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Table 2 Mesa Survey Plan Vs Actual Summary
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2016
Southern California Edison Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20034D837 List: ... further results
Download: ML20034D915 (1)


TABLE 2 - Mesa Survey Plan vs: Actual Summary Survey Unit Location Structural Surfaces Land Areas Direct Beta Surveys Indirect Beta Surveys Gamma Scans Soil Sampling f - Edison Warehouse, Building W-50 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 10 random wall locations with a frisker.

Take 20 random smears of the floor surface in the W-50 warehouse area.

Take 10 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.

N/A N/A g - Units 2 and 3 Laydown Area N/A Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.

Scan area with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations. (Took readings at 40 locations.)

Take 3 soil samples in biased locations.

(Took 20 soil samples.)

h - STAR Yard and Ameron Laydown Area Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces in G-20, G-21, and G-22. Floor monitor preferred. Scan 10 random wall locations in each building with a frisker.

For each building, take 10 random smears of the floor surface.

Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.

Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.

Scan each survey unit with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations.

(Performed 100% scan of cross-hatched area.)

Take 3 soil samples (took 15 soil samples/survey unit) in biased locations for each of the two survey units outside the cross-hatched area in Reference 1. In the cross-hatched area, take a soil sample at each of the 20 static survey locations.

i - Mesa Salvage Yard N/A Take 2 or more smears of the inside surface of any representative yard/storm drains.. If no drains exist, note that on survey map.

Scan area with SPA-3 in serpentine path, stopping for static surveys at 20 random locations.

Take 3 soil samples in biased locations.

(Took 10 soil samples.)

k - Rm 105, Building G-48 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 6 random wall locations with a frisker.

Take 10 random smears of the floor surface in the room.

Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.

N/A N/A l - Source storage vault in Building E-50 Scan survey all accessible floor surfaces, floor monitor preferred. Scan 6 random wall locations with a frisker.

Take 10 random smears of the floor and accessible wall surfaces near the storage vault area.

Take 6 wall smears no higher than 6 above the floor.

N/A N/A Chemistry Lab Classroom, Building E-50 Scanned all accessible floor surface with floor monitor. Scanned 6 random wall locations with a frisker.

Took 10 random smears of the floor and accessible wall surfaces.

N/A N/A Storm Drain Culvert N/A N/A Scanned the entire length of the culvert with SPA-3, pausing for static readings at 12 random locations Took 6 soil samples in biased locations This table originally appeared in Reference 2, Mesa Survey Plan. It is updated here with actual survey information to indicate additional measurements made at managements request.

(Those additions are shown in italics.)