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Specs for Subsurface Grouting
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1970
From: Gifford R, Harris T
SP-5500, NUDOCS 8003120719
Download: ML19308D661 (26)




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Regulatory File Cy.

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0 27 FPC-321 - A3.6, B3.6, C3.6 P'k'g,10 hanw k Ycu2rio.  %. IL,M70 AP ,0VED - DEPT. PROJECT ENGR. U DATE


DEsicid REVIEW'and DCOUMENTATION REVISiO!i "#Y-fuNS" Ef:CitlEER REQUIRED 311bert Associates, Inc.


--- 525 Lancaster Avenue

[ X d /_ / ' Reading, Pennsylvania J.L.H. - E.K.A.

W.O. h203.00 I

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. 2-28-68

. Rev. 1 3-8-68

- Rev. 2 S-12-70 kb/ C0NTENTS i Sec tion ,

Title Pages I Instructions to Bidders I-1 thru .I-5 II Quality Estimates and Proposal Form II-1 thru II-2 III Glossary of Definitions III-1 IV Detailed Specifications IV-1 thru IV-22 V List of Drawings V-1 O


SP-5500 2-28-68

. Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 6-12-70 SECTION I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX Item Title h 1:01 Invitation I-1 1:02 Sdbmission of Proposals I-1 1:03 Information to Submitted with Proposal I-1 1:04 Taxes and Licenses I-1 1:05 Insurance Requirements I-1 1:06 Performance and Payment Bond I-2 1:07 Terms of Pay =ent I-2 1:08 Local Conditions 1-2 1:09 Contract Documents Exhibits I-2 1:10 Guarantee I-3 1:11 Time of Completion I-3 1:12 Evaluation of Proposals I-3 1:13 Awards to Bidders and Payment I-3 1:14 Shipping Information I-3 1:15 Subcontracting I-4 1:16 Approximate Estimates I-4 1:17 Subsurface Conditions I-4 1:18 Other Contracts I-4 1:19 Changes in Scope of Work I-k 1:20 Inspection I-5

21 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Works I-5 i

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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-66 Rev. 2 8-12-70 s

1:01 Invitation 1:01.1 Proposals are hereby requested by the Florida Power Corporation for the furnishing of all necessary equipment, materials, super-vision, erec' tion or installation, labor and tools required for the WORK set forth in the attached Specifications which will be incorporated in the Crystal River Plant Unit -m). 3 located ap-proximately 6 miles northwest of Crystal River, Florida.

1:01.2" It shall be understood that these Specifications, prepared by Gilbert Associates , Inc. , Engineers and Consultants have been approved by Florida Power Corporation. Eidders shall contact Florida Power Corporation directly for any interpretations or clarifications required for the preparatien of their Proposal.

1:02 Submission of Provosals -

1:02.1 Proposals shall be submitted in quadruplicate to:

Florida Power Corporation P.O. Box 1h042 St. Petersbt g, Florida 33733 Attention: Mr. C. H. Thompson Purchasing Agent 1:02.2 Proposals must be received by Florida Power Corporation prior to twelve noon .

1:02 3 Each Proposal shall be carefully prepared and Bidders shall furnish with their Proposals information necessary to thoroughly describe the' materials and/or equipment t'o be used in the WORK covered by their Proposal.

1:03 Information to Submitted with Protosal Each Bidder shall submit with his Proposal the name of the manu-facturer and the type or model of each principal item of the equip-ment he proposes to use. He shall also submit drawings and des-criptive plans and methods which vill show generally how he vill execute the requested WORK covered by these Specifications and the resulting Proposal.

1:04 Taxes and Licenses The price shall include and the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the peyment of all applicable taxes and license fees.

1:05 Insurance Recuirements The successful bidder shall comply with insurance requirements in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Contract Form OD-17-A, prior to perform-ing any WORK specified herein.

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( SP-5500 *.

2-28-68 ._

Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70

.w 1:06 Performance and Payment Bond ,


A performance and payment bond may be required frem the successful bidder. The cost of such performance and payment bond is to be set forth as a separate item in the Proposal. In the event Florida Power Corporation elects not to require a perfor=ance and pay =ent bond,10 per cent of each progress payment will be withheld until completion and acceptance of all WORK and receipt of Contractor's Affidavit (copy attached) properly executed in duplicate.

1:07 Tercs of Payment Bidders may submit Proposals on a lump sum or monthly progress payment basis. In the event progress payments are requested, payments shall be made to the extent of the value of the materials and/or equipment delivered, and of the value of the labor performed at the job site subject to the 10 percent withholding, per Item 1:06 above. Contractor's Affidavita are required prior to making final payment regardless of whether Proposals are on progress or lump sum basis.

1:08 Local Conditions Prior to submitting a Proposal, each Bidder shall be required to visit the site of the project to become thoroughly informed of _

all conditions and factors, including project safety regulations , ,

which would affect the prosecution and completion of the WORK to -

be perfor=ed. At this time each Bidder shall attend a meeting involving representatives of Florida Power Corporation for the purpose of discussing these Specifications in detail in order to pbtain the exact meaning of all phases of the Specifications.

The labor portion of this WORK shall be executed under the work-ing conditions and wage rates established by the applicable col-lective bargaining group having jurisdiction over the area, and shall be performed in accordance with the safety regulations of the Florida Industrial Co= mission. Questions pertaining to job conditions , labor, site visits , site work scheduling, etc. ,

should be directed to:

Mr. H. L. Bennett Construction Supt.

Florida Power Corp.

at the project site. Phone: Crystal River, Florida 90h-795-2161.

i 1.09 Contract Documents Exhibits The attached documents will be incorporated into or referenced by the Contract awarded to the successful bidder:


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' SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68

  • Rev. 2 8-12-70
a. Contract Fcrm - OD-17-A l)
b. Contractor's Affidavit - OD-28-A, B, or C (as applicable)
c. Insurance Certificate - OD-lT-C
d. Insurance Requirements for Contract Form CD-lT-A
e. Hazard Notification - Appendix A 1:10 Guarantee Bidders shall state in their Proposals the complete terms of their guarantee applicable to the materials they propose to furnish and the WORK to be performed under these Specifications.

1:11 Time of Completion The time of completion of the WORK under these Specifications is a basic consideration of the Contract. The Proposals shall be used to evaluate the Bidder's ability to complete the WORK in accordance with the specified schedule, and it will be necessary that the Bidder satisfy Florida Power Corporation of his ability to complete the WORK within the scheduled time.

i 1:12 Evaluation of Proposals


Florida Power Corporation vill evaluate all Proposals and reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals.

, 1:13 Awards to Bidders and Payment Florida Power Corporation will execute all Contracts, issue all purchase orders and make payment for the materials furnished and labor performed.

1:lh Shipping Information Bidders are advised that the shipments may be made to the plant site by the following carriers. All shipments shall be consigned to Florida Power Corporation, Crystal River Plant, Unit No. 3 Via Railroad: Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) delivering carrier:

Carload shipments caly - destination station Red Level Junction, Florida L. C. L. Shipments - destination station Crystal River, Florida Via Truck Lines: Commercial Carriers - destination station Red Level, Florida D


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SP-5500 .

2-28-68 .

Rev. 1 3-8-68 4

Rev. 2 8-12-70


Water Transportation: A 150 foot ' vide barge channel has been dredged from the Gulf of Mexico to the


plant site. Contact Florida Power Corp.

for particulars if barge delivery is contemplated.

P.O. Box 726, Crystal River, Florida 32629 1:15 Subcontracting Ho portion of the WORK to be performed under these Specifications shall be subcontracted to third parties without prior approval of Florida Pcver Corporation, in writing.

1:16 Approximate Esticates_

The quantities given in the Specifications are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids. Florida Pow.c Corporation does not, expressly or by i= plication, agree that the actual amount of WOEK will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion or the WORK, or to o=it portions of the WORK, as may be dee=ed necessary or advisable, so as to complete the required WORK.

1:17 Subsurface Conditions _

i The nature of subsurface materiels which will be encountered can ss be obtained from the Company's records. The interpretation of these records shall be each Bidder's responsibility. Soil explor-ations have been made on the site and additional information was obtained from the grouting work for Unit Ho.1 and Unit No. 2.

Data from the soil explorations *and Unit No.1 and Unit No. 2 grouting work vill be available for examinaticn at the Crystal River plant site.

1:18 Other Contracts The COUTRACTOR shall coordinate his WORK with the work of other Contractors at the site and shall cooperate with Florida Power Corporation and the other Contractors as directed, to obtain harmonious and efficient construction progress. The Florida Pove- Corporation Construction Superintendent is the Project Construction Manager and, as such, is the final arbiter in any disagreement or scheduling difficulties.

1:19 Changes in Scope of Work New and unforeseen work will be classed as extra work when deter-mined by Florida Power Corporation that such work is not covered by any of the various ite=s for which there is a bid price or by combinations of such ite=s. At the optien of Florida Pcuer Cor- T poration, the work which is changed may be paid for on the basis \-

of force account.

I-4 k , M

. ./ 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 s 1:20 Inspection k 1:20.1 Florida Power Corporation and the ENGINEER shall at all times have access to the WORK during its progress, and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining that the materials and the workmanship are in accordance with the requirements and inten-tions of the Drawings and Specifications. All WORX done and all-materials furnished shall be subject to his inspection and approval.

The presence or absence of an inspector during performance of the WORK shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any of his obligations to fulfill his Contract as prescribe' i tomect all material specifications .

1:20.2 Defective WORK shall be made good, and unsuitable materials may be rejected, notwithstanding that such defective WORK or unsuitable materials have been previously inspected by Floridri Power Corpora- ,

tion or that payment therefor has been included in a progress estimate.

1:21 Removal of Defective and Unailthorized Works 1:21.1 All WORK which has been rejected shall be remedied, or removed and replaced by the CONTRACIOR in an acceptable manner at no additional cost to Florida Power Corporation.

i 1:21.2 Any work done beyond that shown on the Drawings or established

() by Florida Power Corporation, or any extra work done without written authority, will be considered r.s unauthorized and vill not be paid for. Work so done may be ordered remedied, removed, or replaced.

1:21.3 Upon failure on the part of the CONTRACIOR to comply promptly with any order made under the provisions of this Item, Florida Power Corporation may cause rejected or unauthorized work to be remedied, removed, or replaced, and the costs thereof to be deducted from any moneys due or to become due the CONTRACTOR.


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. 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 SECTION II QUANTITY ESTIMATES & PROPOSAL FROM INDEX Item Title Page 2:01 Quantity Estimates II-1 2:02 Proposal Form II-2 W


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  • 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 O

2:01 Quantity Eatimates i The following figures are estimated average quantities that may be increased or decreased as conditions require, but should be used to compute the Total Extended Price on the Proposal Form:

Rock to be drilled linear ' feet 144,000

- Redrilled grout linear feet 76,000 Curtain holes number of 630 Consolidation holes number of 1.258 Grout solids pounds h9,000,000 Casing to be seated number of 1,900 Casing to be reclaimable number of 1,258 Casing to be seated linear feet 16,000 Casing required to perform job linear feet 13,000

,o Casing not reclaimable linear feet 2,600

( ,

Grout hole connections number of 7,000

, Circuit grouting efforts number of 1,k90 3-7/8" X 2-3/h" exploratory .

dri131ng linear feet 1,500 Short pressure tests number of 150 Workdays estimated for completions number 'of 185 1

4 1

l II-1

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SP-5500 ' -

2-28-68 .

l Rev. 1. 3-8-68 Rev. 2' 8-12-70 2:02 PROPOSAL FORM q O To: Florida Power Corporation Florida Power Building P. O. Box lh0h2 St. Petersburg, Florida 33733 Attention: Mr. C. H. Thompson Purchasing Agent Gentlemen:

' The undersigned hereby proposes to perform the subsurface grouting for the Unit ilo., 3 addition to Florida Power Corporatien's Crystal River Plant, complete and in accordance with Specification No. SP-5500 for the following prices. 'Ihe prices are firm and include Florida Sales and Use Tax on Materials furnished hereunder.

Unit Prices

  • For drilling grout holes $ per linear ft.

For redrilling grout holes $ per linear ft For injecting grout solids '$ per pound For grout pipe installed $ per linear ft.

{ For grout hole connections $ per connection For circuit grouting grout holes $ per hour For drilling exploratory holes -

(3-7/8"X2-3/4") $ per linear ft.

For short pressure tests of exploratory holes $ per hour Lump Sum Price for Mobilization and Demobilization $ Lump Sum TOTAL EXTENDED PRICE $

If this Proposal is accepted the undersigned hereby agrees to begin WORK promptly and to furnish drawings and complete the WORK in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in the attached Specifications.

Date of Bid Signed By a

Title Business Address of Bidder State of Incorporation Address of Principal Office II-2

. _L . __ _

SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 SECTIGt III GIASSARY OF DEFINITI0 tis INDEX Item Title Pm 3:01 Glossary of Definitions III-l J

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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 -

3:01 Glossary of Definitions 3:01.1 As used throughout the CONTRACf *)OCUMEM, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth hereinafter.

3:01.2 CWNER shall mean Florida Power Corporation.

3:01.3 ENGINEER shal] mean Gilbert Associates, Inc. who is an Agent for the OWER.

3:01.h WORK shall mean labor, services, materials and equipment as set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.

3:01 5 CONTRACIOR shall mean the successful bidder for the WORK who will undertake the performance of the WORK required by the Contract.

3:01.6 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall mean all Drawings, Specifications and Addenda thereto as prepared and issued by the OWNER, the Invitation to Bid, or Advertisement (if any), the CONTRACIOR'S Proposal, e.nd Manufacturers' Drawings as approved by the ENGINEER, all of which are a part of the CONTRACTOR'S Contract with the OWNER. These CONTRACT DOCUMENTS are complementary, and what is called for by any one of them shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflicts in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall be resolved by the ENGINEER.

3:01 7 MUAL shall mean equal as approved by the OWNER or the ENGINEER.

l III-l


SP-5500 2-28-68 l Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 O


INDEX Item Title Pg Scope of Work IV-1 4:01 General IV-1 4:02 Grouting Operations Defined IV-2 4:03 4:04 Procedures IV-3 4:05 Zone Depths IV-6 4:06 Drilling Holes IV-7 IV-9 h k:07 Grouting k:08 Equipment and Materials IV-13 4:09 Pres,sure Testing IV-16 4:10 Cleanup IV-17 4:11 '

Records IV17 k:12 Measurement for Payment IV-17 4:13 Payment IV-19

14 Testing IV-19 l


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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 i

%. k:01 Scope of Work f

The general plan for grouting the foundation of the power plant, re-ferred to as Crystal River Unit No. 3, requires the CONTRACTOR to perform drilling ar.;i grouting operations as follows:

1. Drilling and grouting in the rock foundation with shallow grout holes grouted at low pressure and deeper grout holes

. grouted at higher pressures. The magnitude of pressures will l be defined later.

2. The following areas shall be grouted;
a. Turbine Room -

t -, Reactor Building .

c. Auxiliary Building i d. Intake Structure
e. Outfall Structure i 3 ' rilling exploratory holes in the foundation exactly on

_ onin the boundary established by the various curtain valls

,)h and/or any area adjacent to and contiguous with the immediate i building area.

4:02 General

, h:02.1 Program Determination: . . .

The program for drilling and grouting is tentative. The extent of the program vill be determined by conditions which develop at the site. The conditions shall be analyzed and interpreted by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will establish the number, spacing, depth, location and order of drilling of all grout holes , as well as the grouting pressure, grout mix, and order of grouting to be used on these holes. Any changes in the drilling and grouting technique warranted by conditions will be established by the ENGINEER.

h:02.2 Curtain Grouting:

In the main building area, the curtain grouting shall be performed from the top of a concrete cutoff wall to be placed in a trench which shall be excavated through the overburden and reaching down to competent rock. The top cf the vall shall be at an approxi= ate elevation of 91 feet (based on elevation 88.0 as mean low sea level) and it shall be the responsibility of the CWNER to install the cutoff vall after excavation to elevation 91 feet.


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SP-5500 2-28-68

. Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 y,

k:02.3 Consolidation Grouting: *--

1. Consolidation grouting will begin after
a. Th'e curtain vall is completed.
b. The OWNER has excavated to competent rock within the confines of the cutoff vall and replaced the removed overburden with an approved backfill material up to approximately elevation 91.
2. Consolidation grouting shall be performed, therefore, from the surface of the backfill material.

k:03 Grouting operations Defined k:03 1 Circuit Grouting:

Circuit grouting is the process whereby grout pipe is inserted to the bottom of a drilled hole and grout is injected through the pipe and percolated from the bottom to the top of the hole. This technique is used on holes that have caved in or are suspected of having caved in.

k:03 2 Consolidation Grouting: ~'

Consolidation grouting applies to the grouting of all material within the confines of the curtain V ill. The purpose ( f consolidated grout-ing is to fill all voids with grout, seal off sclution channels, solidify the rock mass, and densify and confine the mobile sands, silts, clays, mud, and shell.naterials that exist as a part of the foundation rock.

k:03.3 Curtain Grouting:

Curtain grouting is performed on the periphery of the various areas comprising the total plant. The purpose of cu: stain grouting is to fill all voids with grout, seal off solution ejannels, solidiRr the rock mass, densiff and confine the mobile sanis, silts, clays, mud, and shell materials that exist as a part of th e foundation, and form an impermeable barrier to inhibit the outward flow of water or grout during subsequent consolidation grouting to t e performed inside the closure of the grout curtain.

k:03.h S Plit-Spacing Method:

The split-spacing method employs the procedure of drilling and grouting a hole that is located approximately midway between two holes that have been previously drilled and grouted to at least the same depth as the splitting hole.

v IV-2

SP-5500 '


- Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 k:03.5 Stage:

A stage is any part of a hole in which dr.. ling and grouting is performed.

4:03.6 Stage Grouting:

Stage grouting consists of drilling a hole to a limited depth with- t in a zone, grouting at that depth, cleaning the hole by washing or other suitabl'e means before the grout has set sufficiently to re- -

quire redrilling. letting the grout surrounding the hole take initial set, drilling the hole to _another limited depth and grouting; and thus continuing in as many stages of drilling and grouting as may be necessary to secure a satisfactory job of grouting within any predetermined zone. ,

k:03.7 Waterproofing:

Waterproofing is the final operation performed on the curtain vall.

The purpose of waterproofing is to seal the remaining pores and small fractures in the rock structure that can carry water. Thus ,

a nearly impermeable wall is created around the perimeter of the Power Plant. A neat cement and water mixture is used, with the proportions of cement to water being determined by the ENGINEER.

k :03.8 Zone:

A zone is an exact, pre-determined depth in a grout hole. Each zone can contain several stages and each grout hole can contain many zones -- all of vhich are loca.ted at discrete depths.

4:04 Procedures 4:0h.1 Curtain Grouting:

1. The split-spacing and stage grouting techniques shall be em-ployed. The spacing cf primary holes will be approximately 32 feet, but mgy be changed to accom=odate existing conditions.

Zone I of at least two consecutive primary holes shall be drilled and grouted before the splitting secondary can be drilled. Like-i vise, the secondary shall be completed to the bottom of Zone I before either tertiary (one tertiary is located on each side of the secondary and splits the space between the primary and the secondary) can be drilled. Finally, the quaternary holes may be drilled after the teritary holes have been drilled and grouted to the bottom of Zone I. The quaternary holes are located on both sides of the tertiary holes and split the space between the tertiary and either adjacent hole. Quaternary holes shall be considered optional in the Intake and Outfall Structures.



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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 6-12-70 , ,


. 2. When at least 32 feet on both sides of a primary hole have been completed to the bottom of Zone I, that primary hole may be deepened to the next succeeding zone unless conditions warrant the creation of a stage. Regardless , the primary holes shall be continued in stages or zones to co=pletion before any succeed-ing orders of holes located between two consecutive primary holes may be deepened.

3. When any two consecutive primary holes have teen considered com-pleted, the secondary hole between these co=pleted primary holes may be deepened in discrete stages or zones.
h. At the completion of the secondary order, the tertiary holes on either or both sides of the completed secondary hole may be deepened in discrete stages or zones. ~

5 No hole may be grouted within 16 feet of another cpen grout hole.

Therefore, upon completion of the tertiary holes not all quaternary holes may be deepened si=ultanecusly since quaternary spacing is approximately 8 feet. In the standard pattern, the maximum spacing from collar to collar shall be k feet.

6. The preceeding sequence does not apply to the waterproofing pro-cess (See item k:0k.3) . '

k:0h.2 Consolidation Grouting:

1. The split spacing and stage groutin6 techniques shall be e=-

, ployed. The detercination of the order of hole is more difficult

, than for the curtai,n vall since the holes are located in a grid pattern with the primary holes spaced approximately 20 feet X 20 feet. The location of holes may be found on Drawing GAI k, but the spacing may be altered to meet existing conditions.

2. At least the k primary holes defining the corners of an i=aginary square configuration must be completed to the bottom of Zone I before the secondary hole (located in the geometric center of the imaginary square of which the k primary holes denote the corners) can be drilled.

3 Since the tertiary holes reduce the grid spacing to 10 feet X 10 feet and since they also must be located between completed holes, the tertiary holes cannet be drilled until this require-ment is met. When only one square containing h pri=ary holes and 1 secondary hole is drilled and grouted no tertiary may be drilled even though the primary hole en either side is completed,

k. When all holes from primary through tertiary have been ec=pleted to the bottom of Zone I, for a distance of at least LO feet from any given primary, that primary =gy then be deepened in its )

discrete zones or staces. _

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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 5 When deepening beyond Zone I, only the primary holes located on


a grid spacing of 40 feet X h0 feet shall be drilled and grouted.

These primary holes shall be taken to completion by observing the zone depth restrictions before any other intermediate hole can be deepened.

6. The next step is to reduce the spacing to 20 feet X 20 feet by drilling and grouting the remaining primary holes to completion, observing the zone depth restrictions.

7 Upon completing all primary holes within 15 feet of any secondary, that secondary may then be deepened and grouted and all zone depth restrictions shall be observed.

8. Upon completing all primary holes and all secondary holes with- ,

in 10 feet of any given tertiary, that tertiary hole may then be drilled end grouted to completion by observing all zone depth restrictions.

4:04.3 Waterproofing:

1. Waterproofing, if required, shall be done on the curtain valls only. No vaterproofing shall .be done on the consolidation areas unless circumstances, as determined by the ENGINEER, warrant it.
2. On the curtain vall, all primary and secondary holes shall be drilled to depth in succession and grouted with a neat cement grout. Afterwards , all tertiary holes shall be drilled and grouted with a neat cement grout.
3. Finally, alternate quaternary holes , e.g. quaternary holes located on approximately 16 foot centers, shall be drilled to depth and grouted with a neat cement grout. After the proper length of time has passed (See item h:0h.h-2), the remaining quaternary holes shall be drilled to depth and grouted with a  !

I neat cement grout. If the tertiary holes are tight, the quaternary holes might not be drilled and grouted. If necessary, holes of higher order mgy be drilled and grouted.

k:0h.4 Universal Details :

These are specific details that apply generally to all phases of drilling and grouting. These are:


1. No hole shall be redrilled until at least 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> have elapsed l since being grouted.
2. No hole may be drilled within 16 feet of a freshly grouted hole until at least 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> have elapsed since the completion of grouting in that area.




SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70


. 3 No hole shall be drilled between any other holes unless those holes have been drilled and grouted to the bottom of the applicable zone and allowed to set for at least 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

k. If proper ".Aosure" (insignificant grout take) has not occured by the final order in the standard pattern, e.g. tertiary or

{ quaternary, higher order holes may be drilled and grouted as i is necessary.

4:05 Zone Depths TABLE I r

CURTAIN WALL ZONE DEPTHS Max. collar to Hole Interval Area collar spacing order Zone I Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Turbine Room k feet Primary 0-20 20-50 50-70 70-90 Secondary 0-20 20-50 50-85 -----

Tertiary 0-20 20-50 50-80 -

Quaternary 0-20 20-50 50-75 -----

Reactor Building h feet Primary 0-20 20-50 50-70 70-100

Secondary 0-20 20-50 50-90 -----

Tertiary 0-20 20-50 50-80 -----

Quaternary 0-20 20-50 50-75 ---- -'

Auxiliary Building h feet Primary 0-20 20-50 50-70 78-90 and Intake Structure Secondary 0-20 20-50 50-85 -----

Tertiary 0-20 20-50 50-80 -----

Quaternary 0-20 20-50 50-75 -----

TABLE- II CONSOLIDATION ZONE DEPTHS Max. collar to Hole Interval Area collar spacing Order Zone I Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone h 1

Turbine Room 10 feet Primary 0-20 20-60 ----- -----

Secondary 0-20 20-60 ----- -----

Tertiary 0-20 20-60 ----- -----

Reactor Building 10 feet Primary 0-20 20-50 50-90 -----

Secondary 0-20 20-50 50-80 -----

1 Tertiary 0-20 20-70 ----- -----

Auxiliary Building 10 feet Primary 0-20 20-50 50-80 -----

and Intake Structure Secondary 0-20 20-75 ----- -----

Tertiary 0-20 20-70 ----- -----

NOTE: The zone depthe outlir.ed in Tables I and II may be lengthened, shcrtened -

or deleted altogether at the discretion of the ENGIHEER as conditions .,_) '

I warrant.

IV-6 9


. 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 4:06 Drilling Holes 4:06.1 An holes shall be drined with rotary, non-percussive type drills.

The bits used for drilling may be 'o f the coring, plug, tri-cone or r-11er type.. The minimum diameter of hole shall be 3-1/2 inches (core holes excepted).

4:06.2 dach hole shall be drilled with a bit followed by a guide barrel at

. least 10 feet long and having an outside diameter that is equal to, or not more than 1/16 inch smaller than, the diameter of the hole (core drilling excepted). Holes which will require circuit grouting may be drilled without the guide barrel.

4:06.3 Contractor's Responsibilities:

1. Each drilled hole shall be protected in some manner from beco=ing ,

obstructed until it is grouted. Any hole that becomes obstructed before it is grouted shall be opened by the CONTRACTOR to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and no payment will be made for this " cleaning" operation.

2. Any hole that is " lost", destroyed, or made unuseable through negligence, incompetence, defective or inlfunctioning equipment, or any reason not considered an act of God, shall be replaced in full by the CONTRACTOR at no cost to the OWER.

3 After drilling, a hole shall be washed with water (air shall not be allowed) until it is open and clean or until the ENGINEER is satisfied that the hole cannot be kept open.

4. . The CONTRACIOR shall be responsible for setting the collar casing in a vertical crientation by using a level, bubble protractor, Brunton compass or some equally suitable means. Further, the CONTRACTOR shall assemble his drill rig over the hole to be drilled in such a manner as to drill the hole vertically down-vard.

h:06.h Core Drilling:

1. The CONTRACTOR shall perform such core drilling as may be directed to determine the condition of the rock, or the effectiveness of the grouting operations. All such core drilling shall be done during and/or after grouting operations have been completed in an area.
2. It is not anticipated that any core hole vill exceed 100 feet in depth nor should more than 1500 lineal feet of exploratory drilling be required. All core drilling shall be performed with "M" series or approved standard swivel type double tube core drilling equipment, using 3-7/8 inch bits and capabic Of recovering 2-3/h inch core samples.


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Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 3 The maximum core run shall be limited to 5 feet (conditions may .-$s require less than

  • feet at times).
4. All core drilling shall be performed in a workmanlike manner by competerit and experienced workmen. Special care shall be exercised to obtain and maintain cores in as good condition as possible. The drill bit shall be. pulled and the core removed as often as may be necessary to secure the maximum possible

, amount of core.

5 Wooden core boxes shall be furnished by the CONTRACIOR. The CON-TRACTOR shall place the : ores in the boxes in correct sequence and segregated accurately by labeled wooden blocks according to the measured distances in the holes. No box shall contain cores from more than one hole. Designating marks, hole numbers, and elevations shall be placed on the boxes and along the line of -

cores as established by the EIGINER. The covers shall be fastened securely to the core boxes, and the boxes shall be delivered to the CGINER at the designated point of delivery

! at the Plant Site.

6. At least 100 feet of k inch flush joint casing in 5-foot and 10-foot lengths shall be immediately accessible at all times.

7 Any ccres retrieved with samples of grout in great enough quantity to be tested shall be tested for compressive strength. L,

8. During excavation of the foundation, . random samples of excavated grout shall be cored and these cores shall be tested for com-pressive strength.

9 Compressive strengths of test'ed in situ material mentioned in subitems 7 and 8 above shall conform to the requirements out-lined in item 2:09.h of the Specifications for Ready-Mixed Grout (June k,1970 revision).

4:06.5 Casing:

1. The pipe used as grout nipples shall be k inch diameter black pipe cut into lengths long enough to penetrate competent rock about 2 feet. The approximate length per casing (curtain vall excepted) should be 10 feet. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to provide the casing, seat the casing in as nearly a vertical attitude as is possible, leave casing seated for the duration of grouting in that area and finally retrieve the casf.2g from all areas except the curtain vall.
2. The casing shall be set in such a manner as to reduce leakage of grout from around the casing to an absolute mir.imum and to leave enough protrusion so that buildup of drill cuttings vill not bury the casing. The casing (approxi=ately 3.5 feet in  ;

length) in the curtain vall shall be placed in the concrete v cutoff vall in the following manner:



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, Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70

a. A hole larger than the pipe to be seated shall be drilled into the ' oncrete c (method of drilling is CONTRACr0R'S option) approximately 2 feet.
b. A length of pipe (long enough' to give adequate protrusion) shall be placed in the hole and be grouted in vith a rich neat cement grout. Dehydrating agents may be used if desired.
c. Pipe embedded in concrete shall be clean and free from grease or other materials that would reduce cohesion.
d. Extra holes of a higher order placed in the curtain vall after operations have begun shall be seated in the same menner as above. ,
e. Consolidation pipe shall be seated through the backfill and driven into the rock, k:06.6 Stage Grouting:

While drilling a grout hole, drilling may be stopped on that hole if the HIGIIIEER so requires , and a stage shall be declared:

1. If the drill water circulation should be lost.
2. If the valls of the hole persist in caving in.

3 If other problems exist that are creating drilling difficulties.

4:07 ' Grouting -

k:07 1 Four basic grout mixes vill be considered for Unit No. 3 They are:

1. 1:1 (Cement: fly ash by weight)
2. 1:1:3 (Cement: fly ash: sand by weight)
3. Mixture of limerock flour, cement, and fly ash in varying proportions.
h. Neat ce=ent grout with varying ater cement ratios.

k:07 2 The. CONTRACTOR who is awarded the Contract for the grouting of Crystal River Unit No. 3, shall not be concerned with the mixing or procurement of any grout mixes. These mixes will be provided by the CWNER.

4:07 3 The CO."IRACTOR shall, however, be responsible for the addition of i vater to all mixes as directed by the E:iGI:!EER. The purpose of the l additional water in the mixes is to regulate the viscosity of the mix in order to optimi::e its in,jection into, and its retention by, I the foundation rock system.


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, 4:0T.h specific Requirements:

The following are particular requirements for the grouting opera-tions on Unit No. 3:

1. The general rule for pressures used during grouting shall be 1 psi per foot of depth up to a maximum pressure of 50 psig.

Iess pressure may be used as required and approved by the ENGINEER.

2. The grouting of any hole shall not be considered complete until:
a. 1:1 fly ash mix and all limerock flour mixes: A grout take of less than 1 cubic foot in 20 minutes has be .a reached, or grout has been held under pressure for a minimum of 10 minutes duration on any hole that refused to take grout from the very start,
b. 1:1:3 fly ash-sand mix: A take of 1 cubic foot per 10 minutes has been attained.
c. Heat cement grout: Absohte refusal with no take whatsoever for at least 15 minutes. The minimum time spent maintaining pressure on any hole shall be 15 minutes.

.s 3 The longest length of 1-1/2 inch or larger hose that will be allowed to be connected between the grout pump and the header for the purpose of grouting shall be 200 feet. Likewise, the return line from the header to the grout tub shall be limited

  • to 200 feet. Greater lengths may be used when limerock flour mixes are being injected. -
k. If, during the grouting of any hole, grout is found to flow from another grout hole or holes, the CONTRACTOR shall be pre-pared to make an immediate connecticn to these flowing holes for simultaneous injection up to a total of 3 holes. If addi-tional holes continue to flow in sufficient quantity to inter-fere seriously with the grouting operation or to cause appreciable loss of grout, such connections may be capped temporarily. Be-fore the grout has set, the graut pump shall he connected to these capped holes and grouted at the pressures required for grouting.

5 In the event of surface leakage or foundation upheaval the grouting pressure shall be prescribed by the ENGINEER until it is obvious that cessation of grouting and , antinuation at a later time would be the better approach.

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6. ne grouting of a hole shall be done as soon after the drilling of that hole a's is practicable. Unless it is absolutely neces-sary, no hole shall be left open (ungrouted) for a period of more than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after drilling.

7 In the event that any hole should cave in or is suspected of having caved in, that hole shall be cir'cuit grouted:

a. Circuit grouting requires that grout pipe be inserted to the bottom of the caved hole, and grout pumped through the pipe and circulated to the collar of the hole. De pump speed shall be reduced so that the grout flow from the pump is equal to rate of grout consumption by the injection hole.
b. Periodically, the pipe will be raised and grouting shall continue at that interval until once again the pipe shall be raised. This procedure shall continue until the ape is raised clear of the caved area at which point the pipe shall be withdrawn completely and the header e' tached to the collar of the hole for appropriate grouting procedure.

. c. While raising or removing the grout pipe, great speed must be realized so that the hole will not seal off before grouting proceeds.


d. he grout pipe shall be capable of delivering at least 20 cfm at the required pressure of slurry to the point of ejection.
  • Injection limitations shall be imposed on holes that will not seal off. The following table shows the maximum amount of grout that may be injected at any one time.

TABLE III GROUP INJECTION LIMITATIONS POUNDS OF MIX PER F002 ALLOWED HOLE ORDER INTERVAL LOCATION PER INJECTION Primary & 0-20 Curtain 1000 lb/ft Secondary 20-50 Curtain 1250 lb/ft 50-70 Curtain 1100 lb/ft 4

70-100 Curtain 1250 lb/ft Tertiary 0-20 Curtain 700 lb/ft 20-50 Curtain 850 lb/ft 50-80 Curtain 1000 lb/ft IV-11 29

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Secondary 0-20 Consolidation As Required 20-50 Consolidation 1750 lb/ft 50-30 Consolidation 1250 lb/ft Tertiary 0-20 Consolidation As Required 20-50 Consolidation 1000 lb/ft 50-70 Consolidation 1250 lb/ft 1

NOTE: The major exception to the table above vill be in the event that a hole is nearly sealed at the r ximum injec-tion point. In this case injection shall continue to com-pletion. Other exceptions shall be noted as conditions warrant a change in the injection quantity. The =aximum pumping rate that vill be allowed during injection shall _

be 20 cubic feet of slurry per minute.

9 After grouting, holes shall be washed to the depth required by the ENGINEER. A suitable apparatus shall be used thav, vill allow the CONTRACTOR to wash to that depth specified by the ENGINEER. Payment for redrill shall commence at the point to where the ENGINEER specifies that the CONTRACTOR wash unless:

a. The grout has subsided to a greater depth at which point payment shall commence,
b. An act of God prevented the washing of the hole to the desired depth in which case payment shall commeace from the deepest point attained during vashing.
10. The CONTRACIOR shall be responsible for:
a. The proper apparatus for washing the holes.
b. The correct time to wash the holes. The time should in-clude time for the initial set of the grout, but not the final set, so as to prevent the removal of grout by the washing process from the rock structure.


The maintaining of an open hole in the event grout intrusior ]

occurs from the grouting of an adjacent hole.


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11. 'Ihe arrangement of the grouting equipment shall be such as to provide:
a. Continuous circulation of grout throughout the system.
b. Accurate control of the pressure at the point of injection by providing the necessary valves and pressure gauges in the system.
c. Immediate injection of vater iato the system at the pump that can provide quick flushing of the system without re-moving the header from the hole, or without injecting water into the grout supp'y, either through the intake or return lines. (See Figure 1 for recommended set-up)


d. Immediate injection of water into the hole being grouted.
e. Little or 'no surge in the grout lines as a result of the pumping. A surge of more than 2 5 psi vill not be allowed on the waterproofing operations.
12. A valve shall be situated between the header and the grout hole so that the header may be removed without the loss of grout from the hole when a backpressure exists.

O 13 Oreut thet has reached the see of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> from time of initia1 mixing shall be rejected. j l

h:08 Equipment and Materials 4:08.1 Prior to shipment of grouting equipment to the site, the CONTRACIOR shall submit drawings and general descriptions of equipment he pro-poses to use for the approval of the OWER. All equipment shall be of type and capacities approved by the OWER and shall be maintained in first-class operating condition at all times.

4:08.2 Drilling equipment shall be of the type to conform to the require #

ments specified in items 4:06.1, 4:06.2 and 4:06.h of these SI ecifica-tions.

h:08.3 The grout injection system shall be capable of filtering, storing, agitating, and pumping the grout to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER.


1. 'Ihe grout Injection system shall have a minimum capacity of 20 cfm of grout slurry injected at a pressure of no less than 30 psig.

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2. The grout storage tub shall be:

(a) Capable of containing at least 6 cu yards of grout slurry without spilling due to agitation.

(b) Built to be accessible to the ENGINEER for the purpose of inspecting the grout and measuring the quantity of material therein.

(c) Capable of agitating the slurry in such a manner as to hold all particles in suspension.

(d) Built and situated in such a manner as to be able to accormodate the du= ping of grout from a standard .

Readymix concrete delivery truck.

(e) Equipped with a filter screen with at least 4 openings per square inch with a total surface area of not less than 6 rquare feet which shall filter all incoming grout being delivered as well as the grout being circulated from the tub to the header and back again to the tub. The fore-going description refers to the 1:1 fly ash mix and the 1:1:3 fly ash-sand mix. The neat ce=ent grout shall be -

set up as for the other mixes except the filter shall be a 30 mesh screen.

(f) Constructed to have an intake sump which will allow all but 5 cu ft or less of the grout slurry to be pumped out.

(g) Level while grbutidg operations are taking place.

3 The grout injection system shall conform to requirements as specified in item h:07.4-ll, as related to the general layout and versatility of the equipment in operation.

k. The header assembly shall have at least:

(a) One input from the pump.

(b) One return line to the grout tub filter screen.

(c) One facility for quickly connecting and disconnecting the header assembly to and from the grout hole.

(d) One accurate pressure. gauge in good repair to 'show injection pressure.

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SP-5500 2-28-68

.' Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 s (e) One gauge protector, snubber, or diai ragm h assembly.

(f) Enough valves to accurately control injection pressures.

5 Hole washing appar stus shall conform to the requirements as outlined in k:07.k-9. , of these Specifications.

6. A water supply system shall be established that shall:

(a) Be free of deleterious material (organic material or suspended solids) when used to dilute grout mixes.

(b) Be capable of adding water to the grout delivery truck.

(c) Supply a least 15 cfm at times when all other activi-ties on the same line involving the use of water are in operation. Se water for drilling and grouting may be pumped from the canals on the site or from wells that may be drilled by the CONTRACTOR. The wells must be deep enough (20'-30' below grade) to provide clean water and located far enough from operations as not to be contaminated by run-off or grout intrusion.

7 Pressure gauges and pressure gauge protection devices shall be available in ,a quantity great enough to completely outfit three headers per grouting operation plus enough extra to make all replacements necessary during the grouting operation if required. All gauges and protection devices shall be kept in first-class operating condition. Any device that appears to malfunction shall be rejected. <

8. ' For the purposes of adding va'ter to the grout mixes, a suit-able water meter calibrated in 0.1 ft increments shall be attached to the water line. The water meter shall be cap-able of maintaining the flow rate established for the water system (minimum of 15 cfm).

k:08.h Responsibilities of the Contractor:

The CONTRACTOR has certain responsibilities which are basic to any j ob. The following is a partial list of some specific responsi-bilities:

1. De CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for maintaining all equip-ment in first-class operating condition. All necessary main-tenance and repairs shall be made in such a manner as not to delay the progress of the job.

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2. Any defective equipment which could prove harmful, dangerous, or detrimental to workers , observers , other equipment, or the foundation in general, shall be either repaired, replaced, or discarded immediately; e.g. , bent rods , frayed cables and ropes , weak and leaking hoses , disengaged safety devices , etc.

4:08.5 The following indicate material require =ents:

1. Pipe used for grout hole casings shall be standard weight (Schedule kO), black, conforming to ASTM Designation A 120-66.
2. Water for grouting must be clean and free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter, or other deleterious material.

3 A1.1 grout chall be supplied by the Cf4NER.

k:09 Pressure Testing Testing Procedure:

1. During the exploratory phase of the grouting program, brief pressure tests shall be performed at discrete intervals within any given hole.
2. The testing shall be conducted by interrupting the drilling at "

various depths and attaching s header to the hole and pumping water from the grout injection system under pressure into the hole aad recording the vater loss (cfm) in one minute intervals for approximately 5 minutes. This procedure completes the testing for that interval and drilling may be resumed to the next interval.

3 Pressure tests on exploratory holes shall be conaucted in the following manner:

a. Holes shall be tested for permeability every 10 feet or less, except in structural concrete backfill.
b. For the test , a header assembly shall be connected to the collar of the hole.
c. A pressure of not more than 10 psi shall be applied at the header.
d. The rate of water consumption shall be recorded in 1-minute intervals for a period of not less than 'i minutes nor more than 10 minutes.
e. The data received during the test shall be recorded on ,

Gilbert Associates , Inc. Form: PRESSURE TESTING LOG - G CRYSTAL RIVER NO. 3 l

l IV-16 l-. -- - - . , _ . - . .


. 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70

k. The maximum allowable value for the permeability shall be 7 x 10-3 cm/see averaged over the entire length of any given bore hole.

5 The minimum no. of holes to be tested in each area of the plant shall be as follows :

Area Minimum No. of Holes Reactor k Auxiliary k Turbine 3

6. Tests shall be performed randomly on standard grout holes during the grouting process. '1bese tests will show "in progress" results.

7 In areas where a grouted fill has been placed, bore holes shall be more numerous in order to determine the completeness of the grouting in the fill.

4:10 Cleanup

, Specific Requirements - Upon completing all drilling and grouting in an area, all casing is to be removed (curtain vall excepted) and the holes backfilled. Further, all scrap, trash, vaste mater-ials, and debris resulting from WORK under this Contract shall be removed from the site and disposed of in a manner approved by the OWNER. All CONTRACTOR-ovned facilities, material, and construction plant shall be removed from the site.

4:11 Records h:11.1 It is the responsibility of the ENGINEER to keep records of all grout holes, and exploratory hole drilling and of all grouting operations, rate of pumping, grouting pressures, changes in the grout mix, amounts of various materials and such data as may be necessary.

4:11.2 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all necessary assistance and coopera-tion to the developement of these records.

4:12 Measurement for Payment h:12.1 The following indicates the bases for measurement for payment for specific items:

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1. 'it.c .5hiing of grout holes and exploratory holes will be
r. . -:- V.1- r.ayment on the basis of linear feet of holes e:ue.d *h tuck and concrete and redrilled in grout. Measure-i  ::rd - fm i"' ermining the depths will be made from the surface vi %5.+ k , concrete, or grout where drilling is actually

. .sk- :.u t,he actual depth diilled, if approved, into

. -N M 'e, grout or any combination of these materials.

i. .

. . ., ion to this is tN redrilled grout. The CONTRAC-

. T. -,,hul not be paid for redrilling grout when the original a -. n"nibility for the 'temoval of the grout was his. (See T.( ./07.h-9.).

2. GM# :hi erun shall be measured for payment on the basis of Umhr of pounds of solids injected, exclusive of "a'. IW~:Ardless of the proportions of the mix. Any
p. 4 r r- 14de-cted into the ground using conventional means a= .--.f fled in these Specifications and in locations de-

-'; .1. by the ENGINEER vill not be paid for. Any failure on rm rl;.r+ nf the CONTRACTOR or his equipment, which results la u .. % .ing of any grout, vill result in the CONTRACTOR'S vaidwww-">. to the OWNER for the vasted grout.

3 Pipe wre for grout hole casing shall be measured for pay-ment ou .te. basis of linear feet of pipe seated in the founda-tion er. concrete cutoff wall and used for drilling and grouting.

Pipe that has been reclaimed at the conclusion of drilling and gev+1nciperations shall not be paid for, except for the cost involved with seating and removal.

14 . Meenurcrent for payment of connections to grout holes vill be mada enly if those connections to grout holes are directed by the ENGINEER. Measurement for payment shall be made once each i

time.A new stage is drilled. Connections made for the purpose of vasing or pressure testing vill not be measured for payment as vetion.

.R  %=aanverat for payment of circuit grouting operations shall be mad on n time basis. Measurement for payment shall commence from the the that all apparatus has been assembled at the hole to be circuit grouted and the operation of inserting the pipe has starr.ed. Cessation of meaaurement for payment shall occur when the last pipe has been removed from the hole to make way for the. nf' fixing of a header to the hole.

4 .uarmra-$".t for payment of pressure testing shall be made on a time basis. Measurement for payment shall begin from the time

-**' - Wpparatus has been assembled next to the hole to be i ed - .o the procedure has begun to attach the header to the hoJ c,. tWation of =easurement for payment shall occur at the ,3 comp.1- 1.6 vf the actual water test. v




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% t 4:13 Fayment The Contract unit prices will be paid for. the following items of WORK completed and measured as specified in these Specifications:

1. Drilling _ and redrilling of all grout holes.
2. Drilling of all exploratory holes.

3 Injecting of grout solids.

k. Furnishing, installing, and removing pipe for grouting.

5 Making connections to grout holes. ,

6. Circuit grouting grout holes.

7 Pressure testing exploratory holes.

8. No additional allowance vill be made above the Contract price for interrupting the drilling of a hole:
a. To permit stage grouting.

O b. To permit washing or cleaning out holes before further drilling or grouting.

9 No additional allowance vill be made above the Contract prices for any moving of equipment that may be necessary due to the requirements for grouting operation.

10. An increase or decrease in the amount of drilling or grouting of any description, as provided in Item 1:16, will not be cause for changes in Contract unit prices, notwithstanding the pro-visions of 1:19 of the Instructions to Bidders.

4:14 Testing 4:14.1 Purpos e and Scope :

1. The purpose of testing shall be to: 4 l
a. Ensure that Zone 1 rock is thoroughly grouted.
b. Determine the completeness of grouting within the founda- ,

tion rock system over the entire Reactor and Auxiliary l Building area.

/~ 2. In order to determine the abo te mentioned items , the following I b tests shall be performed:


SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 3 Rev. 2 6-12-70 /

a. Permeability testing of the grouted Zone 1 material.
b. Pe'r meability testing of the foundation rock system.

3 As a check on the completeness of grout permention, the unit take of closing order grout holes (measurement of grout con-sumption in cubic feet of grout injected per lineal foot of drill hole) shall be required to fall below a given le.el.

This number vill be shown in Item h:14.5 b:14.2 Extent of Testing:

Figure 1 portrays the minimum amount of exploration drilling and permeability testing that shall be perfor=ed. Further testing shall be performed as required.

h:lk.3 Sequence of Drilling and Testing:

1. Exploration holes represented in Figure 2 by solid circles shall be drilled to elevation 0 in the following manner:
a. Rock bit through concrete.
b. Attempt to recover at least 2-3/4 inch dia=eter cores .-

of grouted Zone 1 fill, if any Zone 1 fill exists at that point.

c. Perform permeability test of Zone 1 rock. (Hole should not penetrate the entire thickness of Zone 1.)
d. Continue coring with 2-3/4" x 3-7/8" core barrel or 2" split spoon. _
e. Perform permeability tests above elevation +20 in intervals not to exceed 10 ft.
2. Exploration holes represented in Figure 2 by plain (not solid) circles shall be drilled to the bottom of the grouted Zone 1 fill as follows:

l a. Rock bit through concrete.


b. Attempt to recover at least 2-3/h inch diameter cores of grouted Zone 1 fill,
c. Perform permeability testing. (Hole should not penetrate the entire thickness of Zone 1.)

w IV-20

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SP-5500 2-28-68 Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 3 Exploration holes represented in Figure 2 by hatched circles shall be drilled to elevation +20' as follows:

a. Rock bit through concrete or access fill.
b. Attempt to recover at least 2-3/h inch diameter cores of grouted Zone 1 fill, if any Zone 1 fill exists at that point.
c. If Zone 1 material exists, perform permeability tests.

. (Hole should not penetrate the entire thickness of Zone 1.)

d. Continue coring retrieving 2-3/4 inch cores or split spoon samples. ,
e. Perform permeability tests in intervals not to exceed 10 ft.

4:14.4 Testing Methods:

1. Permeability testing shall be performed in the following manner: ,
a. Header shall be attached to the collar of the hole and a constant pressure not to exceed 10 psi shall be applied to the hole.
b. The rate of water consumption shall be recorded in one minute intervals for a period of not less than five minutes nor more than ten minutes.
c. 'ihe data receind during the test shall be recorded on Gilbert Associates, Inc. form: PRESSURE TESTING LOG -


2. Exploration holes shall be tested above elevation +20 for per-meability 17 intervals not to exceed 10 feet, except in structural concrete backfill.

b:lk.5 Limits for Testing:

1. The following limits shall be used to determine the adequacy of grouting:
a. Permeability test results of grouted Zone 1 fill shall not exceed 7 x 10-3 cm/sec.
b. Permeability test results of the foundation rock system shall not exceed 7 x 10-3 cm/see averaged over the entire length of an exploration hole nor greater than 9 x 10-3 cm/sec in any given 10 foot interval. Exceptions shall be made to this when testing occurs below the limits of con-solidation grouting (elevation +20).



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c. Unit takes of the testing order of hole shall not exceed 1 1.2 cu ft/ft averaged over the entire length of the grout hole nor shall the unit take exceed 2.0 cu ft/ft in any given stage within the grout hole. These figures include the grout necessary to fill the hole. If these unit takes are exceeded then a quaternary order of hole shall be drilled and the unit take shall not exceed 0.8 cu ft/ft averaged over the entire length of the grout hole nor shall the unit take exceed 1.1 cu ft/ft in any given stage within the grout hole. These figures include the grout necessary to fill the hole. Exceptions shall be :nade to this only when leakage of the surface occurs , or circuit grouting techniques are used, and the foundation rock system is not receiving the full quantity of grout being injected.

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. SP-5500 2-28-68

,Rev. 1 3-8-68 Rev. 2 8-12-70 SECTION V LIST OF DRAWINGS The following Gilbert Associates, Inc. Drawings set forth the location and extent.of WORK to be performed under this Contract are hereby expressly made a part of this Specification:

Drawing No. Title Pigure 1 Suggested Grout Plant Line Layout Ffgure 2 Auxiliary Building & Reactor Area - Exploration Program 4


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