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Corrects 891221 Response to Case 891206 Request for Action Scaling Calculations.Nrc Should Deny Request
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1989
From: Counsil W
To: Charemagne Grimes
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20005G567 List:
TXX-89850, NUDOCS 9001190347
Download: ML20005G572 (53)


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\ Log # TXX 89850

.= Corrected Copy.

g . i r

2- File # 10086-b .

RIELECTRIC s December 21, 1989 f

4. wuum c. co u .


-(  : M Chntrw . l N Hr.. Christopher -I . [ Grimes, Director

-Office'of Special Projects Comanche Peak Project-Division  ;

V  ; Office'of-Nuclear Reactor. Regulation >

4 United. States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Washington,.D.C. 20555 g.M , ' ~




i '

Dear Mr'. Grimes:

iTexasl Utilities. Electric Company (TV Electric) hereby responds to CASE's f

-December 6.-1989 Documented Request for Action concerning scaling


,. calculations. 'For the reasons stated below and in Attachments 1, 2 and 3 and 1 Enclosures 1 through 4. hereto, the subject Request for Action should be -


)TV Electric's positions concerning those issues that control a decision on the '

subject 1 Request for Action have been previously documented in Enclosures 1 throughT4', and:are now summarized in the body of-this letter. Attachment 1 provides TU Electric's point-by-point response to the CASE Monitors

  • Scaling Calculation Report (CASE Report).in the form of a detailed matrix. This L matrix presents a reference to the CASE Report for each specific CASE L '

' argument.'the corresponding reference in-Enclosures 1-through 4 for TV-

Electric's position on the-basic thrust of each such argument,.and any -

,. . additional TU. Electric response. In many instances it should be noted that l' CASE has taken paragraphs of TU Electric's response-to CASE's stop work i

request-(Enclosure 2) and has criticized such paragraphs in isolation and out of context. Thus, TU Electric's references to the overall portions of its

. previous documents-supporting each such. paragraph were considered sufficient i to document TU Electric's position, which was not changed by any of CASE's

! arguments. In general, TV Electric's additional responses are provided only y' as necessary to' respond to matters raised for the first time in the CASE Report, and where applicable, the additional response will consist of a reference to the TU Electric positions summarized in the body of this letter.

TV Electric positions concerning the issues that control a decision on CASE's Request for Action are summarized as follows:

,p 9001190347 900105 p 2001 Bryan Tower Dallas,7exas 75201

PDR; ADOCK 05000445 h .

s]h 'JA 3 PNV _y , _

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V:  !

, . . . .TXX-89850; j If '

Page 2 of 9 j s i ORY '

Y[" 11 '.. TU Electric's Action' Plan Relatina to Scalina Calculations is 1 e, Adeaunte - j i

Af ter two hundred two pages of text. the CASE Report comes to grips ,

a- ~w ith the-issue which ultimately controisithe subject dispute. On page j

.f 202, the CASE Report concedes that CASE generally agrees with the TU I Electric Action Plan (Enclosure 1) to addrest the issues relating to 1 scaling calculations identified by Mr. Bodiford, CASE, and the TV Electric TAP auditors. . Figure.2 of the CASE Report provides a point- 0

. by-point-comparison of the TU Electric Action Plan and the  ;

-corresponding CASE assessment, and shows that there is agreement upon

'1 .

all but a few relatively minor points. Attachment 2 hereto provides a

, point-by-point-comparison for only those remaining Action Plan elements 4

where there is'not complete agreement, and provides the basis for TU Electric's final position on each such element of disagreement. On the basis of Attachment 2,-it is apparent that the remaining disagreements are insignificant, that the Action Plan is technically sufficient, and

.that no further' action by either TV Electric or NRC is warranted, u' ' Accordingly,- to the extent that- the CASE Request for Action could be i construed toTrequire actions for scaling calculations beyond those already -identified by TU Electric in the Action Plan and Attachment 2, the Request for Action should be denied.  ;

2. TU Electric's Safety-Related Scalino Calculations are Technically
  • -Adeauate - '

As TU Electric was proceeding to complete its scaling calculations, numerous audits'and reviews, including the most recent TAP audit (Enclosure 3) which is the subject dispute, have indicated

, that the safety-related scaling calculations have been technically adequate and that any deficiencies identified have had no impact on field conditions.1 ICASE indicates that the Hot functional Tests disclosed evidence of deficient conditions in scaling calculations (CASE Report, page 150). CASE has provided no specific evidence in the Report. TV Electric's own review of HFT results revealed no deficiencies attributable to the scaling calculation program. CASE informally provided to one of the TAP auditors two examples t which allegedly support this concern. One example is, in fact, the result of ,


an error in one of 'the scaling calculation input. documents for a non-safety related scaling calculation, and not a deficiency in the scaling calculation itself. The other reflects a change in test procedure acceptance value tolerances based on hardware accuracies which are reiterated in one of the appendices to the Scaling Calculations Manual. Neither instance represents a deficiency which is attributable to the scaling calculation program, y

h ,

[ TXX-89850=

-~Page 3 of 9 CASE attempts to avoid this fact by arguing that the real "end product" '

is the safety-related calculations, and not the field conditions (see

e.g., CASE Report, Page 3, Para. 2; page 174),

From this CASE evidently infers that the existence of deficiencies in the l documentation underlying the calculations necessarily means that the )

end product (the calculation) is deficient. CASE even implies that the l technically' qualified and oriented auditors, such as the TAP auditors, may not be as cognizant of " quality" as other 0A~ auditors (CASE Report, 1 Page 184), These efforts to denigrate the technical results achieved I in TV Electric's-scaling calculation efforts cannot be credited. The

. field condition is the ultimate end product and its quality must be j measured in terms of its capability to fulfill its intended safety l function. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B enunciates the ultimate test of a L QA program by reference to the field condition; namely, "[a]s used in this appendix, ' quality assurance' compri_ses all those planned and ,

systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confiden_ce that a- l structure, system or-component will perform satisfactorily in service." l In addition, the previous results of TV Electric's tudits and reviews, l

. coupled with the results from'the Action Plan to date,: provide l overwhelming evidence as to the technical adequacy of the safety- 1 related calculations. Expressed in other words, none of the deficiencies was safety significant within the meaning of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, 1That.1s, the documentation deficiencies were such that-even if they were lef t uncorrected, none would have adversely impacted I the capability of the safety-related systems and components to perform their intended safety functions. While TAP verification of .!

implementation of corrective actions identified in the Action Plan and l in the TAP audit is not yet complete, prior to closure of the TAP audit = 1 findings TAP will confirm these corrective actions have been j effectively implemented. TU Electric submits that its safety-related .,

scaling calculations are technically adequate and that no further NRC -l action is warranted. Accordingly, to the extent that the CASE Request  !

for Action seeks some undefined relief relating to technical adequacy, )

it should be denied.


3. TV Electric's Actions Addressina Scalina Calculations are Timely -

CASE's Report repeatedly asserts that TU Electric's actions addressing scaling calculations were not timely. CASE's misconception on this .

point is grounded on a fundamental error in logic. This is most  !

obvious from CASE's statement that "[i]t is unclear why TV Electric would consider ' defining a task that had to be completed prior to fuel  :

load' appropriate, rather than obtaining prompt action to a problem"  !

(CASE Report, Page 176). TV Electric has committed to assure that its safety related scaling calculations and associated documentation are  !

adequate before fuel load, and that it will do so for non-safety '

related scaling calculations prior to exceeding 5% power. Indeed, an examination of Figure 2 to CASE's Report indicates that CASE agrees with this schedule for action. Scaling calculations could not be completed until near the end of the Corrective Action Program (CAP) because key input information, such as setpoint calculations, was not finalized and available until the system design validation was

~: ' ' . e TXX-89850- '

Page 4~of 9 completed. This is typical of the normal design process and corresponds to the normal construction and pre operational ~ testing completion cycle.- There is no viable technical or legal reason why the -'

safety related' scaling calculation actions need to be completed any  ;

earlier than' fuel load. Indeed, taken at face value CASE's argument-  ;


says'that all problems must be fixed as soon as possible, irrespective of safety significance, resource. constraints, or any other factors that ,

are normal parts of the accepted management process of setting '

priorities. CASE's argument is reduced to a "first-come, first-served" priority system that is incompatible with-sound management and regulation.of nuclear power plant design, construction, and operation. -

TU Electric submits-that it has exercised its discretion to set the right priority for completion of its scaling calculations, and no further TV Electric or NRC action is warranted in this regard.

l' Accordingly, to the extent that the CASE Request for Action somehow h seeks to require more prompt action, it should be denied.

4~ TV Electric ProDerly Assessed the Proarammatic Imolications of its -

Scalina Calculations Findia,gi -

CASE repeatedly asserts that TV Electric has failed to assess ,

L adequately the programmatic implications of its scaling calculation >

findings. ~TU Electric disagrees, The best and most complete summary of TU Electric's position can be the following quoted language from Enclosure 2, which is TU Electric's previous response to CASE's request for a Stop' Work Order: ,

"We agree that the majority of the, items discussed above were known to TU Electric and SWEC in late 1987. ,

We also agree that some of-the items are not complete l as of this date. - However, in general, we are of the i view that the' project was responsive in addressing the  ;

items. In regard to CASE's contention that the recent l TAP audit verified that programmatic deficiencies y indicated in TU Electric Letter NE-19097, dated May -

10, 1988, were . . . 'not even addressed . . . much

'less corrected,' that statement is simply not correct. While the TAP audit was not structured to address the issues raised in the referenced TV Electric letter, the- audit coincidentally confirmed partial or complete implementation of most of the i actions directed by CPE, and only resulted in three l minor findings that directly correspond to NE-19097. .I Additionally, the review effort described in Item 1) l above indicates that most of these actions were .

properly tracked and addressed. We acknowledge that -

1 l

l l

l 1

  • iTXX-89850

' rage 5 of 9-in two instances (i.e., NCB and NCH issues) the thoroughness and effectiveness of the followup to thesel items has not been entirely satisfactory.

'Although-the impact of these particular items appears j to not be significant, a Corrective Action Request was  !

conservatively issued by the Director, Quality Assurance on October 6. 1989, to fully address these instances. Due to the extensive measures undertaken to validate the CPSES design, we do not expect resolution of the CAR to reveal significant programmatic, design or hardware issues that have not

, been previously addressed.2 We do not agree with CASE's contention that Audit'ATP 89-146S, '. . . .

verified the repeated failure of-the scaling ,

calculation / documentation review program to perform adequately and fulfill its intended purpose.'

While the-TAP audit identified a number of generally isolated findings, they do not impact on the acceptability of the CPSES scaling calculation effort; The~ nature and substance of the audit findings identified are not considered unusual given the scope and depth of the audit effort. The auditors were able in each instance to trace and verify the sources of input data and, further, verified the actual input values used in the calculations were correct. The Scaling Calculations Action Plan which was forwarded to CASE with TU Electric's letter of September 25, 1989, will assure that all inputs used in the scaling calculation effort are identified; reviewed for applicability; updated.-as appropriate;-and a ,

traceable link established to each calculation. -These actions will ensure that documentation-related shortcomings associated with the scaling calculation effort are fully and effectively corrected.

1 In summary, the results of TAP audits and surveillances, as.well as other management' reviews undertaken to address the scaling calculation effort, indicate adequate programmatic control and

, _ satisfactory technical products. Although the need for improvements is indicated, the collective results of our review of the issues set forth by CASE cannot, in l any reasonable fashion, be accurately- characterized as j a programmatic breakdown necessitating the issuance of I a stop work order. We strongly disagree that the evidence meets the provisions of Paragraph 6.1.5 of our stop work procedure (NE0 3.25) or any other provision of that document." (Enclosure 2, pages 15 - 16) 2 This expectation has been realized. The results of the CAR resolution are summarized in TV Electric's Comments regarding CASE Item 1.10. I Attachment 1. I U


' ' TXX 89850 Page 6'of 9:

[ t g L q Three-additional. points deserve emphasis. First, although improvements -

!were needed in the specific referencing of calculation inputs and guidelines: for' calculation preparation, as = explained in item 2 above, l'" the safety-related calculations are technically adequate. Reviews ,

conducted pursuant to the1caling calculation Action Pian have

' confirmed this point. Consequently, the programmatic implications associated with_those improvements did not cause safety-significant h concerns in the calculations. Second, even if the deficiencies'had ll escaped detection, it is-highly'likely that'any effect on plant performance or function would have been disclosed in plant instrument

< calibration'and testing. Third. CASE's attempts at establishing a

' basis for violations of 13 of the 18 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B i

criteria are simply not reasonable. TV Electric's analyses, as l

documented in Enclosure' 2 and Enclosure 3, indicate several violations -

of Criterion III and Criterion V but no widespread pattern and no basis for concluding that a programmatic breakdown exists.

Accordingly, to_the extent that CASE's Request for Action seeks to -

require further action to address the programmatic implications of the l

scaling' issues, it should be. denied.

5. TV Electric Pronerly Declined CASE's Reauests for a Ston Work Order -

L Partway through the TAP audit CASE strenuously urged TU Electric's L

. Director of 0A to issue a.Stop Work Order (SWO) on scaling calculations. 'TU Electric's Director of 0A declined to do so for the reasons summarized in Enclosure 2, page 16. TV Electric maintains that the decision of the Director of QA was correct and constituted a proper-p exercise of management discretion under the circumstances. Now CASE ,

i,, attacks this' decision by labe11ng it " political" based on two arguments :

I that are little more calling. First, CASE argues that because TV Electric had " unofficially stopped" work on scaling l calculations, its refusal to issue a SWO was evidence of " political" decision making. On the contrary, if TU Electric were politically motivated it would have issued a SWO. This would have avoided a '

controversy with CASE and would have_ cost nothing since there were limited scaling calculation activities underway at that time. TV-Electric's Director of 0A,'however, eschewed the easy political solution and made the tough decision based upon his firm conviction that a SWO was not warranted under the circumstances. Second, CASE l

argues that TU Electric declined to issue a SWO because that action ,

woulo have initiated a CAR, and in turn, the CAR would have triggered 'a 10 CFR 50.55(e) reportability review. Consequently, CASE claims, TU

! Electric's real motive was to circumvent 10 CFR 50.55(e). TU Electric submits that CASE's argument is simply incredible. It is difficult to conceive of how or why TV Electric would want to circumvent 50.SS(e) reporting, when the issues relating to scaling calculations were so visible at CPSES, and obviously no secret to the NRC. In any event, the scaling calculation audit did not identify any safety significant l1

,I r


NMi 8 ,



. .Page 7 of 9 ,

u ,

deficiencies that would have required a review for reportability. TU -

Electric maderits. decision not to issue a SWO on valid technical-grounds and has hidden no part of that decision from CASE or the NRC.

TU Electric stands by'that decision, and submits that no further action by.TU Electric or NRC is warranted. . Accordingly, to the extent that CASE's: Request for Action somehow seeks to compel the issuance of a SWO '

by TU Electric, it should be denied.

.6.' .TU Electric's Good Faith Efforts to Investicate Possible Manaaement and Intimidation A11ecations Have Been Impaired by Mr. Bodiford's l Inactions -

4 CASE alleges that TU Electric did not undertake a thorough investigation of Mr. Bodiford's allegations that an intimidating atmosphere prevailed while he was working at CPSES on-scaling i L calculations. (CASE Report, pages 194 - 198). Moreover, CASE asserts L that Mr. Bodiford was never interviewed by TV Electric concerning his

-perceptions on this point (CASE Report. pages 195, 198).3 .TU -

l-Electric. submits that the CASE Report does not accurately represent the ,

i relevant facts. In response to Mr. Bodiford's May, 1988 SAFETEAM ,

L concerns, Mr. Bodiford's employer investigated his allegations of p intimidation and determined that those allegations were not substantiated. Subsequently, TV Electric committed to CASE Management j that it would exercise good faith efforts to investigate Mr. Bodiford's l

intimidation concerns and take such action as may be appropriate. TV l

Electric's-Corporate Security Department did interview Mr. Bodiford in Ft. Worth, Texas on June 17, 1989. Efforts to fully complete.the investigation have been impaired because Mr. Bodiford has refused to sign a release for his personnel records retained by his.former I, employer, and to sign a corrected copy of the release pursuant to which l he has'already accepted a settlement payment from his former employer E to resolve his previous Section 210 claim. Despite repeated attempts N by TU Electric, through CASE's counsel, to obtain Mr. Bodiford's- '

cooperation on meeting these prerequisites, Mr. Bodiford has not signed  !

the releases. In spite of this, TU. Electric intends to proceed as best it reasonably can with an investigation without the relevant personnel records. Unless releases for the previous settlement and-the personnel .)

records are signed TV Electric will be unable to provide the ',

investigation results to Mr. Bodiford or CASE. In any event, TV Electric's. investigation has thus far disclosed that the individual named by Mr. Bodiford as responsible for intimidation during Mr. Bodiford's tenure at CPSES is no longer at CPSES. Consequently, TV Electric has no basis to believe that, on the basis of Mr. Bodiford's intimidation allegations, there is currently an atmosphere of intimidation at CPSES. CASE's vague references (e.g.

CASE Report, page 195) to other instances of intimidation at CPSES are either so non-specific as to make responding impossible or covered by 3L astly, CASE argues that the intimidating atmosphere must exist or it would not have taken two years to respond to and correct Mr. Bodiford's concerns (CASE Report, page 198). As inidicated in item 3 above TV Electric's actions to address scaling calculations were timely.

-g -


.Page 8 of; 9 -

another dispute (i.e. THERMO-LAG). TV Electric submits that it has taken all of the action that it can.take, and that there is no action the NRC can or'should take,in this matter. Accordingly, in regard to intimidation issues, the Request for Action should be denied.

7. NRC Should Denv the Reauest for Action -  ;

The. subject Request for Action does not present any issues that are genuinely necessary for decide in connection with-this dispute. To the extent that TV Electric's TAP audit and this dispute identified violations of.10 CFR Part .50, Appendix B, it will be ,

' incumbent on the NRC to exercise its enforcement discretion and-authority if, and when, it sees fit. The Joint Stipulation does not change the-NRC staff's decision-making processes, and places NRC under no obligation whatsoever in regard to enforcement decisions. As for 1 CASE's persistent' suggestions of linkage between this dispute and l CASE's root cause concerns, the concerns are now only a potential dispute between TV Electric and CASE which will in due course be resolved or elevated to a dispute on their own merits. Certainly the scaling calculations dispute does not necessitate an NRC decision on 'l the potential root cause dispute. As for CASE's implied relationship of this dispute to the Service Water System and Auxiliary Feedwater System enforcement matters TU Electric submits that-those enforcement i matters have been. fully addressed by TV Electric's previous written submissions and presentations, are me.tters solely for NRC's enforcement discretion, and are simply unrelated-to the scaling calculations ,

dispute. TU: Electric submits that the scaling calculation issues and their underlying causes have been thoroughly identified and that the


Action Plan has defined the actions necessary to resolve those issues, '

including programmatic issues. There is simply no decision for NRC to j make on the-subject dispute. Accordingly, CASE's Request for Action should be denied.

l Very truly yours, gg' W. G. Counsil ,

Vice Chairman l WGC:1mi ,


s .

-TXX-89850 Page 9..of 9 Attachment 1 - Matrix of CASE Concerns and TV Electric Documented Positions-Attachment 2 - Action Plan Disagreement Table Attachment.3 - Status.of Completion of Action Plan Enclosure 1 - September 25, 1989 letter, from W. G. Counsil to J. Ellis transmitting Scaling Calculations Action Plan Enclosure 2 - October 12, 1989 letter, LIT-89/571, from W. G. Counsil to J.,Ellis transmitting Evaluation of CASE Position Regarding Need for Scaling Calculation. Program Stop Work Order Enclosure 3 - TV Electric OA Technical Audit Report ATP-89-146S, Scaling-Calculations Enclosure 4 - November 17. 1989 memorandum NE-28,245 from C. B. Hogg to D. E. Ranstrom, Response to TU Electric QA Audit Report ATP-89-146S 4

4 t

g.j; d e,.7 ,.

. f:


, i t httestament 1 t$ TEX-$9650

.Pete 1 et 11.'

k J I.- MkTRIX Or Casa conscBaus-s 12-




'that RBr. DoctmalfrED POSITIces 1.1 -006 TO'000- ENCL. 2 (PAGas 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPH 4, 16)

'1.2 .000 TO 009 SNCL. 2 (PAGES 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPR 4,

16) 1.3 .'009 to 010 'BNCL. 2 (PAG 58 2 TO 5,15 PAk&GRAPM 4, 16) t
1. 4 ' 010 To'011 ENCL. 2

. (PAGES .2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPR 4, 16)

, 1. 5 - '011 TO 012 BNCL. 2 (PAGES 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPH 4, 16) 1

11. 5.1' ; 012 TO 012 ENCL. 2 COVER LETTER

- (PAGBs 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPM 4, ITE85 1, 3, a4

.' 16 )

-' 1. 5. 2 ~ 013 TO 015 BNCL. 2 (PAGas 2 To 5,15 PARAGRAPE 4 16)


PAGE 5 stateut! PARAGRAPR)


1. 5. 4 ' 016 TO 018 RNCL. 2 Y (PAGES 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPH 4, 16) 4

, h ,

i 1

Jatteetment 1 to TMK-SP850

' Page 2 of 11-- -





-1.5.5' 018 TO 020 ENCL. 2 COVER LETTER l (PAGES 2 TO 5,11 ITEM 8, ITEMB 2, 3, & e i

12 ITEM 10)





1.6. 024 TO 030 - ENCL. 2 COVER LETTER b (PAGES 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPH 4, ITEMB 1, 3, 4 4 I

16) $





4 e ,

$ .4' i.

-' Attestament 1 to TMX-49480

w. . , . _.

' Pepe 3 of 11-M TRIX OF CASE CONCBRNS i A2 >



- 1. 6. 3b .- 027 TO 027 BNCL. 1 - . COVER LETTER ,

(PAGE 3, ITEM 1, 3) ITEMS 1 4 2 ENCL. 2 (PAGE 6, PART C) REFER TO CotSSNT FOR CASE IttM 1.6.3a.





'iY 1 g

' Attaehment 1 to TNM-89050 4!




1.8 063 TO 068 BNCL. 2 COVER LETTER







1.9 (1 0F 3) 069 TO 92 ENCL. 1 COVER LETTER.

p (CCMPLETE DOCUBSNT) ITEMS 1 4 4 ENCL. 2 (Pacts 2 TO 5)

ENCL. 3 (PAGES 2 TO 6)

'a. 1.9 (2 0F 5) 092 TO 098 COVER LETTER ITEMS 1 a 4 1.9 (3 0F 5) 098 TO 100 ENCL. 1 COVER LETTER (CCMPLETE DOCURENT) ITEMS 1 4 4 l

l l


, ~ ' .py. (f-j, , J ,

f-[;;;;--fffYh * . _ ,

  • ;Q s W

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g-(Attaebasant 1 to TEE-SSSSO M.( Page Slof 11Y ,I 3 g .5, NkTRIX OF CASE CONCSRMS

  • gg , [

. +


, [



g,: -


i 1,9 (4 OF 5) : '100 TO 103 BMCL. 1 CWER LBtTSR -

!E ITEMB 1, 3, a 4 '


_( PAQs 44 ITEM 7)-

pH >

BNCL. 2 ,

i (PAGES 4 TO 5) f.1 ' ENCL

  • 3.

I lc (PAGE 37) -  !


, 11. 5 (5 OF 5) ' 103 20 104 CWER LETTBR [

q ITEMS 1 a 4 A:fn.P .


1.10 -105 TO 107; ENCL, 2: COVER 1ATTER ,

(PAGES 2 TO 5,15 PARAGRAPH 4, ITmes 1, 2, 3 4 4 16)












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. .,_m _,, . ..m. . . .. _ . . . _ . . -- - ._- - . _ . .

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- Au nm t 1 to Tux-Sots 0-. 1

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. i 3'Atteshanent'1 49 TEN-4to50 -

Page 1 M 11; QI y - .


. TU B1ACTRIC DoctBSNTED P001T10088 14


2.1' (3 0F 4) ' liet 70115 ENCL. 1 COVER LETTBR i; * ^g. >

i2 (PAGE 3, IT50051 4 3) ITEDS 1, 3, 4 4

  • t

_ , ENCL. 3 "i I- i O , (PM58 6 4 7, PART c)

, SIOCL. 3 f' i (Pacts 6, 41)

% -u c


% M. .- 2.1. (4 .or 4) - 115 TO 116 - ENCL. 1 COVER 1.8TrBR (PAGE 3, 2T900514 3) ITENs 1, 2, 3, a 4 3


. , ,g ENCL.' 2

- (PA458 6 & 7, PAftr c) [

fu r

av . ,

'2.1 sUte8hRY las TO 123 BNCL. 1 CovsR Ls11sn (COBSLBTE DOOJBSNT) IT5b5 1,2,3,4 4 RNCL. 2 f

< r (PA4BS S T0.10, 12 a 13, RSFSR TO CASE ITEM 1 . 6.3a FOR CmeSprs PsttTAINIPQ l'

15 4 16; Ass 0CIATs0 2 TENS 2 20 8, TO DsD-us 432. I i -


Y 4 BNCL. 3 -

(Pacts 2 TO 6)  ?


- 2.2 J 123 TO 125 RNCL. 2 . RSFER TO CA5W ITEM 1.6.3e FOR C0beSNr8 Psit!AINING - *$

(PA458 7 4 8 ITSS 3 e 4) TO DBD-BS-032.

' 2'. 3 ! 125 TO 129 ENCL. 2 F

. (PAGE 7, ITEM 3)

-ENCL. 3 i

}/ (PASS 4, LAST P&fl& GRAPH)

{. RNCL. 4 4

(PA088 4 a 5,' DEFICIENCY 09-1468-02) 2.4 129 TO 132 RNCL. 2 REFER TO Cast ITEM 1.6.3a FOR CobeSeffs PERTAININQ (PAGES 7 4 8, ITEM 4) TO D8D-38-032.


, 89-1468-02)

, w.

I h '. A

-) e s>


U- . i t'.m

[. a s 1. . m j; f;


ll ' ' e: .

t. - Attachment'1 to' TEM-89450 g- .

p - = P. .epe 4 of 11

pf ,



ds 2.5 (1 0F 6) ~ 132 TO 133- BNCL. 2 COVER LBTTER f' (PAGE 7, ITEM da). ITEM 4 2.5 (2 0F 6)> 133 TO 136 RNCL. 2 REFER TO CASS ITEM 1.6.3a FOR CODSSNTS PERTAINING

l. (PAGE 8, ITEM eb) TO DSD-SS-032.

2.5 (3 0F 6) 136 TO 137 BMcL. 2 i (PAGE 8, -ITEM 40)

.I 2.5 (4 0F 6) 137 to 138 BNCL. 1 marsR TO CASE ITEM 1.6.3a FOR CODGSNTS PRRTAINING .

(PAGE 3, ITEMB 1 a 2) TO DDD-BS-032

(' '

RNCL. 2 .

(PAGE 8, ITEM 4d) it 2.5 (5 or 6)- 130 TO 139 COVER LETTER ItsMs 1, 3, a 4 2.5 (6 or 6) 139 TO 140 COVER LETTER-ITENs 1, 3, a 4 2.3 SUteaRT 140 TO 147 COVER LETTER ITENs 1, 2, 3, a 4 2.6 (1 0F 9) 147 TO 148 BNCL. 1 '

(PAGE 3, ITsM 1 a 3) -l BNCL. 2

(PAGE 8, ITEM 5) )

' 2. 6 (2 0F 9) 148 TO 149 .

.. I t

2.6 (3 0F 9) . 149 TO 150 BNCL. 1 (PAGE 4, ITEM 9)  !


' (PAGE 9, ITEM 5e)  !

l 2.6 (4 0F 9) 150 TO 151 EHCL. 2 COVER LETTER l

(PAGES 8 8 9, ITEM 5) ITEMB 2 a 4

' 2. 6 (5 or 9) 151 TO 152

$7 .l (~" l ,

,. ? --

/ :jI' j/  : 'r p 7. . . '



'g y u I to TNX-89950- ..,

Pepe 9.of 11. .





. 152 TO 153 . ENCL. 2 1 2.6.(6 or 9):. CWBR LBTTER '?

- (PAGES 9 PART A, -ITEN 4 ~!>

, , '10 PARAGRAPN 5) ,'


2. 5 (7 0F 9) - 153 TO 154' BMCL. 1- COVF'2 LETTER., .

(PAGE 5, PARAGRAPH 4) ITEMS 1, 3, 4 4 f WICL. 2 '



2.6 (8 0F 9)- 154 TO 155 RNCL. 2 CWER LETTER

'(PAGE 10 PART C & PARAGRAPM 5) .! TEN 4 ,



.e9-146s-04) 2.6 (9 0F 9) 155 to 156 1 SNCL. 1. . CWER LETTER <



BNCL. 4 (PAGES 15, DEFICIENCY 09-1468-09) 2.6 sUtemRY. ~ ISS TO 161 ' BMcL. 1 CWBR LETTER (PAGS 4, ITEN 4) . ITEND 1, 3, 4 4 BNCL. 2 (PAGas a TO 10, ITsN S) . ,


,s (PAGS810 DEFICIENCY 89-1468-04, 15 DEFICIENCY 4 89-1468-09) [


2.7 (1 0F 2) 161 TO 164 BNCL. 1 CWER LETTER (PAGE 3, ITEN 3) ITENE 1, 2, 3, 6 4 I BNCL. 2

.,.; (PAGES 11 ITEN 6, i;'./- ' 16 PARAGRAPH 3) d d


. r i

i a

o . - -

h. . 1 ., .


(.' ' c..-r. 4 ,

t -


k ..

l. qt. ,-

t ic' I Atteslument 1' te TMN-49050 : t pL; Page . . 10 of 11; . .



\' D';1; A.. . .

1 cras ITues - cAss ITses marsanNCs FOR TV sLacTRtc TV sLacTRIC ADDITICBEL C000GB@8  ;

i:' ,PA M REF. DoctBSNFED Pos! TION ll  ?

2.7 (2 or 2) - 164 TO 167 ' BNCL. 1 - COVan LaTTan

.,s (PAGE 4,: 2TEMB 4, 8, 4 6) ITEMS 1, 2, 3, 4 4

. ENCL. 2 ,


(PAGES 11 ITDs 7,


_ 16 PARAGRAPR 3) =


. 2. 5 ' . 167 20 172 ~ RNCL. l' COVER LETTER

- (P.%s 4, ITEM 5) ITENs 1, 2, 3, a 4 ,i

!.< ENCL 2 {

(PAGES 11 4 42 17584 0, I

. 16 PARAGRAPN 3) .

~ ~

2. 9 - 172 TO 173 ' BNCL. 2 - - COVER LETTBR

, (PAGE 12, ITEM 9) ITEN 4 {


2.16 (1 CF 3) 173 TO 174 - BNCL. 2 - COVER LETTER (PAGs812 413 ITBN 10, ITEN 4 ,

15 PARAGRAPH 4, a 16) '

2.10. (2 or 3) 174 TO 176 ' SNCL. P ' COVER LBTTER '

(PAGE512 2 TEM 10, ITEMB 2, 3, a 4 15 PARAGRAPR 4, a 16) l 2.10 (3 OP 3) .. ' 176 To 177 " . ENCL. : 2 i

(PAGES 12 413 ITEM 10,  ;

4 15 PARAGRAPN 4, a 16)

- 2.11: ,177_TO 17@ RNCL. 1' COVER LETTER-

' (PAGE 3, ITENs 1 a 3) 2TsMs 1 a 2 RNCL. 2 (PAGE 13, PARAGRAPM8 2 4 3) 'f 2.12 (1 or 5)'. 179 To 103 BNCL, 2 COVER LETTER '

(PAGts 13 - 5 '14 " DIARY ITENB 4 a 5 95VIEN, PAGE8 19 a 20")

-2.12 (2 0F 5) 184 TO 184 COVER LETTER ITEM 2 s

2.12 (3 0F 5) 185 TO 185 ENCL. 2 COVER LETTER (PAGE813 4 14



REVIEN, PAGES 19 a 20")

$:$lC f

k 4

h ' Ntsaht 1 to TXX-89450 b Pep"11[of.11 DSLTRIX OF CASE CONCRIBIS

! ASE)


/; 2.12 (4 or 5)j 185 TO 180' COVER LETTER IttM 4 .

[, 2.12 (5 or 5) 108 TO'191 COVER LBTTER ITENE 3,5,& 1.

2.13'(1 0F 2) 191 TO 192 COVER LETTER ITEM 4 I.

2.13 (2 0F 2) 192 TO 194 BNCL. 2 COVER LBTTER (PAGE 14 GBHERAL ITEMS 1, 2, 3, 6 4 CONCLUDING CCROSWf 2) a i

2.14 (10F 3) 194 20 195 BNCL. 2 COVER LBTTER



2.14 (2 0F 3)- 195 TO 197 ' BNCL. 2 COVER LBTTER ,

(PAGF 15, PARAGRAPNS 2 6 3) ITEM 6 l

. 2.14 (3 0F 3) : 197 TO 190 .BNCL. 2 COVER LETTER f



' 2.15 (1 0F 3) ' 199 TO 200 ENCL. 2 COVER I.BTTER (PAGES 15 PARAGRAPH 4,16) ITEMS 3 e 4 '

2.15'(2 0F 3) 201 TO 201 ENCL. 2 COVER LETTER y

... (PAGE 16, PARAGRAPU 2) ITEMS 1, 2, 3, 4 4 l


2.15 (3 0F 3) '202 To 203 BNCL.' 2 COVER LETTER (PAGE 16 PARAGRAPH 3)- ITE8tB 4 4 'l ,





- n., r




3 Applicable doonnents - second item TO Eltotrio agrees.:

(including Nestinghouse requires All applicable NCEP Design Speelficattens clarification. The input' documents for and NCAP*p685 to the "appaioable sealing L entent they are used as documents" should omloulations are input documents)'are all be identified identified, accurate,.noceptable_for and should include including M888 use, and. controlled NSS5 speelfiestion specifiention through CPSRS Document sheets. sheets.

Control. System.

3._ 1-50 8800 Appendis I is - the fourth item TU Electrio does moeurate and acceptable only appears to not agree thatfthis for use by verifying that limit Appendia "1" effort is warranted no changes have coeurred to just for non-safety in safety-related head "sufety-related head. related instruments sensitive instrument saceitive instrument on the basis,of elevations-and that the elevations". " safety". TU-elevation data are Non-safety relatad slootrio knows of )

oontrolled. d e v i o-o s should also no specifio receive the same- instance where verifications and there is any controls. Although evidence of a non-safety significant components will not personnel risk be involved in the- which would ooour potential release of if the elevation radiomotivity to the data for'non-safety- 1 environment in the related instrumente event of an were not reviewed-accident, they-can and incorporated.

be a direct cause- into the scaling f or- personnel injury calculations.

or death (i.e., a Nhere head l tank rupture). corrections data is 1 applied to l non-safety related scaling calculations it is to address instrument accuracy concerns only.

1 The' CASE Item Number, TU Electric Action Plan, and CASE Response columns are taken verbatim from the CASE Report, Figure 2.

l r ,

l l




p(q; A g +

GU , ,

ti* . , >

b m



f  :

- ' Attachments! Jef TXX-88880 PQge 2 of. 44


5. ......... ............. ............. ................

p 3( Instrumentation - the fifth item TU alestrio agrees.:

. specification data sheets should also include N888 and 80P are-aoceptable for use and N888 specification instrument eentrolled through the sheets as well as specifloation date CP858 Document Control 30P specification sheets used in System. sheets. sealing ~!

coloulations are-controlled through CPSES DCC. -

1 1

'O The WPT letters are being WPT letters were not No change from reviewed to assure that the only means to Action Plan. j any that may affect transfer information Westinghouse does ,

sealing calculations. ore to CP888 (i.e., not utilise "WH"  !

identified and addressed. RDF/RTD "WN" letter letters for CPSES~

Procedural control of WPT [ Procurement)). We correspondence.  ;

letters will continue to agree with the Vender '

be maintained. stated actions to be dooumentation'and taken regarding WPT oorrespondence are _

letters. controlled by CP888 i procedures.

CASE' I This is a-new issue raised DSD=55-021 and other He change from  ;

Seggestion by CASE. These DSDs are relevant DSDs should Action Plan. TU  !

- (It em - (1)

Westinghouse prepared be revised to Blootrio Soaling 3(b) on documents and there is no correlate math Calculation Manual p0ge 2) toonnical reason why the transforms with (1-8C.8800) transforms are needed in . system explanations. references  ;

-the DBDs. We agree with the TU appropriate Electrio response if documents.

the information is to be included in the TU Slootrio Soallag Manual (SC-8800).

'- C A S E WPTs are the only source As has been See Position on j

.9aggestion of correspondence to be previously re.ayed CASE Item Number 8 (item (7) reviewed because SWEC to TU Electric by above, page 4) Project Procedure PP-012, Mr. Bodiford, an "8MEC/ Westinghouse example of where MPT Interface," requires "for letter did not relay the eschange of design configuration information/ input or definition to TU output criteria, SWBC and Electrio was Westinghouse shall utilise RDF/RTD's. CASE their respective requests that correspondence procedure previous transmittal l


Attaehment 3 to TKX-49040 1 P a g e ! 3 '. o f . 4 '


. CASE ITEM: .TU ELECTRIC: .TU ELECTRIC N- DUNDER ACT30H PLAN. CASE RRdPONSR CURRENT P081 TION I-b unless an alternate activities be approved program (e.g., reviewed to assure DCAs,.NCRe, etc.) has been up to dete-established to control information is.

this type of activity." .tholuded in For esemple, P2P and shop, controlled project

g order updates are documentation. We I transmitted by WPTs'and agree with the are prooossed'by the controle in place.

Vendor Document' Group in i accordance with PP-053 and i receive Engineering review f

and status (e.g.,

approved, approved with .l comments,-for information i only, e t e ,J . .Any documents used as references in-the sos 11ag omlaulations which were previously ochtrolled only through the PIP are being


placed'in the CP8tB-Document Control System i through the Vendor 'l Document Program.

I CASE' The'DCA controls are- CASE disagrees that TU Electrie .!

Suggestion adequate =and it has been the system for management is ,

.(I t e m' (8 ) determined that the number updating-documents reezamining the l

.poge 4). of outstanding DCAs is in .4 to include DCA procedural +

compliance with those information does not requirements for controls. need to be improved. ZWD incorporation The incorporation of of-change dooumonts '  !

DCA information may based on be "in compliance" operational needs. (

with procedural I I

controls, however, we feel it is not g adequate to control field use (i.e., TAP i preliminary Finding 89-146-01 of 9/19/89).

. CASE It may not be necessary to CASE has a concern No change in Action Seggestion have all actions related that the Correstive Plan.


I l


Q lo .

h' 18 ,


  • k- ' --w

'th-y LAttesh eat a to Txx-eseso-

'Pcto 4 of'4 .



.........- ........... ............. ................ {


.(page 8) to TAP.eedit findings Aetion Program being (

oompleted prior t) fuel implemented by TU load. However, all of the Electrio is not'

" audit findings concerning always totally t the ecoopte.bility of effective or timely. L i -;

F.R safety.related' The TU Blootrie calculations will be response 1 to-this addressed by the item any be adequate responsible organisation if all deficient and coneurred with by_.the senditions are QA Department prior to resolved prior-to fuel load. fuel lead.


b i




i - . I l. l-i I I i I L

P . a Attachment 3 to'TXX-89850-Page 1Lof.1 [ 96 STATUS:. SCALING CALCULATIONS ACTION PLAN ITEM 11-- ' Complete ITEM 2:- Complete. ITEM 3: Complete ITEM 4: . Complete

          '! TEM St. The Safety Related Scaling Calculations have been reviewed and reissued: however, TAP verification of corrective actions is on-going.

ITEM 6: About 50% of the Non Safety Related Scaling Calculations have been reviewed and reissued however, TAP verification of corrective actions is on going. ITEM 7: Complete ITEM 8: Complete ITEM 9: TAP Audit findings are in the process of resolution. TAP verification of corrective actions is on going.


6 . l tacisters 1 to TXX 89850 l Page 1 of 6 i 5 5 \ I l 19 ELECTRIC I I j' i september 25, lost i i wmen c. comm  ; ne o.m Mrs. Juanita Ellis President, CASE 1426 South Polk Street Dallas, TX 75224

Dear Juanita:

As a result of our earlier discussions concerning actions that TU Electric is taking to address the issues related to scaling calculations raised by CASE, Mr. Bodiford and the TAP l audit, we provided to CASE a draft TU Electric Action Plan. Enclosure 2 of your letter of September 21, 1989, provided cast's comments with respect to the draft Action Plan in the form of a ' memorandum from Mr. There to Ms. Garde dated September it, 1989. We have reviewed CASE's comments and have incorporated them, to the extent that we considered appropriate, in the enclosed + 1- scaling calculatic,ns Action Plan dated September 25, 1989. We are also enclosing a brief explanation of our reasons for not incorporating several of chSE's suggestions. We consider the enclosed Scaling calculations Action Plan as TU Electric's final position on this matter, subject only to such , Action Plan revisions, if any, as may be appropriate when the TAP ' audit is 'c ompleted and its results are ava;,lable. Although Item s already specifies that we will resolve specific TAP audit findings, it is possible that such findings may also involve possible revisions in Items 1 to 8. We will inform you of any . revisions in the Action plan. Your letter of September 21 also formally provided to us a memorandum dated September 12, 1989 (Itaclosure 1), that sets - forth the basis of CASE's position that a stop work order should be issued. In meetings and telephone conversations with CASE we have previously informed you of the basis for the determination by TU Electric's OA Director that a stop work order was neither required nor appropriate. Now that CASE's position has been formally communicated to us we will provide to CASE a detailed response within one week. f aDI tryon Tower Deuss, Tomas MNI l

   . , - -   .~-  --._ _..- -.-_..-.-                               . . . - - -
      . _7 Enclestre 1 to TX3'*Wo W

__ _ l P ge 2 of 6 Mrs. Juanita Ellis September 25, 1989 4 Page 2 We regret that CASE has determined that "at least at this

 .,^<               point, we have reached the stage of a dispute over this issue."

We hope that the enciesed response relating to the Action Plan and the information we will provide to you shortly regarding the stop work order will resolve these matters between us pursuant to paragraph B.2 of the Joint stipulation. l very truly yours M i i

                                                                                                                                                                                       . G. Counsil WGC3LI cc:              8. P. Garde                                                                                                                                                                                            ,

G. Dodiford -

c. L. Thero E. F. Ottney r

e t l ! i i l l

g:ctsoure 1 to.tG'49450 Page 3 of 6 SCALING CALCVLATIOF8 ACTIOP PLAN , TU Electric will take the following actions to address issues related to scaling calculations raised by CASE, C. Sediford and the TAP Audit.

1. The TV Electric ' Scaling Calculations Manual for CP$ts Unit 1 and Conson" (1 5C.8800), including supplements, will be reviewed by Engineering for acceptability and accuracy and updated to: define its intended esepe, usage, and Laplementation; define the method of preparing scaling calculattens; and clarify the relationship between the $saling Calculations Manual (1.SC.8800) and Project procedures and documents related to sealing calculattens_and describe their use.

Specific revisions will include but not be limited to:

            . Clarification of the rete of applicable Westinghouse NS$$ Design specifications.
             . Clarification of the rete of ' Westinghouse Procese Centrol System Scaling Manual * (UCAP.9696) and supplements.
             . Definition of source deouments (by type / application) which contain input to sealing salculations (e.g. , P1AS, drawings, instrumentation specification data sheets, etc.).
             . Inslusten of guidelines for doevnentation of PRON logic.
             . Inclusion of appropriate information free DBD.EE 032,
2. DSD.EE 032 will 'as deleted.
3. Scaling calaulation input documents will be reviewed by Engineering to assure that:
              . F1&B is acceptable for use and centrolled through the CPSES Desument Control System.                                                               .
              -   Applicable documents (including Westinghouse N888 Design Specificattens and UCAP 9696 to the eatent they are used as input documents) are assurate, asseptable for use, and controlled through the CP888 Doeumont Centret System.
               . Approved Westinghouse PCNs have been addressed.
               . 1 8C.8800 Appendia 1 is accurate and acceptable for use by verifying that no changes have occurred in safety related head sensitive instrument elevations and that the elevation data are controlled.
                . Instrumentation specificatten data sheets are acceptable for use and controlled through the CPSES Document Centrol System.

1 tacissure 1 to TXX*89450 I Pass 4 of 6 4 Personnel performing, reviewing an6 independently checking scaling

   <                          calculations will be trained to the requirements of the revised Scaling Calculations Manual (1.SC.8800) and the Project precedures which control scaling calculation preparation, review, and approval.

The training will include emphasis en the application of the input documents, including the use of applicable drawings.

5. Prior to fuel lead, the safety related scaling cateulations will be reviewed by personnel trained per item 4 above against the revised Scaling calculations Manual (1.Sc.8800) and applicable Project precedures, and the salaulations will be revised as necessary to j assure they are technically correct, are consistent with the results  ;

et Item 3 above, and meet precedural requirements. " Confirmation i Required

  • will be removed from calculations as appropriate per Project i precedures. ,


6. Prior to operation above St power, the non. safety related scaling i calculations will be reviewed by personnel trained per Ites 4 above j against the revised Scaling Calculations Manual (1.SC.8800) and i applicable Project precedures, and the calculations will be revised as necessary to assure that they are technically correct, are consistent i with the results of item 3 above, and aset precedural requirements.  !
                              ' Confirmation Required" will be removed from calculations as appropriate per Project precedures.                                                                                                                              l
7. Prior to fuel lead, the esionic drift for WCH cards will be evaluated and the results of that evaluation will be reflected in the setpoint and leep accuracy calculations. During the reviews described in Itoss  !
                              $ and 6 above, the use and sentrol of DCS 1 and NCS 11 cards will be                                                                                             '

addressed. O. The WPT letters are being reviewed to assure that any that may affect osaling saiculations are identified and addressed. Procedural control of WPT letters will sentinue to be maintained.

9. Prior to fuel lead, the TAP audit findings eencerning the acceptability of safety.reisted sealing calculations will be resolved in asserdense with Project precedures. The remaining TAP audit findings will be resolved prior to operation above St power.

l Calculations issued prior to completion of the activities described in Icess 1. l 2, 3, and 4 above will be subjected to the actions described in items 5 and 6. All action items defined above will be completed prior to fust lead except as noted in items 6 and 9. t

                                           . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ , . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ~ _ _ . , _ . . _ _ . _ , _ . , . . . _ . _ , _

l E;cles:ro 1 to TEX *49850 Page 5 of 6 Pate 1 ef 2 9/25/89  ! IONS _1 T LAN l i 4 CASE Suomestion (Ites (1)(b) on saae 2): i j D&D.EE.021 and other. relevant DSDs should be revised to correlate math transforms with system explanations. l TU Electric Resen for Not Incernoratina: This is a new issue raised by CASE. These DSDs are Vestinghouse prepared documents and there is no technical reason why the transforms are needed in the DSDs. ] CASE Su==estion (Itea (1)(d) on same 2): j l TU Electric should control the PRON logic configuration by appending the 8800 Scaling Manual and modifying field procedures en how to " burn ip* , identify end i control the installation of PROM devices. The " burn it" library and timer i module data should aise be contained in appendices to the 8800 Scaling Manual, TU Electric Reason for Not Incernoratina: l' TU will assure that controls of PRON logic configuration.

  • burn in*,

identification, installation, timer module and references to the " burn in' library will be documonted. The guidelines for deeusentation of PROM logic will be included in the Scaling Calculations Manual (1 8C 8800). The specific documents in whiah the details of the other PROM sentrols will be contained has not been deterstand. This will be determined during the resolution of the i anticipated TAP audit f2nding en this matter.  ! CASE Summestion (Item (1)(b) en same 2): D&D.EE.021 should be revised to suplain the interface requirosents of WCAP 9696 l by referencing pertinent sections of UCAP.9696 in DSD.EE.021. TU Electric Reason for Not Ircorooratina: 1 i This is a new issue raised by CASE. The Scaling Calculations Manual (1.Sc.8800) is the appropriate place to contain the interface requirements with DBD.EE 021 and VCAP.9696. The revision to the Scaling Calculations Manual (1.$C.8800) will incorporate any interface requironents. l l

  - ._-          . - . - - . . - . _ - . . - - - - - . - - .-. - .. - - .           . ~ - -. - .- -. -

Snclosure 1 to TXX*090$0 P ge 6 of 6 Page 2 of 2 9/25/09 . CASE Sumaestion (Iten (7) on same 4): All miscellaneous correspondence and documents that transfers information should be reviewed to assure that any that may affect scaling calculations are identified and addressed. Shop' orders 320, 325, 395, etc., should also be I reviewed to verify that all sections are still appropriate. This would require j that the entire PIP be reviewed by shop order for drawing applicability and when j applicable, these documents be controlled through the DCA/DCC system. When the i documents are not applicable, they should at a sintaus, be annotated l i

           *information only'.

TU Electric Reason for Not Incorseratina:  ; VPTs are the only source of correspondence to be revised because SWEC Project Procedure PP.012, '8VEC/ Westinghouse Interface,' requires 'for the exchange d design information/ input or output critoria, SVEC and Westinghouse shall utu;ze their respective correspondence procedure unless an alternate approved program (e.5. , DCAs, NCRs, etc.) has been established le control this type of activity.' For example, PIP and shop order updates are transmitted by WPTs and are processed by the Vender Document Group in accordance with PP.053 and receive Engineering review and status (e.g. , approves, approved with comments, for info only, etc.). Any documents used as references in the scaling calculations which were previously controlled only through the FIP are being placed in the CPSES Donument Control System through the Vendor Document Program. G8SE Summastion (Itwo (0) en,,3g33,b,},: More should be done regarding DCAs than just making sure that the DCA pro 6 ram is -

           'in compliance with project precedures." The DCA procedure appears to be I

deficient in that contidoration is not given to timeliness (3 6 months) prior to document update. Additionally, DCAs involving multiple documents, issues and pages sho'1d be assessed individually for incorporation. [ TU Electric Reason for Net,inserverstina: I The DCA controle are adeguate and it has been determined that the number of ( outstanding DCAs is in esepitanse with those controls. . ! CASE Summestion (name 5): ( It is mandatory that specific TAP audit findings be resolved prior to fuel load. TU Electric "_eam for Not Incorooratina: It may not be necessary to have all actions related to TAP audit findings completed prior to fuel load. However, all of the audit findings concernin5 the i acceptability of safety related calculations will be addressed by the responsible organisation and concurred with by the QA Department prior to fuel l. load. 1 i


     ~ Enclosure 2 to TXX*89850:

P gy 1 of 16 , LIT 49/571  : Tile 10086 l


filELECTRIC , l-S'inne G. Cemuma october 12. 1989 l l 6up Onesession 3 1 1

       ,Mrs. Juanita Ellis                                                                                   :

President, CASE 1426 South Folk Street Dallas, TX 75224 , t. i

Dear.Mrs. Ellis:

l My letter of September 25, 1989, responded to Enclosure 2 to your letter of September 21 1989, which provided CASE's comments with respect to TU ' Electric's draft Action Plan for scaling calculations. Your letter of September 21, also formally provided a memorandum I (Enclosure 1) dated September 12,.1189, which set forth the basis of . CASE's position that a step w/* crder should be issued against further scaling calculation activity. In response to that document, enclosed is  ; TU Electric's " Evaluation of CASE Position Regarding Need for Scaling , Calculation Program Stop Work Order.' i As you will note. TU Electric's evaluation addresses, in sequence, each of the ten basic arguments presented in the CASE nemorandum, as well as ,' CASE's observations based on its review of Mr. todiford's diary, CASE's

           " general concluding comments", and CASE's conclusion.

On the basis of this detailed evaluation of CASE's arguments. TU t Electric's position remains the same as previously coseur.icated to you by . TU Electric's QA Director, namely, that a stop work order is neither . required nor appropriate. We have provided you with both our Scaling Calculations Action Plan and our detailed esplanation for not imposing a stop work order. We hope that this information will be considered sufficient to resolve these matters pursuant to paragraph S.2 of the Joint Stipulation. Very truly yours. , W. G. Counsil . Enclosure , cc: B. P. Gards 2o01 tryes Towe Danes. Teams 75301 I

     ~~--                                                     _ __,_

Enciteure 2 to TEI+49850 Pcge 2 of 16 } i Evaluation of Cast Position , ! Renardina tieed for Scalina Calculation l i Proaram Ston Work Order

  • i i

Ites 1) l i On May 10. 1988, as a result of concerns raised by Mr. Cary lodiford l following his termination as a Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation  ! (SWEC) engineer in the scaling calculation organisation at CPSES, comanche Peak Engineering (CPE) directed $WEC by memorandum (NE.19097) to take [ certain actions and requested that the status of these actions be reported , i in monthly reports. On August 1, 1988, SWEC responded to the CPE directive by memorandus (SWTU 9733) indicating: that certain actions were complete; that some actions were unnecessary (justification provided);  ; and the status of items remaining to be completed. In the June and July 1988 monthly reports the status of all action items  ! was reported.- There was no report for August due to the pending i implementation of the Consolidated Engineering Contractor Organisation (CECO). In September, October, and November the senthly report was reformatted as a CECO document with less detail provided than the previous i SWEC reports. Consequently, the status of the scaling calculation actions was not included in the CECO monthly reports. In December, the CECO  ; sonthly report was discontinued because close daily interfacing between CECO end TU glectric management made these reports unnecessary. In the fall of 1988, the activities identified in the May 10, 1988, CPE  : essorandum which represented significant wanhour expetditures and which . were not complete were incorporated in the project scheduling system ( (fitEMIS) and thereby trackad as part of the norest project complef. ion process. Items which did net rettesent eige.ificant manhour expenditures (i.e., the NCS and WCM printed circuit card issusa addressed as Items 12 i r,nd 13, respectively, in ene CPE memorandum) were not foras11y tracked. As a resu?.t of CASR inquiries in early 1989 regarding the stavus of a actions TU Electric had taken to address Mr. Seditord's concerns, Ceco QA l ' conducted a special surveillance in May 1989 te verify actions taken - associated with all known scaling calculation issues including those identified in NE 19097 and to provide a tracking mechanism for any issue not resolved. The results of that special surveillance were documented in Surveillanse Report CAP 89073. Items not complete er fully resolved from that tias forward are being tracked by CECO. t The CASE statement that the in process TAP audit findings have verified [ ' Mr. Sodifeed's teshnical concerns as discussed in the May 10, 1984, CPE memorandum is incorrect. Although not structured to address the , memorandum, the TAP audit coincidentally confirmed partial or complete implementation of most of the actions directed by CPE. (Some of the action item subject areas were not within the scope of the TAF audit.) For eaanple, the TAF audit verified that 9 sheets of the total set (approximately 450 sheets) of Interconnection Viring Diagram (IVD's) '- developed by Westinghouse for the 30P process instrument cabinets reasin . l 1 l

            . . . . . .             . _ _ _ _       _._.                                            4     _ _ , _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . , _ _ . - .   . . . _ . . ._.--__

Exc1coure 2 to TKXa89650 i Pog) 3 of 16 in the systes as '' (AEN) documents. Seven of . these IVDs appropriately have Design change Autherisations (DCA's) written i l l assinst them approving incorporation of the AEN annotation. The two drawings not presently covered by a DCA contain annotations to the system grounding wires made by Gibbs and Hill during review and approval of the L 40F instrumentation document package and depict wiring changes made by l Westinghouse. The annotated drawings are technically correct, represent , the installed hardware, were reviewed and approved by both Westinghouse  ! and Gibbs and Hill, and were validated as correct under the Corrective l Action program design validation effort. An audit finding was identified l' ' concerning the failure to initiate a DCA against these two drawings as I required by Deficiency Report (DR) C.87 05180. This is considered to be en isolated finding that does not call into question the entall adequacy of the Vestinghouse IVDs. This finding along with a finding related to an NC41/NC811 inconsistency within a calculation and a finding related to the Westinghouse Project Information Package (FIP) Master Inden were the only findings identified which directly correspond to items addressed in the May 10, 1988, menerandum. Rather than confirming inaction as CASE j tuplies, the audit results generally indicate that the action items in the memorandum that were within the scope of the audit had been addressed by SWEC. Regarding CASE's contention that . . . ' deficient progranaatte and I technical conditions recognised in the May 10, 1988, semerandus have been allowed to continue throughout the past year, even though several previous TAF, svtC, and NRC audits and surveillances have been conducted," a review ) was undertaken of the following TAP and SURC audit /surveillances performed ) subsequent to May 10, 1988: TAP Audit ATP.88 105 (Instrueentation and Controls) TU Electrie Engineerir.g Survelliance East.89 06 (Reviuw of scalint, Calenistions) SWEC @ Steveillance 'JAF.$9073 (Vestinghouse 7300 systems) Results of the above audit a d purveillances with respect to the corrective measures addressed in the May 10, 1984, annerandu's are as follows: Neither the TAP audit nor the TU Electric Engineering Surveillance were structured to address (directly or indirectly) the conditions and corrective esasures described in the CPE assorandum. While same findings were identified, the results of these oversight activities indicate acceptable scaling calculation packages. SVEC @ surveillance CAP.89073, dated May 10, 1989, was a special effort to assess the status of past scaling calculation issues, including the issues identified in the May 10, 1988, CFE assorandum. In most instances, implementation of corrective measures, where appropriate, was verified either to be complete or in process and being properly tracked. However, the surveillance identified two issues (i.e., NCS and NCH card issues) which were 2 _ - , - -, # --- E.. . _ . . . . - - - - , , , - - , . , - . , , , . , e.,---. , .mmy -. -.e~.,e

Encisoure 2 to TXX 89650 ' j

  +            P:ge 6 of 16                                                                                                            !

l apparently not being tracked in a manner that essured they would . i be resolved prior to issuance of an operating license. l 1 There-is no indication that the conditions revealed *in the scaling  ! calculation audit are indicative of deficiencies in the TU Electric or l SWEC audit / surveillance programs. These programs have provided an l accurate assessment of the technical acceptability of the scaling progras l l products. In addition to the recent audit, after receiving the September 21, 1989 CASE letter, the QA Department reviewed project actions taken in response to the May 10,-1988, memorandus. h t review revealed that SWEC was responsive to completing most of the actions directed in the memorandus. There were four items that were either not intended to be accomplished by SWEC as discussed in the August 1, 1938, SVEC response to the CPE semorandum or were not being formally tracked to completion until the May 1 1989 CECO surveillance. N oe items are as follows: The CPE assorandus directed that a technical audit be conducted of I


the scaling calculation effort to determine its technical adequacy. SVEC responded that such an audit was unnecessary . f' because a past audit and past surveillances verified the J acceptability of the scaling calculation effort and SVEC provided 1 L details of the results of those efforts in its response, h SVEC position was subsequently agreed to by CPE. It appears that the l SWEC position was reasonable, and the recent audit results attest - L to the technical acceptability of the scaling calculation effort. h CPE nemorandum directed (Ites 3) that VFTs (Westinghouse Project Transmittals) be reviewed to assure they wars included in ' the PIP Master Indes. The SVEC response implied that this effort was unastossary because the P1P Master Inden was not s plant design document. Apparetsly, GUP,C's position was baand on SWEC having reasonable assurance this the VMe dt4 ut contain design information that was siot also reflected in design documents. It ' appears that SUECs decision was rational; however, the Scaling L Caled ations Action Plan includes a provision to screen all WPTs j received prior to establishpent of enhanced CPSES WPT tracking in ' 1987. Tha screening will identify any WFTs that could poter.ttally - have scaling impact and any WP"s se identified will be reflected in revised sealing calculationa. s l l _ 1he CPE assorandum directed (Itos 12) that any interchanges of l NCS1 and NCS 11 printed circuit cards be identified and that the potential impact on scaling data be evaluated. SVEC responded that the directive would be accomplished; however, although technical personnel were aware of the issue, it appears that it L was not being tracked by SURC in a manner that would have assured  : I { completion of the effort. Pollowing the recent CASE inquiries, efforts were initiated to assure resolution of this matter as indicated by the Scaling Calculations Action Plan, h failure to properly track this ites appears to be contrary to SVEC Procedure PP 010, ' Preparation, Issuance, and Control of Project 3 l i L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ __ _ _ . _ , . _ . - _ ___._ ._ . . _ . _ ,

gxclasure 2-to TEX *t9850  ! Pcge 5 of 16 i Correspondence *, which had provisions in Attachment PP 010.C for , the identification and control of actions needed to resolve such , satters. This resulted in the QA Director conservatively issuing l a Corrective Action Request (CAR) on Octobei 6, 1989, to address  ; the NCS issue and the NCH issue discussed below. This matter is  ; not expected to have technical significance because in 1983 Westinghouse and TU Electric approved the NCB 11 cards as direct . i replacements for NC8'1 cards,  : The CPE assorandue directed (Itos 13) that SWEC validate the Gibbs and Hill calculation concerning the acceptability of utilizing NCH  ; printed circuit cards which were susceptible to seismically -, induced problems. SVEC responded that the issue would be  : investigated and resolved by SWEC; however, although technical , personnel were aware of the issue, it appears that it was not  : tracked by SWBC in a manner that would have assured completion of the effort. Pe11owing the recent CASE inquiries, efforts were  : initiated to assure resolution of this matter as. indicated by the  ! Scaling Calculations Action Plan. Stailer to the NCS issue the i failure to properly track this iten appears to be contrary to SWEC Procedure PP.010 and this issue is aise a subject of the CAR h discussed above. Preliminary engineering Lapact assessments  ! indicate that this matter will not have technical significance. l I In summary, the CASE contention that the actions directed by the May 10 j L 1988, assorandus have not been implemented is not consistent with the facts. The evidence from the audit and the results of the QA Department  : review of the status of project actions taken in response to the a memorandum indicate that, with a few exceptions, the actions were either  : complete, properly incorporated and tracked as part of the overall project completion, or justifiably not intended to be acceay11shed. None of the , exceptions is lib ly se be cochnically eigrificent and all of them will be , resolved during the resolution of associated audit findings or retolution of the CAR discussed above. The exceptions are considered to represent f noncompliance with Appendis,A Criterion V (Instructions Procedures, anc  ! Drawings). No noncampliaasas with Criteria II, Vil, XVI, XVII, and XVIII I 1 as suggested by CASF 'eere ident.ffied, Ites ?) Part a) } The IVDs fall'into two categories Nuclear Steen Supply Systes (N555) and ' j Balance of Plant (90P). It is true that many of these drawings have c outstanding DCAs posted against them. The majority of the 80F IWDs have been incorporated into the CFE drawing control system and have been revised in accordance with SVEC Procedure PP.032. The NSSS drawings are still under Westinghouse control with required changes appropriately documented on DCAs; however, Westinghouse has not been issued a purchase order to update these drawings. The fact that there are NS$$ drawings with DCAs outstanding since 1983 is not contrary to administrative controls and does not render the drawing information indeterminate or unreliable; however, the DCAs do make it more time consuming to 4

12clssure 2 to TXX 89850 Ptge 6 of 16 understand the design and could therefore possibly result in increased . plant down time during operations due to longer times required to troubleshoot and correct instrumentation problems that might arise. On [ that basis a recommendation was made by the audit team that outstanding DCAs against Westinghouse IWDs be incorporated into revised drawings. , i The TAP audit team verified that there are only two ' Approved.Except As. - Noted" (annotated) IWDs which have not been formally incorporated into the design documents via DCAs. (his is the same issue discussed in Ites 1) above and therefore will not be addressed further.) l Part b) i The audit results indicate that Westinghouse WSSS equipment specifications . (e.g., transmitters, indicators, recorders, etc.) are adequately controlled by CPSES. Initially, the specifications were listed in Shop orders 320, 325, and 395 and referenced in the PIP Master Inden. In 1988, an effort was begun to incorporate these specifications into the CPSES Document Control System thus giving the project the ability to write DCAs

  • against these specifications without the need for Vestinghouse approval.

Pare c) WCAP 9696 and its supplements have not been revised since 1983. These documents are utilised by calculation preparers to obtain scaling i methodology and also provide justification for gain, bias and transfer functions found in many calculations. Values for setpoints are found in < the Westinghouse Precautions, Limitations and Setpoint (Plas) document. i An isolated finding was identified in which the Westinghouse Scaling Manual (WCAP 9696) was inappropriately referenced in one calculation as the source of seepoint information. The setpoint values used in the eticulation, however, were correct per the PIAS (the appropriate reference document). This finding is consi6ered to be isolated since all of the other calculations reviewed by the audir. ors certectly reference the P!AS i as th source of FS$5 eetecines which indicates that the calculation ' prep aets were fully cogn'isant of the appropriate sources of setpoint data.

                'fht status and conersi of other Westingt.ouse documents used by CPSES in th4 preparation of scaling calculaticas were reviewed by the audit team.

While no instances were found in vt ich ircorrect or obsolete Westinghouse input data were need in these calculations, the audit team believes that the Westinghouse Scallag Manual and suppiomants should either be updated by Westinghouse or placed into the CPSES Docusant control System. A i reconnendation was made by the audit team to update WCAP 9696 and asintain it current. In summary, the audit team concluded that the drawings and information utilized in the preparation of scaling calculations are functional and reliable. In ev,ggy calculation reviewed during the audit, the proper input values and methodology were used and the end results were correct. The audit team did recommend that it would be desirable to incorporate outstanding DCAs into revised drawings and to update WCAP.9696 and 5

Enclosure 2 to TXX*89850 Pege 7 of 16 asintain it current. Isolated noncompliances with Appendix 8 Criteria V (Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings) were identified as discussed in Part a) above. No noncompliances with Appendix & Criteria III, VI, VII, XVI, and XVII as suggested by CASE were identified. Itos 3) Contrary to the CASE contention, the TSAIL does not mention DSD EE 032 in any way and consequently does not indicate that this document is used to control the Analog and Scaling Calculation effort. Section 1.1 of the D&D describes its purpose as follows:

                 "The purpose of this Design lasis Document (DBD) is to describe the design basis and the functional tequirements of the BOP Analog controls of the Comanche Peak Steam tiectric Station (CPSES) Unit 1 and Unit 2. In addition this document is to provide the design basis for analog scaling of the Westinghouse 7300 Series BOP process control instrumentation. Implementing documents and equipment selection are addressed."

No mention is ande in the D&D regarding the D&D acting as a controlling document for the scaling calculation technical effort. However, the DBD is one of the documents that provides direction on the format and production of scaling calculations. The audit team concluded that there is no single CPSES document which provides an overall ' road asp

  • for the preparation of scaling calculations, addressing input sources, equipment reference manuals, and calculation content and methodology. Even without an overall progras description, the practices, procedures, and controls 'ased in the production of scaling calculations are resulting in accurate and useful end products. The success of the esiculation effort is due to the knowledge and experience of the calculation preparera coupled appropriate training and management supervision. A findtag was identsfied indicating a need for an overall program descriptirn (or " read rap")

covering the CPSES scaling calculation orocesa. This finding la considered to represent noncespliance with App < ndix B Crt terion V (Instructions, Procoeures and Drawings). No nonceasplisecas with Arpendix B Criteria III or VI as suggested by CA3t were identified. Itoa 4) The audit taan confirmed that the TU Electric Scaling Calculation hanual (SC 8800) and its appendices do not completely define the scaling methodology; however, the audit team did not find the manual or its appendices to be deficient nor did the team find an instance where the manual and appendices contained outdated or inaccurate information. a) Appendices F and G have been adequately prepared, reviewed, and approved by CECO. The audit team verified that these documents were It developed based on data generated and approved by Westinghouse. is not necessary for Westinghouse to concur with these appendices. 6

                                                                                                                                    -.__.____..__.y i

l Encieeure 2 to TXX*898$0 j P:ge 8 of 16 1 i

                                                                                                                                                            .,  l b)!     The equipment elevation esasurements made during TVM.069 walkdowns                                                                         l were made to verify compliance with specifications, not to determine l

precise instrument location as do surveys made for the Field Engineering Sketches. Therefore, the field survey data rather than FVM data were used in Appendia I. The procedure to control the Field i I Engineering Sketches was reviewed by the audit team and is considered adequate. e) -The audit team verified that Appendix H contains methodology for determining instrument calibration accuracy and the component accuracy data base required for use in the analysis. Imop accuracy calculations are contained in separate documents for selected instrument loops, Although DSD.EE.032 referenced Appendices 'J.' 'K,* and *1* , these d)  ! appendices were identified to be 'not used' in the TU Electric ) Scaling Calculation Manual. The D&D has since been voided. i e) Action has been taken to update the TU Electric Scaling calculation Manual and to void DSD.EE.032. The updated Scaling Calculation Manual provides an overall description (or ' road map *) for preparation of scaling calculations, f) As indicated in Ites 3) above, the audit team identified a finding > relating to the lack of an overall progras description (or " road aap") relating to the preparation and contret of scaling ' calculations. in summary, as noted in Itas 3) above, neither the TU Electric Scaling Calculation Manus 1 nor DSD.EE 032 previde a complete program description

             . (or
  • rood unp') of-the overall staling csiculation production process:  ;

Lowever, no. instances were found tu which incotteet or outdated > snfermation was used in any scaling calculation. In all Instances, the L and product calculations were found to b4 technically accurat6 ant l complete. OtM r than the mattar of noncompliance with Criterion V addressed in Itea 3) above, no noncompliantes with Appendix 3 Criteria l III VI, K, or KVII_sg suggested by CASE were identifi d , [ t Ites 5) , ~ h basis for the scaling calculettoa effort has its genesis at Westinghouse where the origtr.a1 engineering was completed for the NSSS process instrumentation. The top scaling calculation cffort was deve loped on site based on the Westinghouse methodology. Westinghouse developed the  ; Interconnection Viring Diagrams (IWDs), instrument component configuration Equipment Reference Manuals Instrument Data Sheets, and issued methodology documents which specify the scaling and accuracy requirements for the process instrumentation. The CpSES scaling effort serves to compile this information in one document and to maintain it current by incorporating changes as the design evolved. l l 1 7

E:ctssure 2'to TEX-89650 1 Pcg2 9 of 16 l The audit taas verified through document review and interview that: .,  ! I Hardware related aspects of the scaling calculations are satisfactory and adequate to meet technical requirements. The scaling calculations and their technical content are viewed by the user (i.e., Operations 16C) to be adequate for the intended purposes. i There have been no significant errors relating to instrument systes configuration and scaling detected during Het functional and other system tests. Technical training has been accomplished by the following means: (1) on the job training where engineers new to the program were tutored by l experienced engineers, (2) selected individuals were trained by Westinghouse in scaling methodology and application, and (3) operations I6C (the scaling calculation users) was trained by Westinghouse and the TU Electric Training Department in maintenance and installation of the j Vestinghouse instrumentation. The audit team verified that a high level of competence currently exists among the scaling calculation preparers, I particularly with respect to understanding Westinghouse engineering design requirements. Part a) , The audit team verified that a SWEC engineer involved in the production , and review of scaling calculations failed to fully understand the nature . of the NFL timer modules and consequently did not adequately detail the

   ' legic requirements in a change (i.e. , DCA) to the Auxiliary Feedwater                           ;

System controls. The engineer incorrectly assumed that Vestinghouse provided boCh ties to-pickp and time.ce dropout tiser modules siallar in function to those provtdod by aest neber tiasr asnufacturers. The , enginser had ashcd for e drop ut.r, however, Vestinghouse timers only provide a pick up functien, Au amtit finding vam identified addressing the incomplete DCA circuit description. This DCA was not implemented and is curve.ntly being tovised, no i team requested %st Operatiens 16C emwhic: a bewh test of the tiver modui.e de deser Ded in the D A This dudscastrf.63d that the timer itgic described in the DCA c nid not have been physically implemented and conesquently.would bave been routinely referred back to Engineerir.g for resolation. 'the audit team found no other exas6es of 4.n inadequately or

  • incorrectly engineered DCA.

T Part b) An audit finding was identified concerning the lack of adequate scaling calculation reference to the Programmable Road Only Memory (FRON) Library which contains the coding for each uniquely configured PRON. One of the ' IVDs also failed to reference the PROM Library. This audit finding indicates that in some cases there is no direct traceability between the 8

Enciseure 2 to TEX +498$0. Pese 10 of 16 4 PRON Library. the IUDS, and the scaling calculations; however, the audit . i taan confirmed that there is' indirect traceability of PROMS but this is a laborious process. While this finding does not call into question the acceptability of the installed PROMS or the ability to trace them, it does reflect the difficulties ia tracing PROMS in the absence of direct references in documentation, i PROMS are utilized on a small number of printed circuit cards in CPSES l instrument loops. They are utilised on NFL and NTD cards and approminately 30 PROMS are in use in safety.related instrument loops. The audit team verified that PROMS have distinguishing physical features which indicate the required mounting orientation and, further, that a warning is contained in the Westinghouse Equipment Reference Manual regarding the need to ensure proper physical orientation of those devices. The audit l taas verified that pre prograssed PROMS furnished by Westinghouse for both  ! 1 the NFL cards and the NTD cards contain identifying markings which differentiate between various control systen logics. ] i


l Part c)  ! b The audit team identified a finding against the scaling calculations for failure to identify the specific model of timer required. Four types of  : timer modules are produced by Westinghouse, none of which are ' interchangeable. The. audit team found no indication, however, that the wrong type of timer was installed in the field. Part d) As mentioned in Part b) above PROMS are in Itaited use at CPSES. They

  • are individually progressed and steunted by the same technician and, based on a W e rasults, appear to have been properly controlled. The auditors u l confirmed through intentows that drepped, damaged, or indeterminate PROMS i

have beer) approprit.toiy sigearded. Genersi PROW.related instructions are contained in the appitc414 Oprations I&C Verk Ocders. A porr  ; s appropriate p*;tetics would be to generate PP.0N. specific pro:edures l l delineating requireestts for documentation, programming, and pysical L E identificatien of these devices. An audit finding was identified l

j. conaerning the lack of a PROM spacific procedure which describes the l J prograssing and merking of these devices.

In sususary, the Westinghouse design of instrumor.t eystems provides an adequate engineering basis for preparation of CP8E8 scalir.g calcuier19na. ' Personnel training was also determined to be adequate and has resulted, with one esseption (see Item Sa) above), in satisfactory design products. Findings were identified by the audit team involving (1) calculation references, (2) an insemplete DCA circuit description, and (3) the lack of

  • a PRON. specific procedure which specifies requirements for programming and physical marking af PROMS. These findings are considered to represent u

I isolated noncompliances with Appendix 8 Criteria III (Design Control) and V (Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings). No noncompliances with Appendix B Criteria II, VI, VII, VIII, XVI, and XVIII as suggested by CASE were identified. 9 i r- e e- --e-w -w w--e,wes-w-u---i------r-e-vin-w-s-*- ee e-mr e w* - erww--r----ww-w,-v -,--g=w--- Tw--w-wwwwwe-~ e ee w"-9


               .c             Inciseuro 2 to Txx-89450 Pcs) 11 of 16
           .c Ites 6)                                                                                                  .,

The audit team concluded that setpoint values, setpoint references, and revision levels as stated in the scaling calculations are generally l l

                              = satisfactory. In most calculations reviewed, the setpoints properly referenced either the F1&S, a setpoint calculation, or a mechanical systen DSD at the appropriate revision level. A finding was identified involving                                    l two calculations in which an inappropriate reference source or revision                                      i level had been used; however, the correct setpoints had been utilized in                                     I the calculations. This is contrary to SWEC Procedure EAP 5.3,
                               " Preparation and Control of Manual and Computerised Calculations                                            l (Nuclear),* and is considered to represent isolated examples of                                             )

noncompliance with Appendix 5 Criterion V (Instructions Procedures, and Drawings). No noncompliances with Appendix 5 Criteria III, XVI. XVIII. as suggested by CASE were identified, una2 A finding was identified concerning the adequacy of references for several types of input data (e.g., gains, bias and transfer functions). The audit team, by familistity with the calculation process, was able to determine appropriate sources of input data and verify that in all cases the actual values used in the calculations were correct. It appears that the calculation preparers have been properly trained in the selection of data , j and methodology to perform the calculations; however, the lack of specific references for individual pieces of data is an impediment to the l review of calculations and is contrary to the requirements of SWEC Procedure EAP S.3. The lack of specific references is contrary to SWEC Procedure IAF 5.3 and is considered to represent noneospliance with , Appendix 1 Criterion V (Instructions Procedures, anu Dtavings). No , noncompliances with Appendix 5 Critetia III. XVI, and XVI!! ao susse8ted by CASE were identified. , !' Ites 8) Except as noted below the audit team found chat the 'Confiraation ( Required" process has been preperly and appropriately apr11ed in the [ sesling calculation e Mort. "'hste is no evideuce that che ' Confirmation p Required" process has toen used to issue incomplete and/or insecurete calculations or to otherwise circumvent existin5 project controls. Project Procedure pP.009 has been meticulously folluwed for the removal of

                                 " Confirmation Raquired' items and for revision of calculatiors.
It appears that there may have been an unnecessary use of " Confirmation Required" in one calculation. This einer misuse of the process had no effect on calculation results. A review of an addftional forty scaling calculations prepared for other redundant instrumentation loops similar to those addressed in this one instance indicates that " Confirmation Required" items are consistent and appropriate.

One other calculation was found designated as *No Confirmation Required"; however, the cover sheet indicated " Confirmation Required

  • for one ites.

A finding was identified addressing these conflicting statements. This is contrary to SWEC Procedure EAP 5.3. 10 l l l l

_ . ~ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . I:cicente 2 to YXX*S9450 ]

      - Pese '12 of 16                                                                                                                                                !

l t In summary, the audit found no evidence that the ' Confirmation Required' .

l. process has been used for purposes of issuing either incomplete or {
      ' inaccurate scaling calculations. h sinor inconsiste*wy discussed above l

is considered to be an isolated noncompliance with Appendix 8 Criterion V (Instruevions, Procedures, and Drawings). No compliance with Appendix 8 l Criteria I, II, and III as suggested by CASE were identified. l Item 9) l Design review of draf t documents (i.e. , drawings, specifications, and i I esiculations) is a practice employed by SVEC to provide early design  ! verification input into the engineering design process. These reviews are f accomplished in accordance with SVEC Procedure EAP 5.3 and documented accordingly. The final version of these documents are again reviewed to:

1) ensure that comments and questions identified during the initial draft review have been addressed and resolved to the reviewer's satisfaction, and 2) evaluate any changes made subsequent to the initial draft version.

The date of the reviewer's signature es. rely indicates the date that the total review process has been completed and the final document (s) judged L to be correct. The audit team has reviewed a semple of scaling ' calculation packages and confirmed that the procets of reviewing draft documents is satisfactory and asets the intent of SVEC Procedure EAP 5.3. No noncompliances with Appendix 8 Criteria were identified. Iten 10) Contrary to the CASE contention, the audit results do not provide evidence '

         "that SVEC concentrated on scaling calculations oniv.* Rather, the audit results indicate that the SWEC calculation effort ensured the validity of                                                                                 l input data, The need for additionel updating of rsference documentation is, however, acknowledged One Item 1) above).

Mr. Streeter discuand with bats. Brian Keynes arvt Gayla Creawr the purpose of the Desember 1586 sosting rulerrt.1 re ty cms. Ny stated that the meeting was to the ':ransition of tospensibtitty for the ,' sealirg csiculatios effort from Gibbs and 'Aill to SPEC. Mr. Haynu rece11M Mr. Modifefe discussing how Gi'obs and Will has approached the task and s;acas of O.c Mbbs rind PJll ef ft.rt. T.c appens that the scope t 1 of the tark, incluJir4 the updating of supporting doeunentsMon, was also discussed. Messrs. Maynt.s and Creamer indicated that; C6 their knowledge there were no minutes of the Docuatre 1984 aseting. . It appears that the direction given to SVEC was not for the purpose of obtaining prompt estion to a probles, but rather it was for theIt purpose also of defining a task that had to be completed prior to fuel load. appears that TV and SUSC periodically discussed and assessed SWEC progress on completing the assigned work task. However, when Mr. Sodiford left CPSES and registered his concerns to SAFETEAN, TU provided written t direction to SWEC as to the actions that were espected of SWEC to complace the scaling calculation effort, including resolution of all known scaling calculation issues. Therefore, Mr. Lowe issued his May 10, 1988, memorandum to SWEC. 11

                                                ,..e,,e-. _,,.,,,,.,,,_,en--
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                                                                                                                          - , . _ _ . , , . , , ,    .,r,r,__.

1 Ecclosure 2 to TEX *89850 ( P:Se 13 of 16 , I l' N implication of Itos 10) is that corrective action directed by TU . Electric in December 1986 had not been taken. This is the same issue

                     - discussed in Ites 1) above. Therefore, this matter is not discussed                           ;

further here except to say that the actions were implemented by SWEC as

  • part of the overall completion effort and had not been singled out for special attention. This approach was not in noncompliance with any  ;

Appendix 3 requirements; however, the failure to track the NCS and NCH l l card issues to assure effective resolution is considered a noncompliance I with Appendix 8 Criterion V (Instructions Procedures, and Drawings) as ,

  !                   discussed in Ites 1) above. No noncespliances with Appendix 8 Criteria I,                     j I

L II, III, VI. VII, XVI, XVII, and XVIII as suggested by CA$g were j J l identified. ' i l g,iary Review, saaes 17 18 I I N audit team has investigated the statement by Kr. Sediford that vide range RDF/RTD serial numbers are incorrect. N oe RTDs are unique and sust be serialised as well as 'linearised' by applying appropriate , correction factors contained in a table to obtain an accurate reading. ( Audit results indicate that the original CPSES RTDs furnished under the NS$$ scope of supply and, which are identified by unique serial numbers, I were sent back to the vender for recalibration. N Unit 2 RfDs, with different serial numbers, were then transferred to Unit i via Permanent Equipment Transfer (PET). The audit team reviewed the scaling calculation which contains the l serialised RTDs. h numbers free this calculation estched those on the l PET. N serial numbers and 'linearisatian' tables in the calculation l were then checked against the values in Append'ex F to the TU t.lactric Scaling Calculation Manual (referenced in the calculation) at were founo ) L to be in agroceent, h only inconsistency acted in this review w e char , L tLa crixinal RfD stria,1 numbers and linearisation values containad in WCAP.9696 have not been updated. However, none of the documents ruiewett makes reference to UCAP.9696 as the data source for serial numbers; consequently, no audit finding was issued. 21, art Review, names 19 20


h purpcss of the Technical Audit Program is to provide a level of sentidence that the Corteetive Action Program for assuring the quality of CPSES Unit 1 design and hardware was effectively executed. The TAP was

  • designed to assempitsh this purpose using a performance based approach utilising 10CFR50 Appendia A as the acceptance criteria for the technical effort and 10CFESO Appendia 5 as the criteria for determining programmatic and procedural adequacy. All deficiencies identified in the TAP can be traced back to the Appendices of 10CFESO. .

The Technical Specialists associated with the TAP were selected on the ' basis of the following principal criteria: A demonstrated expertise in a specific engineering discipline (or disciplines) involved in the Corrective Action Program including the capability to perform, as well as overview, the specific 12

                       .Enctssure 2 to TEX =49450                                                                                                     l pes 2 16 ef 16 technical functions and activities which they were assigned to                                 .,  ;

evaluate, Ceaplete independence of the activity which they were to evaluate. ' gach assigned specialist was confirmed to have had no prior association or responsibility for any portion of the work to be l audited. The Technical Specialists utill ed in the TAP audit and surveillance l process averaged over twenty years of design engineering experience, more  ! than fourtoon years of which involved nuclear power plant engineering design. Approsjeately fifty percent of these Technical Specialists were involved in one - Aere aspects of the CPSg8 Design Adequacy program thus gaining valuabla experience in performing critical design oversight assessments. l To assure that the TAP oversight effort was carried out within an appropriate Appendix 8 framework, each audit was managed by an Audit Team Leader qualified per ANSI N.45.2.23 and experienced in nuclear power plant quality assurance activities. The integration of Technical Specialists i into the audit process was further enhanced by the assignment of two full time senior advisors, each having outensive management experience and expertise in nuclear quality assurance program activities. The l j effectiveness of this arrangement is best illustrated by the nature and l depth of issues and findings raised since the TAP was established in early ' 1987, many of which have resulted in fundamental changes and improvements in the overall Corrective Action Program design validation process. The findings of the TAP audit an cosidered to reprennt noncompliances with 10Cf'A50 Appendiu 8 Criterid !!! (Design Conruol) ed V (Instructions, Peocaderes and Drawings). The nature and substance of the findiegs are not considered unusual given the scope and depth of tho teen's offere.  ; The asjority of the findin5s appear to be isehted occurrence 4 having little, if any, impact on the oc uptibility of Cp838 scaling ca h ulations. ' We bres.kdrvn in either tho Cp$g8 Appendis s Quality Assurance Progres or 1A the implementation of any of the program criteria was observed. On the p basis cf this ennaustive review and the obsence af any subscantive < j ' findinp}s, there is no basis far issuance cf a Stop Work Order, gnisting  : processes and prosedures are more than adean te to assure char appropriate ' corrective and preventive actions are taken to address each of the audic team's findings and recensendations. Ceneral CanalWan Cement 1), names 2122 I Past audits and surveillances were reviewed to determine whether they , adequately addressed the scaling calculation effort. The scope and content of these audits and surveillances, as well as effectivenen of corrective actions resulting from prior audit and surveillance findings, appear reasonable and appropriate. Ceneral Concludina Ceament 2). saaes 22 23 This matter is addressed in Itea Sa) above. 13

cnclosure 2 to TEX 89450 Pess 15 of 16 ceneral concludina Consent D ease 23 CASE asserts that Mr. nediford stated that a general intimidating staesphere esisted in Mr. lediford's department during the time of his ! employment at CPSES and that no action has been taken to remedy that . situation. Mr. Streeter recently spoke to an individual who worked with Mr. Sediford as a scaling engineer at CPSES. The engineer stated that i. while there was an emphasis on schedule that was at times uncomfortable, SWEC management continually emphasised that schedule was not to take

  • priority over quality. While it may have been an uncomfortable situation.

this individual emphasised that, to his knowledge, quality of the design i product was never knowingly compromised to achieve schedule objectives. CASE refers to a recent causent purportedly made by a CPSES employee that - he was " directed to sign off a document under dureas by [his) superviser." l Mr. Streeter determined the source of this comment and interviewed the  ! individual. This is the same SVEC employee mentioned above. Mr. Streeter has concluded that either the easet statement as reported by CASE er a very similar statement was made in which the werd ' duress' was used. ' However, the person stated that he did not intend by the use of that werd l to convey that he was pressured by his superviser to sign off er approve t work that he believed to be incorrect. Eather, he was trying to explain ' that management had directed that certain calculations were to be revised to resolve an audit finding, and he did not want annagement to think that his signature en a revised scaling calculation represented a complete review of the calculation when in fact his review was limited to only the revised portions of the calculatten. He indicated that coce he had resolved that matter with his ,annagement, he had no concern about signiht the revised calculat*.ona, He furtbur ta.ared that he had never signsd or endersed any design document that he hs11eaed te be in:errocc. . In summary, there was schedule emphasis which apparently was perceived by Mr. bodiford as an intialdating atssophore. However, that perception was not shared by all we,leyees and the technical ecceptabiitte of the saaling calculations prev', des ample evidence that the schedule emphasis d;.d noc - detract free the technical patity of the work. Conclusion, saac 24 We agree that the majority of the items discussed above were known to TU Electric and SWEC in late 1987. We aise agree that some of the items are not complete as of this date. However, in general, we are of the view that the project was responsive in addressing the items. In regard to CASE's contention that the recent TAP audit verified that programmatic deficiencies indicated in TU Electric latter NE 19097, dated May 10, 1988, were . . . 'not even addressed . . . auch less corrected.' that statement is simply not correct. While the TAP audit was not structured to address the issues raised in the referenced TU Elaetric letter, the audit coincidentally confirmed partial er ceaplete impleasntation of most of the actions directed by CPE, and only resulted in three einer findings that directly correspond to NE 19097. Additionally, the review effort described in Iten 1) above indicates that most of these actions were properly tracked and addressed. We acknowledge that in two instances 14

_ _~_ ._ _. _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l tacissure 2 to TKK'89850  ; P 33 16 of 16  ;

                          .                                                                                                                      1 i

(i.e., NCB and NCH issues) the thoroughness and effectiveness of the

  • I fellevup to these items has not been entirely satisfactory. Although the impact of these particular items appears to not be significant, a  !

Corrective Action Esquest was conservatively issued by the Director, j Quality Assurance en October 6,1989, to fully address these instances,  ; Due to the estensive esasures undertaken to validate the CP$ts design, we l do not expect resolution of the CAR to reveal significant programmatic, L design or hardware issues that have not been previously addressed. t We do not agree with CASE's contention that Audit ATp.89 1465,* l verified the repeated fatture of the scaling calculation / documentation  ; review program to perform adequately and fulfill its intended purpose."  ! Vntle the TAP audit identified a number of generally isolated findings, I they do not impact on the acceptability of the CpSES scaling calculation effort, the nature and substance of the audit findings identified are not considered unusual given the scope and depth of the audit effort. The auditors were able in each instance to trace and verify the sources of *

        ' input data and, further, verified the actual input values used in the calculations were correct. The Scaling Calculations Action Plan which was                                                            '

forwarded to CASE with TU tiectric's letter of September 25, 1989, will  ! assure that all inputs used in the scaling calculation effort are identified; reviewed for applicability; updated, as appropriate; and a traceable link established to each calculation. These actions will ensure that documentation related shortcomings associated with the scalin6 calculation effort are fully and effectively corrected.  ! la summary, the results of TAP audits and surveillsaces, as well as other managosont reviewt ut.deruhen to address the scaling calculation ef fort, , iW ieste adequate programmatic w urol and satisfactory cochnical prodver.s. although the need far hiprovements is indicated, che collective l ' results of our review of the issues a,et iierth by CASE carmot, in any reasonable fashion, be accurately characterised as a progranaatic breakdown necessitating the issuance of a stop work order. We strongly , disagree that the evidence meets the provisions of Peragraph 6.1.5 of our stop work procedure (Nto 3.25) er mcy other pretision of that document 1 Y b n i k 15

$4' t K - i LN LOG # LIT-90/659 FILE # 10086 <

                                                  = -

l NELECTRIC January 5, 1990 1 ' i i wim m c.commes nre o 1 Juanita Ellis, President  ! Citizens Association for Sound Energy l 1426 S. Polk Street i Dallas, Texas 75224

Dear Mrs. Ellis:

This is to summarize our understanding of the status of CASE Concerns and reiterate our request that you furnish us with a - definition of CASE Concerns, if any, that you believo could  ; impact a licensing decision for CPSES. E As we now understand it, there are a total of fifty-eight (SC) broad areas of concerns on CASE'a list, some of which nay conFint  ; of a number of individual concerns. Thus far, we have recoived a i total of five (5) CASE concerns, which represent three (3) broad areas plus two (2) of the four (4) identified individual concerns , within a fourth broad area (CASE Item 89-0027). We have answered in writing and in detail all five (5) of the concerns we have received to date. In addition we have answered a CASE disputo on scaling calculations, which, we assuma, encompasses a fitth broad , area (CASE Item 89-0030). Thus, there re'.nain unanswered on  ! CASE's list. fifty-three (53) broad areas of concern plus two (2) ' individual- concerns within CASE Item 89-0027, or a total of fifty-five (55) listed concerns, our assessment has enabled us to group these fifty-five (55) listed concerns into the following  ! categories: 1) ten (10) concerns are insufficiently defined for  :

    . development of an answer, but the titles seem to be sufficiently

. specific to enable us to assemble pertinent background ' documentation; 2) sixteen ( ?.6 ) concerns seem to have no possible . hardware safety impact for CPSES Unit 1 Licensing; and 3) twenty-nine (29) concerns are impossible for us to define. Examples of the second category are "U/2 Enhancements" (Item 89-0019) and f

     " Scaffolding"    (Item 89-0035).                  The third category contains concerns defined only as " Maintenance", "SAFETEAM", etc. We have coded the CASE list with the aforementioned categories for ease of reference (Enclosure A).

As we understand it, except for those matters now under Dispute pursuant to Paragraphs B.3 through B.5 of the Joint Stipulation, e l 2001 Br)an Tower Dallas, Texas 75201


b f, Mra. Ju0nito Ellio I' [ JcnuOry 4, 1990 Page 2 of 3 or the item of " potential" dispute (Root Cause), you do not  ! anticipate that any of the concerns would be an impediment to a I licensing decision.


l While we recognize that CASE has directed its recent priorities 4 toward the existing Disputes and internal matters, we { nevertheless remain concerned that there should be no last- l minute submission of Concerns now on CASE's list that are now or j have been susceptible to definition. As we have made repeatedly  ! clear, our people have been organized and ready to receive, investigate, and answer CASE concerns. These same people are key players in plant completion and readiness, and it would severely impact the orderly completion and readiness for operation of Unit 1 if these people were forced to shoulder an additional last-minute deluge of work. Moreover, it would seem counter to the spirit of the Joint Stipulation and to our mutual hope and  ; expectation that the Joint Stipulation would provide a constructive and efficient vehicle for resolution of CASE's Concerns. As you will no doubt recall, the April 7, 1989 letter from George Edgar to you outlines the mutual understendings which CASE, TU Electric, and NRC reached conc 9rning our respective interactions. - Cn that, it is expected that CASE will bring issues to TU i Electric's attention in ils first instancu, and that CASE will . l only go directly to the NRC when expressly authorized by CASE ! management. This translates into the proposition that a concern shared between TU Electric and CASE is not a matter that should I impact an NRC licensing decision, unleds NRC hart independent l reason to shmen the concern. Of course, any concern held only by CASE and net shared with TU Electric in the first instance, nor > given to the NRC by or with the authorization of CASE management, - should similarly not impact a licensing decision. Wa believe that these agreements have wcrked r3asonably well and we trust that they will be upheld. We should also be mindful of our mutual agreement with the NRC l that nothing in the Joint. Stipulation is in any way intended to l change the NRC Staff's established decision-making processes. In that regard, if last-minute concerns were ever received directly by the NRC, we would expect the Staff to apply the standards in 4 its established allegations policy; namely, that there is no basis for holding a licensing decision for a late filed ' allegation, unless it raises a material issue that is new and particular to CPSES Unit 1, and has a sufficient, specific basis to raise legitimate doubt as to plant safety. All of the foregoing is to more fully explain the basis for our ongoing concern and to reiterate our request for information.

(\e; l t I. ' ' - MrJ. Jur.nito Ellio January 4, 1990 Page 3 of 3 L- While we take some comfort in your assurance that any potential "show stoppers" are now the subject of known formal or " informal" disputes, we wish to know about any significant concerns and to answer them. When any concerns are released to us we will be prepared to support any meetings that may be advisable. We would appreciate being advised immediately if our assessments of the status of CASE Concerns as summarized in Enclosure A, or the understandings as stated above, are in any way incorrect. Very truly yours, I 14 W. G. Counsil Enclosure A - Coded CASE Concerns List cc: Billie P. Garde, Esq. Christopher Grimes

                    'Janice Moore, Esq.

o , I l l w., e - . - - . , . . e

[4 i b . LIT-90/659  ! i ' '# -

  • AttOchment A .

Page 1 of 3

  !                                                                             i
                                                                              'I CODED CASE CONCERNS LIST                    !

Concern Title Category 1 89-0001 Cold Hydrostatic Test Issues Open * (CI 89-0001)  : 1 r 89-0002 Walder Certification Renewal Process 3 i 1 89-0003 WPS/ Revisions not verified by QC

  • 89-0004 Weld Rod Control (Caddies) 3 )

L 89-0005 Stop WorX Order Process 2 89-0006 Open Items 3 89-0007 Documentation Review 3 89-0008 Bolt / Fastener Issue 1 l 89-0000 100FR50.55(e) Reportability Process 2 89-0010 .Use of PT after use of flapper wheels 1 89-0011 Maintenance 3 89-0012 Emergency Lighting 1 l 89-0013 Fire Extinguishers 2 3 89-0014 Manpower vs QA/QC Production 2 89-0015 QA Program (collective issues) 3 89-0016 Audit Scope (to effectively assess project) 2 89-0017 Deficiencies closed in process without paper 3 L 89-0018 Prerequisite /Preoperational Test Program 3 1 89-0019 U/2 Enhancements 2 l 89-0020 NCIG Documents /VWAC 1 1

  • Response provided to CASE concern

[e < , LIT-90/659 i !' Att:chment A I [ Page 2 of 3 l I Concern Title Category  ! l 89-0021 Near Term Operating Mode 2 . i

      '89-0022    Drawings                                        3       l l       89-0023    Thread Engagement (Specification vs. Safety)    1 89-0024    Corrective Action Program                       3 89-0025    Walds in Steam Generators                       3       I l

89-0026 Replication /PT Process i l I t 89-0027 Alleger Concerns: MIG vs. Stick

  • Falsification of Records
  • Lighting 3 Grounding 2 '

89-0028 10CFR Part 21 2 80-0029 Borg-Warner Valves (back-leakage & swing arms) 1 89-0030 Sodiford Audit Issues ** 89-0031 Teflon Tape Issue

  • 89-0032 QA on JTG (review of procedures / processes) 2 89-0033 I & C shop 3 89-0034 Cable pulling / wire stripping 3 89-0035 Scaffolding 2 89-0036 Comparison of EPRI and CB&I Procedure 1 89-0037 Closure of Deficiency Paper 3 89-0038 Reporting of Deficiencies 2 89-0039 Service Water 1 ,
  • Response provided to CASE concern
       ** Bodiford Audit Issues addressed in TU Response to CASE Dispute on Scaling Calculations

LIT-90/659 I l '!!t. Y AttOchment A I Page 3'of 3


i 7: Concern Title Category s t 89-0040 ILRT/ Audit Results 3 I l 89-0041 Reactor Coolant Pump Casing 3 ) 89-0042 M&TE Equipment Lab 2 , i J 89-0043 Temporary Modifications 3 i 89-0044 Response to PODS (audits) 2 , 89-0045 Numerous Record Deficiencies l' (to be addressed as separate CASE concerns) 3 89-0046 Numerous out-of-scope audit CASE findings (known to auditor /TU) and to be addressed i as separate CASE Concerns 1 69-03/,7 HVAC 3 , 89-0048 NRC Inspection R3 port 84-32 " Historical Inadequacies of TU Quality Audit Program" 2 89-0049 Coatings 2 89-0050 Intimidation and Harassment (workers) 3 89-0051 Electrical 3 > 89-0052 Piping / Pipe Supports 3 89-0053 Improper Valve Replacement 3  ! 89-0054 SAFETEAM 3 89-0055 QC Holdpoints 3 89-0056 SDARs 3 89-0057 Corporate Security 3 89-0058 Test Matrices 3 i L

g: E2cicoute 3-to TKK-U I -- Poso.:1 of:E f i t 3'

                                            .TU ELECTRIC QA TECHNICAL AUDIT REPORT ATP 891465 SCALING CALCULATIONS CPSES SITE r-
                             - AUDIT DATES:     Angom 21 duough $spember 28,1909 W. J. 51URTE           -      AUDrrTRAM12ADER AUDIT TEAM:                                         AUDITTRAMLAADER B. B. SCANGA           -


                                                                                           /s     /

(#ndVn~+ W. e s va s e_L' _ _ _ TEAM amapu.m D. L. RAharmOM SUPERVISOR, TECHNICAL AUDITS Pass t at 23

                                                                                             = --     :=^-


                         - 94C15?Cet$          27g

Enclosure 3 to TXX s9:50 ATro89 1465 FPogo3of71 EXECUTIVE


{ ' lite audit of scaHag calculancas stated a the Westinghouas 7300 Process lassunentanon System was parfanned Dom Auget 21,1989 through September 28,1989 at the CECO offices ce the CP$ES sia in Glen Rosa, Texas. EREFACE: - The Wesdaghouse 7300 Process Insmamentation Symam is considsted a he a enanse system since it is mstalled and operanns a a number of nuclear facilides worldwide. The CPSES synsm was designed, fabricated, assembled, and assed by Westinghouse under their QA program. Documentanon including squipment Refennce Manuals; the Scalina Manual, the Pitcaunons, oint Document (PLAS); and Interconnecnon WTrm' g Dlagmms was sent to the Lignicadons and $stp& -+g cf the syness la the 1982 time frams the pmject decused that a sits to faciliam ths document was needed winch pnmded necessary astrumentaden calitranon and setup mformanon in a conesse ussable fonnat. The scaling calculanon evolved as the document to ful that need. Scaling


Calculadons are not calculadons in the clasacal eaqmeermg senes. These documents, which are unique 'o CPSES, are prunarily a compilation of mrerinadan derived from asveral soun:es that is assembled in one document for the convenience of the user. The average scanng calculaden contains appronunmaly 100 discrem him of infonnadca necessary.for the proper calibranon of the loop, than 20% of which are acnaaDy calculated or derived. ma is not insant e irdense that scaling

                                                                     , a thorough understanding of electmmes and the calculanon preparation is simplisde; ce the                         nanon referenos souross and drawings is a Westinghouse system and cotsponents as won as -

prereqmme. Scaling is the process of desemnmag the a4ustmens to the peacess insmanenadon which win

                                                                     , pressure, etc.) tresa sagmeerms units (*F, psig conectly convert plant variables (e.[b                           7300 process instrumentanon syssem unlizes esc.) to eqmvalent analog voltages.                                 for both the Nuclear Sesam Supply Sysem these volages so perfonn prosecdon and con (NSSS) and Balance of Plant (BOP) sysanns. To acidsve these func6ons instrusosat loops are (condidon) an incomms confil pmed using a senes of priesed cbcat bosnis (essds) wtsch                         PROM Lopic Card signa                                                                                              er Card to give a desmed outp(ut Eastrades of common card types are:which pm wtaich adds or subtrace incoming signals and appHes gain (=F=*+) en the result; NCH -

Characeanaer Cani widch pmv6dse squaes teos and "curus fit" heacdoes; and NAL Signal Compensar Cani wtsch conquas an incoedag signal with a predstertaned "estpant" and changes stam (ca or off) when the sospcint is mached. In the 7300 systems cabinses the lacoming field signalis convened e a0 10VDC range signal I whichis acted by the vedoes inssumsat loop cada. Tbs signal tasy undmaealy be used for:

                                     .sadalpen,           so the plant pmcess and emergsocy tesponse compusers, concolacom          -

for pecesadon and contml (e. , trip the resceor, start the input e otherinstanantloops,orisobus tbs ar=== lame = inidses, seesty auxinary $sedweser esc.). One of the enheds*ma is e describe each cent in the ticop and pitmded funcnonscfabs os cani cridcolpanssaus as , cent gain and bias, as seu as spp"-:++e and PR The end code hr in componsam such as realmws,j ' appues the informanon in the is em IAC Calibrsoon smuy usertif theen instaDed insaummtance, scaHag calculenna aconf5gue i Page 2 of 23 E TU ELECTRIC QA

Enclosure 3 to TXX s9sS0 FPass3of71 EXECUTIVE



         -cE1hedo namhns calsulanon aabn.wpoes of dds audh was a venty                                                                    :

l AUDIT SCOPE: The audit scope consissed of 15 presslected scaling calculadona Sve of which were safety slated and 10 of wtuch were non safety relased. Both Nuclear Sesam Supply Sysum (NSSS) and Balance of Piant (BOP) calculadons wem included in the audit sample. Where a larger sample was required to adskons a spacine issus, addidonal calculadons were reviewed for appeoprians enributes. Calculanons which pmvided e or outpus toe the audised calcuissons were parnally reywwed. .* ^ S"-- S , the - seem reviewed the engmeann documans which provuled soun:es ofinput data e the g calculadons. A nanbar of scaling ca(h. missed issues which be subjecs of concern dwing the audk were also invesdgased. AUDIT RESULTS: is of scaling calculadens was comprehensive and demiled. Spectne scaling The review of the fannst is conmined in Project Ptooedse PP 009, Anachment B (Preparadon calculadon coment and Control of Scaling Calculadons). SWEC Engineering Assmanos Procedure EAP 5.3 (Properseen and Concel of Manual sad Compuseriod Calcu'sadens) consins guidelines for propersoon and revesw of calculadona. The dass utilised la the paparamos of scaling ca taken som several somcas. NSSS sespm'aa me oinnined een the Wasslaghouse Precaucons, Docament. BOP seapoem are obesined tom seapoint calculations or syssem L.unnsdons and and the derivados of transionn aquenons me contamed in the DSDs. Wasanghouse g speciSc desa (i.e., tesimers requimd or removed,

                                                                      ) se found in the Weedaghouse Equipment Manual. Das j                      required, gain and bias moonters me   conmined in Weedaghouss Shop order e uudcasars,enneminers,                                                                               '

shese. Instrument ' r"- head conecdona,linserisation of R1Ds, and component accuremes are found ia ths Appedeias o ths CPSIS Scanng Calculaden Manual. Instrument loop losuconasction Wiring Diagram and _ R--W me foundia the W ,

                               ) and Piecess diesel Block Diapasms (PCBDs celselssions esaadaad was cheched agthu the infuenced drawings and Each of the 15 docusosas for the                              asertama.
s. AdminissadvsCosmet
                                      . . est the selselsslos enfsty classlSendon is
                                      -     ensthe sipsames anddeses ofpapants               aviewers anin acconiance with
                                      -               "Qudinuadon Requind" temoval process is annect and in acconiance with
b. Papose 6ss en esiculados adequauly desertu du pwpose of es inaruaura loop.
c. Soaps thes devisse witin es issuunsas loops ese lised and conman appropnas tag numbers, anodal numbers, and gioup aanbers,
d. Refenace h thus ibe engineering prendses and input dem u Gined in the calcuandons an appaprianly assnaced.
e. Calculadon-thessensors,cania,indicours, comparasars have approprism inpuu, maissors, and == included in du cateulan,on ampus, accency, laceman, scais, jumpers, Page 3 of 23 I TU ELECTRIC QA

Enclosuro 3 to TXX-49:50 -- ATP'61465 ' EXECUTIVE


FPase6of71 l as sqalmd by loop function. Pather, that enathem**1 manipuladens and data from I misesocas were perfonaed and/or tranacnbed correedy,

f. Piguas that Puncdonal Block Scaling Diagrams (8gmes) consin t
g. Wasnaghomas Inputs that adons; denga further chanpas that Field Change Nocces (PCN. e IWD) and and Instrume changs to Westinghouas input documens have been included or referenced in the calcu,anons.

The above aaribuess, as applicable to each calculadon, were invesdgated by review of assocused IWDs, ICDS, Westinghouse Equipment Reference Manuals, Scalint> ingrams (PCBDs), andManual. other the PLAS, specific Wesanghouse Project Transmanals (WPTs), Pmoess Castrol Block perunent documents. In order to venfy the appropnassassa of input drawings. The overall result of the audit indicals that the scalin calculadon effort is %.vydately tnanaged

                                                                      , althoujh not fuBy W=aaaM is adequate and connoued; thatcalculadon .;w% methodo                     andinw gs; and that the celeuladon in that it has     produced usatul and techakally4 a form which is accepmNa to the user orgaruz pscasased 8 informanon is it team vet 8ed that a high level of coopsesace certady edsts among the scaling IAtC). The aut calculanon preparers, pamcularly with respect toermrs                    understanding        Wasanghouas retadng einstrurnent           system                  7300   Pmeses Insuunenanon Sysse design requsements. No si '                         and subsec uent preop. eradonal testa.

ecanguradon and scaling een detected during hot . co ofmferences toinput The ~1~1% am judged to be sechnacally caract, and with the exce p data sourosa, have generaBy been prepared in an:ordance with the .gi. Notwithstanding the y seasfactory aneurs of the scaling calculadens, censin programmanc shortcocangs was ' tined durlag the course of the audit as fbuows:

  • Bafamocas Tbs scaling calculadons contain data extracted Born cuaddple refusace soun:e well as values which must be calculated based on equadens and des concuned in yet ochr asfuence sources. Aadit tasalts lad 6 case a lack of clear and madDy traceable rufenaces e o.

andrequtmd - (i.e., transions harmaa) coandasd la snany ofvalues, the scaling caneulation.

                 =WS                  Eaglesering Pmcednes aquke that the source of                              identined in the computadcas, aplananwy amt, and diagrams leading to the asala heinfennsdon,a many instan calculadens. The lack of adequata segmences and iname oudera undersund the resulted in the needihr access e the calculadon                                    In au cases,however, methodology used ta the calculaden (ass Ds8cisocy Ma 89146541).reservacas sem vert 5sd, and design input value conect,
              . e       '= n_ d2 ekaunes . There is no single CPSES document which primdes an ovenB descitpdce (or ".ue             ") for tbs pre parados of scaling calculamona, addressing poem  sea, agepment redemaces, and calculanon input sauces,assem pelona,en                   aneman soms dbecdce ce calculanon formac, coassesandnudada egy. Da            EE whiis the Scabag Nha Manual (1 SC 8800) enmina scanas phaceophy and specific                ~

cotaponses daa; however, thans documens neither individuaDy nor couscoveiy p overau 7 dsRaition and peacedural direedon gowsming the preparaden of scaling (see DeSciency No.8914602). Evsa wkhout awesenoverall1sogram

                                                                     ,and connois usedin the r+M:= of scaling descapoon, the acmal;M-%.4 Page 4 of 23 s



o Enclosure 3 to TXX-s9s50 - P ATPr.59 1455 l Foso5ofM EXECUTIVE


enlbakerm was found to be imi! sit y and have resuled in schnkally acewam and swam e.d, *= u_21.2 pw Nw Memian (PROMid Wesdaghouss 7300 Syssem NPL and NDT sically idendcal elocueeuca ocenponents used to cards canagle PROMa, .M.2 are itnplement required consol sysum . While these devices look the same and are physically interchangeable, can design) contain different electncal circuits. Also, the PROMS are nos pennansady ed e a cucuit board (either by soldonng or enmping) and can be retnoved for replacenant purposes. Changes in synasen design require that new PROMS be progranw=d to re8ect the specsfic change in cucuit logic. The auditors found that individually programmed PROMS are not consisandy identined withm the vanous design documents (i.e., the ScaBag Calculadon, IWD, and the PROM there is no PROM- *e whach describes consuls for Library). Addi p=f PROMS (see DeResency No. 89

                                               , or phyncaliden                    o 3

The Westinghouse NFL cards can also contain thner modules used e inglement das delays where required in the consol syseen. The40,89 scallar 1468calculanons 4 4) do not explicidy spectfy the type of timer tuodule to be used (ses Ds8ciency An addidomal tiener relased issue was found involving a DCA used e enodify the Auxiliary

                                                " trip e amo" lege. Tbs DCA in quesdon fhiled to properly Fosdwaser(AFW) deer etreuit. Akhough the DCA was incertset la is descri                           ofthe desenbs the                                                                                      bench timer fbacdon,     audit team concluded, based on the results of an Operadons
                                                                                         *meaamd and would have been ass, thn the desip modi 8caden could not have been ao               im thusd e identify an appropn' ate dessend prior e unplemenualon in the 8sid. The DCA a                                          B9 146S-
                     " PROM Library" drawing on the changes made to the IWD (ass Os8ciency No.


                                                                                         *-,a ds8cisames were identified, In addidon a the issues described above, the ibDowing b noas of wtach iM1 the sesuhs of any of the scaHag calculations examined:

peooses by the scaRag calculadca preparers was

  • The use of the"ConRrmarks la accesdance with the applicabis paa w however, femadtobe and Services diselbutica praeses naaemaan that the investigadce theTU .
                       "Conorssance              utnoval Documsat cover              sheasDCC)(see CensolConsars          ihr appDeScisacy (radamely        160 anlaularha No. 891465-            were no distribuedathe 07).

Manorladox was not being updated by Also, thew Pa$ectInicanaden .$.19, Revisica 2 (see Deficiency No. Admissanadvs assequhedby Procedues 89 1468 08), however, most WMaN documans (e.g., manuals, drawin s, etc.) are and Ibetaits DCCa. Carsda Rafsmace docacents, such as the sva6tama Shese, have act been thDy enmed tam the DCC database; however, pec$sct treasminals contahdog design changes are reviewed by IAC Engineeringibr ca scaBagemiente+ m

                  +       Several Wesdaghouse IWDs were found whlch ocamined handwrinen asacandons dadng fican 1983. The endit team ven8sd that aise sheets of the meal set (appr=Wiy 450 remainla the DCC syssen as " .

shasa)ofIWDst.rC+iby W of thess!WDs apprognamly have written Eacept as Nood"(AEd) documents.

           -                                                      Page 5 of 23 r                                                       TU El.ECTRIC QA

sncicouto 3 to.TXI 49850-g W Paso 6 of 71 ExsCUTrva


f againstdata t pe.& ion of to AEN anacadon. The two drawings not comain AEN anacadcas made by Olbbs and HiH during soview psessady covend by a _ issmasandon documsat package and wiring changes andapplevelof theBOF yccenst and spresent enginsmed by Weedagboose.1hs annound drawings are me

               . the iamanad hardware. Tbs drawags, including annosanons, had besa rowswed sad appsowed by both Weedaghouse and Gibbs andM11.1hs lack of a DCA initiand against these drewmss is conadaired an isolated finding (ses Os8ciassy No. 89 1465 06).

' 'C Most of the Wessinghouss NSSS IWDs soviewed during the audit have outstanding DCAs - against them; sees for eatsaded penods of das. Whus leek of Lacorporation of the does not violass sins peacedure,it does complicata the use of these drawings (see Obearvasion No. 891 1).

  • Westinghouse documans were reviewed e assure that oppsoprians design data were being udlised in the pespandon of scaBag calculadons. The Audhers observed that the Wesda Scaung Manual used la scaling 3-W-g had not been updased sines 1933, no iannaama were found for wh6eb incariest toothodology or aput data was utgiand la any of the sonung calculadcas saamined in the audit, thers is a posential for error since the Scallag Manual is based, in part, on an outdaad version of the Weenaghouse PL&S docusasat (see Observados No. 391465 02).

la addidos e abs propamenade and decurasatance stased shermomiass discussed above, the audit - mar discrepancias or inacasisesasies la in neview of hs 15 presslected sad 14 tasca idsanned 3C interfbeing calculalons. These mat G= -- - 4: Ansonsismacies sepas miencess, insonest or snissing acess, and nomional errors la amassetpdos ersors, "Condemadon Raq mamman (ses Osocisocy No. 89146B43). Naas of the specine

                                      # idendSed durlag the andk impacted sleer Saal calculadna tesula or the
         @+ t"z : -

assepubdity of Sekt appusados. AUDITCONCLUSKW: The andk mem Sads that samling saladsdans am being la a generaBy esdsfacery manner. of these scaBag calculanons were Concois used la the peepension, soview, sevision, and esallag calculaden etBan, pamcularty also judged to be adequass. Istipsoweinsats ase seguised erankad*= preparados. in the mess or usannees, ame===4 cf PacMa, and ' detract in the andkdo not Neverihmient theomfmerdensadstaarverinna - calmdadaa pmgress wtdekwas tobe producmg komthe adequacy of the ovenB - technicaBy canent andermahname Page 6 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA - l:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . = _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . . m Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850-Pass-7 of 71 ATP.891465 AUDIT DETAILS


Moodng Aandess: i Essesse Esa Eau -) c " Tide tf2149 9/1189 9/28/99 Name - i

                                                                                                                                                                          ;l CBCO Obesar                                                    X          X D. Amay T. Sene g r ear                     CBC04A Repus Messest                                           X
                                                       ~ Weenschases PapestEngswer                                     X C. Seses                                                                                           X                               X
0. Bested CASE SWBConsfEngineerI&C X L. Snpa X H. Ensur 1U54sserVissPuesdest GCD4and1&CEspasar X X
                 'R. Seehus                                                                                                        X H. Caudsheet                        CECO Sr. Pseess QA Masser                        ,
  • H. Qissery TU4A TenhamelSpeculia X 1US.lecEngissens Masseur X X C. Cssumer X W. Crisier CBC04A.QA Sepammer X
3. Osse CASE SWEC EAChief Engisser X
. W. Elast X X

' s. Hayens CBCXMAC Sepumsar Dessur handens X ! X t J. LaMuus N.Elsseusl14C 1124Jesselegimentes X S. Mutes X X

  • T. Mutans 1tJ5 Testmissi X X D. MBer CBCENAC X C. NuesAn CBCO. Ass. I&C 11J54spurviser,DCC X K. Names X X
a. oussy CAss X

Musent X

5. Pitmer X X
                     -W. Paemr                                                                                                      X J.         Pistus                  112 @ s                                                                    X CMINACangeser                                                  X R. Poistes                                                                                                    X
                    'O. Quussa                            SWMMPlisfissidiusandDhesur QA                                              X                  X 11J5448gerviser. TAP                                           X
             " D. Ransson                                                                                                X           X P. Reyessur                        N Dbaser                                                       X
s. Sassen taasAsess X X
                                                                      .QA                                                X
              " J. Sensur                                                                                                X           X                   X
  • W . Samus 11544LassAsser X X X O. Thus - CAS 1tS.TAF8spaviser X S. Wtust

!- Kar:-

  • AmstTemsummtes
               "                   Massenessa$sppet Page 7 of 23 l                                                                      TU ELECTRICQA
    ,.            . . . - - . . - .                       - - .       - .      . . . . -. - ~ - -                                  - - - - -- - -

j snelosure 3 to TXX s9s50 ,


_ f ; Page- e of .71- .i 1 ATP.891465 1 Denciency No. 89 1465 01 l




Inadap .4 Input Refersaces in Scaling Calculadons t L u. Ramannalhia Organlaattaa CBCO Ranuiranient: ) EAP 5.3," ._,r#e and Conect of Manual and Compuursand Calculadons (Nuclear Projects)," Rev. 3 saass: Section 2.0 "AR manual and compuesrised engineering and design calculadons shall be: 1)

  • Propend such that the analysis can be underssood by an individual ^

( component in the calculadon dienpline without recouns a the papeur of the calculadon." Auschement 1.4 ' Tis body of the calculaden shalloonsis of all computadons, along with 2) espinnasuy amt and diagrams, leading a the mauha. The fauowns shall be included: L L. Inputs (lacluding Sommes) values (including units) and idendScadon of the sources (ass sample source below). L Technical Docenset Documsa Number andkrThis; Issus Des: j Revunon Number, and Seedon, Pass, or Talde Nanbors, if applicabis." , Dgggjgagg: Consruy so the above, most af the samling calculadoes inviewed exhibised one or more of the osaddoes (In assy cases secourse a the 1sepent was supdad a undermand

1. Seedos 3 et des censuissions commins sessunos a "Seuuled Rafuseos Docu Sealse2.0etdieSeeBagCalselsdosManual(1 SC-8000k however,Sennon 2.0 commiss se desumans, not en of which me appnenbis e any one aniculaden.

AddlesenDy, these neuences do aos commin invision levels or deses, yet specific laamimadas commined in these documann (e.g., gain, bias values, as.) was used in the caisuladoes.

                                  . 2.          The body of tbs mala =ladaa= does not contain spectSc input infunoos soumes (e.g.,

documsat number, sevision aambar, daies, issus dus, sendon, page, es.) for: module gain, bias, and input vahaps; jumpers estuired or removed; or maissors futuired.

3. Input usemenos sourses == not sesed for module equations or transfer Amenon i l

Page 8 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA y

       - .. ---   .-           ._ _           ___ ._.____                      '~~~~~'~~~-~-^"                           -~ - -

i y 'Enclosuro 3 to Txx-89450 l E. Pag 3 9 of 71

4. Esplansary nous am not pecmded for madunadca1 manipulations performed nor are the c

F p manipuladoes shown. L ,

                          $.        Seedos 6 of As calculadoes armina the smesset "For Imop Accurecies, see Scallas                  '

Calsalados Manual Appendix H (1 SC 8800 IL Rev.1)"; heavver Appendix H or0y guidelines for _ _ l- "= cfloop accuracy values rather than pnmding actual l '- accuracy values themselves. ( A similar sussesnt is inade in Project Procedure PP. Atachment B, pass 7. Paragraph E.)

                         ' 6.       Figure 1 of the calculadons does not contain a tsfemece for the source (e.g., Wesinghouse Process Conso! Block Diagram, etc.) of the loop coanguranon.

Disemanad with: , B. Haynes GCO IAC ConsolSyseems Supervisor CECO IAC Senior Engineer W. Hinson t I 1 l Pass 9 af 23 l TU ELECTMCQA

            . -      ..                                   -      .                                                                     1
      . . .                           .     .                  ~ ~ - -- - -- - - - - - - - -                       . - - - _           _ _. _ _. . _ ,
              . - - . - - .sneio.uro-3 co Txx-s90001 ~~~ ~

fPese_10of71 . ATP 891465 Deficiency No. 89 1465 02 l- . p nanelanev


Inadequan Scaling Calculadon preparadon Guidelines L r E ma- - Ihle Orennientiaa: M l 333n1g358B1:

                       - ANSI N45.2.11 1973, Draft 2 RsWsion 2, Secdon 4.1 suess:

L I I-

                                 "Daegn acivities shan in 3sescribed and socglished in anoonience with                       Wwes of a f-                                                                                                                            me type suscient to assure that appiicable design inpus am cortecdy translasec
                                  ;: T5= - . drawings, procedures or instruccons."

D40A18581: conomy a em show, desism andvides me nos : sescribed in suscient wriaen decel e denne du acumann unlised la the peduedan of scaling miadonship of the various souros or reference t an overan "vond inap for calculadoes. SpectScally, there is no sin documsatwhich addresses sowess, at tuference the ofscoungcalculancas DSD EE 032, and calculados consent and methodology. a Calculados man Manual (SC 4800) ear any of several other infomanos pmvide the aquimd overaB procedural denados or guidelines ser ibis andvity. Noss: On abs basis of is review, the audit seem finds ths practices and consols used in the producson of scaling calculadoes se adequess as evidenced by the schnical accepub end produes. Design drawings and momenos dem used as input won also desernnud to b To eases that fusum scauas calculados andvides se condausd in an overall program on a wund basis, existing andconsels need a he . process. descripdon (or " send map covedag the enths scaling nasemanad . u ge C300 IAC,Conset Symnes Supervisor

                         - B. Haynes QWO            IAC, SeniorEngineer W. Hinson Page 10 of 23 I


1 g m -g w w _ -

          ,   ML  - Pas 3 71 -


  • ATP 891465 Defielency No. 89 1468 83 nanciapey TittaI Inadequan Preparadon and Revww of Scaling Calculations b E=--thia Orennimat'  : @ .

j, 343ll1g33331: 1) ANSI N45.2.11 1973, Draft 2, Rev. 2, Secoon 4.2 sans in part

                             " Design analyses. . . Shall he perfo.'tand la a. . . CWNet manner."                                                              r

[ 2) EAP 5.3, Rev. 3. Anachasat 3.0," Review Requimmons," seses: '

                              "The signature of the sviewer(s) on the calculados pass signi8es that requirenunts of this anschment have been met."

nancianes: fsGod toidentify the - Contrary so the above, the calcula lon pnparados and aview afledduring the audit of scaling fouowing errors, oanssoas, and inconalmancies which were eencielannma. card NRC8 as 1 TS/411F, whereas the'

1. Calcula lon 1-SC 55 52 Rev.4 shows l: inferenced Wesdaghouas IWD 8810D31. S 6 shows this devios asTS/411E.
2. Calculadon 1-SC SS 52 osmonandon less 2 amas "Weedaghouse lassumentation sheem for Shop Order 320,325 and 395. Revies so show carrent smens." Tids nose apparently a ocaAnandon issui 6 which misses a the avision of Seedon 2 of the Scaling ManasL ,

Calculados 1 SC SS 32,Rev. 20. Seedoms D.1 and D 2 esfuenos Wasinghouse L' 3. (PLAS), Rev. 2 as its seues of the La and La lo E Presandons Lindadoesand 1955. The TA inuriosk Rev. etthe FL48 wasissuedla J i:; ad act iefusass es lamst nevision et the (issued p

4. Calculados 18C.SS 72. Rev. 6, pegs 13 sums that Vreest = Vesipoint 0A0 VDC.
                                'ths 0A0VDCvalesshoaldbe 0.04VDC.
5. Celselnden 18C SS 32i Rev. 4, pages 21 'and 22 te8menos Weedaghouse '

since Scaling Manual S Rev.2 asasuuresof valoss 1hisaforenosisnot ance Rev. 2 of-it on Rev.2 of to FL & S. .3 of the FL& S has been the ScalingManual (0 ember 1953). l p l 6. Calculados 1 SC SS 28, Rev. 5, Figue 1 shows devios JY 410E as an NCHI card. wturens DCA $$$25 inacases that this device is an NCH4 asaL Page 11 of 23 TU ELECTRICQA f 1 s l\ *

         "Enclosuro -3: to!WJ-LMAD N p,   Pasn112 of 71-s
7. . Calculados 1 SC 55 23, Rev 5. page 8 sums that Bench Calibradon Accuecy for Susanning AmpliSer 1 N-410A is 20.106 of or 20.10 VDC. The span is 0 10 VDC, chas tbs conect value should be 20.01
           -8. Calculados 1 SC 2819 Rev. 4, pass 11 impmperly references a previous revuion of the same caledladon for the seapoint value for loss of feedwaar pump speed rather than L

referencing a consolled, up e dam source of setpost das such as the PL&S or Instrument L Setpomt Lat. ~

9. Calculadon 1 SC 55 28, Rev. 5, pay 8 calculans gain for NSA1 cani 1 N 410A as "RI
                   = 50K ohms 4.1 = 500 K ohnt,. t:ss 499 K ohms." No explanatory pass was indicated for using a 499 K ohm tesissor in place of the calculated value of 500 K ohms.

I o

10. Calculations 1 SC 5501, Rev. 4 and 1 SC 55 02, Rev. 7 se designaud "No L Coenrmndon Raquked"; however, Nom 1 on the cover sheet stases "Confinnation -

o Required for values in Table 1 Bruairpoints by W." L y '

11. Palewla'iaa 1 SC 5541. Rsv. 8. sese 5 for casapaaane 1 TY 0413M stans that the output is 1.417 so 7.833 VDC. The 7.803 VDC value should be 7.783 VDC.

Calculadens 1 SC 5501, Rev. 8 (pass 8) and 1 SC 5502 Rev. 7 ( 8) for devices t-

12. 20 psiValve PS 0403D and 1 PS 0405D stam mas the alarm setpoint is "penser (class, hyssuosis)." The notadon " Valve (closs, hymmesis) does not apply to the alarm '

funcdon. 9 shows tbs output 6tua devios 1 TY4413P as .'

13. Calculados 1 SC 55 02 Rev.7 valos should be 1.667 VDC as shown on pass 5 of 1.417 7.783 VDC,1hs 1.417 the calculation. .,

14; Calculadoes 1 SC 55 01. Rev. 8 and 1 SC 55 02, hav. 7 7 ese a deadband of 0.667% for himaines 1 PS 0403C and 1 PS 040$C. No jami or explanadon was provided for the oss of this deedband vahm.

15. Appendix H of the Soeung Calculados Manual (1 SC 4000 H), Rev.1, pegs 10. Isse 4 l idendSes an osspot ensuracy +0.SSG of span for NAL cents. AB scaung calculations using NAL essde seats est es empet acconcy is + 0.256. (A sess on pass 10 of Appendix H poise est tis essespancy in Weedaghouse tedmence docenaam ) ,
16. Thelevelprogram"tems" devious on 22 (Pissue 1) of Canoelados 1 SC 23 23 and on  :

8758D39, Sheet 33, Rev. 5 se shown as 1-W' and PacensConsolBlock 1 FY 5lSY. Weedaghouse IWD8810D35, Sheet 30, Rev. 7 shows these PY devises es FY/MISK mal FY/505Y, respecively.

17. canadadam 1-8C 28 23, Rev. 2 canadas the foBowing escrepancies:

8810035, Shoot 28 shows that the output of device 1 FY-a): Weede$omes 1 pY 0309. The 1:spuessandonin the 0512goesdkeetly a caloniados shows the e'gnal e 1-PY 0509 as peacessedby devios 1 FY-05100 befare ping a 1-FY 0509. b) 1hs empus of 1.FY 5105 is shown on PIgue 1 of the ceiculadon as going to 1.FY-2181. Weenaghouse drawing 8810D35, St. 29 shows this oesput as going to 1 FY 2181A. Page 12 of 23

      '                                                TU ELECTRIC QA

e 3 oitxx-assio'~ sc l' iN , p. c ,


Figns I shows output of blatable 1 PB45109 is shown as "LO 0.7X106 ItAr." l Pa8s 19 cf the calculaden shows this output as "MI O 7 a 106 RAr." 1 of the amiculaden shows dev6ces 1 LC 0519,1 LC4550 and 1.LC4510 d) - 1 Cads, whenas Sheets 11,12, and 14 of the calculaden show them as as

    '                                         ' NCB11 casds.

s) Paps 12 of des calcula6cn shows the input to 1 LC 550 as coming 8cm 1-QY. 05 .9, whomas the afamaced Westinghouse IWD 8810025, Sheet 27 shows ihls somos as 1-QY 510. f) Pass 15 cf the calculadon shows beach calituaden accumey of device 1 PCY 0510 as 0.025 mV. This should be 0.025 VDC. t g) ' Page 15 also shows the NTD (1-LCY4850) clock to be al output while the jumpers shown wiB give a 11asar clock ram. 18. Calculadoa 1 SC 4941 Rev. 3 contains the foDowing diamepancies:


The calculaden sfereness ICD 2323 M1 22$5 12, Rev. 4 which is a voided documsat. b) Appendia R of the Scaling Calculaden Manual (1 SC 83008) is not aferenced in the amiculados as a socco of ths =Pe? = acess for the NTD and. . c) - Page 5 of the enkladaa contains no vahnes for gain er bias setting for the NMD1 cast medla tbsloop, d). The calculadon idandaan a device on the Hot situadown Paesi as 1 FK.

                                                   - 0121 A, wheroes Wesdngbomas PCBD 8758D39, Sheet 27 Rev. 6 identifies this device es 1 FE 0121F.
                          ' 19.

Caisaladoes 1 SC 37 18 and 18C 3419 did not idsedfy the jumper m aquimd a ' 0000 were no hrgenmaar the binary skaar mass code. Also, the sharecurs 1000 and idandflad as binary codes.

20. Calculadca 1 SC 2819. Rev. 4 had"Cadlanados Requhed' temoved, yet the cover sheet
                                      ' was checked "Condenadca Raquhed yes."

I'2hladan 1 SC 4941.Rev. 311sts the appsopdass abop omier aanber and spect'ficanon 21. shests tar the indkates, manual sano stados, and odflos plass in the loop but fails to innhuta tbs sheet sevidens numbers ihr these u -5+= = Danemaand atsh!. B.Haynes CE005tc Canac18 S w / CB00IAC Sonice W. lentos Systems K Odem CBCDIAC' Page 13 of 23 f

                                                                                                           = -   '   --     -


   -- -      - -        _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ ,            ~ ~

i Pces'14 0f 71 7, =

       .1 Fens 16euro3.toTKX89850       .

ATP.891465 DeGelency No, 89 1465 04 l l I j Dafleinne,


leadequess Tkneridenaficadon E = --!hla Orennient*  : @

                  . ANSI N45.2.11 1984, Secdon 3.1 ". . . De design input shall be specified . . . "m the level of desad necessary to pernut the design activity to be camed out in a correct unanner . . .

t ggggigagg: 4 Contrary a the above, Scaling Calculadons 1 SC 3715 and 1 SC 3419 did not specify the ty of sknar anodule requand (Wesdaghouse produces four niner anoshales, none of which art direct inanschangeable). Dimenssad.1rith:

                   -8.Haynes                        CBCOIAC              ConsolS SWBCIAC             Principal R. Feltrino                                                                                                        -

Page 14 of 23 l TU ELECTRIC QA 1

 .-     .- -      - -      _   _ .    . , _ _ _ _ ~            ~      ~                                                            _.

y Encicouro 3 to-TXX-49450 e Pass 15 of 71'  ; ATP.491468 Deficiency No. 89 1465 08 Danelenev Tltta TaehaiennyIncorrect DCA B as r elhia O ren nimett a=: @ Ranniramani: PP423. "Procsasing of Design Change Amharizadons (DCA's) and Component Modification Canis (CMCs)," Rev. 6, Seedos 5.3 seems tin Responsible Engmeers are responsible for. Ensuring that the design change is sechnically sansfactory . . ." ElRdlRS: Connery mihe abas; . 10,11 sad 16 m psoporty reflect the required timer

1. DCA 88869 Rev.1 fhinedon nopc,whereas the Westinghouse 7300 escuit. Tbs DCA caEs for a Deh Dasy Plck U logic e series processinstruensnados only described in em DCI won. Additional notincludsein de logic elemens aguimdsimplemeniihe Cinews: ::;---
2. DCA 48869, Rev.1 tiled e idendfy Drawing 8358A95, Shana 11 sad 12 as the PROM L

pungram on the Intseconosction Wiring Diagrams. Dimensand With B. Haynes CBColec Coment Symems Sge;r L . l-l l l i 1 I Pass 15 of 23 e TU ELECTRICQA I'

                                                                                    -pmn            * * * -             F
   ,,,   sneteeur         o su s9sso i                                                                                                        '

l ATP.891468 DeRelenty No. 89.I468 06 Defielanew Tltta: PaGure e Updass "Appoved Eassp as Neeed" Drawings Reenanalhia Oceanimation: @ Raspairamsat:

           - NEO 3.06, "Rapordng and Consol ot De6cisacies," Seedon 6.4            smens "The organizadon
                                                                              - :st,im responsibis for resolvmg the DR has the              Ibr f.condi ckitons. . ." plemsnunon, and venficanon of the accons necessary a conmet tbs Danaimara:
-r- 4 Diagram 8815D% Sheets 2 and 3 Consary to ahs above, Weednghomas L (AEN)annotadons as reqmrod were not Wad to t'acorporats the "Appoved-Esospt as-by Deficisincy Report C 87@l80.

Noss: The auditors antemind their esview to iaclude au temnining " don. This revww identined lied BOPprocessinseumana deswings for the Wesdaghouss-seven addidonaldrawings Approve 64acept-as Noted," each of which had been psoporty sevised by DCA to incorporals tbs annocidoes, namensmed wish-CBCOl&C Cocool Superviser B. CBCOIAC Sysema K. O - Page 16 of 23 5 TU ELECTRICQA -

                                      ---   -- ~ .          .-    .                      _ . _ _ , . _ _             ,__

Encicouro 3 to-TXX-89850 Fosa-17 of 71 , ATP.891465 Denciency No. 89 1465 07 e Danelener


Paume e Dissibus Covi8rmation Removal Updses B 2---ethia Orenntent'- : W Esceic Adeniadsowiw Services Eggdtgaggi: 6.9.1 " Design change Pmoedas PC 213 02, Rev. 3, "Distribudon Consol," mates in and CHNs shall be docenenenon, exes x Snal DCAs/CRs and "No Change Raquired" disenbused aconsolad bolders and inainmined at the same locanon as the aSeemd docenens,except for Samtliens. Distribuoan for smallises will bs on an as required basis." Dqnciamev: nce On one occasion, involvins approximately 160 scaling calculadons, Inessonice CW'ribued a (10C) missed to esaurval of conArmadons toen thoes scaling calculadons were not dist DCC sessales for sequired distribudon. Dimensnad with: WE Ashninistrasiw Services EDCC Consdinator l K. Nonnan Pasedures Supervisor L K. Panerson WE Adenaisuadon Services Opersoons DCC Ubrarian N. Sadler


Page 17 of 23 l s TU ELECTRICQA 1

                                                                                                                         -q o in-s9sso
 ,,,, ; neegr l

s ATP.891465 Defielency No. 89 1465 08

                                    ~                                                                                      l Danetenev Tittet                     Fathme a Disribuns P!P Masaur Inden Sheen Ramannalble Organimatlan:                          1UInscric Adkninisensive Services Easpitsmant:.

ECE 5.19, Rev. 2, " Review d Vendor Doommons " Secdon 6.3.p. sessa, in part "The Master l Index Sheets and the Associnead PIP docunnants shall be eselbused a the coenound copies of the P!P." 0$0SitaG Caesary a the above, approximanly 15 Wesdn WPT lasers with their nogecdve sanched Masser Index Sheets war; not diaributed a d contround copies d the rr Master Index. - Dimenssad with: K. Norman TUE Adkninistrative Services M Coastlinasar Pass 18 d23 TU ELECTRICQA

Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89s50,


gas, Pago 19 of 71-ATP.g91465 DeBelency No. 39 1465 09

     ', Tien..         Inadequess Progmmmable Read Only Memory (PROM) Asdvities am--this or .i. elen:                   CBCO Ramdramant: -

ANSI N45.2.11 Draft 2, Revision 2. Section 4.1 smess: procedures of a

                     " Design activides shan be passtibed and E9= " M in accordance with type sunicisnuo assure that applicable design inputs me ocatoody translaw ine 4+: A M drawings, procedures or instruences."

Rackground: Progmm==ht. Read Only Memoeins (PROMS) se physiaRy idsadcal eleceonic componsnes used s impl e==*t required consol syssa logic, Whee theas deviess look tbs same and are physically inanchangeable, they can (by design) contain di8hant slessical Wecuis. Also, PROMS are not andcan be removed for pennansady afBaed e a ciscuit boent by solderlag or asw PROMsbe ymgrammad e g Changesla sysumdesign equins

PROMS cerendy inem1W11a the Wesdaghomas 7300 Series Insrumsacusan wem originally -
                   = - t identi8ed, instaDed, and the spamma maad by Wasdaghouse befase shipment to E5. The original sysam m"5=,t;r nas been tasintained through the use of susang printed cavatboard W Dafleianew:
1. . Comesy to the abase sequipment, PRCMs ase not consissady idend8ed within the design documentset. Porsaample:
  • Scauss Calculados 1 8C 38 18. Rev. 4, page 9 idendSes the tantrument mg number and Ibs sospe. ctiws NFL sed leesdann but does not adhrence the PROM utsuy nor kisettPy which PRCR4 is a be used la which PROM locados.
  • TbsWRCR4 - drawlag 8358A95 mismacas the latmansat og number for caly 4 ettbs 10 .- la tids setof drawlags.
  • IWD 8815DS1, Shoot 41. Rev. 7 psovides the instrumses tag assuber but does not technis the PR004 Litsary drowing number. Olber IWDs
                                                                                             - -        ylist both the NPL cards.

tag n==har and mary dawing number er cesr PROM

2. Connary a tbs aboms, these is ao PROh6.speci8spacedme widch
                                                                                                   - and       describes the consols forphysical PROMS,8er 2"a of PROM to be usedfor                                                          the og,3;edan of all iderm
  • seinn PIAOMs. The pesehse should typesof 7300 series PROMS atCPSRS.

Page 19 of 23 I TU ELECTRIC QA

    - - ~ - - - - - - _ _              _

sn ] L , egrg340Ta-sesso-  ! 1 Note: h ames som Sads ha,wish the ' oflaaand== idendficadon of MOMS in the 4 doounset ass, saisiing prendoss asisdag to m ses adequaes as evidseced try the schmal l of the lasmund insuunenadon. It is also nosed that MOMS av stesable ihmugh g' ^

                          .each             design documnas package but with considerable difRouhy. AvailabGity of a
    '                      ROM spectfic pmoedme wul easure aand=== MOM identifloadon tan design documenation                         f K

through pmgramming and phyncalidentincanon and wG1 further ensus ths funse ROM telated 1 scavines condnus to be carried out in en onnerly sad noneouse insaner. nimemanad With B.Haynes CECOIAC Conant Systems Supervisor J.Laughun 1U Elecinc OpersionsIAC Mauser  ; I e I k Pogs 20 of 23 I TU ELacrRICQA

Ezeicour3 8 to 12.PMJW l 21'of 71 i,>F-Fes) - ATP.891465 J Oteervation No. 89 1448 81 l Rampanalble Orgaminattaa: 3 00

      %vant Daeumants:                _ Weedngbouse Intamonnection Wa' ring Diagrams (tWDs) -            f e--we!r or c >te- :

A majority of tbs Wesdaghouse NSSS IWDs have outstanding Design Change Authomadons (DCAs) poseed against them, some of which wet disposidoesd in as 1933 to 1965 nmetrame. Racamunandation:- Incorporass ousanding DCAs so Wesdaghouse NSSS loops. Disemanad with! , CBCOUbC ConsolSymams Supervisor s.Haynes l Page 21 of 23 ll TU ELECTRICQA L

                                                                                                    ' ~~

F h m Pess.22 of 71 ATP.891465 i l Oteervation No. 89 1465 02 4 g ] Eurarelble Greenlwata  ; RahtvanLDecenants: Westinghouse Scanng Manual (WCAP 9696) l n==lae= at ca-dieta=t and i The Wesdnghouse Scanng Manual and ha supplements, which consin scanng methodon no J 9*=. have not been updated since 1983. dass used in the paparamon of scanng +hodology or dam were used in a calculation, there i massaces were found where incarmet met j possanal for this to occur, l Raemminandatlan-Updsee this document sad maintain it curmas. Dismased with: CBCOIAC Consois Systems Supervisor B. Haynes l i l p. lr Page 22 of 23 u TU ELECTRIC QA e

                                                                               ~ 1-h,v-      g                     , )IN$$'    ,

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i T I Page 23 of 23 8 11J ELECTRICQA , s 2 h

Enctosure s u . - - , sW Pese 24 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP49e1463 CHECKLIST WORKSHEET ITEM NO.: 1 ScaBagCalculadens TV I&C Supervisor 1&C Engmemng pereennel Contested: R. Adams Synsms Engmeer K. Ortess I&C CBC01&C Connels System Supemsor

8. Haynes Sennor Engineer W. Hinson CBCO1&C J. Laughlin TU t&C t&C B&R ' 'strative Services EDCC ator K. Norman StafEngmeer F. Nuan TU Opersoons1&C K. Panerson BAR Administrative Services Procedures Supervisor Consols Engmeer R. Polmno SWECI&C N. Sadler DCC C. Platmng Fisid Engineer Surveymg Supervisor m

T. Mc1Asa, W. SemM2, B. Scanga, K. Mardirosian (part time) (See Attachment. Aediter(eN H. Ni AforS Calculacons Reviewed) seemman A naim a critaria: gli chaaknat c hia etiv a: For each scaling calculadon selected for review, determme the adequacy of the foDowmg attributes:

1) Title Page la) Design Document Classificadon is appsoprises.

soviewers, and independent reviewers are correct. Ib) S ' m and dames of has tasa removed in this sevision, chtain pesvnous revmon and ic) If Coenrundoe forcomormadon tegered tasms. amew technicalj 1 sasement accurssely describes the funcuan and

2) Baguna - Verifythatthecalculation purpose of the instrument .

ggggs - Verify that the insensdan for devices usand in this secdon of the calculadon are 3) scarsa: imamew numbers, sec., asses with Specificadon 3a) Alldsvices, cards, power Shoes,Icemmennecdon Diagrams (!WDs), and es Insamtmentance and Control Diagrama GCDs). Modelamnhus andend anmhms agree with the lasmansnaden spect8 cations and 3b) - respecavely. the Equipment Bassenes

4) Rafenmca Doetanana sheets,deswings, scaling ndices, da) Verify escuracy of desa transfer freem Scahng segmas calculadcas,sadtbs Sandard Desumann in Seedon 2.0
                           %,* Masmat u>the scaHag calculadoes.

A'- =% en sua i Auditor (s) SignaturelDate: N,



                                                                              - yy Audit Team Leader Signature /Date:                       -


                             -Enclosuro 3 to TXX s9sS0-
   'O                           Pasa 25 of 71                                                                                                        p ,,, g ,, 47 Aust Report No.: ATP 89-1461 CHECKUST WORKSNEET                                                                                '

Continuellen Sheet-ITEM NO,: '1. SesRagNihn i l

                     - ChesaHet Otleettve: (eent.)

i 4b) Ver9y that the lama informadon (as of the calculadon sign off dam), including Design Change Authonaations (DCAs) was valiand in the preparadon of the scahng calculanons.  ! de) Verify that all premiser, utilised in the scaling calculadons me supponed by appropriam  ! reference documenudos.

5) Calculadens 1

Sa) Verify sensor inputs, cospus, and head conection, if requhed. Sb) For cards in tbs assusasst loop, venty type, group number, og number, inpuu, outputs, beach calibration accuracy, jumpers regered, tesisers W ese, Sc) For indicasars, venty type, og no., locanlon, input, outpu , seals, scals factor, eu. i- e Sd) For signal comparators verify type, og so., inpuu, seapoir; valus sad refsence source, nonymat voisage, nesse volmes, resisers retiered, jumpers, esc. [ 6)- pigues Review tbs Funedonal Black ScaRag Diagram for devios type, setpoints, locadon. ' thocoon, vol iphmt, es. Verify that thisWansasion is consisesas throughout the calculados l and documenation. l: l l

7) Weedagbouse Inpus for the samling calcuissions asisend perfona the foDowing:

uacy 7a) Review changes a Weninghouse lasuoonoscdon Wiring Diagruns for schnscal sdaq y and venty ihet chsages a8ictims sealing aniculados parsments haw been approprian 1 Review m issenmenudos and Conect Deswings and vertfy that changes assenns l 7b) ' seniing poemsun how heen appspriesty immerporned. 7c) ReviewFisid Nodoes (FCNs) e daign h udlised as inpus e scaling calculations and he the changes have assa appsprissaly incorpomamL l Review m isseumsat epnele-laae (La. RdF RfDs) sad verify that change wee 7d) into sosilagcalculations, VedfydiesW used in the scallag eth are the lamst per 7e) Elddansa: See Evidsace Docusses absen 1 ihico$ 15. l< l. l i I TU ELECTRIC QA l L L

i 8 Enclosuro 3-to Txx 89850 Pago 26,of 11 Aust Report No.: ATP.19.1461 s . CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 - ScaRog calmladans 14amuita: CHECKLIST MATRIX 5cahng ab 4c Sa $b Sc Comments la 16 le 2 3a 3b 4e Calculation No. E r^ - Dec.Sh.I 5 U! $ $ 5 U2 5 1 5 5 5 1 SC 2819. R.4 5 5 $ $ 5 5 5 U2 3 @ $ LCN S te' = Doc. Sn. 2 1 SC 28 23. R.2 RW= = Doc. 5h. 3 1 !!C 3 M . R.1 5 5 5 5 5 5 U2 5 @ 5 5 5 5 UL8 V' @ 5 V31 S E # = = Doc.Sh.4 5 5 5 5 5 1SC 3718. R.4 Ralance Doc Sh. 5

                             $          $      $       $       5       5        Vu     5    @       5        5      5 1! C49 01. R.3                                                         U2     5     U8     5         5     5     R/ " - - Doc. Sn. 6 5       5       5       5 1!C 55 70. R 2      S          5 U2      5    @      5         5     5     Entsace Doe. Sh. 7 5      5       5       5       5
1. C.2811. R. 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 U2 5 @ 5 _. 5 5 t h Doc.Sn.8 1-lC 5S&. R. 4 5 U2 3 @ $ 5 5 Ev6dence Doc. Sh.9 5 5 5 5 1 3C.19.ll. R.1 5 5 BW ' - Doc. Sa.10 5 5 5 5 U2 3 @ $ $ $

1.SC 19 05. R. 3 5 5 5 5 U2 3 @ $ 5 5 E . ,' - W St.11 5 5 5 5  ; 1 SC.19 07. R. 2 U2 5 U3 5 5 5 EW= -- Doc. Sk 12 5 5 ,5 5 5 E N Doc,Sh 13 1 SC d el. R. 2 5 U2 $ v3 5 V31 5 5 5 5 f 5 5 f- 1 SC.3419. R. 4 5 U2 3 yJ . a 5 5 5 Ev --- Doc. Sh.14 1 SC 55 52. R. 4 5 5 Un 5 U12 R- ^ - = Doc. Sh.15 5 l# U2 UU U3 5 5 UM 5 5 5 5 1.SC 55 23. R. 5 I scahng 7c 7e Comments Calculation No. 5d 6 t's 7b 7e g - = Dec.Sn.t 1 SC 3819. R. 4 UW 5 7 5 NA $ $2 R. ^ - - - Doc. Sh. 2 1 SC 28 23. R. 2 U' V8' 5 $ NA 5 SJ

2. ^ = Doc.St.3 1.SC 3402.R.1 3 5 5 5 NA S S2 1^ - Doc. Sh. a S3 1 SC 37.lS. R. 4 @ 5 $ 8 5 5
                                                                                                                          ~ Ev6denes Dec. Sk. !

1 1C49 01. R.1 UU _g _S S M_ t# $2 ~ 1^ - Dec.Sh.6 1 SC 5510. R. 2 5 5' S S NA $ S2 EJ^ -- Dec.Sh.7 1 SC 2812. R. 3 5 5 3 $ NA $ , $3

                                                                                                                             = , - - oog, gn, g l SC SSO. R. 4         5         5      5       8       NA      $       S2                 '

R. ^ - = Doc.St.9 1.SC 19.ll.R 1 S S S S NA 3 $2 av6damse Dec. Sh.10 8 $ $ 5 S $2 l SC 19 05 R. 3 $ =7 --- = Doc. Sh. I1 S S $ 52 1.SC 19 07. R. 2 S S S gg ' Doc.Sh.12 NA.! 52 1.SC48 01. R. 2 3 S S S g - - - Doc.St.13 5 S S S 5 52 1 SC.3419. R. 4 U8 Ev6denesDoc.St.t4 I 5 12 1 SC 55 52. R. 4 U.a $ 5 S S B e = Doc.Sh.15 5 $ S 5 52 1.SC 55 28. R. S U17 5 KEY: N/A = Not Appucable 5 = Sansfmory U = U M l ' E TU ELECTRIC QA



       . Enclosure 3 to TXX U s50 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~

5 Fags 27 of 71: Page 4 of 47 Audit Report No.: ATP89 1465 CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 SeaHa8 Calculadons CHECKLIST MA11!Y NOT1Lt U1: Confirinadon Rec uired had been removed; lowever, the cover sheet was annotated yes (see Deficiency No. 84146S43,Issa 20). U2: Generally, data was ccurectly transferred from the reference documents to the calculadons; however, there is a lack of propamman descripoon (or " road inap") for the properadon of scaling calculanons and the mter relancaships between refasence documena (see De6ciency No. 89146S-02). l U3: References were not made dheedy a the source decanent (see DeSciency No. 891465 01). U4: On Page 15, Issa 13 Clock Ram is given as T2 output when it should be linser (see Deficiency 1465-03,Isom 174). U5: Timsr Module Type and PROMS not identined within docuanent set (see DeSciency Nos. 89 1465-04 and 09. U6: Referenos Drawinas conminedi*=W Appnwed Encep&As Nosed annontions (see Denciency No. 86146s46). U7: DCA 88 869 inoonectly addressed deer logic (ses DeSciency_No. 891465 05). US: Referenced ICD had been vedad (see DeSciency No. 86146843, lum 18s). Also, Appendix E was not referenced for N'!D cent (see DeSciency No. 861465 03 Issa 18b). L Geis values not given for NMD casd (ses DeSciency No. 89146843. Item 18c). U9: N U10: Tas Number 1 PK 0121 A conSice whh as sunbar used la esferences (see t-Mr 146 03,Isom 184). Ull: Conannanos nose imoonect (see De6ciency No. 891465 03, Issa 2). U12: Device numbers iacaah (see Deaciency No.146843. Isen 1). U13: Dheet seapoint reference was e ondesed tuvision of FI.AS (see DeSciency No. 89146543 3). Also, moonect inferenos made a Weeda8 bouse Scann8 Manaal es input dem sosce (see Danciency No. 8914603, tema S). U14: Calculanon 1 SC 2919. Rev. 4 refsmaces the same calculation Rev.1 far sospoint value (see Denciency No. 891465 03,Isma 8). U15: NCH casd youp)aanbar on Calculados Figue 1 aos la aposenet w 1465 03.Isse 6 . U16: Ener in Beach CaHbrados Ascuacy (see DeSciency No. 89146805. Insa 7). noe sesed for malsmans vales a be used la Sold (see Danciency No. 891465-03, U17: U18. Severa1 errors in Figue 1 of this calculados (see Danciency No. 89146843, inns 16,17s,17b, 17c, sad 1740-U 19. Coneouer lapat somos isosasisundy idensiSed (see DeScisocy No. 891468 03, Iain 17e). No. 891465 03, lean 17f). U20. Bench caubados accancy muk ener (See No. 89146843. Issa 19). U21. Thner reage code not adagemely idendSed (see- M_?-M= shese (ses f% No. 89146543,Isrm U22. S1: No revulos level $ wen ter Shop Onler : set in osadenannes wick fIow diagrams, h

            =W              dogmasam obenised tem DCC: however, PIP Masar lads: bad not been updated S2:

(see No. 89146508) by Adminicandve Services. The % is aos against the l' ! scaung

                                            -     TU ELECTRIC QA

F P:s3 as 4U VB ; wv - - - Aust Report No.: J ATP 39 idas i CHECKLIST WORK $NEET J, -

 ?.                                                            Continuation Sheet
                                                                                                                                  .j 1T318 NO :       1; . SeeRagCaloukulons pacKLIST MAMIX Mm!1                                                      l r

Noss: 1. Danciency No. 89144843, Issens 4,10,11,12,13 'and 14 won found la calculadons winch were outside of ibe soops of ibs 15 andh sample calcula6ans. H of the Scaling

2. Danciency No. 89146843,lesa 15 deserthes a condidon within A
 ,o c                                                            =" ' armr la ibe Wesdnghouse           ntRefennce 4'                              Calculacon   Manual       where a 7 imiTab  bunch  calibranon securacy dam NAL casds.

W 'N Manualwas twJyinclud 1 h146$M MN N M Dy N 9 MMDul8

3. " Con 8nnamon Required" reunovat updases.

a l m

                                                                                                                                   ,2 4

I L , h  ! l.' TU ELECTRICQA l

Escleeure 3 to TXX*sts50 Pese 29 of 71 Ang$t Report No.: AT91914&B , f, . CMSCKUST WORKSHEET Continuellen Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 . $selagCaloidssions l ChankunLCammantar l the checkHst obsectives as spenned in the Each of the 13 presslected scaling calculadons was reviewed a sesed in the chocidist aanbutes,the amtit checkEst marksheet annbums far lum 1. SWRC Assurance Procedure EAP $.3 far l calculasions were reviewed against the requirements


and review process and agains Ptooedure PP409. including generalamiculaeon requipementa. dass andloop conAguranonsin Atachment 8.for scaling sticulamon theE Desumons ilmed Sur each sticulator,. Issues which arons ins calcuissons were revwwed were also investigased. These issues damag the audit which were ou of the leasedian aunt checidia ass escussed harem and me idendAnd Ipy aference m Supplomonary E Docusesnt Luis.  ; The folkywing is an analysis and sapansion of to audit resula by checklim enribues:

1) IWs.Eng la) Document Classincasion is apperyrians.

Each of the 15 anladadens ryviewed had the oppssprism safety classincanon identined on the I tile paga.  : lb) Signesmos and dans of peepents, soviewers, and ladopendent reviseers, are carvoet. i The signanses and deses of peepenrs, reviewers, and independsat reviewers on the calculadens were found a he appsoprism and in asosudanus whh the requsements of peonedure EAP S.3. I 1hsdeses to the reviewers sipsases on most of the calculatic-s were the of th2 etthe selsulados dessa, k appewed that the same er whhim a deses weald not abow sims a soview the calculaeons and F cloes puedentsyof sesymes a taasened est the reviewers resche comunes. ,and that seiminalsoview cycle was on a deep wasesesse ertisal indicated or pseliminary veselos of the senselnden.11ds suspense was esamined below: A af see asAsqr salased and two sensafety solened salsuladoes was seleced (ses Svidenes Dommseet List 01). Anders daarmined est the calculaden - Ipyde whose shanges appeared on als dreA inv6sw copy in red ink. The his sessmens la seen ink. The bedspendent revtswers commens wers sovtseureen ter comunens and changes madelahiosk tes messabGhy aheineviduals

;                                                                                                                 dish            a theissued revuions was enehushed.             aset seemcompendde                                             on the lasued reymon, and andtsund distaBenAcommene were as                                                  revision peoness is consisant that the noddag Autherwatsadded. Asenersconcinfunmades is not " lost
  • la lhe sview pn

! wie the inant of the of te calculadons,which akes place and changes ass and the stesslunsges oflandsstuam orincompism at the comploden of ths esA soview pusones, is not an fevtew. TU ELacrRIC QA


Enclosure 3 to TXX s9s% er  : r  :- zu - ...: Fago 30 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATD a01&&R ( - 1 CM8CKUST WOPKOH857 l Continuation sheet ITE88 NO.: 1 . Scallag caladadaan

                                                 " has basa runoved in this sqmsion, obain previous nmsion and Ic)   If *Cos8rmados                            for con 8rtnadon requiredines.

renew schnicalj la thees calculadons whom *Conannsdon Required

  • had been temoved, the audit mam venAed that the techracal jusaScanon for such temoval was appropnam. This was deerstuned by rev6ew of the pavious calculaden tevsslea; however, dwing the audit several anedlary asues emerged m1anad so the ConRnnsoon Ranoval picosas as follows:

1%s "ConAnnadan Requimd* psosses is silRand when an input value or other data is i) not svalabis la Anal fans at the thns of calculados issunnos. Procedum PP 009 seams that when ths " Coo 8nnaden Raquked" changes fles:. "yes" no "no" ausus, and the data conAnned does not affect the calculados seenita, an IOC (leseroffice A c- M) modng this that is no be seat a the calculados fils, la addition, a showing the new conRnnaden satus towest calculaden coverabset is a he Design Bagneer. Distribudon a mallia whlchistakiated anddeedby the Docuneet Conson Coeners (DCC)is then made by TV A&alaisendve Sevices. The audit men invesdgand the fact that ages matinI antaaladans masived hasa the TU Opsadoes DCC has a "Confinnaden Raquirst Yes' teses desina back to 1987 yet tbs required conAnanden dass had been avellabis ibt soms tins. The CBCO argassaados stated that ConAnnaden Ratysired had been neoved by an IOC. Rev6ew of the Ceannandon Raquind removal prooses fbr 10 calculadens and four tramanderana (see Supplemenary tvideaca Deswasat IJst 02) sevealed that Operadons DCC had not received the rev6aed covernbeso even though . had been received at adicased that the asia DCC on sles. Raaminanon of the assords in the main appennimmealy 40 transmicals with " Coa 8pesar6sa Raqueed" tenevals covenng toegidy 100 acating calculadoa mess not distributed to the smellie DCC's. All of these consmittals the same person. occuned os g 10,1999 and were annocurd "No d h was coeAnned thes contat DCC presdee is e distribes " Con 8rmadon Requned" sensvel cover sheets a the appsopriass distribados. enteniences pueperod foridenticml ii) Oneinsanen was$ send whee two by the samsjuopent had dissent messemnaissownsee on the soms "camannailna leses ilmed on the severshoot 0.e., ces calculation required issma, the other 9sur);thea, k . ed that the con 8re:nten cos8mandonof .so calculations. Funher wasbeinginconsisesady senswel the few asktidonalconarmation sevealedthatla ces of the Isens esse .- - tsely applied, since dwy aquesed that changes be

                                                                                        . can8nnsdon aqubed psocess cannot change other la oterdocuneata.

danamaan lids over use of costriassise sequhed aus annedmed isolated and not of sumalana signincemos la knelf a isses an sedit Rading. The amauung items on both ambmalarinna ggs idendral As a resak of this cass, the amble seem undensak as tavastisedon of an addiden&l calculadees (see Supplementary Evidonos Document IJst 03) for isthmdant L tastrumsat loops, the results of which indicaed that the "canannadan required" imm TU ELECTRIC QA E

sncisouro 3 to Txx.s9450 " D""*'  % 8 W 47 g,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ay,,,,, ,a, CMBCKLIST WORK 8N8tf Cont 6nvetten Sheet 17800 M0.: 1 ScallagCalselndes

                            .ses annsimundy lemadAad De audit uses concluded hat &s " Con 8nnamon guesses has hose apprepnaesty utillaed and is la confonnance wie PP408 requaessas.

iii) Calculaden 15C 55 52 Rev. 4 was found a seguire comarmation of ervision of W S Oeders when. in fast, osa8ramanast of s pornon of Secoon 2.0 of the Manual afusacing Shop Oeders was requesd (see Deficiency No.891 48. Itssa 2), Calculadens 14C SS41. Rev. 7 and 1 SC S$42, Rev. 8 ers designated *no tv) the operikass mass that con 8nannon is required for Con 8nandon Raquised." No. 85146848,lesas 10.) values na Table 1(see

                                                                                              " receped, yet the caer v)       Cahulaston 14C 28 19, Rev. 4 had " Coa 8nandoa                        No. 89146843, abast was checked " Con 8nandon Requised Yes." (see lista 20).

In sumanary, the audit team demnained thas, with ethe encsydos of does trdmor enors (icems lit iv. and seeHas anlada% papans6an is alums),ihas the "Confbunden " peoness wie appropriam andla acceedamos ' the appusable , 2) Bggest verify eas the calculados popoos assemer.: aceunaly descitbes es Annedos and purpons of the insumasat loop. la iba 15 calsaladens reviewed esemessly described du funcoon of the The samansatof - . a and slases feasdoes wass amant and the loop funcoon descripoons inseumsatloop, wem la assoudense wkh the eaample la PP409, Anastuaent B.

3) agan verity sat the innamados er osv6ose lland la ein esadan at es calsaterk an aswas:

3a) AB ceda, g supplisa. ladlemer osabers, ass. apes wie Speedc aumbers agma whhthe tesounenaden 3b) needalsenhamandand Re8means Masumis.naspacevely, spacinamba an$the nii eis aseena at the =hhame, all et the dev6ses amma na es tasawasnt loop an lised engasmiany as ammber. A ansecos ocupertaan was made between the lapua,41anas, sec.) estaalcotopensata s.. tmasmiates, onnia, dissapancias wers and thedt tag namhersIn the salsaladons !WDs, and EDs. fasad. i TU BIJICTRIC QA

J Enclosure 3 to Txx.s9:50 Pog) 32 of 71 Pogs 9 of 47

                                                                                                                                                                      - l CHECKLIST WORKSHEET                                                                             J Continvetlen Sheet 1

j 178t8 NO.: 1 . Senung Calselsdans AddldonaDy, es devios vender model amators and Weena pause swabers l


l won verised against the t Refennes Manuals ana the , discrepancies were found 3 e the scope secoon of to calculamons. i

4) Egerenct Thruments Sections 3,4,5, and 6 of the checklist consstune the bulk of the myiew perfonned on the scaling -

since iheyinvolve sons betwun sectons of cale ^** Many of tbs aartbuess are over  ; den. De descri of review scannes the calculations with each olher and refuenos performed in conjuneden wit other aartbuses will only be addressed anoa. , L securney of dass unnsfer floen ; T" shesta, drawlaga, scaling appendices, utpoint f' da) V sad the Sanndard Reference Documans in Seedon 2.0 of the Scalag Calculanon ' Meaumie the scaling calcuisaan. the multitude of ie , l Ces of to primary funedens of scalintoalculadens is a ' Per saample, N 8 passes of dass legused se est up and cambrass the lasrusesnt  : I seapons se ohmined toe the W Pmenudoes Liammelons and . estpoint calculados er DB scallag Documens: SCP setpons se undons sus een in the Weednghouse and tbs dortvados of eensform mal; and component spectSc desa L.s., susisers required or retaoved., and bias asalags) am found la the Weedaghouse at Manual. t req Wesanghouse f des e indleamrs, vassadeurs, and sesordus are shess, lassument Hydraulle head annecdona,linseruscon of RTDs, Onler span e tbs CPSES Scaling Calculanon and compensat securecies se found la the l Manual laswussatloop componene and are found la che Wassinghouse IWDs and PCSDs. Procedwo EAP 5.3 requhes that aalsuladens he prepared so that the analysis can be undessood by an indMdual compomat in she salsulados elselpues and, fumar requires tha input values as tesmened e a somes decament (La.. estudsel document number or tida, isses dass, mvistas emeber, asados, er if ). Alhosgh the input data was semesa, As audit man found (with found a have bass assermany sensfund the at teAmenses) a general task of sysslSc sufseness in the body of the bias, in = and , osasralafuences arv for ' 3.0 et Manualwidsh contains some 29 psevidedindesmesses in wbht dua een hs $sund; however, not an of to 2p docu tu nosenmoon of any ens asleelsdom. Also, the figues in es eelselsalons asesin a oordgwanon. to issuement isops but no sofuenos is pnMded a the sowas of us was AdddomaDy,whencompusadens were t wieses empisessary acess or muhaam_'quind, only41). the Saa While to askof veriSeedom of the values was Ishorious dus e lack of references and la some cases sequbed

  • to seismiados audiers deswunned thatin every calculados sviewed, the sormet input valess were dass) including Design Change eb) Verify that the laasst infonandon (as of tbs calculados Authoriandons was unlised la the preparaden of the 3 calculadens.


                                                                                         ,,                                     ~

Fogo 33 of ?! AesSt Reptet No.: ATp. A9 1eal CMSCKL,lgT WORKSHggT Continuation Sheet ITgM NO.: 1 . SeeRagCalculadons i AaBars fond that the sonHng calculadons are using the lasst infonnamon available by DCAs. In inmances whors infonnanon requared for the calculaden was suspect or not available immadiamly, a "Confinns6on Required" nos refersacsag this fact was appropnately appued a the ealad**'aa Most DCAs encomtered during the audit wars wriaen to docuenent changes a the Wessaghouse IWDs. Audhors observed that many of the (WDs have oustanding DCAs poened agemst them, tone tram the 1983 m 1985 nas enuns. When this precoce is not a violados of any sits urs, it does compucans the =-% z_q of the drawtags (see Observadon 891 1). Amusers fossi several Weeinghouse !WDs which consdned handwriaen annompons danns hem 1933 which had not been included in DCAa. The andk mem venAod that ains s the satal ass (appsonisanaaly 490 shese) of !WDs developed by Wesdaghouas for the BOP as " Approved Eaoept as Nosed"(ADO pressas instrument cabinets totaann in the welaan against thern appnmag incorporanon documents. Seven of thens !WDs have . .dy covend by a DCA comma of the AEN asastaden. The two drawings not - grounding whos by Gibbs and HB1during tuview and annosences eibe taasuneenados document package. The mamarand drawings are appuovalof ashmaamt theoorest, soposent the lassaDad hardwara, and wees tuviewed and approve and Olbbs and MLB. An audit flading was idendned concenung the boek faGare e a DCA agaiset these two drawings as requbed by Deficiency Report (DR) C 37 0$lg0(ses No. 89146806). This is considesed to be an isolated Anding the overaR adequacy of the Wessinghoues IWDs (see thesdoes acacan teso Suppleasausy Evens Document List 05). 4c) Verify that au pseminen melsad in the scaHas calculedcas me suppared by appropriane refersac doeunnanamnea. Tbs audit seam concluded aber mylow of several scallag annemnadaan that it was difReult to vertfy the pseedssa, and pwnlanas used la the prepambon of the calculanons 1Yes coupled with en inck of spacinc arennoss, as wahaut moomne ethe disenssedis teamda, lead andh sosta e the concluslan thes thers aseds so be a single CPSES document wMeh asovides an overau "sood asp" 9er the paperadon of scaling oansaladees. DeGaleney No. 8D Id8502 ndead8es the need for sa overan program

                                                                                                            . Even without cov desci%ntos anoveraBpsognesdescrip (or   "  seed      map")nea,erleg the p-Ms1 psoceduas, and con the  CPSBS used scaHag       calculadon in the produccon of seeDng eahindana are meuking               a accurais and  useful   pmducts.
5. Calsuladas This sordon of the scaHag matemlanha consists of four pers:

5.a) 1he manarw desa (i.e., inertsee with abs Seid) 5.b) Coediguranca and secang values for the cards in the Wesdaghouss 7300 Senes lastrument Racks

                  $.c)     tadiema% toccuders, and ootapmer inputs la the connot room Tt) ELECTRIC QA
                                                                           ~ ~ - - - - - - - - -
't'     '

Enclosure 3 to TKX'sVUN raso u et n e l Au8t Report NO.: ATPA9la&B CM80Kust wonnsMatt l - Continuation Sheet ITaM No.: 1 . Satingcanaan=4ama S.d) Denforbiasins esquina. Throughout this senism are the calculsed values dertved bem the equadons given in the Wessaghouas Scaling manual Tbs amSt mera fasad that la several calculancas only the Anal vahmes were given (L.s., the computasons perfonned a derive abs pseule were act included). This is cana'dered a v6elanon or Procedes EAP S.3 and is described in Dennency No. 39 146841, Ian 4. Sa) Vertfy sensor inputa, osipus, and head eseveedon, if requised. Senser impus and outpas wess veriSed a be correct tot all d the treassessrs referenced in abs audit assapis.1bs dem was veri 8sd by revkew of vender speci8 canon shese and inssrumenmaos sad esacoldiagrams. the soums d tramedner and lasmanent TAP alevssion dasa being The asstassa headservections. ScaBagCalonnettesManual Appsodia1 used adourasas b tbs lasmanent cessaiser and psocess as elevasions for aR of the osamins a instrumsat loops. Devedon dem was o6tained 8 era Brown & Root PE Wescaghouse desessasa. The audit uses conseras were 1) that the Beowa & Root PR slatche osamened documeau, 3) the psesision used to coDest the dem was salmown, and 3) there did not to be any sensiesics widh the FYMOS welkdown. The audit tasm verised that data. Bash abseh is logged and avuod (when the were osand as lammaa, sed in panoral appear to most ths sequind), reviewed and app +soved usever68st that themeansemens wee reqstreassatof aconeound ==rames Theinada e as asmeary d a 1/32 in. elevados desa were uken with a tese maamme sad wem not naamaded a toplace the Brow Root desa (see Supplemanary Evideneschamamane List 11). The audit sua desumised that the cdsdag presesse and penmanos used for obtaining seasmiest and inseumes: TAP elevadoes se adequess ter thstr appuestion and see tmng sensedy toDowed. 5b)

  • Percadala thelassumme bop ype, speep emnese, as mander, impum, outpos, bench calibrados scoussy,jumpes sesistors seqidad,ess.

Tbs desa enmedmed in this pesden d the eelselssbas me tahan tem scuroes as de laisen4aand tts bak d the infamnetna in the calculadoes. Emers wee of the salselsocas la seimmacea, aset, sad soms (see C hf tems$laeds No, Obl468 OS, Issms 3,4, S. 7, 8,9. I1,12,13,14,17e,17f,173,18b,18c, and 186 lbr deu0s of the t-M =M found in this asseca of tbs calculemens). Neat Andbess Idssai8sd a etal of 30 seat evers, lackadias the above, in the 15 pusseissed sad 14 pardaDy esviewed enhadadana Those annamed of: lannaslamadas betwesa the body of the calselsdoes, Agass, refsence a) dawings, devies as numbers, and group cembers .11 examples annetamat emasla camannsdom acquirer samranno 3 esampiss b) l s TU ELECTRIC QA

                       -       -          - .       . . . .                                                                                            L

to Txx sesso pr , e cigure Asset Report No.: iaan CNBCKLST WORKSMBET / Continuation Shoot l ITEM NO : 1 SesRagCalculadens c) estem met or namnhar transcripdon ermrs 6 examples d) inappspriate refensaces cited 6 eaamples e) haccerect or massing nossa 4 examples Naas W the above ideadnad e=w1- M indiWhaally act colleenvely, impset calculadcas. Tbs inconassennevescrepances tbs results or useheness of the Bad idson8sd represset the audit tasma evaluence of approntmanaly 6000 indindual desa poise (or easmes) conmined within the @h.i, saamined. Deficwney No.841465 03 pesvides deed 1s of all of these armenAscommesennes found m the calculados preparaden and avww process.

                       $sveral addideaal card slased insses were identlAsd:
                          .       PROMS NymRaad                                  Mamaries (PROMS) ses physicaDy iden6 cal logk. Whlis elesemaic campmann used a                                      connot tauschen         they an(try these deviceslookthe esas and are                                     are not partnansady design)metnindiSerent electrical                    ts.       PR afBand a a obtuit board by soldering or JQ sad esa te reenoved fbr teplacesset purposes. Changes in synsm design requhe that new PROMS be pqpammad amesetthe specise chsass.

PROMS aussady insm5sd la the W "- ~ 7300 Series lasemmenaden were sad the tesad try progn-==iidea68sd. . soanguradon has W be9se ea CPSB8.Thecet board pacedums, basa use of saisdna Sk1 *ndaan thelack al asalla calculadonreference ann 8A wklah ocessins the codlag assh ees . ntis audit PRCR4. Dasof abs alsotened eis9mense the PROM leSasses ens la soms esses these is no dhest trarmaNmy between ths Lasary, the IWDs, sad the scaHag calmiada== however, abs audit team anaAmmad $1st them is indbeet ammaahmsy of PROMS. Amw.any, them is no which descrRes the ocenois a to used for 9ar ver6Assdom ofPROt4 sad for physical PROMS.1Ms endlag not ques 6ca the of - of lastsBed PROMS or tbs abDity a ness them tot teosets the la escing PROMS in tbs ahamare of dhoct nedemacmg. 1ts auge esem found that PROMS are adHasd on a maall mimber of NFL and N1D ebcant assds in CPSB8 lassumentloops. The sedit som ven8ed thes . have - g phyulest tusemes wideh indican the requned

                                                  . crisandon             Amber,  tant a warning is econdeed in de W                    Equipmens Refameos Massal segudlag the osed e easme proper adamandan of these dev6ces. The sedit seem vert 8sd est pre-psogrammad PROMS fWrnished by Wesdaghcess fbr bodi the NPL ceda, used l

I TU ELacTalcQA -

                                                 -                  ~~ ~

encleeuro 3 to TXX s9s50 e  ;.-- -t-

. Poso 36 of 71 AusBt Report No.
ATD-RG 1&&R f CNBCKUST WORK 8MEtt Continuation Sheet ITEtt NO.: 1 Scoung Calculadens the BOP, sad the NTD auds contain identifying merkings etech efluentian betwesa various control syssa lopes.
                     +      Inscriert DCA While reviewing outseneng DCAs agains audit scaling calculsoon semples, the edit sesen venned that a gWEC enpneer involved in the produc6en sad sevww of sosling calculanons fbued a h11y undersand the nanne of the NPL tkast m*nas sad. -                            usady, did not adequamly ested the lope requusmentsin a chsage (1.a.,DCA                               ,Rev.1) e the Auadiary Feedweer Sysse ooesmia. The eagleser inosreesdy assumed that Wasanghouse provend both ame s>                       sad c : Er diner tnodules andist m knecon to                         fkd those                 by teost other ihner manufseemes. The engener had lowever,Westiasboose timersonly                               a   puk  up fora                                                                       .

No. 891465 05, (ass tary Evidsace Documsat ua04). into 1 - the incomples DCA clicula descripulon. This DCA was not impismanned sad is carroedy being sevised. The audit som requened that I&C coedmet a beach an et the tisost module as lhls em dammenaged Ibst the timer logic descr; bed la the dessribedin the sad,consequendy, woeld have DCAcould not have basa for vosolueen. In addidon, DCA base acudesty sessmed to

                                                                                              $4A95 as the PROM                      on the 88869,Rev.19seedalosatify                                                                  , lam 2). The Diagreta(see              No. 891     -

Insummanettee audit asm found no - caseples of sa ha*pandy or inserveedy enonsered DCA.

                       .         Timer                  Scallag calculedcas 1 SC@l8 sad 18C 3419 reqmre nrner nandelse                      , the type of models e be used in seek case was not at timer endulas are              oced by (sss % No. 99 r46844). Pour                                            7     The               mam found Wesdagtessa,anos cdwidek ese so ledicadon that the wenng type of timer was                                la the 8sid.

Nebber eensalados losed8sd the )smper penums vegelred e impismant the binary timer usage ends, la addldea, the charesers 10C0 sad 0000 was act identined as liessy codes (ses Osesissey No. 89 146848. Insa 19). menefsesses a nutzber of

  • PuesdaaOsasraerCases(NCH) W of these cards ocamins 17 Pensekna Oscarsser Cmds (NCH sortes),

wtdsh must be agesed Rr the oud a carnsdy transform the foot functions inesdom. Parexample, iamthe Dus a the mesnest 9ar Bow annmana as issoduced a new of;- - t a = . m vitsetica, adam seasidvity. wkhsedeced bandamhas posrssoroud(NCH4)Weedagl cess enemie est and the Thiscast toen samed athe has a pogram a ressils west puhnshed The sudh team verl8sd that avvtow the use of thanden gemener ends as esses ibet the correct card type has basa appbed la cash inserumsat loop seguiring a chsrecareer fusedan. CECO win compen the WWa en dass for aD NCH cads wkh the curve TU ELECTRIC QA l _ - m. _ .

      'E2siseuro 3 to TXX.s9450 -                                                            Page 14 of 47 Pogo 37 ef 71 Ausst Report No.: A5tidl91461 O4SCKl.10T WCAKSH887

( Continuation Sheet 17808 NO.: 1 . Scegag("abmledaan obassasisdse pogrunned ines the cent a desmesas the largest espered erior Antestag a smessic event. The quer dhan will be used la seg met cabmianons e douranas vaquired b6sedsis estpost vastusa. The audit men band $6s ongoms

                                        ' a he sashesac y sad in assamlanos with good engmosnns paceos (see S                 th Danment ust06).

Consmuer (NCB) Ceds . Weedag hcess ici annufacomred a fandly of ooneouer cards (NCBl. NCB2, WCBS. , NCBS, NCB6. NCB7. NCBS. and NCB9),each of whichis sindlar but which osatain dinerent control - aaaaandanai thens designs ine opoces. Inthe 1983 des hems reosuds,bM211 and NCB11.1hs 11 cud was designed as be a direct

 .                                                                                                               in the implaammane for a8 NCB odd amehmed ends and the NCB12 and 7      Process even nesbered omda.1%s audit aam taurvleted Weeda                    far bosh the Inspurnaaradam Syman esports and sev6ssed .
                                                                                      ,the audisces concluded &at NCB1 and NCB11 ends. As ameantof this these tends an dbecdy namnhangeabis. Cenoot seast mass me slipdy datBesat berween Ibs NCBI and NCBil cents; however, thses vassa are adjemed in the Sekisoe speelAc gsccess tosp sequisemanas when es asacol syman is remed. The smallag calsuladees commia a aca saadas est tosed panesess are spes68ad far ance sospaaes and should be fles emed under operanag condidaan
                                                                                                 " s a for 13e aedst ama also verissa em NcBil tomes me quenned . ial and The TL1!

NCBI hands by sev6 swing Ga crigleal Wandast==== eenemit tem :=pleenmaae evalma*a It was variand ens es 190Co Sesak Nanbers (TSNs) for the NCBI sad NCBil me idonesal Also, the curriet 1U Elecine womhamma seosk annaina only of the NCBil ends (see SCr =5 Evidence naammaaeum07). The sadte een Sound CBCO's appusence of Wandaghouse esecouer cards to be semany messmery, sc) For lad 6amans, vwery sype, as as.,inandan napet, ampa, scals, scans faser, me. Dem Air nedlemmws ami seenders and compeur impjgs la the Conemi Rosen or Hot Shutdown Penal wass soviewed agslaat vendor dem and the EDs. Imma vertRed was as nanbar, insulan, model usehar, bepus and cusput volages, seals, seals 9assar, and hench calibration samesy stase appopriam. asambs todisam ao escapaneles in des men.

             $d)    Por sigast comparaan, verify type, og so., le04as, setpoias vahm sad inferenos souros, se voltags, seem volags, sedens sagdred, jumpers, es.

Par each of es amiseladens commisias signal aampmasor ceda, the impa dua newees for segmistvalues, meet and cent conoguedom Osmpers ans estsers) was verified. a be in espaamaan skh the famedcoal tapiremens derived Cmdeco8smedens wees test the Westlaghouse Equipmaat Regemass blasonL a TV ELECTRICQA l i


snelseure 3 to TXX+s9sS0 e Page 3s of 71 P#ta 18 Cf of Aust Report No.: ATP 19 taal CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continvetion Sheet

 ;     ITEM NO.:              1       . SenMagCaloniedens As a sepdt of DeSolency No. 89146843, hems 3 and 3 comanning ; t 29 setpoint mismoosa, an expanded sample (see Supplessnaary Evidemos Document ust 08) was mviewed in order a venty that appropnam afmonos sowess een used for estpoint dam.

Audiers venSed that either a setpount calculaeon or the Precaudona, umissions and Setpoint Docmaant was appsopnessly refemaced la each of the supplemenery omiculanons reviewed.

6) Figwes Review the Funedonal Block Scaung Diapam for devios typs, setpoints,)ocanon, l funcoon, volage/curmas, es. Verify that this afermanson is aa====an throughout the j calcunsoon and docensnamon, The Agwe (Punedonal Black Diapare) asedan of ibe calculadon is a paphic spresonation f

i of abs compassam widch make up the insessent loop as es8and,try the IWD and PCBD. ) Each of the majorloopoon duecdos and valus smed, por cannin canisgonenu is supresenend (l.a., NRA NBA, sad NLL cards) peronent try a symb i infonandon such as gain, setpoint, lead, lag, bias, sec., are shows. De Agwe contains a wenkh of infonandon and pvos a simplifted, yet asowess picase of the internedons of all the r componene in aloop. 1 l De Aguns $st each of the tS audit sample calculadens, and $st as additional 14 omiculad l' which provided impus e or received output hem the aset sample wese mvwwed ! seven J f r ' betwesa the Sgues and shhar the refusans documents or the calculation soodoes were found (see Danciency No. 89146543,lesen 6,16,17s,17b,17c, and 17d for demils), Considering the mal amount of esmoas desa pressend on the calculadon  ! ngues, ibis number of eners is not considsed a be oncessive. numhem were sailsenssor0y verified against the IWDs De soaposest as numshers and Values ter gain, Idas, need, lag, etc. were venfled and the other secdoes of each saasfasernly against the appsprians oud eniculadons.

7) Weedaghouss lapus . $st the sealing onlauladoes asissend perfsna the foGowing: ,

I the andk, annadan was paid a de Weeds documenation which

                                                                   , cent ooangurancas,equipesas           seapoins, and druwings tbs uansedinthe senhas                eSut.

at Weninghouse where He hesis ter the samlin amiculaden eSus has is terthe NSSS puooses tanon. D e BOP the was se methodology. was on sies based on the compasset . Equipment developed the!WDs, document which - hiammals, and lasmunent Dam Shese and isseedist the pieness i - spestfy en eseBagandnecesecy la one donneses and a mainmin it cunent by soebageSut serves menegale dds lasorporadag chsages as de design ovelves, , h was the lanes of this pardon of the astt a verify that changes in the design of th Pioness Inseu==amdaa Sysum were approprinsely lasteded in the scaling caneulanons . I TU u.acTalc QA 1

                                                                                                                                 .....n.-.-. . . ,..-,..--.--.....

y , o e 3 o TKI*sd56 Audit Report No.: ATP R9,1461 CHECKU37 WORKSHggT Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 ScalingCalculadons 7a) Revww champs ~ to Westinghouse inerconneccon Wirms Diagruns for schnical adequacy and venty that changes aNecong scaling calculsoon paratosers have been appropnamly incorpened. For each of the calculadons audited, the corresponding !WDs and Procoes Control Black Diapams, when applicates, wem obtained and reviewed against the data conened in the scaling calculadon. In order e deartmns outstanding changes e the IWDa an ASeced Docuenent U Report ( ADUR) which identines oustanding DCAs was otnained foreach dra . DCAs wen revawed a daarmine the revised instrument loop coenguradon was then cotapered to the scaling calculadon. Only thoes DCAs issued calculadon dass were to have been renected in the prior a the calculadons. issued calculanon dem were reviewed for echrucal adequacy and E+7 r :" DCAs applicates e each calculados audiend are listed in their respeenve Evidence Docutnent Shess. In noot cases the scaling calculadens accuramly teGected the design changss: however, as discussed in lutn eb, one DCA was found in which a logic timer seqarsenent was incormet. Addi , one instance was found where the Sgme in Calculadon 1 SC 55 23. Rev. 5 shows an I card, whereas DCA 88528 indicens that an NCH4 card is e be used in the cueuit (see Danciency No. 89 1465 03. Issen 6). 7b) Rev6ew chas ps to Instrumenudon and Consol Drawings and velfy that changes aNecting scaling calcu adan paramasers have been appsoprinsely '.,- In a manner similar so that for the review of !WDs, the changes e the lastrumentation and Consol Diagrams was revawed and w-,. d e the lefortnadon in the scahng calculanons. No discrepancies wee nosed between the calculadoes and the outsending DCAs. l i Notices e design documenudon uutised as inputs so scaling calculanons 1 7c) Review Pield and venty that the ses have been apprognasely incorpormed. W Field Nodcas (PCNs) aus transtniand a the sins via Westinghouss Project (WPfs) seceive asechnicalsoview I4C under the Vendor or gn ss (e.g., !WDs, (VL) Program. If the FCN is found e impact

                         ), a DCA is            andissued          the             drawing. Addidonally,hadware I                                                            is not an appsoprises imkosacation changes se                  Said viathe       since feet on the document. Durtag the amSt a natal of seven PCNs wees idandnad as having an a scaling calculadens underisvlsw. In each caos the PCN Indbsmadan was 6vursed into a DCA and appmpdsely seDeced in the applicable scaling calculados.

l 7d) Review changes e leatransat specifleanana (i.e., Rdy.R1Ds) and verify that change wa appsopdssety - _;-;--M inso scaling aniculadona. instrument spartnesdan sheets e detsmans that the 1 A evview was meds of the reymonlevelreferencedin the was

                       %.:cd. Tbs spectne W
                                                           --u  Shop 0%paes,     and      and that     design sheets          changes associaned respectve Evidence               Shests.

with the calculadons are tissedon 1 i TU ELECTRIC QA

___ __ ~ o ,

 - . i, - _ - - - _ , _ _ _ _ _Enclooure 3 to TKX 69850 F

a pag 2 40 of 71 Pe0817 cf 47 Audt Report No.: ATP 19 1465 CHECKLl8T WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet ITEti NO.: 1 Scanng % 1 annas Order number and tion I Calculation 1 SC401, Rev. 3 lised the approprian 5 sheets for the indicanors, saanual aus smoon, and annes in the but f e include , No. 1465 03,itsen 21). the shest revision numbers for theos components (see In addition to checidng the audit sample calculadons as requned, an w sample of rune  !

                                                            " calculanons was reviewed to venfy that Shop Order Speci8 cation Sheets "out of audit was                    y referenced (see Supplementary Evidence Document List 09). Auditors conct               in general, the Westinghouse equipment spck".cs;on shesa were being properly esferenced and that the data used in the calculadoes reflects the imest changes.                  1 l

The audit team also investigased whether or not the wide range RdF/R1D serial numbers a l correct. Thess R1Ds are umque and inust be earnalised as won as "lineartsed" by applying j appropnam correcoon faciers contained in a table in the scalins calculations to obain an '

                                                         . Audit results indican that the alginal CPSEB RTDs (which me identified accurass l                                                          numbers) fitraished under the NS55 scops of supply were sont back e the by unique

( vendor for recalibranon.1hs Unit 2 RTDs with diftlnent serial numbers were then I i transferred to Unit i via Perinament Equipment Transfer (PET) (see Suppletnsatary Evidence Document Ust 10). The audit mem veviewed the scaung calculation which contains the serialind R1Ds.1hs number from this calculation inachad thoes on the PET. The serial numbers and "linearisation" tables in the calculation was then checked against the values in Appendix F e the TV Electric Scaling Calculation Manual (teferenced in ins calculation) and were found to be in agraammat 1hs ordy W nosed in this soview was that the original R1D senal number and linserisation values conashned 5 the Westinghouse Scaling Manual (WCAP. 9696) have not been updened; however, none of the documents sevwwed makes reference to WCAP 9696 as the den source for serial numbers; consequently, no audit finding was issued. 7e) Verify that Westingbones input darumman used in the scaung calculadoes as the latest p Projecs Inibemadon Package Masur Index. and narua=ae ConsolCener personnel Inarviews with the calculation Plojses Package (P!P) Masar Inden is no longer revealed thattheW used as a primary darummatadaa sedsencs sourcs. At one tims (pas 1988) the PIP In 1988 CPSES decided that the P!P Maser laden sysum Inds wasusedRrthis . was begun einsintainWeeda wascumbereces,and an inthe She n aammansadna Consol System (ECE

                                                                                                            .1hs endit mem        5.19, Rev investigated the ,=-:+         and adedag praedcas for consol of the vendor ( wss) documentanon Secdon 2.0 of the CPSES Scaung Calculadon Manual 0 SC-8800 Rev. 2).

nedsencedin The Westinghoues documents me vendor drawings and beve always been asconsoGed desip documents, av subject so thsJrtm'm'ons of PP-by CPSES orrevised by wesd se io 023 (l.a., sies design changes) and me With the caception of pn.esdng incorporaes design changes and BOP Analog CoissolSynemdrawings, esdaghouse snainmins deep responsibility for ihose documena. I TU ELECTRIC QA

              ~Encisouro 3,to TXX s9s50 "I

Aust Report No. ATP.1914&R

        '                                                            CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuellen Sheet
          . ITE01 NO.:                  1  - ScalingCalculadens
1) Pmosos CensoiBlock Dws.9758D39
    ,                                          2)
  • NSSS WA SanonT Dog. 8815D28
3) BOP WA Sanon Tatndsmon, Dwg.8815D28
4) Uppede Pnasonon & Survedlanos Black Diapams, Dws. 9554D85
5) Funenonal . Dws. 7247D05
6) 7300 Series Pmcass Conson Syssem Dwas, for NSSS shown on Dws.8810D
7) 7300 Series Analog Proess: Consol Syssem Dwas, for BOP shown on Dws. 8815D11 The fouowing Weedaghouse essauals en coneelled and issued through Opernaons DCC.

These documens me pechase enter spacine and me genemR liaised o

                                                  @-f:;:-M=J " enance docesses.1hess,                                  ese generally not u
                                          'z                                                                           affect the manuals.pdaisd These unless subsequent pechass orders or vender imidased dor.ansats se not sut$ set a sies design changes and se                             their CPSES document aanbar which commas of the puschase anler number foBowed by a                           (-) and a sequennal      ,

aanbar. Presses Coseol Sysum Scalins Manual (WCAP 9006) with Supplemens fbr I 8) Unit 1 & 2,0610D151001 002, and 403 Inseueden Book ist Upgrade Prossedan and Surveulanos Sysess. CPSES Units 9)

                              -                         1 & 2 Equiposat Radmeans and Synom Dawing Mennel, CP 0001027 Inseusden Book thr Passess Insummaandon & Consol for CPSES Units 1 & 2, 10) alums g Rafsness Manual, CP 000189; Voimas n, Sysums
11) Insumados Book $st Salsass of FIsot Picosas laurumsstadon and Consol fo CPSE3 Ushs 1 & 2,Vetums 1 Refsenos Manual CF 06118 001:

Velsen E,Sysums Deewings, 118 001; Volums IH, Misc. Pmeens lassumens,CP4611505 Manoel(WCAP 996) has not bass avised sinos 1983,p there 1hs Weedashness i have basa seveal sines then which was esasadasd on WFTs. Um audit esasssesoammended updses ofilds docesses (ses Obsuvadom No. 891465 02). TheestowinghW desi documens widch me not &nwings or ahe and duough the Weedaghouse Project assualsse casandinaothe Inhauseiss however, soms of thans doeunens as not as , on as "as needed" basts CPSES Desensat Desa Sess. Thessdocesses as se tesmened by 1U Elecric or inhised by NSSS dormoenis by Peassdse BCES.19 e sensedin the PIP , for arelisted and me Masurlades whichidensass lametsevision, (if )and the

                                                                                                                                       , a copy of the Wesen              neuersaddass whichsensaiendes WPT        ansehannesisunandasthe                         $stsovtswsad- i 4: . S o The Maser ladox was not belag updased as roouired auditseem $sund 15 insamass wbst the by EG 5.19 (see Danciency No. 891d65 08), lavestigados indicased that s TU ELECTRIC QA
                                           . - _ _                                                                  I h                                          Au$t Aspect No.: ATP to 1&&B CNBCKUST WORKSHEET conuneation smoot                                                    .,

l ITEtt NO.: 1 - SenungCalculadoes 1 (ths isses does of Revision 2 of BCE 5,19) tot Weedaghouse documents have basa enomd f disesdrinao the Vendor Document laden and an acessable through the sies Document R ! Consol Syseson. Abhough the PIPMI has not base updated sinos early 1989, tbs documents are being innintained on a cupent basis by DCC. %s audit team found no insances of whors out of date infonnaden was unliand in the prepartoon of scaling amiculanons.

12) CPSES Precautions, umitadons, and Seipoints (PLAS)

L Presses lassunanamman Calibrosion Guidelines, W Dosisp 5 ' Acanon 955$56

13) 320,325,
14) lassument Specinonnon Shese for CP40001 (TBX) Shop and 395 p.

The remaining two Docuensnes tissed in Secelon 2,0 of the CPSES Scaling - L " , Calculadon Manualest Seipous

                                                            )" and the 2 - 2::[-

Se y for Pmescoon for Teams Utilides Sysessa. semees, ! Comanchs Peak Sasion(WPT. been superneded by WCAP 12123 r Inc., Coseanche Peak Unhs 1 & 2 (WCAP 9818) Melbodology for Pinescdos Systems Comancho Peak Unit 1" wnich was issued 1909.

                  %s Audh seem concluded that even though the                      and consolof Wesinghouss a seasiden a      BS consol, that the scaling pseparers are docensnadenis                         infonneslam. No insumass ears found whom insertset input

!. copaisantof thelasset va aos or loop coa 83nradoes wess repsessneed is omiculadona. At the ties of es audit the (' CECO personnel has a thoroud undersendlag of es Weenaghouse documenation set and were swass of changes via WFTs and PCNs sound a them by DCC. %s andh isam did L not, however, assuyt a verify pas desumsnudon consol proceses het concenosed on the o cuneet amados. L TU ELECTRICQA t

' ~

Jtnelsouro 3 to TXI 49850 h ggj7 -_) l

                . Pese 43 of.71'                 AuMI Report No.: ATP 891da$
                                                                                                        .,f R


                         -- m wT wa-                        u v.                      yyyn
1. N 10 D 33. Sta,42 1 mg 2


2. N 10D35.ShL 43 mg% l 5
3. M10D33.ShL de 3 mg 4 WlW33. ShL 45
5. 1010035, ShL 47 3 mqg
                                                               .s             passa, c,,,,i gi,,n og,,,
           .      s. 87seDN.ShL1s 0             Deep % m
7. DCA0 Mil?

1 Dedy Change h I. DCAOSIMI 3 gggas,yagegen,,

10. l SC 5 42 3 SedusCatsuhan 11.14C 38 23 1- SedagCalcutseen f j

12.1 SC M4p 2 SedesCutsuhan 2 sedagCatsuladen

    -i              13. 1 8C 4 14 i           SeatsgAppens                 ,

14.14CmOb M

                                                                               $sagesCaleduism IS,1 SC 38 89                                 1 16.CP400lep                                yet I           gg%%




g f. 7 AesSt Rep 0M No.: ATP.R914&A h ,, L I EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SIRET NO.2 CAIEULAT10N 14C 28 23.RIV.2 anv- Tvsa r mwr un-9 h WIrtus Depam 1.' 8810D38. Sim. 27 8 h WIstse Depam

2. 8880 0 35. S k. 38
  "                                                  8                 h   Wtrie6 Dispam
3. 8810038.Sta. 29 7- h WWsg Dispam
4. 886003$. Sis. 30 7 PenesesConselalastmesma 5, 87sgDN,$ta.23 Pensas C a mel stosk Diagn a 8
6. s7sso s. Sea.33 1

DalgeQuapa Audentence

7. DCAOMMI 3 b&A massam teamstensa
8. 8880 039 i SebagCelselsilas
9. 14C400.M 1


            .10. Spes.993596 3                 WadaglossePeasansonstimamannan i1.PL&8 888 W VcL 1               W SgsipassaRefemase Menal
             ~ 12. QM001<089 SambagCelsubsten 0
13. 1.K 5 28 2 SetsePabenhadan 14.1.E.kl6 1 ScutesCelselsena l$.1.K 419 4 Sambag Cdselstaa 16.18C. Elf 3 Sagasem 17.18C.M48 2 SaengCelsulados 18.1.E.S$.70 i

s 8:stcouro 3 to TKX'89000 POSS $$ C1 47 i Pas) 45 of y1. g g,y,,g go, Ayy4g iggg i i EVDENCE DOCLMENT SHEET NO.3 i CALCULATION 1 SC W11, REY.1 mav. Tvsa

c. w.T m s h Wirtus Dispam
1. Ott003s Sts. 49.

1 Immessasseswirtus Dispam

2. sele D ss, ses. so s PussenCamuelStask Depam
3. s7seDW, Shs. 2s O DmignChange Antonemen
4. ocA coasts.

i assess Asynet

s. 1 sc4e00.M j

3 Westashaus Piesumans twenau

s. PLas and $sgelse
7. spas.essssa 1 Washshaus Desi,spuinsamou )
                                                  ' vel 1               WashWesse EgsipmesRafueau Manal     {
8. CP40014gp t
                                                                                                          'f r

c s i f !t r e f e I l I TU ELECTRICQA . l

r ... u .c n AutM Report Me.: ATR 11 1AAA 1 BYDDICE 000AGNT SHEET NO.4

                             .      CMWLATION 1 SC 3718. REY. 4 anv-                                                vna ractu mwr wo_

2 kimemiassem9%nsIngram,sTP

t. tDestis,sha.2
2. setsos1 sea.s 7 >wmas nssen e
3. seisesi, sim. a. 7 w w mmsinessa s W wktas tungen.

4 setsosi, sea.23 7 kosomassmawtInstheson,

     - s. asisosI, san.27
s. seisosi, san.41 1 Wwktas Dinsma.

1 Wwktas Desena,

7. seisons,as.2
                                                                    ?                   - wktessmema,
s. misons, sea, s CP 1 W w ktes Oleg m a,
s. a tsoss,saa. 1 o imusmanasCasetDispen to, ut.asases 1 DuigsChege Amaustanden it. DCA 020684 1 DudesChamp Assoriamma i2. DCAassssa wt Dedycamp Aaserness t3. DCAcasasp o RaglaustigChangeMeks
14. BCN 000364 o Dadpomme Assertsaden ,

ts.DCAcesse o OsmsaChap Asmodzaam to. DCA otnst o DudgeChany Amesensa

17. DCA 2278s 0 DeepOmass Ammonasha is. DCAope87 0 WChangs Assbertzaisa
19. DCA 08ssit s DadyOmmy Asecresma
20. DCA assett 0 DudgaChaqp Asemesson
21. DCA 011689 '

o Dodgacamp Assortualen

22. DCAas2833 o Dadyasess Assortssms 23, DCAmass o psegnomnp Amestasks
24. DCAcapas o DudgaOusesAsmartmens ts. DCAOs3412 o sedgaOsap Astataden
26. DCA00411 o Dodgechess Astartamm
27. DCAesasso TU RLECTRIC QA f


   -                                   _  --'------_.u__--_ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , , _      ,
       .,     .sa 1cevre 3 to Txx 89850"                                                             -#
   i Past 47 ef 71                  Aegg t Repqwg N g, . mig.1gg 1.- ' , .
 ,       i-EVIDENC100C24BNT SHEET NO. 4 (anos.)

CALCULA110N 1 SC 3718. REY.4 anv. west

                    = indawr wa-Vol. I            wammsp=== W Astmase W
28. CP46tlD401
29. Desly Spes.955$M i Womagbase Desip Sperdlcause 1 8sebag Appeasa M.14C4BOM 3 W A Sea m Tabelsslan St. 8818D28 2 Scultes Appsman St.14C48DD.!

1 Sespetacaandam.

               ' 33. IC(BX06 5              PRoteLasury M. 8398A99 Staus 1 esu 8 lame?          0**==y aspan 3s. C474sla 12487          Dalhany aspen M. C4740006 2              Wannagbosse SeebagManuel
37. M:AP 9006 0 MattChessMaece M. RlN 19X M 30980 1 DestgaOsage Aashortaansa
39. DCA 17.342 I


B ~ s2sts re3yoTRI'898SO Poso augBt RepDM No.: ATD R# 14AR l .' EVDENCE DOCLW SHEET NO.5 CAI4ULAT10N 1 SC 49 01. REY. 3 Tyset r- - m e r w o tav. 8 1- Wlrug % 1 ' 8810037. Stn. 7 8 hussonnesten Wnrtse Dagen 2, 8010037. Sk. 8 CP t W WMag Diagen

3. loss 90s, sk. 3 6 h Caggot SM D6sgram
4. 8798D39. Sk. 27 CP 4 W CasselDagen
5. Mi 238812 1

DeepOsses Ausberuansa

6. DCA W t227 1 DadpChange Audneneca
7. OcA 016387 0 Danachuses Assensame
s. DcA Dieses -

0 DempsChange Amihanandom

9. DCAem03 vet. I w e sempneu mar. Manant 30.omte Weahstesse Design SW 1

i1.Spes.958886 1 Scssse Apposea

12. 1 8C 8 00.M 2 scamas Aspsmaa 13.18c ason 2 Weedagboems $samas Manuel
14. WCAP4096 i SamBagAppemen 15.18C 480M 3 Weedagbosse W Limunens
16. PL&8 medW 3

Mg ammannTahdales

17. 38100 3 TU ELECTRIC QA
             ,.-      .-.--...-   ..z:_.:...


y tr.eleeuro 3 to TXX.09850 P080 M #f 71 Aggt Report No.: ATp.Rt.idas EVIDENCE DOCUhSNT SHEETNO.6 CALcULA110N 1 Sc SS 70, REY.2 any. Tysa x m wt un 2 h Wirag Depam

1. Wi@M. Sta. N 9 Imer====*= Wirtse tMapam
2. 0010038.Sh 41 9 lancesassenWirts6Dispam
                        ,3. Ol003g.Sta of 2                h Wwtse06 spen
4. miaDN 2 luseammanks Widas 06serem
                         $. #l002. 8ts. 30
                                                                                   % Wirtus D6apam
6. 5100 N.$ts.$1 7


7. trsepp, see. 23 3 Plomas Cassel Stad D6ssm a
8. 8798DN.Sim.14 4 Pensees Ceaseltbd tWagnma
9. 8798DN,Sk 32 1 DodgeChess Asemmanlos
10. DCA 088071 0 DutyChess Antartandes
11. DCAOr7328 0 DeepChess Anemmasks it. DCA 080093 0 DeslaChess Asementaden
13. DCA fr3083 Vol.1 Wasangless agdynam neteranse Manual
14. CP4100lmp
                     .i                                             i               Wesengswuma Design Span 8ssalon I     18.Spes.998996 1               Scabsg Appsuta 16.14C4300 88 .

0 D elga 8ssis e nemamm 17.D8048481 3 Westeghous Finammama timiumans

18. PLits sadSeguisse 1 Wedsghness SantesManusi
19. WCAP 9806 TuaLacTa2CQA - -

to YXF.1YW3v' I_

                                                                                    % SY 90 47          ,

i g ,gg,

       .froso'So.of71 F

EVDENCE DOCUMENT SIMET NO.7 CALCULATION 1 SC 2812, REY.3 anv. Tvsa r innewe e Vet. I Wesengkous Sqdpass Refeenes Manual

1. CP46118401 h WlrugDepun is' 2. W 15D33,8ts. 13 6 - Wirmsoispun
3. esi5D33,smLas
                                                ' CP.1               W Wirtasotayam l           4. 88tsDH. Sam. 33 O1                 W WMagDespum
5. 8stSD M.Sta. M s aguigummasputausman
s. Msaos 1 Egdpemaspesinadse
7. M54t3 2- agemmaspouaman
s. Ms4slt 2: ScabagPN Manuel Appendtn
9. 14C4EDC 1

SCE8sgcakeletka Manual Appendia

10. t4C 8IONI
                                  -                 0                 nmiseches Assonamien tt. ocAesess 0                  DalesChase Assenmakn
12. ocA 315 0 onesschees Asemessoa
13. ocA 3iss t


         "Etc1soure 3'to TII*tteSO                                                                                                        Pete te cf 47 7:32 51 of 71                   Aust Report No.: ATP it-14aB                                                                                                                        .

EVIDENQ DOCUMENT SHEET NO.8 CALCULAT10N 1 SC SS 04, REY.4 i any. Tysa  ! ecauswt wo vel 1 Wesenpous Egmpmem Rafsence Manuni

1. CP4001400 '

3- lauseammessen Wiring Depam

2. ' 0010 D 31 shs. 41
3. 0810D31, she. 42 7- 1- WWug Dlayam 7 Puessus Consel Stask Dlap em
4. 8730D3D CP.1 W andConsolDepam l
5. Mt.229043

CP 3 8- and CancelDepam j

s. Mt.223043A 4 DesignOmnge Asemenales .;
7. DCA 77375 '

9 Wesempeemshe o tr

s. s.o. sas. $ hen 04210 1s. wesmenen shopoer  :
o. s.o. ses, sham 0541o  :

I i L L . L i i (' u b e l

                                                                                                                                                                                           'I t


                                                .-_., - .,- ,.-.-..-- . .,                 ..c...,,-..         . , , . , , . . - , . . - . . - . . _ - . , . . - - - . , . - ,              ?

5:stootro 3 to TiDl4WW Pese se et 47 Aust pleport No.: ATP.Re-14&& l. l I fPeso52of71 EVIDENG DOCUMENT SHEET NO.9 CAI4ULAT10N 1 SC 1911. REY.1 nav. Tvsa

  ,                   r .rtmanwt we CP.1                 h Wtrag 5 l.. NIID33. Shs. 21
     '                                             4                    lamammeseanWires D6ayam
2. #18D33.Sas.32 3 W A Sudas Tabelanen
               ' 3. 8815D28 CP 1                  lassumma andCasselDanmag 4 Mt.230645 1                    SebasemManual Appenda
5. 19C WilH t SebagPM Maned Appendet
6. 14C.WOMt 3 899 m m agostammean
7. MB403 2 semammasessiacaden
s. Ms41iA 4 aqspamm senemensa
  • p. Ms.eaa
            '                                        Vol.1                Wembghoun aqdpassRaBuenseMaual io. CP46 TID @l 1

saang-Mamed Appemen tt.14C assa t Ye TU ELECTRICQA l

(( ~ N'*" Ag$$ $ $$6.8 ATD. AG.1 A&R EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SKEET NO.10 C A L C U b A Ya0 N l E .1 2 ,R E Y.3 Tyynt r uumwe we anv. CP.1 h WWeng 06sgram

1. MtSDM, Sam. la Vd.1 Wandm@me== Squipasnt talmsse Manual
2. CP ellB @l 1 WA Seen Tahns*=
3. NISD23 1

SeebasCaesuladenManual Appunta

4. 14C 8BIDH 2 sesmas cshetsman M oualAppens:
5. 2 Sququesaspadammen
6. - MS411A CP4 Equiposa apansamen
7. Ms4tts Ise====== wtans negpem
s. Mt.anusA 04 A Plut$OsugeNaka
9. S O f75K M 19 98 0 onelenChess Amesesmen
10. OcA seest 0 PhidC3magefemiss
11. FCN19Xbd 10500 1

DelegaChange Amenrhamma it. DCA 17.343 TU ELECTRICQA

V ohd4MAF;~


si e~ r Aust Report No.: ATP R9 laat  ; i

                                                                                          ..j 4

t gyg)gNCE DOCUnENT SHIIT NO.11 l CAirULA110N 14C 1947.RIV,2 l

 +             ,_m _ , J               m                            =
1. 08:5D33. Sin.17 O*1 N%*
2. 881SD33. Sam.18 4 M
3. ocA40145 3 NW"
      ,   4, Mt.23643                   @.5                  MWMW 3                    M SEW 88 N
5. N1505 3
6. MS405
7. MS4ttA 2 WW l S. Ms4 4
                                        '                    W ""                               l
           ,, crestis40 yet t                 'weenstsum sedreaRa8u=* Meet       _

l' to, pcM TaxM tasso 0 "N" i t1. ocA  ! * ""  ; i l


I i 6 h l l h TU ELECTRIC QA

8:e Mouro.9 eo w 3 D F ' h ee la et 47 Pcs2=55 of 71 g g l i 1 r: EVIDENCE DOCHENT SHEIT NO 12 cALCULA110N 1 SC 4841.REV. 2 nav. Twst recanuvr un L Vd.1 Westepsuas Rafuense Manuel

t. CP400l#9 2- lasmusmancean Wiring Depam {

2.' !WDWl0DM 2 PausesCement Stock Depam l 3.' ' PCBD $7$8D39. Sta. Il I 3 WA Sueles Tsheimnon

              . 4. Deweg #10039 03                                   Issummassalsa ad Caneet Depam                                                  I
5. M3 Mt.223643 l

l a 6 l 1 l S 1 L



                           -                ~-       - - - - . . . . , -      -,,,w..,r_.--. . , ,          w-, -
                                                                                                                             -.---.g.-- ,em.9~, w.3,, , - .,-,..v.+,m7,,,, , . . -       -e.

gas!coure tRWMARMMI 4 P ge 56 of J! AuGl W lie.: ATF-19 1d41 i



        '                                             EVEIENCE DOCUMENT SHEET NO.13 cALcutAnow 14c.wte,nEv.4 any.                                                                  Tvsm recaumwr m

( i vel 1 Wenspaus Egernam Retuence Manust

1. CP4001409 12 1samesamesaWWas Depam
2. 8830D31. Sts.14 8 lamensmannenWWas Dissem
3. 1810D31.Sts.!$

13 luessmusstenWWas Olspam , 4 N15D32, Sts.14 lumsmomesaWWasOlsysm j 7

                $. Wl5D31.StL 15 as                             Wanschaus Sts,oseer                                        :
s. - S.o. sas. Stas 01410 41 Westepsuus Steporder L 7. S.o.398.Shem 0$030 4 PlumesCosmalSisek Dispun l
8. 8738DN Shams 17  !

1 Seebas Celssladen Manant Appensa

  ,             9. 14 CMS.N 3                               asshscuisuluisa Muual Appeds

!' 10.1.aC4en.1 i 1 Wuuls$ssaSashesMamel

                 !!.WCAP40N                                                                                                                                        ;

A pleldChasesMesse

11. FCN TDXM 10808 0 DestiQuegn Assertumma f
13. DCA 3 Net' '

0 ReidChange Nude

14. PCN TDXM 10880 1

DelpsChases Anderlassen

15. DCA 17.M2 i c

h 1 I i f t l TU ELECTRIC QA [ 5 m . - , . . e - . - . _. . - ~ ~ --.,~.--,__...-.e.___,...._..-,....,,,,..e_..m--.~,,w,- - - v.,_e

Page $4 of 47-

   -e4             s Pogo 57 of 71.
                                      "                    Auspt Report No.: AH491462

[k , ( .- u f, EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SHEET No.14-CALCULATION 14C 55 52, REY.4 anvz yyn recimawy m _ 4 Weena8kmat shop cer t;.S.O.325.sho 0s215 4I WestadhoussShopOnkr

2. 5.0 MS. Shs. 05020 15 Wesengen=ma shop osser L
3. ; 8.0,395. Sk 05410 8 h Wiring Diagram di 8810031. $bL 5 9 lesmesmassena WWtag Degrian
                               '5. 8g10D31. Sk 4 7                  lesassesadom Whing Degram
6. 8810D31,8bs. 7 s issucesssesaWiring Denema
7. ut0031, shs. 8 2 lensconassean Wirtug Diagrun
                               ~ 8. 8810D38. Ste. 43
                 >'                                                   6                  Puessae.anset BlockDispen
9. 87580W. sea. 7 3

PuncessCausedStock 06sgua 10, 8738DN. Sim. 35 CP 2  % andComealDeweg 1Ii 232 ht! 33002A 1 SagnePN Manasi Appendia

12. t4C4000
             '                                                         1                  SmensN Manuel Appnadia
                                 ' 13.14C400.H-2-                 Weedsghouse Scaling Manasi 14.' WCAr A896 0                  DanipChases Anderumoon
15. DCA 73491 O DampChangs Anderheden
14. DCA 73732.

1" DesipChange Amihasimmon

                                  ~ 17. DCA 88528 1

DelpChange Amheelsadon

18. DCA 16740 0 Congs QuassAaGushadon
19. DCA 20094 0 DelgaChess Andennon
                                  . ' 20. DCA 83089' Pld8 0 sagsNodse
21. PCN TBD610805 A.
                                                                        A                 Rel6 Q angs N aias
                                   - 22. FCN TBD610613 A                 Phid O sap Nuess 23; PCNTDXb610684 vel 1                WeedagboesEquipsesRafsmse Manual
24. CP@014 ,

5 SenseCdselmeca 25.' t4C 5548 2 Sagasem 26.1-8C 5546 SagesP N

                                    ,27.1SC5545                             1 3                Wes8adbesesFiscandous Liantanens
28. PL&S sadSageissa 0 aggensa Andence an8Sysem Dewing
29. CP40147 Massi.N16Uppmes II TU ELECTRIC QA --

l 4 1

B- geciseure 3 to TKX 89850' C gg g 47 q-- ---- 1 Pose 58 of 71 Audit Wort No.: ATD1914% EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SIGET NO.15 CA14ULAT10N 1 SC SS 28.REV.S nav. TYPn noctm twt wo-8 laassamancoca Wirtmg Degram

1. 88330 2.Sk 3 6 lauscanneenon Winns Degram
2. 8833DM, Sk 4 8

Inascommesman Wiring Degram

3. 8833D38, Sts. 6 Inastammenden Wirtag Degram 8833DM, Sim. 7 6 4.

launconansdenWirtag De8 rem

5. 8833DM, Shs.14 6
6. 8833D38, Slut IS 6 W WIrin8 Distrum 3 PsocesConsolBlock 06a8 ram
7. 9354 Dei, Sts. 2 I Sculh8 C abelsonaManual Appendut
8. 1 8C 8000 H 1 Weeds 8bouas ProjectTransmisal
9. WFT 11060 0 DangeClunge Amenmadan
10. DCA 072891 0 DealpChange Amecmadea
11. DCA 73752 1

DeslyCtamos Amecruadon 13 DCA88528 A FlatiQuageNedse

13. PCN TBXM 10086 A MetsChangsMastos
14. FCNTB)Dd 10654 A PlattOsage No@e
15. FCN TB)D410613 Vol.1 Wemba8homas Igatysaem Refconce Manual
16. CP 0000189 2 Wasetmea=== Scagn8 Manual
17. WCAP 9606 5 Seaga8Cabeludon 18.1 SC SS 52 3 Westa8bcassPiecandons L.inuamens
19. PL&S andEsspeam 0 phb8ChagsMadce
20. PCN TBXM 1050 1

DedyChany Ameonmaan


_ _l page SS et 4? 1 _ Pago 59 of'71 AudH Asport No.i.- ATP R9e1465 3 SUPPLagNTARY EVIDENCE DOCUhENT UST 01 f , 1 ,_

a. svmw or oaArT sCALDC CAIAA.ADON CMG8 navan m Tvpa r G1witwr wo.

Rev. 3 e 4 Seabegemhndanna

l. 1.K S&M Slav.4 m 5 Seehag cahndsam
2. 1.K 3718 Rev. 3 e 4 Seeung Calculadem
3. 1 K 3710 Rev. 4 # 5 ScaungCelselsdon 4; l.Sc.S$4 -

1 a

                                                                                              ^-       = =-    ~~ -


       'g dtesure 3 to TKItVUUbtb 2 Pogo(60 of --71'                   g,ggg g,,,,g y,, . ATP491462 s                                                                                                                    ,-


1. IOC ler 18C 3401 08/27M - laur0ScsO_ , 'e-
2. 10C hr t 8C4446 leurCEheCasequadenas 03fDM
3. ICC far 13C.%06  :-

OS/27M ' 1murOtBos ?_ _,

           -: 4. IOC kr 18C 37 06 Rev. 3                ScatesCakehena
5. 18C2s12 Rev. 2 ScabasCahnhoon
6. 1 SC 2s 23 -

Rev. 4 SeebasCakeh6cm

7. 18C-2s 19 -

Rev. 3 Seagas f*h

8. 18C284i Rev. 4 Scadas Cabelassa
9. 13C 2804 Rev s . saamasCaisenson as41 Ber. 7 scenascaiman* =

t1. Rev. 5 scamasCahah6am scenasCesammen s2 am.2 14.1 sc.2810

                                                                                                                      - ^
                                                                               =                =-       ~='~ " ~- -


Enclosuro 3 to Txx 89850 Pago 61 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP.R9 1461 SUPPLDGNTARY EVIDENG DOCUMENT UST 03 CONFUudATION REQURED POR REDUNDANT LOOPS mmvinATR TYpt nociartwr No.

t. X.SC4741 Rev. 4 Scabas Cdcula6on Rev.4 Seebag Caiselamon
2. X.3C474 Rev.3 Santag Caiselanos
3. X SC4441 Rev.2 ScabagCaeselanoa
4. X SC 3445 Rev.3 Scabag Caiseladoa
5. X SC 4 02 Rev.3 SmallagCaeselados
6. X4C403 Rev.2 Scagag Caeseladas
7. 14C.tS0 Rev.3 scaingCahataks
s. tac.Ie42 Rev. 2 ScamasCaisehsen
9. 18C 1943 Rev.2 scenasCasseiness 43 Rev. 3 ScabagCakeladoa 11.1.SC.2346 Rev. 2 ScalksCatenandes
12. I4C.2346 Rev.2 Scabag Caeseladas 13.14C.2347 Rev. 2 Scagag e m 14.13C.2348 Rev. 2 ScannaCakeheaa
15. t4C.2349 Rev. 3 ScatagCakendon
16. t4C.3141 Rev.2 Scagasem
17. 1 8C.31 4 Rev. 2 SeagagCaiselance 18.13C.%11 Rev. 2 ScallagCabaiseen 19.14C.%12 Rev. s scaansCakelados 20.14C.3545 Rev.3 semangCakaiseca Rev.3 scenasCakelsena
22. t.SCas47 Rev.3 sanasCakenska Rev.4 SamasCalsehsen TU ELECTRIC QA )


bkki Bacts'ours 3' to TXbovo50' g,  ; TD R9 leat

                  P0go ;62 ,of 71~ '

g h .

           '                                   SUPPLEMEtGARY EVIDENCE DOCUhSNT LIST 03 (cont) ,


                                                                                            -Typt noctwavr No.                 RRVJBATR 4

Rev.4 Saengcakndaeon 25 ' t 8CdS43 Rev.4 ScaungCahndsoon 26.1 SCd548 Rev. 3 Seebascakndsoon 27.18Cds43 Rev.3 seanascasemianon 2s.1sCasas Rev. 3 Scabag Caisalades

                        ~ 29.- 1 SCd845
                                                               .Rev. 3 -                Sendag Calculadon
30. 1 SC dS &

Rev.5 ScagagCaiselnden

                          - 31.14C410 Rev. 5                 ScaEngCalculades 4                   '32. 1 SC 4 11 Rev.4                   ScaRegCalcalanoa 33.14C 3543 -

Rev. 4 ScatagCalmahden

                             ' 34.1 SC 5546 -

Rev. 4 seamap Caissenden

                              .35.14C 5545 Rev.4                  ScabagCalauhdon 36,1 SC 55 06 -

Rev. 3 SantasCatasiansa 37.1 SC 5514 Rev. 3 sanasCaheenson ss.14C 55 25 -

Rev. 3 ScaBagCoisahdas 39.1 SC 55 37 Rev. 2 seannaCassaissam 40.tsCs54s.


AeN9t Report N8.: ATD.te.l aat k I l< l SUPPUBEDffARYIMDENG DOCUMDCUST04 h00 rah 04ABLE READ ONLY MD40 RIES (PROMS) RRV .m Ayt yygg noc1 MENT No. Rev.I channel Cdtnados Pmcabse

                  - tE DdC6 Rev.1                               DesignChange Audenssoon

(( d.' COA 8889 liar. 0 WaskRaspamm 3, WA. e 64948 Rev.O Maiemm==aa Pmcashse

4. ICA.106 :


Eactosuro 3 to Txx-89sso Page 41 of 47


[' Pege 64 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATP 89.ldA1 SUPPgmayrARY EVIDENG DOCUMENT UST 05 ANNCFTATED(WDs RRV EATR TY1PR WINENT No_ Rev.4 DegnChage Audtorua6cn

1. DCA 14775 Rev.5 DeslgaChange Authanamaca
2. DCA 14775 Rev.6 DungaChangs Augertranon
3. DCA 14775 Rev. 2 h AccanRapan 4 CAR 033 12/1 2  % Rapan
5. DR C4745096 12/1549 W Rapon
6. DR445180 1M StampM Rapaa
7. F1149 01/1083 Oths&1851Amur
8. OTN63163 12/1942 Otts &IER tener


p ,g , gg ,, ,9 j _- c y , Poso;60ofdl AW$t Rep 0ft No.: AT9.R914as - g ., p, 7 U(

.  ; ,  : ll'-
, tr;u. -



i, Tyyg

              '                                        EUlbMNT NO.                 RRVJBATE o

W@ PmpaTansmini . I 00MBM

          *                   .              :2 WPT !!?93 Rev; 1 :                     BagpasadasCtap Nadra 3, acN343'.
                                                                                    . Ber.1.                        sagessnasChany Naas
                                             . 4,      acN 344 mer. I                     sagessnasensapNedse
51 acN4ss-:

s 9 F 4 e

          '? ? >
                                                                                                                                                 ~='- - -'- ' -
                                                                                                                            '=           -


                                                                     ~          ..   . . .         _,
           . -Ene1oeuro 3ftoL Txx 89850~
          '"                                   Aust Report NO.: ATDeR9,1461 rase 66 of 71'


                                       -:                NCB CARDS anv mATut                        TYPn put No.

08/3843 Pumbass Osdur-

                - t. PO 661703495 09/1443           TU000 Sask Nesterlesen
2. TSN 1399844 Satuehdan % sad Rawsw Form 08/ 2 83 WomedbosseLeser 3.c DA40006 0$0145 Over.Shan.Demaged er Nea Caafonseg 4.- 8341919-M aapon 190747- NamCentenance Ragon
5. NCR 8740386 00MW CPIBS Chases ouder-
6. GC423787 -

bessur StockNumber Candog

                   - 7. 064004 pees 3404 -               OB M ES 12 M 87           1U Sask Aston Regens
                   ^ 8. MS                                                  CassmakeAcosaRagnea 3/S8B
9. CAR 4817 0 m=====en Pmcadse
10. ICA 106 n

TustacTalCQA l

f,': I N- itacicoure3<toiTXX89850

               'Pogo 67~of 71 Page 44 of 47 .

r Ausst Report No.:; ^ ATD 10.id6B' O P , o l+

                                      - SUPM.8hGHTARY EVEDENG DOCUMENT UST 08 -

SETPOM REFERENGS Wyt i onctmotwr wo. anv>nATE Rev. 3 SeeNag Calsulaman

             ,    1. 18CIl49 Rev.3                           Seamas calculanon
    '            2. 18C Rev. 2                          Scabag Calculaman
3. : 18C1442; Rev. 3 - SeaMasCaisuladan
                -4      18C.M4s
                                                      -Rev.2 e

Seadas maamaanan

5. ,1 SC.M49 Rev. 4 SesRagCalaminden
6. 18C kl4 Rev.3- SesNagc h
7.-18C kl7- ScaNagCelsalaman g.- Rev. 3 1 8C 37 10 Rev. 5 SenungCaesalanca
9. 1 8C 37.lg.

n h

                                                                                   = '


                                            ~                                        ~                   ~

[V Enc 1ssuroi3toixxiavoso'- -

                                                                                         ~ ~ ^ ^ ~~pago 4:~ ct O/ ' _ :. i
                   - ; Pes 3l68 ofl7L                    Aust Report NO.: ATP 19146$


1. - 1.SC.49m Rev.4- Sealias Calculaman Rev. 4 - Seeling Calculaden
2. I.SC 5543 SealingCalculaden l' , , 3.- 1.SC.5548 Rev.4 g >

Sealias Calculanen Rev.5 p '4. ' 1.SC 57.41 - Senties Caiselenen

                             ,5. . l.SC.5747                      Rev.4 Rev. 4               SeamusCaisessman t
               .              i? 1.SC ss a Rev. 3                Senilms Caisuisden
7. l.SC 5s 4 Rev.3 SommesCaesalenen s t.SC.34 m ~

Rev. 5 SmaliasCalculanen

9. l.SC.3445 -

[ A k 9 l'

      '- f~


                                                                                                                                 .i l-I L


[ fji  % 46 Of 47 y.

                             ][Enciseure3toTEX.39850C Pogo69'of 71'                Audit Report No.:' AT9 801461 i g ---.                        ,


            .o - -

RDF RB31STANC511MPERA1UREDEVICES(R1Ds) navan m ev,n acc m W wo

1. PO 3357 D L4 07/22/88 mm
                                - 2.'  PO 29357.D4,4               Sept.04/25/06             70 W
3. : QaN 79081
                                                                    - Rev. O                 N W W Ra h 08n847-                PummansqdpmesTransfer :
      -                         : 4; = PBT # 1893
5. WPT.9067 07A3/87 .We 1.moer t


                                                                                              -r--'           :- -     -~-


w: gour. nuvuw3, Pegs 47 et Of I~ c@: ,b..

               '                                                                                                                       -1 pagg70 of 71'                         .
                                                               = &uet insport No.: - ATP.89 1465                                       .;

n y..

                                                                                                                                    .      [
                          'a                                                                                                          'j SUFFLEMENTARY EVIDENCE DOCUMDC UST 11
     - -                                                             INS'!RUMENT ELEVATIONS .

4-ERVJMTR- TYDR ] l, r auuNT No.  ; p 1

                                                                                                 %M Rev.3
1. :1 Sc61 .j Rev.8 tsown & Root Equpmem
2. FE4490 j Rev. 6 Ssown & RootEquipment
. 3..'FE4187 1 Rev.4 aseen &RootEqupmem 4 FE.9183-Rev.4 Esows & RootEqupment
5. FE4182  :

Rev. 2 Bsses & RootEqupment

6. FE.7099 L< 7. F54187 Rev.3 Esows & RestEquipment ]

Rev.1 Esown & RootEquipment

8,. FE4112 I Rev.3 Beses &RootEquipment
9. PE4182 Rev.1 Besse & RootEgupasst  ;


                              ;10. FE.1330s-SWBC Mens                              ;
       ".                                                                    07/10W
11. SWTU 13J79  :

Rev.O FVM48WaMownPaskass 12.1.LT4517.lWP 333 FYW49Watalown Package Rev. O 13.1.LT.0537.lWP.330 Rev. O FY M 4 8 WaRulows Fackass 14.1.LT4827 lWP.M2 Rev. O FVM48WaMown Packaps 15.- 1.LT4547 lWP 358

  • FYM48WaMownPaskags Rev. 0 '

16.1.LT47&IWP.lR3 FV M 4 8 Wa M ownPasta p Rev. O

   ,.-:                        .17.1.LT475MWP.193 '                                                                                      >

Rev. O PVM48WaMoonPuskass 18.11.Ff414 !WP 389 # Rev. O FVM48WaMowsPasince

                                ' 19.1.FT415.IWP.230 l

l$ , - 1 l t P

            , i la                                                   TU ELECTRIC QA 1:

L. 1~ .. . .

i "*08'"'{3 y o'JIE- N Aust Aspert No.: . ladt

  ;; y
                '                                       A'!TAQ&ENT A-p p..
 ..       U i:                                                                                  T.McLaan 0                           ~ 1. 1 SC 28 19. Rev. 4                                 T. McLaan.W. Sturu

!' 2. ' 1 SC 28 23 Rev. 2 T. McLaan

3. 1 SC 34 02, Rev.1.
4. 1 SC 3718, Rev. 4 T. McLaan
5. 1 SC.49 01, Rev. 3 T. McLaan E

6.' 1 SC 55 70, Rev. 2 T. McLaan

      '                     7.- 1 SC 2812, Rev. 3'                                  E Qiomery E Qoudry 8.1 SC 55 04 Rev. 4                                     E Q oudhry 9.1 SC-1911, Mov.1                                      E O oudhry
    +                      10,1 SC 1905. Rev. 3                                      E Qoudhry 11.1 SC 19 07. Rev. 2                                     K CW
12. .1 SC 48 01, Rev. 2 E Q oudhry 13.1 SC 3419 ~ Rev. 4 W. Sars 14.1 SC 55-52, Rev. 4 W. Sara 15.1 SC-55 28, Rev. 5 Noss:

K. Mangiosian sviewed audit check 5st tems 7c and 7e ihr an calculations. L fl l e l TU ELECTRIC QA

          ' Paso 1 of 18 V                                        111UELECTRIC                                                                       _


                                                                          . -28.245 4

ADB November 17. 1989 To: D.E. Ranstraa CQ%NCHI PBAE STEAM ELEC'!RIC STATIN RESIONBR TO 1U ELEL1 TIC 4A AUDIT-REPCRT ATP-49-1468-Please find attached the responses to the deficiencies and observations identified in Tap Audit Report Al?-1468,: "Somling Calcuistions". have any questions or require any additional infessatica concerning this subject, please contact Brian Haynes at extension 8034.

                                                                                              / -

C. . Sel:jb Attachment oc: ARMB 4M 306 D.P. Ba:Ty 4 1A Ada/443 4 1A 000 M.R. Blevins H.D. Brunse 4 1A E31'- 4 1A IC/444 R.N. Iharnhas D .' Corbitt 4 1A COB C.G. Cremane 4 1A RIO

                                                      % 1A-    309 B.M. Barnes                         000-J.J. Beller              .%M 244987 J. Egeehting 4 1A J.J. laMasta              4 1A      EDS 0.J. Laughlia 4 1A                  004 4 1A      507 0.W. Laus-                           C00 J.W. Muffett              4 1A K.A. Nosema               4 1A      E04 Bassircar            %u       Ada/443 P.

J.F. Streeter 4 1A AOS t"



gnetosure 41 to TXX 89850  ;;

                  ~ Fags 2-off.18 3

Pese 1 of 17 AffAC999ff 1 A'l*=_==-148L MEICIBCY 10. 89-1W-01 4 Inadequata Input Refennees in Sading Omlaulations 1 'hafieimmer



     '                EAP 5.3,        "Preparatica and Control of Manum 1 and C aputarised Cdoulations (Nuclear Pkujectal". Rev. 3, states:

" ===1 and computeriend engineerina and design

   <                   1.       Section 2.0 ' - "All omledations shall be:



o Prepared sunk that the enslysis aan he ederstood by en individual ompetent in the calculatian discipline without recourse to the . preparer of the edadation". 1

2. Attachment 1.4 'with - "Ihe . hadr oftant explanatory the and. amledation aballtoconsist diaerens, leading the of :

ansputatiensi nieng results. 'the fellowing shall be isoluded: 1 Inputs (Including Sommes) i 1 taput values (immluding mits) and identifiantien of the somens (see emmple souses retenene balaw).

                                                               -   Damment Number and/or Title; lasus Data;                  l o     'hahnieml Daoumant t

" Revisia Itaber, and Sentian, hee, er Table thabers. if appliemble." n ihGeiEEIE one contrary to the above, most of the ensling animulations seviamed shibited the fallautas deficient amaditiens (in amar amnes, resswee to or more of the suupant uma reqdred to tadarstand the =1=t=*i==):

                                                       =1=*=*i-       eustains enteresse Lto " standard (1asference 4c-4000);
1. smotien 3 et the Documents" housver, testism in testie 3.4 et 30 3.0 esatains thedoomments
                                                                              - Sanitas enkmalation
                                                                                          .ast all of seishstunumi are appliam Additiemally, thsee soferences de est aantain to 'est - ens =1-5=**=               apositio infeemstian omatdnad in thsee revistem 1svela es' dates, yetdonmuuta (e.g.,~ gata, bias values, etc.

ast osatain specific ingut mferumme .!

2. 'the het of the desument anledations doesrevisian aumher, titles, tenus data, maker, sesens (e.g., plu6de amin, bias, and imput voltase; Jupers sostian, page, ets.) for: /

reesired er removedt er resistare required. i transfer Zaput referemos saurons are not stated for as&de egantian or 3. fuastions utilised. i e l

       -@  = .,,.


          >     Enclosure'l.-to TXX 89850 Pas) 3 of 18 1
    .<  4 AffAO99ff 1                phee 2 of 17                 .
                  '4.      Explanatory notas en not provided for enthematieel annipulatione performed nor are the omnipdations shown.

i S. sostian 6 of the anlaulatione contains the ~etatement,'. "per Loop Amourecies, ese samling Calculotten Phnumi Appendix 5 11 4 -4000-H Rev. 1)"; housvori J . Appendix N. only provideo guidelines for determination of loop enouracy (A valume rather them providing estual loop ensursor values thsemelves. Page

                           .similar statament le ende in Project Processe 79-000, Attachment S.

7, Peregregdt St. source L 6.> Figure l'of the1 anlaulatione done not omntain a reference for the (e.g., Westineouse Presses Castrel Black Stagram, wto.) of the loop f :- configuration. Enemense na--ianr- .r_ive Antien  ! M samling l During the early vtages of the audit, a dheisten ses ende to swvise the  ! anloulations to embasse th detail med dooment opsoifio refannome omntained  ! the referunne emotion and hadr of the =1=1=*im.  ! l M far detarmination of i Appendix H providae omsponset 'theensurnoies fuestaan of and guidelinesM is omrrectir and Appendia leep amlibration . esaureer. As enlamistians ase revised, a specifically stated la the appendix itaalf. , clarifiantien will he added to nference Appmedia 5 as guidelines in detaminingl PseJost Prosesse 79 400 does not m quire a lamp.onlikestien easusemies. i ohenge. .i I 11 5 .0  ! he fuestianal block eenling diagram 1he is a giughie samling sepsomentation

                                                                                =1 1=**=    is therefen .the of the . l demerited in the samling ==1=a1=**=.                                         doomenta esmos desment peeriding the tagut=1=at=*i-to the dingsen. Simme the somrosreferenced 'in ese being d M == lagut to the- samling                                                aanling-the         e p

L t==1=**= disgres. itamtf sufseennes are est sagdred as the inmotie  ! samling N1 =1=*i - Ihamm1. , l; trtant of Omnditian A roommt1T performed W Gh N1=a1=*i SurveillonesAdditiemmily, HMF W-0Ma dotaredaad special th conditica is insisted to Sealing division to somemament is being perfereed kr SE's Ma== Mas Asemenos ampleted br substantista the surveillanos results thish is enhe&ded for p ' 11/24/99. i

y ~ . - . - . . - . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ' -                - - -

K~ Enetosure 4 to Txx.69850 e Page 4'of 18

                                                                                                                                                 .1 ATTAODSff 1                      Ptos 3 of 17                           .

i s be. h

  • 1he ensling odadations in their auditad forest were originally believed to
                     !in oneplienes with the intant of the pressem requirements.-

r._-Alve action project Proemdure PWOOD and the samlins Ohiodations M have been - rwined to pewide and clarify the specifio requirement dooments, for scaling di samling omledation anledation aantant. preparers. Subsequent to swistas thseerwieusse, and independent swiewers have be 1 co m1stian Datam prior to fwl lead, the omfety-related esaling anledations will to swiewed and - by , paremmel trained to the rwiandThe samlins Oslodatiens Iemaum1 (1-80-4000)to - P omledatises will to rw ined as neuemmary appliamble project prosesses. have L nasure ther are tenhaiemlly servest, east preneheni repairements, L" ' "Cenfisestien Required" sonstations-temoved seal are sessistant with appliamb

                       'desia des ments.

L 1 aladations prior to speestaan above 95- peuer, the em-emfety related samling will he swieund tr paraennel trained to the zwised Samling Omledations M (1-80-4000) and appliamble project prosesses. tashniem117 earrect, meet ,__- M as enemmeary to assume ther ess'tegdred" emastations removed and are . seguirements, have "Osatisuntian , consistant with appliamble deste dooments. L e - t- . - - .. ._: r nam. as 1 - ** ww = Ti' Sat Imedegata samling omledatim preparatie M inas o l M Ass! M48.3.11 - geeft 3, Sprimien S. Gestie 4.1, states: with "Denis estivities shall he presorihed and annenplished la asemedanne L prosesses et a type adfleient to assure that appliaehle duestings, , _ _ensis or

                                                                                                                                 %, imensta        a eersently teenstated                ines esmoifiantiens, lastrustians."
                                           '~                                                                     _
       '                  o Txx*89550

{nclosure6 Page 4 of 17 ATTAO99 6 1 [ Deficianer centrary to the absme, design activities are net prescribed acumein. er. aufficient mfennoe written detail to define the relatim ship of the variousanaling calculations.- Specifically, daeumanta utiliaad in the pnduction et thsee is - ne single des ment which provides se overallingnA tddah addrammed "rceddata emp"acurces.

                                                                                               'or the preparation of scaling calculationsaminadatica ocatant and enthodology.- .Neither
 '        equtgament referunas annuals, and                 (80-4000) act any of sewers 1 other MD 53-083. Samling' Calculation peanual                                                  for references peovide the required overall proce&sral definitice or guidelines
this activity.-

its review, the audit taan finds that practicos and IEFfti _ Qn the basis theof produstian of enling caknalatieme are adequate as outrola evidenced usedbyin the tachaical WW11ty of the and pre &mta., Desian ta - be dresdags and referunes data used as iagna tauro elas detestinedammlias calcula appropriata. To asum that futasre

                   -- nt--4 en a somd and ocatrolled  avesellbasis,  esisting progres         preeticas dameriptian           and amp")

(ce " read oatmis need to be-inocepasstad in an esvering the atire samling salculatian gramma. Baezrlas am*=t er emedi+ <== The cancerna identified ase partinent to the scalias mi mintions activity only. Qame - @

                                                                                                    " mad
             'It is agreed that one opmeifte dernamnet does Estever, not- em:istsollectively utdch provides seesa than amp" for p. A*lan of acaLias ca&sulaticas.                                    calculations adagmata details unre esatained ta - the IBMB-33,. the Scalingand t femmal (1=80-8000)

L _ -dwe ae**= trainies has been armalmqt Onkemiaticas Ibsmal and %=at Revisian of the W ="" . h.atism Ae.a= DgD As a result of an additional review of the ananmen, it uma decided were that the would be naammitad h appliamble disastica and requirements has-frca the OED placed in the Scaling calmintians tamani. been reviaed to incorycente the applienhie partians of the EB and the Ise h been veided. Canaatian Data All estians ase completed.

P' eo mstsw {"cl*ju g A1TA09 9ff 1 page 5 og 17 A E 20 1488. t W ICtm er gb. 99-1ma-03 a.riet . ; 'Pi+1.;: Isade:pata Preparatica and Review of Scaling Caledations Bas @ mment

1. -

ApSI W48.3.11, Dumft 8,. Rev.1, Sectica 4.2, states in part:

                                 '* Design analyses...shall be perfeemed in a... correct assner.

2 BAP 5.3, Rev. 8, Attachment 3.0, "hsview Recadrements " states:

                                  "The signates of the reviewer (s) on the caloalation page signifies that reqdrementa of this attaniummt have been ast".

95G91352 to contrary to the ehm, the emieutation preparasian and redeu peceans failed identify the following errors, laissians, and innansistancies $61ch - wens identified &aring the estit of aca1W mimlaticas: 1-80 86-68. Rev. 4 abous relar casd 1800 es 1-TB/411F, ideareas

1. Caledation 8810081, Bes* 6, shaus this device as the referansed tisatinghouse DD T5/4113..
                                                                                                      "10astinghouse Omiculatican 1=8D-66-68, omfissatica'     Item 3, states, 380, 388, sad 396. Revise to show 3.

Instagnantation asets for Sep Cedarcurrent status." This note apparen relates to the myrision of Bostica 8 af the nemling Niet=tien Manual. reference

                 '3.       Qaladation 140 88-88,'Rev. 4 phos 80. Santie D 1 and D 8, toastinghame Peaceuticas, Lisitatians, and estpoints (PIA 8), Rev. 2, as the.

stamme of and Ia=Lo tass. - Asteracek estymista. Rev. 8 of ime issued An .nussasF 1988. referunas the latest sedaien of the RAS. - N1=1 dam 1 E>48-79, Rev. 8, Page 18, states that vseest a Vestpoint .- 4.- 0.40 W. 1he 0.40 VDD salue shodd be 4.08 VDD. N1=124= 14>48-48, Rev. 4 Pages $1 and 88, referene 10astimshouse 1his

8. 8, as e ocuros ef.setpoint values.

Scalias 9hnuma supplement, Rev.ista since it is based en Rev. 3 of the 7008. Rev. refeem os is ont issued manna Rev. 2 of the Scaling 9tumma (cetcher 3 of the DBAS has 1983). Caledation 180-66-88, Rev. 8, Figure 1. ahema denrice R-41GC es en NCB1

6. card, idaereas DDA 88888 indicates that this device is an NCN4 comi.


   ~'                  .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ _ -.._ _ ..- _._ _ Pagy 7 of 18' g page 6 of 17 . 7

    ' '                                                                  AWA1399ff 1                                                             .,

a Calculaties 1-00-66-30.Amplifier Rev. 5,.Pese .8, states that ameh onlibration '

7. 1-JY-4104 is t 0.105 of span er 1 0.10- a Amourner for Suomining VDC. ' he span is 0 - 10 VDC, thus the correct value should to 10.01 VDC. -!

)  !

4. Pese 11 laproperly referenses a pagytes 8.. ca.loulation 1-sc-28-19. Rev.

revielen of the sans amiculation for the setpoint.value a. osotrolled,for less of upto-dete. fosiheter pap speed rather then referemins sousee 'of setpoint data such as the PLes or lastament setpoint 1.iet. < n L 5, pass 8 enloulates'emin for leti card 3 i 9.. Calculation 1-80-88-30. Rev. a.SOE .eksa, use ~499E ches." No I 4 1.JY-4104 as "gr s : SE ebem/0.1 far using a 49R : ehn ssister in place of 1 amplanstery note tes indiented t i - the amicedated vale of SOE ehen.  ! 1-80-85 4B. Rev. T are designated . "No.

10. omlaulations 1-E-SS-01..housvar, Rev. 8.and Nota 1 en the oever sheet states Confirmation Required";"confiruntion Required for values in table 1 Bre 11.

Omlaulation' t E-SS-01, Rev. 8. Pese 5 for esaponent 1-W-0413t states that the output is 1.417 to 7.883 VDC. Se 7.488 VOC value should be 7.783 VDC. 8, Pese 8, and 1-80-85 08. Rev. 7. Pese

13. omlaulations for devious 140-6841 1-fD 040 Rev. 3 and 4. 1-75-040 9 etate that the alars setpoint. is (olaos, hysteensis)". S e notation, "hlve -
                      *arentar then -30 psi have (eless, hystaresis)* does est apply to the alars fWistion.

Pues 9 shaus . the output free devios L

13. Onk1ulation 1-80-85-08, Ber. 7 Se 1.417 VDC value eheuld be 1.647 VDCas 1-W-0413P es 1.41T=f.783 VIC.

shoun en page 5 et.the enlaulation. and 15-88-03, aer, 7.. pase 7 me Noa 14.. Calaulations 1 5 -08 01, Rev. 8, dame ==d of. 0.0815 for Matehlas 1-55 0408Cthe and 1-FM400c. me et this domstand justifientian er englaestaan as provided for value. g (15 8000-5), Rev.1, Pese

18. Appendia E'of to Smalias M'=al=*i= lheumieasteuer 40.35 et: apen is for NAL c h 10, Item 4. . Adeutiftes a ' output in p

p All


eenling ==1=1=*aa== ussag M41. essde state tha L Westiedome refusamme desmonta). a envions en page 33 (pigue 1) et calculation it. S o 1ssel program " faun 1.m.3 38 and en Westin$Westinghouse sues Presses em 1-PF-000 5 and 1-FT-80ST. 33, asy. 8, ese ehem IgeSimes,. tost 30, Ber. ?, shoes these devices as Pf/SOE and respantivalr. i e f (' t*

n , , s# Ppso s or 18: Annotee 1 pese 7 of 17 .. I

17. A S a=*lce 140-38-88.. Rev. 2, cetatas the:fe11ames disesspancient A 7 A. m dresraas 881286, meet as, shoe1=FT=0000. that the The
                                                                                                    - cutput     of.
                                                                                                          - Fimre 1 dorice 1-FT=0618 same disestar to devise                    to !=Ff=0800 as supresentation in the saladatica shous the signal
    %                                baias pscosamed by devios !=Ff 0613 befese soing to 1=FT=0000.
5. : The cutsut of 1=FT=613 is shcae en Figure 1 of the miadattan as sodas to 1-FF=8181. tauntinghouse drawlag 881286, a set 89, abcne this aetyst as going to-1=FT=8181A.


              '             - C. -   Figure 1 shoe output of bestable 1-B 06105 is shown as : "to 0.7E10            8 1h/ht". 7tes 19'of the mandatics stume this outgan as "IE 0.1 a 10 lb/br."

devices 1=LD=4619,1=LC 0660, and D. Figure 1 of1 the caladaties ebene lais 0610 as 1831 Cards, dareas asseta 11, 18, and 14 of the caladattaa abow thus as 18311 meds.- Dage it of the caladatias abuse the imput to 1=14=800 as ondas team B.i 1 5 0619, shareas the esferenced timetindhouse IB 881288, esset af, shoue tids source as 1 GF=610. n F. Page 16 of the am1=1=**= dame umeh calitentia acenanney of devios 1-807 4810 as 0.086 sAf. ilds abodd be 0.038 VDC. 8 G. Pese 18 anse shese'the WID (1<407-0800) ensch to be a T autsut the Jumpose scan will give a llaner elas sota,

18. Canadatica 14H9 01, Rev. 8 contadas the fbalandas diaeropuneien:

4 dich is a A. 1he saladattaa sgfarences ECb8838481-338618, Ber. voided deament. Itammi (140 4000 8) is not B. Appmutta B; et the Smalias am1-1=**=seessanced la the caladette the WID emed.

c. mage 8 et the emandattan contatmo as values for gota ce idas setting ese the met easd med la the loop.
            ,                                                                                But a mtda m penal as D.      the calentaties idsstiften a device as 878239, the      Siest 87, her.       6, i=5BHB1814, deseos teastineouse m idest&fase this device as 1-85 0181F.-

1-85-87-18 and 140 84-19 did not adsstifyAlas, the Jussar patterns the charseters

19. Onnestations reedred to implanant the idasey tsaar range code.

1000 ama 0000 mere est identified as tenarr cases. ' yet 4, het "Confissatian Reedsed" sammd.

80. Odedattaa 183-88-19, Bew."Canfienation Regaims Yes."

aartaA the osvar sheet e s

                                                                                                                   - - ~ ~ _ ________
                  , . . l Enclosure 6 'to TXX-898501 fage'9 of 18'-

f.' b 1%ge 8 of 17- . i ATTA09 9ff 1 1-80-49 01, Rev. 3. lista the appropriate top Cedar Numbar asul

21. - Calculatie annumi aute station. and orifice sysoification sheeta for the indienters, x ,

pista in the loop but fails ta include the abset zwision numbers for thman 4 ocapenants. Seearmae Extent af cendiusa-

  • The scaling calculations have the potential for exhibiting ths oitad candition; -

hassever, name of the oited assults or usefulness of the final calculations. L a tive Aeuan tlans stated in As the esaling calculations are being revised to complete the eethman transposition err response to Deficiemmy 8bl488-01. detected during the revisica

                                 .inocasistancies, as well as any other discrepancies cyale of all the        5~1=tions 411 be

QRER preparation The cited conditions are the muodt of inadvertant cademians in the and swiew prammen. 7... -.1=a Ae+4== the 1he prepareas, reviewers, and 6% zwieners beve been trained ta enhanced program reqdrummta. Campletim Data Prior to fuel land, the sedete-selated scaling anlaanticas will be sad revisued by poescanal temined to the swisse analing calsulatlans manal have (1-8c-880 v * - M aereest, anst W regerements, appliamble pec@est peanadisrus. assure ther esw "Confinestim Bagdsud* asentatidas removed and ase consistant with appliam


ammiga dan ==mata. calculatians W Prior to apare4&m absse 85 pomer, the anemmately solst (1-80-8000) and eqqA& amble pseJost preamhamas.Amehrdeally oneeset, proriaansi meet as ' amamaansy to mammes ther are esmoved and aes reqdrenants, have "Ounfissatie asedsed" assotatices ocasistant with app 1Ammhte design documents.

___ _ ~ -

  = . . _ .

Encicoute 6 to TXX-89850 Pego 10 of 18 Page 9 of 17 ATTACBENT 1 99-1688-04 AE 2^ leas. ~ miM WD. Defiel c7 'Pi*ta: fundestata fiame Identificatica L hangiranumti ANBI M46.8 11-1984, Santion 3.1 "...%e design input shall be specified. thea design estivity to be carried out in level of detail naossaary" to permit the r correct asser. . . c Deficianmar: Samling Omiculations 1-M-87-18 and 1-8C-84-19 did not Centaury to the above, spuoify the type of t&aarendde rugdred Olmstinghause prahaces four tiaar enddes, none of which are directly ic*C 1 *1e). Sannorme ' Capan&ianusaim

                    %e analing animlation identifian the tisdag         'the fuastaan    as hawing 18estinghouse  Instructicaas  amourner of Book b                                                                                                       natules
                    .ti-E and bains installed La PRM Lamation 1.for Pesones                                  an      !astrum PRM as having an enourney of $105 and Gnags 3In additica, Groups                             1 and 8 anhal PROM accureer of $1L

'_ Imantions 1, 8, 4, or 8, while Grimqps 3 and 4 ashdesraust be installed in Locations 2, 4, 8, or f. Itahda Grtnae headasument 1 cr 3 i 105 Ano mmer 1 or 8 14001 Location 1 maaling Serefore, the esdy eimdaqr ashda aldch easts the arttaria of the provided seumbda. Bus, aufficient tatoenstian was caLadation is the creap fee the and user to estunudna the ossemot mahim. ar*=tafa aa.a. All analig cabadaticas ecstaining ISL easde with timer sumides will be egyrieund and seriand as sagdsed. A.u aseAe**= timme he scaling chaminatama 9 haunt has been aqprised to rapsire the specific grog

  • to be atigadated la the analing cabadation.

b wt.ive Ae+4= As the calculations are livrised, the specifie timme group naaber will be stipulated.

gnet'esuro 4 to TXX 89850  ; regs1 11 of'18' gg pass 10 of 17 - Quimistian Rhtm by Prior to fusi lead, the enfety-mlated samlirg'amiculations will be rWiewed personnel tmined to the swvised The Samling omlaulations Calculations Itmuni will he revised (1-80-8000L as nanomenry to and - appliamble project p*recedures. la=117 - annect, meet procalharal requirementa, - have assure ,ther are "Cantirention Required" esenstations removed and are aansistant with applianble desia docents. power, the man-enfety ruisted samling anloulaticris Prior to aparation above 95will be reviewed tr permannel temiand to th

              ~(1-80-8000) and appliamble projest ,. - _ taubniem1ly    f =ws.                    oorrest,= emot                  procedurel es nesseaarr to assure . ther areRegend* assistations                                                 removed and are requirements, have "Omnfisentien                                                                                                                 ,

canaistant with app 11 amble desia documents. ) 1 Ar - . ' earr.=. _ 7 m. as-1 ^- M n-M ai = Tieta 1hdimiem11r Immergwet M l-I Authorisatians (DCA'sI and- Campanent pp 033, " Processing -.of Desia Giorge 8, aestias 8.3, states "the nasponsible eenditientian Onsde (oc's) . " mov. [ Enginsess are suspensible far: Susuring that the desia ebense is taalmicall L E entisfactarr..." Deficiamar:~ I contrary to the above: to to properir reflect-- the -

1. DQ4-80089, asy, 0 emiled am Ibses 10,11. andanals for a T - >$5 M logic, .

L the Bok ' seedred timer oisunit. ,1900 series prenose instamentation enir gewidse-deseems the Westin $ sume Time 4slar Plak4l> legio. Additiemm1 legio elements required to implemet the function described is the 304 unre est instuded in the development. 2. Sch estes, asy. f. flatled to Adestify .ien Wiring triestas esseAss, misets 11 and it, a Diagrams. the 9536 progrum am the E -__ , r [' M 1.- The anspensthis angineer as theettempted Insta m mtaties to t=pl and e the timing contaol diagramfactionand tins differentir them is shamdid not utilise sufficient legio elements to ensp delar drop out legte noosired. I .-

2. Inadvertant amission.

4 I l l' _ _ _ _ _ - - - . . _ . , ..- +

          - Enctosura o wrwspuwve F
i. r.- 12=of 18:

ATIN399ft 1 page 11 et 17 , hetant of QumdLtim l 1his as ~the amir PRGI legie desia modified by CEp; therefore, this, is

            .eansidered an isolatad emos.

7 _ = tive action q In that this is an isolated ceae, no further action is respised. e-_ ._uv. An* 4-danwing ocA-80009' has toen swvised to correct the FEM OS 1asie and to identity 8364496, meets 11 and it, as the FEM progren am the De, cqqmdatian Data,  ! All actions esupleted.- >

                                  .._ rv un. es-laes-ce
        -      :-- - taan. -
                          = T1+1=

Philure to Update " Approved-huuspt-es-liotad" Drawings a-s4=4 M i m 3.05, " Reporting and Osatrol of Defielencies," Section 6.4 states "The for resolving the M has the responsibility far organisatica responsikte development, implementatian, and verificatie et the estians amassaarr to , correet the deficient aanditions...", tiestiadsume Istaremmanation Wiring Diagraa 8815D36, Castrary to the above, wtad te Assesysente the " w -memeyt-es-Notad" meets a sad a unse est 1Amo esamtations as suosteed w asetatener asport c-er-estse.- h its auditees autended their reviar to innlude all reuniaans SCP

                             " Approved teasytque-IIsted" dresraags far the Ilestia$ouse supplied         ,

psemmos instrematation. 1his series idsstified osvun additional. each of dish had been i esentags stamped " Approved =3sespt-es=IIstad", pseparty sevised w non to tassegneste the annotations. M ariant at asedistan limitad H A review of all IIS W detasimiand the autant at this endition i to the tuo drawing sheets idsstified by the audit tems. I 9

                               ~                                                -
     , ,        ^ _ Enc 1'oeure T to"Txx 8N56 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ -                                                         i P:33 13 of 16'                                                                                   -)

1 ANTAC30ert 1 pues 13 of 17 .I . n t h . estions

                   ' Ras repairennt cited sevesws the elesure et a B hy verifrias that allThJ s

reonired uses in feet ensplete. a very senaartad effort fo11 sued tr a updating of mausreus weder dooments in The candities citad reflecta verifiestion that the entire effort es eaurlotad. that tue' sheets of a domment "Appsowed-basyt as tiotad" had not hamn updated. , This'is not supresentative of_the M elease prenons but Just en- inadvertant had 1

              ^     oversiet by the .indivi&ml involved in verifrias that all of the dommenta                               I been useistad.:

Preventive Antisp further In that all the drawings have hamn revisued and revised as rapired, no -

                   .est.ien is needred. .

cerrantive entien have huma revised to immerpersta the "es-tsailt" b D S 881 3 08 ,' h asta 3 med 3, ., duiswing samments. f 1 Qumdation hts All estians caugdeted. ~

                                   , ---- =-   7 un. an.1 -- % ,


                      =- L                                                  Indlure to Matriksta confisestaan ammoval Updates Deficionar


mannairemmat presshaw 50-313-48 Ber. 3. "Distrikst, ten Osutrol" states in paragresh '4.9.1 "Dania chanes deemsstasien, ammapt fian1 504sA3s and "Ms Gesnee at Requi DCAs and mes shall he distributed to oestrelled espy holders and unin**ta=d the esas loontian as the af9mstad desamsta, amesyt for DOC anta111tas. Distribution for esentlites will he en as as regaised basis." h Intereffion on aan emmestem, issolving aggremiastair saalias omledaties.of samfisantien fu to suusval , corrumpendemos (33) salated=1=d=*4=== eure est distributed to EtI: estallitas fo amme. Quat had been besklassed br The refusenome notificatiam of osefimmstian igdstasto prurids instructions for dooment easteel pumding prese&are igdstas tha IAmes the desumentaties ' use festerdad to distribution processing the desumentation.Dooment onntrol Distribution Group, the ug as pnefonned.

                             .=.> ...e . ,o m .,,,,,

p-> Pese 16 of 1s ATTM3p SFF 1 fees la cf 17 , i he at hM*'-0.;_ " twa amatam siamo enfisatien renewel hF M en en issued esalias enledstian reposants no shause to tes Wemi sentet of the er.lodation, as enthis eversite insisted had as adveres ensurrenos and ' ingest en sentro11ad assipients. This distribution of emnfisantien actions is as )m-prosess fuertien of Doo ment Osntael. amenmative amtian the tasklagged notifiestians are in the prosess of being distrinnatad. i ammnistian banan ' 11/13/89. Distrikstian of hashleged motifientiens will be esspleted tr AfDe temi N IIL &18AS418 Philwo to Distrikste FIP thstar Indes meets M  !


a EE 6.19. Br. 8 "tsriew of Wunder W. Asstie 4.3.p, states to the asetselled enydes of the FIP". Regisismer i omatsery to es eksie, appresimmt.171s umstischaums wf isstem with their distrikstad to holdere of  : respective attashed Ihstar Indse tests unse est eastrolled espies et the FIF pestma Indes. l h i J ,. hackleeped . to sneerummed urr gentes to the umsthghams PIP heter s, Inde unre of teenster the i a senegadastian sad as a sendt et et the FIF gdstas, s y m nagy per essert l mesma at meditama es egyllankle Westhghnes doomenta , Altag$ es indu es met estributed,ensionarias swim status is the Daoumant umse reflested, enth the sweest (Denis Brustags Inden) and mL1 appliamble P!P Osatsel 6 4 4m temsdeemssta had been teemedtted to and muse swerie * ' senests empter. i r1m s'= e m. _ _ mm__- - -

                                                   - - -            _ _ . . _ . l . . ..         - -     - -
                                                                                                                             ,3 pogg g5 og gg l

Ptge 14 et 17 [ AffAl3DS@ 1 l um C-__fiwa/Danmartive Am es of 10/88/se, me Dietettanian of the tanklasped 18T lettese was supletat distritanten of FIP @tas is en in-psesses hection of the Im Vender Deseent Osmp. oquateuen nasse mar *1 cased upt distritanten esspletal 10/98/89. C *t laan 6 - m e;;;7 ps, 39 14a8 48 itWeam pyugnameMe amad Gale Ismos? (5E138) nee'a m Ti*ht Activ&taas namesessmat AIRE II66.811-tenft 8, Bortsian 8. ensuam 4.1 semeest "nastas ecAavitaas aban to seamartted ame gennaames of a type sufflotant to amuse that damera WAM isosta eseta ans=dmon ., Auto assottiamaAama, , teenalaesd assenet. tam *. 9mmannoit (5330Q ese ghymimily idsmunal elastasio sm e mammNie Emm8 Ob1r Ibs elas

                 'z tamed to ngn===a negatsud catset asutus legio. R&la abama es a

task the amma med ase ts. Alas, sutses ase met attamed to a datessent enamesecae otraust boasd ty amidamens er amigins and aus he semand fer rapsm Chem ens la spates Ana hpa the spankfle nemmen. sessai sursusur testm82ad tammadenat, sa tem essassammene fase eartas ty assesumu amtssamur . addsmaet to CIW. the artsamal apetes auftsmauas has amatashame bass maistaamma temme the uma at ausmedag passent adgadt tuned pscose masamBa 1. numa===r to tems shuse massiammet, sB3ei ass amt ammstatsstir Adam a mitIda the mahpm domamma set. Der emmede EsF. Se pags 9, Adesdfiesdoes the A. shedtaf ObhselmhiaR 14bO*lSe Amstemmah 'eng muuher sud the suspmetius WL a la shad 5B38 kanm8 dam. B. to West RAtmasy abandes anaams safusammes the Austsummet tas Sur amar emar of tbs ten IB30s in them amt of dsawings. . t


sacLtcevre o eo ; M u ss

                                               ~                                              - - - - - - - -

Pcs) 16 of is  ! MWEBSff 1 pass 18 af 17 C. 1W 81881 t .si. . Sme.te 41 Be.r. uis.r,7. pueridas dus mm .the

                                                                                                                                        .ther i.s          tag n, mme ust hath the tag moduur and utmerr ensdag uneme far                                    i N ew1stad 85L enses.                                                                                           :
3. centrary to the abuse, thmen is as 7E31 spesifts greamtmo dish dameritus past the amatsels be med Sur presumnias to far shpoimal leautiftmatian af goesummet PR3ts. The IEpis, for wificatied of '

geesens, and 1300 poemahre abaand addrums the gpiiantian et all types at thumtin$mme l i, F series su3e at a us. t n . W ' t i antama at ammdatia, A. to amm1&us calmalatismo etaliales a 5331 m e 85L eismit ame serland (and scrisms as mammamarr) to amuse the penger tematifianties of i IEBb utiummt en i l the 5558 and applishls presen fkun the 5331 LAlmery. Mis 1sterentiam !- IIB esses use a sammensd IEBI pregnes and 5558inammtlan. ( i mi (sad dumma't is emunnised la A send to be 'Ta**ppendia 3 af the amaling salem at ans sum in the indiv14m1 enlanlatten)

s. Se omreestige estam prerlded balan astremans the antase autant of the emmettian. ,

C. the Iles enstatatas emmamassy) to ammeeIWL ausde the pregar 5531 utth IEst disdag IAbserr un1 be seriamed suuhur is listed.(and mmh , to Santing enaamistisms Ituumal (16) has kaum sevisme to inniude synnitiol disestians ear immutiflamuss et suges use sumpant to ammuss anlegat.i , summ&fle esuntas dish guarade a summen of this infmumation. asummakimAntam l um=*A*r the mas and ths . A. t o amm14mW anisolatian s ul to serased to assumiese poseen eran the sans 14tuary. saferene ,

s. to sur suas s.ammer toteness eming series) usu ne serisms 6 Amstuummut ,

hast 41, to depiot the . C. Et4MB has namn tanssi to sedsa Its S1981, appuamble WERIlatuurr duestas. 1 1 1

tactcouro 4 to TEX *49450 Pogo 17 of 18 l l ARRCBBS 1 paen 16 of 17 l I Qualmtian Eksta 11/884W Ilm.3 Qass to saad for a gereamhee **r""fa had not base iduatified fter tida sost eines tMa is a t h ly tenised hiaimma and so gameric reme&as mask activitF gemblems huus hans AdutA&fied. aremmaana antian sur the aantaal at cessaucus Esc a111 doualap and tamum W DD-Sittwentes and ErtpufLaf_ Stud 1 Mans teos spetan vess Pre ene.ium Actaan See Ossamm4&wn Astian

      .,    .g
. .- 9_


                            .=,. m. m.naam.en m.m.t         -

Bust 6agemma fates-emation tristas Baassans (Des) BelamunU4mmauertal Dquaristima af .Quudit&aat W BSs base ausahandimp Design Champs A ma$crity d the tRIskAngbram esmo d addch unre disposittaand in Authorisations (DDes) pasted apammt them, the 1908 to ISM Manfesas. . Ramammmentammt Enonspesees embatanding DDhs to Iturtinghama W loops. Egnans A seriam W anestamataqr DDMs assiast the flesMaghm== reqdraments.m DC's was ac Ia no Aastance did the aster d Icks emmeA the garan=hasi Base @ces, ao addit,1ceal estaan is soup 6 sed at tbde taas.

               .~       _

7 r:e. 1e et ne  ; ma pees 17 ef it .. ; Am r.- = = m. as.1 ^  : umstindiouse Samling Itinumi (WCAP-9006) Ehlevant assismaatar , pistian af Quanitimmt l The unstandesume Samling 9tumm1 and its agpkements, dbish sentain ammlins not l methodelser and data used in the preparatie of esalias omledations, have hamn gented simme 1998. thale as instansas umas feed essee immerrect mothedelaar er data were used in a enledatism, there is a potential for this to a omne. Mtiskt pg. at. esament ud maintata it an'*"t- j 1 ( L will he scrissed sad entated ) the umstindesues esaling sumum1 and its it will also be maintained 1 late the Desis Damment Omsteel syntas. l as a site desis sentrolled domment. l l J The umstindisuse Samlist Manual alang udth its segleumsta home hamn swviewed l

and an augustar in the Denis Desumsat Osetret system. 1
I 5

l 9 O Y b l I-

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