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Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Questionnaire Re Time That Managers Spend in Responding to Various Insps & Audits Encl
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1990
From: Fay C
To: Partlow J
CON-NRC-90-017, CON-NRC-90-17 GL-90-01, GL-90-1, VPNPD-90-100, NUDOCS 9003120331
Download: ML20033E326 (12)



d 4


' Electnc POWER COMPANY 231 W Michqvt Po. Box 2046, Milwoukee WI 53201 (4W 22&2M VPNPD-90-100 NRC 017 March 1, 1990

-Document Control Desk U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Mail Station Pl-137 Washington, D.C.

20555 Attention Mr. James G.

Partlow Associate Director for Projects Gentlemen:

GENERIC LETTER NO. 90-01 NRC REGULATORY IMPACT SURVEY NRC Generic Letter No. 90-01, " Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey," dated January 18, 1990, reques-ted that nuclear utilities complete a questionnaire to provide i

the NRC with insight on the time which key nuclear power plant managers spend in responding to the various operational inspection i

I and audits that are imposed upon them.-

Attached to this letter are our responses to that questionnaire.

As directed in Item 1 of the enclosure to the. generic letter, we have separated our responses into the categories of inspection, audit, or evaluation as you identified.

Please note that.under' Item 5 of the question-naire, we have listed total the categories, not per-centage of total time.

This is consistent wi' h the additional c

clarifying information we received from NUMARC enclosed with Mr. Joe F. Colvin's letter dated February 16, 1990.

We wish to clarify that we have responded to this survey from the viewpoint of our nuclear power department managers.

As a corpora-tion, we are subjected to additional inspections and audits by agencies identified in these questionnaires which involve other departments at Wisconsin Electric.

The impacts on other depart-ments have not been estimated in our response.

Very trul


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Fay Vice President Nuclear Power Copy to NRC Regional Inspector, Region III NRC Resident Inspector Mr. Joe Colvin (NUMARC) j gg[

9003120331 900301 AmMfim onhvasinEnngrGrqvatkin lIl/

L'DR ADOCK 05000266 w


NRC Recu14 tory Imoact Survey Questionnaire sheet



Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

l l

NRC Team Tnnnnetinne t

l i


Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted'l l

Two team insnections each vnnr.

l 3.

Operations / Construction areas covered:


Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

Teams typically are 4-6 pecole and are nn-ni+n fnv nnn to two weeks.

t 5.

Approximate ern:O;; f total time (on an annual basis) which the:

following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.

l a.

Plant Department Heads 190 MH (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 20 Mri c.

Corporate Department Heads 66 MH (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents 10 MH (numberinvolved) 1 Chief Nuclear Officer Is ~n-d) as e.

i l



r"C Reculae.ory Inoact Survey Quest' onnaire sneet j


Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

NRC Roe:4dont T nnnne t innn


Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often 2.

is this activity conducted?

insnect ors are assioned/anoroximat elv 4 30 MH/ year.

Two resident 3.

Operations / Construction amas covered:


Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

See item two.

'l 7 c' total time (on an annual basis) which the Approximate ;r:r t,


following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.

l a.

Plant Department Heads 243 MH (numberinvolved) 6 l


Plant Manager 60 MH c.

Corporate Department Heads,71 MH (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents 15 MH (numberinvolved) 1 Chief Nuclear Officer (5-n d )


l l

l l

i l


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NRC Reculatory Isoset Survey j

Questionnaire sheet j

'o 1.

Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

Other NRC Recinnni nna Headcuartorn l


Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?


One inspection every 2-3 weeks.

l 3.

Operations / Construction areas covered:


Extent of the activity (how m ny people, for how long)

Typically 1-3 people for 2-4 days.

l 5.

Approximate ;;r:::t;;; c' total time (on an annual basis) which the i

following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and i

in response to the activity described in Item fl.


Plant Department Heads 355 Mu (number involved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 80 MH Corporate Department Heads,200 MH (number involved) 3 c.


Corp' orate Vice Presidents 20 MH (numberinvolved) 1 l

Chief Nuclear OfficerIS-c as J) e.

l l

t OI

letC Resula%ry Imoac4 Survey ouest' onnaire 5 est 0


Type'of inspection, audit or evaluation:

INPO Evaluations 2.

Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often

-is this activity conducted?

one trainina a c c ro cli t n t i nn.

One TNPO evaluatinn onch ynne_


Operations / Construction areas covered:

i 4.


Evaluation 15-17 people for two weeks.

Accreditation 2 people for 2-3 days.


Approximate pan O;; c' total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.


Plant Department Heads 530 Mu (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 85 Corporate Department Heads _155 MH(number involved) 3 c.


Corp' orate Vice Presidents 20 Mu (numberinvolved)

I Chief Nuclear Officer (same n -d) e.


NRC Regulatory LaDact Survey i

ouest' onna' re sneet 1.

Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

Insurern l


Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?

One resident insoector.

Other inennreinne everv other month.


Operations / Construction areas covered:

Fire protection, oressure vessel inspections, property coverace, liability coverace, and machinery inspections 4.

Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

One or two inspectors for 2-3 days Resident Inspector on site about 15-20 days / month 5.

Approximate ex;ng ;f total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend 'in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Itas fl.


Plant Department Heads 5o Mn (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 15 MH c.

Corporate Department Heads 26 MH (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents 80 MH (numbr' involved) 1 Note 1 Chief Nuclear Officer C h c-e <t )


i i

l 1.

Corporate VP is member of advisory committee of mutual nuclear insurance concerns.

l e9 w

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a a---~

NRC Raoulaucry Leoacu Survey j

nuest' onna' re 5 eet 1.

Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:



Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often Ntm l n n v pnune is this activity conducted?

No on-nito nr Department inspection in the cast two vnnre 4

l 3.

Operations / Construction areas covered:

NA 4.


None 5.

Approximate ;rn-2;; ;f total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend 'in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.


plant Department Heads 0

(numberinvolved) c b.

Plant Manager O_


Corporate Department Heads o

(numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents 2 MH (number involved) 1 ChiefNuclearOfficer(G+r <sJ) e.

Ntc Reeulao.ory Lapset Survey nuest' onna re sneet 1.

Type of inspection, audit er evaluation:


Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?

One/ year or less 3.

Operations / Construction areas covered:

Safety inspection and incident investigation 4.

Extent of the activity (how maty people, for how long) one insnector for two davs 5.

Approximate R x;.t;; ;' total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend 'in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.


Plant Department Heads e n (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 7 Mn c.

Corporate Department Heads._o_im (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents n u (numberinvolved) i Chief Nuclear Officer h - ~ c

^S d) e.

l 9

IstC Raoula"ru Emmact Surve.y mest ont ce sneet l.

O 1.

Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

Department of Transport ation 2.

Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?

No inspections in past several years.


Operations / Construction areas covered:

l Spent fuel shipping procedures and couipment.

LLW shipping.

l l


Extent of the activity (how many peoples for how long) l During spent fuel shipping activities, we experienced I

several inspections each year.

Typically one inspector for l

one day.

l C; M total time (on an annual basis) which the Approximate ;;r::


following managers sust spend 'in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.


Plant Department Heads o Mil (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager o M11 c.

Corporate Department Heads, o Mil (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice presidents O Mil (numberinvolved) 1 as 0 e.

Chief Nuclear Officer f % - c i

i l

i 1




~.---- ---..--------------- - - - - - - -

1 IstC heeula",orn impact Survey 1

mast-onaire sheet l

s s.

O 1.

Type of inspection, audit er evaluation:

State / Local Authorities 2.

Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?

Two t o t hree inspections por year /one audit per year.


Operations / Construction amas covends Discharae permit compliance, elevat or inspections, machinery inspections for state certification, accounting practices and generation forecasting.


Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

One or two inspectors for one or two days on site.

One auditor for 3-4 days at corporate office.


Approximate;::::C;;;'totaltime(onanannualbasis)whichthe following managers must spend "in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in item fl.


Plant Department Heads 24 Mit (numberir.volved) 6 b.

Plant Manager a Mil c.

Corporate Department Heads 60 Mil (numberinvolved) 3 d.

Corp' orate Vice Presidents 8 Mil (number involved) 1 Chief Nuclear Officerf omt a d) e.

9 l



1stC heeula"ary tapact Survey i

ouest' onnaire sneet l


Type of inspection, audit er evaluation:

NRC recuired OA nnait n l


Based on actual experience over the'past several years, about how often 1

is this activity conducted?

i Annroxirnat elv t en i nnnect innn /ana4 + c nn-

.> e m,-

f 3.

Operations / Construction amas covend:

Fire protection, technical enor i fi r-nt i nn nnai+

mmc 14<4rn+ ion l

I audit, emeroency Diannina. ALARA.

i 4.

Extent of the activity (how anny people, for how long) a One or two people for 2-3 days, resonnne tn findinne j

i recuire many manhnurs.

l 5.

Approximate ; x :t ; c' tota 1 time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item (1.


Plant Department Heads 3 Mu (number involved) r, l


Plant Manager 4s Mu Corporate Department Headsmu (number involved) c.


Corporate Vice presidents s u (numberinvolved) i Chief Nuclear Officer b mc as J) e.

l 4



~,, -







I NRC Regula",ory : monet Survey puest'onna' re 5heet 1.

Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:

Self-assessments 2.

Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often 1s this activity conducted?

once raer year 3.

Operations / Construction areas covered:

Electrical di st r ibut i on, RHR design, containment design 4.

Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

,Three to four people for two weeks 1

l l.


Approximate ;nx=;: c' total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend 'in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item #1.


Plant Department Heads 330 MH (numberinvolved) 6 b.

Plant Manager 60 MH Corporate Department Heads 130 MH (number involved) 3 c.


Corp' orate Vice Presidents 16 MH (numberinvolved) 1 e.

Chief Nuclear Officer 6-c 3s JT i

l l

. -..