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Forwards Cj Holloway 840409 Memo Discussing Regional & IE Activity Codes Included & Excluded from OL Reviews
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 10/11/1985
From: Diggs R
To: Bird W
NUDOCS 8510210254
Download: ML20133K402 (1)


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October 11. 1985 Docket Nos. 50-329/330 Mr. Walter Bird Midland Project Constaners Power Company 1945 West Parnall Jackson, Michigan 49201

Dear Mr. Bird:

Consistent with our telephone conversation of today, enclosed is a copy of the April 9,1984 mmorandum from C. James llolloway which dis-cusses the Regional and Inspection and Enforcement activity codes included and excluded from operating license reviews. We hope this satisfies your needs.

Sincerely, Original Sim15d 5 7 Rcha Lt. D1gge Reba M. Diggs Facilities Program Coordinator License Fee Managment Staff Office of Administration


Memo dtd 4/9/84 DISTRIBUTION:

PDR w/ encl.

LPDR w/ encl.

Wlatory Docket Files w/ encl.

CJHolloway RMDiggs LFMS R/F LFMSA/MPFiles(2)

LFMS Reactor Files 9510210254 851011 PDR ADOCK 05000M9 G





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APR 0 9 1984 i



William O. Miller, Chief. License Fee Management Branch. ADM FROM:

C. James Holloway. Jr.. Assistant Chief. License Fee Management Branch. ADM StBJECT:

PROFESSIONAL STAFF HOUR DATA I recently completed a detailed analysis and review of IE computer data provided by the regions and IE headquarters relating to the issuance of four operating licenses (McGuire 2. San Onofre 3. St. Lucie 2 and Summer 1).

In three of the four cases the data to be reviewed covered a ten-year period. Specifically, the activity codes used by the pro-fessional staff in the regions and headquarters to charge hours to the four specific dockets were reviewed.

In each of the cases, a detersi-l nation was made as to whether the hours shown in the coguter reports should be included in the operating license fee assessed or excluded from fee recovery under the March 23. 1978 license fee schedule. The activity codes for the four cases are listed below and are identified as included for license fee recovery or excluded from license fees.

Operating License Reviews Activity Codes included For License Fees - Docket / Case Specific Activities h

Routine Progras: - The routine program consists of scheduled inspection activity.

l 1TA Off-site safety inspection effort l

170 All other safety inspection effort f"

ITY Preparation for safety inspection 1TW On-site safety inspection effort ITX In-nffice safety taspection effort ITZ Safety inspection report writing l

2T0 All other environmental taspection effort 2TW On-site environmental inspection effort p

2TX In-office environmental inspection effort C% iRN l



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11 3TO Safeguards inspection effort 3UX In-office safeguards Minspection effort PAP Routine preparation PP1 Routine inspection DOC Routine documentation Other J-90 Review, comment and assistance to licensing 113 Safety review of CP application Activity Codes Excluded From License Fees Reactive Program - The reactive program consists of work generated because of an unforseen event or allegation. This effort in-cludes inspections. investigations, response to incidents /

accidents and enforcement activities (Docket-case specific).

IUA Off-site safety investigation 100 Safety investigation j

1UW On-site safety investigation I

IUX In-office safety investigation BR1 Reactive preparation PRI Performing Reactive inspection P1V Performing investigation RT1 Incident / Accident respon:*

l PE1 Enforcement DR1 Reactive Doceentation


Eligible for fee recovery if professional staff effort expended on or after 3/23/78.

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.'.V Files gpk 0 8 ISM Exclusions (cont'd)

Other Docket Related Activities 115 Construction Permit Public Hearing U 1

125 Operating License Public Hearing U SR1 Site Public Relations - Does not include any routine or reactive inspection /investi-l gation work.

Col Travel time charged to a specific docket.

_0ther Activities F

IVO Safety inquiry activities 100 Safety - not case related 170 Assist Regulatory Standards 4UZ Part 21 report review and evaluation -

effort expended on the review and evalua-tion of Part 21 reports.

4WP Follow-up actions on Part 21 reports.

AEP Inspection Program Management and Admin-1stration - Effort directed toward plan-ning, monitoring and organizing inspection activity at a licensee's facility.

Includes scheduling, planning, and structuring of an inspection plan and inforention exchange necessary to support the inspection program implementation.

AST Support to organizations outside IE - Time spent by inspectors to assist other organ-izations in the resolution of problems or the conduct of special studies / activities.

800 Training - All time spent training (conduct-l ing and receiving) both technical and non-technical. Includes on-the-job training only if effort spent does not result in a direct contribution to completion of the program of inspection at the licensee l


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Not eligible for fee recovery since hearing ins contested.

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. Files I M 0 S 1984 Exclusions (cont'd)

O BTA Off-site training effort BTW On-site training effort i

C00 Travel not related to a specific docket.

000 Professional meetings DPP Program Development. Coordination and As-sessment - Effort directed to develop.

modify and evaluate the inspection pmgram; conducting inspection program evaluations, assessments and appraisals.

JPG Management Direction - Time spent by i

Directors. Deputies. Assistant Directors in HQ. Division Directors. Executive Of-ficers and Branch Chiefs in the general conduct of office management.

J00 Indirect and Overhead J

JQO Clerical Support


a PAA Administrative - All time necessary to sup-q port office operations and mark flow, e.g.,

1 xeroxing. IFS forms, reading unil. attending


peneral meetings, etc.


PB1 Providinq Public Inforumtion - Effort expend-a ed on al' types of activitits involving dis-O semination of information to the public other j

than in response to FOIA requests.

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PCI Providing Congressional Infonmation - Effort 4

expended on all types of activities involving the Congress such as preparation of testimony I

and responding to Congressional requests and j


n PPS Perfonsing Special Studies - Effort expended

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on non-routine studies and analyses requested y

by Congress or by top annagement.

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Providing/ Preparing For Testinov - All acti-lY PPT vities centering on the preparation and provi-sion of official testteov excluding Congres-l sional (under PCI).

d PRS Providing NRC regional 12ation support -

j effort expended on all type of support for personnel of other NRC offices under the ERC u

regionalization program.

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APA 0 31984


Exclusions (cont'd)

PTG Support to IE Office or Other Regional Office - Time spent by inspectors assist-ing IE or another regional office in inspection program development er in special projects.

RIN Responding to inquiries - effort expanded on all activities pertaining to inquiries.

The above codes are only the ones used for the four operating license cases which I reviewed. They do not represent all of the IE codes in the professional manpower -


p g. Jeoes noteweF. #'

C. James Holloway, Jr.. Assistant Chief License Fee Management Branch Office of Administration i


License Fee File

' WOMiller, LFE CJHolloway, LFMB[

DWeiss, LFE LFE R/F l


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