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Responds to Re Two Activities Which Appeared to Be in Violation of AEC Requirements.Corrective Actions: Addl Administrative Measures Implemented to Control Addition of Chemicals or Water to Boron Solution Tank
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/1973
From: Wachter L
To: Grier B
Shared Package
ML20024G663 List:
NUDOCS 9102140465
Download: ML20024G664 (2)




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NOR7 CRN STATES POWCR COMPANY hlinneapolis, blinnesota 55401 July 16, 1973 hir. Boyce H. Grier, Director Directorate of Regulatory Operations Region III United States Atomic Energy Comission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 61037

Dear bir. Grier:

FDNTICEL 0 ?UCLIRR GENERATING PLAhT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Response to Items Listed on Enclosure of Letter Dated June 28, 1973 This letter is written in response to the items noted on your letter of June 28, 1973. Your letter, addressed to Leo J. Wachter, Vice President-Power Production and System Operation, referrod to two activities which appeared to be in violation of AEC requirements.

The two activities were-1.

An inadvertent dilution of the boron bearing solution in the Standby Liquid Control f.ystem on bhy 24, 1973, and 2.

Changing a sur:eillance test procedure without the concurrence of two individuals holding senior operator licenses on bby 4,1973.

The two subjects are discussed separately.


Inadvertent Dilution of the Boron Bearing Solution in the Standby Liqu11ControlSystem On bhy 25,1973, the sodium pentaborate concentration of the Standby Liquid Control System was measured following an addition of water to the boron solution tank. The concentration was found to be below that required by Technical Specification 3.4.C.

Imediate action was taken to comply with Technical Specification 3.4.C and Technical Specification 3.4.D.

This occurrence was reported in a letter sent to J. F. O' Leary, Directorate of Licensing, on June 1, 1973.

To prevent the possibility of inadvertently diluting the baron bearing solution in the future, additional administrative measures have been inplemented to control the addition of chemicals or water to the boron solution tank. The additional measures include:

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1.) A special form has been prepared for the purpose of specifying, approving and documenting all additions of water or chemicals to the boron solution tank.

2.) The boron solution tank concentration must be determined within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the addition of water and/or chemicals.

3.) Additions to the boron solution tank are made only with the approval of the Operations Su'ervisor and the Plant Chemist.

4.) The Plant Chemist reviews the analysis of the boron solution concentration following each addition of water or chemicals to the tank.

We believe that this action provides the assurance that the boron solution concentration will be maintained above that required 'by 'lechnitdI'S nifi'2 i

cation 3.4.C.


Changing a Surveillance Test Procedure Without 'Ihe Concurrence of 'No Individuals llolding Senior Operator Licenses.

As reported in your correspondence dated June 28, 1973, changes were made to Surveillance Test 0189, Emergency Diesel Generator Automatic Fast Start Initiation, without the approval of two individuals' holding Senior Operator licenses. The changes were approved by a Senior Operator licensed Shift Supervisor and the supervising test engineer who is not a licensed Senior Operator. Technical Specification 6.5.D states that temporary changes to procedures which do not change the intent of the procedure may be made with the concurrence of two individuals holding senior operator licenses.

In addition to discussing this violation with the ndividuals involved, a memo has been issued by the Plant Manager to the Shift Supervisors, licensed operators and plant engineering personnel reminding them of the requirements of Paragraph 6.5.D of the Technical Specifications.

It is believec that the action described will insure that plant personnel are aware of the requirements of Paragraph 6.5.D and that they.will obtain proper approval for temporary procedural changes to prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future.

Should you have any questions concerning our actions, please communicate directly with the plant management.

Yours very truly, Ask)

L. J. s'achter Vice President - Power Production and System Operation IJW/CEL/kik cc: G Charnoff Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Attn: Ken Dzugan
