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Proposed Tech Specs,Installing diesel-driven EFW Pump to Remove Interim ITS & Provide Resolution to EDG Capacity Limitations
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Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/1998
Shared Package
ML20195K452 List:
NUDOCS 9811270019
Download: ML20195K455 (200)



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3.5.Z .ECCS-Operating I  !

LCO- 3.5.2 Two ECCS trains shall be OPERABLE. j APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3. i l-l ACTIONS i CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME - l l A. One or more trains A.1 Restore train (s) to 72 hours inoperable. OPERABLE status. L

                    .M L
At least 100% of the

! ECCS flow equivalent

to a single OPERABLE ECCS train available.

l l B. Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours ! associated Completion

. Time not met. M l

l B.2 Be in MODE 4. 12 hours 1 [ l l I l I 11 i l i i Crystal River Unit 3 3.5-4 Amendment No. I I l l . -

EFW System 3.7.5 i


            -3.7.5         Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System l

1 L LC0 3.7.5 Two EFW trains shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3. l j

           ' ACTIONS                                                                                                                                                 !

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETIONTIME 1 r A. One steam supply to A .' l Restore steam supply 7 days the turbine driven EFW to OPERABLE status, pump inoperable ~. M 10 days from discovery of failure to meet the LC0 B. One EFW train B.1 Restore EFW train to 72 hcurs inoperable for reasons OPERABLE status. other than Condition' E A. , 10 days from discovery of failure to ' meet the LC0 (continued) l I l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-9 Amendment No. i l V .-. - .

EFW System 3.7.5 ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. Required Action and C.1 Be in Mode 3. 6 hours associated Completion l Time of Condition A or AND B not met. C.2 Be in Mode 4. 12 hours D. Two EFW trains inoperable. D.1 Initiate action to immediately 1 restore one EFW train to OPERABLE status. ELVIlLLANCE REOUlREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY l SR Verify each EFW manual power operated and 45 days ' automatic valve in eacb water flow patb in both steam supply flow paths to the turbine driven pump, and starting air and fuel oil flow path for the diesel driven EFW pump. i that is not locked, sealed,the or otherwise correct l secured in position, is in  ! position. t SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- t Not required to be performed for the turbine driven EFW pump, until 24 hours after entering MODE 3. Verify the developed head of each EFW pump 45 days on a at the flow test point is greater than or STAGGERED TEST equal to the required developed head. BASIS (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-10 Amendment No. I l l

l~ l EFW System 3.7.5 i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS -(continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR' -------------------NOTE------------------- - Not required to be performed until 24 hours j- after entering MODE 3. l Verify each EFW automatic valve that is not 24 months locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in l- position, actuates to the correct position ! on an actual or simulated actuation signal. l l-

SR -------------------NOTE--------------------

Not required to be performed until 24 hours after entering MODE 3. Verify each EFW pump starts automatically 24 months on an actual or simulated actuation signal. SR Verify proper alignment of the EFW flow Prior to paths by verifying flow from the EFW tank entering MODE 2 to each steam generator. whenever plant has been in l MODE 5 or 6 for

                                                                                                                    > 30 days SR'     Verify adequate battery terminal voltage.                                7 days                            l l

1. i l t

Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-11 Amendment No.
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SW System 3.7.7 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.7 Nuclear Services Closed Cycle' Cooling Water (SW) System LC0 3.7.7' The SW System shall be OPERABLE with:  : l a. Two OPERABLE emergency SW pumps; and



              . A. One emergency SW pump      A.1         Restore SW system to'                     72 hours inoperable.                            OPERABLE status.

QB One required SW heat ' l exchanger inoperable. 1 l B. Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours I associated Completion-Time not met. 6ND B.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours l l l l l l t' l l l

Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-15 Amendment No.


                               ~              --.

i. SW System 3.7.7 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Isolation of SW flow to individual components does not render the SW System ) inoperable. 1 l Verify each SW manual, power operated, and 31 days automatic valve in the flow path servicing essential equipment, that is not locked, r sealed, or otherwise secured in position, ! is in the correct position. i SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4.

Verify each SW automatic valve in the flow 24 months i path that is not locked, sealed, or i

otherwise secured in position, actuates to  ;

                                                  - the correct position on an actual or                                                                      i simulated actuation signal.

l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- L Not ~ applicable in MODE 4. Verify each SW pump starts automatically on 24 months an actual.or simulated actuation signal. i' I i Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-16 Amendment No. ~ l

                                               .:,..c.,        .                                                                        -

DC' System l- 3.7.8 I 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 1 . . . . l 3.7.8. . Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water (DC) System LC0 3.7.8 .Two DC trains shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1,.2, 3, and 4. ' i l- ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME , 1 1 A. One DC train A.1 --------NOTE-------- 72 hours l inoperable. Enter applicable i Conditions and  ; Required Actions of , l LCO 3.4.5, "RCS- ' Loops-MODE 4," for  ! required decay heat ' ! removal loops made inoperable by DC l train inoperability.  ; Restore DC train to OPERABLE status. B. Required-Action and B.1 Be in Mode 3. 6 hours associated Completion Time not met. AND B.2 Be in Mode 5. 36 hours l ,

- Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-17 Amendment No.

I i l;

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DC System 3.7.8 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Isolation of DC flow to individual components does not render the DC System inoperable. l Verify each DC manual and power operated 31 days valve in the flow path servicing safety related equipment, that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position. l. SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4. Verify each DC pump starts automatically on 24 months an actual or simulated actuation signal. l l l l l l l l I l l e i I Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-18 Amendment No. i i

Nuclear Services Seawater System 3.7.9 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.9 Nuclear Services Seawater System LC0 3.7.9 Two Nuclear Services Seawater System trains shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One Nuclear Services A.1 Restore Nuclear 72 hours Seawater System train Services Seawater inoperable. System train to OPERABLE status. B. Required Action and B.1 Be in Mode 3. 6 hours l associated Completion Time not met. AND B.2 Be in Mode 5. 36 hours l 1 l l ) L ! Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-19 Amendment No. I


           -SR        -------------------NOTt--------------------                                            l Isolation of Nuclear Services Seawater                                                 l System flow to individual components does                                              i not render the Nuclear Services Seawater System inoperable.                                                                     i 1

Verify each Nuclear Services Seawater 31 days System manual valve in the flow path l servicing safety related equipment, that is ' not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position. i i SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4. Verify each Emergency Nuclear Services 24 months Seawater System pump starts automatically on an actual or simulated actuation signal. 1 I l I i l i. 1-i Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-20 Amendment No. l l< l

_~ , - . _ . . . - . , - . - - - . ~ . - . ~ . . . . - . - . .-.-.-.- --- - Decay Heat Seawater System ' 3.7.10

        . 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS ~

3.7.10' Decay Heat Seawater System LCO 3.7.10 'Two Decay Heat Seawater System trains shall be OPERABLE. l APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. l t ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l l l

            .A.        One Decay Heat.                   A.1       --------NOTE---.-----                           72 hours Seawater System                             Enter applicable                                                           l train inoperable.                           Conditions and                                                            '

Required Actions of LC0 3.4.5, "RCS Loops-MODE 4," for required decay heat removal loops made inoperable by Decay Heat Seawater System train inoperability. Restore Decay Heat Seawater System train to OPERABLE status. B. Required Action and B.1 Be in Mode-3. 6 hours associated Completion Time not met. A_NQ B.2 Be in Mode'5. 36 hours i l i L 4 Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-21 Amendment No. I

l L Decay' Heat Seawater System 3.7.10 l l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE l FREQUENCY l l I SR Verify each Decay Heat Seawater System 31 days j manual valve in the flow path servicing -

safety related equipment, that is not )

locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in - position, is in the correct position. - i SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4. Verify each Decay Heat Seawater System pump 24 months j starts automatically on an actual or ' l simulated actuation signal. l l l i i l l i l \' i L Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-22 Amendment No. I

l-Control Complex Cooling System 3.7.18 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS l 3.7.18 Control Complex Cooling System

  . LC0 3.7.18           Two Control Complex Cooling trains shall be OPERABLE.                                 j l    APPLICABILITY:     . MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4, l                         During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies.                                        !

ACTIONS l CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME , A. One or more trains A.1 Ensure adequate immediately l inoperable. cooling capability . l from the Control l AND Complex Cooling l 6 At least 100% of the cooling capability of AND a single OPERABLE Control Complex A.2 Restore Control 7 days ! Cooling train Complex Cooling available. train (s) to OPERABLE  ; status. B. Required Action and B.1 Place available Immediately l associated Completion Control Complex Time of Condition A Cooling System in l l not met during operation, movement of irradiated fuel assemblies. OR I B.2 Suspend movement of I'.nedi ately l irradiated fuel assemblies. l l (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-37 Amendment No. I

Control Complex Cooling System j 3.7.18  ! l l ACTIONS (continued) I CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l C. Required Action and C.1 Be in Mode 3. 6 hours l  ! l associated Completion ! Time of Condition A AND l l not met during MODES l 1,'2, 3, or 4. C.2 Be in Mode 5. 36 hours l l l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify each chilled water pump's developed In accordance  ; head at the flow test point is greater than with the l or equal to the required developed head. Inservice Testing Program SR Verify the redundant capability of the 24 months Control Complex Cooling System to remove the assumed heat load. l i e l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-38 Amendment No. l l 6

Diesel Drivsn EFW Pump Fusl Oil, Luba Oil and Starting Air , 3.7.19 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.19 Diesel Driven EFW (DD-EFW) Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Staring Air: l LCO 3.7.19 The stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and starting air subsystems shall be within limits for the DD-EFW Pump. l l APPLICABILITY: When the associated DD-EFW Pump is required to be OPERABLE.


LCO 3.0.4 is not applicable. ACTIONS: CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME i A. DD-EFW Pump fuel oil A.1 Restore fuel oil level 48 hours supply tank to within limits. level < 9,480 gal and

          > 8,335 gal in the storage tank.

B. With DD-EFW Pump B.1 Restore lube oil 48 hours i diesel lube oil inventory to within inventory < 221 gal limits. and > 211 gal. C. DD-EFW Pump with C.1 Restore fuel oil total 7 days stored fuel oil total particulates to within particulates not limits. within limits. D. DD-EFW Pump with new D.1 Restore stored fuel 30 days fuel oil properties oil properties to not within limits. within limits. E. DD-EFW Pump with E.1 Restore starting air 48 hours starting air receiver receiver pressure to pressure < 177 psig within limits. and > 150 psig. l l (continued) i P Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-39 Amendment No.

Diesal Driv:n EFW Pump Funl Oil, Lubs Oil and Starting Air 3.7.19 j ACTIONS (continued) _ CONDITION F.EQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME I F. Required ACTION and F.1 Declare DD-EFW Pump Immediately associated Completion inoperable. Time not met. O_R For DD-EFW Pump fuel oil, lube oil or starting air subsystems not within 1imits for reasons other than Conditions A, B. C, D or E. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify DD-EFW Pump fuel oil storage tank 31 days contains 2 9,480 gal of fuel. SR Verify DD-EFW Pump lube oil inventory is 31 days 2 221 gal. SR Verify DD-EFW Pump fuel oil properties of new In accordance and stored fuel oil are tested in accordance with the with, and maintained within the limits of the Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel Oil Testing program. Oil Testing Program SR Verify DD-EFW Pump starting air receiver 31 days pressure is > 177 psig. l-f L Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-40 Amendment No.

AC Sources-0perating .I 3.8.1 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME L A. (continued) A.3 Restore required 72 hours offsite circuit to OPERABLE status AND' 6 days froin i discovery of l failure to meet LC0 l

B. One EDG inoperable. B.1 Perform SR I hour l

! for OPERABLE offsite i circuit (s). ANQ  ! l Once per 8 hours y thereafter. AND B.2 Declare required 4 hours from l i feature (s), supported discovery of l , by the inoperable' Condition B  ! !. EDG, inoperable when concurrent with its redundant inoperability of l l required feature (s) redundant are inoperable.- required feature (s) l AND i  ! (continut.d) 1 l p I. i i. Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-2 Amendment No. i I

AC Sources-0perating 3.8.1 i l ACTIONS (continued) p- CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. (continued) B.3.1- Determine OPERABLE 24 hours l i EDG is not inoperable due to common cause failure. _0_B B.3.2 Perform SR 24 hours l for OPERABLE EDG. L AND B.4 Restore EDG to 72 hours l OPERABLE status. m-  ; 6 days from discovery of i failure to meet LC0 C. Two required'offsite C.1 Declare required 12 hours from l circuits inoperable. feature (s) inoperable discovery of when its redundant Condition C- l required feature (s)- concurrent with are inoperable, inoperability of l redundant required feature (s) l M l C.2 Restore one required 24 hours l offsite circuit to OPERABLE status. (continued) l i l Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-3 Amendment No. I

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AC Sources-0perating 3.8.1 L ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l D. 'One required offsite -------------NOTE------------ l  ! circuit inoperable. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of M LC0 3.8.9, " Distribution , Systems Operating," when One EDG inoperable. Condition D is entered with  ! no AC power source to one train. I D.1 Restore required 12 hours l offsite circuit to OPERABLE status. )! 1 0.E D.2 Restore EDG to 12 hours l l OPERABLE status. I 1 l l E. Two EDGs inoperable. E.1 Restore one EDG to 2 hours l  ! OPERABLE status. I F. Required Action and F.1 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours l  ! associated Completion ' Time of Condition A, @ B, C, D, or E not met. F.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours l G. Three or more required G.1 Enter LCO 3.0.3 Immediately l AC sources inoperable. F Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-4 Amendment No. I

l Distribution Systems--Operating l' 3.8.9 i 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS l l 3.8.9 Distribution Systems--Operating I l LC0 3.8.9 Train A and Train B AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical  ! power distribution subsystems shall be OPERABLE. j 1 APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.

  ,-. ACTIONS CONDITION                      REQUIRED ACTION                  COMPLETION TIME l

A. One AC electrical A.1 Restore AC electrical 8 hours l power distribution power distribution , subsystem inoperable. subsystem to OPERABLE AHQ L status. 16 hours from i discovery of , failure to meet J t LCO


l 1 B. One AC vital bus B.1 Restore AC vital bus 8 hours l subsystem inoperable. subsystem to OPERABLE status. AhD 16 hours from discovery of failure to meet LC0 (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-31 Amendment No. I L 1 t

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       "                                                                                   Distribution Systems--Operating          l
                                                                                                                      -3.8.9 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME i l C. One DC electrical C.1 Restore DC electrical 2 hours l power distribution power distribution subsystem inoperable, subsystem to OPERABLE AND


16 hours from discovery of  ; failure to meet .) LC0 1 1 i D. Required Action and D.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours l

associated Completion Time not met. 8ND D.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours l E. Two trains with E.1 Enter LC0 3.0.3 Immediately l inoperable
                        . distribution subsystems that result in a loss of function.


                  ' SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS L                                                       SU'RVEILLANCE                                           FREQUENCY i                     SR        Verify correct breaker alignments and                          . 7 days voltage to required AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical power distribution subsystems.

l l

                   . Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-32                        Amendment No.


ESAS Instrumentation l B 3.3.5

B 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION B 3.3.5 Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) Instrumentation l

BASES l BACKGROUND The ESAS initiates Engineered Safeguards.(ES) Systems, based. on the values of selected plant parameters, to protect core design and reactor coolant pressure boundary limits and to mitigate accidents. ESAS actuates the following:

a. High Pressure Injection (HPI);
b. Low Pressure Injection (LPI);
c. Reactor Building (RB) Isolation and Cooling;
d. RB Spray;
e. Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Start; and
f. Control complex normal recirculation.

ESAS also provides an "A" train and "B" train HPI actuation i ;ianal to the EFIC Channel A and B Trip Modules to initiate ! ema,ganc' feedwater when both ESAS HPI trains are actuated. In add. tun, the LPI pump is prohibited from starting on a l RB isolat on concurrent with a loss of offsite power. The ESAS ope n+es in a distributed manner to initiate the appropriate vs ems. The ESAS does this by monitoring RCS I pressure act '. tion parameters in each of three channels and

RB pressure actuation in each of six channels (3 per actuation train). Once the setpoint for actuation is reached, the signal is transmitted to automatic actuation logics, which perform the two-out-of-three logic for l actuation of each end device. However, all automatic i

actuation logics receive signals from the same channels for ! each parameter. Four parameters are used for actuation:

a. Low Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure; I

(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.3-44 Amendment No. w

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RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled B 3.4.6 B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) B 3.4.6. RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled 1 BASES l BACKGROUND In MODE 5 with RCS loops filled, the primary function of the reactor coolant is the removal of decay heat and tran.sfer.of this heat to the steam generators (OTSGs) or decay heat removal (DHR) heat exchangers. While the principal means for decay heat removal is via the DHR System, the OTSGs are l an acce) table backup means. Although the OTSGs cannot l remove leat unless steaming occurs (which is not possible in l MODE 5), they are available as-a temporary heat sink and can l be used by allowing the RCS to heat up into the temperature l region of MODE 4 where steaming can be effective for heat removal. The secondary function of the reactor coolant is i to act as a transfer medium for the soluble neutron poison, L boric acid. 7 In MODE 5, DHR loops are the preferred means for heat removal. The number of loops in operation can vary to suit the operational needs. The intent of this LC0 is to provide forced flow from at least one DHR loop for decay heat removal and coolant c.irculation. The flow provided by one DHR loop is adequate for these purposes. The other purpose l of this LCO is to require that a second path be available to

provide redundant heat removal capability.

The LCO provides for either OTSG heat removal or DHR System ! heat removal as an acceptable backup to the loop in , operation. In MODE 5, reactor coolant pump (RCP) operation ! is restricted because of net positive suction head (NPSH) limitations, and the OTSG will not be able to provide steam for the turbine driven feedwater pumps. Therefore, in order to ensure that a OTSG can be used as a heat sink, a non-steam driven' feed source is needed. A main feedwater booster pump, the auxiliary feedwater pump (FWP-7), the diesel driven emergency feedwater pump, or motor driven L emergency feedwater pump can be used. Additionally, steam-l driven feedwater pumps, with auxiliary steam from Units 1 L and 2, are also viable feed sources. The high e:..ry point in the generator should be accessible from the feedwater pumps so that natural circulation can be stimulated. Additionally, the capability to steam the OTSG, either through the atmospheric dum) valves or turbine bypass valves j (if the condenser is availa)le) must be available. The OTSGs are primarily a backup to the DHR pumps, which are i I (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.4-27 Amendment No. s

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l l

l l ECCS-Operating l B 3.5.2 ' B 3.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) B 3.5.2 ECCS-Operating l BASES l BACKGROUND The function of the ECCS is to provide core cooling to l ensure that the reactor core is protected after any of the following accidents: 1

1. Loss of coolant accident (LOCA); )
2. Steam generator tube rupture (SGTR); and
3. Steam line break (SLB). I There are two modes of ECCS operation: injection and recirculation. In the injection phase, all injection is from the initially added borated to the Reactor water storage CoolantThis tank (BWST). System (RCS)f low is injection l

l added via the RCS cold legs and core flood nozzles to the reactor vessel. After the BWST has been depleted to < 15 l feet but > 7 feet, the ECCS recirculation phase is entered ' as the ECCS suction is manually transferred to the reactor building emergency sump. Two redundant, 100% capacity trains are provided. Each I train consists of high and low LPI ressure injection (HPI)1, 2, and 3, subsystems. In MODES pressure both trainsinjection must be (OPE BLE. This ensures that 100% of the core cooling requirements can be provided even in the event of a single active failure. Certain size small break LOCA scenarios reguire emergency feedwater to maintain steam generator cooling until core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS cooling. I A suction header supplies water from the BWST or the reactor building emergency sump to the ECCS pumps. Separate piping supplies each train. Each HPl subsystem discharges into each of the four RCS cold legs between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel. Each LPI subsystem discharges into its associated core flood nozzle on the reactor vessel and discharges into the vessel downcomer area. Control valves are set to balance the HPI flow to the RCS. This flow balance directs sufficient flow to the core to meet the analysis assumptions following a small break LOCA in one of the RCS :.old legs near an HPI nozzle. The HPI pumps are capable of discharging to the RCS at an l RCS pressure above the opening setpoint of the pressurizer (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-9 Amendment No. I I

ECCS-Operating l B 3.5.2 l l BASES I l l ACTIONS A.1 l With one or more ECCS trains inoperable and at least 100% of

the flow equivalent to a single OPERABLE ECCS train l available, the inoperable components must be returned to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. The 72 hour Completipn l Time is based on NRC recommendations (Ref. 3) that are based l on a risk evaluation and is a reasonable time for many repairs.

l An ECCS train is inoperable if it is not capable of l delivering the design flow to the RCS. - The LC0 requires the OPERABILITY of a number of independent subsystems. Due to the redundancy of trains and the diversity of subsystems, the inoperability of one component in a train does not render the ECCS incapable of performing  ! its function. Neither does the inoperability of two l l different components, each in a different train, necessarily l result in a loss of function for the ECCS. The intent of  ; ! this Condition is to maintain a combination of equipment J such that the safety injection (SI) flow equivalent to 100% j l of a single train remains available. This allows increased  ; i flexibility in plant operations under circumstances when components in opposite trains are inoperable. An event accompanied by a loss of offsite power and the failure of an EDG can disable one ECCS train until power is ! restored. A reliability analysis (Ref. 3) has shown the l risk of having one full ECCS train inoperable to be  ! l sufficiently low to justify continued operation for 1 72 hours. l With one or more components inoperable such that the flow l equivalent to a single OPERABLE ECCS train is not available, ! the facility is in a condition outside the accident l analyses. Therefore, LCO 3.0.3 must be immediately entered. l l l l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-15 Amendment No. l

l ECCS-Operating 4 B 3.5.2 ! I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance ensures that these valves are in the I proper position to prevent the HPI pump from exceeding its l runout limit. This 24 month Frequency is acceptable based ' l on consideration of the design reliability (and confirming ~ i operating experience) of the equipment. SR l \ i l This Surveillance ensures that the flow controllers for the I LPI throttle valves will automatically control the LPI train l

flow rate in the desired range and prevent LPI pump runout  ;

! as RCS pressure decreases after a LOCA. The 24 month I i Frequency is acceptable based on consideration of the design ' reliability (and confirming operating experience) of the equipment. l SR Periodic inspections of the reactor building emergency sump suction inlet ensure that it is unrestricted and stays in proper operating condition. The 24 month Frequency is based on the need to perform this Surveillance under the conditions that apply during a plant outage and to preserve access to the location. This Frequency has been found to be sufficient to detect abnormal degradation and has been confirmed by operating experience. ! REFERENCES 1. 10 CFR 50.46.

2. FSAR, Section 6.1.
3. NRC Memorandum to V. Stello, Jr., from R.L. Baer,
                            Recommended Interim Revisions to LCOs for ECCS Components," December 1, I975.
4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Inservice Inspection, Article IWP-3000.
5. Deleted. I
6. FSAR, Section

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-18 Amendment No. l l

L EFW System , B 3.7.5 L B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS , B 3.7.5 Emergency feedwater (EFW) System BASES L BACKGROUND The Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System is designed to provide adequate flow to one or both steam generators (OTSGs) for decay heat removal with the generators at the maximum operating pressure of 1050 psig plus suitable margin for post-accident pressure increase (Ref. 1, 2). The principal function of-the EFW system is to remove decay heat from the j Reactor Coolant System upon the unavailability of normal l feedwater supply. This is accomplished by supplying water l from the emergency feedwater tank (EFT-2) to the OTSG ! secondary side via the high nozzles. Steam produced in the l OTSGs is condensed in the main condenser via the turbine ( bypass valves or, if the atmospheric dump valves (ADVs) or l main steam safety valves (MSSVs) have actuated, discharged l directly to the atmosphere. l The EFW System consists of one diesel driven EFW pump and l j one steam turbine driven EFW pump, each having a nominal l 100% capacity (Ref. 3). The turbine driven EFW pump i receives steam from one main steam line per OTSG via l' connections upstream of the associated main steam isolation valve. An alternative source of steam is available from the l fossil units, Crystal River Unit I and 2 (Ref.1), but ! cannot be relied upon to consider the EFW train OPERABLE. The diverse motive power of the two trains enhances both l system availability and reliability. In addition, a safety-grade motor driven EFW pump is available to provide defense-l in-depth for the EFW system. The motor driven EFW pump has f no Improved Technical Specification requirements and cannot be used to meet the LCO. The motor driven EFW pump is powered from the 4160 ES Bus 3A. This pump has no automatic starting capability but can be manually started if offsite power is available or adequate capacity is available on the 1A Emergency Diesel Generator. Electrical inbriocks prevent operation of both the motor driven and diesel driven EFW Pumps at the same time. All three EFW pumps tie into common discharge headers providing the capability to feed either or both of the OTSGs. L-i l c (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-23 Amendment No.


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l EFW System i B 3.7.5 I l BASES BACKGROUND The preferred water source for both EFW pump trains is the (continued) Seismic Class I, missile protected dedicated EFW tank. j Backup supplies of emergency feedwater are provided by the condensate storage tank and the Fire Service Water Storage Tanks. The main condenser hotwell can also supply the turbine driven EFW pump and the defense-in-depth motor driven EFW pump. The pumps and 0TSGs are protected from excessively high flow induced problems by cavitating venturis (EF-62-F0, EF-63-F0, and EF-64-F0) in the pump discharge lines, designed to limit EFW flow to the steam generators regardless of steam generator pressure (Ref. 7). In addition, the interlock  ; between the motor driven and diesel driven EFW pumps and i administrative controls preclude excessively high flows to i ! the OTSGs from concurrent operation of all three EFW pumps. l l ! DC powered block and control valves are actuated to feed the ( appropriate steam generator by the Emergency Feedwater l Initiation and Control (EFIC) System. The capacity of i ! either EFW pump is sufficient to remove decay heat and cool l the plant until the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure l and temperature are 16w enough to place the Decay Heat l Removal (DHR) System in service or until core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS. l l l 4

                                                                 ,              (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-23A Amendment No.. l I l

           . . .       . . ~ - - . . _ - . . . . - .      - - - . . _ . - . - _ . - . - - . _ . - - .               . . - . . . _ . - . .

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES l l l l l i l l l f ! THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK l' b l' (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-23B Amendment No.

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES I BACKGROUND Automatic actuation of the EFW System occurs on the (continued) following:

1. Trip of both main feedwater pumps with reactor power greater than 20% or the NI/RPS not in shutdown bypass;
2. Low level in either OTSG; I
3. Low pressure in either OTSG;
4. Trip of all four reactor coolant pumps; l

actuation on both l 5. l Hinh Che nel pressure A and B injection Engineered (HPI)feguards Sa Actuation System l (ESA.' channels; and

6. AMSAC actuation. I l The EFIC is a " smart" system which will feed either or both l L OTSGs with indications of low levels, but will isolate EFW i to a faulted steam generator having a significantly lower steam pressure than the other.

l The EFW System is designed to ANSI B 31.1 ES Seismic Class I l and in accordance with General Design Criteria 2, 4, 5, 19, 44, 45, and 46 (Ref. 3, 4). APPLICABLE The EFW System is sized to provide sufficient decay heat , i SAFETY ANALYSIS removal capability to cooldown the RCS to the temperature and pressure at which the DHR System can be placed in l service or at which core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS for any of the following events:

                             .               loss of main feedwater (LMFW);

i . LMFW with loss of offsite power;

                             .               main feedwater line break;
                             .               main steam line break; and small break loss of coolant accident (LOCA).

l-l i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-24 Amendment No. l l l t

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES APPLICABLE The EFW System is designed to remain functional following SAFETY ANALYSES the maximum hypothetical earthquake. It will also remain (continued) functional following a single failure in addition to any of the above events. No single failure prevents EFW from being supplied-to the intact OTSG nor allows EFW to be supplied to the faulted 0TSG. Note that in most cases of a main feedwater break or a steam line break, the depressurizatiori-of the affected 0TSG would cause the automatic initiation of EFW. However, there will be some small break sizes for which automatic detection will not be possible. For these small breaks, the operator will have sufficient time in which to take appropriate action to terminate the event * (Ref. 1). The EFW System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LCO Two independent emergency feedwater pumps and their associated flow )aths are required to be OPERABLE. The OPERABILITY of tie EFW pumps requires that each be capable of developing its required discharge pressure and flow. Additionally, the OPERABILITY of the turbine driven pump requires that it be capable of being powered from an OPERABLE steam supply through ASV-5. ASV-204 was installed to improve EFW reliability and is not required for OPERABILITY. The motive power for the turbine driven pump is steam supplied from either OTSG from a main steam header upstream of the main steam isolation valves so that their closure does not isolate the steam sup)1y to the turbine. Both steam supply flow paths througi MSV-55 and MSV-56 (Condition A) to the turbine driven pump are required to be OPERABLE. The OPERABILITY of the associated EFW flow paths requires all valves be in their correct positions or be capable of actuating to their correct positions on a valid actuation signal. The diesel driven EFW pump has a starting air system consisting of a safety-related air receiver that is maintained pressurized by a non-safety-related air compressor. The requirements'for the air receiver are covered by Specification 3.7.19. The air is delivered to the diesel engine through DC powered valves. The DC power is provided by the diesel driven EFW pump DC distribution ! system battery. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-25 Amendment No. I

L EFW System B 3.7.5 l 1 BASES LC0 Inoperability of the EFW System may result in inadequate , .(continued) decay heat removal following a transient or accident during l which main feedwater is not available. The resulting RCS heatup and pressure increase can potentially result in significant loss of coolant through the pressurizer code l-, safety valves or the PORV.

APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the EFW System is required to be OPERABLE and to function in the event that main feedwater is lost. In addition, the EFW System is required to supply l l enough makeup water to replace the secondary side inventory '

l lost as the plant cools to MODE 4 conditions. i In MODES 4, 5, and 6, the OTSG need not be used to cooldown

the RCS. Therefore, the EFW System is not required to be <

l OPERABLE in these MODES. l l l ACTIONS Ad i With one of the two. steam supplies to the turbinc driven EFW pump inoperable, action must be taken to restore tne steam l supply to OPERABLE status within 7 days. Allowing 7 days in this Condition is reasonable, based on the redundant OPERABLE steam supply to the pump and the low probability of an event occurring that would require the inoperable steam ) supply to the turbine driven EFW pumps. j l The second Completion Time for Required Action A.1 establishes a ihit on the maximum time allowed for any , combination of Conditions to be entered during any continuous failure to meet this LCO. The 10 day Completion l Time provides a limitation time allowed in this specified Condition after discovery of failure to meet the LCO. This limit is considered reasonable for situations in which l Conditions A and B are entered concurrently. The 'gND' t

                                   ' connector between 7 days and 10 days dictates that both                     1 Completion Times apply simultaneously, and the more                         '

restrictive must be met. l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-26 Amendment No. I I  : i sg , ,. , -. .., , - - - . -

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EFW System l B 3.7.5 BASES ACTIONS M l If one of the EFW trains is inoperable, action must be taken to restore the train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. The 72 hour Completion Time is reasonable, based on the redundant capabilities afforded by the EFW system, time needed for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this time period. This condition includes the loss of two steam supply lines to the turbine driven EFW pump. 'l l The second Completion Time for Required Action B.1 l l establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any ! combination of Conditions to be entered during any j continuous failure to meet this LCO. The 10 day Completion l Time provides a limitation time allowed in this saecified l Condition after discovery of failure to meet the LCO. This l limit is considered reasonable for situations in which l Conditions A and B are entered concurrently. The 'AJQ'. , i connector between 72 hours and 10 days dictates that both  ! Completion Times apply simultaneously, and the more l restrictive must be met. i C.1 and C.2 l If Required Action A.1 cannot be completed within the l associated Completion Time, the. plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within ! 6 hours and in MODE 4 within 12 hours. The allowed l Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating l experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full l power conditions in an orderly manner and without l challenging plant systems. M i i With both EFW trains inoperable, the plant is in a seriously degraded condition with no safety related means for conducting a cooldown. In such a condition, plant operation should not be perturbed by a forced action, including a ! power change, that might result in a trip. For this reason, l the Technical Specifications do not mandate a plant i shutdown. Rather the ACTIONS allow the plant to dictate the i_ most prudent course of action (including plant shutdown) for the situation. The seriousness of this condition requires that action be initiated immediately to restore at least one EFW train to OPERABLE status. F (continued) , Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-27 Amendment No. l

1 EFW System B 3.7.5 , 1 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying the correct alignment for manual, power operated, and automatic valves in the EFW water, steam supply flow, diesel starting. air and fuel oil paths provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist for EFW operation. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a branch line. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since those valves are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for i these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types J which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves outside the RB, relief valves outside the RB, and instrumentaticn valves (both inside and outside the RB). j This SR also does not apply to valves that cannot be ! inadvertently misaligned, such as check valves. L This Surveillance does not require any testing or valve manipulation; rather, it involves verification that those valves capable of pot'entially being mispositioned are in the correct position. The 45 day Frequency is based on engineering judgment and is consistent with the Frequency established for SR SR requires extensive


EFW valve manipulation in order to perform the pump flow rate verification, such that a flow path verification is necessary following each performance. SR This SR verifies that the EFW pumps develop sufficient discharge pressure to deliver the required flow at the full open pressure of the MSSVs. Because it is undesirable to ![ , (continued) 4 [ Crystal. River Unit 3 B 3.7-28 Amendment No. L J

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS of EFW flow paths must be demonstrated before sufficient

core heat is generated that would require the operation of l the EFW System during a subsequent shutdown. The Frequency is reasonable based on engineering judgment, in view of other adminisirative controls to ensure that the flow paths are OPERABLE. To further ensure EFW System alignment, flow path OPERABILITY is verified following extended outages to determine no misalignment of, valves has occurred. This SR ensures that the flow path from the EFW tank to the OTSGs is properly aligned. This reguirement is based upon the recommendation of NUREG 0737. The Frequency was modified

, 'slightly during ITS development ( rior to entering MODE i to provide an SR 3.0.4 type excep ion. As written, the allows the plant to achieve and maintain MODE 3 conditions in order to perform the verification. SR 3,7.5.6 Verifying battery terminal voltage ensures the ability of i the battery to perform the intended function. The voltage requirements are based on the nominal design voltage of the battery. The 7 day frequency is consistent with IEEE-450. . l REFERENCES 1. Enhanced Design Basis Document for the Emergency Feedwater and Emer y Feedwater Initiation and Control System, Re on 1, dated September 27, 1991 with Temporary Changes 156, 230, 247, and 249.

2. BAW-10043, "Over dated May 1972. pressure Protection for B&W Reactors",
3. FSAR, Section 10.5.
4. 10 CFR 50, Appendix A.
5. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Inservice Inspection, Subsection IWP.


6. Deleted. l l
7. FPC calculation 187-0008, Rev. 6.

f Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-31 Amendment No. I

SW System B 3.7.7 BASES I APPLICABILITY Three of the four heat exchangers must be OPERABLE to (continued) accommodate the design system heat load requirements. I in MODES 5 and 6, the SW System is not required to be OPERABLE due to the limitations on RCS temperature and pressure in these MODES. Additionally, there are no other Technical Specification LCOs supported by SW which are-applicable during these plant conditions. i , ACTIONS A.1 l With one of the emergency SW pumps and/or one of the I required heat exchangers inoperable, the heat removal capacity of the SW System is degraded. In this Condition, adequate cooling of the containment and ES equipment served by SW cannot be assured following an accident coincident with a worst-case single active failure. Therefore, action must be taken to restore the affected component (s) to OPERABLE status. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full SW System GPERABILITY is consistent with other ECCS Specifications for a loss of redundancy Condition and, has been shown to maintain a suitable limit on risk. As such, this Completion Time is based on engineering judgment and is consistent with industry-accepted practice. B.1 and B.2 l If the inoperable SW component (s) cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the SW flow to individual components may render those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the SW System.

                                                             ,          (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-38 Amendment No. I

DC Svstem B > 7.8 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.8 Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water System

 . BASES BACKGROUND          The Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water (DC) System.

facilitates the removal of decay heat from the reactor core. The system also removes process and operating heat from safety related components associated with decay heat removal during normal plant cooldown and following a transient or accident. During plant cooldown below approximately 250*F

  • the DC system provides core heat removal by transferring heat from the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System to the becay Heat Seawater System. The system is divided into two independent and redundant trains, each capable of supplying 100 percent of the required normal and post-accident cooling. Each train contains a pump, a surge tank pressurized with nitrogen for volume and pressure control, and a heat exchanger which removes heat from the DHR system and rejects it to the Decay Heat Seawater System.

The design and operation of the DC system, along with a list of the components served, can be found in FSAR Section (Ref. 1). For normal operation the DC pumps are started manually. However, in an emergency both DC pumps start automatically upon receipt of an Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS). The DC system supports long-term reactor decay heat removal following a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) when the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) is recirculating water from the RB sump to the reactor core through the DH heat exchanger. The DC System also supports post-accident containment cooling by supplying cooling water to the reactor building spray pump motor coolers and bearings. Other loads supplied by this system are the DHR (LPI) pumps and motors, DC and decay heat seawater pump motors and two of.the three make-up and purification (HPI) pump motors. The DC System supplies cooling to these pump motor heat exchangers, lube oil coolers, gear lube oil coolers, bearings, or air handling units to prevent overheating of the associated components (Ref. 2). I As a closed system, the DC System also serves as an l intermediate barrier to radioactivity releases to the environment from potential leaks in interfacing systems. (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-41 Amendment No. i I

DC System B 3.7.8 BASES 1 APPLICABLE The DC system provides cooling for components essential to SAFETY ANALYSIS the mitigation of plant transients and accidents. An ESAS l initiation signal will start both DC pumps. This ensures l that the required cooling capacity is provided to the ' essential equipment following a steam line break, steam i generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, I or LOCA. The running pumps (100 percent capacity each), in conjunction with an associated DC heat exchanger, reject l heat to the Decay Heat Seawater System to ensure the l necessary cooling flow to components required for reactor  ! decay heat removal. By cooling the RB spray pumps and pump l motors following a LOCA or SLB, the DC system supports the l RB Spray System by ensuring the pressure and temperature in containment are maintained within acceptable limits. The OPERABILITY of the RB Spray System is addressed in LC0 l 3.6.6, " Reactor Building Spray and Containment Cooling l Systems". 1 During normal and post-accident cooldown operations, when l RCS temperature and pressure are reduced to allow the  ! alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, DC System operation l facilitates core heat removal by transferring heat from the DHR System to the Decay Heat Seawater System. The Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LC0 The requirement for two DC trains to be OPERABLE assures adequate normal and post-accident heat removal from the reactor core and essential components, considering a worst case single active failure. One of the OPERABILITY considerations regarding these independent and redundant trains is that each valve in the flow path be in the correct post-accident position. Additionally, each DC pump must be capable of being powered from its emergency power supply and be capable of automatically starting on an ESAS actuation. l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-42 Amendment No. ! l l

_ . ._ _ _ _. . _ _ ___ . _ . _ _ m ._ DC System B 3.7.8 BASES l APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the DC System is not a normally operating system, but must be capable of performing its post-accident safety functions, which include providing cooling water to components required for RCS and containment heat removal. Two independent 100 percent capacity DC trains must be OPERABLE to accommodate the design system heat load requirements and satisfy reliability i considerations assuming a single failure. In MODE 4, although RCS temperature and pressure are reduced, there remains sufficient stored energy that the occurrence of an accident would necessitate the post-accident cooling functions of the DC System. When temperature and pressure have been reduced sufficiently to l allow alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, the DC System l is no longer required for post-accident component cooling,  ! but must continue to provide cooling to the DHR heat exchangers. Therefore, two trains of the DC System must remain OPERABLE throughout MODE 4 to ensure emergency preparedness and/or decay heat removal, assuming a single active failure. ii MODES 5 and 6, the DC System is in operation performing its normal safety function of RCS decay heat removal. The various means of removing reactor decay heat in MODES 5 and 6 are addressed in LC0 3.4.6, "RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops i Filled"; LC0 3.4.7, "RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops Not Filled"; l LC0 3.9.4, "DHR and Coolant Circulation - High Water Level"; I and LC0 3.9.5, "DHR and Coolant Circulation - Low Water i level". In other words, the OPERABILITY requirements for I the DC System are determined by the systems it supports. ) Therefore, this LC0 is not applicable in MODES 5 and 6. ACTIONS .A_d l Required Action A.1 is modified by a Note indicating that l the applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LC0 3.4.5, "RCS Loops - MODE 4," be entered if an inoperable DC train results in an inoperable required DHR loop. This is an exception to LC0 3.0.6 and ensures the proper actions are taken for an inoperability of a required DHR loop. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-43 Amendment No. I

DC System B 3.7.8 BASES ACTIONS A_._). (continued) i l With one DC train inoperable, action must be taken to restore the train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE DC train is adequate to perform the heat removal function. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full DC System OPERABILITY is the same as that for the ECCS Systems, whose safety functions are supported by the DC System. This Completion Time is reasonable, based on the redundant capabilities l afforded by the OPERABLE train and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. i B 1 and 8.2 If the inoperable DC train cannot be restored to OPERABLE I status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must I be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating l experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without l challenging plant systems. l SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the DC flow to individual components may render those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the DC System. Verifying the correct alignment for manual and power operated valves in the DC flow path provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist for DC operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the main l flow paths and the first normally closed valve in u branch line. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves outside the RB, relief valves outside the RB, and l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-44 Amendment No. l l

Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 BASES BACKGROUND The Nuclear Services Seawater System is designed to seismic (continued) category I requirements, except for the standpipe drain line. The design and operation of the Nuclear Services Seawater System along with a list of components served by SW during normal and emergency conditions, can be found in FSAR Section 9.5 (Ref. 2). Following an Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) actuation, SW System flow paths are realigned to provide a reliable source of cooling to essential safeguards equipment which may be supplied by non-safety cooling water systems during normal operations. To ensure these additional heat loads can be accommodated, both emergency pumps are started simultaneously by an ESAS signal to provide adequate cooling in the event of a single active failure which disables one emergency pump. j l APPLICABLE The Nuclear Services Seawater System supports the SW System SAFETY ANALYSES in providing cooling for components essential to the mitigation of plant transients and accidents. The system has two separate 100 percent capacity underground intake conduits, independent emergency pumps, and underground discharge conduits to allow for a single failure while still providing the required flow. An ESAS signal will start both emergency pumps. This ensures the required cooling capacity is provided to the SW System following a steam line break, steam generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, or loss of coolant accident. The Nuclear Services Seawater System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-47 Amendment No. l l l

l l Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 l BASES l l l LCO The requirement for the OPERABILITY of the Nuclear Services Seawater System including two emergency nuclear services seawater pumps provides redundancy necessary to ensure the system will provide adequate post-accident beat removal in the event of a coincident single failure. Emergency nuclear services seawater pump OPERABILITY

requires that each be capable of being powered from separate l OPERABLE emergency buses. OPERABILITY of the associated

l flow paths requires that each valve in the flow path must be I

aligned to permit sea water flow from the intake canal to '

! the SW heat exchangers, and subsequently to the discharge l canal. The OPERABILITY of the SW heat exchangers, required to ensure proper heat removal capability, is addressed in LC0 3.7.7, " Nuclear Services Closed Cycle Cooling Water , System".  ! i l 1 l APPLICABILITY In MODES 1 through 4 the SW and Nuclear Services Seawater l Systems are normally operating systems which must be t prepared to provide post-accident cooling for components i

required for RCS and containment heat removal, equipment l essential in providing the capability to safely shutdown the l plant, and equipment required for adequate spent fuel pool I cooling. The Nuclear Services Seawater System must be
capable of providing its post-accident cooling assuming a single active failure. Therefore, both emergency pumps are required to be OPERABLE during these MODES.  !

, In MODES 5 and 6, the Nuclear Services Seawater System is not required to be OPERABLE due to the limitations on RCS temperature and pressure in these MODES. Additionally, there are no other Technical Specification LCOs supported by I the system which are applicable during these plant conditions. ACTIONS Ad l With one of the Nuclear Services Seawater pumps inoperable, action must be taken to restore the pump to OPERABLE status , within 72 hours. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring l full Nuclear Services Seawater System OPERABILITY is l consistent with that for ECCS Systems, whose safety l functions are supported by the system. This Completion Time i is based on engineering judgement and is consistent with

accepted industry-accepted practice.
                                                                ,            (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-48 Amendment No. l

__ - _ .__ _ _ _. _ _ _ . . _ _ _. _ _ ._..-_ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _m. .. - _ . _ _ Nuclear Services Seawater System

                                                                                                                   'B 3.7.9 BASES ACTIONS                     B.1 and B.2                                                                                    l (continued)

If the inoperable emergency nuclear services seawater pump f cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated l Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which

the LCO does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant. -

L , must be placed in at least MODE 3 with'in 6 hours and in MODE L 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. 4 SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the seawater flow to individual components may render those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the Nuclear Services Seawater System. l Verifying the correct alignment for manual valves in the nuclear services seawater flow path provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist to support SW operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be , in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. The valves verified by this SR include valves in , the main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a l branch line. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves, relief valves, instrumentation valves, and . sample line valves. This SR also does not apply to valves which cannot be inadvertently misaligned, such as check valves. This Surveillance does not require any testing or valve l manipulation; rather, it involves verification that those l valves capable of potentially being mispositioned are in their correct position. The 31 day Frequency is based on engineering judgment, is consistent with the procedural controls governing valve L ' operation, and ensures correct valve positions. t

(continued) 4 Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-49 Amendment No.

I w - >wy y w

i Decay Heat Seawater System B 3.7.10 BASES l- APPLICABLE The Decay Heat beawater System supports the DC System in providing cooling for components essential to the mitigation SAFETY ANALYSIS of plant transients and accidents. The system has two separate 100 percent capacity underground intake conduits, independent pumps, and underground discharge conduits to provide for a single failure while still providing required fl ow. An ESAS initiation signal will start both decay heat seawater pumps upon low Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure and/or high containment pressure. This ensures that the required cooling capacity is provided to the DC System for cooling of components required for reactor heat removal following a steam line break, steam generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, or loss of coolant accident. ! During normal and post-accident cooldown operations, when RCS temperature and pressure are reduced to allow the alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, the Decay Heat Seawater System is placed in service to support decay heat removal. l The Decay Heat Seawater System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LCOs The requirement for OPERABILITY of both decay heat seawater i trains provides redundancy necessary to ensure the system will provide adequate post-accident heat removal in the l event of a coincident single failure. L l l l i (continued) . Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-52 Amendment No.

l l

Decay Heat Seawater System L B 3.7.10 ! BASES l l ACTIONS .A_d l Required Action A.1 is modified by a Note indicating that j the a)plicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.4.5, "RCS oops - MODE 4," should be entered if an inoperable decay heat seawater train results in an inoperable required DHR loop. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.6 and ensures the' proper actions are taken for an inoparability of a required DHR loop. If one of the decay heat seawater trains is inoperable, action must be taken to restore the train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE train is adeguate to perform the heat removal function. The 72 hour Completion ~ Time for restoring full Decay Heat Seawater System OPERABILITY is the same as that for the ECCS Systems, whose safety functions are supported by the Decay Heat Seawater System. This Completion Time is reasonable, based on the redundant capabilities afforded by the OPERABLE train and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. B.1 and B.2 If the inoperable decay heat seawater train cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion i Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 L does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be l placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in. MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner , l -and without challenging plant systems. SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying the correct alignment for manual valves in the Decay Heat Seawater System flow path provides assurance that t the proper flow paths exist for DC operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be in the sealing, or securing. correct The position valves prior verified byto locking,lude this SR inc valves in the main flow line. paths There and arethe first normally several closed valve other exceptions in a branch for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves, relief valves, instrumentation valves, and sample line valves . This SR also does not apply to valves which cannot (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-54 Amendment No. l l l - - - - - .

 .                      ..    -.              ~ . .  -  ..    . - - . .                    .-

Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.18 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.18 Control Complex Cooling System BASES BACKGROUND The Control Complex Cooling System provides temperature control for the control room and other portions of the l Control Complex containing safety related equipment. The Control Complex Cooling System consists of two redundant l chillers, associated chilled water pumps, and parallel duct l mounted air heat exchangers that can receive chilled water l from either chilled water pump. A train consists of a chiller and associated chilled water pump as well as a duct mounted heat exchanger that provide cooling of recirculated control complex air. The design of the Control Complex l Cooling System contains features that allow either train chiller and associated chilled water pump to provide cooling capability to either duct mounted heat exchanger. Redundant , chillers and chilled water pumps are provided for suitable '

temperature conditions in the control complex for operating personnel and safety related control equipment. The Control Complex Cooling System maintair.3 the nominal temperature between 70*F and 80*F.

A single chiller and associated chilled water pump will provide the required heat removal for either duct mounted heat exchanger. The Control Complex Cooling System operation to maintain control complex temperature is discussed in the FSAR, Section 9.7 (Ref. 1). APPLICABLE The Control Complex Cooling System consists of redundant, SAFETY ANALYSIS safety related components, with some common piping. The Control Complex Cooling System maintains the temperature between 70*F and 80*F. A single active failure of a Control Complex Cooling System component does not impair the ability of the system to perform as designed. The Control Complex Cooling System is designed in accordance with Seismic Category I requirements, fhe Control Complex Cooling System is capable of removing heat loads from the control room and other portions of the Control Complex

containing safety related equipment, including consideration l of equipment heat loads and (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-85 Amendment No. l l l

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i Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.1B l BASES APPLICABLE personnel occupancy requirements, to ensure equipment SAFETY ANALYSIS OPERABILITY. l (continued) The Control Complex Cooling System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LC0 Two redundant trains of the Control Complex Cooling System are required to be OPERABLE to ensure that at least one train is available, assuming a single failure disables one redundant component. A Control Complex Cooling train

consists of a chiller and associated chilled water pump as t

well as a duct mounted heat exchanger that provides cooling of recirculated control complex air. All components of an i OPERABLE train.must be energized by the same train electrical bus. Total system failure could cause control complex equipment to exceed its operating temperature limits. In addition, the Control Complex Cooling System must be OPERABLE to the extent that air circulation can be maintained (See Specification 3.7.12). t l  ! l APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, the Control Complex Cooling System must be OPERABLE to ensure that the control complex temperature will not exceed equipment OPERABILITY requirements. During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies . the Control Complex Cooling System must be OPERABLE to cope i

                                          . with a release due to a fuel handling accid'nt.                                        1 l'                     ACTIONS              M l

The LCO requires the OPERABILITY of a number of independent subsystems. Due to the redundancy and diversity of

. subsystems, the inoperability of one component in a train does L

' not render the Control Complex Cooling System incapable of performing its safety function. Neither does the inoperability of two different components, each in a different necessarily result in a loss of function for the train,l Complex Cooling System.The intent of this Condition Contro is to maintain a combination of equipment such that the cooling capability equivalent to 100% of a single train remains available and in operation. This allows increased i flexibility in plant operations under circumstances when components in opposite trains are inoperable. l (continued)

. Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-86 Amendment No.



                                                   ~ Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.18 BASES ACTIONS           A .1 - (continued)

With one or more components inoperable such that the cooling capability equivalent to a single OPERABLE train is not available, the facility is in a condition outside the accident analyses. Therefore, LC0 3.0.3 must be immediately entered. With one or more Control Complex Cooling trains ino)erable and at least 100% cooling capability of a single OPERAB.E train available, the incperable components must be restored to OPERABLE status within 7 days. In this Condition, the 4 remaining Control Complex Cooling System equipment is adequate to maintain the control complex temperature. Adequate cooling capability exists when the control complex air temperature is i maintained within the limits for the contained equipment and i components. However, the overall reliability is reduced because additional failures could result in a loss of Control Complex Cooling System function. The 7 day Completion Time is based on the low probability of an event occurring requiring the Control Complex Cooling System and the consideration that the remaining components can provide the required capabilities. B.1 and B.2 l During movement of irradiated fuel, i/ the required Action and Completion Times of Condition A can not be met, the Control l Complex Cooling System must be pitced in operation immediately. This action ensures that the remaining Control Complex Cooling System components are available, and that any I active failure will be roadily detected. An alternative to Required Action B.1 is to immediately I suspend activities that could release radioactivity that might require the isolation of the control room. This places the plant in a condition that minimizes accident risk. This does not preclude the movement of fuel to a safe position. C.1 and C.2 , l In MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, if the inoperable Control Complex Cooling System component cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the required Completion Time, the unit must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the unit must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours, and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required unit conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner without challenging unit systems. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-87 Amendment No. I

l l Control Complex Cooling System l B 3.7.18 l l BASES I j l SURVEILLANCE' SR ' l REQUIREMENTS

                                              . Verifying that each Control Complex Cooling chiller's developed head at the flow test point is greater than or equal                                                 ;

to the required developed head ensures that chiller's i performance has not degraded.during the cycle. Flow and differential pressure are normal tests'of centrifugal pump i performance required by Section XI of the ASME Code (Ref. 3). l This test confirms one point on the pump design curve and is indicative of overall performance. Such inservice tests confirm component OPERABILITY, trend performance, and detect i incipient failures by indicating abnormal performance. The . l Frequency of the SR is in accordance with the Inservice l Testing Program. l > SR l This SR verifies that the heat removal capability of the l- system is sufficient to meet design requirements. This SR l consists of a combination of testing and calculations. A 24 L month Frequency is appropriate, as significant degradation of ! the system is slow and is not expected over this time period. l l l REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 9.7.

2. Deleted. l
3. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . m t 5 1 l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-88 Amendment No. L I

Diesel Driven EFW Pump Fual Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 B.3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.19 Diesel- Driven EFW (DD-EFW) Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Ai r i BASES BACKGROUND The DD-EFW Pump is provided with a dedicated fuel oil supply tank. The fuel oil capacity of this tank, which is located in a dedicated compartment in the DD-EFW Pump building, is sufficient for the pump to perform its intended function for a period of 7 days. The fuel oil supply capacity is calculated using 10 CFR 50 Appendix K


assumptions to supply EFW flow to one or two steam generators for seven days and enough fuel capacity to cool the RCS to decay heat removal cut-in temperature. Margin for instrument error and fuel needed for normal surveillance is included in the fuel oil tank size calculation. This fuel oil capacity ensures adequate time ! is available to replenish the onsite supply from outside sources prior to the diesel engine running out of fuel. Due to the proximity and location of the supply tank to the engine, the fuel oil is directly fed to the engine from the supply rank by the engine fuel pump. The fuel oil tank and piping are located inside the DD-EFW Pump building which is a seismic Class I building, which precludes consideration of the effects of missiles in their design. For proper operation of the DD-EFW Pump, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of the fuel oil. CR-3 has a Diesel Fuel Oil (DFO) Testing Program which is an overall effort to ensure the quality of the fuel oil. The program i includes purchasing, on-site receipt acceptance testing of new fuel, offsite analysis of new fuel accepted, and periodic testing (both onsite and offsite) of the stored fuel oil. Additiorally, the program includes water removal and biocide addition to control bacteriological growth. CR-3 is not committed to Regulatory Guide 1.137 or ANS 59.51 (ANSI N 195), however, these standards were utilized as guidance in the development of the DF0 Testing Program. The DD-EFW Pump lube oil subsystem is designed to provide sufficient lubrication to permit proper operation of its L . associated diesel engine under all loading conditions. The l~ system is required to circulate the lube oil to the diesel l i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-89 Amendment No.

_ - . . - - - _ - . . . .- _ ~ -.- - - . -_--- _.- - - Diesel Drivrn EFW Pump Fusl Oil, Lubs Oil, and Starting Air l B 3.7.19 l l l

           ' BASES BACKGROUND               engine working surfaces and to remove excess heat generated (continued)            by friction during operation. The lube oil inventory, l                                      including that contained in the engine sump, is sufficient to. ensure 7 days of operation. This supply ensures adequate L                                      time is available to replenish lube oil from outside                         i sources prior to the system running out of lube oil.

The DD-EFW Pump engine has an air start system with adequate capacity for six successive start attempts on the engine-without recharging the air start receivers. A single DD-EFW pump engine start is assured with air receiver pressure > 150 psig. L  !' APPLICABLE The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and SAFETY ANALYSIS transient analyses in the FSAR, Chapter 6 (Ref. 4) and , Chapter 14 (Ref. 5), assume Engineered Safeguard (ES) ' systems are OPERABLE. The DD-EFW Pump is designed to , provide sufficient EFW flow capacity to ensure the availability of necessary emergency feedwater to one or two steam generators. The DD-EFW pump is part of the redundant , and diverse EFW system that provide steam generator I

secondary side cooling water.

Since diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the air start subsystem support the operation of the DD-EFW pump system, they satisfy Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. L LCO A sufficient quantity of stored diesel fuel oil supply is required to be available to ensure the capability to operate the DD-EFW Pump for 7 days. Diesel fuel oil is also l required to meet specific quality standards. This EFW train is one of the two, full capacity and diverse sources of emergency feedwater for steam generator secondary side cooling. A sufficient lube oil supply must be available to ensure the capability to operate the diesel engine for its 7 day l fuel capacity (without refueling) rating. Engine lube oil 1 1 (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-90 Amendment No. i

Dicsal Drivtn EFW Pump Fual Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 BASES LC0 inventory supports the availability of the DD-EFW Pump to (continued) fulfill its mission of supplying EFW flow to one or both steam generators. The DD-EFW pump is required to provide emergency feedwater to one or two steam generators under the EFIC flow control scheme for an anticipated operational occurrence (A00) or a postulated DBA with loss of offsite power. The starting air system is required to have a minimum capacity for six successive engine start attempts without recharging the air start receivers. As such, the air start compressors are not addressed as a part of this (or any other) LCO. APPLICABILITY Emergency feedwater flow is required during a Small Break LOCA or loss of main feedwater in order to cool and depressurize 'one or both generators which supports the reactor shut down and maintains it in a safe shutdown i condition after an.A00 or a postulated DBA. Since stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the starting air subsystem support DD-EFW Pump OPERABILITY, these features are required to be within limits whenever the DD-EFW pump is { required to be OPERABLE. l ACTIONS A11 With usable fuel oil volume in the supply tank < 9,480 gallons and > 8,335 gallons, there is enough fuel oil available to operate the DD-EFW pump for 6 days. However, the Condition is restricted to fuel oil level reductions, that maintain at least a combined 6 day supply. In this Condition, a period of 48 hours is allowed prior to declaring the associated DD-EFW Pump inoperable. The 48 hour Completion Time allows sufficient time for obtaining the requisite replacement volume and performing the analyses required prior to addition of fuel oil to the tank. This period is acceptable based on the remaining capacity (> 6 days), the actions that will be initiated to obtain replenishment, and the low probability of an event occurring during this brief period, t (continued) ! Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-91 Amendment No.

t l Dies 21 Drivan EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 l BASES f ACTIONS B.1 With lube oil inventory between 211 and 221 gallons, there L is not sufficient lube oil to support 7 days continuous l operation of the DD-EFW Pump. However, the Condition is ! restricted to lube oil volume reductions that maintain at least a 6 day supply. In this Condition, a period 'of 48


l hours is considered adequate to restore the required volume prior to declaring the DD-EFW Pump inoperable. The volume specified includes the engine lube oil inventory contained in the sump. If the required volume cannot be restored, the DD-EFW Pump is declared inoperable, j The 48 hour Completion Time is acceptable based on the remaining capacity (> 6 days), the low rate of usage, the l actions that will be initiated to obtain replenishment, and the low probability of an event occurring during this brief l period . A C l This Condition is entered as a result of a failure to meet the acceptance criterion for DD-EFW Pump fuel oil particulates. Normally, trending of particulate levels ,

allows sufficient time to correct high particulate levels '

prior to reaching the limit of acceptability. However, poor sample procedures (bottom sampling), contaminated l sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can i produce failures that do not follow a trend. Since the presence of particulates does not mean the fuel oil will ! not burn properly and given that proper engine performance j has been recently demonstrated (per SR, it is  ; l prudent to allow a brief period of time prior to declaring the associated DD-EFW Pump' inoperable. The 7 day Completion Time allows for further evaluation, resampling, and re-analysis of the DD-EFW Pump fuel oil. l 1 l 4 j (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-92 Amendment No. l'


                                                       . Diesel Drivan EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19     I BASES 1

I ACTIONS D.1 l l l With the new fuel oil properties defined in the Bases for SR (fuel oil surveillance testing) not within the required limits, a period of 30 days is allowed for restoring the stored fuel oil properties prior to declaring the associated DD-EFW Pump inoperable. This period provides sufficient time to test the stored fuel oil to de'termine that the new fuel oil, when mixed with previously stored fuel oil, remains acceptable, or to restore the stored fuel oil properties. This restoration may involve feed and bleed, filtering, or combinations of these procedures. Even , if the DD-EFW Pump start and load was required during this L time and the fuel oil properties were outside limits, there i is a high likelihood that the DD-EFW Pump would still be l capable of performing its intended function. l E.,1 With starting air receiver pressure < 177 psig, sufficient capacity for six successive DD-EFW Pump start attempts does not exist. However, as long as the receiver pressure is

                                                        > 150 psig, there is adequate capacity for at least one start attempt, and the DD-EFW Pump can be considered OPERABLE while the air receiver pressure is restored to the required limit.

A period of 48 hours is considered sufficient to complete restoration to the required pressure prior to declaring the DD-EFW Pump inoperable. This period is acceptable based on , the remaining air start capacity, the fact that most diesel l engine starts are accomplished on the first attempt, and ' the low probability of an event occurring during this brief l o period . j, 1 E11  !< With a Required Action and associated Completion Time not met, with fuel oil, lube oil, or starting air subsystems not within limits for reasons other than addressed by Conditions A through E, the DD-EFW Pump must be immediately declared inoperable. In this case, the ACTION for Specification 3.7.5, is entered. l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-93 Amen'dment No. I

Dissol Drivan EFW Pump Fual Oil, Luba Oil, and Starting Air. B 3.7.19 ! BASES SURVEILLANCE SR ' r REQUIREMENTS This SR provides verification that there is an adequate usable inventory of fuel oil in the supply tank to support operation of the DD-EFW pump for 7 days, assuming no offsite power and Appendix K decay heat removal EFW flow requirements. The 7 days .is sufficient time to place the

plant in a safe shutdown condition and to bring in replenishment fuel from an offsite location.

The 31 day Frequency is adequate to ensure that a .l sufficient supply of fuel oil is available, since low-level  ! alarms are provided and the likelihood of any large reductions (use or leakage) of fuel oil during this period i would be detected. E SR l t This Surveillance ensures that sufficient lube oil l- inventory is available to support at least 7 days of operation of DD-EFW Pump assuming Appendix K decay heat removal EFW flow requirements. The 221 gallon requirement is based on the diesel manufacturer consumption values for { the run tism of the engine. The specified volume includes  ; the lube oil contained in the sump. A 31 day Frequ'ency is adequate to ensure that a sufficient lube oil supply is onsite, since DD-EFW pump starts and run  ; time are closely monitored by the plant staff, i l SR l l The tests listed below are a,means of determining whether new fuel oil is of the appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances that would have an immediate, detrimental impact on diesel engine performance. If results from these tests are within acceptable limits, the fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for contaminating the entire volume of fuel oil in the storage tanks. These tests are to be conducted prior to adding the l L o (continued) i l Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-94 Amendment No.

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j. Diesal Drivan EFW Pump. FunT Oil, Luba Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 i i

) BASES SURVEILLANCE' SR (continued) 4 REQUIREME'iTt ! new fuel. to the storage tank (s), but in no case is the time j between receipt of new fuel and conducting the tests to 1 exceed 31 days. The tests, limits, and applicable ASTM  : l Standards are as foTlows:

a. Sample the new fuel oil in accordance with ASTM i D4057-88, (Ref. 6);
b. Verify in accordance with the tests specified in 1 ASTM D975-74, (Ref. 7) that the sample has a maximum 2

of 0.05% by volume water and sediment (using

ASTM D2709-82, (Ref 6), a Saybolt viscosity at 100 'F l of 32.6 SUS and 40.1 SUS, and a flash point of i

[ > 12 5 'F ; l i l c. Verify in accordance with the test specified in ASTM 1 D287-82 (Ref. 6) that new fuel has an API specific gravity of 28 (min); and j_ d. Verify that the new fuel oil has a clear and bright  ! appearance with proper color when tested in accordance l with ASTM D4176-91, (Ref 6). ' ) Failure to meet any of the above limits is cause for rejecting the new fuel oil, but does not represent a failure to meet the LCO concern since the fuel oil .is not added to the storage tank.

                                    'Within           .2 days following the initial new fuel oil sample, the fuel oil is analyzed to establish that the other properties specified in Table 1 of ASTM D975-74, (Ref. 7),

are met.for new fuel oil when tested in accordance with

                                     . ASTM D975-74, (Ref. 7), except that a calculated Cetane                      !

Index, per ASTM D976 (Ref. 8) or D4737 (Ref. 9), is j determined to estimate the actual Cetane Number. If the Cetane Index is not met, then a sample of fuel is tested in accordance with ASTM D613 (Ref. 10) to determine Cetane i Number. The 31 day period is acceptable because the fuel oil properties of interest, even if they were not within stated limits, would not have an immediate effect on DD-EFW Pump operation. This Surveillance ensures the availability of high quality fuel oil for the DD-EFW Pump diesel engine. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-95 Amendment No.

I Dies 21 Drivsn' EFW Pump Fual Oil, Luba Oil, ana Starting Air B 3.7.19 L BASES l l SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) .

         . REQUIREMENTS Fuel oil degradatior during long-term storage is typically detected as an increase in particulate, due mostly to oxidation. The presence of particulate, does not mean the i

fuel oil will not burn properly in a diesel engine. However, the particulate can cause fouling of filters.and fuel oil injection equipment which can cause engine ! failure. Particulate concentrations should be determined in accordance with ASTM D2276-91, Method A (Ref. 6). This method involves a gravimetric determination of total particulate concentration in the fuel oil. It is acceptable to obtain a field sample for subsequent laboratory testing in lieu of field testing. l The Frequency of this SR takes into consideration fuel oil l degradation trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between , tests. l SR l l This Surveillance ensures that, without the aid of the l re-fill compressor, sufficient air start capacity for the l DD-EFW Pump diesel engine is available. The design i requirements provide for a minimum of six engine start

cycles without recharging. The pressure specified in this l SR reflects the lowest value at which the six starts can be L accomplished.


The 31 day Frequency takes into account the capacity, l capability and other indications available in the control room for DD-EFW Pump start readiness, including alarms, to alert the operator to below normal air start pressure. In L addition, the system design includes a feature to

! automatically start the air compressors on low air l pressure. f j (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-96 Amendment No.

Dies 01 Driv n EFW Pump Fual Oil, Luba Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 BASES REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 10.5.

2. Regulatory Guide 1.137.

l 3. ANSI N195-1976, Appendix B.

4. FSAR, Chapter 6.
5. FSAR, Chapter 14.
6. ASTM Standards: D4057-88; D2709-82; D4176-91; D287-82; D2276-91, Method A.
7. ASTM Standard, D975-74, Table 1.


8. ASTM Standard, D976.


9. ASTM Standard, D4737.
10. ASTM Standard, DF13.

l l 1 I I i l 1 I l l l 1 Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-97 Amendment No.

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AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 l l BASES t ACTIONS A.3 (continued) 1 additional 72 hours (for a total of 9 days) allowed prior to complete restoration of the LCO. The 6 day Completion Time - provides a limit on the. time allowed in a specified condition after discovery of failure to meet the LCO. This limit is considered reasonable for situations in which

            .                    Conditions A and B are entered concurrently.

As in Required Action A.2, the Completion Time allows for an , exception to the normal " time zero" for beginning the ' allowed outage time " clock." This will result in . establishing the " time zero" at the time that the LC0 was  ! initially not met, instead of at the time Condition A was entered. M To ensure a highly reliable power source in the event one EDG is inoperable, .it is necessary to verify the availability of the OPERABLE offsite circuits on a more frequent basis. Since the Required Action only specifies

                                  " perform," a failure of SR acceptance criteria does                           ,

not result in a Required Action being not met (Condition F). However, if a circuit fails to-pass SR, it is ' inoperable. Upon offsite circuit inoperability, additional  ! Conditions and Required Actions must then be entered. -j l M I Required Action B.2 is intended to provide assurance that a l loss of offsite power, during the period that a EDG is inoperable, does not result in a complete loss of safety function of critical redundant required features. These features are designed with redundant safety related trains. Redundant required feature failures consist of inoperable features associated with a train, redundant to the train that has an inoperable EDG. Single train systems (from an electrical perspective), such as the turbine driven emergency feedwater pump, are not included. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-8 Amendment No. l' l i l

AC Sources-Operating

B 3.8.1
          ~ ACTIONS               JL1 (continued)                                                                               l   !

The Completion Time for Required Action B.2 is intended to l 1 allow the operator time to evaluate and repair any discovered inoperabilities. This Completion Time also i

;                                 allows for an exception to the normal " time zero" for                                            l

! beginning the allowed outage time " clock." In this Required. j Action, the Completion Time only begins on discovery that i both:

a. An EDG is inoperable; and ,
b. A required feature on the other train is inoperable.


If at any time during the existence of this Condition (one

. EDG inoperable) a required feature subsequently becomes i i inoperable, this Completion Time begins to be tracked. q Declaring the required features inoperable within four hours i from the discovery of items 'a' and 'b' existing concurrently is acceptable because it minimizes risk while allowing time for restoration before subjecting the plant to

.. transients associated with shutdown.

! In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE EDG and offsite ? circuits are adequate to supply electrical power to the onsite Class IE distribution system. Thus, on a component basis, single-failure protection for the required feature's , function may have been lost; however, function has not been i lost. The 4 hour Completion Time takes into account the i l OPERABILITY of the redundant counterpart to the inoperable i required feature. Additionally, the 4 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the remaining AC sources, a reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. Y (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-9 Amendment No. I

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES l ACTIONS B.3.1 and B.3.2 l l (continued) Required Action B.3.1 provides an option to testing the l , OPERABLE EDG in order to avoid unnecessary testing. If it I can be determined that the cause of the inoperable EDG does not exist on the OPERABLE EDG, SR does not have to be performed. If the cause of inoperability exists on the other EDG, the other EDG would be declared inoperable upon l discovery and Condition E of LC0 3.8.1 would be entered. If the common cause failure evaluation is indeterminate (the cause of the initial inoperable EDG cannot be confirmed not to exist on the remaining EDG), performance of SR is adequate to provide assurance of continued OPERABILITY of *l that EDG. The Completion Time of 24 hours is reasonable to confirm that the OPERABLE EDG is not affected by the same problem as the inoperable EDG and is based on the recommendations of Generic Letter 84-15 (Ref. 7). 1

L.4 I According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6), operation with one EDG inoperable should be limited to a period not to exceed 72 hours.

In Condition B, the remaining OPERABLE EDG and offsite circuits are adequate to supply electrical power to the onsite Class 1E distribution system. The 72 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the l remaining AC sources, a reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. l , The second Completion Time for Required Action B.4 l establishes a limit on the maxircum time allowed for any combination of required AC power sources to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure to meet the LCO. Refer to the Bases for Required Action A.3 for , additional information on this Completion Time. i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-10 Amendment No. I l

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AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES

                     ' ACTIONS        .

C.1 and C.2 l (continued) Required Action C.1, which applies when both required l offsite circuits are inoperable, is intended to provide assurance that a DBA, coincident with a worst-case single failure, will not result in a complete loss of redundant required safety functions. The Completion Time for declaring the redundant required features inoperable is 12 hours; reduced from that allowed for one train without offsite power (Required Action A.2). The rationale for the reduction to 12 hours is that Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6) allows a Completion Time of 24 hours for two required offsite circuits inoperable, based upon the assumption that j two complete safety trains are OPERABLE. When a concurrent ' redundant required feature failure exists, this assumption l l is no longer valid, and a shorter Completion Time of l 12 hours is appropriate. These features are powered from l redundant AC safety trains. Single train features (from an

electrical perspective), such as the turbine driven

! emergency feedwater pump, are not included. l l The Completion Time for Required Action C.1 is intended to l L allow the operator t.ime to evaluate and repair any l discovered-inoperabilities. This Completion Time also

j. allows for an exception to the normal " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock." In this Required Action, the Completion Time only begins on discovery that both:
a. All required offsite circuits are inoperable; and l_ b. A required feature is inoperable.

If at any time during the existence of Condition C (two offsite circuits inoperable) a required feature becomes inoperable, this Completion Time begins to be tracked. l-L l. L (continued) i Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-11 Amendment No. l

   - - . _ ~. _ _ _                 . ._   ._ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . - - __~ _ _ __ _                             _ . _ .

AC Sources-Operating ( B 3.8.1 l BASES

                     ' ACTIONS           C.1 and C.2                (continued)                                               1 According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref.,6), operation with two required offsite circuits-                                    !

,_ inoperable should be a period not to exceed 24 hours. In this condition, the offsite electrical power . system does not have the capability to effect a safe i.' shutdown and to mitigate the effects of an accident; , however, the onsite AC sources have not been degraded. This ' level of degradation generally corresponds to a total loss of the immediately accessible offsite power sources. i Because of the normally high availability of the offsite sources, this level of degradation may appear to be more )- severe than other combinations of two AC sources inoperable that involve one or more EDGs inoperable. However, two factors tend to decrease the severity of this level of degradation: ! a. The configuration of the redundant AC' electrical power system that remains available is not susceptible to a single bus or switching failure; and ( b. The time required to detect and restore an unavailable offsite power source is generally much less than that required to detect and restore an unavailable onsite j l AC source. 1 With both of the required offsite circuits inoperable, sufficient onsite AC sources are available to maintain the l unit in a safe shutdown condition in the event of a DBA or transient. In fact, the simultaneous loss:of offsite AC l , sources coincident with a LOCA, and-a worst-case single ' failure were postulated as a part of the original licensing basis. Thus, the 24 hour Completion Time provides a period of time to effect restoration of one of the offsite circuits commensurate with the importance of maintaining an AC electrical power system capable of meeting its design )


l l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-12 Amendment No. I i _. .. .- -- --. . --

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES 't A'CTIONS C.1 and C.2 (continued) l If one required offsite source is restored within 24 hours, l power operation may continue in accordance with the required Actions of Condition A. 4 D.1 and 0.2 'l Pursuant to LCO 3.0.6, the distribution system ACTIONS woulo l not be entered if the de-energization of the busses.was due to all AC sources to them being inoperable. Therefore, the Required Actions of Condition D are modified by a Note indicating that when Condition D is entered with no AC sources to one train, the Conditions and Required Actions for LC0 3.8.9, " Distribution Systems-Operating," must be immediately entered. This allows Condition D to provide i requirements for the loss of one offsite circuit and one EDG whether or not a train is de-energized. LCO 3.8.9 provides the appropriate restrictions for a de-energized train. According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6), operation with one onsite and one offsite circuit inoperable should be limited to a period not to exceed 12 hours. In Condition D, individual redundancy is lost in both the l offsite electrical power system and the onsite AC electrical power system. However, since power system redundancy is provided by two diverse sources of power it may appear the reliability of the power systems in this Condition is higher than that in Condition C (loss of both required offsite l circuits). This is not necessarily the case since this difference in reliability is offset by the susceptibility of this power system configuration to a single bus or switching failure. The 12 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the remaining AC sources, reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-13 Amendment No. I

s AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS L1 l With the Train A and Train B EDGs inoperable, there are no qualified onsite standby AC sources. Thus, with an assumed loss of offsite electrical power, there would not be i sufficient standby AC sources available to power the minimum required ES systems. Since the offsite electrical power ' system is the only source of AC power for this level of degradation, the risk associated with continued operation for a very short time is balanced with that associated with  ! an immediate controlled shutdown (the immediate shutdown  ! could cause grid instability, which could a total 1 loss of AC power). However, since any inadvertent generator j trip could also result in a total loss of offsite AC power, i the time allowed for continued operation is severely l restricted. The intent here is to avoid the risk associated j with an immediate controlled shutdown and to minimize the i risk associated with this level of degradation. 1 l The 2 hour Completion Time is consistent with the l recommendations of Reference 6. ' F.1 and F.2 l If the inoperable AC electrical power sources cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion L Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 12 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required MODES from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. G.1 . l l Condition G corresponds to a level of degradation in which l { all redundancy in the AC electrical power supplies has been ' lost. At this severely degraded level, any subsequent failures in the AC electrical power system will cause a loss of function condition, and potentially, a station blackout. Therefore, the unit is <equired to enter LC0 3.0.3 immediately and prepare for a controlled shutdown. I (continued) , Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-14 Amendment No. l

AC Sources--Operating B 3.8.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE The AC sources are designed to permit inspection and REQUIREMENTS testing of all important areas and features, especially those that have a standby function. This is consistent with 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC 18 (Ref. 8). Periodic component tests are supplemented by extensive functional tests during outages (under simulated accident conditions). Where the SRs for this LC0 specify voltage and frequency tolerances, the following is applicable. The minimum steady state output voltage of 3933 V is 94.5% of the nominal 4160 V output voltage. This value allows for voltage drops to motors and other equipment down through the 120 V level where minimum operating voltage is usually specified as 85% to 90% of name plate rating. The specified maximum steady state output voltage of 4400 V is equal to the maximum operating voltage specified for 4000 V motors. It ensures that for a lightly loaded distribution system, the voltage at the terminals of 4000 V motors is no more than the maximum rated operating voltages. The specified minimum and maximum frequencies of the EDG are 58.8 Hz and 61.2 Hz, respectively. These values are equal to 2% of the 60 Hz nominal frequency and are derived from the recommendations given in Regulatory Guide 1.9 (Ref. 3). Regulatory Guide 1.9 requirements are satisfied by monitoring EDG output. SR This SR ensures proper circuit continuity for the offsite AC electrical power supply to the onsite distribution network and availability of offsite AC electrical power. The breaker alignment verifies that each breaker is in its (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-15 Amendment No. I

Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.8.3 B 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS ' B 3.8.3 Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air BASES BACKGROUND- Each emergency diesel generator (EDG) is provided with a < fuel oil storage tank. The combined fuel oil capacity of both storage tanks is sufficient to operste one diesel ~ for'a period of 7 days while the EDG is supplying the upper limit of its 200-hour rating (Ref.1). The fuel oil supply is , calculated using the assumption that one EDG is available to supply sufficient post accident' loads. This onsite fuel oil capacity ensures adequate time is available to replenish , the onsite supply from outside sources prior to the diesel running out of fuel. , l Fuel oil is transferred from the storage tank to the day i tank by either of two transfer pumps associated with each l EDG. The pumps and piping are redundant to preclude failure , of one pump, or the rupture of any pipe, valve or tank I resulting in the loss of more than one EDG. All outside i tanks and piping are located underground to preclude ' consideration of the effects of missiles in their design. -

                                    .For proper operation of the EDGs, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of the fuel oil.               CR-3 has a Diesel Fuel Oil (DFO) Testing Program which is an overall effort to ensure the quality of the fuel oil. The program includes purchasing, on-site receipt acceptance testing of new fuel, l                                     offsite analysis of new fuel accepted, and periodic testing l                                      (both onsite and offsite) of the stored fuel oil.

Additionally, the program includes water removal and biocide addition to control bacteriological growth, and performance checks of the cathodic protection system for underground storage tanks. CR-3 is not committed to Regulatory Guide 1.137 or ANS 59.51 (ANSI N195), however, these standards , were utilized as guidance in the development of the DF0 Testing Program. , The EDG lube oil subsystem is designed to provide sufficient - lubrication to permit proper operation of its associated EDG' under all loading conditions. The system is required to circulate the lube oil to the diesel engine working surfaces and to' remove excess heat generated by friction during I I J

(continued) 7 Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-30 Amendment No.

i I I

Diesel Fuel Oile tube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.8.3 BASES BACKGROUND o)eration. The onsite lube oil storage, in addition to (continued) tlat contained in the engine sump, is sufficient to ensure 7 days of one EDG supplying the upper limit of its 200-hour rating. This supply ensures adequate time is available to replenish lube oil from outside sources prior to the EDG running out of lube oil. Each EDG has an air start system with adequate capacity for six successive start attempts on the EDG without recharging the air start receivers. A single EDG start is assured with air receiver pressure > 150 psig. Additional evaluations have been performed which indicate there is substaritial margin included in the single start receiver pressure limit (Ref. 9). APPLICABLE The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and SAFETY ANALYSES transient analyses in the FSAR, Chapter 6 (Ref. 4) and Chapter 14 (Ref. 5), assume Engineered Safeguard (ES) systems are OPERABLE. The EDGs are designed to provide sufficient capacity, capability, redundancy, and reliability to ensure the availability of necessary power to ES systems so that fuel, Reactor Coolant System, and containment design limits are not exceeded. These limits are discussed in more detail in the Bases for Section 3.2, Power Distribution. Limits; Section 3.4, Reactor Coolant System (RCS); and Section 3.6, Containment Systems. Since diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the air start subsystem support the operation of-the standby AC power sources, they satisfy Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LC0 A sufficient combined stored diesel fuel oil supply is required'to be available to rnsure the capability to operate a single EDG at the upper limit of its 200-hour rating for 7 days. During an event that requires 7 days operation before replacement fuel oil is obtained, manual reconfiguration of loads and transferring the stored fuel oil supply from one tank to the other may be needed to support operation of the EDG. Diesel fuel oil is also required to meet specific quality standards. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-31 Amendment No. I

i Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air l B 3.8.3 BASES LC0 A sufficient lube oil supply must be available to ensure (continued) the capability to operate a single EDG at the upper limit of l . its 200-hour rating for 7 days. EDG lube oil sump level, in

conjunction with the on-site supply and the ability to l obtain replacement supplies within the required timeframe, l supports the availability of EDGs required to shut down the reactor and to maintain it in a safe condition for an anticipated operational occurrence (A00) or a postulated DBA with loss of offsite power. EDG day tank fuel requirements, as well as transfer capability from the storage tank to the  ;

day tank, are addressed in LC0 3.8.1,"AC Sources-Operating," . and LC0 3.5.2, "AC Sources- Shutdown." l l The starting air system is required to have a minimum l capacity for six successive EDG start attempts without recharging the air start receivers. As such, the air start l compressors are not addressed as a part of this (or any other) LCO. l l APPLICABILITY The AC sources (LC0 3.8.1 and LC0 3.8.2) are required in order to ensure the availability of the required power to  ! l shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown l condition after an A00 or a postulated DBA. Since stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the starting air subsystem support EDG OPERABILITY, these featuras are required to be within limits whenever the associated EDG is required to be OPERABLE. ACTIONS The ACTIONS are modified by two' Notes. Note 1 indicates separate Condition entry is allowed for each EDG. This is acceptable based upon the fact each EDG is treated as an i independent entity for this Specification. Note 2 indicates LC0 3.0.4 is not applicable and MODE changes while in the ACTIONS of this Specification are permitted. It could be . argued this Note is not required since this Specification l allows indefinite operation. However, to avoid any future i confusion on the allowance, LCO 3.0.4 has been specifically l excepted. This is considered acceptable since operation in I accordance with this Specification still means the EDG is OPERABLE. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-32 Amendment No. r i L 1

l- Distribution Systems-Operating l ~ B 3.8.9 l BASES LCO AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical lower distribution (continued) subsystems are considered OPERABLE wien the. associated buses, load centers, MCCs, and distribution panels are energized to their proper voltages. In addition, tie breakers between 480 V ES bus 3A and 3B must be open. This prevents an electrical malfunction in any power distribution subsystem from propagating to.the redundant subsystem. If this were to occur, it could cause the failure of a redundant subsystem and a loss of essential safety function (s). If any tie breakers are closed, the affected redundant electrical power distribution subsystems are no longer redundant and one train must be considered inoperable. This applies to the onsite, safety related redundant electrical power distribution subsystems. It does not, however, preclude redundant Class 1E 4160 V buses from oeing powered from the same offsite circuit. APPLICABILITY The electrical power distribution subsystems are required to be OPERABLE in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 to ensure that:

a. Acceptable fuel design limits and reactor coolant pressure boundary limits are not exceeded as a result of A00s or abnormal transients; and
b. Adequate core cooling is provided, and containment OPERABILITY and other vital functions are maintained in the event of a postulated DBA.

Electrical power distribution subsystem requirements for MODES 5 and 6 are addressed in the Bases for LCO 3.8.10,

                      " Distribution Systems-Shutdown."

ACTIONS A.1 l With one AC electrical power distribution subsystem incperaole, the remaining AC electrical power distribution subsystem in the other train is capable of supporting the ninimum safety funt.tions necessary to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, assuming no single failure. However, the overall reliability is reduced because a single failure in the remaining power distribution subsystems could result in the minimum required ES functions not being met. Therefore, the required AC buses, load centers, MCCs, and distribution panels must be restored to OPERABLE status within 8 hours. L l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-69 Amendment No. I

I l Distri' uution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 t  ! ! BASES l i ACTIONS A.1 (continued) l ! The most severe scenario addressed by Condition A is an l j entire train without AC power (i.e., no offsite power to the - train and the associated EDG inoperable). In this  ! condition, the plant has an increased vulnerability to a l complete loss of AC power. It is, therefore, imperative ' that the operator's attention be focused on minimizirig th'e l potential for loss of power to the remaining train by stabilizing the plant, and on restoring power to the affected train. The 8 hour time limit for restoration, prior to requiring a plant shutdown in this Condition is acceptable because of: '

a. The potential for decreased safety if the operator's
attention is diverted from the evaluations and actions necessary to restore power to the affected train to the actions associated with shutting down the plant l within this time limit; and 1
b. The low probability of an event occurring coincident with a single failure of a redundant component in the train with AC power.

1 The second Completion Time for Required Actions A.1 l establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any combination of required distribution subsystems to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of , failure to meet the LCO. If Condition A is entered while, l for instance, a DC bus is inoperable and subsequently restored to OPERABLE status, LC0 3.8.9 may already have been not met for up to 2 hours. This could lead to a total of 10 hours, since initial failure of the LCO, to restore the AC distribution system. 'At this time, a DC circuit could again become inoperable, and AC distribution restored to OPERABLE status. This could continue indefinitely. The Completion Time allows for an exception to the normal

                         " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock."

This will result in establishing the " time zero" at the time the LC0 was initially not met, instead of the time Condition A was entered. The 16 hour Completion Time is an acceptable limitation on this potential to fail to meet the LC0 indefinitely. l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-70 Amendment No. I

Distribution Systems--Operating B 3.8,9 BASES ACTIONS H21 l (continued) With one AC vital bus inoperable, the remaining OPERABLE AC vital buses are capable of supporting the minimum safety e functions necessary to shut down the unit and maintain it in the safe shutdown condition. Overall reliability is reduced, however, since an additional single failure could result in the minimum required ES functions not being supported. Therefore, the AC vital bus must be restored to OPERABLE status within 8 hours. Condition B represents a condition in which potentially both the DC source and the associated AC source are nonfunctional. In this situation the plant is significantly more vulnerable to a complete loss of all non-interruptible power. It is, therefore, imperative that the operator's attention focus on stabilizing the plant, minimizing the potential for loss of power to the remaining vital buses and restoring power to the affected vital bus. The 8 hour limit is more conservative than Completion Times allowed for the vast majority of components that would be without adecuate AC vital power. However, there are certain affected Teatures Completion Times of shorter duration. The intent of the Improved Technical Specifications is to remain within this Specification only and not take the ACTIONS for inoperable supported systems. Taking this exception to l.00 3.0.2 for components without adequate vital AC power, that would have the Required Action Completion Times shorter than 8 hours if declared' inoperable, is acceptable because of:

a. The potential for decreased safety by requiring a change in unit conditions (i.e., requiring a shutdown) and not allowing stable operations to continue;
b. The potential for decreased requiring entry into numerous applicable Conditions and Required Actions-for components without adequate vital AC power and not providing sufficient time for the operators to

, perform the necessary evaluations and actions for restoring power to the affected train; and

c. The low probability of an event occurring coincident with a single failure of a redundant component.

(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-71 Amendment No. l

1 Distributicn Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 BASES ACTIONS E_J (continued) l The 8 hour Completion Time takes into account the importance of restoring the AC vital bus to OPERABLE status, the , redundant capability afforded by the other OPERABLE vital l buses, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during i this period. 1 The third Completion Time for Required Action B.1 establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any i combination of required distribution subsystems to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure. Refer to the Bases for Required Action A.1 for - further discussion of this Completion Time. C.1 l With DC bus (es) in DC electrical power distribution train inoperable, the remaining train is capable of supporting the Maimum safety functions necessary to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, assuming no single failure. The overall reliability is reduced, however, because a single failure in the remaining DC electrical power distribution train could result in the minimum required ES functions not being met. Therefore, the l DC buses must be restored to OPERABLE status within 2 hours. Condition C represents a condition in which one train is l without adequate DC power; potentially both with the battery significantly degraded and the associated charger inoperable. In this situation, the plant is significantly d more vulnerable to a complete loss of all DC power. It is, therefore, imperative that the operator's attention focus on . stabilizing the plant, minimizing the potential for loss of , power to the remaining trains and restoring power to the 7 affected train. , 1 The 2 hour limit is more conservative than Completion Times allowed for the vast majority of components that would be without adequate AC vital power. However, there are certain affected features with Completion Times of shorter duration. The intent of the Improved Technical Specifications is to remain within this Specification only and not take the ACTIONS for inoperable supported systems. Taking this~ exception to LC0 3.0.2 for components without adequate vital AC power, that would have the Required Action Completion (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-72 Amendment No. I 1

Di'stribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 BASES ACTIONS .C_d (continued) , l Times shorter than 2 hours if declared inoperable, is acceptable because of:

a. The potential for decreased safety by requiring a change in plant conditions (i.e., requiring a shutdown) while allowing stable operations to continue;
b. The potential for decreased safety by requiring entry into numerous applicable Conditions and Required Actions for components without DC power and not providing sufficient time for the operators to perform the necessary evaluations and actions to restore power to the affected train; and
c. The low probability of an event occurring coincident with a single failure of a redundant component.

The 2 hour Completion Time for DC buses is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 3). The second Completion Time for Required Action C.1 l establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any combination of required distribution subsystems to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure to meet the LCO. Refer to the Bases for Required Action A for further discussion of this Completion Time. l D.1 and 0.2 l If the inoperable distribution subsystem cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant ~ must be.placed in a MODE in which the LCO does not  ! apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required MODES from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-73 Amendment No. I

Distributicn Systems--Operating B 3.8.9 BASES l ACTIONS [21 l (continued)

   .                    Condition E corresponds to a level of degradation in which                                 I redundant safety-related trains have lost power to one or                                      ,

more busses. At this severely degraded level, the plant's  ; ability to respond to an event may be significantly reduced. Therefore, if it is determined that redundant trains of a 3 necessary function are concurrently inoperable, no < additional time is justified for continued operation. The j plant is required to immediately enter LC0 3.0.3 and begin i preparations for a-controlled shutdown. j l 1 (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.8-74 Amendment No. l


l l ECCS--Op'erating 3.5.2 3.5 EMERGENCY-CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) 3.5.2 ECCS--Operating LC0 3.5.2 Two ECCS trains shall be OPERABLE. l APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3. ' ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l A. One or more trains A.1 Verify the turbin: 1 Scur inoperable. driven :::rgency c__2...__ _..__ ,_2 i wwwnu w w i yumy u n iu AND  :::: i;ted flew path rn: Or OPEPf,SLE. At least 100% of the ECCS flow equivalent 6MB 6MB to a single OPERABLE ECCS train available. Are Restore train (s) to 72 hours OPERABLE status. B. Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours associated Completion Time not met. AND B.2 Be in MODE 4. 12 hours l l l l l l I Crystal River Unit 3 3.5-4 Amendment No. 163 NOTE Valid Until Cycle 12 Only l l

EFW System 3.7.5 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.5 Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System LC0 3.7.5 Two EFW trains shall be OPERABLE. I APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3. ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One steam supply to A.1 Restore steam supply 7 days the turbine driven EFW to OPERABLE status. pump inoperable. ANQ 10 days from discovery of failure to meet the LCO B. ASV 5 in perabic. B. Re: tere ASV 5 tc 72 hour; OPERACLE :t tu;. 6HE


10 d;y; h i di;::very of failur; t: ::ct the i LmC^ (contin' sed) Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-9 Amendment No. 463 i MOTE V lid 'Jntil Cyc1: 12 Only

( EFW System  ! 3.7.5 I I j AMP femme 4-amAi avow i l g u vie w s aiu s u f i i f' AMh T T 1 vvuvaia DEnllihEh A FT T ALI nwyv4nsw r iv i avn tETTALI TTMF I Lwaavn i s e i n. i i \ I l ) l f' f f\f 19 wi 4visuywiuwiw

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nnenAose. vs w a sr iw i. w . 1 HDH EEU 1 *3 4 Tsimu s. t m. v 4 m m m m m s k1 m E-m m m m m t. we w av s iivyw s uviws h4mem1 siirw i y wi s sj wiwwwi t'amam%4mm, uwiawa u w vi g 9 s. Tm%4m HDH AF ii u a is u riv f1mmemem.1 h ai. mm aiww=i iwue ACM SAA immmmm% Lim i v r= w i s iw = a. v T iinvywi uwawa M w 4 a,4 wam 4,wu L ,4 4mm v i ve m

                                                                                      . L j o., , 4 .m          .mA

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                                                                                  @ . e k , i e m 4 man wuvsjs6um
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                                                                          #4%4i, wwuwwae iO      M=tae          [m amma 4v v uj s               i avm A4,,m.             mi.       mt v i s w v       wij          va f = 41. . m a         em aus sus %              vv
                                                                                                                                   -mae          4La t f* A view w w      wiew        a. v v f m a as 4 4 me, a i m M k g wvii w e in uw w j i

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siv 11. ov i a. vus su was i wjwsw a n. vir r y {



Oiie Meter driven BE.1 72 hours Restore} motor end driven m EFW tra n p"mp EFWtrainp"fipcr c;;ctiated ca wn paRinoperabl e_._ c;;ccieted ficu pcth AND forgreasons other to OPERABLE status. 10 days from


_* ~ ~ ~ ~ discover of fa h e o et the LC0 CF. Required Action Cf.1 Be in Mode 3. and associated " 6 hours Completion Time of A@ Condition _Ar B, C, rn D,

           ,,g, er E ob.n.B not
                       -                     CF.2       Be in Mode 4.               12 hours DG.      Two EFW trains inoperable.


                                             ~           Initiate action to          Immedi ately---mn restore one EFW train                       I to OPERABLE status.

SVRVElllANCE RE0VIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify each EFW manual, power operated and 45 days automaticvalveineachwaterflowpatk8 and in both steam supply flow.. paths tod.he turbine driven. pump fuelpail;; flow; EFWfpump'that"pathdo,andlistartingwalraand rntheidieselidriven' 1s~nbt locked;~sealsd;'or" bth6rWise secured in position, is in the correct position. SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not required to be performed for the turbine driven EFW pump, until 24 hours after entering MODE 3. Verify the developed head of each EFW pump 45 days on a at the flow test point is greater than or STAGGERED TEST equal to the required developed head. BASIS i (continued) l l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-12 Amendment No. 4 6 i NOTE Velid Until Cycle 12 Only


l EFW System 3.7.5 i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE 1 FREQUENCY 1 i l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not required to be performed until 24 hours l after entering MODE 3. I  ! Verify each EFW automatic valve that is not 24 months l locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in l position, actuates to the correct position J l on an actual or simulated actuation signal. l l l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not required to be performed until 24 hours j after entering MODE 3. l i Verify each EFW pump starts automatically 24 months on an actual or simulated actuation signal. ! SR Verify proper alignment of the EFW flow Prior to l paths by verifying flow from the EFW tank entering MODE 2 to each steam generator, whenever plant has been in MODE 5 or 6 for

                                                                          > 30 days
        %2)j2]M$3((![Yjflff[jfj{@M}(({QjJy2[jj@{aljjjf${j                 fl@Nj I

l-l t Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-12A Amendment No. 463

SW System 3.7.7 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3 7.7 Nuclear Services Closed Cycle Cooling Water (SW) System LCO 3.7.7 The SW System shall be OPERABLE with:

a. Two OPERABLE emergency SW pumps; and
b. Three OPERABLE SW heat exchangers.


pplic:ble in "0DE '.
                                                                              "crify the turbine               4-heer driven ::crgency                                           ten feci;;ter pump :nd c ccci:ted fle: p;th er: OPERASLE.

6!!E A.2 Re:ter S"P IS t: 72 h cr: OPERSSLE :t:te: A. B . OWETh..iisig~hncy~i$W AB.1 gup y ~ x- Restore S"P la :nd SW 72 hours ggg-g% m ihoperable, exthiE?EP t: OPERABLE status. QB One required SW heat exchanger inoperable (continued) l-Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-15 un Amendmen,t No. 46,3

                                                                                         -.v. r.               . 1. ,. c.,....
u. , .4.2 n.. _. . s. e.n...,..

SW System 3.7.7 ! dCT10NS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME BG. Recuired Action BG.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours I was i anc associated ! -Completion Time AND not met. l BG.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours I nsu

                                                                                                                                  'l i

i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS l l SURVEILLANCE FREQtlENCY l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- ' i Isolation of SW flow to individual components does not render the SW System l inoperable.

                               .........__.._____........ __............__                                                          l

, Verify each SW manual, power operated, and 31 days 1 automatic valve in the flow path servicing  ; essential equipment, that is not locked, i sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position. l SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4. l Verify each SW automatic valve in the flow 24 months path that is not locked, sealed, or i otherwise secured in position, actuates to i the correct position on an actual,or simulated actuation signal. SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- ~ Not applicable in MODE 4. Verify each SW pump starts automatically on 24 months an actual or simulated actuation signal. ', Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-16 u,,nv u ,12 Amendmen,t r... .ie No. 46,3 wsu r n wr . e 4

n. ..

vui sw vy w w 46 vis s J l

DC System 3.7.8 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.8 Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water (DC) System ! 1 1 LCO 3.7.8 Two DC trains shall be OPERABLE. l l APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1 l ACTIONS ' L CONDITION i REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME I A. One DC train A.1 NOTE inoperable. TFi; Action i; not

pplicable in "0DE 4,.

1 Verify the turbin: I hour dri';;r. :: rgency rn , l feed::ter pump :nd

                                           ;;;;;i;ted flew p;th
C. ERn9' E.

MQ Are --------NOTE ------- Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.4.5, "RCS Loops-MODE 4," for required decay heat removal loo)s made inoperable )y DC train inoperability. Restore DC train to 72 hours OPERABLE status. (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-17 Amendment No. 463 NOTE V: lid Until Cycle 12 Only i l

I l 1

1 Nuclear Services Seawater System i 3.7.9  !

3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.9 '4uclear Services Seawater System LC0 3.7.9 Two Nuclear Services Seawater System trains shall be OPERABLE. l l APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. ACTIONS 1 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION - COMPLETION TIME l l l


A #DH O~n eT, ,.., , t. . . . .mf. 4 .k. m A.1 M. ~AT. w r Nutlear Services Thi: ,^,cticr i; r.-t Seawater System W ITd M:+-Am'nws cpp'iccb',e ir. ".00E 4. inoperable.

                                                                           "crify the turbin                                        I hcur driver. c=crgency                                                                 eT:



h cter pump cnd , a ci _ . - , t i uw.,vwsu, w u s s.n yusu

                                                                            ,ma wi w        nnEDnDIE.

vi n. s u iv i. e. MB  ! Are Restore Trair. "B" cf 72 hours i ee Nuclear Services ' Seawater Systemm.Wiis , to OPERABLE status ~

                                                                                                                           .                                                   I 1

i o,, . v, ,_ ., ..

s. . a n,n .- r, ., u, , %
o. . i.
                                                                .             n. . - , 4,.%_ _ _ v, , .,. 4.  .. , a a,n . r.        ,w     L...-...,

Nucle:r Services the "uclecr S^rvice; ri S ;unter System tc Sc:w;ter,Syst+m

                      .    -_,u
                                                                                                      ,+, ...                                                                 !

4..vywi ww n v n, e o. ,n,oww i e w.

                                                                                                      . uvuw.

1 (continued) l l l l ' I l l

l l

Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-19 Ame nTe u,1v iw u,,a n_. ,ndment No.n_ M,3.. w=s sw v,s s . r.ywaw..,-i.e w vsi s g l l 1

_ . _ . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ . ~ . . _ _ . . ~ . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . Nuclear Services Seawater System , 3.7.9 l

              ~ ACTIONS (continued) l                                  CONDITION                                         REQUIRED ACTION                      COMPLETION TIME I
                 ' BG.          ' Recuired Action                       BG.1            Be in Mode 3                     6 hours-                    i asm anc associated

, Completion Time AND

                                 .not met.

BG.2 Be in Mode 5. 36 hours i uns l l l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 i SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY  ! SR -------------------NOTE-------------- ----- i l Isolation of Nuclear Services Seawater l System flow to individual components does not render the Nuclear Services Seawater 1 System inoperable. I Verify ~each Nuclear Services Seawater 31 days System manual valve in the flow path servicing safety related equipment, that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in the correct position. SR -------------------NOTE-------------------- Not applicable in MODE 4. Verify each Emergency Nuclear Services 24 months Seawater System pump starts automatically on an actual or simulated actuation signal. i I. 1^ L l I i , Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-20 Amendment No. 463 "0!E V: lid ');til Cycl 12 Only l

l Decay Heat Seawater System 3.7.10 i 3.7' PLANT SYSTEMS l l  ! 3.7.10 Decay Heat Seawater System LC0 3.7.10 Two Decay Heat Seawater System trains shall be OPERABLE. 1 I l APPLICABILITY: MODES I, 2, 3, and 4.  ! ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME 1 A. One Decay Heat A.1 NOTE Seawater System train Thic Acticn ic net inoperable. cppliccble in MODE 4. Verify the turbin 1 Scur driven c crgeney att fecductcr pump cnd cc:ccicted flca pcth are OPERABLE. AND Are --------NOTE---------  ! Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.4.5, "RCS l Loops-MODE 4," for  ; required decay heat removal loo)s made l inoperable ay Decay Heat Seawater System train inoperability. l Restore Decay Heat 72 hours l Seawater System train l to OPERABLE status. l

(continued) i-Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-21 Amendment No. 463 i NOTE Vclid Until' Cycle 12 Only l

l l l

l l Control Complex Cooling' System 1 3.7.18 ' l i l 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS l 1 3.7.18 Control Complex Cooling System 1 { LC0 3.7.18 Two Control Complex Cooling tFi'ini System shall be OPERABLE?  ! w4h+

. Two OPERABLE chiller; and :::: iated pump:; and  !
b. Two OPERABLE h :t exch:nger:. f APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4,  !

During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies. l ACTIONS-CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l l 1 1 1 A. r u.u. .r..D., i,.-. O'ne

                               .                                 A.1                      u.n.r.
                                                                                          ..      f                                                                   1 brfm6riitVa, ins                      '^~

Thi; Acti:n i: not t l ino er--p .able r^~

pplic:ble i "00E i.

l 9!! MlD

                                                                         '!:r ', fy the turh',r.:                           I h ur CH" 1B inoperab't. At                                      driven ::crgency iliai D100%iofsths ~                                       feede:.ter pump :nd L              cool:in'gicapability~T6f                                   :::::icted flew p:th ilsin le;0PERABLE                       ^'

cre OPERABLE. Ehsbre Isisiidillil" i ControlkCoeplex~ ~ " ~ ' ~ ~ CoolinTtrai'n' adeijiiatiscoo

                                                                         'ca'abilit             7from;t  ' ng       "hs~                         rn i

1 l-

ava_i_la l_eY.. ~~

_ Controit:Cosplef^~^ . , , opera _ _ti.oni. AN.Q A.2 Re:ter: CHHE IB :nd P Li.n. 1.D 4. .- A. n. r D. A.D.,.t E

                                                                          <Ae4*rn- RistoFe                                  Udsys
                                                                                                                             ~         "

CostrolEComplex l

                                                                          ,A..._. Coo'lingtrain(s)i~'          to

_ OPE. R._A.B

                                                                                      ~ .E!!s._tatu.. s_

l l l l l l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-37 Amendment No, Ma l

  .                                                                                           u.n.Ts E
                                                                                              .              U, w= 1 1 A 11.1 421 1 1w       =   s r u,1.- 19
                                                                                                                                      .y   s  . A. . lsg i.

I t b

Control Complex Cooling System 3.7.18 ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. C"".E 1A incpereblev B.1 Re: tere CHHE 1A, CHP 7 dcy: la end Centrol 98 Cc=: lex Cccling heet  ! excianger to OPERABLE CHP la i ncpereble. :tetu:. BB 1 One required Centrol 1 Cc=-lex Cccling heat _ [ ,_ _ _ _ ...yw. w-.....r.  :. . _ , u.. w (continued) ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME  ! l BG. Recuired Action BG.1

                                         ^        Place EVillib1E                       Immediately anc associated                     ControTCbsplek Completion Time of                 Cooling System in Condition A ee                     operation.

Ccaditica B not met during OB movement of Immediately irradiated fuel 'BG.2 Suspend movement of assemblies. irradiated fuel assemblies. l l

  ^'CD.        Recuired Action             C'9.1
                                           ~       Be in Mode 3.                        6 hours anc associated Completion Time of          AND Condition A ee Ccadition B not             CD.2
                                            ~      Be in Mode 5.                        36 hours met during MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4.

E. Any ec binction of E.1 Enter LC0 2.C.3  !==cdictcly cc:penent: rendering the Centrcl Cc= plex Cccling Sy; tem inc:creble, durir.g unn e s. , , _ _ ,

        .~     .      6,   . , . . ..

Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-38 Amendment No. 443

                                                               .u.n.v. 6 u.,,a 1
r2w n. _.we. ni c._i_

vjwww i , 46 n_ , . . vie r g l i l

I Control Complex Cooling System 3.7.18 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l l h l F. fny cc bincticn of F.1 Su; pend movement cf Immedictely l l ec pencnt; rendering irrcdicted fuel ! the Contrcl Cc= plex  :::c blicc. c l Cccling 5y; tem incpereb 0 during i i

            =cvement of irrcdicted fucl ;;;; blic:.

l l I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 j SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY i SR Verify each chilled water pump's developed In accordance head at the flow test point is greater than with the l or equal to the required developed head. Inservice Testing Program ! SR Verify the redundant capability of the 24 months i Control Complex Cooling System to remove t the assumed heat load. I l l l i I' l l l l Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-39 Amendment No. 463 l l l l

-. ~ _ __ _ ,_ __ - . _ _ _ - . - - - _ . - _ __ Diosal Drivan EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air i 3.7.19 I 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 32.7_.19_ Di e s ELD riv en_ E EW_(D D- E EWLR u mp_Eu eLOjl,_L u b e_0jLa n d_S t a ti n g . Ai r: LC0_3.7.19 The_ stored dieseLfueLoiLJube_ oil,_and_statting_ait s u b syst em s_s h alLbe_ wit hin_ limits _fo t._t he_DD _E EW_Eump, j APPLICABILITY:_ When_the associated DD-EFW Pumpisleguired_t.o be _ ,__ _ __ OPERABLE. -


LC0_ 3.0.4 is not ap_plicable. ACTIONS: CONDITION R_E_ QUIRED.. ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. DD-EEW,fumpAeLoil A.1 _Reitare. fuel oil leyel A8J1ours supply _tarik to_withinJjmits,. lev 11.< 9.4ED_ga Land

               > 8; 3_3Lgat in_the

_ 1 F.totage_ tank, B._ With.DD _EEW Pump B.1__-Re_ store _ lube _. oil 18 hours _ diesel _ lube _ oil inventory __to _ within 10v_e0_to_ry L221_oal limits, and > 211_ gal. C .,_, DD-E EWJump_w.i th C.1_ Restore _f.ueLoil tota] 7_ days l stored _ fuel oi.1 to_tal patricularesJosi_ thin I patriculatesJot limits. , withinJ,imits. l l DmDD.-EfW_Eump_wj_thaew DA . . . Restore _ stored, fuel 30 days fueLoilpropeEties propetties_to not within. limits. within limits. E._DD-EFWJump_with E.1_ Restore. statti ng _ ai r - 48._ hours receiveer_pressute_to pressute A 17L psig withinlintits. and M 5DJ sig. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 3.7-39 Amendment No.

    . _ . _ . . _ _    .. _.         _ . _ . . . . _ _ _                  . . - . _ _ _ _ _ - . . . _ .       . ~ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _             _ _ _ ,

i Diese'l Drivan EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air 3.7.19

                    . ACTION 5'(continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED. ACTION COMrLETION, TIME i l F. Requir_ed_ ACTION and E.1 . DeclaBL DD-EFW_ Pump Iran _edj ately . associated. Completion inoperable. Time not met. l- OR For DD- N ( Pump, fuel oil,_,_l une_oiLor_ sta rti ng ._ ai r_ subsystems _not_Within limitsdor_teasons,. L ather_than_ Conditions A. B. C. D or E. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLAN_CE EREQU_ENCY l- SR.J,7.19 1_ 1 Verify _ DD-EFW Pump _ fuel oil- storage _ tan _k 3Lday_s contains > 9.480_aal.of fuel, S R,3. 7 .19. 2,_Ve ri fy_ DD- E FW__ Pump _l ube_oiLi nven to ryjs 31_ days

                                                 >221...gah SILLL19 3_ __ Verifv DD-EFW PumplueLoil properlieLof_ Dew In_acIntdance andJ1oredlueLojkate_te sted_j n_ a c cord ance                                         with_the With_and Jnaintained_Within_. thelimits of _ the                                       Diesel Fue]

DjeseLEueLoiLTesting_ptogram._ ' OiLTesting Erogram SR_3,7.19.4- Verify _DD-EFW Pump._ startino _ air receiver 31 days p.Cessu te_i s2_17Lpsig , _ Crystal. River Unit 3 3.7-40 Amendment No. t

__ _ ~ . _ . . . - . - . _ - _ . _ . . _ _ . . . _ .. _ _ ~ - _ . _ _ _ _ _._..._ AC Sources--Operating 3.8.1 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l A. (continued) A.3 Restore required 72 hours I offsite circuit to l OPERABLE status AND 6 days from  ; discovery of i failure to meet .; LC0 l l B. b6e Tr:ir, "A" EDG B.1 Perform SR 1 hour I asm

                  ' inoperable,                            for OPERABLE offsite circuit (s).                                        aHQ Once per 8 hours thereafter AHQ B.2                   "0TE Tht:

___,,_.u A:t,t0r,_ ,_ unnei; n:t, uryv iwwwaw su e rvww ,. no*E "crify the turbir.: ' h;ur dri;;n ::;rg:::y ft duct r p;;p :nd

                                                             .____,...a j
                                                                                 , , - . .   ...t                                                            i me-ww,wwww           a ivn       y=is cr: OPERABLE.

bHE Br3 Declare required 4 hours I asm feature (s), supported from j by the inoperable discovery  ! EDG, inoperable when of Condition B its redundant concurrent with l required feature (s) inoperability of are inoperable. redundant required AHQ feature (s) (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-2 Ame u,nv, 6c u ,42 n_.4,ndmen,tc._ _ seNo. +63 n_ , . .

                                                                              ,v              w-u sw        vv..i s     wgwiu   a6 wn g

m._ . _. . . _ - . . _ . _ _ . _ . - _ . _ . - . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . . _ .. _. AC Sources-Operating 3.8.1 ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIM B. (continued). B .N.1

                                                               ~            Determine OPERABLE .              24 hours             Inow EDG is not inoperable due to common cause failure.

l 98 l I .

                                                               '          Perform SR                  24 hours             1m for OPERABLE EDG.

1 AN,Q L B.4 *~ Restore EDG t.) 72 hours Ie i OPERABLE status AtlQ l 6 days from discovery of l failure to meet LCO . (centinued) l l l ! I I i i i l 1 i- Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-3 Amendment No. 4 3 r NOTE " lid L'r,til Cycle 12 i

AC Sources-Operating 3.8.1 APTTAklE riw f e mm e 4 m..m A \ a vii g w vie w v .iu s u f P AllN T T T Akt D E nt t i n E n ,A P T, T Akt vvivw a e a vn nwyvanuv iw 4 vri P AM O f CT T Akt TTME s vi ei w a. s a vs i iaivu e h 1 O. TmIm MDH u r nf's ( n m , f , ,n,, pg g q L,,,, v si uris www w.14 i si i v i sii wn .$ . v . 3 4 . 4 j a sivu s i m m m m m ski m Emm AMEDADir e sivyw i uu i w . i vi vs u ns i u m w vi ia i a f f , 4 +d M' me i

                                                                             .: +1,\

wuawgaf. t Am,a mmm O' vie w w ywe v Lm... iiw u i oJ L m na a % h a ha wIswi su wwi P.9 v k kt AT E s iv i w T - behdam de moh issus r is w i v ai is inv w

                                                           , m m1 4 , , L1 m                  im unnE wyys swwwiw                         iss a rvw w           A.

v i,f wsa im 2ijf . 4L. Em 11 m. .4mm wiiw i wi i v vv i i s y

                                                            %mm                                                               1 k m . .a us w          A wM.i Eu ni R v              w D  t E..

w 6. 4 inw u s 3 Y1 kIm- M na d u,am ='W P 4 iui w s siw ui i w wis - - . . m m m e,s. m a mm.e w sliw i wl5% f o m ,L . . + m.._m a w w w rv u w w s y ue:1y

                                                                          -A          ..,m, u n iu       vagww 1  m..a     mA   hL i i v ri       y u w ii ,


s. 1iw SMA, awT PEU .mA S.

w a. s v 19, 4 a. u s su

                                                            ,A            EEU 1S e        na w        aw i

e n...,-m w . ,w .m m . . mmA w w'w i u e w i w 3u i i w u fo%4.. ,..mmmmemA k m . ia , f .a m - iwusus wgsff,\, suyyvi www ,A i sv u s a i s viu L, 4La a m m m m m. Li m wy view A t e e min o mo af i rrvyw i uuss wiswvvwig vu Enr, .L a m rmmA44Jm. D wwu i m m mmm i ,wwLi w m u siwyw vii s u s s suieu a w e vis u 44, me A. A% 4 ,am..mme i wa a w u u s su us s w sverwui i w ei s

                                                             .a a m e i d .A m M f a n O . . .A a f,\

i w 3u i s wu swusur wgaf smm a m mmm m L J 14 6. us w 4s mirvyw m m ma .auwsw


i sivyw i wwi e a wy of mea..mA-me vi i w u us suus s u ne a m . . d ha a M s w3u i i wu fms+.. .f,\ s w u w ui wgap 1, - - + 4 . . . m J i e i g wvis v r is u w u j t' .a n , 4 s i nJ..m t Im 2 4 S A wijwwue osvws wi e s = w S.O w v A-me J mme kl . i e i iswlhierwi s w siv . LIAT E Pom1m 19 Am 1 . vivi 6 Uu12 i iu A tim wei ew41 i i wJ w 5. 4s w r i r ,y

l l AC Sources--Operating i 3.8.1 l l ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. ( ntinued) C.4.1 l

                                         " termir.: OPE"?SLE                      24 hour-E00 in r,ct in;per:bic

! due t: ::::cr. ::use c,n.._. sus su, w nD XM l C.4.2 "crfer: "" 2.S.1.2 21 hnur; I fm_ ADEDADtE i svi vi wisowww Ene. www rn AND C.5 Pst:t er: EDC t: 72 hour: ADEDADtE .6,4.., vs w i so w w w a==www. aME j

e. 2.,.,..

! di;;;';;ry of ' f:ilur; t ___.irn uw w w www l CD.


Two required CD.1

                                 "         Declare required                       12 hours                  inns offsite circuits             feature (s) inoperable                 from inoperable.                 when its redundant                      discovery of required feature (s)                   Condition [Db are inoperable.                        mas concurrent with inoperability of redundant required l                                 AND

< feature (s) [ CD.2 Restore one required i I offsite circuit to 24 hours I arm OPERABLE status. l i (continued) l l i 4 Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-4A Amendment No. 463 NOTE Velid Ur.til Cycle 12 Only i

    ..     -- .           . . -    _ . -        - _ - -      . ~ . . . .        -.     .-.      .- ._. . _ _ . - . - _           -.

AC Sources-Operating 3.8.1 ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l DE. One required -------------NOTE------------ I *E l offsite circuit Enter applicable Conditions inoperable. and Required Actions of ' LC0 3.8.9, " Distribution E Systeins Operating," when Dhe Tr;in "f" Condition DE is entered with j RTE EDG no AC powe? source to one


i train. e.3 m . u.. .nv.

                                                                              . r Thi: f. tion i: not applic:M e in "00E '.
                                                        "crify the turbin                      4-hee driven :: rgency                                                  rT:

feedu:,ter pump and.

icted flew
                                                        ;r: OPEP"2LE.

i ' l E t I lif1M Restore required

                                         ~~"                                                   12 hours offsite circuit to l


                                          ^^   M Restore EDG to                                12 hours                 %

< OPERABLE status.  ! l l l l (continued) l l_ Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-34B Amendment No. M3 i NOTE V;, lid Until Cycle 12 Only i I (

r i AC Sources-Operating 3.8.1 A f'T i nkt e f,mm44m..mA\ riwiavnw g s vis s s is u w u j l r nkin f T i nkt D Eni t i n En APT uviivaiavn nwyvanww 1357 rnMnl FT f nkt TYME w vi si 6 6 e a vii iaruw A E Amm mm m.a 4 - A mffe44m i . view i w qu i wu vi isa6w k,

                                                                                       .viw int E
             #   4m     14 4     4 r m e m w.

waa vuew iMm ywim muwiw

                                             , Li m ,               s mm14,            Li m rmmA4+4mm,
i. i n s w i uyyiiwuwiw v visu i w i vis s omA nmm.4m-A A-44mme of IPA visu sis qu e i wu s iw w e viis vs www S H n d , 4 u, 4 L 1,44mm w.O.M,v s vasva s w u s a vis Co,4m-,

wj a s w riis Ammm=44-m H f'mmJ444mm E vyss u s i riy 3 . ve

                                                                                      .L. ow mi w visu i w e via a Tms4m i iusus HDnw r nf*                    4       mmemmmA .44L                   mm         Ar uvu                  is o m. .mm wiewwi wu rv i s u i siv riv yunwi
                   %m,bi   suvisem

svusww 4m 6v viiw omm em%4m. we u s si E.1a i MATE nvi Th4, R,44mm 4, mme a is i s siw w i vis is siv 6

                                                                         = m m14, , ki m                  4m unnE A uyyiiwuwaw                        vie i svu 6           ,

1 19 vuimi m og4 f i .6e4 k. w m ivi a v rv s i v 1 l amm AnEDADIE. fm11mi.4-@ a sivui us w vs w i v i w w i. . 1 TsimL t -m a r u n w s uis A 4 ,. . . us i was -nv. r. m- aamm w is.w u. yveiw EmmA.. 4mm m..-m awwunu wi y uuiy sA -,,m- 4,4mA w a su ussvwsuswu (1 a svn m. yu . m4L, wen 9 6 ,A5w t\1 Skvn h, , f ril 19 .A S. w i e aag u s su

A t t\l 13 I
                                                                          ,e          s. s y     aw E ...S
                                                          .               .nsims , 4 mvimw m                                             19     km.m,
                                                                                                 .mw m  yu .s4 im .m.u A                 aw a ff,44m            -            44 4m Os s si sw wiewuss                             wv ABEMADtE                    .4%4..,

vi w i u i w e. a swuwus. N r.Sw i nm,4mm. siw a s u s w E nt' em

n. w u sv 19 Lou a n. invu n n t" n R D t t ,4~4.n, vs w i u iu s. w suu6us.

I,mme4mimAi g svis 6 s aiu su f e m . . , 4 ,1 M4..-- 11- 4 4 S vejwwui ni wa vi i s. w S.vO w A, w F ,A-m A-mme i.n w s iu nsw . s e kl . ivv. ifs avv kinT E s i v i n. o iiu4A

                                                                                                                        \,f ui       Ilm waa ew 4,1i P o .1 m    1S Ami u I

vywaw a a. vis ij I i i i I l

i ! AC Sources--Operating 3.8.1 i l ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME i EG. Two EDGs EG.1 Restore one EDG to 2 hours

                                   ~                                                                        I mas l               inoperable.                    OPERABLE status.

i l l l FH. Required Action FH.1

                                   "          Be in MODE 3.                                   12 hours       I ans
i. and associated

! Completion Time of AND Condition A, B, C, amt D, i@ E, F, or C [H.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours not met. t l G1. Three or more G1.1


Enter LC0 3.0.3 Immediately ams required AC sources inoperable. l i l l l l i l i l l Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-40 Amendment No. 163 unvr u ,,a n .4, c..,- ,o n,.. svwsu =us eu wnws e vyws% as wre sy i.

l l l Distribution Systems--Operating l 3.8.9 l

3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3.'8.9 Distribution Systems--Operating LC0 3.8.9 Train A and Train B AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical power distribution subsystems shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. l l l ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME l A. One Train ",A" AC A.1 NOTE ilectrical power Thi Actica is not j distribution subsystem applicable in MODE 4. inoperable. Verify the turbin: I hcur driven ::crgency n: l feedwater pump :nd

seciated ficw path arc OPEPASLE.

h!G Ara Restore AC electrical 8 hours 1 power distribution ' subsystem to OPERABLE AND l status. 16 hours from discovery of failure to meet LC0 (continued) I 1 i l L  ! Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-31 Amendment No. 163 l NOTE Valid Until Cycle 12 Only i i

Distribution Systems-Operating 3.8.9

     ,Aiw cT  r nue       f,_m. 1 avns          g s uis s i niu w u f enktn i T Y nu                                     DEntItnEn                  APT Tnu wvovasaun                                          nwyvanuu                  niv      aun enunt ET T nu T f ur w vi si u n. i a vn             iassw D.

w Tms4m H D il isuisi w r,r M w D.14 w Lint E s iv v 6, i m)medudeMI n Am.AA.m Tb$e beO Am Ee .s60

                 % iwwwi uwus                yvnwe                                v is s a s sw w a vis              is s uv s A 4 , 6 ., 4 L i . 4 4 m -         ...L,o,4m                    som14,,k1m uia6e ivu6 svs                     a u u sj s s wiu em unnE             A, .

uyyiiwwwiw iis a svww 4 m e-o s ki . i e nvyw a wwiw if m t ri, 4Lm r m 1 1 m .,. 4 m m 1 km.m

                                                                                  ,wa        sij       view        iwi ivu s siy             4     sivun AMEDADIE Wa      i. v. wsuiu w 1

4 T.. L4mm a:..-m i u s w s esw us s v wse l AmoamA1m i Ew s y w i s sy (m A..+mm m..-. iwwunuwws yumy smA -,,m- 4%+nA ussu usawwiuvwu ..,,e. [l mt. Tvvn es Mwas yu Ok, O A rtf OnA we ris u s. v a p E Elf 16 m%4L S. v m. i w a s. p yu sur A Ertf 1S

i. we w 4s3 o . ,6.

w nm,.mm_ or m,m..m. _, e u_..m. iiv s s u s w riw wswwse swus v isvu s a es a . n a tm N d e 8 an d b . O $ m . yvnwi usssi swus a vis

                                                                                    ,..L,o,4m-                   4 ,, AnEDADtE

[ s u u sj s 6 win i, v vs 6 u i w n. 6 e 4

  • 4 i, awwwua.

l 1f b a . . ha , av invus s az.....m.. z uuswvvwij vi f . 21. . . 4m iu iui w ww i .m m s a m.. a g w v u n. s e i u w u 1 r l l 6 E 8, h M k ka,k & S i g awui k A A na si a v v 4 via i w w SO SS A mmJ -m um w v w a,, i nis w siusurw s ev siv . I k]r ( F,"i 6. if %l 4 J t im4 21 f* t a a l m TS n= 3 . . vus sw vie w i i vjwsw 46. vii i J l l t 1

l Distribution Systems-Operating l 3.8.9 l ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME BG. Orie Trcin "A" AC C. NOTE vital bus This Actica is not subsystem cppliccble u. MODE 4. inoperable "crify the turbine I hcur driven cacrgency =: fccductcr pump cnd l c:cccicted ficW pcth

                                                           .. . A D.E D.,A_D
                                                                  ..          .If.

6M Bi1Gra Restore AC vital bus

                                                    ^'                                      8 hours subsystem to OPERABLE status.                          AND 16 hours from discovery of failure to meet LC0 (continued) l l

l Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-32A Amendment No. M3 NOTE hlid Until Cycle 12 Only

l Distribution Systems-0perating 3.8.9 l ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME HDn


n. w T. m. 4, , , . ,A,r U. t. +. .,1 D..,

                                                 .. n.

1 k,,.int. P. seb:y;tcm incperabic. Thi Acticr, is not . cpplicabic ir, ",0DE 4. I

                                                                      ",crify          the following                                 heer
                                                                      . .m     nn, e n.,,aD.i r mm              s   m l
1. Turbine driver.
                                                                               --, ... . 3. - - . . . , . .

feedwater pump - I and ;;;cciated rT: 9 ficw path,

                                                                       .        ,AmP U.        S m A. A, ,

l '3 A

                                                                       .        E C. U.        19, 1 *)

A. 1 E 6 E, U. av M D.2 "c:terc


AC+-sit:1 bu: noi r S hcur; a w w s g a s, -_n w s ww nn vi s. en.u suw w st;tu;. M 15 heur: 4 4+sm- \ distcvery cf  ! failure t:

                                                                                                                                        =cet LCO                                     l 1

CE. One DC electrical Restore DC electrical power distribution CE.1 2 hours im  ! power distribution ' subsystem subsystem to OPERABLE E inoperable. status. 16 hours from discovery of l failure to meet ' LC0 DF. Required Action DF.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours in and associated Completion Time not met. M DF.2 Be in MODE 5. 36 hours lm (continued) l l Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-32B Amendment No. M3 Lint, E U. .s 1, 4,wA 11 F i. l . 19 N ia

                                                                                                    . iw    s.                      wi =. + 4,1e vjwaw aw              v. ,l, J l


Distribution Systems--Operating 3.8.9

   , ACTIONS '(continued)


        ~        Two trains with        EG.1      Enter LC0 3.0.3               Immediately insa inoperable           ~


                ' subsystems that result in a loss of function.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify correct breaker alignments and 7 days voltage to required AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical power distribution - subsystems, i l 1 Crystal River Unit 3 3.8-32G Amendment No. 463 MOTE V: lid "ntil Cycle 12 Only

l l l ESAS Instrumentation B 3.3.5 ! B 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION l i B 3.3.5 Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) Instrumentation BASES BACKGROUND The ESAS initiates Engineered Safeguards (ES) Systems, based on the values of selected plant parameters, to protect core design and reactor coolant pressure boundary limits and to  ! mitigate accidents. ESAS actuates the following:

a. High Pressure Injection (HPI);
b. Low Pressure Injection (LPI);

l t

c. Reactor Building (RB) Isolation and Cooling;
d. RB Spray; 1

! e. Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Start; and l

f. Control complex normal recirculation. I I

ESAS also provides an "A" train and "B" train HPI actua'. ion l signal to the EFIC Channel A and B Trip Modules to initiate wh ua em,e_r en.t.h.. .c..y_fe,edwa._teR e Lr. 7_en,2 1.s; prohif iP.. pump.b.o~th I .om tra ,a ESAS.bH.t_ed!fr.i x Insa dition3 h RB m M._ol_s t_~i dR_6.a;c u fre ritN_i m t hfa%_1 o si_R3fnffsi_i. T... ...

  • A J 4 4. i. m . m., . r P,,A.c, H ,A, N 4,.,.=4,, .% , 4. . m.
                                                                                                                         . . .. 4,.J. a m. P L. . ., . .. . .1,                                 n e. l. a. .=
l. .A.. . A
                               . . ., . . .%   n
                                           ,..,~..n   _ n  - 4   f n. m. E. N.P. .1.A. ...         e n ..- o. m,m,a..m. 4 o. 4. +.            . L.. i., n ,. a .t.           r ,.a. u.a...f, f, .e, 4, + a m ai      .=m y.nwi .                   T, L, . 4.. , . 4. , . . mwwvmys

_ m 1 4. ., L. . .wA. L.,o mom-m m,w w w , . 4 4. . - ,4. .- m.e.4. . .y- af y ny 4. L.w- vi 1 rm r. n,1. E r. n, .m m, 4, r, L..,., , .L - 4, m 2 r ym 4. .m.m,

                                                              ,                                                    4, 4,   .          .si. m..m . .A,o ., 4.                m.e. m.A ,       - , , - , , .. t n .f
                              .%., 4 n. .= 4... a ..          T. m. . . A.. A 4 4. t.. o . . , 4, L, ~. I n. f.              mn_-

4,,, - r. m.. L. 4. L. 4 4. m.A r ....r f..--

                                                                                                                                                                                                .m e., 4. ., m.e. i. n.,m.     . ..        D.D.,    4. ..
e. m 1. .,. 4 t..a .n. . . n. m... .. e. n . m.m o- 4, m.e.
4. L. . .- i. n,...

e, e,. . a f. a f, f, e 4 4. n. ! Peweer 4,.,4,y. ,.,4.-_...,. _,...,,m 1, L, 4 .,, y m., L,~-

                                                                                                        . . . . . . . , ,,          ,A
                                                                                                                                     .m- c. ._ .- 4__ .A ..4._ .            --m,e, .,,,4,. _        . .,_,,,

br^ck LOCA :cencric:. A :uming the 4 . . m u. d - .A m 4 . . _ _ c _ w .A . . , 4, - . -..__ .,__4,4_A ingle fc,ilure of the _ -,4 [ .i ins i ivw, w nu wi mm,

                                                                                                                            .            .... sues.                      c, i v n y u L.        e 4,vi.

j e

                               ... . . L. , -4 s,     m.,.._,4..m,m.,
                                                         ..m.                    . ,          .J - t. m
                                                                                                      . 4 4.m.m, 4L4,           4
                                                                                                                                                ,    4,y- , 4. m,.m.

1 . ..

                                                                                                                                                                                     . 1. .A

_ a. _. 4 .,. 4....

                                  ....                          ,4..-_.          _m_,4._,

m us,m. . . ...,4,.,,_, .. 4 4. L. . 4, L, ~. __4..-m.m. .Am.t.....,, cmerge,ncy fe^6 cter pu **K-

                                . ... .           ,        .. . c. c. 4.  . 4. - . . +, ..  .     .,
                                                                                                  ...  :.,44,~

4.. Prior

                                                                                                                               .. S, u, ~.te      - _defecting
                                                                                                                                                            - , - - , ~ A 4. the
                                                                                                                                                     . , , ~ , . .                . m ., dtrip i

em A mm. mm A ., . . . 1. .A L-A ,r.--,......- a m mm..=4 m ..m ., a, ..m . 4, m o.m , . 4.m..m. i. .

                                                                                                             . .                         m .., ...                          .-

e4..,L14.,L 1,,m, .D,A e r e m

                                            .            ,~.
                                                                       .o . , .A 4. ., . . , , m .A4. .L a m.
                                                                                                                           ~                             f.   . T. .. , L. a. . t. e .% 1 e r.
                                   - - 4. c, 4. ..., 4... 4. .      .
                                                                      ..              . e. .

(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.3-44 eiv w gv.sAsind5E

                                                                                                                                                     ,7 m. h.t,",,cvisica g

vg.i. .6 No. 4,4 ,, vi s , J

l l ESAS Instrumentation B 3.3.5 BASES i BACKGROUND The ESAS operates in a distributed manner to initiate the (continued) appropriate systems. The ESAS does this by monitoring RCS pressure actuation parameters in each of three channels and RB pressure actuation in each of six channels (3 per actuation train). Once the setpoint for actuation is i reached, the signal is transmitted to automatic actuatica logics, which perform the two-out-of-three logic for actuation of each end device. However, all automatic j actuation logics receive signals from the same channels for l l each parameter. Four parameters are used for actuation: i

a. Low Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure; l

l l-l l i i (continued) urystal River Unit 3 B 3.3-44A Amendment No. 463

          .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . -                                 . . .. -                    ..- . . - . . - . . . ~ . -                            . . . . - - - _ - . - - . -- -. ..

l..--. t I-I

  • ESAS Instrumentation B 3.3 5 BASES  !

4 1 t i l-  ! I l l 1 l l t i l TLI.

s. T. e,
                                                                        . fi,A s --r' ..

E f L.IT. E L..IT. .f r.\L.I.A.t s ..i ..V. s IEET D.I ..A. kil/ l. I l [- r-l 1. i I-i l 1 N (continued) I f' -i . . e = 1 Deo-- li 2 6 ' 'I

                                                                                                                                                         - .v.w .J              kl . ifs j                  wa,y       ==s        si e w w s wi e s = w                                 D, a    S.S v w        A1 A, .D,                               ,Ainw          m
w. m,= es yv . 4ww f .'


. I l , RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled B 3.4.6 B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) B 3.4.6 RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled 1 BASES l l BACKGROUND In MODE 5 with RCS loops filled, the primary function of the reactor coolant is the removal of decay heat and transfer of l tb4 heat to the steam generators (OTSGs) or decay heat removal (DHR) heat exchangers. While the principal means l for decay heat removal is via the DHR System, the OTSGs are l an acce) table backup means. Although the OTSGs cannot remove leat unless steaming occurs (which is not possible in MODE 5), they are available as a temporary heat sink and can be used by allowing the RCS to heat up into the temperature region of MODE 4 where steaming car be effective for heat l removal. The secondary function of the reactor coolant is to act as a transfer medium for the soluble neutron poison, boric acid. l In MODE 5, DHR loops are the preferred means for heat removal. The number of loops in operation can vary to suit the operational needs. The intent of this LC0 is to provide forced flow from at least one DHR loop for decay heat i removal and coolant circulation. The flow arovided by one l DHR loop is adequate for these purposes. T1e other purpose i of this LC0 is to require that a second path be available to l provide redundant heat emoval capability. l l The LC0 provides for either OTSG heat removal or DHR System t heat removal as an acceptable backup to the loop in l operation. In MODE 5, reactor coolant pump (RCP) operation l is restricted because of net positive suction head (NPSH) l limitations, and the OTSG will not be able to provide steam

for the turbine driven feedwater pumps. Therefore, in order

! to ensure that a OTSG can be used as a heat sink, a metee ! nonistea'midriven feed source is needed. A main feedwater l booster ~ diessif'pumputhe auxili.ary fee _dwater pump (FWP-7), the driventemergencyifeedwaterkpum emergency"feedwater pump ^can~be'use' or motor drivenAdditiona

                                                         ~~    ~

driven feedwater pumps, with auxiliary steam from Units 1 and 2, are also viable feed sources. The high entry point in the generator should be accessible from the feedwater pumps so that natural circulation can be stimulated. Additionally, the capability to steam the OTSG, either through the atmospheric duma valves or turbine bypass valves (if the condenser is availa)le) must be available. The OTSGs are primarily a backup to the DHR pumps, which are 4 (continued) j Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.4-27 Amendment No 449 l l

ECCS-Operating B 3.5.2 B 3.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) B 3.5.2 ECCS-Operating BASES BACKGROUND The function of the ECCS is to provide core, cooling to


ensure that the reactor core is protected after any of the i

                                              .following accidents:                                                                                I i
1. Loss of coolant accident (LOCA);
2. Steam generator tube rupture (SGTR); and *
3. Steam line break (SLB).

There are two modes of ECCS operation: injection and recirculation. In the injection phase, all injection is initially added to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) from the borated water storage tank (BWST). This injection flow is added via the RCS cold legs and core flood nozzles to the reactor vessel. After the BWST has been depleted to 115 feet but > 7 feet, the ECCS recirculation phase is entered as the ECCS suction is manually transferred to the reactor building emergency sump. Two redundant, 100% capacity trains are provided. Each train consists of high pressure injection (HPI) and low l pressure injection (LPI) subsystems. In MODES 1, 2, and 3, both trains must be OPERABLE. This ensures that 100% of the core cooling requirements can be provided even in the event of a single active failure. Certain size small break LOCA scenarios require emergency feedwater to maintain steam generator cooling until core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS cooling. Further, with th: turbin driven EfW pt p er :::: icted *' flew p:th inoper:ble, SWP IS, tr;in "S" Of the Nucle:r Service; cc:w:ter Sy tem, CM"E IS, :nd CMP IS, :: w:ll :: both train: Of ECCS, Oct:y M :t Cle: d Cycle C ling W:ter, 0:::y "::t Sc:::ter, E :rgency Dic;:1 0:ncr;t:r;, AC Electrie:1 Pow r Distributien Sub:y;ter, :nd AC Vit:1 Se: j Sub;;;t :: cre r: quired OPERABLE (Ref 5). t h i (continued) 4 i Crystal River. Unit 3 B 3.5-9 Amendment No. 163 NOTE V: lid Until Cycle 12 Only L

. - - - . _ . ._ > . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . ~ . . _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . _. ECCS--Operating l B 3.5.2 BASES l BACKGROUND A suction header supplies water from the BWST or the reactor 1 (continued) building emergency sump to the ECCS pumps. Separate piping supplies each train. Each HPI subsystem discharges into each of the four RCS cold legs between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel. Each LPI subsystem discharges 1 into its associated core flood nozzle on the reactor vessel- l and discharges into the vessel downcomer area. Control l valves are set to balance the HPI flow to the RCS. This flow balance directs sufficient flow to the core to meet the analysis assumptions following a small break LOCA in one of the RCS cold legs near an HPI nozzle. The HPI pumps are capable of discharging to the RCS at an RCS pressure above the opening setpoint of the pressurizer l l 1 (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-9A Amendment No. 463

l ECCS-Operating B 3.5.2 l. ! BASES 1 i l I l l l' l l l i TLt ieiaw T E ni A f* E T4 sklTEkIT f nkl A t i V FEET, of ,Aklu r m a. i e a.n i a vi u in. a., i w a., s ww . wi s 1 I l l l I i I i (continued) r_...., on __ ii_,. , o w1ya==s nawwe wii a w w w , ,now A___2___.

                                                                                                                  .wisunrws =

u_ riv . ice aww t I

ECCS--Operating B 3.5.2 BASES (continu^d) ACTIONS A-4

u. t. .. t.....
                                      ., , ,__ ~ . ____
                                                     .                rcr.e. . ._,4._.., . . .               4. . _ _ _.....

_,u, .,. _~; .. . ,_,,+ .

                                                                                                                                                                                      .n.n.u  ~   . c, L. .a f. i. m             o n  o   4. i  ,1  m    _  .     .a        ,  ,  4,   _   a l  m                                                     ,4_
                 .w.                  .n . . .qu              uii,6               5.       .      s     sys. vi nnEDAD.IC uno               66 E r. 6 r. e.      iwm, u,,i
                  . o. 4 1. ., L i. m , _m.              m__. ,,                                 .

4, + L, , 4, ., , 1 k...m..-.4.,. . .a r ...r . . . 4.m_ ... - , _m,m.,,.,m.,o ee:ure that the turbine driven c ^rgency feedwater pump :nd

                  ;;;cci;ted ficw p;th are 0"ERASLE for :tc;; gencr;tcr                                                                                                                                            ;

ese4+r.g . If,the turbine driven ::crgency feedw;ter pump cr

                   . . - - 4. ., ., m ; r, . .- . . e...
                          ...               _                  . _ , u.          4..,,     . . - + .n. n e n. ,,n o i, r , .t._._. . u. . - .r
                                                                                                              .m         ~               .. . .                    .- ., u. t. ,. 4Ay te rc:cvc              sufficient           4, core              decay               h     ;t   can           not        bc       :::ured
                                                                                                                                          . _ _ . .44t n e sun .wn. u_         o. ., s.
n. ,.yy.

_ _ , 4. ,. u, u. ,a ._ . .

                   ....         e.m_a4.

vu. . 4.

                                                  ...                 is                                               r. _. _m s, 4. sw.,iw                                                   w,                  '
f. .a m, .C. u m.o. o t. l. l. ., m. r a EM
                                                          . .           S. . A. 1. , n h.       . m . ,,A D T..i T T. V,           4. ., u. n m,a. t. t. a.J . L,u app cr.;uring the :::cciated surveill:nce(s) h:: been                                                                                                                                                l
:tisfactorily completed within th^ required frequ^ncy and th^ equip;cnt is not Otherwi;c kncun tc be incp r:bic.

Due tc the ;cverity of the con:cqu nce; :heuld ; :::11 brc;k LOCA cccur in th^: conditions, the I hcur Completion Time te verify the a c,_.. turbine driven ::crg f cdwater pump :nd

                      .aav.4.,        v    s.u       i       .n        _,.L, y . 5,
                                                                                       . . .        n vi nuno r owwA o.i e
                                                                                                                              .,,su,         .,      .. u. ., .. _____.

y . . iiv y =

                                                                                                                                                                                            .w    4. v-u ,

u-.: 1,. L.a. .. . ,, .. L.~a .m ,__f,4._._~ m 1 . . .

                                                    . .   ,. ,                                      - m .m.
                                                                                                    ..            .Am--o . . ,


                                                                                                                                       ...         m..m_mo.
                                                                                                                                                                           ..r. k. 41 4 4.,o .
t. u. . -. __ ,
c. . . . .r . _. 4. ..
                                                          -   _. v. 4. _.
                                                                             . _..._4.4._.4.,._.,,
                                                                                                                   ....    .  .4._.._
                                                                                                                              .              .,t,._

e..... 4. . pctenti:11y cxpc;cd tc : LOCA in the:c condition:. ua With one or more ECCS trains inoperable and at least 100% of the flow equivalent to a single OPERABLE ECCS train available, the inoperable components must be returned to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. The 72 hour Completion Time is based on NRC recommendations (Ref. 3) that are based on a risk evaluation and is a reasonable time for many repairs. An ECCS train is inoperable if it is not capable of delivering the design flow to the RCS. The LC0 requires the OPERABILITY of a number of independent subsystems. Due to the redundancy of trains and the diversity of subsystems, the inoperability of one component in a train does not render the ECCS incapable of performing its function. Neither does the inoperability of two different components, each in a different train, necessarily result in a loss of function for the ECCS. The intent of this Condition is to maintain a combination of equipment

                                                                                                                                           ,                                    (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.5-15 Amendmen,t No. 163 ,_ un.v av s r. u. ., ,. 41.2 . i., .s . 4. ,. c.y .o..m. 1. ,. n._i s y

                  . . .         . .   - - -    -      - _ -     . ~     .        . ..           .. -     .

l' ECCS--Operating B 3.5.2



                        .A_JE (continued)                                                            lms such that the safety injection (SI) flow equivalent to 100%

of a single train remains available. This allows increased flexibility in plant operations under circumstances when components in opposite trains are inoperable.

An event accompanied by a loss of offsite power and the failure of an EDG can disable one ECCS train until power is restored. A reliability analysis (Ref. 3) has shown the risk of having one full ECCS train inoperable to be sufficiently low to justify continued operation for 72 hours.

With one or more components inoperable such that the flow l equivalent to a single OPERABLE ECCS train is not available, the facility is in a condition outside the accident analyses. Therefore, LC0 3.0.3 must be immediately entered. I l l l. 4 l l l l i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-15A Amendment No. 463 ! NOTE V: lid 'Jatil Cycl: 12 Only l'

_ __. _. . . . - . _, .- . -. , . _ .. -~ _ _. -. . _ ._ . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . ..~. . ECCS-Operating B 3.5.2 BASES TUTC MAPE TUTEMTTnMAtiV 1 P ET nt Auu 5554w I t iw b 4 TV U bly 5 4 wa y ib b i bb5 I w br su s e fmA aam g svi,hw s1=wwf e u.6.1 naum- 24 e n ten A_ _J_- e M. 1r3 waye==i is a v w a 1tss= w w 3.e w w w aww , .w s . winw e s = s vw . awe

ECCS-Operating B 3.5.2 BASES l I SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance ensures that these valves are in the proper position to prevent the HPI pump from exceeding its runout limit. This 24 month Frequency is acceptable based on consideration of the design reliability (and confirming operating experience) of the equipment. - SR This Surveillance ensures that the flow controllers for the  ! LPI throttle valves will automatically control the LPI train , flow rate in the desired range and prevent LPI pump runout as RCS pressure decreases after a LOCA. The 24 month Frequency is acceptable based on consideration of the design reliability (and confirming operating experience) of the equipment. l l SR Periodic inspections of the reactor building emergency sump suction inlet ensure that it is unrestricted and stays in proper operating condition. The 24 month Frequency is based , on the need to perform this Surveillance under the l conditions that apply during a plant outage and to preserve access to the location. This Frequency has been found to be sufficient to detect abnormal degradation and has been confirmed by operating experience. REFERENCES 1. 10 CFR 50.46.

2. FSAR, Section 6.1,
3. NRC Memorandum to V. Stello, Jr., from R.L. Baer,
                             " Recommended Interim Revisions to LCOs for ECCS Components," December 1, 1975.
4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, inservice Inspection, Article IWP-3000.
5. Unlifid?FT! 51 1255138 01, Safety Analysi: Input to
                             'StiftU fTc;; h fety A;;c ::ent.                               *E
6. FSAR, Section I Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.5-18 Xine5dissiit", vi:ica No. U NOTE "ETTU5fil Cycle 12 Only

EFW System B 3.7.5 l B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 1 B 3.7.5 Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System l BASES 1 BACKGROUND The Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System is designed to provide

                               - adequate flow to one or both steam generators (OTSGs) for i                                 decay heat removal with the the maximum                                               j l                                  operating pressure of 1050 psig plus suitable margin for                                           j post-accident pressure increase (Ref. 1, 2). The principal                                         -

function of the EFW system is to remove decay heat from the l ' Reactor Coolant System upon the unavailability of normal feedwater supply. This is accomplished by supplying water l l from the emergency'feedwater tank (EFT-2) to the OTSG  ! l secondary side via the high nozzles. Steam produced in the ' i OTSGs is condensed in the main condenser via the turbine l l ' bypass valves or, if the atmospheric dump valves (ADVs) or l main steam safety valves (MSSVs) have actuated, discharged I directly to the atmosphere. The EFW System consists of one disiilme4er driven EFW pump and one steam turbine driven EFW~phinp, each having a nominal 100% capacity (Ref. 3). The ::ter drher. EFh' pump b powered frc= the '!50 v lt ES 50: 3 ^. . The turbine driven ' l EFW pump receives steam from one main steam line per OTSG via connections upstream of the associated main steam isolation valve. An alternative source of steam is available from the fossil units, Crystal River Unit 1.and 2 (Ref. 1), but cannot be relied upon to consider the EFW !' train OPERABLE. The diverse motive power of the two trains enhances both system availability and reliability. 1h I s'adjtidhWalsifetyj thiprovide? defense 1n pideiniof6MdriilshiEF@UEjQisYissilibli depthEfor5the!EFWisystemMThiimotor ! dri vsnlEFWfpump (hai{n6hlmpr00ed [Tenhisalsspedi fida tieCL l requirementstandicannotfbelusedstormeetsthetLCO M The1 motor i o Briven$EFWip0mplisjpowefedsfromlthe(4160;ESjBuR3A$This~ pump 2hisinotautomatic" starting i manua11yi.s t'atted ti flof f s i te J pow! cap abi l:i ty $utic an 1b l capacityiisssvailableionitheilAfEmergencfiDiessleGeneratkh


El ect ri cs1Mnte rl oc ksiprdvenif opepat i on ; ofibbth?ithsim6tu~~ dhi ven $ andidi e s eh dri veni EFWJ Pump s pat othe EameMi meM All I thfestEFWfpuspshielist61coitsonidischngethsadspsipp osidis sjl spahd M fplfA[edTeitheg og bothjogthe @ SG g ~ ~ h  ; i (continued) ) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-23 Amendment No. N3 i l l


m _. .. _ . _ _ _ _ _-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ EFW System l 4 8 3.7.5 i BASES BACKGROUND The preferred water source for both EFW pump trains is the (continued) Seismic Class I, missile protected dedicated EFW tank. Backup supplies of emergency feedwater are provided by the condensate storage tank and the FireISs'rVicetWatsW Sto.ra Tanksli Thel mai n ic6ndenieW hetwell s an tal so s supplyft he~ ge turbineldrivenlEFWip 4 dd %EFWDun$ $di n, ump iand itheids fenselin -depth'i mo t or: ce n:n di::;;rg h::dcr: providing the c;pability to feed cither Or both of th: 0TSC . The pumps and 0TSGs are protected from excessively high flow induced problems by cavitating venturis (EF-62-F0t and EF-63-FOUindiEF26.4!F0)inthepumpdischargelines," designed to limit ~ EFW" flow ~to the steam generators regardless of steam generator pressure Ref. 7 . IrDadditi6n$ths intFEl ocO betssbnHhEM6to(iidsi se) nTind f disssi sdEiv p rncludefeshessivelyshigh


ump 6ndfadminisipat?iveicentfois%e

                                     =      6%~thet!0T.S.Gs..s_fr.omisohcuf.fsht eFati*ohtof allsthfeb '
                                                                                                                    - ~. .
                         .Eg,ipumpsi DC powered block and control valves are actuated to feed the appropriate steam generator by the Emergency Feedwater Initiation and Control (EFIC) System. The capacity of either EFW pump is sufficient to remove decay heat and cool the plant until the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure and temperature are low enough to place the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System in service or until core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS.

For : rt ic, :::11 bre:k LOCf. :::::rio: :he involving : lo:: WE Of Off ite p Wer, :: uring the :::cr driven Eft' pump culd provid :p;bility en th: :: rgency dit::1 gencr:ter to 10 d the "f." train 10;. prc::ur; injection pump :nd other required 10:d: (Ref5). 1 I (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-23A Amendment No. M3 l NOTE ";1id Until Cycle 12 Only l

EFW' System

- B 3.7.5 BASES 1

l-l. 1 l l l l l l i 1 l l i l-1 l l 1 l l l


l i l-i f l-(continued) I 1 Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-23B Amendment No. Ma l f.

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES BACKGROUND Automatic actuation of the EFW System occurs on the (continued) following:

1. Trip of both main feedwater pumps with reactor )ower greater than 20% or the NI/RPS not in shutdown aypass;
2. Low level in either OTSG;
3. Low pressure in either OTSG;
4. Trip of all four reactor coolant pumps;
5. High pressure injection (HPI) actuation on both Channel A and B Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) channels; and
6. AMSAC actuation.

The EFIC is a " smart" system which will feed either or both OTSGs with indications of low levels, but will isolate EFW to a faulted steam generator having a significantly lower steam pressure than the other. The EFW System is designed to ANSI B 31.1 ES Seismic Class I and in accordance with General Design Criteria 2, 4, 5, 19, 44, 45, and 46 (Ref. 3, 4). APPLICABLE The EFW System is sized to provide sufficient decay heat SAFETY ANALYSIS removal capability to cooldown the RCS to the temperature and pressure at which the DHR System can be placed in service or at which core decay heat can be removed solely by ECCS for any of the following events: mus loss of-main feedwater (LMFW); LHFW with loss of offsite power; main feedwater line break; main steam line break; and small break loss of coolant accident (LOCA). (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-24 Amendment No.-463 NOTE '!;1id 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES APPLICABLE The EFW System is designed to remain functional following SAFETY ANALYSES the maximum hypothetical earthquake. It will also remain (continued) functional following a single failure in addition to any of the above events-4th-the exceptic cf the los cf cll A" power 'Ref. 3'. No single failure revents EFW from being supplied to tbe intact OTSG nor al ows EFW to be supplied to the faulted OTSG. Note that in most cases of a main . feedwater break or a steam line break, the depressurization of the affected OTSG would cause the automatic initiation of EFW. However, there will be some small break sizes for which automatic detection will not be possible. For these l small breaks, the operator will have sufficient time in which to take appropriate action to terminate the event l (Ref. 1). The EFW System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LC0 Two independent emergency feedwater pumps and their associated flow paths are required to be OPERABLE. The OPERABILITY of the EFW pumps reouires that each be capable of develo OPERABIL!gnp its required discharge pressure and flow. %e

                                     ,. .F ASV 5 is cddrc::cd .y Ccaditicn B.         The OPERABILITY cf ASV 204 i: : crtien ef_EFP. 2_0PE"fS!L!TY cnd is cddre::cd c: b"CcndiIienD. Addit'ionallyM the ..

OPERABI LITYiofd. the tt u rbi neid ri veM p'up t requi ren th attiti tis.. capableiof? being $owered sfroC an? OPERABLE; steam 7su ply-~~ " h?.ASVf5 W th roug11,te&sds39tirguitedMohgERABI reMa. . n LIllf ^ASVe204Swas The motive power for the turbine driven pump is steam supplied from either OTSG from a main steam header upstream of the main steam isolation valves so that their closure does not isolate the steam supply to the turbine. Both steam supply flow paths through MSV-55 and MSV-56 (Condition A) to the turbine driven pump are required to be OPERABLE. The OPERABILITY of the associated EFW flow paths requires all valves be in their correct positions or be capable of actuating to their correct positions on a valid actuation signal. Thsli shlEdfiViWIIEFW psmp7h^asiaistirfihfAW3ysism consisting?off a: safety-relatedlairsreceiverdthatils~ maintained l. pressurized! byf ainon;safetyprelated ? air ^;;_ compressori .:nThetrequirementsaforsthedair4receiverJ are _ covered:by{fSpecificationJ3.7219.sThefairfistdeliveredHo_ theLdiesetengineithroughDCtpodredWalvesO@The(DC:

                        ;isiproyidedibyithe{h diesel {driveniEFW; pump 1DC istyj but_1.on'           pow SY,stemibatteryg (continued)

( Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-25 Amendment No.-M3 NOTE hlid Until Cycle 12 Only

l EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES 1 l LC0 In certain small bre:k LOCA scen ric:,  ::uming the sin-l I (continued) failure n the lcz of "B" train Clan IE direct curren! c ,

    .                    pcwcr, manual cperater action would be taken te maintain tcam generatcr cooling by feeding the steam generater using the turbine driven EFW um" In thi;                                   l circumstance                                            taken to             s n.

cle:cthe"B'manualccr:teractionwouIdEc. train EFN inclation valv I crcntic valve, EP! 12 'Cendition C andfeedIhcsteam generators via the "A" train flew p;)th. Inoperability of the EFW System may result in inadequate decay heat removal following a transient or accident during which main feedwater is not available. The resulting RCS . heatup and pressure increase can potentially result in significant loss of coolant through the pressurizer code safety valves or the PORV. APPLICABILITY In MODES 1 2, and 3 the EFW System is required to be  ! OPERABLEan,dtofunc[ionintheeventthatmainfeedwateris lost. In addition, the EFW System is required to supply enough makeup water to replace the secondary side inventory lost as the plant cools to MODE 4 conditions. In MODES 4 5, and 6 the OTSG need not be used to cooldown the RCS. iherefore,,theEFWSystemisnotrequiredtobe OPERABLE in these MODES. ACTIONS M With one of the two steam supplies to the turbine driven EFW pump inoperable action must be taken to restore the steam supplytoOPERA6LEstatuswithin7 days. Allowing 7 days in this Condition is reasonable, based on the redundant OPERABLE steam supply to the pump and the low probability of an event occurring that would require the inoperable steam supply to the turbine driven EFW pumps. The second Completion Time for Required Action A.1 establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any combination of Conditions to be entered during any continuous failure to meet this LC0. The 10 day Completion Time provides a limitation time allowed in this specified Condition after discovery of failure to meet the LCO. This limit is considered. reasonable for situations in which e%ee Conditions A!and?B are entered concurrently. The 'AND' connector between 7 days and 10 days dictates l* that both Completion Times apply simultaneously, and the more restrictive must be met. l (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-26 Amendment No.-143 NOTE " lid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only

l EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES t t AFTTAMc D 1 l ov i a vivw f,mme 4. .m A \ m t p vii s ieuwu f T 4* Acu f 4, ai ow, w ss 4v miivys mmm im e ki n , mmu--+ uves ys vmyw , , 4e4vim uws m, mus%

                                                                                                                                                                   ..,4           km 4% Lam 4 vs         s u nw s e           sv
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,s mn,4mmm                ACH E em iwe5vi w              1is v         w      wv        ADED,ADIE vi sn i v a. n 44.,               i ,4 4 L 4 m awu6us rv i 5 e i i ii e 79 s.,

km..m, T L ,. SS siv u i s. i saw sa m-mi neimm T4-m 4, masenm, Lim k%,mA am 4La maAi A%me vmy wwevis 1 imw ia s s u aviru wiw , uuswu vis unw i wu u s su us s u N.msL41444m, yuui s i6 eus

                                                                                 ,ffn             AmA us avi usu uj wisw
k. 4La Eru we n c..,4mm, 44-m mmeAmA tmm mnmstm, wgswwm wimw iswwwww i vi a wyueas, %mA 4km i mi . mmak%k:14,41 ,.T s hDA me,..mm4mm A.im4mm u siu sow svn ya vuuvi i sj vi u ww a , 4 km 4%Lm. .

4, wasis 4 L i m. 1 em 4Lm fm11m. Im ruu s 6 ww w u nw s: k m . i m. .m. AnrDADIr n 4 sivu vv waisui % wisw ivi ui w vi n. i u i w s i. l Tm%4m HDH E m mm m m e s , M4m,m1 Pmmmm.4mm, fTe ') D is unir Tm 4m HDH. u ums: y w i s sy viuswT Ar fi m,4 u 4, %1 uwirwi uvvi s gav w.v.1% 4 p i uisi w nmomm n i ,4 m 4 k,,4 4 m m O , , k e u e 4 m-

                                                                                       .        riv        wiwwwi iwua                       s u rs w a      w i a wi ivu=ivis                               w uu sj s wwun i

fTC gaw, v v sf

                                                                                                 .A uniu Tm,4m              HDH                                          D.,,

ii uiis u ,Aiv r Uv 4 4 ,1 i 5ui ent,m,4m- pTe o vus wuusjsvwm giv v sy t' m m , 4,+mme m44L 4La D%,m, (mm c. mom 411-mem v vi s s i s swvi s nswei ADEDADTIIT\/ 4e viss wussa i vu wur ww i i s uis s w w.A.1, S v 4

                                                                                           ..m=4f4mA                    ks. am,aimimm                  4 L ,.      =cem,               4=4mA vi s. i u iw 414 s i                 is         wwi          i swu uj                wissus                     view        ussvwsuwww v iiy e . . m i . m 411 - m e m f , \                    L,           k r. m m        , ,4 4 , f ,,4 m m 41 m ,m-mi me A o44 Lim 4Le sus vwsi            ausiwwgsf i n u .., ww u s s                                su5 iaiuw6ve i sy wvmyawswu                                                       rv isuruse s a        ns mmm.4mmA                  ( '                            mA 4Lm               am.itm-mme                    4,       mme mekmmoi,a                                     Lmmo.

w3u i s su i i squwisi ~- _ uivu wiis squipmwiss is isvv v6siws nusw n i s v vvu em km 4-mmam, Lim sv uw s iiv ys i uv i w . If 4Lm a knin a HDH mm,,4m-a 4 nnED ADt E m44L ACU 4 i w viw uwvvw Tiiuu- 4, m is u 4 ,, mm4 wquaymsisw i inv v vi i vu iuw w n i s ei nw= SAA, POV ECU iS 4 m a m m m s ki m

s. v , wr v 19, vs 46 m

wi 1 4w e isvyw i uwiw, ekm ,. s m % L 41 4 4 o em wesw wuyuus e i 6j 6v um-miam i .mvvw g{fteammes i s s wis e

                                                                           ,mma um. w Am-si. km4 ui.wuj                 iss u e
                                                                                                                                 ,sm wun,v m4 km um      ussu mA
                                                                                                                                                              , , , . . .                  -A              t'm A44 Jam               E wu uno vvou w s win                                   i
4. --mi is uyys d-skim.

esuusw I l I (continued) c__e. , D,mm_ U 4. I viys6us nawwi visi> -Sw D , , ,, w w.i 6, ,A__A_mm. i uw i rumw s i 6 Um. siv

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,fS 4ww MAT                Us14A          Ilm e d i Pu1m 1S Aml u TTt7. E 6           vui su             vis u           i vjvsw                    46      vniy

r ' l l l l i I l EFW System B 3.7.5 ! i I l BASES A t'T T AM C (* fg ,w -vis4 o4 im. .; riw i a vvwv v.1a r ru ,


ft m 4m 4L. ,momm4+o et www 6v 46 .L a ,. m m , m m . i m m , m , , L m . ,1 A , e-%11 kma%L 6 ins sw1we i by vi w s vis s w yu w is w w w servuau u s n.u i i vs wun ' { Ar* umi Aossus m,,... im 4Lmem #mmA444nm, 4La 1 km..m j asi osswow wusiuawevia,, T 4 .m m en i.m m a f o 4Lm wiew 4 inv u s e n-e u viuyl. m u6ei4 vis m m i s ium { Tv %kat.m T .a % 4. H t'., H . min;m-mm4 %, AnrD ADt E wwi isy 6sw uwvvw i i uisi w squ s ymwii 6 us vi w i v iw w a mmenime, 1 w ris u s ws 4Ls4 m m-me , ,. 4 a m m .411 km +%Lmm em emmrt-- ) sisus ys viup w u w s a vis n: i ww w u nwis

                                                                                                                                                                                   ,mem                Am-so                Lm.4 si ,. s m s b 4                                                                         wv s vis i s e us wvi w uwwuj                                               siw w w j

mm-mu,u. i wuru wuyuw 144o. e i by L Ti . wo vuury t'm-m1m44mm T,imm 4 4-4,m, 4Lm S 1 i w 6 ivis s inw in i i s i ni u s.w s 6.iw 4km mi,me 4, me emm+ 4%11o mumm,mA i sisw y e use 6 i s yvt u si 6 sui sj wnyvawu sv u wv ur i 4m  % tArA 4- 4L,,a sie 6 s su sw emmA444mm, s visu i 6 i w r i s .- Tf CPU iS 4 i ,A,C sv Usva 9AA, EEU,

a. 19, aw mm vi s. v 4w 4,

is Amammm% kin s iiv yw i uviw, mom-me ya vusy s u w w e vi s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    %e4Jmm bi ,sw4 uw    La 4%             Lam en s u nwis         uv me,4mmm i wwwvs w 4Ln w iiw
                                                                                                                                         em AnEDADIE                                 .4,4mi, 1

j wui wws vu vi b r u iw w n s6u6us L4. Lei, TLo km... r' m - m i m44mm M' +6 i s i i s 7, w0 invui s. isiw 7, 69 s iv u s T4-m 4, l v vury a w w i vi s i r sisw ia 4 m% , m m % kl a

u. w u s vi ru w i s , L wus,eA u mm vis 46 .L sw m m,A..A%

a s u us s w 4 ,%m%L41444m. %ff- AmA Li, 4km P f ti Ps,,4m- wuruwi e i6 iws us avi uwu uj sisw wa 11 44-m mmmAmA tmm mam% am,  %=A 4La 1 mus vj s 6 % ui , wa nw eswsuwu ivi i syvis sg usuu view avn mmmL,L41 ten at = MDA m4mm ye wwuwi e ivj vi m,.#.. A..mimm 4L4, 44-m u w ur i wwwui 4 i s sy uus i n ry wasis 6 i uw mamtmA. ywi svu NON TLm meiam 6 iwas T4-m

                                                    ,m, row       swwMmA        iru     f*

v m vniy- e l, w i em fmm avs nmm.4 mea A,44mm f* S siw q u r a wu s iw w i v s. v . 6. nee %L14,LaA 14-44 usbuws a siswu u ims % mm vis 4Le siis

                                                                                                                           ..  %    u t  . . . m                 ,1 1 m i _ . m A Imm                         %mo n.u e. e m u m          6 s urs            i svnwu                    i vi Lam-+ 4mm at em A44Jom,                                                                                                                                            u s rJ w omw i s s u s v vs.                  vi       v visu s 6 i vis s em km amemmmA                             A.imimm %o
                                      ,,                                                                           vv ww wai6wr su uus s iry wisy


  • 41. . m m 4m mm4 4L4, TLm in Ao wus:6 isuuvus eui we w 6v new w 6 6eris I t'v Au . t' m - m 1 m + 4mm T4-- mmmii4Am,
i. iis av uuj vvmyiw5 vi r i i nrw ys v suws u 1i 4imi- 4 4 w %w 4 *wivm.m, 44-m %11 mi .m A 4m 4L4, ,mm, 4(4mJ wsmw un iunwu sie w ri i s syww. i s t*tt em A44 Jam %f 4 mm A4,,m..mmo or r%41 . m m em -mme w visu usavis us wwi unswwww.y TL4 14-14 4, 4AmmeA mm% , m m ., L 1 m vi suasus s vv inu w w 4La uiss t uvv t' A . v is iO i imi w is
                                                                     ,mm, s uis s suws wu a suavisuwiw rum             44.,+4mm,                         J.         .L4,L                m4 Lam evs        si suu6 i viu s                        m is f'm A44Amm,                          sua         mm4mumA , m m e n . m m m m 41. ,

is a w ei v6ssui v uiiv s u svais us w waiwws wu wvie w u n TLm # A hth # emmme,4mm awrs=ij. sisw , iv w u s sis w w 6 vi tomam "P S Loim, ,mA in Asi,, A 4 ,. 4 % 4 m , e kse km4L f*m-m1meJam vnwwir a s. viv u s a u s uu av u uj s uswvuwws T4-m, %m mi o ,4-i14% 6ssuw wusse uvmyswu s uis i smus uyy sj simus -am.,1o, u usiu vu s s j u mA 4La s iu

                                                                                                                                                         -mmm vaiw mvi w i wsw m m , 4 m.4                         - 4 41. m -.,4 swwiww muss ww km                j b                                                                                                                                                                                                              I ibi Tf 4Lm                  4.imkimm                Amt.m.                  E 4 i      w ii w          w ui w i s aw us i wws                         a    rlin    m..--

yumy om v,

                                                                                                                                                    %,,m,4,4mA ussvwsuswu (1 mi .

a run yu wer is m ., 4 L 4,

                                                                                                     %,4imm                                                                                                                                          j tumsmivy  m ew ms %          ki m , yao mvmy   m - m e.                              -..,4         km 4%Lm,                                                     km.m uusw                               u w s a vri mus6 ww                             s u nw s                   L J m 41 sivu in ,4, 4wissis                           s 4

wS , j noe.imm 4La tm11 mi .4mm HDH 4m,4. ,o,43 , ABEDADjf. wis s u s v bisw Tvisvn u niy w bi uini sjswwms us %

                                                                                                                                                                  ,ma vi nsviwww.

I clin 1D #Tc S 7 wns av gsw wes 7,i,f T .a . 4- HDH mf 4km y , , ,1 m , , p,m,,J,m, c,go,4mm c i , , 4 m ,,,,, ii usur w vi seiw inuw s w ui ) wwi e swws wwunuwwe vjssum '

                                                /Te , f ns giw           w.a       es;p PUUE           1D          %=A         run        1D iTP v i m i n.,        4w uisu             vi si         4w         gaw         S . 7, .10 w          4vj

I (continued) 4 1Am&

    .a 18 8,4, w i               k is.            ii . wwi I

v ii i w w v .., ...

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,k m
                                                                                                                                                                               , is i s s a , u s s.

ws 6, M.. av 4. , Mt1T E U ,1 4 ,1 ilm e 41 ro,1m 19 A1u TTv i w wua su vir 6 ii vywiw a vis :J

l EFW System B 3.7.5 L BASES l t-1 r APTTAMc n 1 1 l ou: avnw m Ig, uvn

                                                                                      --e4        m. i . m J i w s i uwwf                                                                                                                                                                                       l

? ! 4 L ,. D,,m, com o i rvvis, a m , 4 s, 4 sw. ABEDAD?t a m, +e on 4, 4siL, 4,

i. i i w wusw, L.,

svi cwuo m,uwwa 4,1 1, u, n- w w i m v n.1, v 4 , j

                                                                                                                      .vii i m m 4, t a n A                               m-,                              4L.                                4=4mA vi         .u iv 4 w          aT iTV.         i.

i iwu us wo..m4mm us ny wiew

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,,,m, ussvw.uwww sue  .im vwu m 4 1 1. u.sssww      m,mi
                                                                                                              ,\         L%,                 Lmm-               - % 4 4 , E s,4 m m 41 o ,m-m1memA o44L4- 4km g   aj         isu, wwwn auwiaswwwvi a og w vury i w w w w vi iwieiis                                                                                          snw mm.ilmmA                         t m m m. . , o                           emA 4La                        m m . 4 m .m                          4,       mme m4La. .4,m 1

w3u i 1 ww i i % 3 uw eiwy u s sw wiew s q u a yn.m - 4 es eiv v v w ii w a 11 sww wis6 I,M n en ka ski j l- vv ww 4si m.vywm m a m.uw.m. w i 6 f t i[ 4km Abms.. I4e4mA HDH 4m,{m ,m_mommm4, , , , , mm4 r si wiew uwvvw i useww w us uaus s vu ry v i e w i e w s u, w viv e A vi Dn.E.D A D la n un. L1 4 L, m 4 . . .a b. .ft m M hm ..^.% EbO m..-.s mm , n ,. d 4 4 - a1 m. ,. yu m%4b l n i 61 4v k. w wus wissw wi w u rs ws n p uniy vi 4, ussvwsuwww sur wia 4-mmn iivyws esL1.m ww w,' 4 L.w . w. wu s, u% w k 4,1, 4,wy 4 o E.vsm m E www nt' l.osA = % m a ,mm e em vuw - % musiupwnwnw v. t--,m... ,.ms11 kmm. , 1 Af* A t s ney s vvw winu wi su 3 a. w w s i in 4i 4 4 m = 4 4, v ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,,m           moe L. .,,..mmA                                            .J           l i

wigu i wuss inv6 w. u s ui su uivu 1 rm-J444 - E 4, o m m14, . Li m w view i e i viu e ea uyya swwwaw.

n. .a en +ka ,oum o. mm44o wi o r + ka iemme ,-%11 kwn L www wv wus vj vi wus v i i , m m m m m.,m,n i , , L..i v um 1, uA ,

w3uw u ,soui w. wun I nf* A m--... 4- 4Lm,m ,- A444mm, 4Lm 1 Lm... f*m- 1a44mm T4-m w vu r i wwwus are view as s view e s vii g , wirw 4 inrus vvinysw wives e a suu en i..4fi. 4Lm skm.. 14,4aA HDH 4 s4. ,m-mm-m 4, ., vv www iug w ii w uwvvw i iswww w we u s us s vuryview si v e us nnrn ADt f .-,.mm, 4L.4 --e4 v, u v v iv a. 6 w ii s u s w , wivu -y - s. mvury- m e, wwwevs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        .,,.a 41 i 1ww  km 4wunwu
  • l, - - 6.

wv e n m., E nt' 1m,A TLm f' m.i T4-. wvie f. i i i www vuw -,..-i m sommm-+u p winw n = . i n., v v ny1,wm e 4 m vnm i e uv 4-4 J .. 4L. 44-m eka -1sme 4, m m e mm e 4 %11 s. mumme=A 4. = w i s se s in u s. w s werw w s ins win. y s usi v is yv w vis w sua sg wnyveww vv u I AP A J- 4Lme m ..mJ44in-,

i. v u r i s ie wusew synwi eivna.
                                                                ,e num                    4...ut.m                      Amtomo ai        v iew           w u s v i siw                 we a w wii                    cweeu,,       m..--

y uniy vi mm .,,.,4,4,A usgvwsuwww f,... 4, i a v r. yu ser is ammuskin i m, s v y u . mmm-me  %,4 tam -..,4 km 4 % t, a m o44k4. 1 km.. en i u v i w.1 r' v'"r * "w* 'v ' " " *

  • ww * = " * ' ' " ' * ' ' ' * *v mme..m. L 4L 4-=4-, of 4Lm f m 11 m. . 4 ,. si. A M E D A D' t E . ' v " '

wassuis ww w is wu uuus, vi . w us s va u. u i u m. w . evi a v vv e i v y r t'r e ITc wwvw gew nn,,o S.c.9) w w wp9 wwvuj u.m = 4 r1memA www viv,ww ro,1a vgvrw f* vvvia m 1 4, m.m s y U wi u, 4 mw m. ITc gsw S v. ",7 evf, D\ nma o Lt . e cm.. .4mm #Tc wwwuy i sw w w wwunuwwi gsw 9 s.ini w s 4vy3 E-mm m--o n4a,m1 f' m - m m s e o m , fTc D 1i winw s w w vivy wswwws A f' E T m ,. 4 m a ,. % 1 no. ww rew s uwvi s na,4m4L..etom enk gsw w S.w.af3 eiw a. i w w = 1 ivui s v vi s a w awi ivu6 a vie o,4,m-, w u u sj a i wine FTc gaw S.w w D n,f,i A t' 1144 1 D.., c k,i.,4m-, fTc riv v isu www w u w sj a w wsow gsw S.v.n) v D sf rom. 4,4m 4 .44L ekm Ds,m, tm is a viiw w w v S.n.1 wvoiaiawweiw vv i w i n 6aiu wuawa i vs c o m o, w wun til---m 4 g 4, umm4tiaA ko ame..m4mm semA ADrD

v. w. uA iv D . il .Y TV i e i, wwi i i iwu wg w. ,ui is y ew k.a w se u en,4uwww svv
                                                                 ,..m..411---mi, i                                           L=,                 km - , s 4 4 , f s,4 mm 41 o                                           ,--m1m4                         J of4L4= 4 wui wwi a                  i uvivw g a f                    usu,                wwwis             au5 iseuswvi iny                                     svings% www                            ri i w n a si             w m m. i l m            A      tmmm..--                                  .mA             4Lm                                     4,       -me                                                    t,--..-

iw ww r i % 3= w a r wy.. 4 L m mm,. 4 , m 4, 3uL.i 4-m-mm Lim u s vu wiss w 3u a yniw e i w ia siv v vwiews v isu ru r u vvi s 6v ww i sivyw a ww i w . ft L-4L em-4m, .t 4La .Leom mm.4mmm-4 . -me nnEnADtf u44L 4 s uv vis e i uuns vu uns wwwww us u w 3u s y. inw n ove vs w iu iw w w **

  • w i s 4La en, L4-m Amtomm r rt e m..- mm --,m, 4.4mA ti m., --4L wiew su w e iss vi i w w ri w a rv y u ay vi usawwsuwww i i v re yu w ei 4-m-mm Lin 4L. ---sL4144o en mm-mo. ,.iff4,4.-4 emm. Am,*u s iivys i uwwwg wiew wuyuw a i vg wv i winvvs sus i s w s w ei s wvi w wwwuJ ka%4 ,,- mm4 km us,ummA wi f' m A 4 4 4 m m, s iE nuww wuii inv v i., wi ww A w vvi u sviv 4, ,, s a m 1 4 , s k l a, a u y ,, s www-i -

t  : P I l I l i I (continued) e m i . , e .1 D4umm 1 l- 4 4 9 i D S l vigwwus niwwi vri = w v w7 97vD s n A-m e J-m nw i vwnsw i s e u vv . 4 M. 1fS ave UnTr \f .1 4 A 11 441 ro,1. 19 nlu v iv u a. vus av view e i vywsw a n. vra'J I

3JM SAsiam > 8 CC*9 8VS3S VJ,1. L. UH,J, m #w' m um . 0, s , m' ". 9,. .m" , * " , r i\ i yn,. ,,,. ,..

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l EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES l i ACTIONS sed (continued) l If line~offthelEFWitFiins the motor driven EFW pu- um c:ccidted~flbipith"isinoperable,actionmustEpcr e taken to restore the train required equi ment to OPERABLE status within 72 hoursT ~The 72 hour CompIetion Time is reasonable, based on the redundant capabilities afforded by the EFW p ep system, time needed for repairs, and the low probability _.of T DBA occurring.during,this time _. l now. period. Thi s : condition Mncl udes stheElossTofitsolsteam 2 supplysljnesitolthefturbine! driven!EFWfpump. nm The second Completion Time for Required Action BE.1 establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed ~for any combination of Conditions to be entered during any continuous failure to meet this LCO. The 10 day Completion Time provides a limitation time allowed in this s)ecified Condition after discovery of failure to meet the _CO. This limit is considered reasonable for situations in which l* ether Conditions AdahdfB are entered concurrently. The

                       'AND' connector between~72 hours and 10 days dictates that both Completion Times apply simultaneously, and the more restrictive must be met.

CF.1 and Cf.2 ,,g If Required Actions A.1, S.1, C.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, cr E,4 cannot be completed within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LCO l does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be I placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 4  : within 12 hours. The allowed Completion Times are i reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. qed I"* With both EFW trains inoperable, the plant is in a seriously degraded condition with no safety related means for conducting a cooldown. In such a condition, plant operation should not be perturbed by a forced action, including a power change, that might result in a trip. For this reason, the Technical Specifications do not mandate a plant shutdown. Rather the ACTIONS allow the plant to dictate the most prudent course of action (including plant shutdown) for the situation. The seriousness of this condition requires that action be initiated immediately to restore at least one EFW train to OPERABLE status. I l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-270 Amendment No. M3 NOTE Wlid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only

EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying the correct alignment for manual, power operated, and automatic valves in the EFW waters emi steam supply flow,fdieselistartin@@j{and][seKoiljpaths provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist for EFW operation. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the. main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a branch line. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since those valves are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. There are several

  • other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned.

The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves outside the RB, relief valves outside the RB, and instrumentation valves (both inside and outside the RB). This SR also does not apply to valves that cannot be inadvertently misaligned, such as check valves. This Surveillance does not require any testing or valve manipulation; rather, it involves verification that those valves capable of potentially being mispositioned are in the correct position. The 45 day Frequency is based on engineering judgment and is consistent with the Frequency established for SR SR requires extensive EFW valve manipulation in order to perform the pump flow rate verification, such that a flow path verification is necessary following each performance. SR This SR verifies that the EFW pumps develop sufficient discharge pressure to deliver the required flow at the full open pressure of the MSSVs. Because it is undesirable to (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-28 Amendment No. Ma

 .          .              =_      _     . = . .     .-__. - .             . -      --       .          _ . -

1 ' EFW System B 3.7.5 BASES 1 l SURVE1LLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS of EFW flow paths must be demonstratrd before sufficient core heat is generated that would reruire the operation of the EFW System during a subsequent slutdown. The Frequency is reasonable in view of otheradministrativecontrolstoensurtbased that on engineering juigment,th ' are OPERABLE. To further ensure EFW System alignment, flow I path OPERABILITY is verified, following extended outages to ' determine no misalignment of valves has occurred. This SR ensures that the flow path from the EFW tank to the OTSGs is properly aligned. This requirement is based upon the recommendation of NUREG 0737. The Frequency was modified slightly during ITS development (prior to entering MODE 2)  ; to provide an SR 3.0.4 type exception. As written, the 5R i allows the plant to achieve and maintain MODE 3 conditions in order to perform the verification. SR73?7?5T6 i ViFiffiissMiftiFfNiiiifda1YV61Eag"fr nsDFisithaYi6111t'y?af_ e ' thelbatterysto) perform?theEintendedtfunction;3Thesvoltage,. requirementsharerbased ontthe nominalidesignivoltaaeiof2the battery; iThej7jiday2frequencylis consistentywith}lE. EEi4501' REFERENCES 1. Enhanced Design Basis Document for the Emergency I Feedwater and Emer ency Feedwater Initiation and Control j System Revision 1 dated Se 1991 with Tempora,ry Changes 56, 230, ptember 27247,and249. i I

                                       " Overpressure Protection for B&W Reactors",
2. BAW-10043,1972.

dated May

3. FSAR, Section 10.5.
4. 10 CFR 50, Appendix A.
5. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Inservice Inspection, Subsection IWP. 1 I
6. Dslifed FT! 51 1255128 01, Safety Analysi: Input te "

St:rtup~ Team Safety S ::: ment r l

7. FPC calculation 187-0008, Rev. 6.

l l l l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-31 AM6drsEtRevi;ica No. H NOTE '!hlid Until Cycle 12 Only

SW System B 3.7.7 BASES Darvennnun r__ ,__4,4m u_n,o vnvounvvnv t,mm+ 4 m..m A s ivs wwi wussi .se ,d so ,i i vs wun i nca, a_ v u ri s

                                                                                                                          .,4+L           -      __m-i.___m.

vi i wie u s viiw u s a w ii w


ivas vr af

                                     -tr,4+m g uver 5 i ii u s u f         vi es isw yvnwiim , swsui s isy un mmi                   ,,i,...4-_

c U n. lri a ,mA nun or +m --m. 4Am u s iu v i ru s sii wv ga vv mus i l esn,ww.14+o su sh4 isj nm was 4Ln nm n n n m, e o A4neni view s urw . yws wg u iwwwi nan ne.unw s+ v.

                                                                                                                                                                       +n insA 4kn sv ywiew                                  ivuu        sow HA5ri ems:-

siusin 1 mi a mmme enima 4m 4n,+In. mi.-- smA n+La- wanii4mnA ivn yewswui w in%A, Tkm,a i s sy w w v s va r y uuiy u n iu v6siwi i w Mu i s wu l ivuus. s is w g w n i i-m e .n iil A La -%-iis11o e n c ii e n A %A la LnA l

                                               +m     m e m ,1. A ny u r.u.y. a.                              vu inu i s u u s sy                    aswui wu u n iu                    svwnwu OH+,                                                  .ri vuiu
                                                                                            .,44,                                                             in     +Ln,a                            N so     y wwsuus                  uusvu,ussw                    .s nw 4e -is4 +

i o 4 s, +u 4s ni . .is essww l s c, i + > i s +i m u u , i n. vn... ,, , C.vU.. nu1D

                                     .              i enm+ i m ii,, A . fi ni . Emm +La n iu D SD        v
u. w us,n14nA isu i.nyvii nan
                                                                                                                                                                           ..      meno.4An en    v     uw I                                                                                                     CU .i m A            61.      1^,_             cami4-n,                 On%i .s+na w VIi L I i I u w %4    y y v TV        i vi       biyw          ev n    u i i %. I i bi w i w u i          e4 w I y awwW i

ei.e+n-, bF b o TV u b w i ej a s wina . i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l l l i I l i (continued) c_.,+, o4..m_ n 4. e o, , ee. i v Jw=ui niywi vii i w w w w., v vr i

                                                                                                                                                                    .__mA__m.                 u_  ie, i i.w iv uu rw e i s uvv . ave LIAT E avv i n              us14A vua su viv     s t v4 i41i cvjaw. ,1 wm t. o nvsm.
      . .         . - ~ . . _ . .-.           - - . . - ~ . . _ . . - - . . .                    .. - - - - - - . -- -- . . _ - - - . . _ - -

L~ l SW' System B 3.7.7 BASES i 1 I r l^ l' l l l' l l i i i l l l l l l I l l l l l TUfe iiiaw MAPE ioww TMTEMTTAMAtiV a vi e wri e a viu m s e i EET o f ,A MV

n. w r i ww uin l

l t I , (continued) r......a n,..__ii,. , o , , eco A___2___. u_ ie, vige==s nuv=i wri w .w w we, www n vuw e rwurw e s . viw a aww t l .. l t l'

                                                                    -~-                -                                  ,                                          ~ -- ,.

SW System B 3.7.7 ) [ BASES 1 l 1 1 i 1 ! APPLICABILITY Three of the four heat exchangers must be OPERABLE to l (continued) accommodate the design system heat load requirements. 1 In MODES 5 and 6 the SW System is not required to be , OPERABLE due to f.he limitations on RCS temperature and l pressure in these MODES. Additionally there are no other Technical Specificatioii LCOs supported,by SW which are i l applicable during these plant conditions. l 1 I ACTIONS A 1 -A A r a u r ru ei.S s 13 4 4 L clin 1D 4 m a m m nissi uns

                                                                                           , L1 m             mmm           m4             ,44mm                -.,4            km         4, Lam o44L4- 1 4u         i siv us a                                                         u w s i vi s musv uw i

1 L ai m em am,mimm %L,+uuawft.,4mm+yivmyw

                                                                                                  ,ii                                  ,,m,k:144u                           .4,         so, w u nw ei 41 L1m n iveiiem mm 4

invua wv wissui w w siu v sua e awi% wu M A li ri Ou,4m i uvar wmwi m .m m m m m m - u A4memi mmmmm,vuwi isw 4mm fmm ettn 1A i a uj i o u1u 4-upiw emme,4m vai i i

                      ,-,19                                                3 % ie wj              uswswi                 ywirwi usvi                          ivi        uns            4ri         i si www wuaus kom,L                 i ara              ,,mmsmem,                               im          ,ii-L              e 4 m , u - , 4 , m ,

smus us wun wwwri swwssur ivs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,m,            4L.

k a im a us s uvis w i w ums w u riw u s , v 11w Mwvi N murI iww ii m mi m am , m m ,s m , i J wmwi ywnwy [m a w m w uMiri ank m wu na m.-m n 6 m iil M ka , m , i k ini m ,m 4La enimL4mm "E v i u A m i i,n wir em m .m m m m m m - i . famA,yumy i,+mm nvuiu ww swwurwu m a n-- smA ,erm-4,4nA vi ru sui uisw us w mw i a w w u rv u s w a 7% s iwy yumy u v iu ussvwiuwwu f_1 mo m,4L ..m' A km mmmi, mmA nn em mumu4Am e4-e run yu s a r vv u u

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(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-38 Amendment No. M 3 kinT E U ,1 A I t= 4 41 eu,1a 1S n1u riv i w wua su via w i i vgwaw 4 s. vii e y

l l SW System B 3.7.7 BASES t ACTIONS 81L1 (continued) _ . rn With one:o ..fE. h... ..._ _ . _ $W pum t efemergency; of the' reqtiired" heat exchangers......~ps_iand/or S"P 1A :nd/or one the heat removal capacity of the SW System is degraded. inoperable,this in Condition, l 1 adeauate cooling of the containment and ES equipment served i by SW cannot be assured following an accident coincident ' with a worst-case single active failure. Therefore action must be taken to restore theaffectedcomponent(s)loOPERABLEstatus. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full SW System OPERABILITY is consistent with other ECCS Specifications for a loss of has been maintain a redundancy suitable limitCondition on risk. and,As such, this Completion Time is based on engineering judgment and is consistent with industry-accepted practice. BG.1 and BG.2 If the inoperable SW component OPERABLE status within theciated asso(s) cannot be Completion Timerestored the tol ans plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LCO does n,ot apply. To achieve this status the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours,and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operatino experience to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. SURVEILLANCE SR

               ' REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the SW flow to individual components may render those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the SW System.

l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-38A Amendment No. MB NOTE "; lid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only 4

  .      ,.                      ,          e-             .~,          ,,m         - . ,                   .         -            -     -            -


i l. 1 i SW System B 3,7.7 [ 1 BASES l 1 i 1 l I l l l l 1 1 1 l 1 i l d l l TLif e ieaw M,A s mm O E aTsLITEklT i e n.ri s T AM imA at it V 6si a viir 1EET i O w-f ,A MU i vu i (continued) f

           ' O mt a m 4 4 3 O d asma 11. 1 4 S                          D             SOD                                     A      ..J-m-4          Ma    ifs Li            wegewwa         newww    wi r i w w                        w   $w . 7,   www                                      -i     r e wissw i s = ruw . sww a
                                         -        r-                                                                    --

DC System B 3.7.8 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.8 Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water System

   . BASES                                                                                      i I

BACKGROUND The Decay Heat closed Cycle Cooling Water'(DC) System facilitates the removal of decay heat from the reactor core. 4  ; The system also removes process and operating heat from ) safety related components associated with decay heat removal during normal plant cooldown and following a transient or accident. During plant cooldown below approximately 250*F . the DC system provides core heat removal by transferring heat from the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System to the Decay Heat Seawater System. The system is divided into two independent and redundant trains, each capable of supplying 100 percent of the required normal and post-accident cooling. Each train contains a pump, a surge tank pressurized with nitrogen for solume and pressure cor. trol, and a heat exchanger which removes heat from the DHP, ;ystem  ! and rejects it to the Decay Heat Seawater System. l s The design and operation of the DC system, along with a list I of the components served, can be found in FSAR Section

                                                                                                ] (Ref. 1). For normal operation the DC aumps are started manually. However, in an emergency bot 1 DC pumps start automatically upon receipt of an Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS). The DC system supports long-term i reactor decay heat removal following a loss of coolant i accident (LOCA) when the Emergency Core Cooling System ' (ECCS) is recirculating water from the RB sump to the reactor core through the DH heat exchanger. The DC System also supports post-accident containment cooling by supplying cooling water to the reactor building spray aump motor I coolers and bearings. Other loads supplied ay this system  ! are the DHR (LPI) pumps and motors, DC and decay heat seawater pump motors and two of the three make-up and l t purification (HPI) pump motors. The DC System supplies cooling to these pump motor heat exchangers, lube oil l coolers, gear lube oil coolers, bearings, or air handling ' units to prevent overheating of the associated components (Ref. 2). 1 Certain ::all brc;k LOCA scenaric require emergency feedwatertomaintainsteampencratcrccclinguntilcore a decay hcat can be rc=cved ;c cly by ECCS Further, with the turbine driven EFW pump cr :::cckted ficv, path (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-41 AE6dsistRcvi;ica No. W NOTE '!5Tif u?,fil Cycle 12 Only

A DC System B 3.7.8 BASES l BACKGROUND ineper:bic, SWP iS, trein "S" cf the Nucle:r Service: l (continued) Sc:ucter 5" stem, CMME IB, :nd CMP IS, :: well :: both ! tr:in: cf ICCS, Decay Mc t Closed Cycle Cccling W ter, i Decay Mc:t Sc=:ter, Emer ency Dic:cl Cencratcrs, AC

  • Electric 1PeuerDistribuiicnSubsystems,:ndAC"it:1Bu; Subsystem: cre required CPERASLE.

i As a closed system, the DC System also serves as an intermediate barrier to radioactivity releases to the environment from potential leaks in interfacing systems. l APPLICABLE The DC system provides cooling for components essential to SAFETY ANALYSIS the mitigation of plant transients and accidents. An ESAS initiation signal will start both DC pumps. This ensures that the required cooling capacity is provided to the essential equipment following a steam line break, steam generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, or LOCA. The running pumps (100 percent capacity each , in conjunction with an associated DC heat exchanger, rejec)t heat to the Decay Heat Seawater System to ensure the necessary cooling flow to components required for reactor decay heat removal. By cooling the RB spray pumps and pump motors following a LOCA or SLB, the DC system supports the RB Spray System by ensuring the pressure and temperature in containment are maintained within acceptable limits. The OPERABILITY of the RB Spray System is addressed in LC0 3.6.6, " Reactor Building Spray and Containment Cooling Systems". During normal and post-accident cooldown operations, when RCS temperature and pressure are reduced to allow the alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, DC System operation facilitates core heat removal by transferring heat from the 4

                                      -DHR System to the Decay Heat Seawater System.

The Decay Heat Closed Cycle Cooling Water System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LCO. The requirement for two DC trains to be OPERABLE assures adequate normal and post-accident heat removal from the reactor core and essential components, considering a worst case single active failure. One of the OPERABILITY considerations regarding these independent and redundant trains is that each valve in the flow path be in the correct post-accident position. Additionally, each DC pump must be capable of being powered from its emergency power supply and be capable of automatically starting on an ESAS actuation.

                   . Crystal River Unit 3                                                                                 (continued)

B 3.7-42 Amendment No.-Ma NOTE Wlid until Cycle 12 Only

DC System B 3.7.8 BASES (continued) APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the DC System is not a normally operating system, but must be capable of performing its post-accident safety functions, which include providing cooling water to components required for RCS and containment heat removal. Two independent 100 percent capacity DC 1 trains must be OPERABLE to accommodate the design system heat load requirements and satisfy reliability I considerations assuming a single failure, l In MODE 4, although RCS temperature and pressure are I reduced, there remains sufficient stored energy that the  ! occurrence of an accident would necessitate the post-accident cooling functions of the DC System. When temperature and pressure have been reduced sufficiently to allow alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, the DC System is no longer required for post-accident component cooling, l but must continue to provide cooling to the DHR heat ' exchangers. Therefore, two trains of the DC System must i remain OPERABLE throughout MODE 4 to ensure emergency preparedness and/or decay heat removal, assuming a single active failure. In MODES 5 and 6, the DC System is in operation performing i

its normal safety function of RCS decay heat removal. The various means of removing reactor decay heat in MODES 5 and 6 are addressed in LC0 3.4.6, "RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops Filled"; LC0 3.4.7, "RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops Not Filled"; l LC0 3.9.4, "DHR and Coolant Circulation - High Water Level"; '

and LCO 3.9.5, "DHR and Coolant Circulation - Low Water Level". In other words, the OPERABILITY requirements for the DC System are determined by the systems it supports. Therefore, this LCO is not applicable in MODES 5 and 6. 4 ACTIONS A.1 :nd A.2 With one DC train incperable, prompt action within I hcur isnecc:;rytcen;urethattheturbinedriven::crpency feedwater pump and :::cciated ficw path are availab.c for

te:: gencr ter c0014n9r---14 the turbine driven ::crycacy e feedwater pump and ;;;cciated ficw p;th Orc not avai,;ble, the capability for core decay heat rc=cval h:: not been
ured and Ccaditien B i: applicabic. The Operability of the turbine driven emergency feedwater pump is act required in "0DE 4 r (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-43 Amendment No. M3 NOTE hlid Until Cycle 12 Only

DC' System B 3.7.8 BASES ACTIONS A.1 :nd A.2 (continued) I l Gens 4+ tent with the Bace; for Surveilhnce 2.0.1, OPERABILITY is verified by ensuring the :::cciated surveilknce(s) h:: been ::tisfactorily compkted within the required frequency and the equipment-i; not ctheraise kncun tc be incper:bh . 1 Due to the severity cf the con cquence: should a :::11 new break LOCA cccur in the:c conditica:, the I hcue Completien Time te verify the turbinc driven emergency feedwater pump and ;;;cciated fhw path Orc OPEPf3LE cnsure that prcmpt action will be taken to confirm ccre decay heat capability. The Ccmpletien Time minimize; the time the , l phnt i: potenti;'y expc:cd te : LOCA in thc;c condition:. l l Required Action A.~13 is modified by'a Note indicating that IN l the applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO I 3.4.5, "RCS Loops - MODE 4," be entered if an inoperable DC train results in an inoperable required DHR loop. This is i an exception to LCO 3.0.6 and ensures the proper actions are I taken for an inoperability of a required DHR loop. With one DC train inoperable, action must be taken to restore the train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE DC train is adequate to perform the heat removal function. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full DC System OPERABILITY is the same as that for the ECCS Systems, whose safety functions are supported by the DC System. This Completion Time is reasonable, based on the redundant capabilities afforded by the OPERABLE train and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. B.1 and B.2 If the inoperable DC train cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LCO does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be ) laced in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 witlin 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-44 Amendment No. %3 NOTE hlid 5 til Cyck 12 Only

! DC System B 3.7.8 BASES l l SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the DC flow to individual components may render those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the DC System. Verifying the correct alignment for manual and power operated valves in the DC flow path provides assurance that l the proper flow paths exist for DC operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a branch line. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves outside the RB, relief valves outside the RB, and 1 i 1 i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-44A AmehdmentRevisicr No. 44

  . .- . ...- . . .                    . . .     .-        -    - . .               . .           - - - . = - ~ . - _ - . . .            - .       ~ - - _ . - . . - . - - -     . -

l DC System l i B 3.7.8 1 i i BASES  ! f J i 1 I i L 1 1 1 1 1 T1.11 isi*w e oi A P E 1 aLIT e i w e. vi e EkiT u,,si i aTviAL,I A i I V. IEET, i % n. us o f A kil/ y,,. , , e l l t 1 i (continued)

. - P .. . . a o,..__ n_2. , o, , o n, i w A___2___.. u Te,
l. 'w1Jw==* v i i 1 w, i wii s = w w w., ,,,,,,,,w...,. iv . ,v.

Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 BASES BACKGROUND The Nuclear Services Seawater System is designed to seismic (continued) category I requirements, except for the standpipe drain line. The design and operation of the Nuclear Services Seawater System along with a list of components served by SW during normal and emergency conditions, can be found in FSAR Section 9.5 (Ref. 2). Following an Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) actuation, SW System flow paths are realigned to provide a reliable source of cooling to essential safeguards equipment which may be supplied by non-safety cooling water systems during normal operations. To ensure these additional heat loads can be accommodated, both emergency pumps are started simultaneously by an ESAS signal

  • to provide adequate cooling in the event of a single active failure which disables one emergency pump.

For cert in small break LOCA: with a concurrent les cf offsite pcuer, :: curing SWP IA nd RWP 2A would provide capability cn the emergency dic:cl generatcr te lead the "A" train icw prc;;ure injection pump :nd cther required leads. Thc;c pump would bc ::nually ccured :nd locked cut 10 preclude automatic reinitiation. In the:c

  • situation:, SWP IB :nd RWP 2B are relied upcn te provide continued ficw to the SW and Nucle r Service: Sc; water sy;tems.

APPLICABLE The Nuclear Services Seawater System supports the SW System SAFETY ANALYSES in providing cooling for components essential to the mitigation of plant transients and accidents. The system has two separate 100 percent capacity underground intake conduits, independent emergency pumps, and underground discharge conduits to allow for a single failure while still providing the required flow. An ESAS signal will start both emergency pumps. This ensures the required cooling capacity is provided to the SW System following a steam line break, steam generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, or loss of coolant accident. The Nuclear Services Seawater System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-47 (continued) Amendment No.--M3 NOTE Wlid Until Cycle 12 Only

Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 BASES (contin =d) LC0 The requirement for the OPERABILITY of the Nuclear Services Seawater System including two emergency nuclear services seawater pumps provides redundancy necessary to ensure the system will provide adequate post-accident heat removal in the event of a coincident single failure. Emergency nuclear services seawater pump OPERABILITY requires that each be capable of being powered from separate OPERABLE emergency buses. OPERABILITY of the associated flow paths requires that each valve in the flow path must be aligned to permit sea water flow from the intake canal to the SW heat exchangers, and subsequently to the discharge canal. The OPERABILITY of the SW heat exchangers, required to ensure proper heat removal capability, is addressed in LCO 3.7.7, " Nuclear Services Closed Cycle Cooling Water System". APPLICABILITY In MODES 1 through 4 the SW and Nuclear Services Seawater Systems are normally operating systems which must be prepared to provide post-accident cooling for components required for RCS and containment heat reinoval, equipment essential in providing the capabi'lity to safely shutdown the plant, and equipment required for adequate spent fuel pool cooling. The Nuclear Services Seawater System must be capable of providing its post-accident cooling assuming a single active failure. Therefore, both emergency pumps are required to be OPERABLE during these MODES. In MODES 5 and 6, the Nuclear Services Seawater System is not required to be OPERABLE due to the limitations on RCS temperature and pressure in these MODES. Additionally, there are no other Technical Specification LCOs supported by the system which are applicable during these plant conditions. ACTIONS A.1 :nd S.2 ui.t ._,4_ uon _c .u_ u...a_,_ e__..:__. e_,....__ e....__ _k & .4 __ _ L_ L . .1 . . .g M eh:C. , .' "rL.:.l

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                                                                  .   . '1.y . u, ., r". !. "".::.:                                   "C. .;'4. " .: _."U,,;.

t+e4e (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-48 ' Amendment No.-M3 NOTE Wlid 'Jntil Cych 12 Only

Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 BASES

                   ^'                  " ^
  • ACTIONS , , . . . ~ , . .,
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                                                                         .      my                   4.nL             _- mm   n.,.,m m.

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4. .m. . , . ,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,-44 A

k.~m 4 ., L_m ,m, 4_m s. m, F, 4,, m , ,, .E nf$

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mi .m....r. , 1, r. T, L, , ,._r a m,,,r ..m. e. i. m, ,T,, 4, , . m ,,, 4, , , 4,,m- 4. m .,, 4. .L. 4 4..,~o 4. .L sm . e_m . 6.1. .,1 1. o, _m u m o,

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                                                                         , ,. t.. 4. m, c...,_-4u,,,._..,.
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                                                                                                                                                                       ,                          ,m

u.. u. u. a - m. +. . , .~, . 4..,, c,~.,,,m,r , _4 4, ,m, ., , ,, ,4, , ~m , a u.m, _ . , a. ., ,., , u, , . .m. ..m u, , ,, ,4 ~. . ,mm.

                  ~m m. . .e. u. ., 4.. _. . 4 . -4 4. u. ,
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                                                                                                                                                 . _. r . m_a m.r ..u. a.
                                                                                                                                                                                    ,,4 Albl With ._one trair "B" of the Nuclear Services Seawater _ umps                                                                                                                          p c

yst^finoperable, action must be taken to restore thipump to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full Nuclear Services Seawater System OPERABILITY is consistent with that for ECCS Systems, whose safety functions are supported by the system. This Completion Time is based on engineering judgement and is consistent with accepted industry-accepted practice. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-48A Amendment No, M3 ~ 11AT E Tw i a. U. .,1, 4 .A 11i .4 4, 1, P v,,. . 1.m. t o n. i ,1 ,.

r r j, Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 l l BASES'- l 1 I 1 I i I I i r 1 TLlT C iitaw M,A e iw P

a. P T MTruT T amu AffV anis.neav iw a atPET DtAMU
a. s. s a w w. n.

I i I l l' I (continued) e ha h 2 a b Gk ) k k a m ha h ksak26 S D ADD w i y a = == i nsvvv -vii= w w S or . i, www ,......J A . . -

                                                                                                                                                                    ,&   Mm  ifs
                                                                                                                                                               . i=iv. aww

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  • i --

l l-

l Nuclear Services Seawater System B 3.7.9 ! BASES ACTIONS BG.1 and BG.2 I w+ (continued) If the inoperable emergency nuclear services seawater pump cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant ' must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner  : and without challenging plant systems. SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note indicating that the isolation of the seawater flow to individual components may render 1 those components inoperable, but does not affect the OPERABILITY of the Nuclear Services Seawater System. Verifying the correct alignment for manual valves in the nuclear services seawater flow path provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist to support SW operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a branch line. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves, relief valves, instrumentation valves, and sample line valves. This SR also does not apply to valves which cannot be inadvertently misaligned, such as check valves. This Surveillance does not require any testing or valve manipulation; rather, it involves verification that those valves capable of potentially being mispositioned are in their correct position. The 31 day Frequency is based on engineering judgment, is consistent with the procedural controls governing valve operation, and ensures correct valve positions. l l l (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-49 Amendment No. %3 NOTE hlid htil Cyclc 12 Only

l Decay Heat Seawater System B 3.7.10 BASES l BACKCROUMD Certain small brc;k LOCA scen ric; require emergency (continued) feedwater to maintain sic = gencr,ater cccling until core decay heat can be removed celcly by ECCS cccling. Further, With the turbine driven EFW pump and ::cciated ficw path incper:bic, SWP IB, train "B" cf the Nuclear Service: Sc; water System, CHHE IB and CHP IB, :: Well as m+ both train; cf ECCS, Decay Heat Cle cd Cycle Cccling Water, Decay Heat Sc water, Emergency 010:01 Cencrators, AC Electrical Pcuer Distribution Subsystems, and AC Vital Bu; Sub;ystem: are required OPEP,ABLE. APPLICABLE The Decay Heat Seawater System supports the DC System in SAFETY ANALYSIS providing cooling for components essential to the mitigation of plant transients and accidents. The system has two separate 100 percent capacity underground intake conduits, independent pumps, and underground discharte conduits to provide for a single failure while still providing required fl ow. An ESAS initiation signal will start both decay heat seawater pumps upon low Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure and/or high containment pressure. This ensures that the required cooling capacity is provided to the DC System for cooling of components required for reactor heat removal following a steam line break, steam generator tube rupture, makeup system letdown line failure, or loss of coolant accident. During normal and post-accident cooldown operations, when RCS temperature and pressure are reduced to allow the alignment of the DHR System to the RCS, the Decay Heat Seawater System is placed in service to support decay heat removal. The Decay Heat Seawater System satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. LCOs The requirement for OPERABILITY of both decay heat seawater trains provides redundancy necessary to ensure the system will provide adequate post-accident heat removal in the event of a coincident single failure. 1 l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-52 Amendment No.-%3 NOTE Valid Until Cycle 12 Only

Decay Heat Seawater System B 3.7.10 BASES ^.'.'..."uu' s v, d, l i ACTIONS A.1 :nd A.2

                                      "ith cne Decay H^at Sc: water train inoperable, prompt action l

is necc : ry 10 ensure ,_A that the turbine driven cmcrgency  ! ( c..munu .m A. . ,.s 4 - . .yumy

                                                                        . . _ _unu               ,,,m_

u s w . 4 u, 4. m. uA c,,vn, ,_ ,yu. + t, , ,_m u, . n.nenAnir i unouww c,mv , _ma, ,, t ,.4. m. u, _m o m .m. _ m _ ,u 4, .m _ 4. ., m . , 4, u_m 4. u.

                                                                                                                                              . _ .u .l. _. .a u,  A _ 4. m. ..


                                                                                                                                                                                  .m .. . , ~ , 3.m,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,m 3                       . .... . 3                                    ,
f. a. .m unuA.i . . , 4. m _ ..i_m yumy u v iu w a s v . 4, u,4.
                                                                                                                        .u m A        (1 .. yu e r.n        m e e. k,
                                                                                                                                                               ,_m u,     . viv m m e.n.n unowws rn A DI E ,

the cap;bility te rc cv ccre,__, decay heat c;n act bc

                                       , , , . . _              ,_A                               m         o                         4. _. u,urm.

uim Tum m_m_,un44.. o c, u s s u e .mu A u r iu e. vm _iA 4 4 4. nv .u s ,w 4 w. u y y sm vy.,uw. e 6j . q l the-turbine mA driven, c crgency feedwater pump is not  ! _ a m .

                                        . 3u 4. _a u               4,o . ,unnesvw w          T.

WH( - t  : Consistent with the B;;c for Surveillance 3.0.1, l n T v n,me n. ,,AmD T. fm . T. V. J. , . . ..m _ 4. r. t. m .uA u.,u ....o_4,

u. , ,m, e u.. . m u . . .. - 4. ., 4. .u mA en
                                        .u.        . m 4,1,1, u, m,emm s.

_ . .. r,f , \ u, , u,

                                                                                                . .,, u
                                                                                                      ..m .m . , ,u.                  s.      m 4 4, ,, t, u , 4. v _.4,1, ,. .          .        _ m 1. m.ue. m onA4 4. .u..4. . 4. t. m
                                                                                                                                                                    .m...y m
-A m

, _. myum . 4. _. uA (._ . mm .yu.. m m...,o u.m 4. tm yu. 4, y,,~,_ m , 4, 4. ., m.. . mm. e.e. u. _a d.. en mL , m- n. ,

                                        .. um               ,_a_m_,u,a
                                         ..       w.         ,,,vy.,uw...

1 Duc to the severity of the con:cquence :hculd ::all break I LOCA cccur in the c ccaditiens, th^ 1 hcur Cc pletion Time  ; to verify the turbine driven c=crgency feeducter pump end  ; s a v. 4. u,4. .A u,,,m, u c,,vn

                                                                                , _ . -yu   , 4. un us . vi wnsmwwnnenAner
                                                                                                                      .. sui .,

m_ .._m, e..sut ,4 __m_ y,vmy 4 ,- u.44mm evn l l . will be taken tc confirm .m__,my.m44.m_. . , v, 4. _. ~m core decay heat r c,v:1 capability. 4

                                                                    .                                 _ 4. .a. . _. 4. .,. m ,
                                                                                                      ... . .             .         e. u.. . 4m   4. _,
                                                                                                                                                     . ~m     e. u. m y , u.            4.,.,                                    4 mA m ,...m - A 4 4 4.... .. , .

m r n...e. m4 4. u,1 1. ,o m,u,mm . y . .m u e.. m.u t6.Ar. P, 4, m, , e. u. .. m m l l Required Action A.[12 is modified by a Nota indicating that I wee the applicable Con'ditions and Required A:tions of LC0 3.4.5, "RCS Loops - MODE 4," should be eatered if an 4 inoperable decay heat seawater train results in an inoperable required DHR loop. This is aa exception to LC0 3.0.6 and ensures the proper actions are taken for an j inoperability of a required DHR loop. If one of the decay heat seawater trains is inoperable, action must be taken to restore the train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE train is adequate to perform the heat removal function. The 72 hour Completion Time for restoring full Decay Heat Seawater System 0PERABILITY is the same as that for the ECCS Systems, whose safety functions are supported by the Decay l Heat Seawater System. This Completion Time is reasonable, l based on the redundant capabilities afforded by the OPERABLE train and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-54 Amendment No. +63 MnTE 19 i l v v u U. =,1 4u A #1 441, w,i P,o v . i. .m 6 n

v. l ,u i

I i l' I

l 1 Decay Heat Seawater System i B 3.7.10 l BASES I l ACTIONS B.1 and B.2 (continued) If the inoperable decay heat seawater train cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LCO does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The Completion Times are reasonable, based , on operating experience, to reach the required plant ' conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS l Verifying the correct alignment for manual valves in the l Decay Heat Seawater System flow path provides assurance that the proper flow paths exist for DC operation. This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, since they are verified to be in the correct position prior to locking, sealing, or securing. The valves verified by this SR include valves in the main flow paths and the first normally closed valve in a branch line. There are several other exceptions for valve position verification due to the low potential for these types of valves to be mispositioned. The valve types which are not verified as part of this SR include vent or drain valves, relief valves, instrumentation valves, and sample line valves. This SR also does not apply to valves which cannot (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-54A Amendment No, M 3

Decay Heat Seawater System B 3.7.10 BASES l 6 TutE nArE Y LITf klT T Akl A 1 I V I P ET of A kip sseaw s a ne w a n i n.1 = a a vi ve u m. 6 s n. a. s e uur i is a 4 4 .il . 1 I { l (continued) r .. .. . a na..__ n_4. , o , , eo A___2___. u_ ice waywwwe naww, wi s a w w . u w., www r i .w a rwirrw i s e r iv . aww L ,

1 stem Control Complex Cooling 7.18 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3 7.18 Control Complex Cooling System BASES BACKGROUND The Control Complex Cooling System provides temperature control for the control room and other portions of the Control Complex containing safety related equipment. The Control Complex Cooling System consists of two redundant chillersi and associated chilleo water _ pumpsGindiparallel ductumounted:airf heat exchangers that4can receive: chilled 1. 4 waterifrom either2 chilled: water chill er!: and 'as s oci ated; chillwaterfpumpasiwellia'siafduct" ed;; pump G A9 raini con si sts:? ofW  ; i mounted heateexchanger that provide cooling of recirculated~ control" complex air.:2The~ design:of1theiContr61iComp' lex CoolingISystem contains-features;thatf chiller:and< associatedechilled allowjeitheritrain .in_g water:pumpstorprovidescool capability ~:toleither ducttmountedlheatdexchangerT~ Redundant chillers ~ and^ chilled" water ^ pumps are~provided for suitable  ! temperature conditions in the control complex for operating personnel and safety related control equipment. The Control Complex Cooling System maintains the nominal temperature i Detween 70*F and 80*F. A single chiller and associated chilled water _ pump _will provide _theJequired amperature ccatrol he' at> removal for 1 either ductimounted Feat exchanger. The Control ~Co'mplex ' Cooling ~SystemTpcW.. ion to maintain controi complex temperature is disea sed in the FSAR, Section 9.7 (Ref. 1). For certain small brc k LOCM with ; concurrent les: cf en-it is accc :;ry to revide c; a cff:itepcuer,dicclgencr;tertoIc;dthe"E"bilit"cntrai$Icw the cmergency prc urc injection pum nd other required le:d:. !n the c situations CHME IB :n" d CHP IB would be relied upcn te provide req,uired coci w' y.- APPLICABLE The Control Complex Cooling System consists of redundant, SAFETY ANALYSIS safety related components, with some common piping. The Control Complex Cooling System maintains the temperature between 70*F and 80*F. A single active failure of a Control Complex Cooling System component does not impair the ability of the system to perform as designed. The Control Complex Cooling System is designed in accordance with Seismic Category I requirements. The Control Complex Cooling System is capable of removing heat loads from the control room and other portions of the Control Complex containing safety related equipment, including consideration of equipment heat loads and (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-85 Amendment No. %3 NOTE Wlid Until Cycle 12 Only l

Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.18 BASES APPLICABLE personnel occupancy requirements, to ensure equipment SAFETY ANALYSIS OPERABILITY, (continued) The Control Complex Cooling System satisfies criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. 1 1 I 1 J LCO Two redundant tisins heat exchanger and tuc redundant i ehillcr and abseciated pum of the Control Complex Cooling ' SystemarerequiredtobeOEERABLEtoensurethatatitast single.failu e one disables train~onecf redundant c ch is available, component.assuming AtContro a licomplextCoi;0l,n_g train 1consistsTofia? chillerF;re Gsociated TchilledtwsteF^'l ~


pump as wellia's;a duct mountediheet exchanger;thatiprovisies, cooling of recirculated;controllconiplex air;.JAllicompontnts oftan.0PERABLE> train;must beDenergizedibyathensame) train"~~ el ect H ca10 bu s !^*To t al ' sys t ehj~ f a R0 re'do ul d ' cau seTcontrol complex result"in the equipment toiexheedtits~; operating ~~ temperature. exceeding limits. EInYaddition pthe CompleiCooling; System must4et0PERABLEnto':the"e;ControlxtentAthit air.circulationicantbe maintainedi f 3 ;7 212) C~ ~^ ~~~~'^^~~ ~ ^'~~~~~^~~'^f~See

                                                                                                 ?Sp~eci f.i c ati on~ "
                                                                                              " ' ~ ~ ~ ^ ' "
                                               -le TheCentrclCcbuxCcclingSystemiscensideredOPERABLE when the inditi                 1 ee fund:nt cc penent; th;t are necc; nry te : intain centrcl complex temperature re OPERABLE. Thesc                                                  l cc=penent; include the ccclin ceils, water cceled condensin!:

instrumen tion. units,:nd:::cialedic=per;turecontr:1 In additien, the Centrcl Cc plex Cccling Systc= must bc OPERABLE 10 the extent that air circulatica c;n bc .,cintained (Sec "pecific; tion 2.7.12). APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, the Control Complex Cooling System must be OPERABLE to ensure that the control complex temperature will not exceed equipment OPERABILITY requirements. During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies the Control Complex Cooling System must be OPERABLE to cope with a release due to a fuel handling accident. now-nettnue n s .; a riv a a vs w ri 4 we,w ri.o s

                      "ith the C""E IB cr C"P IB incpcr:ble, prompt action must be taken within I hcur 10 verify the turbine driven cmergency feedwater pump and ::cciated ficw path i OPERABLE t0 l

r i (continued) l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-86 Amendment No. 463 M AT f" U 14 A 11.421 t' m i m 19 A1u s iv i w wus au wai w a s wgwsw as vii s y

Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.18 BASES AF r i. T. T. AM, 1 - A A 9 v ~c ,A i ...v . fg...

                                                                             , m m.
                                                                                                                     ,                                                                                      m n t. ,A e                    .m m , 4 m ., . m,. m m. m m ., 4. m. m, r...                                  s. ,m  ~ m i, 4, m, , m                 T. T.    +, L, ~a          4... i.m.k 4. mm.A m.4. u. m m. .

3 A mm+ m , ~m m,

                        ..             ,.,m,o, r     , m.            E,_m. m m A . . _, 4 m m,              m..-m r ...r               .m,~
                                                                                                                                         . ,. , ~m., 2, _, 4 m A (, 1.                 .- m, . . r _,+L.         ,         m.m. ,~.


                                                             +                                                           +m A ,B .. E mmD,,A D 1 E , ..~            k ,. . _rm  . m , L, 4,1, 4, +             y o- r.                n ., n u.4. A_ m       m     E N f.' 1. .m~ ,,, A , m, m, ~ mrru.m. ~m m. +. .(m.m.          ,

l i

                         ,- =, ~,1, 1, .        k m..m m L _t n t',A, m.              m. 4 4 4 , ., + 4. ., m,          .


4. . .r . mm u m ,. ~m
                                                                                                                                         .                           , .m. _ , . ,,.,.._&
                                                                                                                                                                                    , ~ . ,~

hm . ,,.m. mA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .m          -

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                          , A                      A4
                          .m,           e_m m, m +. 4. m          ..m. n., 0..,. .e m m 1, 4. , .,. L. i. m rr                                    .         T.La.m       ammm., L 4,1, 4, y
                                                                                                                                                                  .rs .~                              +o         +f-the t . ~.. m.. L4.m.m      m
                                                      .A m.t.... . m m.            .m  . - m m.u . m..,me.,. c, _.m
                                                                                     .mm                                      , m A , , 4 m m. m...,m rmr                4..,       m,~,..        m,%m . 4, m,_m A


                         ,MA  ~.N..E         A. .
n. .m +u , .L m _.- .. . + u. ~e. m~ .. . .m m.4,+.. y e,
                                                                                                                   .,~ _ ..,...,m.,e_m,
                                                                                                                                     , . . ,m                            ., . e.u, ~,..,      . ..a .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .                   u m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .    .m i f'

_ A .A, m ,. a .La mm .m. 4. . . +, L, m .e. ,. , m. m

                                                                                               . ,~,~          .. A 4, + 4. m m. , , .,~                           1 k .m m . ., t*.        ,. = m 1. m_+4. m.         . m. . T. 4. m ~m g - , m i.. c. .,.. + u.             , m m         .
                                                                                    .         t. m. m .A m,t, .m. m m. , . . , ~ , r,m, c._,a. . . , z a m.
                                                                                                                                           --er..,~                                                                                      ,  .a m ._. . r-r                      .~
                           . e..e.m~e .4 m, + m .A                                                                m                                                           m,
f. i. m ... . r ..t L. .-m. . A.B. E D.,A_D I E
                                                                                                                                     .             _ .. .~m .m..e ,. ..m,                  +L..+. vm m.m,-              m.r ,. 4
                                                                                    + ,                    +

g 4 4. m.. m. . .- 4,1,1, kmm . . L_o m, . _m m m.,m, i 4. .A .m 4. L. ~ae .,. n ., L,, 4 1 4. +. u, f. . r . . r . m m. E_n.t' 1m A m,_m, L mm. . . ~- e, ,6,. -mm. - m m. +. t m, . m, #. .

                                                                                                           . . . .,1, 1,      k,
                                                                                                                              ,                 m     t_A t. .A.,,, 4,, + ,4, n ., + 4. .m .m.                                                           um
                                                                                                                                                                                            , .,~+u m
4. . . m,,..m-- T. L. ~a r,~ _ m ,...y,m+_ _4.. , 4,,,4. m. .,

a m..r

                                               ..m~,...                                                                    4. m, m, , TA ..~ ...                                                      . .             4. .~m +. L. m m 1, ., m. . +. 4. .,.

r mm+ m em. .r . .. e r , ., _ .. . -

4. .,1 1. .u, u m m, , ,. A +m, ,

I nf',A, 4. . m. 4, L, ae m .~m

                            , m, m, ~A 4,. +.4. .m..m..,.

m I 1 i e_,.m,a,..,+.,.

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                                                                                                                                                           ..                                  e
                                                                                                                                                                                               . . n. . ,. ,

4 An.~~E D A D T. I T. T, \,/ 4. .,, ... . m m,e, f, 4. m.A. .s .e. .e m

                            .                                                                               . . ,,     L, ,. m     ..m..e. . . m,4,,m, ,        m + L, ~a
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                                          .                                              L...,..,, km.o m m, , .                                    e
4. .e. f, m, + m . m,41.o, .
                                                                                                                                                                                     ,_ym ,. 1. mm+ m .A .e, 4. + Lm 4.. m.                  .    + k. ~m mm.                                           +Lm                                                                --+ .m 4. L. ~a m,.                    ,~m L - m i m, m.,m m i .>4. m.. . .A t, m,y _.m ,m.                   ,o,       .e m, _A         .,~             m
                                                                                                                                    , ,u ,. 4, r.~, m , m m, .,         4. .,. ,   ~ .                                - .4.               - , ~ - ,
                             +                                          ,
  • _m k.~m i, m m m m m.. L i. m .

ur + L,~a m. +m _4 4. .m. m. . ,, ~o , 4 km LI 4. +. L. . r u. m m1. D, m., . r. u. . n. 1. D, 4,., , m,~ r _k1 m

                                                                                                                                                        . ,                      .                             .~ .. , .~

cent- m..m 4 4. .

                                                                      ,. An.rnADtc
                                                                                  .~~m                       ,4..,+.n.,.               . 4  4.
                                                                                                                                       . . , ,. k. 4, m,      "F 9 k.~m...                         T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      +. L.. . i. e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     . . y ,. m. .

w .+.4. .., .+~L,. .-..m,m,4.m.,. . a, . 3 n n. e n. ,,A_o_ i e e. . . .m..m,. c. . .m

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,_         c mm,         , 4, ,m, 3

Gys1. . . . . .. m,_mA . . m, ~a ., m. . +.,~ .,m,,.m,+ +. .a. m. +u a ,. . . + m + , .

                                                                                                                                                                                          .. m , .a. m.                                .

r ,m, - .~m.,. . _s w.._ . ..m eeM m,a.. em,.., +m.m

                                                                                                                                                           . .,, m4, . 4, .+ .
                                                .       _            r. m ....r . _....m.                               ,.             .. a. +. L. 4.                                  ,           u. ~ _. m . ,. m                .+ m. k. mm m .. .. _. a. ,,           m., ,. 4. .. u, n, , 4, +y. .                  4. m,       m. a.       _. mA Lae...
                                                                                                                                                     - ...~
c. .a. ,. . . . . 4. m. . + L. .e A. n, r n. ADt um.E t.' a m +. i i . .m,a l, t.' .m - 1. .n o t.* .. , m 1 4 m,,. c u e 4. .mm.- .- - .m , ymm. m. . m m ...m.,..ui . . m . 1,A mry m i. y .j a m.m - 1 m1
                                 . , . 1. +.          4, m, ,            1. m e ,_ ., .       e  t. t'mm, m, , +, m,.m,             f_* m , m r .m       . m u e,~m .m 1 4... ,           m c.. u,. ,, +       _ ,- . , r, ..~  i m., 4 4. m m. . .
                                            "f 9                                                                                                            ,mA                       +La T, L, ~.      ..        k, ~m . ..         r. .. m,mr1. m +. e. .m.. ..               T, 4, ,, ~m 4.,., L              .      .m . . m m. . ..m                        1. .m i m m,r .m k~o k,,1 4.+y o


t. _ , . .

mum + m-,.. m.4, m, m

                                                                                                                     ,. ,u                                           rmm.                            c,m ,

o tam

                              .                                           m                .        ,, . w ,
4. m a. m. , + L. m,.
                                                                                                                                              . .L,+
                                                                                                                                                         .           _ m.m.a. l.                           1. m vmr --'                      m3 c,.,..,._m.                ma.La m      ..~ .,~ _ .                     , ,. m, . a. . m.A ,. m.              4..,, ., .       . . .            +. L. . m.m..m..~a.              . . 4. m.   , . mm,_mA...a.,M  ..~

em,-,.m,~mm..+,, mA

                               -m r.                          . -, , . ,               m .,. m u.t. ..
e. Am 4. L. ~am,,a m u. t. .~ m. ..y , , m .o. k., :,1, 4. +. 4. m 1

(continued) l Crystal River 'Jnit 3 B 3.7-87 Amendment No. -le nm, .. u.n.v. r

                                                                                                                                           .                       u. .a. 4 A. n. m, +. n, ,                       c.j. .. ,..m i. o .m.g

1; I c Control Complex Cooling System I B 3.7.18 l L BASES l AC1 IONS' AB.1 (continued) . The LCO requires the OPERABILITYLof?a~numbe._ r.:: o ffindepeideAt l subsystems.;;Due toitheoredundanc subsystems;3thecinoperability:ofoneacomponentiinia:tra yiand' diversity 3of _ in doe s noti render? the : Control i Compl ex Cool i ng LSystem ci ncap'abl e ofcperformingiits1 safety'functionb!Neither;doesithe~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' inoperability:of?two differenticomponents,Leachxinya different4trainFnecessarily/resulttin?ailossiof; function forithef Control = Complex CoolingESystem. 3Thewintentfof this maintain a combinationiof> equipment (such' ** thatithefcoolingtcapabilityLequivalentsto 1000 0feassingle trai n : remai n s , ava il abl e ? and ii n ; ope rati on SThi s 7al l ows - i ncrea sed o fl exi bil i ty? i n ' p1 ant?operati ons e under1;.1;i ~ ' l circumstances whenjcomponentslin x oppositejtrainslare j

                                     , inoperable;                                                                                                    I Wit hToni7or?moFeRoniponent s Hhop~ 'eFiblifsscO thatTthiisdol i ng capabi l i ty! equi val ent< t oiais i ngl e ; 0PERABLE strai n? i s ; not ' ~' ~

available,dthelfacilityf istinia condition!outside4the~ accident e, n.tered .ianalysesWhereforebLC063J 0 ;3tmust) beMnmiedi at Wf th!6 hit 66moreICo6tFolTCbmplifCoolfng7tii'ihsTiifiritils 1

                                      ' ndtathleastT100Wcooling: capability!oftaisingleiOPkRABLE:

a ' tra i n iavail abl e ;&the Li noperabl e > components i must$ be t restored to:0PERABLE statustwithine7? days M Inithis3 Condition Nthe~ remainingiControl ComplexiCoolingiSystem(equipmenttis! ^ adequatecto!maintainSthefcontrolicom> lex! temperature Adequatel cool ing 3capabil i ty ! exi sts L w ienithe E controPomp c%._l_ex airttemperature tis ^ maintained:withiOthe411mits forithe "" ~ containediequipmentrand components O Howeverpthetoverall reliabilityMsireduced;because :additionalifailuresicould" re s ul tii n p a vl o s s s of4 Control.? cogl ex? Cool i ng sp s temifunctiink W44-C""E~1 exchen- ATC"P"1 A cr~ cne "Cc...r FCc= den te resterc-lex _ cling ^ hea OPERAS [cr E st:tus incperchle, within 7cet d;y;. f en ::In t be t Conditica, the this rc :ining OPERABLE Ccatrcl Cc plex Cccling Ey;te equip cat i: 2dequ:tc t: ::intain the centr:1 cc=-lex tc= pee +t-we within limit;. Mcwever, the cver:11 refi bility i: reduced beseef  ; failure in the OPERABLE Centrol Cc= plex Cccling S' C$"n;ter tre. Cc=-lexred;;d;;t 007;;Syste: Cccl:ng nt; C0;ld 70;;1t in function. The ; 10;; 7 dayOf Completit n Time is based on the low probability of an event occurrint requiring the Control Complex Cooling System and the consuderation that the remaining components can provide the required capabilities. u l-l L i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-88 Amendment No. W3 NOTE "clid Until Cycle 12 Only l- , _-- ._ _ , _ . .-

Control Complex Cooling System B 3.7.18 BASES ACTIONS ~ BG,1 and BG.2


During movement of irradiated fuel, if the required Action and Completion Times of Condition A cr Condition S can not be met, the Control Complex Cooling System must be placed in operation immediately. This action ensures that the remaining Control Complex Cooling System components are OPERf3LE available, and that any active failure will be readily detected. An alternative to Required Action BG.1 is to immediately suspend activities that could release radioactivity that might require the isolation of the control room. This places the plant in a condition that minimizes accident risk. This does not preclude the movement of fuel to a safe position. f,CTIONS CD.1 and C9.2 (cuti.=ci) In MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, if the inoperable Control Complex Cooling System component cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the required Completion Time, the unit must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, .the unit must be placed in at least , MODE 3 within 6 hours, and in MODE 5 within 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating  ! experience, to reach the required unit conditions from full ' power conditions in an orderly manner without challenging unit systems. l fed 1 If any cc:bination of compenent; that would render the l Contrcl Cc= plex Cccling Sy; tem not capable of performing the j intended functica, the unit i; in a condition cutside the i accident analy c;. Thereforc, LCO 2.0.3 must be entered 1-:cdiately. f-d During acvc=cnt of irradiated fuel ;;;cablic;, with any I cc=bination of component: incperable that would render the  ! Centrol Complex Cccling Sy';tc= not capable of performing the l intended functica, action must be taken to i :cdiately sus:cr.d activitic; that could relc;;c radicactivity that mig;t require i;chtien Of the centrol ream. Thi; place; the unit in ; condition that minimize: accident risk. This dec: r,ct prec1"i- the =cvement of fuel te  : fc positicn. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-89 Amendment No. unvc u,a n_m c._,_ ,o n_ M,3 .. siv s a. vua iu wasoe s wjwaw aa w a s 1,7

i Control Complex Cooling System i B 3.7.18 ) i BASES {centinued)

   - REQUIREMENTS Verifying that each Control Compicx Cooling chiller's developed head at the flow test point is greater than or equal to the required developed head ensures that chiller's performance has not degraded during the cycle.

Flow and l differential pressure are normal tests of centrifugal pump  ! performance required by Section XI of the ASME Code (Ref. 1 3). This test confirms one point on the pump design curve I and is indicative of overall performance. Such inservice i tests confirm component OPERABILITY, trend performance, and detect incipient failures by indicating abnormal performance. The Frequency of the SR is in accordance with the Inservice Testing Program. l SR This SR verifies that the heat removal capability of the sufficient to meet design requirements. This SR consists of a combination of testing and calculations. A 24 month Frequency is appropriate, as significant degradation of the system is slow and is not-expected over:this time period. REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 9.7.

2. Dilifi'd? FTI SI 1255130 01, S:fety an:ly i Input to mas i StIFt6f T:= S:fety A :=:=nt.
3. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI. I l

i l \ l t i j i-Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-90 Amendment No.-463 NOTE V: lid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only l

_ DieseLDniv.en_EEWlumplueL0iLlube_0jl_and_S.tattinglit  ! B.3.7. 19 l l j B.3.7 _ PLAN _T_ SYSTEMS i (_ Bf3.7.19 - Di_esel .. Driven _EFW (DD-EFW) _ Pump Fuel Oil,_ Lube 0il .__ and Starting l _ A3 r  ! BASES l l l l l BACKG ROUN D___Jhe_ DD- E EWJumpjs _p to yid e d, wit h_a _d e d i c at e dlu eLoil l supply, tank ._Thejuel oiLcapaci ty_of , thj s _ tank , , wh.i ch,i_ s

                                     ) o c at e d _i n_a_d e dic ated_c omp a ttme nt_i n_t heJD-EEWJump                            i b u il d in g ,_i s_s u ffici e n t_fo r_t h e_p ump _t o_pe tfo rmd t s intendedlunction far_aJetiod._of 7__ days. The. fueLoi]            .

supply,.capacityds_ calculated _usjngJ0lERJ0Jppend_ix K assump.tions_to_supplylEW_ flow _to one ot_1woJteam generators _fot sev.en_ days _and_.enoughjueLcapacity_to_ cool theJCS__.to_JLegayleat _removaLcut-jn_t.e_mparatu redatgin f o r_i.n s t rume n t _e tto r_an d f u eL n e e de dfo r_no tmal surveillance is_ included in _.the fueLoittank. size calculation._This_fueLoiLcapagity ensures _ adequate time i s_ available __ to rep'lenish_the onsite_ supplv_f rom. outside sources _pr. int _to_theJieseLengine running _out_oLfueL Due_to_the oroK1Ri.ty_and location OLthe, supply _ tank _to the enginemthe._fueLoiLisJitectly_ fed _toJhe engineJrom_the s uppl v. _ tan k_b_y_tle_enai ne _ f ueLpump ._The_fueLoil_ tan k _and pj ping . a te_] oc ate djn side _t he_ DD- E FWlump_bui] dj n g whic bjs i a_s eisfgiqlla s s_Lb uildiDL_whi C hlfte cl ude s_ cons,i d e rati o g ) oLthe _e ffe ct s _oLmis sile s_.in_th eir_d e sig n,

                      .___EorJropet ocecationaf the_DD-EEWlump4,_itdsJetessatyJo e n s u re_t he_ prope t_q uality_o f_t h e fueLoikCR- 3_h a s_ a DieseLEt el .0iLCDE0Llestingltogtam_wbichJs_an_oyetal]

effort,.,t o_e n s u ce_the_q u ality_ott h eJu eLoiLJhe_ prog tam L includes _purchasingmon-site receiptacceptance_ testing _of new_ fuel._affsite_ analysis _oLnew_fueLaccepted ,and Retriodic_.testinglboth_ onsi te_and_offsiteLof _the _ stored  ! fueLojLJdditjonal]y. the_ program _inc]udes_ water _r.emo_ val and._bj o ci d e _ ad di ti o n _to_go_n_t roL ba ct.eriologicaLg rowt h2 CR-3jslot committe.d to .Re.gulatory_ Guide _1_.13 Lor ANS 59.51 (ANSI N 195L lowever._these_ standards were utiiized_a_s_guidan.ce in. the_developme_nt of the_DFO Testing Proaram. _ The_DD-EEWJump_ lube _oiLsubsystem_isJesigned_to_ provide suffi ci ent_lubri cati on to_ permit _ proper _oper.ation of _ _ i ts c associated _dieseLengine_under_alLloading conditionsJhe !- sy_slem _i s _ requi red _to_ci rcul ate _t helube_ oi l toJhe_ diese] h (continued) l L

       ' Crystal River Unit .3                                      B 3.7-89                              Amendment No.

i Diesel _ Driven _ EFW_PumplueLOjlJ.ube,0il,_and_Stattinglir. B_3.7. 19 l BASES , BACKGROUND _ engine workina. surfa.c.e_s_and_to . remove _ excess _ heataenerated _(.conti_nu.edl by_f ti cti on d u ringJperation_._T_tlej ube_oiLinyen tory; including that_ contained in the engine. sump. .is_ sufficient to_ ens u re,Ld ays_of_ ope ration %This_s upp3y_e n s u tetade qu ate time j s.avaijable_to_replenistL,Jube,oiLfrom,,outsjde . 1 s o u rc e s_ prior _to._the_sys t e m_cu n nin g .o u t_of_J u b e_ojL _ Th e_DD- EEWJ ump _e ngin eJias_an_ait_st a tt_syst em_ wit h j adequate _ capacity _for_six_ successive _statt_artemptsJn,.,the < 90g iD e _ wi t h o ut_resc]La cqing _the_ait_At a_ttle_c ei vers DD- E FW_ p ump _.e n g ine_s t a tt _i s_a s s u te dait h _ ai r_.te c ej ye r 1 150_p_sigi APELICABLE_ _ ____ The,_initiALconditionsJf_ Design,.lasisJccident (DBALand SAEEU_ ANALYSIS _ttansient_ analyses _in_the_ESAR _Chaptet_6dRef JLand Chanter _14lRef _5L_ assume Engineered _SafeguardJES] system.s_arLOP_ERABLE._Ihe_DD-EEW_ Pump _is_d_esigned_to atqyidAs_ufficieJLt_E EW _fl ow_ c ap ality_t o_ efts _ure_the availa bility_of_ ne ce s s a ry_eme rg e ncyJe e dwate t_to_one_o r_two LteaLgenetators. The _DD-JEW _ pump _isaart of__tkq_te.d_undant and_di ve rse . E EW . sys4em _thatJ cov.i de_ steam _ ae ne rato r secondary _ side _ cooh na.__wate r. __.__.__Since_di es eTJueLojl_l ube_ oil _and _ the_a.i t_sta tt s u b s yst ents upporl_th e_o pera tion _of_th e_DD- E EW.p u mp_syst em , l they_s atisfy_f rite rionlof_the_ NRC_Po] i cy_ Statement . I


LC0_ _ ___ _ A. sufficient quantity of._ stored . diesel _fueLoil supply _is requi red _to_beJvai l a.ble_to,,en_s urelhe_capabi] jato operate the DD_-EFW Pump for_._7 days. Diesel.fue Loil._is also re quited_t et_s p e cific.q u ality_s t a n d a r ds,,Jhj s, E EW_t r ain is._oD e_of_t h e_two.,_f ulL c a p a ci ty_ a n d _d i v e rs e , s o u_tc e s_o f  ; emergency _ fee dwate r_fo r_s te am_g enerator_s e c on d a cyJj de cooliDQ,. A sufficient _ lube _oilsupply_must,_beJVailable to_ensur,e  ! _the_c_apabi li ty to . ope tate _the_ diesel.&ngine _fo r_its_Lday  ! f ue.Lc apacitylwit h o u t_ tefu eli ngLtatj sg . Engine _ lube _oi]  ; (continued) , Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-90 Amendment No.

, DieseLDriverLEE)LEump_EueL0iLJ.ube_0iL and_Statting. Air l B,3.7,,19 BASES LCO .. _ _ _ _. ._,i nv e n t o ry_ s u p p o rts,_t h e_ avail a bilit y_o f_th e_DD- E EW_Eu mp_t o Icontinued) fulfilLits3tission_oLsupplying_EEW flow _toJne_.or__bo_th steam _ generators._The_DD.-EEW_ pump _is_requitedJo,ptov.ide eMtg e n cy f e e dwate r_i_o_ome_o r . _two_s t e am__g e n e ratols_und e r the EEIC f]ow controLscheme_for_an_ anticipated _ operational o c_c u_tr e n c e_(A0QLo r_alo_s_t ul a t e d DB A withj o s s_p f_ o f f sit e power. The starting _ air sys_temjs_ required to have a . minimum

                          . capacity _for.six successive._enoine. start _ attempts _without recharging the_ainstatt_teceivers,_As_such.__the_ainstatt comp re s s o rs.. a re not_ad d re s s_ed_as_a_ pa rt _of.J hi s_(o r_ any otherLLC04 6.PlLICAB_ILITY _ _ Emergency f_eedwater flow is_requiredluring a SmalLBreak LOCA_orjoss_of main _feedwater__in . order _to cool .and d_epressufize_one or_ botiLgenerators _which. supp_ orts _the te a c ton s h u t_d.own _andmai nt ai n s itj n_a_s afe_ s h u td own condition _af_tet_an.A00_or_a_pos_tulated DBAdinceJtoted di eseLfueLoil,J ube_ oil.. and_the ,stattj ng_aj tsubsystem suppott_DD-1EW,.fump_DEERABILITY. these f.eatures._ ate requited _to_be,within limits _whenexet_the_DD-EEW,pumpjs requi r.ed_to_b_e_.DEERABLL ACIIONS                 AJ

_ With_ usable _fueLolLyolume_i1Lthe_ supply _ tank s_R.A80 gallons _and 2_8J3Lgallons4_therAjs_enough.fueLoi] available_to_ operate,the_DD-IEW_pumpl or_6._ days J owev m t he_ Con dition.jsJe strict e d_talu eLoi1J eveLre d u cti on s.

                           .thatmaintain_at._least_a_combip_ed i day _supplymIn_this Con d i31o n , _a _ p e ti od _o L48_ h o u r s_i s_all owe d_ p ti o r_to diclatina._the_a gociale L DD_EfW_Eump_inop_etable,

_The 48 hour Completion Time allows _suffitient_ time for - obtaining _the requisite replacemen._t. volume and performing the analyses req.uired; addition _ of fuel oil to the _ rank _Ihis_petiodjs_acceptableJased_on,_thelemaining capacity _(>, 6_ days)a_the_ actions _thatai.lLbe initiated,.to obtain_ replenishment. andJheJow_ probability _otan_ey_ent

occutting_during _this_htief_petiod, (continued)

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-91 Amendment No. l

DieseLDrive n_EEWlumplu eLoiL_Lu be_0ik a n d_Statting _Ai r B.3.7.19 BASES ACTION 52._ B.1 __._ _.__.__. Wi thJ ube_ oiLinvento ry_ between;211_ and . 221_ gall ons ,_.the re is_not_s u f fi cient_l u be_oiLto_s u ppo rt_7_d ayLg_on ti n u o u s _ operation oLthe DD-EFW P_ ump._ _ However,_the Condition ._is Eestricted to lube _ oili volume _teducti.ons_that. maintain:at least_a_6 day _supp]y. In_this_C.ondition a p_efiod_of.48-hou rs,.j s, red _ adequate _tolesto re_thelequi red ,vol ume - p ti o t_to_d ecl a ti ng _t he DD- E EW_ Pump _i n ope tabl em_Th e_vol ume specifj ed,,. includes _the_ engine.Jube, oil _inyentory, contained in IheJ ump. ILtheJequired.3olume_cannot Ae,,testored, the_DD.-EEW_Eump is_declated.jnopetable, , 9 The_48 hour _Completionlime_is, i acceptable _basedJn_the ' remaining capagj_tyA6_ day.sL_the_ low _ rate _of usage,_the a cti ons_t hat _will be _i niti a ted_to_obtai n_tepl eni s hme n t ,__ and the_l ow Rto ba b i li ty_of an_e ve nt_oc c u r ri n g_d u ri n o it his_b r.i e.f periot. C.._1 _..__ _ _ ___ This_ Condition _is_ entered _as.alesult_oLa_faijuteJ:o meet the_ acceptance _critetion_for_DD.-EEW. Pump _fpeLoil l patticulates, hotmally.,_tcending_of_patriculate_ levels a))ows_ sufficient t_ime_to_cottect_highJatticulate_ levels ptior_to_teachjag_thelimit of_, poor _ sample ptocedures Ibottontsamplingl. contaminated s.ampliag_e_quipmeAtman d _ercors_in_la bo ra t o ry_a n a]y sis._g a n p to d u c e_ fail u te s_t h a t_ d o_n o t,_foll ow_ a _t r e n d . _ Sin c e_ t h e pre sgac toLpartic ulate s._d oe s_g o t _me a n_the_f u el oiLwjll l Dot __burA proper]y_audJiye n_t h a t_proge r__e n gin _e_pe rf o rman ce ' ha_s_been recently_ demonstrated _(per SR _3.7._5 2 21, it is_- pruden_t_to_ allow a_btief p_erji_qd_of_timeJrior_to de_claring i the,a s s oci ate d_DD- E FW, Pump.,j nope rabl e . _The_7_ day Completio nli me_all ow s_f o r_f u tt h e t_e val u ati o n,_re s ampli n g -, andJe-analysis,of_the_DD-EFW Pump.,fueLojl .. , l ~ (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-92 Amendment No.

Diesel Driven EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 BASES l ACTIONS _ _D1 2 j 1 With_the_new_ fueLoiLproperlits_ define.d in the.3as.es_for 1 SR_LLl9 3_(fveLoilsutvej))ance_testingLnot_within,.the reqyi red l i mits ,_ ale ri_od_of_10_ day.s._is_allowedlo t re s to ti ng _the_ s to ted_fueLojlp rope rti e s_p rj o r_ to de cl a ri ng -

                                           .the_ as soci ated_ DD-RW_.P, ump inoperabl e . _ThiLpe ri od _ provi des sufficientJime_tojeitJhe stored _fueLoil To determine                                                  ,

j that the new fuel oil . . when_ mixed _witttpreviously_. stored ' fuel oil,_ remains, acceptable _uot to.re_ store _the_ stored. fuel  ; oi l p rope rties ._Thi s_ re sto rati on_may_i nvolve_ fee d and ] bleed4 _filtetiing,_oncombinations nf_ these procedures Even i f_t he. DD.: E FW _Pu.mp_s ta tt_a n dj oad , wa s_ req u i re d _ d u ci ng _t h i s


time _and_thelueLoll_propenties_wete_outside_ limits there l js a,h.ighJikelihood_that_the_DD-EEW_EumpJould sti]Lbe l

                                          . capable _mLperforming i.ts intendecLfunction.                                                          l l
                                 .__        E.1

__ ___._ Wi t h.s ta tti n g _ ai r_te c_eive r_ p re s s u tea 177_ ps j g ,_s u ffi ci e n t capacitLfot_sjnsuccessiye_DD-EEWJump_stant attempts _does not exi st ._Howeve t,_asJ ong_ as_theJe_cei venpres su re,j s a_150Jsig _thete isadequate_. capacity _.foc_at_least_one statt_ attempt and_the_DD,-EEW_Eump_can_be_ considered QP.ERABLE_while the_ alt _ receiver oressure is_reitored_toJ he requited _ limit._ , _ _ A. period _ of_ .48_ hours _is. considered;ufficient to_comple_te restoration to _the_ re. quired _ pressure _ prior to.declarina the DD-EFW Pump _inoperabje._This_ period is _ acceptable based _on 5 t h e_ remai n i n g_ air _s t a tt..c apacitya _t h e _fa ct_th at_mo_s t_dj e s_el engine _statts_ ate _ accomplished _ ort,theJitst_att.empt _and theJ ow, p robability_of_an _ eve nt_occu r ri ng _d u ri ng _thi s_b r_i ef period #

              .                              E.1'
                                          - With. aleggited Action. and. associated. Completion Time __ not met., with fueLoil,,_ lube _ojiLat stacting_ait subsystems not ,_wi t hi nj i mi _.t s,.,fo rJe as o n s _ot h e r_t h an_ add re s s.ed . by Conditions, A_through_E _the_DD ;EEWJ, ump,must_be immediately der 3 a te d,.in ope ta ble~In_t his_c a s e._t he_ACUON_fo r Specification _ 3. 7..L i s. entered.

i (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-93 Amendment No.

Diesel Drivan EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 BASES SURVEILLANCE _._SR_3. L 19.1 REQUIREMENTS

           ..__._Thi s _S R_ p rovid e s_ve tifi cat _i at_th e re_i s_an a d e q u a t e_ u s able._i n v e n t o ry_ o f_f u e l . oi l i n_t h e_.s upply_ta_n kJ o support operation _of,_the DD-EFW, pump _for.7_ days,_ assuming no__offsite_p_ower and Appendix K. decay _ heat. removal EFW flow                    -

requirements. _The_7_. days is sufficieJLtJime to place _the plant in a safe shutdown condition _ and to bring _in replenishment fuel.from an_offsite location. _ _ _ The_31. day _f tequency_is._ adequate _to_ensu te_that_a sufficient. supply _ of_ fuel oiLis . available, _since_lowj evel al a rms_a re_ p rovi ded_and t h eli keli hood of_ any,Ja tge re d u c ti on slu s e_o tJ e a k a g eLof_f u eLo.iL d u ring _t hi s_pe ti od would_be_de_tected. SL3_d.19. 2 Th i s S u rvejllanc e_e ns u ce s_that_s uffici_e n t _ l u be_ oil inventoryj s_available t_o_ support _at.least.7 days _of operation of DD-EFW Pump _ assuming _ Appendix.K decay. heat removaLEFW. flow re.quirements. The_2_21_. gallon re_quiremen.t is based _on the. diesel manufactur_er consumption values.for - time _of_the_ engine._.TheJpecifj ed_ volume _. includes t h e _lu be.oi Lc on tai n e d_i rtt h e., s ump _._ A _3 Ld ay_Et e q u e n c y_is_a d e q u a t e_t o_e n s u te_t h a t_a_ s u f e n t Jube_oilsupply is onsite,_sincLDD-EEW_ pump time ate _ closely _ monitored _by_the_p] ant _stafL _.._ _ _ _ _.-_.._SR_.3.7 19,3 _. .__ _ The. test.s.j isted below are a means_of_d.et_ermining_whether new fuel of the app _r_opriate_ grade _and.ha.s.not been co_n t ami n at_e d wi t h s u b.s t a n c_e sJh at _would .jiave_a n_i mme d i at e_, detrimentaljmpact on_ diesel, engine performance.,If, results frott hes e_te s ts_a te _wi t hi n_.a cc e pt abl eJ i mi ts ,_t h e_f u eLoil may,,be, the storage tanks without concern for contaminating _the_ entire _. volume _of_ fueLoiLin_the_ storage tanks >_These_ tests..are_to_be_ conducted _ptior_to_ adding _the (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.7-94 Amendment No. I

l. l Diesel Driven EFW Pump Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.7.19 i BASES SURVEILLANCE SR_3,7,19_,.3_(conti nued) l REQUIREMENTS L new fuelto_the_ storage _ tank (sl,_but_in_no_ case _is_the, time _ - - . . between_receip.t_ofJ ew fuel and_ conducting _the_testsl o _m ._. ..__ exceed. 31 days Jhe_tes.ts ,_limi ts , , and, appli cable ASTM Standards _are_as_f_ollows; I l

         ._                                       a._     Sample _.th_e _ new fueLoil . in accordance with ASTM D1057-88,_(R_ef      2 _6)j
         . _ . , - . , _ ,             _ _ b __,_Ver.ify in,accordance_with_the_ tests,.specjfied_in ASTM,D975-7A. (Ref,_7Lthat _the,_ sample has.__a, maximum

! of_0 .0.5% 1 by_ volume _ water _and sediment,_(using ASTM D2709-82,__ (Ref 6) . _ a S.aybolt viscositv at 100 F of 32._6_ SUS._and..A0.1 SUS ,_ and,a_fjash,poj nt of

                                                          > 125_*F:

c .__ Verify _i n_ac co rdance .wi th_the_tes t, specified ,jn_ASIM i D237,-82dRefJ)_that, new,_fueLhas . an AELspecific gravity _of_2.8dmin)_;_and

d. Ve ti fy_that_the _new_fueLoiLhas_a, cl ea r, and _b rj ght appe aran c eaith_pIopeLc ol o r_ wh eDle s t e dAa c coId a n c e with ASTM D4176-91,_(Ref._6).


                                           .._ _ Fail u re_to _ meet _ an_y_o_f    f   She above . limits.__.i s_ cause_for Lejecting the_ new fuel qiL but .does..not represent a failute_Ictmeet the LCO concern _since the._fueLo_iljs,J1ot                              I added ,to,3he.s.torage_ tank.

Wit hin_3Ld ays_foll owing _t h e,.initi aLn ew_fueLoiLs ample, the freLoiLis analyzed 2o_ establish _.that_the_o_ther proper _tdes_specified in_Iablelof_ASThLD.9Z5,-A,lRef Zl, a teleLfonn e w fu eLoiLwh en_.t e s.t e d _ i n_a c c_o r d a n c e>it h ASTtLD975:7A , _(Ref ._.7.1, _ex_ cept _th at_ a _. cal cul ated..Cetane  ! IndeL_ pet. ASTM D9.7_6dRe_fa_8)_or_ D4737JR_efu9)uis d_etermined._to estimate the _ actual Cetane _ Number. If_the f  ; Cetane Index is .not met,_.then a_ sample _ of fuel _is te_sted .in i accordance_with ASTM D613_(Ref. 10)_to determine Cetane Number.Jhe_31_ day, period _is_ acceptable because the _ fuel m oil p rope tri e s_of_inte te s t_,,,e v.e n_i f_t h ey_were_n o tait h i n stated J i mi ts_, woul d, not , have..,an i mmedi ate _ e f.fe ct, on, DD- EFW Eump_opetation% hi T s, S u ryei)) anc e,e n s u re s,_t h e,.av, ail ability i ofJ1igh_ quality _fueLoil,for_the._DD:EEW P_ ump _dieseLengine, (continued)

l. Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-95 Amendment No.

D_ieseLDtiven_EEW_Eump._EueL0iL lube _,0iL_anditar_ ting _ Air B 3.7.19 BASES l SURVEILLANCE SR I REQUIREMENIS Fuel _ oil _ degradation.during long-term storage _i_s_ typically 1 ___ _ detected.,as,an,jn c teas e_i n patti culate ,, due_mos tly_to ' oxidation._The_ pres _ence _of_partj culate ,does,._not mean,the

 ,                      f u el.ojlwi]Ln o t..b u rn_ p r o p e Cl y_j nla,.d ie s ele n g i ne.                           .I H owe v e t. _t h e _ p a tri c ul a t e _ c a n_c a u s e_fo uli n g _of_f_i] t e t s_ a n d fueLoiLinjec. tion equipment _which can_cause_ engine                                               ;

failute. '

      , _ . _ _ _    _. Pa rti c ul ate . con cent rati on s., s houl.d_ be_dete rmi n ed ,_j n ac.cordance_with ASTM D22L6 .91,JiethodAGet._6) ...This                                             <

me thod _i nvol ve s_ a_g ravj me t ri c d ete rmi nati ort of . total particulate concentration in the.. fuel oil.J1__is. acceptable t o_obt ain_ajield_s ampl e _ fo r s u b_s e_q u_e n t .1 a bo ra t oIy_t e s tj ng i in lieu _of _ field _.testina. I l _ ___._The Frequency _of_thi s,SR.. takes.j nto, consideration fueLoil degradation _ trends _that_ indicate _that patticulate concentration _is unlikely to_ change _significantly_between l tests, SR_3.729_,A Th iLS urv ejlla n c e_ e n s u r e.s t h a t ,_witho u t_the_ aid _o f t h e

                        .re_-fji]Lcompres. son,_ r startJapacityJ.or the DD-EFW PumpJiesel enaine is available. The.desian Lequirements_providelo.r_a minimum _ of_.six engine . start cy_cles without _rechargjag. .The_ pres _sute_specified .in .this               -

S R_tefle ct s_t h eJ ow e s t._ val u e,at_whic h_t h e_ sins t a tt s_c a n,b e accomplished. The_31_ day _Etequency_ takes _into account the_ capacity, capability _and_other_ indications _availablejn the_contro3 room _f ot, DD- EEW_Eump_s t a tt, te ad i n e s s.,,.i n cl u di ng _al a rm s ,_t o alent_the._ operato r_to_below no rmalai r _ s ta rt pre s..s u reJ n ad d i ti on . .t h e_ sys tem. . de si g n. i n c l ud.e s_ a.featu r_e . to automatically _ start._the_ ai r compIes.s_oIs._ortlow ai.c .. pre.ssure, 1 (continued) I l Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-96 Amendment No. l 1 l

Diessl Driven EFW Pump FueT Oil, Luba Oil, and Starting Air i B 3.7.19 ; l BASES l REFERENCES- 1._ESAR,_ Sect _ ion _10 L ' l

2. Regulatory _ Guide _1._13L
3. ANSI _N195-1976,, Appendix,B. l
4. FSAR,_ Chap _teL6,
5. F_ SAL _Chapte t14_..
6. ASIM.St a nd a td sLD4D52:&8LD2209:82L.D.41Z6:91LD28Z- 82; i D2276-91, Method.A. i
7. ASTM,,S t a n d a r d ._D9Z5 .1.4.._Ta blel.. I
8. _ ASIM_Standatd. J9ZfL l

9.._--_ ASTM StandarduDAZ3L

10. ASTM _ Standard,_D61L i

I l I-l- Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.7-97 Amendment No. I'

l AC Sources-Operating i l i B 3.8.1 ! BASES l 1 I BoAPL l w n'f'visuvi D nt otu,h fm s.m ie sus is i, s o m,us11u i .k m m s ts '

                                                                                                                                                      .,ma                     m     mm t Avu P ,A,      ,s ,vms.m,, u.   .,.s 4,  m,                       4m,m           s.  ,my wmams ,.y-u u                     s                y,   wun                                                  vs s syui                     s. s. m
       --t"EO g gouso A,t                  famA..,4w iwwunu m        4m sv
                                                                               -,4 m , u , ,m,6, u- t, ,m,
                                                                                                         ,      m
                                                                                                         , 4,. s. u, m-       a y ,m ., m,,m       mge so, m . - uvoi  , m 1 4, ,miy   m
                                                                                                                                                                                         ..m  4 41       -mme j

i uis i s. v w

  • AA-so Lose -,m La ma-m..mA , m1 ml u ho EFFc ,

uwsuj Ei. 4 Lam olek 4La inwuu wuie uw iumvesu su i s s j uj uwww -mm14mm. svvi s esy i ui s eiw i ) i 4..mL4mm Amenmm EEU ,,,m,4,4mA ti m. m%11 v1 1 sei suru sur uvias us i w wie us n yuroy vim ni.-m ussvwsuwwu i s v ri y u TTT CUn HDH mf 4m, mnm. s y s , su L i. m w , 1. D. , e m.,4. m, s uwk.l i , , ,sa E wwim.m w .s. 4.s, m , I uns s . vi 4wik.s m fasa,4mm Eue4m FUUE 1D %mA fun ..11 Laek w w u rv u s u s wjssum , wi ri s t av unio wi vi TD, aw us n n. i e m, us u v s. s v N' ursn ,vsof wwww Nm- Umst rim,mA fui fmm14mm Us4mm EFFC, uswuj

                                                                                                %o s ew u w wevswu wjwsw vvvi n

i s sy nu6ws p l hm,%o Um,4 uwsuj s is u s caso.4mm, wwunuswa E - a ,, m m m , s . Nim,m1 i y w i s wg vrwwwi mm,4mm, t'wwa ms w su w vi sp riv Ar fineo wwwwi iwu lesi, nm. i v vv w h i e 4 m 4 L. . 4 i n . usaws i tttt s i v s e .E . . L e i . ,

                                                                                                                                     .r u u sj s w w nis e 4  m     - ,      ,mA         AP U44,1 visu ou v isui D..,

C i mb r o ,4 mm , uus sma mmm 4umA ADEnADtE U44L ACU EEU 19 l l wuvsysswms usw i s qu i n su vi uivivow. nawas own SAA,

n. v 1 ws v aug m EEU 13 4mmmem, T ,4m HDH E m m m ,, m m a u M4 men 1 vi 6 v av invyu uvius skim is uuse w kmwi y w r ivy wiwswe I f'am *4mm, Tm. 4m HDH AP El m,4 m 4, % 1 n M4,4m4Linein. l oomm '

us riw i u w v e s, e i u s ur v siw wswusi swui a v vv w s wissi s w w w i vri b u , 4 mm , amA T% 4m HDH Ar U 4 4 ,1 D, C a k e s s ,. 4 m m , %mm D,jsswms, s v i ru si uis, w riv v isus uus wuusjswwms usw i, m m i 4 m m A l i s qu e r wu vs n nLus E D,A iw Dwt wE. i l l t I I t ! l 1 l i I I I L l t mm 4 4 ma am A \ vis = i niu w u f e m o , 4 ,1 niom- 't44 S viyssuv newwi vis a w w D S wOw na A-mmA-mme its w ri r .< u w i n umw i s w um. inv ave klATE Us14 A lim e 41 r u,1 m 19 n1o riv s w vus su vai s i a vywsw .6 wis i g

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 l. BASES i Tinsaw Li f if rnivA a.r* r Taviswriiavivowwi kfT rkIT T rul A t i V I EET D u s. e vuI ,A kil/ us i i j . . 4 2 .. ..a t Twwasw .wwwj t' u . 4 .1 h1a,.m i t. J 4 83 O 0 qD wiJd wwi oiiwi win a w w w 3.w w a. w , A m J_ 4 LI .

m. w a s uurw e i w siv.

1 f 83 4ve

AC Sources--Operating B 3.8.1 BASES 1 ACTIONS 8.3 (continued) additional 72 hours (for a total of 9 days) allowed prior to complete restoration of the LCO. The 6 day Completion Time provides a limit on the time allowed in a specified condition after discovery of failure to meet the LCO. This limit is considered reasonable for situations in which ! Conditions A and B are entered concurrently. As in Required Action A.2, the Completion Time allows for an exception to the normal " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock." This will result in establishing the " time zero" at the time that the LCO was l initially not met, instead of at the time Condition A was entered. H21  ! To ensure a highly reliable power source in the event one EDG is inoperable, it is necessary to verify the  ; availability of the OPERABLE offsite circuits on a more  ; frequent basis. Since the Required Action only specifies

                     " perform," a failure of SR acceptance criteria does not result in a Required Action being not met (Condition F).

However, if a circuit fails to pass SR, it is inoperable. Upon offsite circuit inoperability, additional Conditions and Required Actions must then be entered. Ed With Tr;in "A" EDC inoperable, prc=pt action within I hour 4s necc::;ry to en;ure that the turbine driven c=crgency fecdwater pump and ;;;cciated ficw path arc available for ,,g i ste : generatcr cccling. If the turbine driven :crgency feedwater pump and :::cciated ficw path arc act avail;bler the capability for ccre decay heat rencval h:: not been

ured and Ccaditica " i: applicabic. The operability of the turbine driven emergency feedwater pump is not requ4eed
4. MANE A sus s ivw w i.

I-(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-8 Amendment No. 463 NOTE "alid Until Cycle 12 Only

1 AC Sources-0perating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS M (continued) Cca istent with the B;;c for Surveillance 3.0.1, OPERf2ILITY is verified by ensuring the ::cciated surveill:ncc(s) h:: beca ;;tisfac-tcrily ccepleted within the required frequency and the equip = cat is not otherwise knc= te be incperable. Due to the cverity of the con:cquence should ; ::all bre:k LOCA cccur in the c condition:, the I hcur Ccepletica Time te verify th^ turbine driven escrgency feedwater pump and ;;;cciated ficw p;th arc OPER?SLE cnsure that prc pt m action will be taker to ccnfirm core dec;y heat c:pability. The Cc=pletion Time minimize; the time the plant is potentially expc cd tc c 'OCA in the:c conditions. H.uid Required Action B.!23 is intended to provide assurance that a loss of offsite power, during the period that a EDG is inoperable, does not result in a complete loss of safety function of critical redundant required features. These features are designed with redundant safety related trains. Redundant required feature failures consist of inoperable features associated with a train, redundant to the train that has an inoperable EDG. Single train systems (from an electrical perspective), such as the turbine driven emergency feedwater pump, are not included. The Completion Time for Required Action B.23 is intended to I* allow the operator time to evaluate and repair any discovered inoperabilities. This Completion Time also allows for an exception to the normal " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock." In this Required Action, the Completion Time only begins on discovery that , both:

a. An EDG is inoperable; and
b. A required feature on the other train is inoperable.

If at any time during the existence of this Condition (one EDG inoperable) a required feature subsequently becomes inoperable, this Completion Time begins to be tracked. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.8-9 Amendment No. MB LIAT E W1 J J t1 6 41 r' u ,1 - 1S A-1 u a vv i 6 wwi iw w ii w s a vjwew 4 a. vii s y

.g,my ai:a * * ' " AC Sources-0perating B 3.8.1 BASES. I i ACTIONS fL14 (continued) lm Declaring the required features inoperable within four hours from the discovery of items 'a' and 'b' existing concurrently is acceptable because it minimizes risk while allowing time for restoration before subjecting the pl. ant to i transients associated with shutdown. l In this Condition, the remaining OPERABLE EDG and offsite circuits are adequate to supply electrical power to the onsite Class IE distribution system. Thus, on a component basis, single-failure protection for the required feature's l function may have been lost; however, function.has not been lost. The 4 hour Completion Time takes into account the OPERABILITY of the redundant counterpart to the inoperable required feature. Additionally, the 4 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the remaining AC sources, a reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. B.34.1 and B.34.2 m OPERABLEEDGinor)dertoavoidunnecessarytesting. If it Requ! can be determined that the cause of the inoperable EDG does not exist on the OPERABLE EDG, SR does not have to be performed. If the cause of inoperability exists on the  ; other EDG, the other EDG would be declared inoperable upon discovery and Condition E of LC0 3.8.1 would be entered. If the common cause failure evaluation is indeterminate (the cause of the initial inoperable EDG cannot be confirmed not to exist on the remaining EDG), performance of SR is adequate to provide assurance of continued OPERABILITY of that EDG. The Completion Time of 24 hours is reasonable to confirm that the OPERABLE EDG is not affected by the same problem as the inoperable EDG and is based on the recommendations of Generic Letter 84-15 (Ref. 7). (continued)

       ' Crystal River Unit 3                      B 3.8-10                  Amendment No. MB NOTE  hlid 'Jntil Cy:1     12 Only
    .     ..                                         _.                                                                            -                                   _        =            ~              _ -

AC Sources--Operating B 3.8.1 l l BASES I ACTIONS B.45 l n@m l (continued) I According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 1 limited)to a period not to exceed 72 hours.(Ref. 6 , operation with onlI In Condition B, the remaining OPERABLE EDG and offsite circuits are adequate to supply electrical power to the onsite Class IE distribution system. The 72 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the remaining AC sources, a reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. The second Completion Time for Required Action B.'45 I establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any **' combination of required AC power sources to be inoperable l during any single contiguous occurrence of failure to meet the LCO. Refer to the Bases for Required Action A.3 for I additional information on this Completion Time.  ; P o 1 1.. r.m. r . .S . r . ,A . ....A ,_ r.t. I n,w c. w. _ + ..- . +L.._ o.

r. ._ _. ,am. +4. _,
o. . ,. , o. . ., , ,_
o. . ,A , . . . .a o. . e.
                                                                     .w.                                      ...                                                                      c. .- _.                     ,

the A_+ discus:icn for the corrc:pendin- S;;c: cf-Required l sm.i.m_ i .. r. . j For ^ction C.2, with Train "B" EDC inc cr:ble, prcmpt actica within

                     .___-_._,m 1 hcur c, _ 2. . , + - ,

i: necc:;ryicen:uretE,;tth-turbinedriven

                                                                                                       ,,,__4..,+..a c, , _m                                             acu w.,~,         , . .                ww.-..w                        e . .. ,v ,     .....                   .             v-       _,+L.,

r... . . . . e. n. i, , i EEu.

w. 19, ...A. EEU.
                                   .6 w.


                                                                                   ..a .- m.

4 1. ., L. i. m. f. .a ,_...,+a.,_..

                                                                                                                                         .                -,w. . - w_. ., + ee w .-.1..      4. . . Tasc + L.            . w. . _ m ma       -mm4                         4,      __+           , ,                         +L.
                                                                             , w3- m 4. _i w u         w            ymwn.             sw     ,iv.          . m. 4 1. ., k.1. . ,    .,sw (0":bi                . ity fcr ccre dec, y h:qu                                          :t remcval  , ___+h:: net b^cn :::ured                                                            MRE
                     . . . a r - _ 2 4. +. 4. - _. u, ,
                           . . . . . .                  ..               4,.,   .
w. w. T. .L..- .

____,Ln4+m _ r .+ L. . _

                     +.._L4.-                  2 _ 4,       . . - wmw,_ ____           __rr_m                                     _.._r...,..,

y w ,, wy c,__2..,+-_ 4,,, _-+ ___.4,.,..;

                       .ui .iniw               ui       i ...                                          w w.n u .w s                          n..                       w         4,,.,
                                                                                                                                                                      .w3 M,MM.

iv w E A. 7 1 a::: L.. for Surveil.l:nce 3.0.1,a C en n:i n oa vwte i a n,T.4, a. v,t. . with  ! nn, v w Eori. .w, _ _ 4 , 4.the,o _ w .a .g __,.._4.

                                                                                                                                      .L_ .-s s-.           . 4. u, +. w .                                        l s
                                                                                                                            .y          nw surv-111:nc^( ) h;; been ::tisf+c-tcrily completed within the required

frequency and the equipment i: not ctherwi: knewe 4.-___,u,_

                       .v      L.w.       in.yw,           u.,%.

1 n..- +- +L_ +L- ,_,,, L_

                      ..w           .. .~                __m..-_.4.
                                                         .w                   +. m _    . c. .,~

w.... y w.mus L. ..-

                                                                                                                                                    .        . a. a.
                                                                                                                                                                      . . . . . . . ,       . . . m  .L lAr.,a            -     m_

4,,,_ + L.ww . a , ,aw... . n _ A 4. + J..n. ._. ,, , +ka 1

r. .m m
                                                                                                                         ,.m         . . k... .m . . _           my_l, a +w . J. .a _. T. , 4,mu_a
                                ..,. - _ 4, c, ,m ..~              . . _.L
                                                                         .      4. _~_ .a _ 4. m. w_

w.,~, ,m r _.w_ .2.... , 4. ,. ,_ e ....r-..__,M .

                       .ssvwsu.mA                        t, i, .-m oyus  - , 4 Li          ,_m A.n,6 r n,  aoso.t r, m_,._m, w,,                                   m_,_n+             --+*

wu .,w ww wusui us +. L. . u, +s - p, .my. uw M

                                                +,L..                                                               A. m _ ., ,m L.,+.

u- t, i, l, ..~ .. . +m. w... r, t. m._

                                                                              .                                m                                                    .., ._om.
                                                                                                      .                              ,~             w ., _ , L 4 1 4 + m                T,Lm,~

T. 4._.~m m_4,4._.4..,..,, m +L,. + e .m...r _ o l a .w.A.m. ... . .. . . 4. k. m 4 4. _. .~m..~ r l .e _ r .4.. ,. . r..

                                                                                                                                                      . . .         .     . .. , ._ a + n. _. 4 4. .,1 1. ,m
                                                         ,                                      m
                                 .a - m .A +m.

m u n sw uny . u 1s. A.P.<A 5 4.._.. + k. w s, w . _ A 4. +. 4. .. - _i s . (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-10A Amendment No. 463 klAT, P

                                                                                                               . iv w              U. .,1 4.. A   . .11_+41
                                                                                                                                                        .             c.jmw l a.iS   .6        A. _, ,1, ,m

AC Sources-0perating B 3.8.1 BASES-b TLt f e n A r* E Y KIT EkfT T r\Lt A t t V f Et*T, susew a r iwu s ui s win s 4 weir iw w i n ws D ww t uin

                                                                                                 .A LIV
                                                                                                                          $ m am e k ma mm) \

g wws e e s inuww f f' m o - 4 .1 n4ua- tim i o S D wayorwua o inD si e v w a vis a w w w S.w w 4wu J .- m m

                                                                                                           ,A--mrinw i e wiirw aw, e Um evv.

123 awr l

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS CD.1 and CO.2 (continued) lm Required Action CD.1, which applies when both required


Im offsite circuits are inoperable, is intended to provide assurance that a DBA, coincident with a worst-case single failure, will not result in a complete loss of redundant required safety functions. The Completion Time for declaring the redundant required features inoperable is 12 hours; reduced from that allowed for one train without offsite power (Required Action A.2). The rationale.for the reduction to 12 hours is that Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6) allows a Completion Time of 24 hours for two required offsite circuits inoperable, based upon the assumption that two complete safety trains are OPERABLE. When a concurrent redundant required feature failure exists, this assumption is no longer valid, and a shorter Completion Time of 12 hours is appropriate. These features are powered from redundant AC safety trains. Single train features (from an electrical perspective), such as the turbine driven emergency feedwater pump, are not included. The Completion Time for Required Action CD.1 is intended to IN allow the operator ti'me to evaluate and repair any discovered inoperabilities. This Completion Time also allows for an exception to the normal " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock." In this Required Action, the Completion Time only begins on discovery that both:

a. All required offsite circuits are inoperable; and
b. A required feature is inoperable.

If at any time during the existence of Condition C (two offsite circuits inoperable) a required feature becomes inoperable, this Completion Time begins to be tracked. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-11 Amendment No. M3 NOTE Wlid "ntil Cycle 12 Only

I AC Sources-0perating B 3.8.1 l BASES ACTIONS CO.1 and CO.2 (continued) l nois According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6), operation with two required offsite circuits inoperable should be limited to a period not to exceed 24 hours. In this condition, the offsite electrical power system does not have the capability to effect a safe shutdown and to mitigate the effects of an accident; however, the onsite AC sources have not been degraded. This level of degradation generally corresponds to a total loss of the immediately accessible offsite power sources. 1 Because of the normally high availability of the offsite sources, this level of degradation may appear to be more severe than other combinations of two AC sources inoperable that involve one or more EDGs inoperable. However, two factors tend to decrease the severity of this level of degradation:

a. The configuration of the redundant AC electrl cal power  ;

system that remains available is not susceptible to a i single bus or switching failure; and

b. The time required to detect and restore an unavailable ,

offsite power source is generally much less than that l required to detect and restore an unavailable onsite { AC source.  ; With both of the required offsite circuits inoperable, sufficient onsite AC sources are available to maintain the unit in a safe shutdown condition in the event of a DBA or transient. In fact, the simultaneous loss of offsite AC sources coincident with a LOCA, and a worst-case single failure were postulated as a part of the original licensing basis. Thus, the 24 hour Completion Time provides a period of time to effect restoration of one of the offsite circuits commensurate with the importance of maintaining an AC electrical power system capable of meeting its design criteria. l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 8 3.8-12 Amendment No. M3 NOTE hlid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only l

AC Sources-Operating 8 3.8.1 r t l BASES l l l ACTIONS CD.1 and CD.2 (continued) I nsa If one. required offsite source is restored within 24 hours, power operation may continue in accordance with the required Actions of Condition A. l f:d: l W 4 +s L .,  % T. w.u . m. 4 H A, M rnp . ( ,mmesn n n n e,um,n, ski s4  %,4 u w , J, av.n, , ,4 + L 1 , , w n m..nmmo y n s . 4. m. .. L.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         . .u au   m.

i 4, r, mnener,mo +n s +kn +om .4mm A eu oswussuij n m e n n .. +..k u +.

                                                                    .. ~, sur u                                    sui       sanw            vemr i o, n  w.a. amme.n wms      3% a m. s wy I                    fn,A,%+                    n.         nomm            %mA          %,,n-4%4mA                          (1 m.       . m%+ L %mm                    %.

t Twwunuss, pumy unu ussvsrussu s avn yuwn ui w uwus s 41 u%w1wki m f, aw m. n%- i +ka nennaru j wwo yw n n m.wim m .% .+. m m. e wvvim m 1 4. ym. .n . . f. suu +vun m.k u 4 m.~vi n Aw4 1 o w. m m. nw m. u w , u, wg fecdwater k e%nsk4

                                                            "" p ord                   ass 0ciated                            fl0W p;th arc r.0t 0";i,0blc,

wim 4+ju fnm e n wm, a Anegu kn%+ s, nn+ kann i w suyuvi a 1 .s sv wwwuj siww. m i w am nuu s i. k, i u , nr.w o r. v ww w r e t

                     %er n          maA smA                      P mm      U      4,          %nm14,gkin                                TLn                                                 af

, uwau, wu unu u mv em au A 4. +54, v . s si is upyiiwuwsw. nw a m auwi

                                                                                                                                                                        .ywi     m , L 4 1, 4umj     +o         vs

! +kn amn i sus 4 ouim u k 4, ,iw mn Am

w. 4. o.wnn n un~i pui wj fanAo.%+

s w wur ne ws, m . i- n y u:ny a4 4.,e m. v v m,e w3u n o 4, , wu nA am MANE ,A . 1,s . svu w cam, i w v m . 4. e.w+ n m, ,, + n . a. +. L. . . + t. ~m D u, , w ,.m, f. ._ m. e.....4.,.,..,m..-n

                                                                                                                           .u.        .w                    ww . e . n. . ,. ,

I A.D .wE D. ,,A ~ D i w. l T T. V. 4. .e i.nwn m.4, f, 4. wn A. k,o am.u u . . e a m.4. m,n . y 4. .~ k n .s ...w c e n e 4. .% +.nA w.


rmuu m.u. wa 41 1. u% m e m f , % L. . .%., amm L.wwm ... - 4. e f .s w, +.. n = 4,1, ,o e m

                     +ka mwws.,

mn.ameu +ka

                                                                                                                                                                    .m i.usuunema o 4.n + k. 4. m.            .                mg;
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                                                                                                                                                                . +. a. . ..n..+

w3 . w 3u w . . w ., w., n + k. ~a m.o n 4. e n

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .w L n, ~,m~. ...m      +.                                        ,

n k.~m 4..~yw m a m a m. . L. i. mw. l N..~ +m m , mon 4+o at +La ,nm , L - .1 A ,m%11 l www vv +6 L. w swwwi isj v, sirw vvi.ennnnm,m, sw3uwnwws suvuiu u s io u i k u m,msb wun n .e w. r u m, 1 l A.P.A a. n e. .e n, ,e ,,m i, wn, w . . i. n. . +. L. w.~

                                                                              . a r a w.. , a m. A. 4. +. 4.      . . m m. . e...   , +w k. a   . L. .u                              + 4. m...m.       T. 4. =. , ~a
                      +n                                                                                                                                                                                                            i sm        ..m.4.
                                  .w              f. ,~ + .u. m. 4.., ,.m.ut.m.    .~           A m 4. ~. w-u,                . ,
                                                                                                                         -~-m, n---~
w. y w . m., f. .. .A . . u, 4 w- m, ~ . .

rumr .m,~ , . ,A 1 i se... u e n r 4. .%... + n, A (1. n.o km +% Lam + m n m s + k, .% . a e .. w -AD, Ew,D,,A ~wwD i r .. am.en ...w. me + .. L. .s 4 m v . m..a . m+ %,+

                                                                                                                                                                                                . y  . w   w . 4. .a n, 1

un t, i l, ww -mma Aa-%u a

                                                                                                                                                                ,%-% La414               4o.                     a i                       v.nsis             sv       - a m f 4. m..o wvi w wwwug svus                                                         .L. w w%   w + wuyuus              v wg                     Ti iL. w fw n. . . r. m w. i. n +. l. a. m. T, 4,. m, ~n       . 4..m. 4. m.. 4. ..s n. .e,+La
                                                                                                              ..m           4 4. m,~a a
                                                                                                                                            +. k. m r     a l...%. =.+ 4..e. r.       a n. +. a m +w m . 4. .% 1 1. ,u cxpc;cd tc a LOC" in thc;c conditions.

l t l I D71 Eve and DifEva i i  ! Pursuant to LCO 3.0.6, the distribution system ACTIONS would not be entered if the de-energization of the busses was due to all AC sources to them being inoperable. Therefore, the Required Actions of Condition DE are uns modified by a Note indicating that when Condition DE is entered with no AC sources to one train, the Conditions and l Required Actions for LC0 3.8.9, " Distribution Systems--Operating," must be immediately entered. This I #5m allows Condition M- to provide requirements for the loss of one offsite circuit and one EDG whether or not a train is de-energized. LC0 3.8.9 provides the appropriate restrictions for a de-energized train. l l l (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-13 Amendment No. 463 l nT ,, um . E w u. u, ,. 4. .A n.m+u . 4. ,. mw.w c.s , _ .6 nm..,.,_ l s r [

AC Sources--Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS Di1Ere and Of2Er3 (continued) [ mnt According to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 6), operation with one onsite and one offsite circuit inoperable should be limited to a period not to exceed 12 hours. In Condition DE, individual redundancy is lost in both the l *NE offsite electvical power system and the onsite AC electrical power system. However, since power system  ! redundancy is provided by two diverse sources of power it I may appear the reliability of the power systems in this Condition is higher than that in Condition CD (loss of I "N' both required offsite circuits). This is not necessarily I the case since this difference in reliability is offset by ' the susceptibility of this power system configuration to a single bus or switching failure. The 12 hour Completion Time takes into account the capacity and capability of the remaining AC sources, reasonable time for repairs, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. frl:

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e . ...r ,

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expc cd t: ; LOC,^ in th ;c condition . (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-14 Amendment No. 463 n e u,i.r u. . ,. 4. .A i.! .. _4 4. ,, c.y... .1...mi se n._.,s f e. r I i I

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS F.2 nd F.3 (continued) Refer to the B;;c: for f,ction: E.2 cnd E.3 #cr the e discussien for the corresponding B;;c2-ef-Required ?,ction: F.2 cnd F.3. Ifi.d 1m With the Train A and Train B EDGs inoperable, there are no qualified onsite standby AC sources. Thus, with an assumed loss of offsite electrical power, there would not be sufficient standby AC sources available to power the minimum required ES systems. Since the offsite electrical power system is the only source of AC power for this level of degradation, the risk associated with continued operation for a very short time is balanced with that associated with an immediate controlled shutdown (the immediate shutdown could cause grid instability, which could result in a total loss of AC power). However, since any inadvertent generator trip could also result in a total loss of offsite AC power, the time allowed t e continued operation is severely restricted. The intent hare is to avoid the risk associated with an immediate controlled shutdown and to minimize the risk associated with this level of degradation. The 2 hour Completion Time is consi. tent with the recommendations of Reference 6. FH.1 and FH.2 I" If the inoperable AC electrical power sources cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LCO does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 12 hours and in MODE 5 I within 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required MODES from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-14A AssW MiidRcvi;ica No. 17 NOTE 'filWU6til Cycle 12 Only

AC Sources-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES e l I Tl.l f e M A f* f T LIT ELfT f nLI AI i V tEET DI ,AkfV sisaw iemw a n e w n s a vi u si. w s w i. s ww si o n fg man - 4 I, - a 1 M k w vis = siwww y s-- .e.i Pu. 4.1 DJu-= 11 24 S D waJewua is i %i wie a w w w 9.wO w 14 A, w D A-- J--,&

                                                                                                                                                               ,r nw i rwmw s w siv e Lf-       ifs aww g                              -.                ,                                                   -                .,m,.-

AC Sources-0perating B 3.8.1 BASES ACTIONS Gl_d (continued) lm Condition G1 corresponds to a level of degradation in which Im all redundancy in the AC electrical power supplies has been lost. At this severely degraded level, any subsequent failures in the AC electrical power system will cause a loss of function condition, and potentially, a station blackout. Therefore, the unit is required to enter LC0 3.0.3 immediately and prepare for a controlled shutdown. l SURVEILLANCE The AC sources are designed to permit inspection and REQUIREMENTS testing of all important areas and features, especially { those that have a standby function. This is consistent ' with 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC 18 (Ref. 8). Periodic component tests are supplemented by ::xtensive functional tests during outages (under simulated accident conditions). Where the SRs for this LC0 specify voltage and frequency tolerances, the following is applicable. The minimum steady state output voltage of 3933 V is 94.5% of the nominal  ! 4160 V output voltage. This value allows for voltage drops l to motors and other e~quipment down through the 120 V level where minimum operating voltage is usually specified as 85% to 90% of name plate rating. The specified maximum steady state output voltage of 4400 V is equal to the maximum operating voltage specified for 4000 V motors. It ensures that for a lightly loaded distribution system, the voltage at the terminals of 4000 V motors is no more than the maximum rated operating voltages. The specified minimum and maximum frequencies of the EDG are 58.8 Hz and 61.2 Hz, respectively. These values are equal to i 2% of the 60 Hz nominal frequency and are derived from the recommendations given in Regulatory Guide 1.9 (Ref. 3). Regulatory Guide 1.9 requirements are satisfied by monitoring EDG output. SR 3. 8,dd This SR ensures proper circuit continuity for the offsite AC electrical power supply to the onsite distribution network and availability of offsite AC electrical power. The breaker alignment verifies that each breaker is in its (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-15 Amendment No. %3 NOTE hlid Until Cyc'c 12

Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air B 3.8.3 B 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS ! B 3.8.3 Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air BASES BACKGROUND Each emergency diesel generator (EDG) is provided with a fuel oil storage tank. The combined fuel oil capacity of both storage tanks is sufficient to operate one diesel for a period of 7 days while the EDG is supplying the upper limit of its 200-hour rating (Ref.1). The fuel oil supply is calculated using the assumption that one EDG is available to supply sufficient post accident loads. In certcin

11 brech LOCA scencrics, both EDC: cre relied upon for am cccident mitigction. This onsite fuel oil capacity ensures adequate time is available to replenish the onsite l supply from outside sources prior-to the diesel running out of fuel.

Fuel oil is transferred from the storage tank to the day tank by either of two transfer pumps associated with each EDG. The pum of one pump,or psthe andrupture piping are redundant of any to preclude pipe, valve or tankfailure resulting in the loss of more than one EDG. All outside tanks and piping are located underground to preclude consideration of the effects of missiles in their design. l For proper operation of the EDGs, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of the fuel oil. CR-3 has a Diesel Fuel Oil (DF0) Testing Program which is an overall effort to ensure the quality of the fuel oil. The program includes purchasing, on-site receipt acceptance testing of new fuel, offsite analysis of new fuel accepted, and periodic testing (both onsite and offsite Additionally, the program)includes of the stored fuel oil. and biocide water removal addition to control bacteriological growth, and performance checks of the cathodic protection system for underground storage tanks. CR-3 is not committed to Regulatory Guide 1.137 or ANS 59.51 (ANSI N195), however, these standards ! were utilized as guidance in the development of the DF0 Testing Program. l The EDG lube oil subsystem is designed to provide sufficient lubrication to permit proper operation of its associated EDG l under all loading conditions. The system is required to I circulate the lube oil to the diesel engine working surfaces and to remove excess heat generated by friction during (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-30 Amendment No. M3 l NOTE "clid Until Cycle 12 Only

Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air , B 3.8.3 l l BASES BACKGROUND 0)eration. The onsite lube oil storage, in addition to (continued) tlat contained in the engine sump, is sufficient to ensure 7 days of one EDG supplying the upper limit of its 200- I hour rating. h--eertain sma" break LOCA scen:rics, bc+h '

           ,          EDC: cre relied upon for accident mitigation. This supply                 M ensures adequate time is available to replenish lube oil from outside sources prior to the EDG running out of lube oil.

Each EDG has an air start system with adequate capacity for six successive start attempts on the EDG without recharging the air start receivers. A single EDG start is assured with 1 air receiver pret.sure 2 150 psig. Additional evaluations ' have been performed which indicate there is substantial margin included in the single start receiver pressure limit (Ref. 9). APPLICABLE The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and SAFETY ANALYSES transient analyses in the FSAR, Chapter 6 (Ref. 4) and Chapter 14 (Ref. 5), assume Engineered Safeguard (ES) systems are OPERABLE. The EDGs are designed to provide sufficient capacity, capability, redundancy, and reliability to ensure the availability of necessary power to ES systems so that fuel, Reactor Coolant System, and containment design limits are not exceeded. These limits are discussed in more detail in the Bases for Section 3.2, Power Distribution Limits; Section 3.4, Reactor Coolant System (RCS); and Section 3.6, Containment Systems. Since diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the air start subsystem support the operation of the standby AC power sources, they satisfy Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. 1 LC0 A sufficient combined stored diesel fuel oil supply is required to be available to ensure the capability to operate a single EDG at the upper limit of its 200-hour rating for 1 7 days. During an event that requires 7 days operation before replacement fuel oil is obtained, manual reconfiguration of loads and transferring the _ stored fuel oil supply from one tank to the other may be needed to support operation of the EDG. Diesel fuel oil is also required to meet specific quality standards. In certain sm:11 break LOCA scenaric , both EDC: ;re relied upon for e accident ,itigatien. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-31 Amendment No. M3 NOTE V;1id Until Cycle 12 Caly

Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air L B 3.8.3 i BASES

                   -LC0                               A sufficient lube oil supply must be available to ensure                                      l (continued)                 the capability to operate a single the upper limit                      I L

ofits200-hourratingfor7 days. In : rtain :=11 bre k , i I LOC ^. Scen:ric:, bcth DC: are relied upcn fer :::ident l l mitig:ttee EDG lube oil sump level, in conjunction with j the on-site supply and the ability to obtain replacement i supplies within the required timeframe, supports the

          ,                                            availability of:EDGs required to shut down the reactor and to maintain it in a safe condition for an anticipated operational occurrence (A00) or a postulated DBA with loss-of offsite power. EDG day tank fuel requirements, as well l

as transfer capability from the storage tank to the day tank, are addressed in LC0 3.8.1, "AC Sources-0perating," and LC0 3.8.2, "AC Sources-Shutdown." l The starting air system is required to have a minimum ' capacity for six successive EDG start attem)ts without recharging the air start receivers. As suc1, the air start compressors are not addressed as a part of this (or any other) LCO. l l' l APPLICABILITY The AC sources (LCO 3.8.1 and LCO 3.8.2) are rec uired in l order to ensure the availability of the requirec power to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutcown i condition after an A00 or a postulated DBA. Since stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the starting air subsystem a support EDG OPERABILITY, these features are required to be within limits whenever the associated EDG is required to be OPERABLE. . 1 ACTIONS The ACTIONS are modified'by two Notes. Note 1 indicates 1 separate Condition entry is allowed for each EDG. This is ' acceptable based upon the fact each EDG is treated as an independent entity for this Specification. Note 2 indicates LC0 3.0.4 is not applicable-and> MODE changes while in the ACTIONS of this Specification are permitted. It could be argued this Note is not required since this Specification allows indefinite operation. However, to avoid any future confusion on the allowance, LC0 3.0.4 has been specifically- ! excepted. This is considered acceptable since o)eration in ! accordance with this Specification still means tie EDG is l OPERABLE. l (continued) 3 l- Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-32 Amendment No. MB P,0TE "; lid 5til Cycl 12 Only

    . .     -           -.              .-         ..        .       -            .-                                 ..         -        = -. .
 . -            -                                 .        . _.                     ..                    -               .-- _ .-                                                     .            .= -             - -, -

Distribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 BASES i DArvennnun e-me,4. wr iw nu ovvgiv wwi s u s ei , _ , , , h viwun s niu s a m _ 5, vuri, i nc A, ,,__, min, swwnus sus a m - ,. i . 4 m - -_-m---a, squ i s u wins i y w risj f ,. m - 4 I m . . m A n f m m A, . ,4 m m 4m -,4me,4m ,4ms, ,, m m m m s e m m ,mm14mm g w ver s v iiu s u j iwwunussi

                                                                                                                                                                              .a m e 41 -mmm sv so u i s e s. u v i s s        vw uun 3s v>w s u s vi wvvi a s sy usi6 e i                                         wvs u Aarsu uwwuj i Las4   s s u sM4m,i kn                     n - a u n,4 e nw1,sja lvs         u  hu E rvvyf' O e ww     e, winv su sv                                               nnlv i iip wvvi         nn .

Ci m 4 L u m , .44L uusa view 4La e in mL 4 m a Amt nm E r t.f ni.-m am  %,,n, 4%4nA vi s s a i s iiw 6, w i w i r i w us i v w ei 6: 11 p unny vi ussvuruswu (1 mi n ,s % 4 L Amm i u v rv yu si e-m.4--, e i- siv

                                                                           , . .%          iiwn ,. una         iD, aw 4    ,%

si u u si 4- HDH mf 4La M , ,,1 n g a w vi sisw nuw s w wi em,+__ con vwi = wwws w w w v u s,-4w sm sj s s uni y cuor 1D winis

                                                                                                                                             ,_A aw u s eu weis                iD, aw us nwi i us knek         emstme va f. E r f' c , nne s i, u, m s + f'1nenA f' u r                                                   l a v v s ii       si unii, u 4-m, n,._,.. u ,4 uvvw           wwwuj           i wus r_-m-__.. n4_,_,

vevswu vjwrw f'na14 vvv in W65ws wwsuj s is u s e-,..,4-m, w w u rv u s s e winu s y w e iuj wiuswi em_---+ uu siw i u svi sg

                                                                                                                                                                                              -m, Ac Elneemte%1 n ai .a m ni,4m4ba4lan esw w i w w i, i ivui Caik,i,e4m-,                      snA A f'          1744 %1 s v rv w i      wissi i vu s i vii                      v u w sj s v wris 9              u s ru rw           w     s sa i D.,        c . i k , o , 4 n- ,           sma       m ,i m . i 4 m m A wus v u u sy a swnis                                                        nhEnMDBE.                           t.14 4 k ACM SAA                       Ef tf 19 ui %      e s qu a i su          vs w i si i w w i                   n isis r iv i            uvip          wi e         asp E           1S                                                      nDH E - n ie ,i ,s - e u ninen1 fanam,+nm, wi r t,f a

O i av 4v eiv n nynwni .,uvs kl w , T m i n, u4nim, w a.niw i ywowj wwwswi wwisse usvi s, Tms4m HDH A f' f i n ,. 4 ,, 4 , % 1 n ,,, , o m h4,4m4L,.44 _ C.,k,i,,4mm, smA ii u i si w <iw w1ww6 asui i v vv w a wissi iwusivei vuusysswins, wisu Tm%4n HDH A f' 174 4 %1 D.., C , L e o , 4 ,s ,  % .,i n mar.utmaA ii u a is u riv v isui wus v u w ay a s wins usw a s qu a i wu ADEDADIE. vs w a v iw w i l l l l I l l i emm,4., n4m_ n_44 e o , e,A A _ _ _ A _. _ _ 4 (continued) u. wijssus s>rwwi vii i w v w v.Dv v,,i nw i vuurw i e s riv e ice ave unTE if = 1 A It-4 41 /* u e l - 1O n1o avv i w wui su vusii vjusw a n. vis ig i

A 4x,f.--4 ,a 4.JL. ,<4 e A Ja& 4 * .J *r--4aae--w -+4 A&-J J E -Jr E .ed w --# E Distribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 I


BASES s - O 4 4 9 9 .I I l i h 4

 ,I 4

TLi f e fl4 AF 1Pht E I I I 4 %F h T4 54LIT f kfT T akl A t i V i EET DI AktV I bel W 4 %r s ir E b b I bbi U Mbr v is t a 1 i i l 9 i I I J 4

t 4

1 I I

 '                                                                                                                                                           (continued)
                                                          ,                                  oe o e,o c_.._

w,yw,w . a.nni , .,,=> _ _vui i _ , w. w w wev v,w < A-- 2---*


u- 'co

_. - . - . _ . _. . . _ . , - . .- .=-.- l l Distribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 i l l BASES i LC0 AC, DC, and AC vital bus electrical power distribution (continued) subsystems are considered OPERABLE when the associated buses, load centers, MCCs, and distribution panels are l energized to their proper voltages. In addition, tie breakers between 480 V ES bus 3A and 3B must be open. This prevents an electrical malfunction in ! any power distribution subsystem from propagating to the redundant subsystem. If this were to occur, it could cause the failure of a redundant subsystem and a loss of essential safety function (s). If any tie breakers are closed,. the affected redundant electrical power distribution subsystems are no longer redundant and one train must be considered inoperable. This applies to t D onsite, safety related redundant electrical power distribution subsystems. It does not, however, preclude redundant Class lE 4160 V buses from being powered from the same offsite circuit. APPLICABILITY The electrical power distribution subsystems are required to be OPERABLE in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 to er.,ure that:

a. Acceptable fuel design limits and reactse coolant pressure boundary limits are not exceeded es a result of A00s or abnormal transients; and
b. Adequate core cooling is provided, and containment OPERABILITY and other vital functions are maintained in the event of a postulated DBA.

Electrical power distribution subsystem requirements for MODES 5 and 6 are addressed in the Bases for LC0 3.8.10,

                     " Distribution Systems-Shutdown."

ACTIONS A.1. A.2 E.1. and B.? With Train "A" AC clectrical power distribution subsystc= 4nc{crabic,promptacticnisnecc:;rytcensurethatthe tur inc driven emergency feedwater pump and ;;;cciated flew arc OPERABLE for steam gencr;ter cccling. With Train p"B AC clectrical pcwcr di+tribution subsystem incperable, n rcmpt action 1: necc :ary to ensure that the turbine briven cmergency fccdwater "um and ;;;cciated ficw path :: well ;; ASV 204, EPN2, an5 EEV 13 arc OPERABLE for steam encratcr cccling. If the required equi ment is not 6PERABLE, the capability-4c remove core Ecc;y heat cannet bc l  :::ured and Ccaditica F i: ap-licable. The operability of l the turbine driven emergency ?ccdwater pump is act required , ,4 .,, u, _nne ,a . (continued) Cry.nal River Unit 3 8 3.8-69 Amendn.ent No. %4 l NOTE Valid Until Cycle 12 Only l l

Distribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 BASES ACTIONS A.I. A.2. S.I. :nd S.2 (continued) l Occ to the :: verity cf the ;cn:::;uen:c :hould  ::all

                                           . break LOCA cecur in the:c tendition:, the i hour C :pletica Time te verify the turbine driven ::cr;;cncy                                        a feedwater pump and :::: iated flew p:th ar OPERASLE en:ure: that prompt ::tica will be t; ken t 00nfir: : re det:y he:t rc cv;l ::pability. The C;;pletion Time ninimize; the tim the phnt is pctenti:11y exp :cd t:

LOCA in th::c conditicr;. With one AC electrical power distribution subsystem inoperable, the remaining AC electrical power distribution subsystem in the other train is capable of supporting the minimum safety functions necessary to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, assuming no single failure. However, the overall reliability is reduced because a single failure in the remaining power distribution subsystems could result in the minimum required ES functions not being met. Therefore, the required AC buses, load centers, MCCs, and distribution panels must be restored to OPERABLE status within 8 hours. The most severe scenario addressed by Conditions A and-B is IM an entire train without AC power (i.e., no offsite power to i the train and the associated EDG inoperable). In this ' condition,- the plant has an increased vulnerability to a i complete loss of AC power. It is, therefore, imperative , that the operator's attention be focused on minimizing the potential for loss of power to the remaining train by stabilizing the plant, and on restoring power to the affected train. The 8 hour time limit for restoration, prior to requiring a plant shutdown in this Condition is acceptable because of:

a. The potential for decreased safety if the operator's attention is' diverted from the evaluations and actions necessary to restore power to the affected train to the actions associated with shutting down the plant within this time limit; and
b. The low probability.of an event occurring coincident with a single failure of a redundant component in the train with AC power.

(continued) Crystal' River. Unit 3 B 3.8-70 Amendment No. MB NOTE hlid 'Jntil Cycle 12 Only

i l Distribution Systems--Operating B 3.8.9 BASES l l ! ACTIONS A.1. A.2 B.I. :nd B-B (continued) l #5m The second Completion Time for Required Actions A.le end B.2 l er establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed fo'r any combination of required distribution subsystems to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure to meet the LCO. If Condition A er-B is entered while, for instance, a DC bus is inoperable and ~ I ""' l subsequently restored to OPERABLE status, LCO 3.8.9 may I already have been not met for up to 2 hours. This could  ; lead to a total of 10 hours, since initial failure of the I LCO, to restore the AC distribution system. At this time, a l DC circuit could again become inoperable, and AC distribution restored to OPERABLE status. This could continue indefinitely. l ' The Completion Time allows for an exception to the normal

                       " time zero" for beginning the allowed outage time " clock."

This will result in establishing the " time zero" at the time the LCO was initially not met, instead of the time i Condition A was entered. The 16 hour Completion Time is an l acceptable limitation on this potential to fail to meet the I LC0 indefinitely.

                       '71C.1. C.2. 0.1. and-Br3 B

U MAH Ap ,44%1 kn, n i4 si 4 L, T m.stm us ;mmmmm,., L 1, mm._m4 u.44,mm

                                                                                                                                                                      ,,                   4, i                      ri    siv            i sui        vus           , ovy. uv,w,                  ,yivmyw                       6    v,i         ea i

nCCC Iy C CnsuIC tbok khC kuIdsnC II'.'Cn CCCI^ MN4 feedwaterpumpand;;;cciatedficwp;thar-OPER,$cnCySLE e4as_ 2amam*4mm for

                                                                         --allma                       U   4 4 L,       T, mu,,* 4       HDH Ar                              km.,

i yw.swi u s vi .vvi r isp . nsus i v v siv 4svu 4 = 1, vus i l incperable, turaine driven prom^=pt act:cn is necc :;ry to ensure that the l

nd ;;;cciated ficw
                       =rue= 4 k. .

u, m n-. n l, l,

u. crg^ncy
                                                                         ,A~C M.      9 A. A, , feedwater m              EEU. 19,
                                                                                                     ..              m smb u,,u umbH. Om 15
                                                                                                                                                              .mn u.

nnED ADI f

v. m.v~~m f. va u.

J i a*_ an-ams4mm 4Lm wum wsi., uwv, ,mm wvv, 1 4, m. m . s T t.

                                                                                                        .          5inw       mano4m..m i

3ue A u .mya o. 4, -m.i_ m , 4w 4, a, , m,a4 vv CPER^B E, the c:pabili.y tc reccvc core decay ,, t cannot bc

ured and Condi,ien f i: ap-licable. The operability of theunnE turbine driven emergency feedw:ter pump i; net-+cquired
i. .m. ,~v. A, .

Consistent with ED the B;:::L for Surveillance 3.0.1,A

                       @m . .,A m      Dm  .i l .T T. V.        4. e ..m. a. r. 4. n A ,o m , . . n
                                                                  . ..                   mu v
                                                                                                     ,,4 a-,

u 4... , 4..L..m u..a 4.u.a.

w. se.
  • i co
                        -u     m.o. a 41 1. u - - a f e
                                                      ..s.                L, , u ,s. Avms  m m a . u . 4. , r. u%     . v, 4. m m.4,1,           s v m e , ns e. .u a A n . 4 L. .4..m.              4.. L. a requir-d freque,n                              nc                                                                  ; nct otherwise                                 known tc be inoper:b'c.y and the equipment                                                                                                          i,o n..-                                               44                                                                        L -.., a - ,_ ,,
                                                            ,-..m.                                         ___,--..-_--, ,

vu-i nr ,A 4.v- 4 L. . - m,eum

                                                            . ..                      - c 4 L.

v, . .- .v...yu... 4, , , 4 k, .o~m ., ,.A 4,. 4,, 4,mv ,m,.. 1

                                                                                                                                                     u    .mui ,              L a.-o v       .un m v         i   vmu.                                          .v,~                            ,

4 L, ,.a mom k, , v u , e m _ = 1, e4 . i.n.

                                                                                                                                                           .v...r v , T, 4,,,~     _,.

te verify the, . turbine driven emergency feedwater pump and usww.4-4_A c . v n- y-,4L ru6wu e u s s,


we w nnEn,Aoie v un www ws s u__,..m_s, s eu,4 wouw

                                                                                                                                                                         , vmyw u   e w4. v- .,  .

will be t,: ken to ccafirm core decay heat rc cva, cap:bility. Tu,~- -r v_ ..r _ _4_ m- 4 4...- _. T. 4. ._, ~_ m . 4. m_ 4. .,. w _ ,, 4 ,L ~ - 4 4. ._, _ 4, ~,L _ y ,u..e. 4. , m a ev ar=,4wsu yv 4 11, j u auma,mA en , t nr.,A 4- 4 L ,~a -n A4,4ex-e snywa%u %v u uv 3 isi s ii s . wvisu 6 avrs. l

                                                                                                                                           ,                                (continued) t 1

Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-71 Amendment No. 463 unTr U. u 1, 4, ro,1 19 u A tvo= 1- 4 4,1i vy . s o

                                                                                                               ,iv s w                                                                   .6         nm vi s i, y i

l e

Distribution Systems-Operating

2 3.8.9
                         .                 :nd 0.2   (continued)                                    I am With one AC vital bus inoperable, the remaining OPERABLE AC 1                      vital buses are capable of supporting the minimum safety functions necessary to shut down the unit and maintain it in the safe shutdown condition. Overall reliability is             .

reduced, however, since an additional single failure could result in the minimum required ES functions not being supported. Therefore, the AC vital bus must be restored to OPERABLE status within 8 hours. Condition B represents a condition in which potentially both the DC source and the associated AC source are nonfunctional. In this situation the plant is significantly more vulnerable to a complete loss of all non-interruptible power. It is, therefore, imperative that the operator's attention focus on stabilizing the plant, minimizing the potential for loss of power to the remaining vital buses and restoring power to the affected vital bus. l The 8 hour limit is more conservative than Completion Times allowed for the vast majority of components that would be without adequate AC vital power. However, there are certain i affected features Completion Times of shorter duration. The

intent of the improved Technical Specifications is to remain 1 within this Specification only and not take the ACTIONS for inoperable supported systems. Taking this exception to LCO 3.0.2 for components without adequate vital AC power, that would have the Required Action Completion Times shorter than 8 hours if declared inoperable, is acceptable because

, of:

a. The potential for decreased safety by requiring a change in unit conditions (i.e., requiring a shutdown) and not allowing stable operations to continue; Y

(continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-71A Amendment No. M3 NOTE "alid Until Cycle 12 Only

Distribution Systems-0perating i l B 3.8.9 BASES 1 \ l l l i i l 1 i ! I l ( , ! l , 4 i- i TUTC sisaw MAPE Y Lf T E LtT T Akl A t t V 1EET D1 A k,ti,/, a iu w a m i s v a vi v iw a. a. m. i iuuri J I l l-i l l i l I l' i l. (continued) I l I b $ S A.J O. m.,aam,,..a.. .D. I. s.a

                 .                  .. - I.t. .14' .                            D,,
                                                                                ,    S, , ,O,   '.71
                                                                                                   . D                                           ..........4
                                                                                                                                                           . L.1.
                                                                                                                                                               .     . 1 E,S.,

t -. l

Distribution Systems-0perating B 3.8.9 BASES l ACTIONS B'l1C.I. C.2. 0,1. :nd 0.2 (continued) lm

   -                                                                                                         1
b. The potential for decreased safety by requiring entry i into numerous applicable Conditions and Required Actions for components without adequate vital AC power j and not providing sufficient time for.the operators to ,

perform the necessary evaluations and actions for restoring power to the affected train; and

c. The low probability of an event occurring coincident with a : ingle failure of a redundant component. ,l l

The 8 hour Completion Time takes into account the importance of restoring the AC vital bus to OPERABLE status, the redundant capability afforded by the other OPERABLE vital buses, and the low probability of a DBA occurring during this period. The third Completion Time for Required Actions B BC.2 and I* BrB establishes a limit on the maximum time allbued for any combination of required distribution subsystems to be , inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure. Refer to the Bases for Required Actions A.14-and n l B-2 for further discussion of this Completion Time. ' i (Ed Ie With DC bus (es) in DC electrical power distribution train inoperable, the remaining train is capable of supporting the minimum safety functions necessary to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, assuming no single failure. The overall reliability is reduced, however, because a single failure in the remaining DC electrical power distribution train could result in the minimum required ES functions not being met. Therefore, the DC buses must be restored to OPERABLE status within 2 hours. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-72 Amendment No. %3 NOTE W11d Until Cycle 12 Only

Distribution Systems-0perating B 3.8.9 I BASES ACTIONS CE.1 (continued) lm Condition CE represents a condition in which one train is Ie i without adequate DC power; potentially both with the battery significantly degraded and the associated charger l inoperable. In this situation, the plant is significantly j more vulnerable to a complete loss of all DC power. It is, I therefore, imperative that the operator's attention focus on stabilizing the plant, minimizing the potential for loss of power to the remaining trains and restoring power to the affected train. ! The 2 hour limit is more conservative than Completion Times allowed for the vast majority of components that would be without adequate AC vital power. However, there are certain , I affected features with Completion Times of shorter duration, j The intent of the Improved Technical Specifications is to j remain within this Specification only and not take the l ACTIONS for inoperable supported systems. Taking this i exception to LCO 3.0.2 for components without adequate vital AC power, that would have the Required Action Completion Times shorter than 2 hours if declared inoperable, is acceptable because of: t

a. The potential for decreased safety by requiring a change in plant conditions (i.e., requiring a shutdown) while allowing stable operations to continue;
b. The potential for decreased safety by requiring entry into numerous applicable Conditions and Required Actions for components without DC power and not providing sufficient time for the operators to perform the necessary evaluations and actions to restore power to the affected train; and
c. The low probability of an event occurring coincident with a single failure of a redundant component.

The 2 hour Completion Time for DC buses is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.93 (Ref. 3). (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-73 unvr u,, a n_.Amendmen,t n c .. . _ ,,No.n_ M,3.. I l

Distribution Systems-Operating B 3.8.9 BASES ACTIONS Cfid (continued) le i l The second Completion Time for Required Action CE.1 Im establishes a limit on the maximum time allowed for any combination of required distribution subsystems to be inoperable during any single contiguous occurrence of failure to meet the LCO. Refer to the Bases for Required Actions A.2 cnd B.2 for further discussion of this Im Completion Time. DF.1 and DF.2 I" If the inoperable distribution subsystem cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the associated Completion Time, the plant must be placed in a MODE in which the LC0 does not apply. To achieve this status, the plant must be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours and in MODE 5 within l 36 hours. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable, i based on operating experience, to reach the required MODES from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging plant systems. l 1 l M IN i Condition EG corresponds to a level of degradation in Im which reduiidant safety-related trains have lost power to one or more busses. At this severely degraded level, the i plant's ability to respond to an event may be significantly reduced. Therefore, if it is determined that redundant trains of a necessary function are concurrently inoperable, no additional time is justified for continued operation. The plant is required to immediately enter LCO 3.0.3 and begin preparations for a controlled shutdown. (continued) Crystal River Unit 3 B 3.8-74 Amendment No. M3 NOTE hlid Until Cycle 12 Only


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attachment F 3F1198-01 Page1of1 Discussion of EFW Sources FPC previously presented the available EFW sources and the time and quantity of EFW required to perform a natural circulation cooldown with a loss of offsite power (Reference 4). Since that time, FPC has revised the calculations and methodology for determining the water available to the EFW system from the Condensate Storage Tank (CDT-1) and Fire Protection System Water Service Tanks (FSTs). The change did not impact the volumes calculated for the condenser hotwell, or the Emergency Feedwater Tank (EFT-2). A comparison of the current calculated volumes and the previously reported volumes is as follows: Tank Previously Reported Volume Current Calculated Volume CDT-1 150,000 gallons 120,000 gallons FST-1 A 345,000 gallons 300,000 gallons FST-1B 345,000 gallons 300,000 gallons Hotwell 150,000 gallons 150,000 gallons EFT-2 150,000 gallons 150,000 gallons TOTAL 1,140,000 gallons 1,020,000 gallons TOTAL (without hotwell) 870,000 gallons In addition to the above sources, approximately 3,250,000 gallons of water is available from other sources on-site. The change in tank volumes is due to a revised calculation methodology that more accurately reflects usable volumes for CDT-1 and the FSTs. The calculation also resulted in a change in the time required for a natural circulation cooldown from 150 hours to approximately seven days. The total water volume now required for natural circulation cooldown is 840,000 gallons, which , is an increase from the previously reported required volume of 735,000 gallons. The change in i tank volumes and cooldown time was evaluated and was found not to impact design basis analyses or the ability of CR-3 to perform a natural circulation cooldown coincident with a loss of offsite power. As discussed in this LAR, the new EFP-3 cannot directly take suction from the condenser hotwell. The hotwell inventory is available to EFP-1, EFP-2 and FWP-7, which can either pump the hotwell volume directly to the OTSGs or to one of the tanks accessible to EFP-3. Even without this capability, EFP-3 has access to 870,000 gallons of water, which exceeds the 840,000 gallons required for a natural circulation cooldown with a loss of offsite power. Approximately 600,000 gallons of this inventory is in the FSTs, which were determined not to be seismically rugged. If a seismic event were to occur and prevent use of the FSTs, EFP-1 may be required to deliver the hotwell volume to the OTSGs to meet the commitment in Reference 4.

  . . ----   __ -=_._-. _ ..-- - . - . _ _ . _                .  . - - - _ - -- -_


I j. __

           , 1 l        2            l              3            l               4                  l                 5 A                                                                                          NEW FACILITY EFV-154 EFV-151 se-i l><0 see-i N


                                                                            '                                      EF-66-FO EF FEEDWATER TANK BUILDING E


                                                                     ,j k            te-    EFV-143 CDV-257                                     ie-8                        s*__js-EMERGENCY           4                                                            INTERMEDIATE c                                FEEDWATER TANK EFV-111 U EFV-142
                                                         - -{>G A                    h.

( = 8, 118 - 6" EFV-109 Ji __ W EFV-105 EFT-2 -._q EFV-107 ( ( D _fs 8"

 %  %..                                                                                                  10" FIRE                        FIRE
 / F SERVICE WATER                SERVICE WATER                                                                    y STORAGE TANKS                STORAGE TANKS FST-1A                       FST-1B E5 st

[.EFV-116 y FSV-918 )( >< >< + iY C TURI V CDV-289 n )(CDV-290 [ 8" o CONDENSATE STORAGE TANK 4 H CDy_jQ3 i CDT-1 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5

e 7 l e j s l to KEY NOJ QKEYldom < ll_ l EF-65-FO EF-65-FE , h EFV-150 , Z *

                                    'M b


'-66-FE @                                                                                                                                  _._

g $ 3" EF-65-FI 3 r EFV-148 FI l EFV-145 h EFV-146 B 9 144 M6 ' jee.-i EF-64-FO 6'

           *-il DIESEL EFP-3                            -



EFV-3 g EFV-6 EFV-35 EFV-7 j y EFP-1 EFV-2)g 1" gap.g r ,y EFV-24 EFV-13[ Qpp{ r 'M' 6' /dm Avalit,1ble on D

                                  '                                                                 Aperture Card EFV-12)     %

EFV-23 - 1* EFV-34 m 6- _ ONCE THROUGH

  • g( EFV-5 hEFV-8 GENERATORS 3 r EFP-2 EF-63-FO EFV-1 a _



