
N/A N/A l - Source storage vault in Building E-50 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 6 random wall locations with a frisker.
Take 10 random smears of the floor and accessible wall surfaces near the storage vault area.
Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.