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Responds to Request for Submittal to Infraction Identified Under EA in Summary of Findings Section of IE Insp Rept 50-263/75-01.Infraction Item Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/1975
From: Wachter L
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML20024G693 List:
NUDOCS 9104240485
Download: ML20024G694 (3)


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NSF NORTHERN 5TATES POWER COMPANY M t N N E A POLL e. MIN N E G OTA 5 5 431 March 3, 1975 Hr. J. G. Keppler Director - Region III

.0f fice of Inspection and Enforcement United States iiuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Attention:

Mr. Gaston Fiorelli, Chief Reactor Operations Branch

Dear Mr. Keppler:

MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING Pl>NT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 a

Inis letter is submitted in response to the infraction identified under Enforcement Action in the Summary of Findings section of IE Inspection Report No. 050-263/75-01.

A copy of the infraction item is attached.

The "A" Loop Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger was inspected for leaks during the recent refueling outage. The maintenance vorb was performed under the control of a Work P.equest Authorization and repair was guided by hand-written instructions.

Since the maintenance work was being performed on plant equipment that could have an ef fect on nucicar safety, the need for corrective maintenance procedures should have been considered in accordance with the requirements of plant Administrative Control Directives 4 ACD-5.2, Mechanical and Electrical Maintenar. s Procedures, and 4 ACD-3.11, Procedure Review and Approval. These ACDs have been prepared to establish guidelines and requirements to govern plant activities, particularly activities relating to nucicar safety and/or those required by the Technical Specifications.

In direct response to the infraction identified in Inspection Report No. 050-263/75-01, an Operational Control Document has been drafted to control the performance of maintenance on RHR heat exchangers and a procedure has been draf ted for the perfc-mance of the maintenance work.

9104240485 7 63 ADOCK 0 PDR PDR O

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i NORTHERN CTATED POWER COMPANY Mr. J. G. Keppler March 3, 1975 These procedures will be reviewad and produced in final approved form prior to the performance of similar maintenance on an RHR heat exchanger in the future. Additionally, the infraction has been discusseu with the Superintendent of Operations and Maintenance and the Maintenance Supervisor.

Yours very truly, h

L. J. Wachter Vice President - Power Production and System Operation ec: Mr. A. Giambusso Mr. G. Charnoff Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Attention:

Mr. E. A. Pryzina Enclosure a

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Infraction (IE Inspection Report No. 050-263/75-01, February 12, 1975)

Technical Specification 6.5.C states that detailed written procedures, including the applicable check-off and instructions, shall be prepared and followed for preventive or corrective maintenance of plant equipment and systems that could have an effect on nuclear safety.

Contrary to the above, detailed written procedures had not been prepared for the inspection and repair of the "A" Loop Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger in progress on January 17, 1975.

This infraction was identified by the inspector an'd had the potential for causing or contributing to an occurrence with safety significance.

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