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Clarifies Re Turbine Sys Maint Program Options for Resolution of SER Open Item 2 on Turbine Missiles
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 07/07/1983
From: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Jackie Cook
NUDOCS 8307130346
Download: ML20024C806 (3)



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(fF duly 7,1983 DISTRIBUTION:

Docket llos. 50-329/330's NRC PDR Local PDR Docket 1:os: 50-329 PRC System and 50-330 LB #4 r/f EAdensam D; food t'r. J. W. Cook MMiller Vice President MDuncan Consumers Power Company Attorney, OELD 1945 West Parnall P.oad JSniezak, I&E Jackson, Michigan 49201 JStone, I&E ACRS (16)

Dear Mr. Cook:


SER Open Item 2: Turbine liissiles In a l'ay 4,1903, letter fron T. Hovak to J. Cook, the t:P.C asked Consumers to coacit to one of two turbine systen caintenance prograas so that the turbine missile open iten ray be reclassified as a confirnatory item. However, the options were writton in such a way that Option 1 was incomplete. To obtain the full intent of Option 1 it is necessary to also include item b) of Option 2.

Therefore, the first option of the !!ay 4,1983, letter should correctly read as follows:

Option 1 a), for f RC approval, within three years of obtaining an operating licenso, a turbine system raintenance program based on the manufacturer's calculations of missile generation prob-abilities.

b) Conduct turbine steam valve maintenance, (following initiation of power output) in accordance with present NRC reconnendations as stated in SRP Section 10.2, Criterion 11.5 of NUREG-ObOO.

He believe this clarifies the requested turbine missile commitment and apologize for any nisunderstanding which nay have resulted.



Tho as H. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing cc:

See next page 8307130346 830707


PDR ADOCK 05000329


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NRC FORM M8 peo) NRCM 024o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY usam ien-m,m

MIDLAND Mr. J. W. Cook Vice President Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Mtchigan 49201 cc:

Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Mr. Don van Farrowe, Chief Ronald G. Zamarin, Esq.

Division of Radiological Health Alan S. Farnell, Esq.

Department of Public Health Isham, Lincoln & Beale P.O. Box 33035 Three First National Plaza, Lansing, Michigan 48909 51st floor

Chicago, Illinois 60602 Mr. Steve Gadler 2120 Carter Avenue James E. Brunner, Esq.

St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jackson, Michigan 49201 Resident Inspectors Office Route 7 Ms. Mary Sinclair Midland, Michigan 48640 5711 Summerset Drive Midland, Michigan 48640 Ms. Barbara Stamiris 5795 N. River Stewart H. Freeman Freelcnd, Michigan 48623 Assistant Attorney General State of Michigan Environmental Mr. Paul A. Perry, Secretary Protection Division Consumers Power Company 720 Law Building 212 W. Michigan Avenue Lansing, Michigan 48913 Jackson, Michigan 49201 Mr. Wendell Marshall Mr. Walt Apley Route 10 c/o Mr. Max Clausen Midland, Michigan 48640 Battelle Pacific North West Labs (PNWL)

Battelle Blvd.

Mr. R. B. Borsum SIGMA IV Building Nuclear Power Generation Division Richland, Washington 99352 Babcock & Wilcox 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 220 Mr. I. Charak, Manager Bethesda, Maryland 20814 NRC Assistance Project Argonne National Laboratory Cherry & Flynn 9700 South Cass Avenue Suite 3700 Argonne, Illinois 60439 i

Three First National Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60602 James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Mr. J. W. Cook t cc: Mr. Ron Callen Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way P.O. Box 30221 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Mr. Paul Rau Midland Daily News 124 Mcdonald Street Midland, Michigan 48640 Billie Pirner Garde Director, Citizens Clinic for Accountable Government Government Accountability Project Institute for Policy Studies 1901 Que Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 Mr. Howard Levin, Project Manager TERA Corporation 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Ms. Lynne Bernabei Government Accountability Project 1901 Q Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C.

20009 i
