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Forwards Latest Available Cost Data Associated W/Soils Remedial Actions from Bechtel Cost Trending Program
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 07/01/1981
From: Brunner E
To: Stamiris B
NUDOCS 8107090121
Download: ML20009A171 (3)





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Dear Ms. Stamtris:

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A store,ye Attached is a copy of a documen reficcting the latest available cost data associated with soils remedial actions from Bechtel's cost trending program.

Information regarding the cost data" supplied has been provided in the footnotes to the document.

Very truly yours, drou e,C w w.L-James E. Brunner 3

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Dear Ms. Stamitie:

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.tv,s. Attached hereto are copies of 10 CFR 50.55e Reports "j'***','*"' respecting soils matters or matters at issue in the Soils Case, and which were previously provided to other Intervenors. To the best of my knowledge, copies of all 10 CFR 50.55e Reports are forwarded by the NRC Staf f to the Midland Public Library. Hence, these reports have always been publicly available. Further, Consumers Power Company is under no legal obligation to submit copies of 10 CFR 50.55e Reports to Intervenors (cf.10 CFR 50.55e). However, I have instructed the persons in charge of the service list for 10 CFR 50.55e Reports to place your name en an equal footing with those of the other Intervenors as respects soils settlement matters. I trust these documents will not " overwhelm" your resources in preparing for the hearing. Very truly yours, -M p f4 L $."ALK? James E. Brunner CC: CM/0L List , r\\ ,' d ni l/ D00KD ED usun: t JUU 6.1981. * ;_4 C!ic3 cithe Et:n uy s tg. C::k:?r2..C.sgyce O t. <d N 4e. .---===..a.e=

i The following reficcts Bechtc1's most recent estimates of the cost of remedial actions associated with foundation soil issues: 1 Material Cost S 664,000 Labor Cost 2.664,000 Subcontract Cost 4,391,000 Subtotal 7,719,000 Direct Field Cost 2,737,000 Distributable Field Cost Total Field 10,456,000 Engineering 5,025,000 2,090,000 Other Home Office i Contingency and Rounding 69,000 Total Cost 2 17,640,000 i I osts reflect the latest availabic data from Bechtel's cost-trending C program. Data for cost trend projections of bin wall underpinning scheme for service water pump structure are not yet availabic. Hence, data reficcts the driven pile underpinning scheme for the service water structure. Cost assumptions for the auxiliary building underpinning scheme include caisson underpinni g at electrical penetration areas and full concrete underpinning ~ of servict water valve pits. 2This cost is the total Bechtel cost of carrying out remedial actions presently proposed, excluding cost increment of bin wall design over the driven pile design for the servic6 water pump structure. e w, < .c- ,,,.e__,_ ,}}