ML19330A182 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Midland |
Issue date: | 11/15/1971 |
References | |
NUDOCS 8007150953 | |
Download: ML19330A182 (6) | |
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f i e' H. PETER M ETZ.G E R 55ta a2 = ?A% e't"e .- b .
November 15, 1971 Steve.J. Gadler, P.E.
2120 Carter Avenue POOR Q@
55108 St. Paul, Minnesota I
Dear Mr. Gadler:
This is an answer to your letter of October 26, 1971, inviting me "to testify as a scientist for the Mapleton Intervenors in the matter of the USAEC Licensing Board Hearings on the Consumer Power. application to construct an atomic plant at Midland, Michigan".
Your letter goes on to say that although I would be "an important witness", you cannot guarantee that if I prepared my testimony, I "would be allowed to present it or be allowed to testify".
It is precisely for this reason and this reason alone, that I
. must refuse your invitation to testify.
I accepted such an invitation once before but I will never do
- so again. Furthermore, I am surprised that any witness who must travel any distance, would accept such an invitation if he knew the facts: Here they are:
According to AEC Rules , my testimony (on behalf of the Intervenors in the case of the proposed Shoreham station of the Long Island Lighting Company in New York) was prepared in writtep form and was in the AEC's hands months in advance of my scheduled appear-ance. Furthermore I was informed that my testimony would be restricted to what I had written, and at my appearance I would not be allowed to add to it or elaborate upon it in any way, once it had been submitted to the AEC in written form months b e fo re . -
8007150 8 NowtheAEChasablat%ntyself-servingrule. M It will not rule upon the a'dmissibility of testimony unless the witness is present
r 1
. . . . . . . ... _ . . . . . . _ . . . . - . - - . . . . . - _ . __- L. - . . . . . . . . . -. J V
V Steve J. Gadler, P.E.
Page 2 .-
November 15, 1971 at the time of ruling. This is true'despite the fact that during the months the AEC has any written testimony in hand, there can be (and was in my case) many opportunities (hearing days, when representatives of all sides are present) to rule upon the admissibility of such testimony. Now'on the surface this seems to be a good idea: a safeguard so that the witness' testimony is not j udged in his absence, so that he may confront those who seek to disallow his testimony and rebut their argu-monts. But this isn't so. The witness must be present al1~
right, but during the deliberations on admissibility, he must stand nute and there fore cannot defend himself. The re fo re ,
no legitimate purpose is served by requiring the witness to be present at that time.
This is what occurred in my case.
But there is a non'-legitimate pu rpose in requiring the witness to be present, though mute. It is to accomplish exactly what th'e AEC has accomplished in my case: to discourage a witness from testifying who mus t travel across the country, for what witness would do so if he knows in advance that his testimony may be disallowed at the pleasure of the AEC ruling board.
If his testimony is favorable to the AEC, he can reasonably expect r.o worries at all; i f it is damaging to the AEC, he now knows that the chances of being heard are small since it is the AEC board itself which makes the ruling.
Technioues s_ucn as this o .,not only violate due process (to which e AEC is not bound) but~ fair play, common sense and evea enlightened self interest as)well. Remarkably, after freely in'duli-ndn this nefa rious s~ ham , the AEC still wonders why it is being "peribciited""by the public.
Sincerely yours ,
- s. A ,, y H. Pet e r .'fe t zge r HPM:1h cc: Chairman Sc.hlesinger USAEC'
' l . .,
e e p.1 n s saw eens einias maeaa.a. eceossa es, wn
, *(copyright 1971 by The New York Times Company. Reprinted by permission)
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'Dem 02: ITon: Ecase Ea Bre5M l
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m (mse e..
dA6%,saa V -
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S da .b G U de Gae a.4 te sae.14 CdaJ b i
By H. PETER MI:TZGrJL (SUGGESTED LETTER TO OWERS Of* PROPERTIES WHERE PACIATION LEVELS emmand twop=a m q r.XCEED THE SURGEON GENERAL'S GUIDELINES) had already died of etfore be'ans the A LC. began ks massate utensum procurement program l la 194s.
Predactably thea,our meets Dear
.dfend tu same fate. As An official report on our survey of your property for the D,';j"me*[j'[M.
tee en me subact u the No-pretence of uranium mill tailings is enclosed. moeal Acad.emy of ne sewaces.
reeway eti erved: epi-s of hms caace aw a You will note that our study has confir ned the presence of d'ro*g'nss p among Americas uraniula tallings on your property and that the radiation exposure Ea# ve we pr.dicted on the bas.s of past rate le higher than the level at which the U.S. Surgeon General 88 ' '"" " #
'he"w"orld'?"S'o t
d feels, corrective action is suggested * "ec"a"se"d and more "'** deathsd'"are *
- espected. la 1969. Char;es C.
We wish to point out to you, in all honesty, that there is Joha"o*
sent f J'
d " D'Educaricand Health. a' little preetse seier.tifie infermation about the lone.terai health *[s.'
a E3 whoha gramum miners, se estima:ed effeet of low-level radiation, such as exists in your home, we soo to 1.100 will be dea 8 of lung cancer w. thia ** aest 20 ye3n tecause d strorcriv reco99end. however, that you faake every effort to lever uposure en the job.;****
Wh* 'h '****
- the rediation exposure level in your home by removirm the uranium treeted" from' "its ore, a'd' t 'he' radiual remams behmd m the tellines from your property, tad.n,a,s.
aa rad sodaustus. =iih regtre a te th.
o-m -c= ca W geoe ga'v ;,'e,e".s oe ta,ogs a,e m aa-fn ender roads and airport run-(E letter above is a draft of a ways. whools are m the open warams that the Colorade ~ Junction would be eery higlL The eraphse for use. after enrichment. la and have plenty of *efititatson, State Dreartment of Heafsk nuclear. power reactors. This means but to budd a home for any wGI sand sometame withm the neza A.EC. deteramed in ce case of one' home valued at 832.G00 that more that the pues of tadings are stdt er enclosure) over the few weeks to S.000 homeowners an the city of Grand Junction. The dan- than $1S.000 worm of worn would growing. a6thatqh much less uramum redroactive snaterial as an.
be rewsred And the 5.0G3 homes he is currentfy bemg produced cas other story: it is almost to get comes froni e gray, ssad hke ma- durma the niining boots et tw nee
- serial, a waste product from a down- Grand Junction are not the anone of duptmate me situaten down town granium mitt that sa no longer the affair. &lany bomen la Durango, teen. fifties. In a uransum mme. The rade-another usamum-nadt town in Codea Re mounds of radioactive sand um m the Idi predaces radon operates, whech ens t.arted assy se gas whun seeps op crougft large gaantstics as a constructice (de rede, have strendy beest simwn to more than 90 sodhon tons of it la for foundateos L Only recency have have been built on Ladmas. Pretsmi" all-ere faims at some 30 mdes scat- tne cesiar cesnent sists and col.
nary measurements inGKate that 14 tered over tsne Western statek Ne* lects ensede the house. The the people hymg over those fossada- reden es contsnuously chang-teens be;ua to irara de a: score towns en the state could have bremce., Wyommg, Colorado. Utah.
the same pec6dem and estimates for Arizona. Oregon, Washmstoa. South hst mie radon 4aug' iter parts-af the threat that rises from the cles, which a Ge raarn re.
earth beneath their feet repairms all of the affected homes Datters and lesas. man suspended in me at to Colonde run as bgt as SW Pdea outsade the udts, the ladings In order to masa comprehensible st at m
- - were frufy avadable for years sed g, the doses of radiation tPat are en. the Atomac Energy Commimon de-volved, the health deparment has Like Grand Junctson and Duraege.
calcu!sted that me lungs of the oeces. Salt Lake Caty. Utali. also has a large chned to preteat people from cart- h,,ees gg,,,gWhe,,ggrMn4,daug't-pants in 10 per cent of those 5.000 eng them seay. Even today there are greetty meressms the sus of houses are known to have been es. metfective controls Colorado kms cancer.
Margs DespiteP*le inside its assurances boundart'f'e*
from state ef But this is not the only posed to ghe agavaieng of Store maa 11 enses taalmgs piles and restruts
'a there t!'at no tsumes were hasard. Rados daug%ters 833 chest Xvare per year. public access to them. althougn New w NMm pu@su enp fadmg to get througn tae IA &!sy. Steale Departnient letters went out to the Grand Juncten city
( *I
- Yort Times correspondent Anthony Ripsey has written sacut Grand June.
edlar stab etd! emst swma De** man found many "ho"me"I'nd sa tace * ' anym me a truck rays.which elso cam pe tetrate eteneger and me Chamber of Conn. # ** **
- Bierce recommendmg that real estate thG strong M the M"s. WW GBlet be reserKled t's at be hames in the West may be samalarly keepgnat stga on the road to the City young childrea spend et;Jch of gg g thatered. Wherever there 33 a bag seitage (Matinent plant aftd drive their tame. As wtsit the meters.
gg gags,.g .
g Coimty Cosnmewoners decreed that est are free for the" takes". it seem"s. "codes to sho'w d3cif in adults.
g #8 I'88 Th8" 8 88 ' dI" but chddren, being far frore people will fand it and ese at before I susceptible ve atsemc rads-
- " e Promswa 8"s ma sf taalma are present, they be re. to;ng out to buypo,rdinary sand But g,,
d*iv"en8"n'ce r o U"n" ion'N' rbade Ca s - are already ecstanmit to atson.
moved pner to erectionof huddasigh P'I8 88 EdI8* C0!#- enhibit disturbeg symptamt Another part of the stare's letter bamaned for'.
- T T7'e Umversity of CWorMo to the horneowners says. Ne pubiac & N the first years of uransurn Ce m h nus 3"
funda are preten:ty sea 6Lle to pay HE taniings are one of.several Product'*la, nely the daneers N h p W k RM k nda uf radioacthe waste left ever fran W om un me nunes Me ce t cf %#tt r*enova' [Imm were mmsed The oM M, , , ,,a,, ,3ped,,<atric,ian p,,lto,ss,J,r gg,, a
' existeg bddangS] We see escetmg from our coumry s quest for nonce **'"'**"I"di'"****li eMy cfrort to try to est Federal raw material for atomac bombs. T?e Ng %M hm
- "*""' "* w ho reported that them I l funds sd stade por this purpose gray sand as maa4 remaans after the a
to tw mag le rellche the burden th s ue. forte- rott-hke C/ is crushed at the mal atic r h4 l mate situasion has piaced on Grarid as*d the eramure removed. Since ****" '" '
self rapidfy chacges ento a enmn2 h'E wag Patows se I Junttoon vessants? Aa cacewermg peutomum, a n an-stade e#ement rre- series of hgtdy radenactive N'*I I" 7#*
study. g ecpared for the Atomc Est- deced m a macle'r rector, se now solid ptatirits that rema*n A
- ergy Cremissaan (Ag;C ). wachuted the Pr*ferred fuet for nucient meaf'" suspemled m the air called f nds to '#*d'"I*
'u'IF study chwamal that Or cow of res e mg the tasanga ens. ee Goverement as no lon=ef "redan daunoters
- When in- bMaW. an ea@ barume Jress b muth the homes se Grand purchaung ersenusa Ircen the malt hated. the gwatries edhere to In fact, the A E.C. has sust annoisemed ee ess.e r=f ne lewiss med ',*((," d'",*]
Last fdarth, at a wurt
- 10. pet t t haETIGis. .he be J. e dee. urnmune froen its wakades fur w '"mm.
anti es the Germine Gov. W Love aml et uw e-eee a b e nemie=e. . em,4. af e. shssinal purposes. that rnute com- called N duaw a hundred Wbrdecal a#d healt h peotue, fatyede (eee.iieg de te e,espennel tg 4 s hs I*We it t as t=8mW N e ea-eews a been gecogg, red as h,ng cancer. A se me et 8#e9ee8er brecepety.
N ,-
- - M
! l
.l .
'n '
vos use ,ees 9i s . sasuse steere St. sets p., .
A f' C technicises, msnemir nga
- eday Monom M Ge .e %
- the harare of endent eastan ], ,,4,, g, ,,i,, m , ,,,,,
bed 'c treatment wea s 6 inded that study mi cr e
a.ed unes44 haw *ne tahdde ,
, ca=8 nn8f r a **** 6"*.
se bnnw W *ae Bat perpettesi .. g ,,-lgQ
g s , .y,y 6 $ . rg
e es,a,c h ,,nn the AtF C,.
" Indoor Radon !).au.hters an.g Decin min,&
d** ' ').
ALC Chairmse Genn Sea.
berg turned down the yrsat "'ni ge
- **d M ause M 'pd're' wauld eimtsnue to H daegne-D
.N 'gy ,.Q 3 )[. o, ..'.,,',9 y 4.sN- Ra&aess.n Pleasureenenes se fast Tennessee and Cesigeal hennself to a B-ter to teve, aus4y ra sene e an an. *
,f OP Fiorida
- It was kanwn t% :
best the Governeur ehtaused ,f h ,
yV de J
[* emot fuseds and the misdy 8'Me 19AJ9 years State g ~-
,,,g b'Th ies e's,ei% ,,ra&uas hgan en July. 'o"ffinals were aware that en- o , \*y e* -
central Florida anet the scene, trse responsebehte far the tad. ,7 , W** espected to find them a dese.
- k HM W W < h * *# #
- P i researshers comments en his '
- i
4 fe' .
r.aten of the measuremeras prehnsinary resulin "Theee et. legal s"ianeu[s' to c
- kk8d ' $"' '"
Medy aggest to be too ensay t i
" ##' **d tach themerh es and the i
.e *
,,%. Junction'," in than wat the e' - ei breams an eers [ f' '% .%.
" ="" ( -
i, it "g D .. !,
from the (umthhestl rord. h* .
AE C. sauerha se us. - - V e* $3* ~ >--a m tow- put Colo.ra.
. 9'/m/JP%
wo.d < ~ be.,
Pmated out that fetent health rards a c=s Ju==
n,ou,h progra cou,om,e.the
,t. ,,a,b cen g
,, A E C. stalt had C 5 ** h k.., ]'- -
- d * * *
. e
., ,74-xP r - \ve-' ' --
- acrat a h'sh- mad =e of d ,,,,,, a ,,e e e y n'that le"ni m Harda.
=~emm = = odts to co.,i ,u.e,a p,ie,s a.nd\q'- , w "*88"e"nly'd" ** "* ^ t c.
~w b-e there. tra almost three temes e ,,,,,cr us,m se ne Monu-
= - ~. -
.Ilf o g + % 'p' / " i per e**t of the t
6 wks yme d upws.- he se.d. celle ptie. The scent? Pre'n*
- %* #b
lsed the states in I968 det
'- _ <-*Y 1 IN drawmg up the rules for
.he nume., er6 - uC. ne.nii,tt,.Ik.ense
- m. e. rmmatew wouldouta be per.
- ",},tma,gneqt y t
a,ee, ,,, ,e ,,,,,e en ,,.
- 'I " I*'b *
"NOTICP, TIIIS REPORT 35 bee pwity snuch been awe to ***#m"ed"em".
tags p defene sta own regislatney pow- Then, an what wa widely FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY-
- f e- ~ -r.rane - co ne <re .s ;r,glg = = =
-rated - w t. r,,_
- t. s her.a,ca,m,,e,s.
.e re. e-t. ac.- me.e-.
o v -t -* - B Tt, . .,-ais Conssders magor ra&stoon ksa* A E C. deelded that when a m tadants benem a himw had identifiest the indoor efda. ancludaeg the sonarce of meti ewner's licenas IN '88 dWPhCa'e Londit!*'IS m a rh p@% R WM W At the eved of 1969. the the fust (uranense er thatsteml. nated. fearther entittel Of ta.3 erarlaufe misne. tsut that the to ge Heaith Department the most miense byprudurts ings was not required. Josepit Fohlem could eWG be wW d,df,icu,lt, g 9 t Coopershon:
,,7, gg, 4 gg ,g, d4scoveed M old WM an of fissson (hke strDaters 94 F. Hennessey, ne A LC."S than M was for the men. fempted to prevent the suf> 2e town ef Uravae dal wm seId "afstdal testacar aseler al" chseflegalCO sriset at the time. 8N more paieple would ject from Ipecomtag 8 publsC *
(hhe plutoniumi. Under its ened a Senate subcesemattee: m ameteen"-twences fladd lev.
- eegulations, radium-sisch as "There is a hrn.tahon . . . ela in seven of those homes is conteined te the fadenP Da the Atemer Energy Act) be esposed for toeger pe. Sinre chddren are the most actually escoeded the imel al-has never been en the last of that taempts . . any guset> rauds sad the sectsms would senadsve Lo rassuon. et was be of all age Croups. mcjue 4mtsortant to mesnure rad a- ,k,s*ed t Cauin. in br en neumA LC mines Rch.
repre-tsdioactne w4stes that the tws of eramam . . . conaed. mg those most senmuve to actmty en the schools, most agency controls. a:shough its cred by the sentatsve sew to Colorado to broad legal manoate to pro- e,t, our pres,
,,, atomac ra&anannounsl cnol. of wtuch had been budt in explain the endoor redon pecb.
tect the pibiie frone unsafe entpostiste is that theconcen- dren and the unborn. recent years. and snell- tem in
. rs&atsen could be interpreted trauon of uranium m these Lookes ha k. et seems neg. along with Dr. Cecit on om,i,eorwary.t,i,,,.,o.150.teet y, 1std
! as coverms enes material. waste peles as [too low) to hard to understand how the Reinstcari, the county Imatth ime of mene for cose.
Moreover, tre small amounts imm any restrictene A E.C. could have oermatted oefwer. voet with LSc Supenn' struction purgeres . . . pre-
. of uramura and morium left (Emphases added 1 the whole ihmg to hanen en tendent of SMs m Gml dates the atomac enerry pro.
In the tastmts are bcnow the The effect of this action me fant place The uramum Junden m N to espam gram." While No suternent is level that the A f C. dermes the proMem and get perms- true, the emprenton et creates was te remove tre uranium mmers' tragady was unfold- **n *u as "tmportant* W Id per centi- evil taisents fenra any control seg and the das,ger of redsa. 6e not: the 10 immes budt be.
The tastivigs problem had at alt with one tupport of in the at fore there was are A LC can tion-enduced lung cancer was two possible solutaens at the the U.S. Pu%c Ht44th Serv
- 5iek remembers that the hard!W be Compared wsth the 4 much discussed subicct en supermtendent saed he wondd start- A Eureau of Mmes ace. the State of Coserade tne mall towns of the West mane thousanos of hnmes study showed that the redsum framanly protested. but et dad it was commort knowledge han to msuk tem his % bt thWe on lahgs consid be remeeved wsth ter. ne good. Tl.a A.LC., without m (Ae mdi conimumties enufac adviser
- In such mat- fretty removed from A E.C..
seesta. en a common lesett. outside consultaaon and witth* that tadmes were ruotanely 388*8 *** who hemed mms - a tem ing psecess But the leecheg east pubiaslung 8'ty supportsve used f ar fdi un&'r homes.and L'as' w a Riember ofs the"*chool whiCn by this time was kehows would have to be done at the data, cons.144rd that the local healt h off.csais were **IA'*******"-
mall. durms the refmeng proc. uraneum tathn;s pales " pre" concerned- In a 1970 report entaled ess. le be econormcal At teus sent ne haaard to tne en- board and also as assistant .A.E.C ltesprms hdities pe.
late date at would be too cost. vwonment, either short terit let 19C3. esght years before manager of ths A E C. 8 Grand ly to haul the peleg back to or tong tenn = M was d scosered that hun. Junctiove operatsons olhce. gar $ngg the Mem,ns and %)).
the mill for processma The And 30. In 17#A. some 90 dreds of hoenes in Duranto, wesabrook and another ef. ,
same gaae foe the atternatsve mdlton tons of ra&oactave facial arrived later and the , gg
- "rthure A f*dt on thethe Warace. tadings.
countyDr. hea$th officers sereaMe ther of transportm3 the tan.ngs rand were s sddenly no longer gg g back to the hranusra nunes the resconutehty of the ***** cal d. rector wrote to Dr. rat.est to set oest monnormg partments about the prom m The method movid be econom- A'E.C Witis ste exception of IMaasd 8. Weister, these the e%, ment: et was turned o*n. en mission a ed leatly fees.ble only durms the Colorado, wtste state con. A! C?s reso al diractor of eidhng el the ore. whca trischs trol toolt over seme&ately. L.nee nveston ct oenph trice. Dr Westbrook says now that g, time.
g The.gc,om.I,d W takmg sta ore to ne mdts the pdes wouls tust base ao W arner reported that the he felt the techmque pre Could betng bacit the taalmgs wait untst they caused some Yanadsurn Corporauon af posed for measunng the ra. authonty over uramum md!s to the mia e on the return tr p. Amerca's ladsegs pde, towf. d6r*8Etivity in the schooes was res? troiable before anyone etse wou6d stee ne wah con. ang 200 feet over the center inadcquate. But even so. a WW h W Wy e What the mdis did a the of town, caused 'sprious con. coukt hardly have failed to first 40 years of the atormt trol steasuret And by that l,, h,Z ,, gwwg ,,,y} eg energy pro 2 rara, a was dia, tiene of course, et would be cern within this cornmumtya A k E se and W A K {e some N MN idea My of the the entent sand covered, w as to discharge toe laa .yggg tadsngt",3, g,gg,,4 copy
,,4, of , pt,na, ladmps end ra$ car the waste The A E C?s sunsmary of fw enformatiott concernma hiesa Cobuy school leoard g g liguess into the nearest water. what was espected to be its the use af the tad nps in ce news that 15 of sts schools @ W hM m wayt The A LC. taelatedly feel statement en the tail. Constriact,on of smaJ build- hase t=een budt on ,,,.,g ings problem pid "we fmd ings. Today. Dr. Wafker ad. and that in at least one c as,s i asked the mel;s to keep the g g ,,, g amount of radioactive mate. cult to coraceive of any mas he did not repay an wng. the aarborne racoacuv.
- #df'nism st cretey the re.
mecha ses but anstead maded to y excteds the Fcderal hmat such
, as to, warrant g com,,,rol by etal dernped streams wit henstopermissitH risers and, dooactass ntsteries shkh as Wartier a copy of an A.E C. pefmitted m granaum mmet hamta, but, rather than having now so wadely &s)ersed. Inter ce the subsett that was if the lettet f'ad in fact been to pay for the necessary safe. could becom so contantrated aut@mdly mt m IMI to N as Wal M as well, mt.
- Impht undscm to ty measures, the commesstee na stm ha depart. the A E C. henderrd efforts to some entent the A E.C/s com-as to eeceed cura pgl MN 8 Mon- in W, #ew th on th days
&d nothms to enforce ets ble standaras for P'* NS (whEh. as we shad Cl see. have no record of et). the Colorado State Depart. it had created in sts guest for streggyrgg agamst ra&4 tion." The" sam"**
The mest year. Page ment of Putdnc Heakh and ra w materials. But notnd e gp ment is remarkahle becam Edwards, manager of that the Southwestern Da&otog: cal could remeset er ne letter Mt AllE A E C. hoew w hat e at she scry momet hast such Durango neut. alao asaed the Heauh Laeoratones request. one of the raJiapon buetien the tadhics piks were CE were beseg A LC for adv:ce abaut the evt funds from the US Purhe effacers of ne 9we states has to hmm beause a bad one m'acesHrat aud ons use of taahrgs for construe. Health Serverer for sucpoet to a e xq,rd of thea correspond-ewn, en htontxet:o.
of,qi h6 As a nonn,apon cameHere" is how io enm! the proble.'m pubu. r. taan,ypurpnees,,,,The.7,E, A
,m, C,?s carry me ene t survey ou,et a,,d s,,s to de,hne, ence,
,.y ,,, ,,, y. ,ouan,, e proprce, the stency flattened tentana: On a routme an. ... are not r.abat to the mdoor rados rroeless the T the pile, covered it with top spection early en l56. Robert ** *""*
the A E C. Ikensing reqisere. AEC officially t'ns ter-e.
sml and gemed at oser at a D. Seit of Ane C91er.tso De. mensca sest ef evsre than poo.ung; parwent of n. 4th and Ro'> managed to renew the t. rant request and. on ers t.xome wn. ""*"'I #'"* ' '"
By then there tud been eut esen the arnhet.ous pet.p ett N. Sarffang of fhe U S- '
.if. ett =ss temporary. g,yraeg Pohhc Ikalth servWe were an putdic &srusssons of "made, darum, the U.S. Pwbbc Heath Sers ece turned eNo n t he msasum m W Qand W M**'
,bv the f ederal Water Pollo. Grand JunctWan w hen thee I'08 ""h 8 Id' !
tuon Centrol Aectwy as ente m8Kcd truti.m e's:sadm:r f.11 scread erse of tathn3s ist con. state',s letter therequest.
A E Cfs In its reytew aJsacw mas a U S. Sur I'"n"'t Cema! '
edressate for a pnad of 20 mio an enaswon. What , strucuon materuin. ror sand based on the assertiam that issued halsh gued61.ncs fue years or 30. Cateht thur eye was that the traps on crds cournes and the har.h levels of racem sort,om rais.oxtivity Consolcems t*>e cose. the "*# I "8 **L oe** sty I'ir chd tren*s e,es%ses
- Lo then hand to the hnmes by liomet estabbshms there caic.
states diJ mt ewect that st sm"'1 "*L w is'uramurs tunnes, gmte ew of f er4 rs port of the bcitth dapartm-nt "can tse Stores hasal on radiatu n '
other r.ics so. tid I.e .o co,e , wluth m te danm.hrd a Pt bbc Afrilth 5 rure meet. cepetted from saideal ride > level ((1) No action tequireJ.
ered by the een. es from sand by twar frer grme eng 1.ek! in Leom u m IM4 actinty Therefore.* ps b urr (2) a.tarm surces.ed.
--a jnb th* A LC. nose e e, and a ray shade After erns. -mesch was an a-l ~1 Iry Dr crmalu6cd. "a harther tank and g2) repeteal actmes end '
mased would engt mare than 180nin4 the trist h drivers. Miker and otust A LC. relF pi mt prorrane . . . does not i
cated T Oey *termmad that One e pahsis he pnA E.C. 810 mdhnen but whah would doreen ye ars poiscle of the
+risentatives meeset w arrantcut " outinthat s **'a's sne Fuhaldy cosa five tanwg thag sanely fd4 ewd an the arca " #***
was erannes., t.niing.s. Sm en
- dations *are 6thcult to im-from the Chmas Uranswie Co*funy enell an downtown Grenel Jeant6404
.m I
. s .
.3 e piement Persuarl thr,de met Accordestv. a plag has ban nee,, the salt, the watee ee.
ed,-and y s'we remnh.f acten atq=rwsed f** IW**nent d"" places she salt?
eensnept aseiL' pew 8 e'I s** all'd "h'84"*'d -
- Aa A E C. report se the
- "** = trees sies Yeme Hewse ,
. ,,t,a,,ser
, y ,he,,sh,e,,, year,,ce, **'e s
se inser- pian *ho'"'ue 'nu' h **" - "*** 8' 'M*W th*8 '"*** lanum i
, , ,,mme.
.empre.,d .sf ramen.neauves of theCobitade fsr ysrtiaint of **ae"'"cd a sdl b s***'7,,'7",,C of me A.ienta Sait c.
Weeen's 500 a*= tea-the e'E A
<'a C'esw*
a' co med,ee,ee v,.sia.m wesu-
./' ' m. ,\.
g9 pubbe Ise.itsi, she U 9 Puhe the reaumt en LYeas. **
nionsenacue damn a ai,o. the team By H. Peter MetsTer
- e. 2 -
Headsh Servlie. 5%e A E C '94 pmee
,,,g: -gd,um, the course of drilhag , , -
the ni wly creHeJ Fnv Je. *BHCh r i
eneeset Pn eten Arency d#'"" *'"# ^ seuil holes . . watw starUd _
(E p A 5. was formed toilwstde Nge t= mal lJ W'W ledh',na intoofHic none Pe-a what pie reinedy was to be sana this year
- g. 1 one W many gas on the e,commeceaawat of er ed bore holes in the area
-our dechine to go to salt had beee saterereted? Dr.
thev ese aw4ered adv'sdrY for prtmanrat h'gh ervel sob Wdisam W Htmb8cton. the d6 h pesal as one of the meat fara group, they votedcomt>'e last mas"e- sector of the Marisas Geneest.
~ie recommend r reathin2 dertuens we oe. for cal Sors ey, ren.orkeit. "we nuoval of att iaJee*9 wnfin le that snatur. acy technol*O*8s felt the L)um sa'e increassag-feet of a h4statle strbriure * -hate ewr m ade T hese ty looked hke a Iraky sneve t This was a twcal posiason wasses can be hannedous for for pathe bestth peopt*: If a thmk they (fre A.E.CJ are
,p t. . misioon years. We sewat resha*ca that too" danger se present. semove et: therefore be as certain as one I never chasse a temporary so- Although the A E C. has yet csa be of snithms to conccJe the point. perre-hstsee d a permanent one es* that the wastes ence secues-data.
- sentause skututa said this tered en the sait. can. .nder ao moc?h that "the Lyone wie m Pr conceivable cirs umet ances-dead as a dando for waste ej ed.ctably. the monen.
p,, rat the A LC. vet.but con
- in contact wath the Die" burist"
. Coloreae was encourared te senefe?
see that the Ep A. retcse9' And to after 1S )eers and
.atsves supourted the awauona
$an deposits are ea, of me slotHulhon worth of studes
- , for it was og:esy suspected carth's tightest geolog' cal foemahons. The minerars *** **P'e"ments.
witart the A E C, th short spanotabout that the agen y would back the A LC. Yhts was accause compressed streegth una,kre it. seres months, has been per-moet enemhers o' the g P.A.a m g, g,,,,,,,,er,,,, .n es ellent suaded to ber a tonking for gut siew winds are begin-effice of redisuon procrame g another place. What had has>
,,, ,y,,, o, e,a734,2,,on go, i pres.
wer. pened was samp!e enough; Ee nmg to blow through %e
' were former AEC. pertie aria scheif.d hot radioactive A LC. plan was made pubiae AEC The chairman who whose ruimt oes Pad been took over in AwAt. Dr.
tremferred to the new seency wantos packed in 10 foot. and was therefore swheed Jasnes R. Schlesarger. Itas as port of pres. dent Namen s long sta.nices steet Cylmders to entside cruicism and ope 4 war aborteve effort to ddute the th, roues a shaft to the ftoor discussion. flaws in the aus,ned theute ry that atomet energy m+
, the mane The cyhr.dess scheme were discovered and ALC"s refulatory 1** 8TS function will chin? From But me sevpacens of A E C.- wit l t,e coscred with sa6t. they could not be made le go mich wel en throuRn u.e away sometmes had te give-de mception." ScMeseter ad-I Influence revived when nutted in has hrst pokey ad-stees and at the narre tune Pad Twephens dercetor D'f o dress this month. "the A E C.
l the dnscon, told The Rocky mest into a plast 6c.hke sub- O the probtens has not stance th.t wol everitually has fostered end protected she
, Mountan: News that the vnte been solved. Daud Ldiefuhal. nuclear industry
- In the fu-3
' d,d not represtat E F A/s real .s.eal pvC the wastes mee their the hrst chairman of the ture.he said. t. e commissma s Po8 hom. "* ' ' ** *d **" A LC. and a man who be- role would be a more landed
, lag'that the 'ta'nhnte'ecm"e out In a hurry to get movmg. Ileves that somewhere along onw privnardy to perform as g
no statter hnw smaa tie levej the A.LC. asked the Joent the way the a;:ency strayed a referee serveng the pubeac er how tut'estve the cesr* front ets oregmal asm of de. tuterest" ased Toa skaat Comem,,u,,se,,en 3 gg , ,,,,ove Atenue a 525 Enerfy we&ppmg nuclear power. fects Even af Schfesmaer sue-The battle lines are alreade that waste has been badfy ceeds in transforming the nuihon appropriaten to begin neglected by the A E C. The draws on the ossue of who only three menins latet se reason, he says. is that It a agency, though. the A E.C.
edt pay the $2Smilhon sure was the sommeeseen that tannot avoed responsibehty for for the semovat poh. Tae Lyons w as the not place just not as stamorous as past errors, like the taumg A E C. still stands by the 1968 that the director of the div>
spin en of sta lefai ceun* other profects that the A E C. mess. At the very least. the sium of rearler deselopm nt sel, Joseph F. Hennessey, that tohl the cornmastet that fur- has Rouen brwolved aft. hke commastson should press for tashngs are not unhr the the abortese act eme for a bd. funds to remove the rate-ther researca *welf not he hon. nod a-hau donar nuclear agesicys juradiction. Perhaps inarticularly productne? But active maternal from buildmg the piott cur:cus attatade es the egency did not have the airplar:e. In a recent enferverw.
f9undahone. While there does that of US ltepresentatsve free hand et had in Colorado Lihenthat said: "Can't we had not scept to be any feasible Wayne N. Antunail. commess- 20 years ago. Dernocrat c Go . some young people une new method of .6sposmg of the man rects the Grand hectson aJess to take case of the waste p.les, the commnoson could Robert IL Dockmr afsd Pecul'k problem? n duzes first+a'e area for more than 20 ytars fican Conrrcssman Joe Sk* seek legislation to guarantee and chaarman of int subcoin- beta were openly opposed. but,
,We could solve the prohkal that they wil: be hattened, mutes on raw materia's et the mure unputtant. so was the osite and fre a.l and get us cosered and pushed away Jemt Conwnstree on Atomet Mansas Geological Survey down to the re21 bcsiness of from streame-and tne pubhc Energy. whei se raised the supplymg power for America's kept out queuson of fmancia T% Km Geological $ur future?
y st e* vey had been sery radical of the A E C.'s hasse. pcmting A plausible alternatave to CHLES!NGER'5 concept of salt bed desposai has been put the commuason ones promise guated the Con sman as 8"1 th88 **t ****8# 88 k"**8 forth by sesentists at the saying 9he coa about IM pre-Jergmund watef to reverse ers courve. for the g at the Lyons sue. Water must AEC's h m W m m mag W m a are ao gn,a be kept assy from tre sait I.a*Joratory m Cahlorma, who sure the nahna that its atomec
, g_ g leave proposed to store the y bede durme the mdhose or s* managers will responsibly
g gg8 ,gg ,, y g,y years of concern, for af any en- waste m a cavern created by a nuclear esprosion eetonated handle the deadly nuc! ear ters the casera, at would pre
- trash of the futs:re.
An esposing view *as #4-vent tight sraung of the rad ds-GorA feet underground. Un*
press =d 87 Glenn L K l' hke the Kansas mine, wbch If the Great Pyramed at acuve woues Contarnested Glaa in T pt had been a the feessdent of s,nd heated by the racioacu** sats atop a water-bearme iaF Doord of Netithi *I s'iould er m the earth, this Pleur" reasosctive waste depuestory, materml. the water mtht share bfethod" would provide" if uraniurn ladmgs had bees think Mr. Aspanall's first re- percelate sete nearby some anterred in the structure when sponsibdity shouktn't he to shafts and uridergmund water a far deeper ca7m that would it was budt. Shout 13 per cent the A E C. but to the home. be well tetow 8%3hNe water-depplics, or rise as vapet bearms rocks. Perhaps snore of the redtum contaened Pt saaers in Gramd Jimason. g throu:;!n the masn shaft and those taihngs woutJ Std! be import ant, the new method
' submit that the Federal Gov- **L L ' th' ' ' dangerous todav. If that ma-ernment has eserci eu. cama"'. W'*Ef#"C' W san d'eposda a're' *ntakt avoed the tuertis of the tend were pidonium (the treme irrespcasAht, sed tM least hkeiy place to imd ' giegteaumggeancepw.4he Kan*
in the sa. ptan calls for transportauon cashest waste of them adt setuation and Mr. Aepmall is a reserve of naural water, a astural decay in almost 3 000 pmblem may anse fmm of not wastes from all over suckinn his head to the san.1 tN country to bons Ender years M Pardly hive made when he d.klamis that." Gue. Wauhc Jmning operataana the Plowshare getsvi. orie cow' a dent: 33 pee cent of the ereor Love told a press cois- et an Ameracan Salt (manY radtaactivity pres-era near each of tFm nuclest ference hier that armia. t mne near the pmpasad cent fugteprocenmg pr.nts could eat would be enh us now.
feel the responsibehty decs Um company weote to the Our c vitsaatun er this nu-rest sah she Federst C,overn. contam all de e;ectnc smiass-A LC, abotst the protJem tast try's nuclear waste untal the #IC*# *I'
- ment. , neure stweefacally she summer. A spokesman told hstn of the century. s s t A E t. The fvmtr Pet that EPe far- y tet "chutts%fd concern about fiut the A EC. stems to re- our m. stakes are atmost be-Tng p,uarms of c,and the' presence of water" and stain ccenmistral to a sall name dump. Floyd Culkr of the
, yond the pmver to emJgtne.
- junthost b*ar esteg srt.sntly ost Sh30 b'I EO*l$NY "b8d bd'O Our tecimotortus snust be jrifestent Oait RIdre IUt'esal IJbora. nothmg less than mfalitNe.
e sotil assier (sr eist eat aan watt'r inta the tory tecesitiv to'd be Jonet i 6,.
formation for 50 years as m,e Commettee on At. mise Derty-Accordmgly, everythmg must telay; peu wra,sh'Wtsve cave beenmenap,4aste
- he Jone to secrea se our in 14 2 nest k3r effratta t he -If we stan on tw vt. thes chances of beim nrht when by goUy. #e AEVe E91 to Staft we brielly def de meat to do.
Production of a sad atoeme eser on a 20 wse process aratsat asted the As e surt. we ran scra e some 98th g)Paurn lae ls. oc basalt, humshty front the fact that Of nuilt er-rextue ek ctrac er something c!s? Thus, the gestt' rett" *.tatsragsg. Br.tly prge only fase yeart M8 04 Lecil-doce peeriones quanusee, of cNMW in Malh.rq (OF pg'ggfssib ro'dd Ed MWO altmauve *Mn to Lpms Just of how safety could lurn mie Outlear weste, lug qt-e gerq>
Jrtis4 am*pustt tru?Q the f.g. OE $8 the Mc 'N t'9e nestllad* danger in Grand JunChon, Ingk etM8C te d3al440s i ctrar . reaf ter enddatry wit! I'"9 88 I f Colo. 3 l dwsrf that Pircasty Deterlesred
- ~***
b"ll Sound fenen tia mespnas program. "'C80 b'd E ML l
l l
4 l .t r
Joe r
7 -
/ /.
'i M
D ~ '
TO: k ' b., .u -
(Please send tuo copian of replies to significant )b communicationa to the Office of the Chairman)
i, i
rp 329
\ J ulit.s 11. Rubin O
, For the Chairman
- i
? ..